Omar Suleiman – Fiqh of Pregnancy #2

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss various issues related to birth control, including temporary birth control, a need for a mother to avoid poverty, and the importance of fasting during pregnancy. They emphasize the need for a full life and the importance of avoiding poverty during pregnancy. The speakers also stress the need for a mother to support children and the importance of having a healthy birth control plan. They provide examples of conditions related to birth control, including temporary birth Congestions and the need for a mother to avoid complications. They also advise against giving birth during breastfeeding and suggest consulting with a doctor about what to do during the summer.
AI: Transcript ©
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gonna have kids, right? I've met many people like that. Okay, just say I don't want to have kids because of the amount of facade in the world. I don't want to bring them in this world because the Day of Judgment is like two years or something. Right? It's the world's about to end anyway. Right? And imagine if people had that mentality back then. Now, the reason why I address that issue is because do the sins of the child affect the parents?

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Do the sins of the child affect the parents, only if they were responsible for that sin, only if they failed to do what Allah subhanaw taala commanded them to do? Okay, so for example, Salah, your kids don't pray, and you taught them and you taught them how to pray, you did everything at 710. And then, you know, they're 15 years old, or they're grown ups now, and they don't want to pray anymore. That's none of your business, you still get the reward. And in fact, you would get the reward as if they had prayed because in the metal metal vignettes, you had a good intention. Okay. So the scholars, they say that the only thing that parents are responsible for when the child is in the

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house and listen closely, actually, for all of the members of the household, a Salah will outta

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the covering, right? My child needs to be dressed decently whenever you get out. If you decide to do whatever you want. That's your business. Now you don't you teach how to be again, from the very start, you don't come whenever a child becomes a teenager and try to force these things on them. That's where the problem always arises. Okay, you're proactive with these things, then if they grow up, then you can say, Well, no, Holly has Salam. You know, some people try I call it the newer cart. Some people tried to play the new cart, and they didn't know how to be a whatsoever and you're saying well know how to use lamb had a bad son, you did nothing like know how to his son. And you're

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saying that know how to use the lamb had a bad son, Imam Malik had a bad son, too. But what effort did you put into his child? And what effort did Imam Malik put into his child? Right? Allah Subhana. Allah knows what effort you put into your child. So at that point, when they grow older, and they become bad, and they make their decisions, that is their problem, okay, it's not your problem, you would not be charged for that. Some also say, what if my children grow up and they treat me badly, right? I put all of this effort into my children, and especially we live in a society where the parents are always dumb, right? Even in the cartoons that you watch any cartoon that's that show,

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you know that that's shown on cable TV today, the parents are the idiots in the cartoon. Right? Go through all of them. Just study them Subhanallah, The Simpsons, you know, Family Guy, whatever it is, what was that? What's the latest American Dad, the dad, the mom are always just totally out of it. You're being programmed at that age, to know that your parents don't know what they're talking about. So they're not worthy of being honored. Subhanallah they're not worthy of being treated that way. Because your parents are really just unreasonable. You wonder where they get that from? Right. So unfortunately, we have to counter that influence. And a lot of times it hurts people when when

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their children treat them bad. You know, I put everything you know, sometimes I look at my three year old and I'm serious, I'm talking to him, I'm like, You better not grow up to be a brat. You better don't grow up to talk back to me, you know, because they don't know the love that you put into them. Right? They don't know the mercy that you showed to them all the sacrifices that you made. And of course, it goes to the Hadith that we mentioned earlier that the believer is not tried by fatigue or illness or, or anxiety or distress, except that ALLAH subhanaw taala, then also lost by some said, even a thorn that pricks the believer, even a thorn except that ALLAH subhanaw taala

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takes away his sins. But in particular, one Hadith should really should really, you know,

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make us a little bit more optimistic. You know, the Prophet slicin I'm taught us that Allah Subhana Allah to Allah guarantees the hukou of every servant, the rights of every servant, ALLAH SubhanA, which Allah will show you mercy on the Day of Judgment. If you are fortunate, he won't hold you to all of those rights. But as far as a bad than a bad servants and servants, Allah will make sure everyone gets their rights back. Allah subhanaw taala will make sure everyone gets their rights back. So when the servant meets Allah subhanaw taala. And on the Day of Judgment, he will compensate them for all of the rights in this dunya that were not fulfilled. So much so that also la sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam said Hatay, a terminal Abdu Aniruddha either dunya Leah Cohen, Amin and Muslimeen. So much so that a believer a servant would wish to return to this dunya and be transgressed more, have his rights taken more because when Allah compensates you, it's greater than any compensation given to you in dunya. So Allah subhanaw taala knows what you put yourself through and Allah subhanaw taala will reward that investment even if your children grew up to treat you ill or your children grew up you know, not being as pleasing to Allah subhanaw taala as they should be not following the Sunnah that they should be that the in the way that they should and so on so forth.

