Omar Suleiman – Sahih Al-Bukhari 3-15-2016

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the history and use of the "has" in Arabic language, specifically the meaning of "has" in the Arabic language. The "has" in the Arabic language is used to describe argumentation, negative opinion groups, illegal behavior, and illegal behavior. The speakers also discuss the use of "has" in Arabic language, specifically the meaning of "has" in the Arabic language, and the importance of speaking loudly in a meeting. They stress the need to be careful with the use of "IT" in relation to the "IT" of the people and the "IT" of the people.
AI: Transcript ©
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sentiment analysis read carry. On early he saw he was selling for seven cathedra.

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So we continue we're still in Bob hopefully mini min and Dr. Angelou, who hola Asha, which is the chapter and so he had Buhari the fear of the believer that his deeds his good deeds would be rendered void while he's not paying attention while he's unaware. Now last week who remembers the Hadith we talked about last week? Yes.

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Exactly abusing a Muslim is forsook is wickedness and killing him as call for very good. So this week in sha Allah to Allah, we're still within the same chapter. So sometimes we'll call it puts a few Hadith within the same chapter. And this hadith is very interesting because it doesn't you know, at the surface level doesn't really make sense why it's here, but it's a very powerful Hadith. It's a hadith that's narrated by a robot that didn't Osama told the Allahu Tada and Rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Maharajah you Bureau been a little cutter. So a relative Osama through the law and who says the prophets lie Selim was coming out to tell us when they little COVID Was he

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knew the date. He was going to solve it for everybody once and for all for the Ummah come out and tell us when the day is. So he says Fantana how Raju nanny min al Muslimeen but there were two Muslims that were arguing in the masjid for God so the Prophet SAW Allah and he was Selim says in Nicaragua to the br can be like a little cutter I was coming out to tell you when they little cutter is we're in a hotel I have fallen on Wafula but so and so started arguing with so and so he says photo Fiat so Laylatul Qadr was taken from me the knowledge of what date it was was taken from me or I saw any Hakuna height on Macomb. And he says and it might be that that's better for you anyway, so

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he says ultimately sue her for seven or eight what test three, welcomes the Prophet SAW Selim says So seek it out on the seventh night or the ninth night or the fifth night now obviously he's talking about the last 10 nights I think is salatu salam seeking out on the on the seventh, the 27th night or the 29th night or the 25th night. So what makes this hadith very interesting number one, what's the relationship to the chapter who can tell me why Bill Hardy would put this here?

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The dangers of arguing Okay, but why why why would it lead to the nullification of deeds? Well, how would I assure

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Okay, so that's that's one perspective, right is that and it's actually valid for sure that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada sees the deeds of the believers on Mondays and Thursdays and if they are boycotting one another, Allah subhanaw taala does not look at those deeds. So Allah subhanaw taala rejects the deeds of these people. But just to be clear over here, the reason why he's putting that is that putting it here is that these two people had the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam not informed them of what happened, they would not have recognized how they were deprived of good as a result of these two as a result of this argument. Okay, well, who Allah Yeshua, remember that the title of

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this chapter is that a believer might lose his good deeds while he's not paying attention while he's completely unaware of it. So how many times have two Muslims got into an argument or two people got into an argument, and they probably didn't think much of it. But here it costs the entire Ummah, the Knights of Labor to coddle knowing when the Knight of Leila to cover is definitively just because two companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were arguing so it's a very powerful Hadith to actually put here to illustrate this concept that you might be deprived as a result of something and you're not paying much attention to it. Now just to just to go through some of the

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technical terms and I probably went way further in this hadith and I should have, but I got very interested tonight. So that has arguing but what are the usual words in the Arabic language? Some might be you know, what are the usual words in the in the Arabic language for arguments?

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Somebody else? Arabic students

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have some wholesome, okay, that's one whole Soma. Okay, one of the signs of the hypocrite well either ha Sama, fragile. What else?

