Omar Suleiman – The categories of patience according to its condition 2

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The importance of finding strength in one's life to achieve Islam is discussed, including the difficulty of finding the right person to lead a family and the importance of balance between physical and mental activities. The division of patients into four categories is also discussed, including those who are either physical or mental. The speakers emphasize the need for patient mentality and force in treating physical and mental pain, and the importance of monitoring behavior and habits.
AI: Transcript ©
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Janna, how to deal with hardship with your family as a convert.

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Subhanallah this is something that first of all, may last minutes I helped a sister in her situation may Allah azza wa jal give her ease in her situation may Allah subhanaw taala give he diets or her family, guide them to Islam and make her home a place of tranquility that supports her and her deen and all of those that are like her a llama I mean, this is where finding strength in the Sahaba is so crucial, there is no companion except that they had some element of this in their lives. Because this is a generation of converts to Islam, and deriving strength from them in that regard is absolutely crucial. In fact, the scholars mentioned the only person whose entire family eventually

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became Muslim is a blowback to the people of the allowance at home, which is why in Surah, Al Kahf and Allah Subhana Allah says

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about the person or sign in Senegal ID or Santa how many two or more code how to code our camera for someone with a high tech developer should do a better Arbaeen or Santa Clara voz or any and ash Quran aromatic allottee. And I'm Tara you I know every day, when I'm an assignee Hunter, Allah will select either deity in YouTube to elago, and even on Muslimeen, where a lot of talks about a person who reaches the age of 33 and then reaches the age of 40. And they look back and they essentially thank Allah for blessing them, their parents, their children, all with Islam, and asking Allah subhanaw taala to correct them to rectify all of their affairs and to make them grateful for that

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great blessing of Islam. So scholars say this is only Abu Bakr, Siddiq law, the law of China and who, whose parents became Muslim and that took time for his father, his father didn't become Muslim until fought to him again until the conquest of Makkah, his spouse, his children, all became Muslim. So all the other companions had to deal with an element of this. And it is certainly a great test, but a great reward. I think the main thing is to understand that in sha Allah to Allah, the more that you stay composed, just like the prophet slicin And the companions and composers from patients, the greater likelihood that eventually they'll get frustrated with using methods of agitation if

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it's not working. And in short, a lot of times they come around and we've seen this happen multiple times, where a sense of appreciation actually develops for that sense of composure and you know, they kind of back off inshallah Tada and hopefully even see the beauty of your character and your insistence upon that way, especially when someone first converts to Islam. And I know we have a lot of converts here, masha Allah, may Allah bless you all and keep you steadfast and firm. The initial stages your family is going to resort to whatever tactics they possibly can to get you to reverse that decision once they kind of give up on getting you to reverse that decision that it's usually

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like alright, well, let's figure out family like now. Now we're going to negotiate the new reality that you're a Muslim, but initially, it's going to be a very tough situation.

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Very similar.

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Scenario, one with a lot of data.

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And a lot of a lot I mean, so sallahu wa salam ala cannabinol, Muhammad Anwar early was selling at the Sleeman Kathira mama bad. Welcome back to our late night hotrods. From Valley Ranch Islamic center. We started together the book of Imam we will call you will Josie Rahim Allah Allah Allah are the two Slavia we're here to shake it in the excellence of patience and gratitude. Last night, Chevron always talked about the essence of patience. We talked about the meaning of it and different categories in terms in terms of the different levels of patients and so forth. So tonight in sha Allah Tala, we're studying for those who have the book with them. Chapter Five, chapter five, and

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that is the Oxfam solver, meaning the categories of patients were divided in Mohali categories of patients in regards to

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the place or how it was exercised. How do you exercise that? They said were divided Mahalia, its conditions in a translation but actually patients and where do you exercise that patient? How do you exercise that patience? Imam even calling Rahim Allah Huhtala who are saguru Donavan. When it comes to patience to category, the two types of patients, Bhagwan Bethany, Walder buena Sani one is physical. And the other one is mental or psychological. Meaning you exercise physical patients and psychological mental patients. What could illumine Hamana Hwan, each one of the each one of them can also be divided to other subcategories. ftld you work there are three optional and obligatory the

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meaning of saying option obligatory means optional. Meaning you have a choice. You have a choice in being patient in that category. And the other one you have no no no, no choice in this fight for her the robot to exam. As a result, we divide patients to four categories. Number one, l Bethany, you'll ftld

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And Bethany LFTR a physical there is optional cutter out in family Charcot yadda yadda yadda, such as enduring heart activities, you know physical activities. So, this is in this situation