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Also even a miscarriage. Even a miscarriage isn't an investment. Even a child that was lost at a young age is an investment. Sahel ignore handler, or the Allahu Taala and we all know the famous story of handled or the Allahu anhu, who played

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claim that you know that he was a hypocrite. And when trouble Beckett will the Allahu Anhu and so on so forth. His son was known to not have any he could not have children. Okay for more than one wife, he married more than once and he was unable to have children and people used to feel sorry for him. And he used to say don't feel sorry for me that I wasn't able to have any children. He said the one thing I wish Allah subhanaw taala would have granted me was a miscarry child from all of the times I heard it also last lice on talk about their awards of the parents of a miscarry, child Subhanallah all the times that was so lost, I'm talking about the reward of a person going through that distress

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going through that hardship. Because of the loss. I'm taught us in our law managers that are limited by law. The greatest reward is with the greatest hardship, the greater the hardship, the greater reward from Allah subhanho wa taala. So it also loss lice and I'm sad that indeed, the miscarried fetus will confront his Lord.

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If he enters his parents into fire, and it will be sent to him, all fetus which confronts your Lord and to your parents into paradise and also lost my son, I'm sad that he will drag his parents into paradise, even what will be happening to solar even with the umbilical cord, he will make sure his parents get into into paradise Subhan that's why the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said in the hadith of Morocco, the Allahu Anhu that no two Muslims lose three children except Allah subhanaw taala will cause the parents to enter paradise through the favor of His mercy towards them. And they said the artists will learn what about too and also last Einstein said and to and they said

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jasola And what about one and he said even one and he said the miscarry child will certainly drag its mother and father even with the umbilical cord into paradise. So Subhanallah we have so many different Hadith about that. My favorite one and I just did a video on Quran Weekly actually about the miscarried child and I went into a little bit more detail.

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But the Hadith in Al Bukhari where Allah subhanaw taala says to the angels Hadith could see when when the when the child is taken away from a servant so this is a child and infancy and know that the prophets I send them buried six out of seven of his children, six out of seven of his children so well so last lesson, I'm certainly had empathy in this regard. And that's why there were so many Hadith about losing your children at that early age because of what he went through personally salAllahu alayhi wa sallam, and it hurt him he used to cry, right? And I've been out for the Allahu Anhu Assam crying over his son. And he said what NTR Rasul Allah, He said, You to a messenger of

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allah sallallahu sallam, this isn't about questioning God, this is about just hurt. It hurts to go through that. And in this hadith, Allah Subhana Allah says to the angels, have you taken the child of My servants? And they say, Yes. And he says, Have you taken the apple of his eye? Or the apple of his heart? And one narration said yes. And what did he do? They say how Medaka was startled? Yeah, he said, hamdulillah and in Allah when I like Raj your own, and Allah subhanaw taala says, So build him a home and call it Baytril hemtt in paradise, build him a home and call it the palace of praise. Right they tell him the house of praise. And also last I said I'm says in the Hadith from Ebola, the

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Allahu Anhu Maria Abdullah MOTM in there in the desert either come up to Sofia Humann dunya Mata Saba Illa Jana, that there is no servant of Mana, there's no reward for the servant of Mine. If I take if I take his his pure one, his beloved one from him in this dunya and then he shows patience and perseverance and seeks the reward from Allah subhanaw taala except for Jana. Okay, except for Jana. So we have so many different Hadith about that. Now, we can start getting to the, the and you know, one question I was asked, well, what if we just can't have children?