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Gee, dad. Okay. These are two words that are used in the Arabic language, typically in the Quran to describe argumentation and I'll describe what those words mean Inshallah, tada, the word tanawha. Okay, that's actually not used in the Quran. It's a very interesting word. And tenaha means to people. So the the, the scholars of the Arabic language they said it means at 10 hours or well Maha sama. So it means two people really, really going at it. So they're arguing very severely. It's not any debate. They are arguing very severely. It's over something that's personal, okay, and Tannaz or signifies the two people

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You know, people have to be held apart from each other that they got into a very serious argument and they, you know, you almost have to hold them back from one another. So it's not just any argument that's taking place. It's pretty, pretty much like any argument that takes place in a townhouse or into hospital. It's a very severe argument that's taking place. Now these two men, as I said, when we started off covering the saw, hey everybody, mumble hottie and just in general, we talked about how deets, usually when the names are not mentioned, it's because it's within a negative connotation, but then you you take other narrations and then you can piece it together. So

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these two men were kind of nomadic or the alongside the famous companion cabin nomadic

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and the other one is a not so famous companion by the name of Abdullah ibn Evie had a lot. Abdullah ibn Abi had the blood. Okay. And the narration and Muslim Imam Ahmed has a lot more context to it, which is that there's that Abdullah owed CAD money, or vice versa that it was an argument over a day and it was an argument over it. That's one of those two men demanded the debt from the other person. And they got into an argument over that debt. So it just happened to take place in the masjid in Ramadan, and the message of the Prophet slice, I'm in Ramadan. And that's when the Prophet slicin came out. And he was very displeased by that presentation. Now, let's talk about some of this talk

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about the differences and argumentation here. Okay, the word je dat, which is argumentation that we're really used to the word G dot last Pantai mentions Dijon in the Quran for argument. Now, the word G Dan does not signify something that's inherently sinful. So actually quite neutral. There's good G and there's bad For example, Allah subhanaw taala tells us how to do that well, John Dylan home bility here axon, to argue with them in ways that are better so it refers to debate. Right? So there's something good when it comes to debate. All right. Also, it's also using the positive connotation when the NBR when the profits are being responded to so with who the audience

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would know how to use Paja Deltona, you spent so much time debating with us and arguing with us. So G dot represents you know, as as the madmen Kodama, Rahim, Allah to Allah actually talks about and we studied his work in this last weekend and behind the scenes, there's D data that is Mormon, there's the data that is actually praiseworthy. So there is D data that is prohibited. And there is the data that is actually praiseworthy, and the data that is prohibited is D data that's for something personal, and that has no benefit to it whatsoever. D data that is praiseworthy is a debate for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala where you're observing the proper ethics of argument and

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debate. Okay, so there is a positive connotation to that. As far as Hussam or you know, we said it's one of the signs of the hypocrite well, either ha Salah fragile. When a hypocrite shows his hypocrisy, one of the ways that a hypocrite manifests his hypocrisy is that when he gets into an argument, he transgresses all balance, he goes overboard. So because of the lack of the fear of Allah subhanaw taala within that person, they will curse they will, they will use foul language, they will raise their voices, they'll get very personal, very ugly, and that is an exposure of hypocrisy and a person that means that the Imam is not holding them back on the inside. From from

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from going overboard. Ali Rahim Allah to Allah, Allah Mackey, he says, This hadith is one of the evidences that Mohamed Salah Mohammed argumentation is haram. It's forbidden. And it leads to punishment, not necessarily in the sense of a dump, which is sin, which is which is cool, but so it's a punishment that comes as a result of sin. Right. So it's not necessarily a sin, but there's a different type of punishment. There they might call it or call but not in a Ouija, which means it's like a punishment. It's not exactly a punishment for sin, but it's like a punishment. And this is a cool button hitman, which is the punishment of being deprived of something good. So you're not

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necessarily sinful, but it could lead to being deprived. Why, in this situation, a place that has shape on any place that has shape on anytime an argument takes place who enters into this conversation shape on, once shape on is invited into a place that place naturally loses height and Baraka, so it loses goodness and it use it loses its blessing. So because the shayateen are brought in, that's when everything starts to lose its height, it starts to lose its goodness, and it starts to lose its blessing. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was known when an argument would take place was so lost by someone who left. You want to know what the Sunnah is when two people are

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arguing. Alright, if they're both guilty and they're not

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are calling down and you give them a word of advice and they still keep arguing leave them. Let them finish up. All right, that's the son of the Prophet slice Allah. And there are various incidents, one of them we talked about in this weekend's class, anyone remember a particular time when the Prophet slicin Um, got up and left somewhere

