Mohammed Mana – The Shama’il – Description of the Messenger (Part 2)

Mohammed Mana
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss various topics related to the Prophet sallam, including his physical seal, his hair, and his complexion. They also emphasize the importance of not advertiting his image and seeking a cure for drought. The transcript is not a conversation about a specific incident or situation, but rather a summary of all the topics that have been discussed in the transcript.
AI: Transcript ©
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Where's the camera? He said, Give him a thumbs up when we're ready.

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There's a thumbs up. Where did the thumbs up originate from? Anybody know?

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Like, where did that come from?

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Anybody else?

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Who would like to research that for us?

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I don't know. I don't know. I want to know.

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Yeah, it's really interesting, you know, these things we should we should be aware of them

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all these different sim because sometimes a hand gesture can mean something in one culture, but you go to another culture and it's actually an insult. I learned that the hard way.

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I learned that the hard way.

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So, for example, there's this thing they call it the peace sign.

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You guys know the peace sign? Yeah. Yeah, that's that doesn't mean peace.

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And also, in some cultures, what you just did right there. In some cultures, that's actually a major insult. Yeah, I didn't know that either. Until I was doing it to someone and they were like, what are you doing? You know? So it's interesting to think about these things. Just wondering

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what's good is this can't be misinterpreted anywhere.

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Just do that. And so he said, Give me a thumbs up. I'll give you finger up. No thumbs.

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Up smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam wa rahmatullah died me. Early. He also be here with being an elderly co akademika woman Nicola Judy kolomela Grameen We begin by thanking and praising Allah, the One True God our Lord and Master and creator, we think him and we use him

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and we beseech him to shower our beloved messenger, Mohammed Saleh artists and then with compliments and salutations, peace, mercy and blessings and forgiveness, elevation of rank and status and upon his family and his companions and all of those who follow his tradition, his Sunnah until the end of time, we ask Allah to make us amongst those who follow the messenger. So to him to do that we are here in our second gathering our second session of this series inshallah Tada, where we are talking about Shama, Edo, Nabi sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam the descriptions of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam. Last month, we are here the first Friday of every month. Last month in January,

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we begin with an introduction into what this subject is Shema L, we talked a little bit about the

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beneficial aspects of this subject within the greater

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collection of Ceylon of biographical

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material about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And we gave a general overview of some of the different things that we hope to cover. And we talked a little bit about the text that we are basing this off of, we are not going through it letter by letter word for word, which would be beneficial, but perhaps that would be for a, another time and place.

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But rather, we are going through it chapter by chapter and kind of getting the gist of what the author has collected and the author is a man with Timmy v. And the book is Shama. Shama illa nibi, or it's often referred to as Shama Ito, Timothy. So we talked a little bit about the book and the author. And we did the first chapter, and the first chapter was the actual physical description of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, how did he look?

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And so we finished that Bible magic, he called kilakila, he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the chapter that talks about the physical description, the physical characteristics, we talked about his height, his stature, we talked about his forearms and his hands and his legs, and we talked about his hair, and his beard, and his forehead.

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And his eyes, and skin complexion. We mentioned all of the narrations that describe that so hopefully we have some idea we have we can have a an image of the profits of RSM in our brains and minds and we don't need to rely on someone else's artistic or rather, inflammatory artistic

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efforts to depict the prophet SAW Selim. For us in an image. We don't need to do that. And on that topic, by the way, since this seems to be a topic of a lot of emotion, for a lot of Muslims in different parts of the world, yes, we do not. We do not design any images of the prophets, I send them or any of the messengers for that matter. That is the the ruling that the vast majority of scholars have settled upon even until contemporary days, the field councils in different parts of the world still maintain this position, that we do not have any drawings or caricatures or painting.

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Or statues or sculptures or whatever it might be of the messenger, Mohammed Solaris, or any of the other messengers before him. And that is part of venerating and underrating. And honoring and respecting the Prophet sallallahu wasallam.

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But having said that we still have these narrations that describes him with words, and a lot gave us an imagination. So we take these narrations, and we can imagine the profit loss of them in our own minds. And that is a really beautiful thing to do. Some people might ask about if I saw the messenger in a dream? Or can I see the messenger sallallahu Sallam in my dream? Or should I want to see the Messenger of Allah in my dream? This is also a common series of questions. So first of all, is it possible Yes, it is possible, it is possible. And if someone truly and genuinely sees the Prophet sallallahu Christendom in their dream, then that is a good thing. And more than likely, they

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would have seen an image that is very close to what the prophets I send them would have looked like, unless it's like really wacko. Like somebody comes and says, Oh, I saw that messenger of Allah, and he looked like this, and this and this, and it's completely opposite. From all the descriptions we have. We said, I think that is something you came to the conclusion of after the fact. So

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we appreciate your nice dream. But that's not how the messenger looked like.

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And it is something positive.

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If you see the Messenger of Allah and your dream, the prophet SAW, I said, I'm said the shavon, cannot take my image. So if you In fact, feel very strongly that I saw the Messenger of Allah in my dream, then inshallah to Allah, more than likely that is the case. In terms of his image. However, I would recommend and advice to you, as our teachers and scholars recommended that this is not something that you should advertise. This is not something this is not information that you should volunteer to others. Some people may get very excited, oh, I saw sort of light in the dream and this and this happened, I'm doing good for you. I'm happy. But you should not make this a

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What do they call it PSA public service announcement, you should not make a public announcement of that.

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For obvious reasons of what might come between people talking and whatnot. And also, this is not a source of a person, necessarily being rightly guided. That's also another thing. Oh, I saw the messenger of a lot in my dream. That must mean I'm a very righteous, pious person. And like, I'm really gifted, and I have a message to save humanity. You should all follow me. I'm like the Messiah. No, thank you. We're not interested in those kinds of

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conclusions. So if you see the Messenger of Allah in your dream, then wake up, be grateful, be very happy, send a lot of salutations upon the Messenger of Allah and try to go and learn more about his life and follow it. That's what I would say.