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Or you know, subhanAllah the best answer that I could find was actually the answer of the moment lasagna or Hema, hola Tada. He said that if a couple is not granted children, but their intention for having children was that they wanted to raise righteous Muslims, then they would have the reward to the extent of their intention. So you imagine if a couple says you don't shout, may Allah grant us, you know, five, six children we can raise to be a father of Quran and can you know, they can you know, they can be righteous believers and they can carry on our legacy and Allah doesn't give them a single one. They get the same reward as people who went through the struggle

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to the extent of the sincerity of their intention. So Allah azza wa jal knows the pain and the suffering of the believer and the last panel Tara knows what we go through and Allah subhanaw taala rewards accordingly, believing the lie to Allah. Now the now we can start getting into the pregnancy, okay. The virtues of having a boy versus a girl. I just did a video on Quran Weekly on that too called cherish your daughters we are very backwards when it comes to son and daughter even in this society, unfortunately, even in our cultures until now, there's this idea that having a boy

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is preferred to having a girl. And, you know, the first answer to that is it doesn't matter. The first answer is it doesn't matter And subhanAllah there's a book, Buhari narrates and have been moved.

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From cathedral obeyed while the Allahu Anhu who said that whenever a child was born amongst the women of the unsought, I shall would not ask them if it was a boy or a girl, but rather she would ask, Is the child healthy? Subhanallah she would ask, Is the child healthy? And if she was told, yes, she would say and hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen she would praise Allah subhanaw taala she wouldn't even ask is a boy or a girl. That's the life of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So the first answer to that question is it doesn't matter. You know, when you're granted a healthy child said Hamdulillah you know, it shouldn't even be thinking about that. And the other answer to

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that is that actually in the Sunnah, we know that having a daughter is more virtuous than having a son. Okay, so So last I said, I'm said anyone who is blessed with two daughters, and he raises them until they reach the age of marriage will be you know, what is going to be up to him and he raises them with good tarbiyah your corner Merryfield Jana kaha teen your corneocyte can be young and Ileana kaha teen he will be on the Day of Judgment with me like these two fingers.

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You know, And subhanAllah think about that. Let's Allah say son, I'm guaranteeing the same reward that he guarantees for the orphan and we know even with the mother of Medea mighty his son, I mean, you talk about a woman that wasn't able to have children for a long time. And finally, when she became pregnant with Meriam, her husband was at Enron, this is heading up into Falco and her husband and Ron, and they're so excited and they're happy. And in fact, the people were happy for them because Enron was the mom of his people, and then Enron died while she was pregnant.

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Enron died while she was pregnant. And she you know, she assumed when she made the right to Allah, Allah would give her a boy that would continue the legacy of Prophethood then I'd be in the woodlot to * if it's a girl. And Allah Subhana Allah says, well, Allahu, Allahu Allah knows what you gave birth to. Allah knows it's a girl. I didn't accidentally make it a girl. When they said that could Okaloosa and the girl is not like the boy, you know, it's funny. I was listening to someone give a lecture one time, I was listening to a heartbeat actually in the Middle East, I was sitting in the hot tub. And the Imam was talking about and by the way, the imams in the Middle East are not always

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scholars just letting you know for him. That's

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that's not an understatement at all.

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And subhanAllah some time and one time I was listening to him give a husband he was talking about the virtue of the boy over the girl and the men over the women. The whole football was about why men are better than women. And he says, Why according Allah azza wa jal from the Quran Al Karim, when he said that cattle cattle and Allah says in the Quran, and the boy is not like the girl and it's like you forgot the that that was the mother of money. I'm saying.

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Wait a second, okay.

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But Subhanallah and people were very happy about that, obviously, because there's a bunch of men, right? Who were being told that they were better than the women.

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But Allah azza wa jal, instead of just giving her a prophet Allah could have made hen of interfaculty pregnant with reciting his setup. Right? And the story, you have one of Otter lasma Rasul one of the greatest messengers and mercy hug no Maria as your child but instead Allah gave her the best woman you know, in the last half archy AutoHotKey * era and they started out and I mean, the best one woman of the women of mankind and then through her Allah gave you a citation um to Subhan Allah the blessings that Allah gave her so not only does she benefit, not only as Madame her sadaqa jariya but at Eastside Islam is also her sada giardia. Right. So we should think in that

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way. And again, as I said, with the low tide on her, used to think All right now we're gonna get into the book. Let me make a clarification from now. It is absolutely impossible. I have 79 pages of notes that I've hand typed with different men that had different opinions. I can't sit here and give you every single opinion on every single issue. So sometimes I won't be able to. I'll try to summarize it and I'll try to paraphrase. Inshallah Tada Imam Nadine Bashir, our chef will also be with us Inshallah, after salata, Moussa when we do the q&a, so he'll sit with me. So if there's any difference or things of that sort, then Sharla Tata, he can also shed light on that so we can have

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more than one perspective. So when I talk about 50 issues, especially some of these are very sensitive issues, okay, especially the first one, which is the issue of birth control.