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the argument, or when one of the Quraysh came and started to insult a bracket or the low tide and when he started to insult the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and eventually a Wilbekin all the a lot of time on who responded to him and the Prophet slice and he got up and left. And when I will record all the a lot of times we saw that the prophets lie, some left, follow them, and he told them, you know, sort of Lot, why is it that you left? You know, is it something that I said, What did I do wrong? And the Prophet sallallahu it was, before you responded, there was an angel that was responding on our behalf. Allah sent an angel that was responding on our behalf. The moment that you

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started to respond. The angel left and a shape on came and took his place. So the shape on started to respond on your behalf. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam says, I did not want to be seated in the presence of beschaffung. At that point, that was it. He didn't want to be there anymore, I think in slotless era, which shows us that Maha sama argumentation invites the shape on we lose our tempers, we let the shape on take over shape on starts doing the speaking. Okay, and egging people on and he makes this argument worse on both sides. So if there are two people arguing, okay, then there are two Shayateen that are present. Both Shayateen are responding to each other at

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that point and the human bodies are just the the mediums of this argumentation. So that's one of the types there is another Actually there are two incidents where the prophet slice and I'm left the budget when else and has lunch the two famous tribes of the unsolved started to argue with one another. Alright, so one of them was in the incident of the slander, and another one was posted or hurt, where Osen has large started to their tribalism. These were two tribes that used to war with each other frequently before snap, and sometimes there would be flashes, the hypocrites would instigate this argument coming back. So they start to argue with one another the profit slice and

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I'm once he saw that argument he just left. All right, he wanted nothing to do with it. He actually got down from the member and left the messages. Okay, it wasn't he did not want to be in the presence of those shale lead. There's also another incident by the way, which isn't necessarily argumentation but it shows you the way that the prophets lie, some leaves an environment of shale play, and he chooses to abandon an environment with devils, which is the one time the profit slice in the midst of budget.

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Okay, now the prophets lie Selim was traveling with a group of companions they were on an expedition. And beloved the longtime man who was put in charge of waking everyone up for some often budget. It was a very exhausting journey. So they were all very tired, been out on the long side and who was overcome by sleep, they all missed so often fudges the prophets lie, some woke up, they woke up, everyone was panicking, what to do. And obviously the wisdom of the prophets like Selim missing a budget or making a mistake in salons that we know what to do when we're putting these situations. So the profit slice, and I'm told them to make will do and what else did he do?

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He said, let's leave this location because the shayateen were present here. So he took the Sahaba and they went to another location, then the prophets lie, Selim prayed the Sunnah. And then he creates a lot of funds here. So it shows you that if you miss a lot of budget, and you wake up late, the fifth of it that you can actually you should actually pray sunnah first and then pray the fact that there is no halogen doing so there's nothing wrong with doing so. So the idea here, again, is that the prophets by Saddam did not like to sit in the presence or be in the presence of a place where Shayateen had come. Now, does that mean that if you wake up and you miss Pfizer, you just keep

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moving from your house and getting a new apartment? Getting a new house? No, I mean, we don't have that legacy that, that,

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that that luxury to do so right. But at the same time, there's a message in that right that when when Shayateen are present in a place, it's good to leave that place. So there are several of these incidents. And in this situation here, you have these two companions. And they're arguing in one of the most blessed places in the world, most of the nubbly and they're arguing in the most blessed time of the year, Ramadan, and they're arguing in the presence of the Most Blessed man ever created. Also LaSalle Allahu wa salam so there are many reasons for Hitman for deprivation in the state, and this is the meaning actually of certain Herat. The beginning ayat of surah 300.

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This is also in Maryland. So here, Abu Bakr and Omar will the Allahu Taala and Houma. They, they were with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he was receiving delegations. So he received a delegation from Beto Tamim and when Beto Tamim came back in on the allotted time, he suggested to the prophets lie Selim

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The one that they that they would speak to that would be the ambassador would be an account of no habits. So Cardinal habits would be the ambassador or model the alignments of the auto Silla. I don't think that's a good idea. So I'm not contradicted Abubaker while he was there, I will recommend the Align who he looked at almost the whole time. I know and he says, Yeah, Oh, mama otter. Illa filosophy. The only reason you said that was just to disagree with me. So I'm literally alone who got upset. Abu Bakr and Omar started to argue with one another the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam got up he left Allah revealed you Allah Dena Armineh total Pharaoh as well swatter

