Omar Suleiman – Why Me #06 Why Do I Have These Abilities
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There are certain things all of us can and can't do.
But there is no greater blessing after faith than good health. It gives us strength, mobility, and opportunity.
But what if Allah ordained a different path for you, your strength falters, you're not as mobile as you wish to be. And while there is much blessing in good health, there is great reward and illness and disability.
Health is one of the easiest blessings to recognize in ourselves. And illness is one of the easiest hardships to recognize and others, even in a complete stranger. But it's especially hard to see it in someone close to us. And in the story of the disability of one hola may enable something special in that person, and everyone around them as a direct result.
The same prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who said that there is no greater blessing than Apphia than health also said Do not curse any illness, even a fever, because fever burns off your sins. Allah subhanaw taala is with the one who is ill. And the 70,000 Angels travel with the one who goes to visit the one who is ill. What none of a person who serves someone who is ill constantly. The test of disability is not just for the individual, it's for the entire family. And the patients and tireless work that loved ones put in for months or even years, are recorded precisely by Allah subhanaw taala. And it's a chance for everyone to grow in faith, and especially for the one who is
serving to grow in character. And while the family can come together through a test like this, it can be tough for some to witness the vulnerability and mortality of the people they thought would last forever. But it also reminds them of their greater purpose and the fact that they too may one day be just as vulnerable.
For the one who acquires an illness or disability later in life, adjusting to a very different life and seeing the doors of your dreams close in front of your eyes can be very traumatic. But this too, is all part of Allah's puddle. You may have been meant to go through this for a higher purpose, or you are meant to be a beacon of hope for others going through similar or even worse, you may be the reason for a child to grow up grateful and humble instead of arrogant and shallow, are the catalysts for a community to become more accessible for people with all disabilities. Or perhaps it's simply the beautiful patience and acceptance that you exhibit in a time of calamity that becomes your
ticket to general or weapon is available the low tide and who was told after a journey that his favorite son Mohammed fell from a high place and died. And he immediately said hamdulillah Allah gave me seven kids, and he only took one away from me. Then he was afflicted with an infection, his leg and his leg had to be amputated. And when his leg was amputated, he said, Hamdulillah I had four of my full limbs meaning my arms and my legs. And Allah only took one of them. And then he said this beautiful day. He says love Bella and hasta la Akita whether in epilator la casa feta, Oh, my Lord, where you have taken from me, you still left more to remain and where you have put me to trial. You
still granted me health. And the mamas zody Rahim Allah says and he still recited his portion of the Quran that night Subhanallah he's still prayed beyond that night. And it reminds me of the beautiful men and Reza, I'm harlot who told that little girl who lost her leg I'm well, don't worry, your leg has already gone to Jana. You know, sometimes we learn to fly when our worldly wings are clipped. And in the case of physical disabilities, sometimes that's when we end up being the most spiritually healthy and we elevate our ranks to places we did not even know existed. The truly disabled are those who are spiritually deaf, dumb and blind, whose hearts can't see and hear. And that's why when
I bustled the Allahu Anhu man went blind, he said in yet who dilla whom in Alien Rahama furphy discern he was somewhere even humanoid. If Allah removes the light from my eyes, my tongue and my ears make up for them in light. And it was such a Qatada Rahim Allah, why are the blinds so much deeper than those who can see? And he said, The Hon sauda. Home To * with Isla Kulu be him because their vision was turned inwards into their hearts. It reminds me of my mother, may Allah have mercy on her who went she went partially deaf. She said she would sit in a gathering with ease and she would say to him, Did Allah Allah spare me from hearing the backbiting and the gossip the
Sahaba saw the loss of the ability
80 to perceive Allah as the only real disability and they constantly sought his reward because they knew their purpose. Sometimes it's about what you can give. And sometimes it's about what Allah takes away from.
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam guaranteed Earth model the Allahu Anhu Jana, because of all that he would spend in Allah's Cause, but then he guaranteed a woman Jana because she was patient with her seizures. If you looked around the community of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam. you'd notice that the more than Abdullah Al Maktoum was blind, that nusseibeh lost her arm in the Battle of Yamama that Abdullah Abdullah Massoud was described as exceedingly short and bow legged. That Aveda was missing his teeth and he had a list from pulling the helmet of the prophets lie Selim out of his face on the day ahead. Does your community look like the community of the Prophet sallallahu
it was Allah. Allah admonished the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam for frowning at a blind man. And then the prophets lie some admonished the community and said Don't stare at a person with leprosy or a skin condition in a way that would make them feel despised. A woman with a mental illness comes running to the prophets license, shouting Yatta Sula helped me and the prophets lie. Some says, Oh, I'm Fula. Choose whichever road you would like, and I will come with you and fulfill what you need.
A prophetic community is one in which we all recognize the unique blessings and challenges we have.
And then we grow together, seeking that place where no disability remains.
Allah may have spirits somewhat of the fitna of the blessing of a limb or faculty in this life, but he won't deprive them of the eternal blessing of it in a far better way in Jannah.
But it's understandable that no one wants to feel left out in this world,
or unable to fully pursue their happiness. In the case of the believer, it's the perceived missed opportunities to do good. The Companions were the most eager to perform as many good deeds as they could no matter what the cost was. But sometimes they weren't able to.
You had the young teenagers during the Battle of bedridden, who came begging the profit slice them to be part of it, the profit slice of them, turn them away because they weren't physically fit for it. You had a group of companions unable to participate in Tabuk. And the Quran captures the moment of their tears to wonder what are your own tofield woman a devotee has an allergy, do my own feed corn, that they turned away in tears out of grief because they could not find anything that could give him the path of Allah. Think about those who can't fast because they're diabetic, or those who can't do sujood and taste the sweetness of their foreheads on the ground. Allah doesn't just
dispense His mercy by giving concessions to people who are unable to participate in these acts of goodness, he assures them of the reward and that they're not deficient. You see, in Islam abilities are overrated intentions are what counts. And don't just think about special needs or missing limbs. You may also look around and wonder just in general, why is that person so much smarter than me unable to get it so quickly? Or why is that person so much stronger than me. But it may be that that endowed physical strength could actually be a fast track to arrogance. And some of the most intelligent people in the world become the most intellectually arrogant, and they think like God,
oh, and when he said in the OT to who are their element, nd that rarely I was given this due to my knowledge, and in reality, he became a complete fool, by failing to recognize who gave him his strength and his brilliance in the first place. So you're striving to make up the gaps in life in anything that comes harder to you, allows you to be more humble, to work to realize your potential, and to always have this longing heart to be more for the sake of Allah. But Allah always reminds you and those around you that in any area you lack with your ability, Allah has given you a head start with some other blessing. You have to open yourself up to wanting to please Allah in every way than
asking Him to guide you to places you didn't even know existed. And wild on within a half mile or so what Anwar an 18 and a half into hole, there are lights that are allowed to arrive. And then there are lights that are allowed to enter your abilities or opportunities to please Allah. And that often means by using them to help those who don't have those abilities. And in the case of each one of us, it teaches us not to be self centered, or to take our blessings for granted. Because in a flash, you may start to focus
too much on the appearance of things including yourself
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