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These are very, very, very sensitive issues. And I actually went through these issues with him to make sure that we're on the same page with them. Hum did a lot of blind minima. And the opinions that I present are primarily the opinions of an imaginary cochlea, which is the assembly of Muslim jurists of America, which include my you know, my teachers also. So I'll present it with that balance, and Chatelet I hope it's the balanced opinions on these issues.

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When we talk about these things, so the first issue we're going to talk about is the issue of birth control. And again, forgive me because I'll have to be very explicit when we talk about these issues.

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because it's filth and there is no higher when we talk about Dean, there's no shyness when we talk about the deen in that regard. So there is no doubt in Islam first and foremost a point there is no doubt in Islam the more the merrier. Right? The more children is the most recommended in Islam, or sola size, and I'm encouraged us to have as many children as possible. There's no doubt about that. Okay. Now, there are two types of birth control that we address here. Number one is permanent birth control. And number two is temporary birth control. Permanent birth control is haram by consensus, unless there's a serious medical issue.

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Okay, unless there is a serious medical issue, or there's something that would cause the woman harm for a long period of time. Okay, that, you know, permanent birth control is haram. Okay, it would be

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it would be allowed for a woman in the case where again,

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it would only be allowed for a woman in the case where you know, she would never be able to have kids or it would be harmful for her to ever have kids so would be allowed to do tubal ligation. I think that's when they

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you know, that's whenever they keep the woman from ever having children of discectomy for a man has always had on. So the man can opt to do a vasectomy, even if it's going to be harmful for his wife to ever be pregnant. Why? Because this is a situation this is a condition of the mother in that case, not a condition of the men Allahu item, what would happen in the future, right? So vasectomy would always be haram for the men is never permissible. And it would be valid for the woman again, only in the case where she will always,

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always be at risk. All right now temporary birth control is where we have the disagreement and have the level but I mean, there isn't much disagreement about temporary birth control. There's a Hadith from Jabba diviner, Abdullah or the Allahu Taala enhanced Muslim or jabot will de la anima says couldn't No, I still will Quran, Ian's that they used to practice withdrawal, the Sahaba used to practice withdrawal even as the Quran was coming down. And the point that he was making is that that was their form of temporary birth control and it was practiced back then. Even in the presence of the Prophet slice, and I'm even while the Quran was being revealed, so that tells us that there is

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an allowance for temporary birth control with conditions. Now what's the difference between the two and the mama no Rahim Allah, He says that if ALLAH SubhanA, which added decrease the child for you, even if you're using temporary birth control, the child will come anyway. So it's a precaution. But at the same time, you know, it's not it's not, it's not a measure that would permanently do anything. And Allah subhanaw taala could still, you know, it's funny, because no matter the most effective method of birth control still would always say 99%, it would never, no one could claim 100%. Right, there's no way to make that claim and the amount of Nobita Hema Allah said, it's a

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relationship with the color of Allah subhana wa Tada. So whenever you take that, whenever you use temporary birth control, you're not saying that I'm not going to have children, you're doing your you're trying to prevent it for whatever reason, we'll talk about what are valid reasons and legitimate reasons you're trying to prevent it for those reasons. But if Allah wants to give you a trial, the law will give you a child anyway. And you have to accept that Kado, right, you have to accept that decree from Allah subhanaw taala. So there are conditions to which it is allowed. Number one, it should be by mutual consent.

