Omar Suleiman – The Search For The Sound Of The Soul

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of love, desire, and purifying oneself in achieving success. They touch on the connection between spiritual self and physical body, the loss of love for men, and the negative impact of drugs and alcohol on mental health. They also discuss the importance of finding the right person for guidance, finding the right "has been a", and purifying oneself with satisfaction and love. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for a book and a woman who refuse guidance.
AI: Transcript ©
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mean what are we wanting

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people to do what's appealing

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Mohammed bin Salman a lot more than he was setting up while he was talking he was sending them to Steven can feel

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a lot he says something very powerful about the way that Adam It is so that was created and he says a whole lot out of the last panel which did not commend him when it comes to Prostrate to Adam it is set up until after he breathed into it the soul of it set up the role of Adam and Eve. No, that's extremely powerful because basically what are the dominant emotion and the law says is that the soul is more worthy of being paid attention to than the Justice than the body because before a loss to place the soul and out of the money so that he literally was just that a lump of flesh, but a lot of last habits out of venerated and you know Allah subhana wa tada uses that term that would never have

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been even lower than the last one to Allah breathed into him from his spirit. You know, it was Pamela just a few months ago, I was I've heard someone actually saying that. That means we all carry a loss of data inside of us. Because the last sentence it says it's his ruler, and so we all have

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to have it inside of us. But in reality, that is a lot of venerating at the same way that Allah subhanaw taala calls the cabinet. Bane from law, okay, a lot of people might you might have believe this growing up in Sunday school, I know I did that last time, our lives inside the black box of the cabinet. A lot doesn't live inside the cabinet. But a lot of times out of venerating the cabinet by calling it basil law, a lot of parents out when he calls the navcom the sea counter not to lie, it doesn't literally mean a lot of sea counters. It's a lot of how to how to venerating it. So when we think about this, the role of the last heroines Allah that Allah chose to venerate it to that

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extent, to say wonderful happiness. Now, I don't want to go into a long discussion about the difference between ROI and naps because that's what I was asked to talk about that is an extremely academic discussion, much difference of opinion. And I guarantee you, you will be lost and it will be lost by the time I finish talking about it. But just quickly, that off the soul, the spirit that Allah subhanaw taala has given to us is something that will continue on for eternity. And you know, you might think to yourself 123 stars after last pentatonic created it's it's really beautiful. That was mentioned something and again and authentically from it. So the A lot of times that

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Judo and magenta that the souls are like drafted soldiers, whoever they had an affinity towards previously, they will have an affinity towards Indonesia. And whoever they did not inclined towards previously they will not inclined towards Indonesia. So when you tell someone I hated you forever, you might be telling the truth. And if I tell you that I've loved you forever, I loved you in a previous realm that I'm telling you the truth of the matter Sharpie like him a lot. He told his wife, he said, How beautiful is it that the last time I went out and wrote your name next to mine 50,000 years before the entire creation or sell up, there's a reason why his name was a sharpie, the

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popular chef because he knew how to really get people going myself last. So that's what he said to his wife. So in reality, even when we come close to each other, when we find love for each other when we have affinity towards each other. Whenever we click a loss handler, it's Adda has made that so special that that was before we even got here, this kind of love. There's no other nation. No other group of people where you have people that meet each other for the first time and will lie to you there is love, there's a true

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a true love for the sake of a loss of a job. It's like I've seen you before I've known you before. And you might be telling the truth because the last time it allows the other wife to gather together to love one another in the previous round and in the future about also way establish your own ability not to become unhealthy and that barely a lost hands on talks about the lives of the Shahada, the souls of the Shahada. I'm open to the believers that in abundance in another realm, although the believers are not alive in dunya, they're not walking around and hanging out at people's house. They don't show up after 40 days in the video with you, but they're alive with each

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other and they visit each other and they gather together. That's kind of what what a beautiful gathering that truly is established.