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you do you deal with caring for example, certain laws dealing with certain difficulties, physical difficulties and so on. You have a choice in that at Sani Alberta new authority, the second category physical that is obligatory like I have no choice in that, because Sabri Allah Adam will Darby will model the world Euro hottie will Bertie will hurt every dollar, he says such as being patient over the pain of being beaten or illness or being cut, dealing with the cold weather the hot weather, like I don't have any choice and the weather being cold or being being hot. So I'm going to have to endure that I have no other choice but to endure the pain that is associated with this kind of

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The third category called unnecessary you'll ftld that mental psychological and is considered optional. Cassatt Braniff see unfairly Mallya Sophia Lou shot Anwar UCLA such as enduring patience over matters are not suitable to do whether legally short on Yanni or

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intellectually so irrationally like what for example, some that Allah says It's haram to do so you kind of like you stay away from it, you know by choice on one Neff, Samuel rari then you have mental that is obligatory or have no option on you to do that. Because sobre Nuptse anma Boo Boo ha Quran either Haleh but you know, however, you know, such as someone has to be patient over the loss of a loved one with because of circumstances they have no control over. You're gonna have you can't do anything about this. In this case, you're gonna have to do that kind of patients that you talked about. So he says over here, these are the five the four categories.

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Then Rahim Allah Allah, he mentioned now to for us humans because look, did you understand this for now here this further out of the huddle exam, if you now recognize these four categories for him after certain financial incentive doodle behind these are exclusively for humans, these four categories together exclusive for humans in that sense. One will Sharika told me fina why in a minute, however, we share two with animals with the animals which are two of them. What are these two ones? Can you guys guess them?

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The two categories of patients that we share with the animals what are they

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without reading the book, so without looking at the book, right? But what are they so we have physical optional, mental, optional, physical obligatory, mental obligatory, what you guys think?

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Just the physical

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the obligatory both of them, because the animals have no choice. So therefore, he says over here, therefore sub rule but anyone NAFSA literaria in your endurance, the physical and the mental when you have no choice. You just like the animals will have the same thing to so he says what could you call so prominent in San sometimes these animals are actually the endure that kind of pain more than human beings. They can handle this physical pain more than human beings. Were in Miami in San Juan have been no I left the area in the area. Humans they are preferred over animals because of the optional ones. not obligatory ones. But what cathedral meanness Taku sobre Haven no Olivia shadow

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coffee Hill Baja. Love it no Olivia hustled in San for the cyberbullying seminar, slavery and he goes, strangely, some people, they can endure the hardship and become more patient in these obligatory ones physical and mental more than animals.

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Like they're stronger than animals dealing with these with these kind of categories of pain. And then people will look at them they think they're very patient is but that's not the patients we're talking about. Because the patients for humans is much more superior than the one that we share with the animals.

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So Subhanallah there's so much here and actually an author who compares very frequently, animal instincts to human instincts as the amount of Azadi Rahim Allah Tada. He has lengthy, lengthy

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discourse on this comparison between human beings and animals in the sense So, ideally, once again, you know, you want to be a person who has patience, both with the

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things that are going to happen to you regardless physically and psychologically. And you're going to want to exercise optional patience, physically and mentally when those things

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has happened. Now there are a few things to look at this new model designed Rahim Allah says, first and foremost, look at the animals and the wonder of these animals and what they're able to bear. You know, you would think that how is it possible for a physical creature to be able to bear these things? Like, for example, a penguin will walk, don't ask me why I know these animal effects, I just love animals, okay. But you know, when you when you talk about a penguin that walks 8000 miles in a year Subhanallah think about that, you know, walking 8000 miles in a year, or, you know, you talk about an elephant, right and carrying seven or 10 tonnes, right or something of that sort, or you

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talk about what you know, an eagle carrying, you know, six, seven times its weight, being able to carry six, seven times its weight. These are wonders that Allah subhanaw taala gives to us of endurance, of strength in these animals and the small animals sometimes that can do incredible things that have these incredible feats of strength. And he's saying that, you know, you wonder at these things, and you realize your superiority to them is not that like you're not strong, you're not better than the animals because you're stronger than them. Because at the end of the day, they have strength that you don't have, many of them have strength, and they have capabilities that you

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don't have. What distinguishes you as a human being is that voluntary and voluntary is a great wonder. Now, another thing to take into consideration here is that the voluntary, the Voluntary Exercises of patients make the involuntary, so much easier to bear. If you don't have the Voluntary Exercise of patience, you will not be able to bear the involuntary. Alright, hence subber. Fasting is called a practice of suburbia, it's called the practice of patience. When a person psychologically deprives themselves from things that they are not able, or that they're able to have, but at the same time, they have this sense of discipline with their desires, then when they're