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And this is by consensus, it's the right of the husband and it's the right of the wife to have a child. So temporary birth control can only be used by mutual consent. All right, I've seen situations, in fact, Imam Nadine was just mentioning one to me, actually, where a husband wants to force his wife to use birth control, it can, you cannot do that. Nor can the wife or the husband. Okay, this is something that has to be done by mutual consent. Number two, it should be medically safe, medically safe. Okay, so the Sahaba used to practice withdrawal IUDs, spermicide, all of those types of things. Birth control pills is where the issue of contention comes up. The cut out of the

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measurement of the decision of the measurement was that

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if it's with the consent of a doctor, and it's determined that there's extremely low risk, because in the study, and now we're stuck, if something is of extremely low risk, then it does not, you know, it does not, it's not taken into consideration, then that would be okay. Number three, you should not decide to have no children whatsoever.

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So the number is flexible. The number is flexible. Okay, but they're in MSA to get married and from the very beginning tried to say that we never want to have children. That's a problem. Limiting the number spacing all of that is what the Sahaba used to use it for. Okay, that's the third condition. All right, have temporary birth control. And I know there's gonna be a lot of questions around all of these things and shall at the end, we'll take questions. What about the concept of abortion?

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And Islam is not as black and white, as other religions are. And it's funny because

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You know, we're usually the extremists with everything right are portrayed to be the extremists and those that are refusing to give up on tradition and things of that sort. And I remember having this discussion in ethics class in college, and the evangelical Christians were a lot worse than we are on this issue. Right? And that's why you have terrorists and let's use the word terrorist because it's an ideology people that blow up abortion clinics and stuff like that, right? That's terrorism. Now in Islam, there are three categories in abortion. There's the first 40 days there's the first four months and then there's all the way from four months to delivery after four months until the

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time of delivery. So Islam separates the issue into three different issue into three different categories.

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So, for the first 40 days, when is the soul in the body or is there no soul in the body? In our deen? No soul so is life conceived? At the time whenever whenever? Whenever the baby is first formed, whenever the fetus is first formed, there's life conceived at that moment. No, we don't believe that in our deen. So there is no life in the first 40 days. So having an abortion, I'll talk about circumstances number one, it would fall under the Aurora or Hajra there are three levels of need and shutdown. There's Dora which is a dire need. There's Hajah which is a need but it's not like something that you can't live without, but it's it is a necessity it is a need but you still be

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able to live and there's toxemia which is not a need. It's just comfort. Okay, it's an embellishment. All right. So this type of abortion could take place under Dora or Hajra.

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Dora is a dire need Laura is there's a threat to the woman's life. The child has some terminal defects it's not going to go forward. Those are those are the road yet Okay, those are dire needs and it's a case by case and anytime you're going to apply a special case you need to consult with a scholar anyway. Right I'm just giving the basics of it so you can have just a foundation and understanding of the entire topic but obviously if anyone's ever put in the situation then they need to consult Alright, so the Rura is that

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Hajah as we said is a need but you could still technically live without it. Alright so in essence Elora is only medical Laura is never social. Laura is never a social need. Aurora is purely a medical need a dire need and this situation is only a purely medical need a hajj it could be a social need. Okay, so a hijab, for example, would be * for a woman was raped. All right, and she can she conceived as a result of that she wouldn't be allowed allowed outside. And that's my opinion, the opinion of many football, she wouldn't be allowed at that point. If the father dies, for example, she becomes widowed and it's still at the very start still, within the first 40 days,

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she would be allowed to discontinue that pregnancy according to many of the FDA. So there are many ways of that obviously there's the the morning after pill, which is that that which blocks fertilization and things of that sort, and there's obviously traditional way of abortion, the other condition

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is that it should not be done for fear of poverty. That's the main thing right there should not be done out of fear of poverty. That is not a social need a hagit in this regard, because you don't know where Allah subhana when ALLAH SubhanA wa senses Liske his sustenance and you're expressing mistrust distrust in Allah subhanaw taala at that moment, so you cannot just say I don't want to have a kid right now. It's still 40 days there's no life anyway, let's get rid of it because we're poor. We can't afford it right now. That's completely not allowed and that's where the idea falls in. When I talk to Lou Oladipo has said to me luck do not kill your children for fear of poverty.