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comm focus Alta Nebby while I touch how Rola who will call it a Jahai Valley company environment and Belpre Aetna LUCAM what antem Natasha Arun, so you who believe, Do not raise your voices in the presence of the Prophet salallahu Salam don't argue in front of the prophets why some don't subject him to the way that you would subject any, you know, any other person when I touch how to love who will call the Kegel remodeling company but this is not an ordinary man that's sitting with you you're sitting with the profit slice on them. It's bad enough to argue but it's even worse that you're doing it in His presence. Okay, and the last contact says and terracotta armor look into

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Natasha shown you might lose your good deeds while you're not paying close enough attention. And that's exactly the beginning of this chapter. Right the name of this chapter was the fear of the believer that he might lose out on his good deeds and he's not paying attention.

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Um, the love is available the alarm and he said that after that incident, he said almost all the time was voice was so loud, or really loud voice it was a naturally loud voice. And there's some people that are just like that. They just have a very commanding voice and their voices are very loud. So a lot of the law on whose voice used to roar just by the way he would speak his normal, his everyday speaking record on the lawn who was naturally soft spoken, but I'm loving as a basis after that I was revealed. He said oh model the low tide altered his voice, he would speak so low. In the presence of the prophets lie Selim that the prophets lie some frequently would have to ask him to

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repeat himself. So it actually became a habit. This was his fear after the idea was revealed that he lowered his voice in the presence of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam and also was like someone asked him to repeat himself whenever he was in his presence because of how low his voice was. Okay. So this is, you know, this is the nature of this incident. This is why it's here. Now, I want to talk about this from a fitting perspective now, the ruling of talking in the masjid the ruling of speaking about dunya in the Missouri there are a lot of there are a lot of fabricated that had the right one of them is that I've heard it being said, you know that speaking about dunya in the masjid

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is like a form of Khufu. Right? How can you speak about the world? It's haram to speak about matters of the world in the masjid. None of you have heard that before? Maybe I just hear more ridiculous things. And you guys do? You've heard I see someone nodding their head. I've heard it multiple times. And I've been told that after sausage Omatsu by the way, you know, no one should speak about dunya affairs in the most of you're not allowed to speak about matters of this world. In the message you have to only speak about matters of the hereafter. It's haram and so on, so forth. And there's a hadith and it's in this book and so on so forth. I'm not gonna say what book it is. But it isn't a

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book and it's, it's been passed on. So what's the ruling on speaking in the Mazda Javed, and some of them will be a long time. He says about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam can rely upon women cannot lay a formal, minimal Salah who loves the Salafi, he did not use to get up from the place that he led Salah what type of the top of our shelves until the sun would come out. So the prophets lie, some would press a lot of budget. And he'd stay in, he'd remember our last panel to add it in that same spot until the sun would rise. And he says then, once the sun was out, he says, Can we get to help the fauna we are doing a phenomenal job here. He says that the Sahaba would come to the

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prophets like Selim, they talk and they would remember the you know, they remember the affairs of the days of ignorance, which means that they talk about things that they used to before they became Muslim. And the meaning of that here, it's not that they said that things are they spoken to ignorant way, it means that they're still the same human beings are still people so their culture, you know, the things they would talk about before us and them that were not sinful, they would still talk about them. So they would tell their stories, they talk about their families, whatever it may be. And he says, failed Hakuna way of testing. So they would laugh in His presence. This is all in

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the masjid. And the prophets lie some would smile. He take part in that conversation he would smile also would have been a lot of the a lot of time who says that the Sahaba that the Prophet slicin frequently after salaam he would ask the Companions who amongst you saw a good dream last night. So they start to share their good dreams with the Prophet slicin them so there is nothing wrong with speaking about permissible things in the masjid. And remember no we don't aim Allah to Allah comments on this he says and laughing and smiling it's okay to be happy in the masjid sometimes you don't have to always be sat in the masjid. You don't have to always be scared to talk in those

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As types of things, it's okay to speak about worldly affairs and the most of it's okay to smile and laugh and there's nothing wrong with that. Sheikh was summoned to him Allah to Allah in his commentary on this topic, he said, speaking about that which Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam love, in the most beloved place to Allah which is the masjid is beloved to Allah subhanaw taala it's more rewardable than speaking about them outside of the medicine, meaning, having a conversation about deen or halacha or something of that sort in the masjid is more beloved than outside of it, because these are heard will be law, the law these are the most beloved of

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places to Allah subhanaw taala. He said, I'm speaking about that which is haram, speaking about that which is prohibited. Inside the masjid is a set due to Harima. It's more sinful than if you were to do so outside of the masjid, so to speak about how in a haram way to backbite in the masjid to say, you know, to speak in a foul way in the masjid becomes more sinful than it is outside the message. Right? Why? Because you're in a blessed place.