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should you want to Sure, sure. There's nothing bad or wrong about it. I don't, I don't want that to be understood. There's no it's it's positive. It's good. Any good or positive dream that has a good image or a good meaning is good. I really opened up a can of worms for myself here, didn't I? There's two things people love talking about. One of them is dreams. Actually today after Juma somebody came to me and they said I had a really good dream. Can you explain it to me? I said, I don't know jack squat diddly about dreams. I can't interpret my own. You want me to interpret yours? I don't know. That's not a science, interpreting dreams. It's not a science. It is a gift from

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To understand, James, it is a gift from Allah. It is an ability that Allah blesses some people with through the righteousness and their piety, that they are able to understand certain symbolic things in dreams. As one of our teachers said it is 95% a gift from Allah and 5% knowledge and experience that you learn from scholars. So I don't know anything about dreams. Nobody asked.

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Play. So we move on.

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Okay, Mr. Miller. The next chapter is Babel magic Effie Hartman inuwa. And this next chapter, chapter number two in the book of autonomy, it is the collection of a Heidi's that refer to the seal of the Prophet hood. And this is a physical seal. Now in English, when we say seal, what does that refer to? It's usually a mark or a symbol. Oftentimes, people in authority would stamp their letters, or they would seal the envelope with the seal. So you know, it's official. You know, like if you order transcripts from your college or university, they put the seal if the seal is broken, then you know it's been tampered with. It's not official anymore. So when we say that the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the seal of prophethood that means that Prophet

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hood ended with him.

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That means that it ended with him this word hot or hot Tim? Right? It refers to it refers to the ending of something the conclusion, sealing it off. There is no messenger after Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. There is no prophet after Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, anyone who claims to have Prophethood after the prophet SAW SLM is a blatant liar, or they might be mentally unstable.

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One of the two last out he said a human, either they are a liar, or they are someone who is mentally or emotionally unstable. And if they are the first, then they should be ignored, and not given any attention. And if they are the latter, then they should be directed to places of mental and social services. That's it very simple. So in that sense, there is a seal so Prophethood came to an end, but there was there a physical seal. Yes, by the way, from the same word, we also have hot M which refers to a ring, which refers to a ring, did the Prophet so I said, I'm having a ring. Yes, there's a chapter dedicated to that. It's coming inshallah Tada. We'll talk about that later. But here we're

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not talking about a ring. We are talking about two things. The seal of prophethood meaning we're hermosa cinemas, Alaska messenger, and a physical mark that the prophets I sent him had on his body. So let's see what we're talking about.

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Allahu Allah subhana wa tada said insalata zap, which is chapter 33. Allah Subhana Allah says, maca, Mohammedan Abba Heidi medullary jelly comb, whatever kintla su de la he will highlight them and maybe even have it to our hearts team and maybe in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is not a father, to any of you. But rather he is a messenger of Allah and he is a seal of prophethood he is the last of prophets and messengers.

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What kind of love will be cliche in Lima and Allah subhanaw taala is aware of knowing of all things.

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So just as he was the CEO of profits, he also had a physical seal. So let's read some of these narrations

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the first narration in this chapter in admittedly the mentions eight narrations in this chapter 12345678 narrations in this chapter? They resemble one another in meaning we'll read some of them have definitely.

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But I definitely water in potato producer eating pile doesn't hurt him when you smile at any any

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cemetery to say even when he has to pull the habit we hide it in an abusive alojado Cinema for battiato sudama in urbinati yg rune phmsa galaxy when Baraka was officially Doom in World War II, welcome to * for our hurry. He caught me being a KTV for either who are missing is a little hydrilla.

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For me, who I met through the city of Coachella, but this is the first Hadeeth

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so he didn't he has he, he says

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si, si urbanears EAD. He says, My aunt highlight it.

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Which means his his maternal aunt, he said my aunt took me to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and she said to the Messenger of Allah, O Messenger of Allah, this nephew of mine, this son of my sister, is ill. He is sick, he's in pain. He was young, he is ill and he is in pain.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wiped his hand over my head.

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And he made for me.

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He made it for me to have Baraka.

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He then performed will do

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and I drink the water that drips off of his will the leftover water from his window it's called well do.

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We have a bummer short vowel

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sound and we have a fairly

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short vowel sound will be long Meanwhile, with a llama on the wall means the action of performing will that washing the ritual washing that we do before salaat well will be fairly well is the water that you use for will do.

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And well do is the water element that you use for iRULU Is that clear? So the profit made would look and drink the world.

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Does that make sense? If it doesn't make sense, raise your hand so we can clarify. everyone's on the same page, like, so he drink that water.

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And then he says, I stood up and I looked behind his back. And I saw the seal of prophethood between his shoulders. And he describes it as zip de la jolla.

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what that is, is a is a

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It's a type of bird.

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It's a type of bird that's similar to a pigeon or quail, or

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what do they call it in English?

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a partridge

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right. Is that what they call it? Partridge? Anybody heard of that? No. And a partridge in a pear tree. Nobody heard of that.

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That's just me. But it's a type of bird you should be able to Mmm, it's similar to a

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it's similar to a pigeon or a type of quail or one of those kinds of birds. So this is the, if you will the not

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on the on the canopy of this of this nest, or in other narrations. It's described as the egg as well. So we'll come to that hold that thought. But let's make a few comments on this Hadeeth before we talk about the actual seal, and what it looked like, the first thing is that the prophet SAW I said, I'm wiped. He says he wiped on my head.

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I said and wiped on my head. And he made this his pseudonym. And this is what we call autopia. Anybody here have Rokia? So oftentimes, we think autopia has to be done by like a certain person in like a very certain caliber, and they have to look a certain way. And their beard needs to be a certain length, and all these things that's all mumbo jumbo

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Rokia, you can do Rokia on yourself.

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Actually, you are one of the best people to do it. opia on yourself. Your parents can do it okay, on you. You can do it. Okay for someone else. It's very simple. The prophesies that I'm taught us place your hand on that a limb that has pain.

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Or in this case, a prophet just placed his hand on his head, because maybe all of his body was having pain or maybe it was fever, right? And you make your hat, and that's it. And you expect the best from Allah. It's simple. I think we've complicated a lot of things that are very simple in the tradition of the prophets I seldom

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what is the door of the Prophet made in other heads he taught us alohomora bananas, of he will bass, aunty Shafi, la Shiva, Illa, Shiva, Shiva en la Johan Satomura, Allah, O Allah, Lord, Master, and creator of all people, get rid of this pain and illness, and bring cure, and you are the one who grants cure. There is no better cure, and there can be no cure except yours. We are seeking and asking of you Allah a cure that does not follow it any other type of illness or pain. That's what that means. And you say this drought. And that's what opia house, very simple. So the prophets I send them did this. Now the next thing is the Prophet sallallahu Sallam made will do and he drink

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from the window of the prophesized. Okay, here we ask a question, Is this something I can do?