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Okay, no, no, no Zuko, nosocomial er comm we will provide for them and we will we provide for you, right? So you don't know where that is? Because it could be because of those children. Allah sends you risk right? It could be because of that last contact Sunday sustenance. So that is never a valid need. Okay, then you have the first four months so 40 days has passed. But you're still in the first four months life or no life. Is there life in the womb yet? No. No Rasul Allah. So I said, I'm said At what point does the angel blow the soul into the fetus one? Four months? So we're talking about the for four months. Okay. How many weeks is that, by the way? Just making sure you guys are awake.

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Okay, good. All right. So the angel breeds the soul in that four months, 16 weeks. So within that time after 40 days, but still within the four months period,

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a time an abortion could only take place under the Aurora dire need Hajra does not apply anymore. A social need does not apply at that point.

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Okay. The Rura is a medical need a purely medical needs so a medical deformity, fear of the mother's life or a fear of the child's life.

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Okay, at that point

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It would still be allowed

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after four months

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is it ever the soul is there right? So is allowed at that point

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only in one condition under one condition, and that is if the mother is surely going to die because in the shutter the mother's life takes precedence over the child's life. That is the only situation at that point.

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And the reason being is at that point it is a full life. Okay, it's a full life the baby is a full life the prophets lie some said that if a woman is if a woman's baby is killed after she's four months pregnant, there's cause loss. Okay, there are some it's a full life and also you know, many of the scholars and this is the opinion I hold we can't go into too much detail of that. Many of the scholars say that if the child dies after four months they still have to be named. They should be shrouded and Janaza should be prayed and even the mountain Okay, Melissa to do a clicker somewhere just give the undertaker meet somewhere just to fulfill that. That sunnah. Okay, so it's a full life

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at that point, so you don't play with the child's life after four months, under any need. And also last I said I'm sad that the miscarried fetus should be prayed for. So this is an authentic hadith from Abu Dawood and ultimately from an elite administrator but that also last item said the miscarried fetus should be prayed for so you should actually by consensus of the scholar if the baby so we're talking about miscarriage or abortion here after four months if the baby made a sound by consensus name, shrouding janazah. Okay, if the baby didn't make a sound, then that's where Ahmed and a Shafi would say that you have to name it shroud it, it's it's full child, okay. So it was a

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human life at that point. All right.

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Any questions about that that topic? Yes, for the money, whatever, you

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just will we will have covered

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that issue.

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And linking back to the

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different contraceptions.

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Like this there have been caves already now.

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Yes, it is a lot.

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Very, very close in age and man is to have more babies.

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That's fine. That's fine. Yeah. So spacing out again. So he said temporary compromises contraception. That's the question. Temporary contraception, it is completely allowed under the conditions that we mentioned spacing. And that's why Jabel the Allahu taala. And who mentioned that the Sahaba used to do it also. And it's very common in the books of obviously, we talked about it as that in particular that was their only form of temporary contraception was was birth control was that form was withdrawal. One question from the sisters then I'll go back to talk. Yeah.

00:28:09 --> 00:28:14

But in so the morning after pill, we said it could be used within the first what?

00:28:16 --> 00:28:35

For something, but legally speaking from a salary perspective within the first four months. So I know I understand what you're saying it's only within 72 hours, but I'm saying the social need might come into play. So if a woman was raped for example, with with and so she wants to use that, that's fine, that's allowed.

00:28:38 --> 00:28:43

And then they forgot to take it so the doctors tell them well, then the next day

00:28:46 --> 00:29:03

that's fine, because there's that's fine. So chef heighten was also I saw some of the Maasai faster, that's fine. Shala alright, I'll continue inshallah. Tada. So I'll take like one question one question after every section, then we'll have an extended q&a inshallah. Now let's talk about some of the key rules and restrictions for pregnant women. Okay,

00:29:04 --> 00:29:20

getting into pregnant women as a whole number one all blood and this is just knowing all blood is considered is the Hala all blood is considered to have the means other blood, okay, so it's not in the jossa all blood is considered as to how that unless there's an indication otherwise, okay.

00:29:23 --> 00:29:51

So if there isn't, if it's a miscarriage, after four months, then it would be considered me PFASs. Okay. And the fast is, again, the the period in which the woman would not fast and she would not, you know, she would not pray, and she would treat that blood like me fast. Okay, she would treat that blood like me fast, and we'll talk about the rulings of the fast but otherwise, any blood that's seen during the pregnancy is to be considered as to how that's not to be considered

00:29:52 --> 00:29:59

impure or an unjust or an injustice not to be considered impure blood when it comes to fasting and this is a very touchy issue.

