Omar Suleiman – Put a Smile on Someone’s Face

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The importance of smile as a form of charity is highlighted, especially during loss or stress situations. It is also discussed that smile can be a sign of happiness and a way to be present for others. The speaker emphasizes the need for individuals to bring smile and comfort to others, and that serving parents and spouse is far more rewarding than serving the outside of one's home. The speaker also discusses the importance of smile for removing stress and achieving goals, emphasizing that it is not just a smile on the face of a smile, but rather on the face of a smile.
AI: Transcript ©
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So many of us are familiar with the Hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to assemble keffi, which he subaqua to smile in the face of your brother is a form of charity. But what's a greater charity than that is to put a smile on the face of your brother. And the proof of that is a hadith where the prophets of Allah Hardy was said in the Haider, nurse and Pharaoh horn and asked the most, the best of people are those that are most beneficial to the people. And then he said salam, it was seldom that the most beloved of actions to Allah subhanaw taala have an armory of Allah and Allah Allah cobia HCA surah that you bring a sense of inner joy to your brother,

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ultimately unhook Dana O'Donnell to a mahoba or that you do away with one of his debts, or that you feed him a loaf of bread. So I want to speak about this first part now obviously, when it comes to feeding someone, a loaf of bread, are doing away with their, with their debts, that requires you to have money, right, that requires you to have money. And that requires you to be in a position where you can provide for someone else. Now, on the profit side, Sam talked about charity and he said to assemble coffee, what he saw like a smile in the face of your brother is a charity, we often look at smiling in the face of your brother as a form of charity when you know you have nothing else meaning

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it's the lowest form of charity. But that's not necessarily the case. If you look at this hadith as well, what this suggests is that a smile on the face of your brother could actually be a greater form of charity than physically giving your brother something why because sometimes a smile in the face of your brother or your sister actually gives them a greater sense of joy, a greater sense of ease than anything that you could physically provide them and so it's not like you know, if you have nothing to give but a smile then give the smile it's giving a smile could be the greatest form of charity as well especially if it brings a sense of inner joy to your brother or your sister. And so

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to the Semak if he were to he saw the smiling in the face of your brother is a charity. What do we take from that? And how do we how do we compare it to this heavy right? And to to be to Allah will be a thicker surah that you bring a sense of joy to your brother or your sister, that joy surah is you know it's a type of happiness that puts someone at ease okay and how do we know this because Allah subhana wa tada mentions that believer on the day of judgment that spends their life in charity, okay, in a manual to him or company were to learn only domain comm does that and what I should call that person that spends their life in charity that feeds people for the sake of Allah,

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not wanting any form of compensation, not wanting any form of gratitude, and a loss of hundreds amongst the rewards or loss penalty. Anna says for Willkommen alone sugar daddy can do with a Barham noble item was surah that Allah subhanaw taala spares them from the hardship of the Day of Judgment. And Allah subhanho Tada allows them or meets them on the Day of Judgment. napolitan was surah. And they have a sense of joy, that puts them at ease. Okay, so what Allah gives them on the Day of Judgment is not just a sense of happiness, not just the smile, but a smile that puts them at ease, that lets them know that they're okay. Right. Now, in our situation, where we're out right now, when

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we're unable to maybe do the same acts of service that we were able to do.

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One of the things that we can do is we can put a smile on someone's face, we can reach out to a brother or a sister, we can check up on someone. Yes, telling a joke can be a form of a bad can be a form of worship as well, if that joke is one that's made, obviously within the limits of what, what, what's allowed. But if that joke is one that is made with the intention of giving your brother and sister a moment of happiness, removing some of their stress, that can be a form of a Bible that can be a form of worship, to sending them a message, hey, I'm just checking up on you. All of that can be a form of worship. And that type of service is not just, you know, a service that you can do,

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because you can't relieve someone's debt or because you can't feed a poor person right now. That type of service can actually be greater than any other type of service to put a smile on someone's face, especially when they're in a moment of stress. And to remove that burden, even if it's if it's for a short time, right to where they can, they can feel like you know what I'm going to be okay. Everything is okay. Now of course to remind of Allah subhanaw taala is good. And to at the same time, be there for someone for the sake of Allah subhana wa tada is good to just let them know hey, I'm thinking about you. I'm checking on you. I know you must be stressed out right now, but I just

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wanted you to know that I'm making God for you. I just wanted to check up on you and whatever it is, that can relieve them for a moment inshallah. Tada.