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And they're excited. They're rejoicing for those who have not yet joined them. So that leaves us here. Where do we stand with all of this? Not even a whole lot. But this was also the position of my teacher she had

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just passed away a few weeks ago. He said that the terms are actually interchangeable. There's no difference between the two. But as far as the usage is concerned, what Allah Subhana Allah describes the soul and the body coming together. And the dunia sense of loss pattern works out and describes it as enough so it is the rule, but it's come together, then you know the body and the soul allows parents to add a noun gives you a choice, a Lost Planet, Allah gives you a level of freewill, although it's not absolute Free Will you do have a level of freewill. And for that reason, you have desires, you've got to find those desires. And we are not like the other creations. And that's why

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nobody continued a very beautiful statement. He says that the more a person for business nuts, forbids the self from their carnal desires, the closer they become to the melodica to the angels, although will never become an angel. And the more he allows himself to indulge in all of his funnel desires, the closer he becomes to being an animal, think about it territory, food, what you know, that's all the animals look for it, we see it today, some human beings literally act like animals to just pursue their they pursue their desires, the way that an animal would. There's absolutely nothing that nothing holding them back, you know, to the point that

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it's like a dog always had the the tongue is always out, you know, to salivating out whatever is in front of them. There's nothing that holds that person back. So that nuts enjoys living like an animal. But the angels enjoy a dog they love worship. They gather not just

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around gatherings like this and shot love, where people are remembering the loss of patterns, our circles of knowledge, they descend upon people that are worshipping Allah subhana wa Tada. And they don't have they don't have freewill. They don't have any choice or desire for food or drink or anything like that. Their enjoyment their source, their life comes through a pleasing Allah subhana wa Tada. So when a person gets to a point, where they're literally forbidding themselves from just going after all of those desires, they become Angelica without being angels, they get close to being like the Metallica. And that's a really beautiful expression. And as for the Masonic Mahima lots out

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of one of the great traveler, he said something very powerful. And I want you to think about this and this is on a whole nother level. And that's why the nuts that is close to the angels like

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the soul that is at peace with Allah subhanaw taala. That's what the Masada a lot. He said for me to do two records for me to do two records for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala is more beloved to me than jumping on everything in it. Can you imagine that statement? Two records is more beloved to me than everything that Jenna has to offer. And why is that? Why would he say something like that? So because the two records that I do that for a loss of habits I had an agenda is for me.

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To look at the level of devotion, that these people reached the two records this for a last panel, it's Adam, and joining us, for me. And that's why the greatest, the greatest reward of a person that that is at that level where they're forbidding their desires, they're just trying to please Allah subhanaw taala they're consistently returning the nuts to Allah subhanaw taala what a lot of refers to it as sort of infantry. Yeah, you have to have enough support in the old soul that is at peace, in rigidity.

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Allow the lovely, come back to your Lord, pleasing and pleased. And some of the scholars said that the reason why they're told to pleasing first is because that is truly what satisfies them pleasing a loss of how to go to how to getting to that point. Now I know that if we just talked about that high level all night long, and I guarantee you I'm not at that level, I don't know who would claim to be at that level. But you know, we'll just get this this illusion that disorients and think to ourselves, while the Sahaba were awesome, that's everything. We're awesome. And we can't be like that. But where does this all come from? How do we find that balance? Where do we fall into that,

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that that spectrum?

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Many times we think to ourselves, that a lot of candidates, our guides and misguides that we have nothing to do with them, but lots of how to exotic places a burden on you and a loss of data sets but other than that

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for example, says when they turn away a lot turn their hearts away. So the last kind of data tells us about the nuts. When he tells us about ourselves, the loss of data always places the burden on who, on him or on us on us. Right? You know, sometimes I'll stop, you'll see someone that's totally away from the last kind of try to figure out for me, you know, maybe God wants to take me out of the situation. Why don't you start praying? Maybe they're odd for me to start praying? Why don't you leave? You know this? How about living? Why don't you abandon this relationship, if Allah wants me to leave it alone, will make me leave it. That's the way some of us think sometimes, like a lot is