00:30:00 --> 00:30:37

And I hate talking about it, but I have to talk about it when it comes to fasting, okay, so she has to break her fast if it's going to be harmful to the baby, that's by consensus, if there's, if it's known that it's going to be harmful to the baby, then she would have to break her fast. And in fact, it would be more rewarding for her to break her fast. The hadith is my uploadable didn't tell me the internet site, you never know magia that also Allah so I said, I'm sorry, Allah subhanaw taala has has relieved the traveler of half of the prayer and have the duty to fast and he has relieved pregnant and Nursey nursing mothers have the duty to fast and this is an authentic hadith. Okay, so

00:30:37 --> 00:30:55

the hadith of sola Seisen was comparing the pregnant woman and the breastfeeding woman to the traveler in regards to her fasting, but not in regards to her prayer, obviously, not in regards to the bustle. Now, so the issue here is obviously, at what point do you know if it's harmful to the baby or not harmful to the baby, because the verdict is really not completely out on this issue.

00:30:57 --> 00:31:01

There's a lot of medical research, obviously, that's, that's going on about this issue of fasting.

00:31:03 --> 00:31:39

So in essence, the study did not list so if you read in the books of film, you'll find that there are various opinions on regards to you know, whether the aussehen, whether the default is that a woman should fast or that she should not fast, okay? Whether that's the default ruling, okay. And there's a lot of variants there. And there's a lot of flexibility, also an understanding that, but in essence, the study permits you to break your fast. So while there's all this medical research is going on, and things of that sort, and there has been quite a bit of research to suggest that it's harmful to the baby to fast continuously in Ramadan, than it is it's better to be responsible with

00:31:39 --> 00:32:09

that will allow time to item. And contrary to popular belief, popular belief, I'll actually most of the evidence, medical evidence is showing that you know, a lot of times people think in the first trimester, it's not that harmful. third trimester would be harmful, actually, a lot of medical evidence is showing that it's actually more harmful in the first trimester. And I'm not a doctor, so I'm just talking about what I've read in terms of research. And that there, you know, kids have been shown to have learning disabilities later on in life, so the child might be born, very normal. That's just research, obviously, but it's not a, it's not conclusive evidence, the point that I'm

00:32:09 --> 00:32:21

trying to make is, it's not as simple as what meets the eye, right? It's not just, you know, well, I'm not that big now, so I can fast now it's not a big deal. So with that being said, Allah subhana, Allah gave the other to the woman she gave, he gave the

00:32:23 --> 00:32:25

he gave the excuse to the woman to break her fast.

00:32:26 --> 00:32:30

So consult with your doctor, okay, ask your doctor. All right.

00:32:31 --> 00:33:05

And that's the benefit of having a Muslim doctor, because maybe then, you know, for example, fasting alternate days, or fasting two, three days a week, or whatever it is trying to come up with a plan, so that the baby is still getting proper nutrition, and things of that sort. Then do that in sha Allah to Allah, but consult with your doctor about what to do there. I personally don't recommend it, I'm being very honest with you, I don't recommend it. Because, you know, and that's, that's just my personal opinion. In that regard. Allah gave the excuse, it's up to the person, whether they want to take that or not, I feel like it's, it's always better safe than sorry. And we do find examples

00:33:05 --> 00:33:39

in the shutter from the Sahaba, yet where they missed the entire month of Ramadan while they were pregnant. So if the Sahaba took that, or if they took that excuse, then there is no reason why we can't say to the sisters, you have that excuse. But she doesn't want to make up a lot of days. She wants to fast to three days a week, spaced them out whatever it is to keep the nutrition going to not affect the baby, especially if this lamb is in the winter. Right? If Ramadan comes in the winter, which is not going to be for a while and the days are short, that's fine. Okay, but the summer days in particular, you know, you have long days, and sometimes very, you know, tasking jobs

00:33:39 --> 00:33:48

or and I mean motherhood to, you know, just doing stuff around the house, you're very tired and things of that sort. It's probably better to take that excuse, it's probably better to take that role