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The most beloved of leads to a loss of habitat and totally Tyler Columbia, HCA sudwala that you enter a sense of inner joy into the heart of your brother or your sister. So you smile at them. And the intention is that you put a smile on their face. And in putting a smile on their face, you comfort them on the inside. And that's how you relieve them of some of the stress and some of the burden of this world. Now, one of my teachers said something very beautiful. He said that, you know, when you look at the smile that the Prophet sly son was talking about, there are two things that are going to make that smile rewardable are even more affordable. Number one, who are you smiling at?

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Okay, who are you smiling at?

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Because if putting a smile on the face of your brother or sister is sooner smiling at the face of your in the face of your brothers, as soon as Then what about smiling in the face of your parents? What about smiling in the face of your of your of your spouse? What about smiling in the face of your children? Okay, how much more rewardable? Is that then? And a lot of times, of course, you know, we, you know, we leave those smiles or, you know, on the outside of the house, but we don't bring them to the inside of the house. So what does it mean to do that for our parents, and particularly right now the elderly? And again, if we, you know, spouses, children, anyone, our

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family members, how do we put smiles on their faces, because that would make it more rewardable. Because serving the parents, those cutting mean, those two noble ones, serving the spouse serving the children is far greater than service to anyone on the outside of your home. So the first thing about inside of your home, right? where everyone is very stressed out. And obviously you know, when when people are sort of bunched up together, they can start to drive each other crazy. How do I smile more at the people inside my household? How do I make them smile, bring them some sense of joy. So that's the first thing is the is the person that you're smiling at think about that or

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putting a smile on their face. The second thing is the stress or the amount of stress that that person is in, okay, or that that pert that the amount of duress that that person is under the amount of stress that they're in? What that means is that the more mood the more burden the person is, the more stressed out the person is, the more abandoned that person may be maybe it's someone that people are not thinking about. Maybe it's someone that that's really going through a hard time the greater the level of that person's stress the greater the reward of relieving them of that stress if that makes sense. Okay. So, I hope I hope this is making sense. So, the first one is the status of

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the person in regards to who that person is to you right and what right they have upon you. So starting with your parents, spouses, children, family members, the second one is the amount of stress that that person is in and you playing a role in actually relieving that person of distress is especially rewardable inshallah tada so again, service that this type of service which is putting you know, smiling at our brothers and sisters

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causing someone to smile and giving them a sense of relief and joy, when they're going through a hard time is the greatest act of service that we can do inshallah, tada and, of course, all of that within the, within the etiquette of the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the beautiful example of the messenger it his Salatu was set up, so that inshallah tada I hope that in the midst of everything that you're going through, I hope inshallah tada you're smiling and you're not just putting a smiley face. Let me draw in for you on the on your on your comment box and sell us out. But I hope you're actually smiling. And I pray that you take that in Charlottetown you cause

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someone else to smile, as well. And again, especially let's show those of us that are caring for the elderly right now a special message to those of us that are caring for the elderly right now for our parents. You have an ketamine as the prophets I some call them those two noble ones in your presence. They're probably very stressed out by everything that they're hearing right now. There's nothing like putting a smile on the face of the parent. The last panelist to add allow us to carry that to our families to the outside May Allah subhanaw taala allow the smiles that we exchange inshallah tada through these devices to also be rewardable and May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to

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encompass all of those acts of service that we find in the center of the profits will align with an alumna. I mean, like morphine and everyone and Sharla Tada. I will see you tomorrow night we sit on like to lunch

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