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gonna force me into that situation. And I have absolutely nothing to do with this, right. And that's a very dangerous way of thinking. But in reality, it's you and I are the F la Hannon has a very he has succeeded, who has succeeded in purifying himself. So how to love think about that I lost how not to add it to the Atlas with the shelves, a lot of talents, other places the burden of testier on you. And if you've got to make the effort to consistently purify yourself to consistently turn back to a loss of power to have to consistently return to their ability to consistently return to the weight a lot created to in the first place. Now think about that for a moment. One of you know, the

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brother recited the very beautiful verses from suit that has speaking about the fifth one that Allah subhanaw taala created us all on, we all live and die by that we go back to the pitfall or we ruin ourselves. And I want you to think about this for a moment. We like to blame the sacred when we mess up, right after Ramadan was over, you can see everybody's Facebook statuses and everybody's Twitter accounts, even though us you know, great scholars, we were not on Facebook.

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But now we see. And that wasn't a mockery of that that was a mockery of myself. So I apologize.

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We see what people are saying. And I know it's funny, because you'll see someone talking about I was so good, and I wasn't doing anything bad. You don't mess up law, I was able to abandon everything that you know, I was like one of the Sahaba than after Milan, you know, say farmed out to me.

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And I'm done. Right, I'm doing exactly the same things I was doing before.

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We blame shame on so quick. But Allah subhanho wa Taala between the angelic self and between the animal life self is what self and necessarily one, at the very least a soul that blames itself enough and no one and say font last time he told us about the speech of say font on the Day of Judgment, one shade on says, fella, moody blue and full circle. Don't blame me blame yourselves. Don't play the blame yourselves because you messed up. I didn't do it. I just called you in town to confess that, to me, I just called you and you answer. But don't blame me blame yourselves. And you know what he's telling the truth. In reality, you can never become anything. You can never reach any

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level, unless you're willing to look in the mirror and say, I need to change this about myself. I must have I got myself into the situation. This is my test. This is my trial, the blame is on me. And there's a direct connection between that and the effect that the site one can have on I want to take you all to a video that you're all very familiar with, which is a solid metal

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body, where it was less of a lot more it was sort of mentioned that on the night

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presented to him two cups, one of them had milk lover. One of them had wine cover. And the profits of a lot of them drank from which one

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someone actually said the wine.

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He drained from the milk. So a lot of it was and what did you do? How do you respond to a very beautiful response spots he said and handled enough.

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All praise and thanks B to B to the one who guided you to the fitclub who guided you to your origin and wanted to be it Some say to the profit from a lot of it to someone

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trying to fit a lot of information into a few minutes. I apologize from jumping from topic to topic, but this is you know a lot of a lot of material. There's a lot of depth to this heavy duty gnarly stuff such as a profit. So I set up level 100 100. If you were to take the 100 if you were to take the line

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metric, Europe own money would have gone astray. Think about that. If you were to choose the wine, your own mother would have gone astray. But you are guidance defense was a lot of money was set up

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And as a result, the entire aroma of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam naturally inclines towards good, naturally inclined towards things that are pleasing to Allah subhanaw taala there are some things that are just human goodness, how many of you heard about Rachel Corrie? Raise your hand if you heard about Rachel Corrie. 23 year old white American novelist, winter buzzer stood in front of a bulldozer and was killed, she wasn't Muslim. She didn't go there seeking Shahada. But there is there is a natural inclination there towards goodness towards justice towards compassion. And, you know, many times we ignore that, and once we ignore that, that's a pumpkin start attacking us with

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all these different things. Because naturally, we inclined towards good. You know, there's the whole nature versus nurture argument. You are naturally born good. You don't become a sick serial killer overnight. It takes time. You don't become you know, a fearless team overnight. It takes time. You don't become a * overnight. Those are very major examples. It takes time to get to that level. You start off loving a loss of habitat on what you have to ask yourself is how far did I beat myself deep into the hole? Because that's the question. Now I want you to focus for a moment. And this this is for those of you that that somehow love when are satisfied with the English translation. And it's

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really beautiful. Allah subhanaw taala says sons, adoption a partner, in everybody leaves.

