Omar Suleiman – Why Me #007 Why Do I Look Like This
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AI: Transcript ©
We've all been in this kind of gathering.
You notice people's features, their charisma, their expressions.
When you look around, how do you feel?
comparing ourselves to others can make us feel like we don't measure up?
Like maybe we aren't good looking enough or confident enough, or dressed expensively enough.
But have you ever thought about how beauty can be its own curse?
But what about the blessing, a sense of peace that comes with letting go of the standards that the world demands of you?
Sometimes we need someone to tell us our self worth. There was a young companion who was a bedwyn names I had all the allowance on he was known to have a low self esteem. And when he used to visit Medina, he would go to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and give him a small gift just hoping to be noticed. And he specifically described as being not very good looking. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would always find a way to show him that he was paying attention to him, and he go that extra mile to make them feel valued. And so on one occasion, the prophets lie Selim, grabs him from behind in the marketplace, and he jokingly starts to wrestle with him and he says,
who's going to buy this one from me? Who's going to buy this one from me? And so I had all the Allahu Anhu. Even in the midst of that joke, he says, Yeah, Rasul Allah, Who would want to buy me anyway? Now the prophets lie, some could have laughed it off. But he knew that Zara had felt inadequate, partly because of his appearance. So the prophets lie some turns him around, and he looks him in the eye. And he says what I can Nick and Allah Yvonne, you are priceless in the sight of Allah. Why? Because true beauty is the beauty of character. And how the Creator sees you is how you should see yourself as for your appearance, than you are as your LORD intended you to be Allah
the Halacha Fussa work for Adela fee au Surah, Tim Masha, Allah Quebec, the One who created you, fashions you and proportion do and whatever form he wished to put you together. Allah subhanaw taala is a little more so we're the bestower of forms, and he gave you a unique Surah a unique form. But look at the irony. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in Allah La young guru, la Swati Karim, Allah does not look at your forms, nor does he look at your bodies when I can, young little Enoch who will become he looks at your heart. That's what counts in the long run. But here, just know that your appearance has been given to you with a certain proportion of beauty and every shape
and Mark is for a purpose.
Allah subhanaw taala tells us Don't be deluded by superficial beauty well either at home to ergy will catch samo in your corner test not only him, and when you see them, their forms please you and if they speak, you listen to their speech. Then Allah subhanaw taala describes the reality beneath the surface can Nahum Hirshman moosend Nada, they're like pieces of wood propped up. Remember the top of the Rahim Allah says there is no goodness inside of them, no knowledge in the home sewer, Pilla alum. They're just like empty forms without purpose. Basically, what he's saying is, there are too many people that are all forms and no substance. And people who lack substance tend to seek
satisfaction by others praising their form. And hence the obsession for Likes on a social media app or seeking validation through selfies or filtered images.
The believer doesn't get lost in the form. And they know that in every birthmark, every supposedly odd shape, and our height in our body type, whatever it is, there's a purpose.
And subhanAllah the Prophet sallallahu it was still a mentioned that always tell Kearney are the Allahu Taala and who, who asked Allah to cure him from leprosy said but oh Allah leave the size of a coin. Why is that he could look at it and he could stay humble. Some people are actually cursed by their outward beauty, and that they get distracted by their appearance even from Allah subhanaw taala or they don't cultivate other abilities that they have because they just rely on their looks to get ahead, or they attract shallowness and shallow people.
And the list goes on and on. But for any one of us, no matter how much of it you think you have, focusing on upward comparisons and looks, is a recipe for low self esteem and could end up being in gratitude to Allah subhanaw taala so what did almost always give you a person can be beautiful on the outside but ugly on the inside like cartoon or a person can be unattractive to others on the outside, but beautiful on the inside like Zara huddled the allowance and then there are those who are beautiful on the outside and beautiful on the inside like the Prophet sallallahu it was someone whose beauty was described like the shining moon or use of ideas salaam who was given half of beauty
but neither the profit slice and I'm nor use of it his salaam found their value in their appearance, but their beautiful appearance would captivate the audience they were calling to Allah says Pamela someone might be tested with beauty, and then use the leverage they have with it to bring about goodness, like our beloved and I bustle the Allah I know. They said when you looked at him, you said he was the most beautiful of people. And when he spoke, you said he was the most intelligent of people. But he was using that to show people the beauty of Islam inside and out. And when a person starts noticing Allah, their beauty standards change to want to be noticed more by Allah. Look at
Musab intermodal, the low tide who was the most eligible bachelor of Mecca, young, handsome, wealthy, a celebrity in every sense of the word. But he left all of that first lamb. When he passed away. He was covered in dirt in the battlefield with hideous wounds and not even a garment that could shroud his entire body. I mean, subhanAllah Sahaba would cry decades after the martyrdom of Mossad just remembering the sight of him at death. But if you think about it, he gave up his outward beauty and fashion trendsetting for inward beauty and righteous transit. And look now a young man who would have died a fashion model and been forgotten with his disappearance from this earth
becomes this beautiful example that transcends time, we're still talking about him and naming our kids after him over 1000 years later, his deeds became his garment of beauty. And that's what if Manuel the Allahu Anhu said that whenever a person doesn't action, Allah clothes him with that deed. If the deed is good, than the garment is good, and if the deed is evil, than the garment is evil, you know the phrase you are what you eat. Well, according to this statement, you appear to others how you act with Allah. We've been Ambassador the Allahu Anhu masa in Al Hasan Naughty Boy Yeah, and Phil watchI. One Oh, Ron, Phil workover Tim Phil fill burden, or satin for risk. When the habits and
feed global culture that good deeds bring beauty to the face, and light to the heart, and strength to the body, and abundance to our wealth and love in the hearts of the creation. If you think about it, these are the very things that people chase after in this world, but their true forms are found in virtue, not in Vanity. And the opposite is true sin can deform our faces and destroy our sustenance. But we all have some sins that Allah covers with his mercy. And the believer knows that any beauty they have is actually the beauty of Allah's Ville upon then a Crummock in nama archroma fika Jamila CITRI, Phil Hamdulillah, mencetak Lacell hamdulillah and archroma Kosha whoever honors
you, honors only the beauty of his veil upon therefore praise is to him who veiled you, not to the one who praises that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would make dua Allahumma Kemah I sent a Houthi Hassan Holgie Oh Allah, as you have beautified my appearance, then beautify my character. In other words, as you made me beautiful on the outside, make me beautiful on the inside. You notice in the drought that you're saying, Oh Allah, you made me beautiful, like it's a matter of fact, denoting that no matter what Allah gave you in terms of physical appearance, you're pleased with it, and you thank Allah for it, while being fully focused on the potential of your character,
which unleashes your true beauty
and sometimes the beauty of your character doesn't shine brightest, until you go through the most difficult of tests.
Just as the most wise decreed you to look the way you do, just as animals soul were shaped your physical attributes. He also decreed your list your provision, and if you're unable to see the blessings in every situation, what you have or
don't have could affect how you process your world
will lay your sleep and
eat luck and law Hola
Hola. Hola will Auggie federally Galium me