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And he says, an ask for that, which is my crew, you know, the same thing applies things that are disliked, they're more disliked in the masjid. Okay. And it could get to a point of being to him of being permitted. And he said and to over indulge in the permissible in other MOBA Catholics and colophon MOBA, which is to just you know, to constantly talk about things that are just permissible that are not necessarily good. Not necessarily bad in the masjid, that can become disliked, depending on the circumstances. Okay. Now, what about raising voices in the masjid? speaking loudly in the masjid? Hello? Hello, my crew. Depends what you're saying. Depends on how nice your voice is.

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What's the ruling on it?

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Playing Islamic Jeopardy is okay.

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What about wrestling in the masjid?

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Sahaba used to Yeah, but

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There was an incident where two people are coming to that. I'm actually going to come to that. So that's good. And that's the next category. All right. So let's say raising your voices in vicar raising your voices in Wicked and remembrance. Let's say you're reading Quran out loud in the messages. Is it good? Is it bad? Is it okay?

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Okay, this is going to be something that might come off as offensive but you know, it happens. Let's say after a lot of February, people are trying to read Quran and you have to keep on moving away from someone because their voice is way too loud in their recitation, it's distracting you so they're your ads are too loud. Their thicket is too loud. They've cries too loud. I see it all the time, especially in Ramadan, right? Where people are trying to find some peace but some people are reading very loud and you might be that guy, or you might be that woman. But there is a Hadith about that. I will say that Audrey, probably a long time and he says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam he wants to Dara T calf with us. And he says that he heard the Companions reciting the Quran in a loud voice. So he says that the Prophet SAW Allah when he was salam, he drew his curtain, and he said to them, in Aquila Khan, Minaj. And Rob, he said, listen, each one of you is calling upon his Lord. He says, Follow the inevitable kumbaya Let not one of you disturb the other. What are your thoughts

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about infiltrator ah, and not not one of you recite his voice so loud that his craw is overtaking the other person's distracting the other person's recitation? Oh called for Salah or he said in your prayer. So it can actually become disliked. It's not necessarily haram we're not saying it's limited but it can be disliked because you're you're bothering other people other people are trying to do their their due out and so on so forth. And you're reading so loud, that you're distracting them. So the prophets like Selim, he didn't like that. There is another incident which you were just about to mention, which is Assad in New Year's eat. Assad didn't eat his young man he says that I was I was

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standing in the masjid and he said that a lot of the a lot of time. My attention he took some gravel and he threw it in his way so just to get his attention. So he said I looked and I saw that it was all metal the lawn so almost all the a lot of times he said to me is have fat teeny we have a he said to us up was a very young man. He said can you go call those two young men for me? So sorry that I went and I call those two young young men and he says to be Hema I brought them to him parliament and Toma. So he said to them who are you to

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own a non tomato Where are you to from Arnhem and added pot if they said that were from five so I'm about the law of town and who says little corny to mom in Ireland bellerby that Oh, Jack Tokuma had you been from the people of this city? I would have I would have hurt you guys. I would have hit you both. He says tariffs are hurting us while Tacoma femurs do the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because you're raising your voices way too loud in the message of the Prophet slice. I'm so honored to meet him and it

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Excuse it doesn't mean that he literally, it's not narrated that he ever hit anyone for raising their voice in the message. But he's telling them Look at you guys not because you guys are from PA, I'm going to let it go but you should understand that speaking so loud in the message of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is not something that's good. And finally, there's one more Hadith where the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he said and this is no but I will Musa lashari All the a lot of chatter and who we were making our thicket very loud, so everyone was making the draft and they were making their vicar very loud. So he said, honey can salatu salam? Yeah, you heard us about Rwanda