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in the lobby, you have no power whatsoever over my service stop leading safer, you don't have any power over my servants except for those who follow you from allowing, and the word godliness, the same word that was used in the Hadees, by the way, and the word of Allah, it refers to a person, it refers to a child that refuse to breastfeed from the mother.

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Somehow, let's look at the amazing connection between this it refers to a person who refuse to drink the milk. So in essence, what is the last thing, you can't do anything? Oh, shame on to all of those people. You have no power over my sermons except for the ones who refuse guidance. The ones who are who are trying to turn away from trying to turn away from the loss of patents, Allah created them, some very powerful expression, the amount of people that are in Allah, he said, For that reason, Allah Subhana, WA tada says, at least some love will be kept and there isn't a lot enough for his slave because once alized enough for you, you don't need to worry about that other stuff. Think

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about this for a moment, someone becomes Muslim, that has indulged in all of the animalistic desires that you can imagine that you are chasing. Right? You know, Muslim youth are trying to find their way sometimes to date to have a relationship that will quickly turn Hello, if it wasn't how long from the start, we'll quickly try to find their way around the center around to try to do everything that everyone else is doing. We tried to abandon the things that lost the game to us to make it easier for us. And people come to the dean after having lived out their wildest imaginations and their desires. You got routers, you got celebrities, you got, you know, satellite, you look at the

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abdomen brothers are saying

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people that have seen their dreams in dunya. And they come to Islam. They come to Islam, and they're ready to abandon all of that. And there is a sense of peace. There's a sense of tranquility there. But hamdulillah I got rid of all of them. You know that stuff makes you miserable. It doesn't make you happy. shavon got you at one point, but at the end of the date on one is so much more at a salon because there isn't a lot in love for you. Isn't the deep enough for you? Isn't that the pleasure that you would get out of your deep enough for you to Pamela aren't the holiday alternatives that allowed me to have up enough for you to sustain your soul and to make you happy? It's enough for

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you. And that's really uh, you know, that's where it all comes down to, you know, so much so many different Muslim youth that started off very, very close to a loss.

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raise those innocent children, then you know what it took one, one guy or one girl, it took one bad friends. It took one person to start pulling them straight. And it's because of their weak personalities and started to get pulled the strip. And initially they don't feel comfortable with that stuff. So Pamela, I remember a young man, and this was I'll give you a six month stack. In the beginning of the six months a young man comes to me in my method, and he's someone that that's very close to me in the youth group.

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He's bursting into tears. He's crying. You know why this time, because he went into a restaurant with a girl. And

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he's crying. Right? Six months later, he's committed Zima multiple times. He's coming to the Netherlands for salon and asking me, he prays a lot. And then after salon, he tells me, Hey, I prayed without doing.

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You see where I lost, you see, where I say on takes a person to dark, dark, dark, dark, dark places, you start off a certain way, there is a sister, I also remember that took offered a job, just to just as anger against her father, she sent her father forced it upon her. And that's a whole nother discussion of mine and talking about forcing and those types of things. But her father forced it upon her and her father would hit her if he saw without a job, obviously terrible parenting skills and things of that sort. But she believed it and she would say I want to work a job. I know it's the right thing. But I want to show my I want to teach my dad a lesson. So golfer he went to school, the

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first day, she was so uncomfortable, she was wearing a hoodie, she threw a hoodie on, think about that for a moment, a loss of how to how to take you to different places. Now, unfortunately, it went very, very, very far. Right, it starts off at a small point. But it goes very, very, very far. It's just like the person that starts off with a text messaging conversation starts off with the with a G chat, or a Facebook chat, and is throwing in a little bit too many, you know, too many smiley faces all of a sudden, and too many lol, you know, in their MSA, emails or whatever emails it is, or, or whatever, throwing in a lot of smiley faces, like, you know, and then it gets a little too friendly.