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Is this something that I should do? Well, here, this is very special, because the body of the prophet SAW Selim was bless it.

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But his body histological system is not like yours or mine. And so that's definitely a virtue that they'll still have I had access to, that we don't have access to. Now, if we were to have any physical remnants of the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam, or anything that came into contact with his body, then that would also be a source of a source of blessing for us. But there's a problem, we are not able to verify that any of these items that are in circulation today are in fact,

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items that came into contact with the body of the messengers alarm system. So there's the idea that we have the hair of the prophets, I send them for example. Now, we should not mock that. Because if we had the hair of the office, I said, we would seek about like a from it, no doubt.

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But the problem is, these items are in circulation, we are not able to verify that they are in fact, originate from the prophesies of them. That's the issue here. And until we are able to verify that then we don't seek any physical blessings from them.

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It had we would have the ability to do that then we definitely

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We seek a blessing and this habit used to do this regularly, they used to gather the water that dripped off of his body, or collect some of his hairs or whatnot. Again, because this was a blessing body, this is a

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body of the messenger was one that Allahu Subhana Allah, designated as being a source of blessing. We do not attribute blessings to any physical thing except that which Allah and His Messenger attributed blessing to.

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That's why aroma of the Allahu anhu when he saw people gathered around the black stone, you hear this thing people talk about black stones called the hedgerow so it, it's next to the carrabba he said, ally knows you are nothing but a stone

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had not the Messenger of Allah kissed you and embraced you, I would not be doing it.

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Which means that we do not attribute blessing, except if Allah and His Messenger attributed blessing to a physical item. Is that clear.

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So he took this water that dripped off of the body of the Prophet after his loot, and he drink that water and that would have been a source of fat. Now what we can do is you can get them, the water of them is a blessing to water. There's no debate about that. You can take any water and you can read salt, in fact you have on that water and seek a cure from Allah. Yes, you can do that. But you don't say for example, that such and such place has holy water, who said

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such and such person went there one time, and they bathed there and they came back and they were really shiny.

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And ever since then they never missed, like soda. So it must be holy water. We say thank you very much. We're not interested in calling it holy.

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That clear play

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especially to me. Welcome to then he said now let's get to the part that's related to our chapter. He said I looked behind his back and I saw this seal of prophethood play it let's look at the next narration

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at the end as a web

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designer, you know jabber and Sina company have been very, very similar. For a total heart Ama beynac et fi Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam would attend Hamra mithila Bay bottle hermana here we have the hadith of jab 11 is similar. And he reports that I saw this seal of prophethood

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between the shoulders between the shoulders of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he said it looked like a red protruding piece of flesh. It was reddish and it had the shape of a pigeons egg.

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Let's keep going and then we'll go back and comment some more.

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By playing the narrations are essentially saying very similar things. But you so this seal katima Nobu, where the seal of prophethood was a physical mark that the prophet SAW Selim had on his back

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through the different narrations we find it being described with a few different words. Number one, we find as we said Zero Hedge into like the, this bird which is like a pigeon dove Partridge, you get the idea of something like that,

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the the

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egg of that, or it was described as pigeons egg mm like egg, mm pigeon, or it comes in other narrations as being described as a red piece of flesh, a red piece of protruding flesh.

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In another narration, there is a there is one more

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which likens this seal to a clenched fist to the shape of a clenched fist.

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Play we will find that narration shallow data so for different descriptions that we find a few other descriptions is we find some of the narration say that surrounding this seal were a few hairs.

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There were a few hairs that grew from the skin surrounding the area of this seal.

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There are a description of small black dots surrounding this seal or this mark.

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Some narrations mentioned that these dots were a little bit swollen or like little bumps in the skin. And they were like similar to the size of a small you know, chickpeas or a small pea or something like that. So not large in science

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This was a physical mark on the back of the Prophet salallahu, alayhi wasallam between his shoulders between the shoulder blades closer to the left side.

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Closer to the left side, some of them commented on that. And they said, so that it would be closer to his pure heart, or they hustled out to a salon.

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Because Where's your heart located on the right side of your chest or the left side? Closer to towards the left side? Not all the way but closer to that side, right? We got we got medical professionals in the house, so I got to watch it, I'm saying is this accurate? or lower? Higher or?

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Right there? Okay. Mashallah. May Allah bless your hearts with good health and piety.

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So it was on his back between the shoulder blades a little bit a little bit closer towards the, towards the left side. So this was a physical seal. And no other messenger had this. And this was actually, what's the significance of this. This is something that previous messengers informed their people of.

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So there was mention of this in a Torah to an NGO, there was mention of this, that there will come a messenger, and he is a seal of messengers, like how am I gonna know he is the seal of the messengers, he will have this mark. What is the proof that previous scriptures made mention of this, and this was a teaching, anybody know?

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sentimental value, see, but I'll do a lot more. And

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so there was this companion. And really, we should devote an entire gathering to his story and his legacy. But we would be going out of the scope of our topic for tonight, essentially, send him out on Friday See,

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the prophets lie Selim, give him the nickname, Alabama ether annual

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will help the one who is searching for the truth. Said, matter of fact, he, as his name says, He came from the area of Persia, but he traveled from place to place and he endured a lot of hardship, seeking the truth. And he went from one religious teacher to another, and he was with a group of people that were of the Christian faith and tradition.

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And every time he would be in the presence of one teacher, and that teacher would die, and he would then transition to another one. And he observed different levels of corruption and different corrupt behavior. But they were still holding on to this tradition that had been passed down through their scripture, that a messenger will come and he will have this mark. Eventually, to make the long story short, one set amount of fantasy ends up in Medina, he eventually makes it to Medina. And this is really a long story short, because there was really a lot of difficulty that he endured to get there. And he was actually sold into bondage and slavery.