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and fusi Khan. He said, oh, people, you know, be merciful to yourselves. Be merciful to yourselves. Why? Because they are raising their voices. So if you raise your voice, if you make your art and you make it out loud, is there any chance of it being more accepted? You know, it becomes a practice, right? Everyone starts yelling, they're just really really, really loud and getting, you know, getting really, really emotional and into it. Does it make it better? No, it doesn't. He says, For inner Kamala to the room now someone will arriva. He said, You are not calling upon one who is deaf, nor one who is absent. And he says in the whole American Allah is with you in the host semi Arun,

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Corinne, he is all hearing and he is close to you to Baba customer what to do. So he praised the loss of Hannah to Hana and he says there is no doubt that he hears you that he's all knowing, raising your voices in your drought is not going to make it more acceptable to Allah subhanaw taala. So he told the Sahaba to basically calm down with their thicket and so on so forth. Now what about other things,

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raising your voice with other things in the masjid.

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It actually becomes one of the signs of the Day of Judgment. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says that one of the signs of the Day of Judgment is that people would raise their voices in the massage the way that they do in the swamp in the marketplace. So there's complete disregard, he says, er come where he sat in as well. Okay, well to you and Haitian as well, patients as well. You know, when there are people that are yelling, you know, to call to their, to their, to their boots, and so on, so forth, come to my store, come to my store, everyone raising their voices, and so on so forth. The prophets, like some said, Be careful of taking that to your massage. It's so

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people that raise their voices in argumentation in the misogyny, you are actually contributing to one of the signs of the Day of Judgment, this is something that is very, very prohibited. And it's common sense this is the house of Allah subhanaw taala, you would not raise your voice in such a way in someone else's house and whose house deserves to be more respected than the house of Allah subhanaw taala. So just like you wouldn't raise your voice at your host, or in the presence of your host, and someone else's house, even if you had something legitimate, unless you were rude guests, but just generally speaking, just from the way that a leaf the way that a guest is supposed to act

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is that even if I have my own grievances when I'm in someone else's house, I'm going to keep my voice down, I'm gonna keep myself you know, controlled, just out of respect to the host if anything else just out of respect to the host. But when you're in the house of Allah subhanaw taala you need to be very, very, very careful. So I know that you know, meetings and board meetings and General Assembly meetings and things that have to do with the affairs of the masjid they are rarely civil around the country. Sadly, rarely do you find a civil meeting in the masjid. Okay, except for Valley Ranch. Mr. Nice shot lots of Batticaloa? Are you being sarcastic? Give me a serious, you're being

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serious, or any kind of sort of,

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is you think you're being sarcastic? Is this aid beings aid? Okay, it's a Beansie. But we do have a pretty good message compared to everyone else, right when it comes to our meeting. So raising the voices in the massage, it has become a thing. It's become sort of a trademark. And it's something that we have to be very careful about half of the Agile Rahim Allah to Allah he summarizes, and he says that

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the only time that it doesn't become prohibited and disliked, is one of the hot lead raises his voice in the ER when there is a HELOC of anyone there is a circle of knowledge. And that person has to you know, raise his voice in order to convey his message effectively or so on so forth. Or raising the voice in a way that doesn't distract others and so on so forth. So there it's not it's not about the voice. It's about the disrespect to the house of Allah subhanaw taala. So arguing coupled with yelling, becomes haram and it can lead to deprivation of a community as well. So just think of it this way. When arguments take place in your masjid, a little bit of Belka is taken away

00:29:36 --> 00:30:00

every single time from that message. And that's why when a culture is established in a masjid where people raise their voices, it tends to only get worse. It doesn't usually get better. It tends to only continue to dwindle until eventually we got fistfights and police and so on so forth trying to guard people in the elections. Right as if it's a Trump rally or something like that. You know, when there's a board election, right? I hate that. I just made a Trump

00:30:00 --> 00:30:05

On Halacha, like the one place where we could escape a Trump reference, I apologize. All right.

00:30:06 --> 00:30:24

Board meetings should be held outside the message if we can't be civil, yes. So every single time we have a meeting, and we are we raise our voices are things that we deprive the message in the community Abubaker. So we should be very, very careful with that. And Charlotte's Anna, not to invite Shayateen into these locations, or do things that would,

00:30:25 --> 00:30:36

you know, that would compromise the favor of Allah subhanaw taala upon us as individuals or the community, and just as far as the end of the hadith is concerned. So the prophets lysozyme had the date of later, too.