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But you know, what, we're boyfriend and girlfriend, we're gonna get married in two years. And I'll tell my dad after two years, and I'll tell my mom after two years, then it'll all work out. Think about that for a moment. Now, what is the last kind of data say because I only have a few moments, lots of camera data sets and sort of the shops. On the left hand lens, that guy

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what a successful person he is to manage to purify himself to remain close to a loss. They didn't blink shape on didn't blame external influences blame themselves consistently, you know, turn back to our last panelist has washed themselves, one column and

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and he has spilled, who has thrown dirt on the sand the song that literally means to throw dirt on something, throwing dirt on yourself, throwing dirt on your soul, and distance yourself from the last panel, it's kind of after our last inhabitants, I haven't made a way for them a loss of habitat that gave them enough satisfaction, enough to make them happy. Your fifth law is to be happy, and to be satisfied with your Creator, and to also be satisfying to your Creator. That's your fifth law. That's how we were born. That's what our soul is like. And some have a lot we see from the profits of a lot he was selling. Even at night, he taught us that we should be in a state of question,

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because that's the only time that we're not able to purify ourselves. We're not we're not conscious, obviously when we're sleeping. But even at that time, what did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam say, he would say to a loss of cannabinoids out

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in them section FC, if you hold my soul,

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then forgive it and be merciful merciful with it. Why? Because at night, a lot gets

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every single night. And then the last guy decides whether or not to return them to our bodies. But at that moment, even when you go to sleep, you're supposed to tell that muscle

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a lot if you're gonna keep it with you forgive it and show mercy to it well, and then you send it back to

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the body, then protect it the way that you protect your rights as servants somehow, like I am in complete submission. And I want I want you to show me the way I'm not going to look for the loopholes. And I'm not going to blame anybody else. I messed up, I got myself in certain situations, I threw stuff on my football, I corrupted myself, because I just went to the wind and I didn't take the milk. And I hope that's not literal for many of us. But I took the wine and I didn't take the milk. I refuse to take the milk, I refuse to take what Allison gave me which was already so precious. And I'll give you one quick analogy. And this is the I promise. One quick note is parallel

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is a very powerful analogy actually from a commoner. And this brothers. You know, if you listen to people, sometimes they're not scholars, they're not humans, but they see things that are just so profound. This brother was the drug dealer in New Orleans and New Orleans has to be heavy drug dealing. And he was the man in terms of drug dealing. as * lot after Islam when I say he cleans his wife up, he didn't just clean his wife up more than 50 or 60 people I'm thinking to have on his hands the few years he's cleaning everybody else up to

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You know, the analogy that he gave me, he said, if you look at the Muslim youth today,

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they're like people that are driving around a 1970 or 1980 Toyota Corolla that's all banged up on hubcaps. Or I'm sorry, they're driving around Ferraris, and driving around Lamborghinis. And they're looking to people who have 1989, whatever it is, so your roles would have cops with with hubcaps. And they're thinking to themselves, man, I love that car.

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I want that car, a lot gave you something that is already so profound, that already satisfies you. And is in fact, the only thing that can satisfy the soul that can feed the soul. Because just as the body is fed from its origin, the soul is also fed from its origin, which is

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already gave us enough. When you start looking right and left for other things. You're the guy or You're the girl that's refusing to drink milk. And in Islam, you can't be spiritually lactose intolerant. So we asked the last 100 times to protect this and shuttleq We ask Allah subhanaw taala to to purify our souls. And the Prophet said a lot of it was said that he used to say a lot that adds enough seeds a lot, a lot of giving my soul it's tough. What was that? Kiha and it's a highly paid ones that can purified You are the best of those who purify it, and