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Essentially, he ends up meeting the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam. And he had been taught to look for three signs that would indicate that this person is the messenger, we won't go into detail, but of them was this physical symbol on the back? And so he actually was looking, trying to look over the prophets, I send them one Rasulullah. Notice that he removed his outer clothing, and he showed him he said, Are you looking for this? And he said, Yes. And he accepted Islam. And he followed the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi salam, and he had a great legacy in the history of Islam.

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During the time of the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam. And after all, the Allahu and, and so where did he learn that from? Because he came from a people that were outside of the Arabian Peninsula. And he came from a place where there were no Muslims, there were no followers of the prophets, I send them as that's what I mean, when I say there were no Muslims. So where did he learn this? He learned it from the different teachers that he was with, who got it from within the Christian tradition, from the Judeo Christian tradition. And so this was something that was found in the previous scriptures. We may not find it today, but that's because different religious texts have

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gone through different stages of

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alteration and addition and subtraction. And Allah knows what else. So that is a physical seal of prophethood that the prophets a lot of them had on his back. So if you heard about that, yes, that is true and that is confirmed by moving on Bible magic efficient idea. Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam the next chapter is the chapter of the hair of the prophet SAW Selim. Now you might say you have a question

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so as it was described, right, as they said, like the size of a pigeons egg, or a small birds egg so how big is a pigeons egg?

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I think pigeon eggs are smaller than chicken eggs are a second like I've never eaten a pigeon egg. Have you ever eaten a pigeon markets with a hammer

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anybody have pigeon eggs or like quail eggs or Partridge eggs, they're smaller. They're not that big. Would you? Can you for those of us that don't know what a pigeon egg looks like, what would you liken it to? Yes.

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like that about that big

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Mashallah, you still have them no more.

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I thought you were gonna bring us some next time for and then we can

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go with you were like a lucky

00:30:36 --> 00:30:43

No, I would love to come with you to Bangladesh. I would love to come there. One of our teachers, he was giving a lecture one time.

00:30:44 --> 00:30:46

One of our teachers he was giving a lecture one time,

00:31:18 --> 00:31:24

set the record straight and put that guy in his place. So I would I would love to go with you one day and show it

00:31:25 --> 00:31:34

to you. Let's read some of that Hadith we mentioned last month already we mentioned some things about the hair of the prophets of Salaam. But here we want to go into a little bit more detail.

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And remember to me the he gave a chapter exclusively to this, but

00:31:45 --> 00:31:58

also eight narrations in this chapter as well had definitely thought about Abraham, and Romanian and nsmb American pile kenisha Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Neil's fetal DNA

00:31:59 --> 00:32:09

and a sort of the Allahu anhu. And by the way, you would notice that a lot of these narrations are reported by ns. And so nomadic. Why is that?

00:32:14 --> 00:32:51

Because he spent a long time with the Prophet sallallahu sallam. And actually he was very close to the prophet SAW SLM, his mother placed him in the service of the Prophet. So I sent him when he was very young in age, about nine or 10 years old. So he told him go and serve the Messenger of Allah. And so the byproduct of that is he's in his company. So he ate with him. And he walked with Him and He came back with him. And children or people young and age are very observant. They're very observant. anyone here who is a parent, you will know that when you have a child, they they copy a lot of things that they see. Right, that's the nature of children they absorb. So that's why it's

00:32:51 --> 00:32:57

good to always put them in good company because wherever you put them, they're like a sponge, they'll absorb it.

00:32:58 --> 00:33:04

And if you allow them to be in Bad Company, and then years later you say oh my god, it's so bad. Well

00:33:06 --> 00:33:13

that's what happens. So Anna's symptomatic was very observant. He was able to notice a lot of these things about the Prophet so the longer I do send them

00:33:15 --> 00:33:19

he says them hair of Rasulullah reached till half of his ears

00:33:21 --> 00:33:23

either Neil sweet will dooney

00:33:24 --> 00:33:30

that's one head if at one particular time Let's see some others we might find some other information or definitely an added new

00:33:32 --> 00:33:33

oceti file about on

00:33:34 --> 00:33:48

a busy night and he shouldn't be hearing a pirate queen to test you on our solar system. I mean in in World War Canada who Sharon foe Juma we do not work for

00:33:50 --> 00:33:56

Chateau de la her and her narrates she says a lawsuit of law and I based from one container

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and the blessing hair of rasulillah was longer than the ear lobes but less than the shoulders. So it was between the ear lobes and the shoulders. So somewhere mid neck length, lay a few things about this heady aroma commenting on this Hadeeth from a legal with the legal glasses on. They said it's permissible for spouses to shower together. Because he says me and the props I sent him. We were doing Listen, we were showering from the same container. So in those days, they did not have a showerhead or a faucet or a hose or anything. So how would they shower, they would collect water in some kind of pail or bucket or some container of that nature. And it would be there and then you

00:34:42 --> 00:35:00

would scoop from it and pour it over you would scoop and pour so if it says me and the prophets I send them were scooping water from the same bucket. That means they were showering together. Right. So the other night they commented on this and they said it's permissible for for spouses to do that. And what's beautiful is when we get these

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narrations from our Isha we have a lot of these descriptive narrations that we would not have heard from other companions and that's one of the blessings of the Omaha to many of our of our mothers the wives of the Prophet sliders on them.

00:35:15 --> 00:35:36

So in this particular nation she decided to share with us the description of is here so NSM pneumatic he said that his hair reached half his ears here at HSS lower than the ear but above the neck that's longer. So it was at a different time. It was at a different time, which tells us Let's keep going. Let's keep going play you

00:35:37 --> 00:35:38

another narration

00:35:39 --> 00:35:58

Mohammed Abu Bashar para de la habana Jared have no hasn't. Had does any Abby Anka datacard pulled to the ns in case I can assure Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam. But lemmya couldn't be Bill jeredy wallaby sir Berkeley can abbulu OSHA OSHA Mehta will do a

00:35:59 --> 00:36:21

Bottega narrow. He says I asked us how beautiful it must have been to be in the company of the Sahaba. Even the generation after the Sahaba I asked Ennis, you saw the Messenger of Allah you lived with him? Yes. Can you describe for me his hair? He wants to know what the hair of the offseason looked like. That's love. He said can you describe for me his hair.

00:36:22 --> 00:36:28

He said the hair of the prophet SAW Selim was not very curly. These are Bill jeredy.