00:30:37 --> 00:31:01

We could have known it for sure. Now, the majority of the scars say 27 might, and certainly the evidence is do point to that. But it could have been like, without debate, consensus, how was the 27th night is the night, you get yourself ready, you pray, you pray, and it's later to recover. But because of this argument, it was gone. But what if the prophets lie? So I'm saying, You know what, it's probably better for you, it's probably better for you that it's gone. Why?

00:31:03 --> 00:31:03


00:31:04 --> 00:31:34

Because no one would show up in the masjid for the rest of the nights, right? Basically, that you would, you would you would dedicate yourselves in worship throughout all 10 Nights looking for that light this way. So it's more a bother for you. So basically, don't be mad at CAD, or have the love and have you had that you should instead say Alhamdulillah we have alternates to look for insha Allah Tada, as opposed to just waiting for one. So it's only more a bother for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. So the prophets lysozyme said seek it in the seventh, the ninth or the fifth?

00:31:36 --> 00:32:10

The seventh, the ninth or the fifth? Okay, so even Hydra Rahim Allah actually, he's one of the scholars that holds the opinion. That's the 27th. Like he said, There was a shadow, there's a signal even in the way the prophets like some ordered the numbers, the seventh, the ninth, or the fifth, as opposed to the fifth, the seventh or the ninth, or the ninth, or the seventh or the fifth. The fact that the province licenses a sabya a Tassie, I will harm Islam. But he said it in that order, that we should have that expectation and shall not die, that it's the first one that he mentioned. But still, we seek it in all of the nights and shallots and hoping that we won't be deprived of that

00:32:10 --> 00:32:45

great reward. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to not make us some of those that lose out on his NEFA hats on his great rewards, and that don't raise their voices in a way that's impermissible or in a way that that violates the sanctity of the massage and we ask Allah subhanaw taala to guide us to the best practices alumna I mean, questions. Actually, I want to answer a question from last week because it came up so many times. And I promised I would, there was a question I was mentioning the people that the prophets lie some cursed. And I mentioned in passing, the woman who plucks her eyebrows and the woman who has her eyebrows plucked, right?

00:32:47 --> 00:33:10

The reason for that hadith and what that hadith refers to I was just reading from her through the body of the text. So I wasn't really going to go into an explanation but I saw all these questions coming so I promised that I would address it in this halacha what is prohibited is not to remove what is abnormal. So even for a man or a woman that which is in between, or any outliers or things of that sort, but to pluck the eyebrows, that's what becomes prohibited and that's what becomes HELOC.

00:33:11 --> 00:33:47

The majority of the scholar said that this refers to the single woman not the married woman and her husband asked that of her but still it's definitely safer because the Hadith does not specify the Hadith does not offer such a qualification. So even though it is a great number of scholars just for me to mention that it is the opinion of a great number of scholars because they say that this is referring to deception before marriage and things of that sort you don't want to fall within that gray area so it's better to avoid it there's no doubt you know that a person does not fall within that category of being one of those who plugs or one of those who has their eyebrows plucked again

00:33:47 --> 00:33:55

abnormal hairs can be removed and it should it should stay at that low tide All right questions yes

00:33:58 --> 00:33:59


00:34:01 --> 00:34:02

like Super Bowl

00:34:05 --> 00:34:06

it's in the area

00:34:09 --> 00:34:16

Okay, so as the same calm the same rulings apply to the masala or the entire Masjid. Okay.

00:34:17 --> 00:34:51

It is all of us it's, it is all a mess. Okay. But as far as what constitutes the Muslim, it's very hard because of all of the facilities and the way that things have gone. So to be honest with you, it is all a matter of it's the heart. It's a matter of just scholars reasoning, and you really can't come to a definitive conclusion that it refers to that where the people pray or refers to that which just includes the bathrooms because technically speaking even the bathrooms there was no concept such concept in the time of the prophets like Selim. So are the bathrooms considered part of the masjid is the Imams office considered part of the message, the gym considered part of the message so

00:34:51 --> 00:34:59

on so forth, you really don't know so we take we always take the safer side when it comes to these things. And we should include all of it at with some

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level of respect and some level of sanctity and so on so forth the masala obviously holds

00:35:06 --> 00:35:07

an indisputable

00:35:09 --> 00:35:10

amount of respect in that regard though.