00:33:49 --> 00:34:30

in that regard. All right. Now, as far as making up those fastest concerns, according to the more ultimate position, the reliable position of all four methods, you would have to make up that fast. Okay. And the reason why I say that is yes, you can find a cold from even ibis, a saying from a bus, but still the four Imams agree upon this and the Martoma. The reliable position of all four of the methods is that a woman would have to make up that fast, and not give Vidya in particular. So giving the the, you know, feeding a poor person for missing that fast, although a lot of women will just opt out of making up making up the fast and just give fifth Yeah, that's not the position of the

00:34:30 --> 00:34:59

four methods. And in fact, many of the scholars claimed it was EJ Mara on this issue. So even Kodama Rahim, Allah in the morning, claimed that there was absolutely there was, there was consensus and consensus and our deen is a proof. Right? So it's important to be careful with that. Now, what does that mean? The pregnant woman is most like a person that is temporarily unable to fast not a person who is permanently unable to fast. A person who's permanently unable to fast has the option to just give the fovea

00:35:00 --> 00:35:22

Obviously they can't make up the fast and that's where I've been I bustle the Allahu Anhu has said the IEA which talks about fifth year as an option was partially abrogated when Ramadan came when the commander of Ramadan came not fully abrogated. Okay? So she is most like a person who's temporarily sick and a person who's temporarily sick and as

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as the scholars say that also loss lice and I'm compared the pregnant woman to who, in the previous Hadith we just mentioned,

00:35:30 --> 00:36:01

the traveler, the traveler, pay 50, or does a traveler make up their fast a traveler makes up their fast. So with that being said, she would have to make up those fasts. That can seem very overwhelming. Alright, I understand that. And a woman wanted to throw a shoe at me. When I when I said that last time in the class, she was very upset with me and she said, we don't need to be hearing from male scholar about this. I said, I'm sorry, you know, if there's a woman scholar inshallah that can give you this lecture and that masjid, then go ahead, I'm sitting down, I don't want to talk about this anymore. But

00:36:02 --> 00:36:40

because I understand it sounds it sounds very harsh coming, you know, for me, that you'd have to make up those fasts, but there is llama in this regard, there is mercy in this regard. You can take your time making up those fasts, you can make them up gradually, you can space them out throughout the entire year. Fasting, while breastfeeding is not nearly as harmful as fasting while pregnant. Right? Fasting while breastfeeding, so then you could still do alternate, you know, two days a week, for example, one day a week while you're breastfeeding, the permission is still there to make up those fasts. It would not, it's not meant to punish you, okay, or to overburden you. Alright, so you

00:36:40 --> 00:37:14

take your time making these up. And even if it passes over the next Ramadan, some of the scholars said you have to give 50 out, you have to give expiation, there's no proof for that whatsoever. Along with the fast there's no proof for that. So there's no reason to burden the woman with the paying the 50. Also, that's for a person who didn't have a legitimate excuse, and did not make up the fast by the next Ramadan. But a woman obviously who was pregnant, or breastfeeding has a very legitimate excuse. So you space out your fasting, obviously, you want to try to get them out the way within the next year, 30 days or 29 days

00:37:15 --> 00:37:50

you know, and try to space them out over the next year you want to try your best to do that. But at the same time, there's no evidence that you'd have to pay a fifth yet at the same time. Another thing also as you should let someone know someone from your close kin how many days you have left to make up because also lots of ally said I'm setting a hadith that's much more difficult a that's agreed upon that whoever dies and was obligated to fast let his next of kin make up their fast for them. The issue of disagreement is If so, you know Can Can you fast, just a sunnah fast and semi dedicated to the debt. And my answer to that would be known when you read them out and say no, but

00:37:50 --> 00:38:26

there's this hadith which is agreed upon whereas the last like Sam said, if you missed fasts, and they were mandatory fasts, then your next of kin should make them up. So let someone know, you know, let your husband know that. You know, if I die, I'm going to throw these fasts on you. You got to make these fasts up for me. All right, let someone know so that they can make these fasts up for you at that point. So don't feel overwhelmed or overburdened by them take your time and making up these fasts. But again, at that, in that situation, you're like a person who's temporarily temporarily sick, not a person who is permanently ill. Alright, another thing is that obviously there's a lot of

00:38:26 --> 00:38:35

discharge when a woman is pregnant. So what how does that affect the will? Okay? It's simple. had that done, which is continuous this

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