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you are its protector, and you are a master. So we ask Allah subhanaw taala our master our protector, to purify our souls, as he is the best of those who purify and we ask Allah subhanaw taala to protect us from the shape on all of his calls been asked the last panel times make us amongst those who are satisfied with a lot as our Lord that Islam is our Dean, we have a lot of arguments for Him as our Prophet and Messenger does not allow

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me to learn

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us all on we all live and die by that we go back to the Oregon ruin ourselves. And I want you to think about this for a moment. We like to blame the sick one when we mess up. Right after Obama was over. You can see everybody's Facebook statuses and everybody's Twitter accounts, even though us you know, great scholars, we were not on Facebook.

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But now we see. And that wasn't a mockery of that. That was a mockery of myself. So I apologize.

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We see what people are saying. And I know it's, it's funny, because you'll see someone talking about I was so good in Milan. I wasn't doing anything bad. You don't have South LA I was able to abandon everything that you know, I was like one of the Sahaba then after Milan, you know, she forgot to me.

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And I'm done. Right? I'm doing exactly the same things I was doing before.

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We blame shame on so quick. But a loss of Hannah Montana between the angelic self and between the animal like self is what self administered the one at the very least a soul that blames itself and knifes and no one and say find a lost paradise tells us about the speech of a farmer on the Day of Judgment once a bond says fella moody blue and full circle. Don't blame me blame yourselves. Don't blame me blame yourselves because you messed up. I didn't do it. I just called you.

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To me, I just called you when you answer. But don't blame me blame yourselves. And you no one is telling the truth. In reality, you can never become anything. You can never reach any level. Unless you're willing to look in the mirror and say I need to change this about myself. I must stop. I got myself into the situation. This is my test. This is my trial, the blame is on me. And there's a direct connection between that and the effect that the shape one can have on you. I want to take you all to a headache that you're all very familiar with which is the heavy

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body where it was a lot more it was sort of mentioned that on the night that is not one of our lives.

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presented to him two cups, one of them had milk

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one of them had wine cover and the profits of a lot of them drank from which one

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someone actually said the wine

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he drained from the milk so a lot of it was and what did you do? How do you respond but very beautiful response spots he said and hadn't done enough and then he had

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all praise them thanks B to B to the one who guided you to the fitflop who guided you to your oranges and wanted to be ice I'm saying to the profits of a lot already.

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And by the way, I'm trying to fit a lot of information into a few minutes. I apologize from jumping from topic to topic, but this is you know a lot of a lot of things

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There's a lot of depth to this heavy duty that he's done such as the Prophet sly seven.

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level, that if you were to take the Hummer, if you were to take the Y, how much

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your own man would have gone astray. Think about that if you were to choose the wind, your own mode would have gone astray. But you are guidance the fence was a lot of money was stolen. And as a result the entire amount of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam naturally inclines towards good, naturally inclined towards things that are pleasing to Allah subhanaw taala there are some things that are just human goodness, how many of you heard about Rachel Corrie? Raise your hands have you heard about Rachel Corrie? 23 year old white American non Muslim winter buzzer stood in front of a bulldozer and was killed, she was Muslim. She didn't go there seeking Shahada. But there is there is

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a natural inclination there towards goodness towards justice towards compassion. And, you know, many times we ignore that, and once we ignore that, that's a pumpkin start attacking us with all these different things. Because naturally, we inclined towards good. You know, there's the whole nature versus nurture argument. You are naturally born good. You don't become a six serial killer overnight. It takes time. You don't become you know, a fearless theme overnight. It takes time. You don't become a * overnight. Those are very major examples. It takes time to get to that level. You start off loving a loss of habitat. And what you have to ask yourself is how far did I get

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myself deep into the hole? Because that's the question. Now I want you to focus for a moment. And this this is for those of you that that's the kind of love when are satisfied with the English translation. It's really beautiful. Allah subhanaw taala says, about a foreigner, Indian, everybody leaves Silicon Valley.