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cut off from things that they want, they're not going to suffer as much because they already voluntarily cut themselves off from things that they want. When a person exercises physically, you know, indoors, physical strength training, then when they are subjected to a physical hardship, they're not going to suffer as much as the one who never indoors any type of voluntary physical hardship. However, the voluntary is never a goal in and of itself. Nor is it for the sake of inflicting self harm. It's to actually prepare yourself for those moments, it's to actually prepare yourself for the time in which Allah subhanaw taala strikes you at something that you're that you'd

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otherwise be unprepared for. Another thing that they will not mention here is that ALLAH SubhanA Huzzah, Allah will sometimes test you with the involuntary to strengthen the voluntary. So you test yourself and I hope you all can catch this point, inshallah Tada, because it's going to phase very well into the next part of this chapter. you discipline yourself with the voluntary, Allah disciplines you with the involuntary, you discipline yourself with the voluntary. Allah disciplines you with the involuntary meaning what the practice of the voluntary deprivation, the practice of the voluntary discipline is going to make dealing with the involuntary hardship so much more bearable,

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but then when Allah puts you through the involuntary hardship, your appetite is going to diminish for this dunya your desires will diminish Allah will show you in your times of hardship strength that you didn't even know that you had you know, if you told a you've already has set up before what happened to him what was going to happen to him? No way I could take this if you told the Kobani Saddam what was going to happen to him before it happened to him. How am I going to deal with this you told us to fight Islam by the way the next two decades of your life you're going to be between slavery, a well abandonment prison. I mean, he might panic right? But Allah brings about you in

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those moments, strength that you did not even know that you had. That's where Allah brings out the idea of the inside the strange things that strength within a human being and Allah expands your capacity. Allah expands your capacity. So if we were going to use some of the modern techniques are more than actually terminology and you got to remember them paying Rahimullah was speaking about over here. So how can we have the volunteer live basically, which is the optional ones right now.

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Versus the involuntary these were but we were associated with the animals. The difference between the animals and the human beings, ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala gave animal did not give animal choice here to give human beings. Allah subhana wa Taala is not testing the animals, though he's tested the human beings. So that's why He gave us free will you give us the rationale by which by which we make decisions, and he gave us consequences between Jana and Johanna. That's not the case for the animals. So as a result, we share with the animals almost same things like what

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the thing that we share with the animals like desires, desires, these animals have desires we call they call them instincts obviously. So at certain point in

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under under life, they have to meet a certain point when they get hungry they have to eat. So the animals when they eat right now, when they when they get hungry, do they even check if a zombie how not halal or haram

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they don't care. If a lion gets hungry is going to go and jump into this herd of whatever animals are there. It doesn't care if it's going to be a baby or an adult animal that is going to prey on right. It's us when you watch National Geographic and you see the lion you know, captures a baby fine for example, you start crying for it. He was like all little baby, right? The animals is as happy. That lion is happy. Why? The difference between the humans and the animals in this regard? These instincts are what we call them desires for us human beings being legally codified, codified by Allah subhanho wa taala. Were certain rules regulated. The animals is no regulation.

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You are hungry eat? What kind of animal doesn't matter? zabiha? Who cares? Just eat it. Can I eat a horse? For the for the humans we can't eat that right? For the animals they eat it. So they will not codified as they were qualified for human beings. Therefore, their patients their endurance, because involuntarily because when they're hungry, they cannot find an AMA they run after the animal they cannot catch it. They're gonna go hungry for the next few hours. What they're gonna do, they're gonna start whining about this. No, wait for the other opportunity to jump on other animal. Humans are different. Even if you're hungry, if you're hungry, just because you're hungry. You can't eat

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unless it's instead of what necessity. So as Muslims as humans in general, our desires have been codified with legal code that code coming from where from Allah subhanho wa Taala which means what makes something right versus wrong? What makes something Halal versus haram? What makes something ethical and unethical for the Muslim? We take these codes from the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam which will we talked about last time when we said when you measure your patience, you have the measuring stick that comes from the Quran and the Sunnah. I want to make sure that am I being really truly patient or not? What is my code right now? And this is Ramadan will

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handler hopefully we'll all fast throughout the day right. But now the quality of your fast it depends on your endurance and your endurance depends on how much you adhere to these codes.

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How much you adhere to these codes, the profit and loss and poorer code for us and fast

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