00:36:29 --> 00:36:46

We This is similar to narration that we read last month, it was not very curly, when a set will not be simply nor was it like very straight, like smooth, silky straight. It was in between so it was kind of wavy, it was kind of wavy in nature.

00:36:47 --> 00:37:07

And he says and his hair reached shrimati ooni, which is the ear lobe. This is one word that they use to refer to the ear lobe shekhawati with an A. So here this is a little bit longer than what ns said before. So again, this must have been at another time when ns was with the prophet SAW Selim.

00:37:09 --> 00:37:10

One more

00:37:13 --> 00:37:29

How does he know Mohammed? Omar Ali make key para de Rena. Anybody have been a G chinar and Mujahid an ami has been to be a pilot, pilot, buddy masala Solaris was cinema Mecca. Padma 10 where who Roberto

00:37:30 --> 00:37:42

mahana been. She says it was so nice I sent him came to Mecca, says after the Hajj Allah, the prophets I said I'm came to Mecca, he approached Mecca, and His hair was in four parts.

00:37:43 --> 00:37:53

It was divided into four sections, which means it would have been longer. So we mentioned already last time that the color of the puffs I said on his hair was what

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we said that it was black in color. And we said that it was dense, His hair was dense and thick. But we said it was not very curly. It was not very curly, nor was it straight, but rather it was beautifully wavy in between. Now as for the length of the hair. When we look at all of these narrations, we find different things, we find that the purpose items here is described to come just to his ears, then they said between the ear and the neck and then they said to the ear lobe, then she's talking about it being long beneath the shoulders divided into four parts if it's divided, rated here. And if it's split into four sections, that means it would have been long coming down

00:38:37 --> 00:38:46

on top of the shoulders. We also have narrations where the process and have shaved his head did the professor's have ever shaved his head? Yes. When he made the Ramadan

00:38:47 --> 00:39:07

and hedgetrimmer without the prophecies that have shaved his head, and he encouraged the men to shave their head as well. When they go for a formula or hedge. It is not mandatory, but it is preferred. And there is more reward for shaving the head. Whenever we go for Mr. Hedge, some people, they they feel very bad to shave their head. You know,

00:39:08 --> 00:39:22

one time somebody said, well, as soon as I get back, I have to go to a wedding. So I can't shave my head. He said okay, he's like a lucky male likes up from you. So it is not mandatory to shave your head, but it is preferred and that's what the prophesised did.

00:39:24 --> 00:39:38

Somebody said I don't want to go to work, and then they'll be they'll be looking at me funny. I said, Okay, you know, tell them you went for Joomla then they're gonna say, huh, what's that? And then you say, do you know what Islam as they say? And then you get to tell them but it's not. There you go.

00:39:39 --> 00:39:44

Anyways, long story short, so he had different hairstyles.

00:39:45 --> 00:40:00

And that's because so what this tells us, this tells us is there is no one exact hairstyle of the Messenger of Allah loosen them. It was different. Sometimes he let it grow longer and sometimes it was shorter. And so that tells

00:40:00 --> 00:40:08

That there is no one particular hairstyle. Now how about a part, which is which is

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getting more common Now, first, it wasn't common note to be going you know what I mean by part, you guys know what I mean by apart when you kind of separate between the hair and there's like a part between the hair did the Prophet Sam had a part in his hair? Well, let's see, sometimes there was a part in his hair, meaning it was there was a distinct difference in the way the direction the hair was going Fuck, for one fish out a part.

00:40:35 --> 00:40:38

Now, what we notice is actually,

00:40:40 --> 00:40:45

the IDs that describe the officer said I'm having a part in His hair was in the later part of his life.

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In the earlier stages of his life, he did not used to have a part.

00:40:55 --> 00:40:57

We also see that

00:41:00 --> 00:41:17

we also see that this was something that was a custom of some of the people in Polish, this was a cultural custom that they would part the hair. Now the opposite of that is not to part it and having all free flowing in one direction, which they call sudden. And

00:41:18 --> 00:41:48

this was also something that prophet SAW sent him did at one stage of his life. And this was also something that was a practice of the Jews in Medina. This was like a common, like a cultural custom that they had. And actually the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, liked to align himself with cultural customs of the people around him unless, unless it was evil, or there was a explicit prohibition.

00:41:49 --> 00:42:02

So in terms of the hair, we'll get into clothes later, there's a whole chapter talking about clothes. But in terms of hair, we find that prophesized, and then when he came to Medina, he kept the hairstyle that was common and customary amongst the Jews in Medina,

00:42:04 --> 00:42:16

which was a means of getting closer to them. So that they would be, they would, they would be more interested in hearing from the Messenger of Allah and come closer to Islam, and embrace Islam.

00:42:18 --> 00:43:01

So it is possible to align yourself with some and I am saying this very carefully, because sometimes when you make certain statements, it's an inch, but people run with it with a mile, it is sometimes allowed to align with certain cultural customs, especially if it's a means of softening people's hearts towards you into Islam. But there are parameters. There are parameters, somebody may come with something really wacko. And they say, well, it's the custom, it's the norm, we say, hold on a second. So we have certain parameters for adopting customs. And that's a longer discussion at another time. Today, we're just talking about the hair of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

00:43:02 --> 00:43:03

So sometimes it was

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a custom. However, when the prophet SAW Selim was met with a lot of animosity, and many of the the Jews in Medina were not willing to accept him, he stopped following their custom. So he actually stopped and he resumed towards the latter part of his life with the custom of his people in Malaysia, which is to have a part to have a part in the here. So is it permissible to have a part in the hair? Yes, it is, it is permissible. But remember, we have to stay within certain parameters, if there is a certain hair style that is explicitly or how should I say

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flamboyantly or very obvious to be of a certain trend or a certain group of people, then it's not permissible to adopt that for Muslim?

00:43:57 --> 00:43:58

How do I mean?