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In America,

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you have no power whatsoever over my sermon stop living safer. You don't have any power over my servants, except for those who follow you from Allah.

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And the word godliness, the same word that was used in the Hadees, by the way, and the word of Allah, it refers to a person, it refers to a child that refuse to breastfeed from the mother.

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Somehow, let's look at the amazing connection between this, it refers to a person who refuse to drink the milk. So in essence, what is the last thing, you can't do anything? Oh, shame on to all of those people, you have no power over my circuits, except for the ones who refused guidance. The ones who are who are trying to turn away from trying to turn away from the way of loss of patents, Allah created them. So very powerful expression and the amount of people that owe him a lot. He said, For that reason, Allah subhanaw taala says, lay some love will be Captain America isn't a lot enough for his slave because once allies enough for you, you don't need to worry about that other stuff. Think

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about this for a moment, someone becomes Muslim, that has indulged in all of the animalistic desires that you can imagine that you are chasing, right? Muslim youth are trying to find their way sometimes to date to have a relationship that will quickly turn how long if it wasn't how long from the start, we'll quickly try to find their way around the center around to try to do everything that everyone else is doing. We tried to abandon the things that lost the game to us to make it easier for us. And when people come to the game, after having lived out their wildest imaginations and their desires, you've got robbers, you've got celebrities, you've got, you know, talent, like

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brothers are saying comes out out of love with people that have seen their dreams in dunya. And they come to Islam. They come to Islam, and they're ready to abandon all of that. And there is a sense of peace. There's a sense of tranquility there. That hamdulillah I got rid of all of them. You know that stuff makes you miserable. It doesn't make you happy. Say fun. Got you at one point. But at the end of the day, a lot is so much more at a soul level because there isn't a lot of love for you. Isn't the deep enough for you? Isn't that the pleasure that you would get out of your deep enough for you? How aren't the halab alternatives that allowed me to have up enough for you to sustain your

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soul and to make you happy? It's enough for you. And that's really, you know, that's where it all comes down to you know how I met so many different Muslim youth that started off very, very close to a loss.

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raise those innocent children. Then you know what it took one, one guy or one girl. It took one bad friends. It took

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One person to start pulling them in the street. And it's because of their weak personalities, they started to get pulled the strip. And initially they don't feel comfortable with that stuff. So Pamela, I remember a young man. And this was I'll give you a six months back, in the beginning of the six months, a young man comes to me in my husband, and he's someone that that's very close to me in the youth group. And he's bursting into tears. He's crying. You know why this time? Because he went into a restaurant with a girl, and

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he's crying. Right? Six months later, he's committed Zina multiple times. He's coming to the Netherlands first a lot and asking me, he prays a lot. And then after salon, he tells me, Hey, I prayed without doing.

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You see where I lost, you see, where I say on takes a person to dark, dark, dark, dark, dark places, you start off a certain way, there was a sister, I also remember that took offered out just to just as anger against her father, she said her father forced it upon her. And that's a whole nother discussion of mine and talking about forcing and those types of things. But her father forced it upon her and her father would hit her if he saw without a job, obviously terrible parenting skills and things of that sort. But she believed that she would say I want to work the job. I know it's the right thing. But I want to show my I want to teach my dad a lesson. So go for a job went to school,

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the first day, she was so uncomfortable, she was wearing a hoodie, she threw a hoodie on, think about that for a moment, a loss of habitat to how to takes you to different places. Now, unfortunately, it went very, very, very far. Right, it starts off at a small point. But it goes very, very, very far. It's just like the person that starts off with a text messaging conversation starts off with with a chat or Facebook chat is throwing in a little bit too many, you know, too many smiley faces all of a sudden, and too many lol, you know, in their MSA, emails or whatever emails it is, or, or whatever, throwing in a lot of smiley faces, like, you know, and then it gets a

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little too friendly. But you know, what, we're boyfriend and girlfriend, we're going to get married in two years. I'll tell my dad after two years, and I'll tell my mom after two years, then we'll it'll all work out. Think about that for a moment. Now what is the last sentence out of say, because I only have a few moments of love,

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and sort of jumps on

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that guy.