00:35:12 --> 00:35:12

A long time

00:35:14 --> 00:35:16

ago sister brothers sister brother any sisters have a question?

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00:35:19 --> 00:35:27

So the raising of voice is it because you're disturbing somebody is going in the presence of other people not being random?

00:35:29 --> 00:35:33

Or is it the mall and the premises secret? That great question

00:35:34 --> 00:35:35

because they're not.

00:35:37 --> 00:36:12

Very good question. So is the raising of the voice because of the people around? Or is it because of the walls of the muscles and so on so forth? So if a person was alone and reading in the masjid, can they raise their voice? The answer is yes. Because all of the Hadith about raising the voice in thicket, okay, or, or Salah are about disturbing other people making it harder for other people to focus on their own. So if a person is in the masjid by themselves, they can raise their voice or if they have a safe distance or so and so forth. The point is don't harm other people with your Quran to where they're not able to focus on their own recitation or their own thicket. The other thing

00:36:12 --> 00:36:37

obviously, the other Hadith that I mentioned is if a person is raising his voice thinking from a creep perspective, but if he raises his voice louder, it has a better chance of being accepted. So Allah subhanaw taala does not need us to raise our voices a lot here is, you know, our lightest sounds even sounds that don't even manifest themselves in human sound, right? I lost sight of here's what we're saying. So we don't need that. A lot of time.

00:36:38 --> 00:36:39

Anyone else?

00:36:40 --> 00:36:45

A reflection on that, like you think about someone that would be entitled to raise your voice about

00:36:46 --> 00:36:48

anyone with urinating in the corner.

00:36:51 --> 00:36:58

Voice or react to that? Right? Right. So the Bedouin that was urinating in the masjid. What's the ruling on urinating in the masjid?

00:37:00 --> 00:37:10

As long in the toilet, right, so, yeah, so I'm surprised that no one responded to that it took a while for you guys to respond to that. But yeah, so the man that urinated in the Muslim the prophets like Selim,

00:37:11 --> 00:37:34

he did you know the Sahaba wanted to kill them basically, and jump on him in the prophets, my son had them stop and, you know, let him finish and then the prophets like some calmly explained to him why you should not be urinating in the message. But I don't expect any of you to try that and then see how chiffchaffs or myself react. Alright, so that was a man that didn't know any better. Okay. Any other questions? Yeah.

00:37:43 --> 00:37:44

Back to the time of the topic

00:37:47 --> 00:37:50

where they're at that, you know, this happened. So I still think

00:37:52 --> 00:37:53

we have

00:37:55 --> 00:38:01

knowledge about the practice of Sahaba that, you know, they were making more effort on the 27th.

00:38:02 --> 00:38:06

So some of the Sahaba Yeah, so just, I'm sorry, you weren't

00:38:08 --> 00:38:16

exceptional situations, or you don't want to feel okay, just in general was just like a normal practice.

00:38:18 --> 00:38:38

More preparation. So some of the companions swore that later on, Carter was on the 27th. Like, obeyed new capital, the law Tada, I know, and wow, even me, Soufiane and some others. But there is no evidence that the Sahaba used to worship more on the 27th than the other knights. So that was the idea that their their methodology was indeed that look, it couldn't be any of these nights.

00:38:40 --> 00:39:13

Even those that believed in a greater likelihood of being the 27th they still worshipped all 10 of those nights. And that's why they've been Mr. Little De La and who said the only way you can be sure to catch later to the colors to pray each of those nights. Because even being sure that it's the 27th night is problematic, right? That's why the prophets lie. Some did err TKF for all 10 Nights, because what if the moon sighting was off? What if you were wrong about the moon sighting? So what if your your odds are actually your evens and your evens are actually your odds and you just don't know. So Hush, you have to knock Sinhala prophets, I seldom used to pray all of those nights,

00:39:13 --> 00:39:37

because it could be that you're 26 Then sad because if you come to a message on the 26th through the 28th, that couldn't be later to the cupboard and the massage, you know, quite empty on those nights, right? It's only the odd nights alone. Okay, anyone else? All right. Does anyone know Hayden's panic Long Island stuff. We'll go to Blake. I'll take your question now until afterwards, so I want you to cancel

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