00:43:59 --> 00:44:03

Okay, say for example, there is a certain religious group,

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or there's some kind of religious cult,

00:44:08 --> 00:44:21

or it doesn't necessarily have to be religious, it could be a religious, which is basically a religion, they're just making up their own religion, even if they don't call it that, but it could be some a religious type of a practice, and they have a uniform

00:44:22 --> 00:44:53

or a very certain hair style or haircut, and you adopt that haircut and is identifiable if somebody sees you, they say, Ah, that's the haircut of that group of people, then it becomes problematic. That's when it becomes problematic. But if something is a general custom of the people, and it's within the parameters of the Sharia, then that's okay. That is okay. And that's permissible. And the proof for that is the prophet SAW Selim in his hairstyle sometimes followed one customary practice or another as long as there was no explicit prohibition. We'll

00:44:55 --> 00:44:55


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any questions on that.

00:45:01 --> 00:45:32

Film one. Okay, one more thing. braid. Before your question braids. Is it permissible for a man if his hair gets long to braid the hair? Yes. And we hear the prophet SAW send them did that in the last video that we read of Oh man, it that the process Adam's hair was long, it was separated into four parts on either side of his ear and in the back, and it was braided. So he braided the hair together. So is that permissible? Yes, it is. It is permissible. Will Lorena again, maintaining certain

00:45:34 --> 00:45:52

parameters. Now, actually, you know what? Maybe we should stop there. Or we'll mention one more thing. Can we mention one more thing? And then we open for your question, because we're almost out of time, I just want to do the next chapter. And the reason for that is because it's related to the hair.

00:45:55 --> 00:45:58

It's related to hair, which is hair care,

00:46:00 --> 00:46:01

hair care.

00:46:06 --> 00:46:48

Bible major, if he told you the last video that he saw her it was lm. But first of all, cleanliness. Cleanliness is part of our religion. And it is part of the tradition of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. And part of that is keeping the hair clean. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in many stages of his life had long hair, and anybody who's had long hair, you know that it requires some maintenance requires some maintenance. And if it's not taken care of, then it's gonna be problematic. You know, it won't. It may not smell nice, or it may not look nice or whatnot. And that is not befitting of a unbeliever. So some people, they may have long hair, and it may be very,

00:46:49 --> 00:46:58

it may be not nice. Can I just say that it's not nice. And so you come and you approach them and they say it's sooner. It's sooner brother.

00:46:59 --> 00:47:09

But it's also sooner to be bald. The processor was bald. So shave your head and be bald and say that's, is it not sooner? The Prophet shaved his head at one point in life, that's his tradition, and he's like athletic.

00:47:10 --> 00:47:25

Did he shave his head? Okay, so shave your head that's also from the center of the Policy Center. So the idea is it's not about long or short hair. It's about caring for it, and being clean and well kept. That's part of the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

00:47:27 --> 00:47:32

in all aspects, one of the first verses to be revealed to the prophet SAW Selim. Yeah, you hit him with death.

00:47:34 --> 00:47:45

Or a Becca Kabir was the abeka photo here. One of the first things the prophet SAW sent him was commanded with in the early revelation of the Quran is clean your clothes

00:47:46 --> 00:48:01

be clean, and the prophets I sent him was not filthy rich. He didn't have a huge wardrobe collection. But he made sure that his clothes were clean. He made sure that his clothes were clean and appropriate with his time and place

00:48:02 --> 00:48:19

it also was used to comb his hair and his beard regularly and he said whoever whoever Allah has blessed with hair then they should honor it. honor that hair that Allah has blessed you with my combing it and keeping it clean so you mama to me the mentioned five chapters

00:48:21 --> 00:48:23

in this five IDs in this chapter

00:48:24 --> 00:48:34

let's quickly look at the use of new visa by the use of Marisa para que en para de la be removed Serbia and is even a ban

00:48:35 --> 00:48:54

and nsmt American Canada solar installer cinema you feel that see what is reality where you feel Tina hi tech and Adobe who Sobhuza yet in nsso also like them regularly would rub oil in his head and would regularly comb his beard

00:48:55 --> 00:49:07

and he used to sometimes cover his head with a cloth with a cloth and because he used to put so much oil in his hair, that cloth that cloth became

00:49:08 --> 00:49:25

in he would put that cloth there so that the oil doesn't get everywhere that some people used to think that his clothing was the clothing of the one who sells or deals with oil because he used to put oil in there it's like conditioner like moisturizer right? And until now people still use different oil products.

00:49:29 --> 00:49:33

What's the famous Moroccan oil that everybody loves to put in there? Yeah, that one.

00:49:34 --> 00:49:35

You want to get us some of that.

00:49:38 --> 00:49:39

Mad you can get assumption

00:49:41 --> 00:49:41


00:49:43 --> 00:49:56

say any question I think we need to be sure that and Abby here and Miss rockin an eyeshadow palette. In Canada, somebody similar to cinema that your hip would tell him when he was a jeu de la Genworth interior and he then

00:49:57 --> 00:49:59

he says, I'm loved.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:28

Starting good things from the right side. And she gives three examples, especially when he would clean himself, when making will do he would start with the right before the left limbs. And when combing his hair, he would start with the right side of his head, and then he would do the left side of his head. And even when wearing his slippers or his footwear, he would put on the right before the before the left, and he his Salatu was Salam.

00:50:33 --> 00:51:00

So the Messenger of Allah sent him would put oil in the hair regularly and he would comb the hair and he would apply the oil with his right hand and he would start with the right side, even sometimes in the eyebrows. Hagit even sometimes the prophesied said I'm would clean the eyebrows and put some some oil in the eyebrows and make sure that they were good. But the prophet SAW I said and also we find some Heidi's like here the last Hadith here which is the hadith of

00:51:02 --> 00:51:27

an Abdullah him Nova fell by narosa anatella jury Illa ribbon, he says the prophet SAW Selim prohibited us from combing our hair all the time, except sometimes. So and the reason for this is sometimes this could become obsession. So some people Mashallah Allah has blessed them with nice hair, but they spend more time on their hair than on things that are more important in life.

00:51:29 --> 00:51:40

And that's problematic. So there's a story during the time one of the one of the halifa has his son was late for Salah

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so he thought he missed this a lot in the masjid. So he told him Why were you late? So he said you know, I was cleaning myself and combing and fixing my hair. He said if I'm not I'll be here so he ordered that his head be shaved

00:51:55 --> 00:51:58

he said combing your hair delayed you from Dollar Shave your head.