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What a successful person he is managed to purify himself to remain close to a loss. They didn't blame shape on didn't blame external influences blame themselves consistently, you know, turn back to our last panelist and watch themselves work hard on this.

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And he has spilled, who has thrown dirt on the sack the so to have that literally means to throw dirt on something, throwing dirt on yourself, throwing dirt on your soul, and distance yourself from last panelist after a loss of habitat have made a way for them. Allah subhanaw taala gave them enough satisfaction enough to make them happy. Your fifth law is to be happy and to be satisfied with your Creator and to also be satisfying to your Creator. That's your fifth law. That's how we were born. That's what our soul is like, as a parent a lot we see from the profits of a lot of it was set up even at night. It taught us that we should be in a state of question, because that's the

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only time that we're not able to purify ourselves. We're not we're not conscious, obviously when we're sleeping. But even at that time, what did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam say, he would say to a loss of cannabinoids at the end of Section FC if you hold my soul for

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then forgive it and be mercy merciful with it. Why? Because at night a lot

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less panatela holds the soul every single night. And then the last guy decides whether or not to return them to our bodies. But even when you go to sleep, you're supposed to tell them

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a lot. If you're gonna keep it with you forgiven and show mercy to it. Well,

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then you send it back to

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the body, then protect it the way that you protect your rights as servants somehow, like I am in complete submission and I what I want you to show me the way I'm not gonna look for the loopholes. I'm not gonna blame anybody else. I messed up, I got myself in certain situations, I threw stuff on my football, I corrupted my camera, because I took the wind and I didn't take the milk. And I hope that's not literal for many of us. But I took the wine and I didn't take the milk. I refuse to take the milk. I refuse to take what Allison gave me which was already so precious. And I'll give you one quick analogy. And this is the electronics. One quick note. This panel is a very powerful analogy

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actually from a camera. And this brother is how you know if you listen to people, sometimes they're not scholars. They're not humans. You're not

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Things that are just so profound. This brother was the drug dealer in New Orleans. And New Orleans has a heavy drug dealing. And he was the man in terms of drug dealing. That's how a lot after Islam when I say he cleaned his wife up, he didn't just clean his wife up more than 50 or 60 people I'm thinking to have on this and it's the few years he's cleaning everybody else up to, you know, the analogy that he gave me. He said, if you look at the Muslim youth today,

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they're like people that are driving around a 1970 or 1980 Toyota Corolla, that's all banged up on hubcaps. Or I'm sorry, they're driving around Ferraris, and driving around Lamborghinis. And they're looking to people that 1989 whatever it is, so your approvals would have cops with with hubcaps, and they're thinking to themselves, man, I want that car.

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I want that car, a lot gave you something that is already so profound, that already satisficing and is in fact, the only thing that can satisfy the soul that can feed the soul. Because just as the body is spent from its origin, the soul is also fed from its origin, which is Allah subhanaw taala already gave us enough. When you start looking right and left for other things. You're the guy or You're the girl that's refusing to drink milk. And in Islam, you can't be spiritually lactose intolerant. So we asked the last 100 times to protect us and shuttleq we asked the last panel to add to to purify our souls and the Prophet said a lot of it was said that he used to say a lot that adds

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enough seats a lot, a lot of giving my soul it's tough. What was that key hat and it's a highly paid ones that can purified You are the best of those who purify it, and

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you are its protector and you are a master. So we asked Allah subhanaw taala our master and our protector to purify our souls as he is the best of those who purified and we asked Allah subhanaw taala to protect us from the shape on all of his calls been asked to last 100 times make us amongst those who are satisfied with a lot as our Lord that Islam is our Deen and we have a lot more ideas for them as our Prophet and Messenger Allah does not allow

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you to learn

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