Omar Suleiman – Why Me #10 Did I Ever Choose To Be Muslim #10

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the struggles of returning to Islam and the importance of renewing faith. They emphasize the need for a hard reminder to encourage people to come back and identifying personal emotions and emotions of others as emotions. The importance of faith and actions in shaping one's life is emphasized, along with the potential reward of converting to Islam and the importance of not allowing one's desire to change the way they live.
AI: Transcript ©
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Some events leave us reeling from shock.

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But then once the shock wears off,

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the aftermath can lead us to all sorts of existential questions.

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Wake Up Calls are almost never as simple as people think they are.

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They can leave us more confused than ever before.

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And make us question everything we thought we knew.

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People are telling me to come back to Allah.

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But am I a believer in the first place? What if I believe just because my parents do

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but if I don't have faith, then who am I? What am I?

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What life do I really deep down want to live?

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Why is it that some people leave behind everything you could ever want for Islam, while others who had Islam handed to them are so ready to throw it all away? Sometimes the struggle to find Islam is the reason why you get to taste the sweetness of Eman. Now struggle might not be the only way to renew your faith, but it might be the only thing that pushes you to do so. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in Al Imana lair la Kofi JioFi Adhikam Can I ask Allah so that verily faith wears out in your heart just like a shirt becomes worn out for subtle Allah and ujet the dead Eman if equally will become so ask Allah to renew the faith in your hearts

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our Eman goes up and down with the tides of our color.

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But it's never stagnant. And we're all going to have points of our lives where we have lower EMA.

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And Shavon is going to try to convince you that low Iman is the same as no EMA. And it's not.

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It's just a warning to refill your tank of faith.

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And sometimes we don't appreciate the light that we had until we get lost in the dark. And that's when Allah sends a spark to reignite that flame.

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And I'm yet needy Latina Avenue and Tasha Kulu, whom the decree law he woman as the dominant Huck hasn't the time come for those who believe to humble their hearts to the remembrance of Allah and the truth that he revealed?

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You already know Allah, and you know the truth, but you need a hard reminder to come back to it. And maybe it's not your conversion story, but it is your redemption story. But the urgency of getting it right has to be there. In fact on model the Allahu Anhu used to say I fear a Day that Islam will be lost either inertia of Islam Muslim Jatropha Hadiya when a generation is born into Islam, that doesn't understand the days of ignorance. I want you to imagine being Abdullah ibn hubub Bharat, you're born in Medina, and you awake to the message of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and a ton of companions around you also righteous. You grow up in the shade of the Quran, everything

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around you as about Islam. And as you're narrating had leads from your dad one day, you ask your dad why he has these severe burns on his neck in his back. And your dad above starts to tell you about how he was enslaved in Mecca and his masteries to pour hot cold down his back until she burned off all of the flesh. Why? Because he wouldn't stop saying that ILA had Biller, think about how opposite, Abdullah's life was from his father hubbub. But that struggle was part of why hubub treasured his fate so much. Now, if we're not feeling that attachment, we have to start with diagnosing our distance properly. Sometimes it's an intellectual battle about a specific issue. And

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more often than that, it's unresolved personal trauma. Now if it's really intellectual, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the cure to ignorance is just to ask, and you'll always find that there are convincing answers in Islam that do make sense even if they don't agree with your sensibilities. And even then, you come back to Allah knows best because this is clearly divine revelation, and this prophet is clearly a Prophet from Allah.

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But sometimes we wrongly identify a bad personal experience as an intellectual problem. So for example, you know, a family member that was abused by her husband, and then you take that disgust that you have, and you transfer it into doubt. And then you project that doubt onto the character of Islam instead of the abusive husband. And it's understandable why that happens, even if it's not right. Imagine how Musa alayhis salam felt when he sees a harder kill a young boy inserted calf when Musa himself survived a genocide of children at the hands of Fidel. And any one of us would have had an uncomfortable reaction to the other, but especially him. But notice he doesn't accuse a lot in

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that episode. He's just trying to come to terms with it. And in reality, when you're personally in the heat of the moment and have no answers at all, that's when you might learn to have the most faith and Al Habib is the one who knows all the answers. Take for example, set amount and fantasy. If he was just born in Medina and became Muslim along with the other unsought, do you really think he would have been the same person. On the other hand, if he would have stayed in Persia, and not let his curiosity about faith take him on this incredible journey in the first place, he would have been rosebay even Ross ban, a footnote in the Persian Empire defeated by the Muslims. But every

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moment of torture, every teacher he meets, every journey he travels, every moment he spends in slavery is part of the construction of Sandman and fantasy. And just like him when Allah created you in the womb of your mother, and then brought you out into this world, he wasn't finished creating, and whatever makes us turn back to Allah with all of its twists and turns is ultimately going to be a blessing.

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And just like taking shahada does away with all of the sins that come before it. Sincere Toba does the exact same thing.

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When Khabib nomadic repented to Allah years after he already became Muslim, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells him EP should be Heidi Yeoman mandala, alayka mandala that this is the best day of your life since your mother gave birth to you. Because whether you come to Islam the first time or come back to it again, it's a chance to be reborn.

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But notice for CAB, it was a sin that was his catalyst to come back to Allah. So even if we may not be proud of our past, it is part of our story. But your sin doesn't have to be the end of your story. It can be the beginning of your redemption instead. And just like with someone who becomes Muslim for the very first time, Allah can turn all of those sins into good deeds hula ek you bet the hula hula. So yeah, TM has an act. Those are the ones who Allah converts all of their sins into good deeds.

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And as an ally in Rahim, Allah says, a sin that brings you back to Allah is better than a good deed that takes you away, because it gives you the necessary urgency and humility to come back.

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It could be a near death experience facing the consequences of your sins, or the emptiness of an otherwise seemingly perfect life that sets you back on a pursuit of Allah spiritually and intellectually. Now, if you're a convert that had to find Islam fresh, you've already tasted the sweetness of faith. And what an incredible reward that awaits you showing that you are willing to give up everything for this precious gift of Islam. And Allah has so much more to give you in exchange for it all. And if you had parents that raised you in Islam and taught you how to rise up, what an amazing opportunity to raise your rank beyond even what they taught you. Allah gave you a

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head start so don't squander the opportunity. ponder upon the lions. Yeah, Rob was Actonel Islam. When I'm asked to look for a zucchini, Jana. Well, as I look, oh, Allah, You granted me Islam, and I didn't even ask you for it. So grab me, Jana, and I am asking you for it. Things are going to happen to each one of us to make us rediscover why we're Muslim in the first place, and how Muslim we want to be. But that renewal isn't a one time thing and it's never hard to find your way back so long as you're really trying. Now you have for alayka until

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Tabby, Satori, Quranic we're in nama you have for a day come in as Allah batil How are an ache? What is feared is not that the ways leading to Allah will be confusing to you. Rather what is feared is that your desires will overcome you

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somehow Allah is speaking to you,

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but are you listening

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and are you willing to act

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Rob Danna in and us, Amina Munna, dia Yuna Deedle Imani and irmin will be Robbie confirm and Rob Donna folfiri Lana, you know what kept for Anna say, Tina, what's how often am I abre our Lord, we heard the one who was calling to faith calling on us to believe in you so we believed our Lord so forgive us of our sins, absolve us of our misdeeds and allow us to die as one of the righteous

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but that doesn't mean you aren't still going to have some questions that trouble you

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but what do you do when you feel like Allah isn't listening to your concerns?

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Has he not welcomed you back?

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Is it too late

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will lay will sleep and

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eat luck antebellum law hula Anna one Oh, Lana level logging fed.

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Kelly. Me

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