00:52:00 --> 00:52:33

So the idea is the Prophet loved cleanliness and love to take care of his hair. But sometimes we go to an extreme and the Prophet was balanced. Again just like we said about people that have long hair, it's sooner bro. So some people Mashallah they devote a large amount of energy on hair care. And they say it's sin that the Prophet love take care of his hair. Yes, but soon as are also in a priority. So you don't establish one. So net, and in the process, lose a whole bunch that are more important.

00:52:34 --> 00:52:45

Right? So the idea is to be moderate and to be careful. So the prophets I send them you know, told us to be careful from being too obsessed or too caught up

00:52:46 --> 00:53:14

too often. And also the issue is also vanity. You Mashallah personalized, less than with nice hair, so they take good care of it, but they spend a lot of time with it, then they start getting really impressed with themselves. Oh, Mashallah, then they really enjoy looking in the mirror. And then that will develop some diseases of the hearts, it's called an urgent, they call it an urgent when a person is very impressed with themselves, Mashallah. And they start, you know, checking themselves out, and then you start seeing people do this now.

00:53:16 --> 00:53:19

Right, that's a disease of the heart, that's our job.

00:53:21 --> 00:53:39

Right, and it's perfectly normal, though, you know, like, what's the best angle here is like a low hit, you know, it doesn't work like that, that's going too far. So vanity is a is a is a self love the self admiration, if you will. We don't want to let that get to the extreme.

00:53:41 --> 00:54:18

We shouldn't be so impressed with ourselves that we end up because that will lead to bigger diseases, which is arrogance. And it will lead to looking down upon others. Maybe somebody Allah has not blessed them with as nice hair as you so that excessive behavior will end up putting them down will end up making other people feel bad. And that's not acceptable at all. So cleanliness, presentable, clean, well groomed. 100% taking it a step too far, becomes a disease of the heart and something

00:54:20 --> 00:54:50

blameworthy, but I think we will stop there. And the next chapter is also still related to hear some kind of law, but it's Babel magic uffici Viola su de la Babylon J. So so we mentioned that the President had some white hairs. Let's go into more detail inshallah to Allah and then we will continue as you can see, the chapters are getting shorter from what we did last month, so we're able to cover more ground inshallah Tada. So we will resume next month, inshallah, the first Friday of March, talking about the white, the white hairs

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with the profits of Larson that he had in his hair and beard.

00:54:56 --> 00:54:59

And we asked Allah Subhana Allah to fill out

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hearts with love for it also life is a lot harder. So

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we ask Allah Subhana Allah to beautify us, and adorn us with the character of our beloved messenger Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to make us of the true followers of our messenger, those that love him with their hearts.

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believe in Him,

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are witnesses of his prophethood with our tongues and follow his example, with our limbs and actions at all time. May Allah subhana wa tada gather us with the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the highest levels of Jenna. May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to drink from his hand, a drink after which we will never experience thirst.

00:55:41 --> 00:55:45

What hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu are them. And you had a question?

00:55:57 --> 00:56:08

So Andrea is asking Are there any narrations describing the hair of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam in his younger years, so before Prophethood Abdullah no Booyah.

00:56:24 --> 00:56:30

Are there resources on that? Yes. So generally speaking, the books of CLR begin with the life of the process. And then prior to Nova.

00:56:32 --> 00:56:39

Are there is there some resources specifically devoted to that topic? Allahu Adam, I don't know. In this collection that we are

00:56:41 --> 00:56:51

basing our discussion upon. No, there is no narration describing his hair in his youthful years.

00:56:53 --> 00:56:59

But I don't have enough knowledge to say that there aren't any narrations describing that at all. That's something that we'd have to look up.

00:57:04 --> 00:57:06

But if you think about it logically,

00:57:08 --> 00:57:10

if you think about it, logically, monthly and yearly.

00:57:13 --> 00:57:15

People were not as

00:57:16 --> 00:57:17


00:57:19 --> 00:57:38

with observing the prophet SAW Selim before Prophethood as much as they were after. So it does that make sense? Like logically, it makes sense that there would be more narrations of these descriptive nature after Nobu after Prophethood. Right, because before he is a member of the community, we have character description.

00:57:39 --> 00:57:41

Before Nobu, because that's very important.

00:57:44 --> 00:57:47

But I haven't will offer them something to look into further.

00:57:49 --> 00:57:51

That was the specific one then there was another one.

00:57:53 --> 00:57:53


00:57:55 --> 00:57:58

Any other questions or thoughts? Yes, ma'am.

00:58:13 --> 00:58:16

Did they have scissors at the time of the process?

00:58:18 --> 00:58:18

I don't know.

00:58:19 --> 00:58:22

Does anybody know when scissors were when the first scissors were invented?

00:58:23 --> 00:58:33

I don't know. But they definitely had means and methods of cutting here. So they did not just grow hair just because like it was difficult to cut hair. No.

00:58:35 --> 00:58:42

And, and some people had long hair and some people had short hair. So if some people wanted to have but but if you think about it,

00:58:43 --> 00:59:11

they used to they, they're their customs. And also they used to wear a lot of head gear. Right? Hmm. a turban was something common at that time. Because they were often outdoors. And when you're out in the sun, you want to protect your head, and they also road animals and when you write an animal you're susceptible to falling. And so having more hair means better protection for your head, and Iam and all of that.

00:59:13 --> 00:59:33

So it makes sense for people to want to have longer hair, but I think this is something universal throughout the generations and throughout the civilizations. Hair is something that a person is beautified with it's it's a means of of a person you know that it's part of them looking good. I think that's always been the case.

00:59:34 --> 00:59:36

So I don't know if it's

00:59:38 --> 00:59:47

accurate to say that they had long hair because it was more difficult to get there a lower item I don't think that's very accurate Allah Allah Allah knows best.

00:59:49 --> 00:59:51

But but that's something to look into further.

00:59:56 --> 01:00:00

Yeah, they had razors, they had a razor they I mean, they used to shave their head.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:02

And then after Yes.

01:00:10 --> 01:00:36

It depends how it's done. It could. So the brother is asking, would you say that having a part is resembling women, because certain feminine hairstyles would have a particular part. And the prophet SAW sent him forbade men to look like women and forbade women to try to look like men. Both of those are prohibited. Unfortunately, that's something very common and prevalent in popular culture today.

01:00:37 --> 01:01:08

So is it possible that having a hair part would be like looking like women? I guess it depends. I'm not a specialist in hairstyles. I think some people might know better than me in that. But there there are certain hairstyles that are definitely very feminine. Just like there are certain hairstyles that are obviously very masculine. Right. So I think that's something that there's a spectrum. And there is some some flexibility for that to change from time to time and from place to place depending on the customs.

01:01:09 --> 01:01:18

So a person would have to be aware of, and if a person moves to a different place, the customs may be different there. So they should be careful. You know, we'll lower them.

01:01:20 --> 01:01:23

But perhaps, yes, we'll go in order. So all the way in the back.

01:01:31 --> 01:01:35

Google is telling us that scissors were invented in the Middle East,

01:01:36 --> 01:01:38

three to 4000 years ago.

01:01:39 --> 01:01:40

Very interesting.

01:01:42 --> 01:01:44

But what do they mean by Middle East?

01:01:49 --> 01:01:53

No, this is an important question. Because the Arabian Peninsula going south,

01:01:54 --> 01:02:03

that wasn't always considered Middle East. In terms of wording, a lot of times when they say Middle East, they meant the area of a sham where the Byzantium or the

01:02:05 --> 01:02:24

region of Canaan or, you know, you know what I mean? So, going further down south, the Arabs were actually criticized for being very bedwin. And being very, not having some of these things, but they used to trade with people from there. So yeah, it's possible they had scissors. I don't know if there's any narration describing it something to look into. Yes.

01:02:27 --> 01:02:28


01:02:30 --> 01:02:41

Yes. Yes. How that works, how that works is they put an effort to use the right hand, in places where the profits specifically encouraged to use the right hand.

01:02:42 --> 01:02:55

So for example, like eating and drinking, the puffs, I said, I saw a man eating with his left hand, and he told him use your right hand. And the guy said, I can't. It's hard for me, I can't. So the Prophet said less the part, may you never.

01:02:56 --> 01:03:36

And it was said that he ended up losing the ability to use that hand because he responded in a very arrogant way. So the idea is, well, let's say those are the home Buddha, those that put effort Allah Subhana, Allah will grant them help. So it's very common, some people are left handed, Is that wrong? No. And are you less righteous because you're left handed? No, this is a specific teaching just like a person. I'll give you an example. I'm very right handed. Like, I can't do anything with my left hand, like if I write it will be like, rubella, it'll look really nasty. So there are some things that prophesized that instead use the left hand for like cleaning yourself when you use the

01:03:36 --> 01:03:52

bathroom. So Can someone say my left hand doesn't work very well? I'll use my No. So it goes both ways. There are certain things that Prophet explicitly said use the right hand and some things he said use the left hand and some things are left open. So that which is left open, which is most daily habits, use whichever hand you like.

01:03:54 --> 01:03:55

But remember

01:03:59 --> 01:04:09

picking blessing from Allah, you will find doors of goodness opening for you. And with extra talent comes extra reward from Allah Any questions?

01:04:11 --> 01:04:11


01:04:20 --> 01:04:59

Yeah, so the Prophet sallallahu wasallam forbade from this thing called bizarre and what is bizarre, the scholar said bizarre is to shave part of the head and to grow out another part. So whether that's by a ponytail, or that's nice shaving in the middle and leaving the bottom on whichever way you want to spin it, but to shave part of the head and to let other so I'll give a very real life example. So a very common I don't know if it's common anymore, maybe it's more of a nice thing, right? You guys remember when like the ba baracus the Mr. T Mohawk, you know was a very common you got like a of hair going right down the middle and everything is shaved off.

01:05:00 --> 01:05:19

Is that common still or no? No, it was like more of a thing. It was a weird thing. Yeah, you still see you see all kinds of weird things. So that's a classic textbook example of that. That's a textbook example. of so the Prophet forbade from shaving part of the head and leaving another part. to to to grow long. Yes.

01:05:21 --> 01:05:33

Yeah, trimming is fine. Some of the scholars who adopted a more conservative approach they disliked it. They disliked it, but but to say that it's impermissible is a stretch.

01:05:34 --> 01:05:34


01:05:37 --> 01:05:37

say it again.

01:05:40 --> 01:05:46

Yes, to dye the hair, yes. Yes, yes to do some hair color and many people use henna for example.

01:05:49 --> 01:06:27

No, not not black, but but other colors. But also that is something you also have to take cultural customs in the mind. Because Mashallah, some people are very excited about hidden and it ends up looking kind of scary. So we tell them, Allah bless you, but like, it's kind of scary right now. You know, I mean, so, so the idea is there any, like, be appropriate, be appropriate and presentable? And different look different people look differently. For some people in martial law having gray and white hair looks really nice. It Like It increases in their, in their beauty and other people. You know, get some hair dyed, you know? So it's okay.

01:06:28 --> 01:06:29

Yes, okay.

01:06:32 --> 01:06:36

Yes. Welcome to the inshallah Tada, actually, I don't think we'll come to that. But

01:06:38 --> 01:06:42

will we come to that? I think we'll talk about it next week when we talk next week, next month, when we talk about

01:06:44 --> 01:06:51

chez rasulillah. The process of having white hairs. You had a question? Yes, ma'am. Comment?

01:06:52 --> 01:06:53


01:06:54 --> 01:06:56

No protests, okay. hamdulillah?

01:07:12 --> 01:07:13


01:07:14 --> 01:07:52

So that's impermissible from two ways. It's impermissible because you're shaving part of the head and letting the other part grow along. And it's impermissible because you're imitating a very specific religious practice or religious group. So if you see anyone on the street in that area of the world, you know, right away that they're from that group. So that's problematic from two ways. So SR is giving a real example of some religious groups that when students go into a program of study, and they devote themselves to it, they shave all of their head except a part in the back and they let that one grow. It's a symbol, it's like their uniform or, you know, and and that's, you

01:07:52 --> 01:07:54

know, we don't have that innocent.

01:07:55 --> 01:08:13

We don't have this idea of uniform, or like a cult, or like everybody has to have the same hairdo, or the same thing. We don't have that. And so However, they look different from one another based on the physical features, we have parameters, and we have guidelines, and within those guidelines, they've all been

01:08:14 --> 01:08:16

well, low items that I'm ready quantamental

01:08:45 --> 01:08:49

there is a fundraiser for the Rohingya Muslims in Burma, March.

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