Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Sha’rani’s Etiquette of the People of Allah Harms of Fame . Mangera
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The importance of focusing on one's beliefs and not just work schedules is emphasized in Islam. The use of the word "will" in relation to actions is emphasized, along with avoiding "will" and "will" in order to avoid mistakes. The importance of compassion and merciful behavior is emphasized, along with helping people in their grief and women's grief. The speakers also mention the need for helping people in their grief and women's grief, including reading books and taking on a course.
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either more or less Betty Shea in middle Amory Solly, hottie Ilan
foresee him in Lubbock Catarina split into cliffie forgot
what that means is any good deed that they do. They don't attribute
it to themselves that I did this. I did this many rockets of
tahajjud I gave this much
in charity, I built this I did this I established this.
Apparently you didn't do it. But in reality if Allah didn't give
you the Tofik to do it didn't give me the Tofik do it didn't give the
person and put let somebody else do it. Because at the end of the
day, the fact that all of these factors and everything came
together to allow you to do this.
It's from Allah
Smilla rahmanir rahim.
hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala say you did
much Selena what he was saw me he he married a man that we were
going through the other
of the earlier Allah of the people close to Allah subhanho wa Taala
of the righteous.
And one of the other. The next one he's speaking about is Eva moody
and UK Rumina Shoukry well is still far.
One Yoku Allahumma Antara and there will be no minimum Allahumma
Jana hiermee miles alone whether to be Maya Kowloon or fildena
mergia moon
this is something that
they will this is something that people who become a bit famous or
well known, and then people start seeing thinking that all the
benefit in this area or the benefit here is coming because of
him because of his lectures or because of his assistance or
because of his
contribution, or whatever it is, because human beings we look at
apparent connections. So generally, people who are inactive
positions get praised, which can be very dangerous. So this is an
other of how to deal with that praise. So he's saying that they
adapt in this regard is that if they are praised, then they
abundantly thank Allah subhanaw taala for the praise they're
getting. They abundantly thank Allah subhanaw taala not not
necessarily for the praise, but the fact that Allah has given them
some honor. Because honor is a really valuable thing. But at the
same time they do so far at the same time.
And in the whole idea of the CFR is they're saying, Oh Allah, you
are way more you you know a
lot more about me than them.
You are more knowledgeable about me than them.
Oh, Allah make me better than what they think I am.
So it's great that they think like this, but make me in reality
better than what they think. And do not take me to task for what
they are saying. And I don't have it. And maybe I've given a false
impression. Whatever the case is, don't get me for that. And forgive
me, forgive us for what they don't. Because we have issues.
Forgive us for what they what they don't know about us.
We're very important to others because this is a state where
people get intoxicated praise has this corrupting possibility.
That's why
the next one he talks about his lie to me do another cast be him I
mean other be him and and don't lie to me do another cast be him.
For in the late Mr. Anil CASB, Shere Khan
another one of the etiquette is that, you know, whatever they
earning what they think they're going to earn,
they got a good job or they're getting money from a certain
source or whatever they do not fully rely on that.
They don't rely on that.
Because to rely on your earning shirk,
relying on your earning Ashok although it seems a bit more
solid, that if I do this work that I'm going to be owed this much
money. So this is how much income I'll get. So it seems a bit
stronger than saying,
if I give this sadaqa then I'll get this Baraka because that one
seems a bit more difficult to understand. Or if I take this
medicine, then I'll get better.
It just at the end of the day, it's all a suburb.
Or if I make this door my door do I was going to be accepted or not.
So at the end of the day, it's all a sub it's all a means
He's saying that to rely on any kind of earning is Schick
because you're relying on yourself to think that you got the power to
bring in your income.
It shouldn't be lucky. I saw John.
He said that we've mentioned in other parts, he says of this treat
is he's talking about his longer book, he's mentioned in there how
to avoid how to escape from that kind of shit.
And then he says, anybody who is able to escape from not relying on
his earning, but relying on Allah subhanaw taala, then he is a
Mortman. He is the believer who will then get his income from
where he would never have even thought that it will come.
Once a person stops relying on himself, or herself, that I'm
going to do this, and this is the money and income that I'm going to
make. And they go beyond and think I'm going to do whatever I have to
do. But I know that Allah is the one who's giving me full full
Yaqeen like that, not just the belief. But yucky, there's a
difference between, I believe that that's the case. But I can't walk
the walk really, you know, that's not what I think.
Because they would not be willing to give up their time. For others,
the person who has Yaqeen will be willing to give up his time if
there was a need to give the shittier some kind of
preponderance over your work schedule sometimes.
So anyway, once a person becomes like that, and becomes heartless
in his understanding and his conviction Yaqeen, then he is that
believer who will get his wealth from where he wouldn't, he could
never have thought he will get it
will mean other be him.
And this is so true. Somebody just told me the other day, he said
that his father in law is a very wealthy man. Allah has given him a
lot. And this is this is what his father in law taught him. If you
go after money, then you will have to work hard. The day that you
decide that I'm not going to go after money, but I'm going to have
other motivations in my life, then money will come after you. If you
have pious motivations in your life, your focus becomes different
and not just everything you do is to get some money, or income, but
your focus becomes higher achievements than that for the
sake of Allah and then the money will come to you. And it's all
based on a hadith and he's saying this from experience, because his
father in law is a very wealthy man.
It doesn't mean you don't try you try but your focus is that you
also been doing something for the sake of your deen
you have broader horizons than just earning money. You're doing
more than that money is just part of the deal. It's just you got
bigger ideas than that.
Well, I mean other became
either more nice Betty Shea in middle Amory Solly hottie Elon or
foresee him in love with Katarina split into cliffie forgot.
What that means is any good deed that they do. They don't attribute
it to themselves that I did this. I did this many records of the
Hijra I gave this much.
In charity, I built this, I did this or I established this.
Apparently you didn't do it. But in reality, if Allah didn't give
you the Tofik to do it didn't give me the Tofik do it didn't give the
person and put let somebody else do it. Because at the end of the
day, the fact that all of these factors and everything came
together to allow you to do this.
It's from Allah.
So this person has gone beyond the apparent
image and understood the inner workings. It's like,
I am just looking at my clock, my watch that it is giving me the
right time, as long as it gives me the right time. I'm happy with it.
Now somebody comes and opens it up, start showing how each club
figures in this whole thing. Like wow, it's a lot more complicated
system. And it's just not what the apparent, you know, so most of us
we just still playing with the parent, then that's where we're
losing. It's really about the fact that Allah is behind everything.
That's when really matters. Just to get into that higher level,
think at that higher level. So that's why if not Atari, Allah
says in many of his wisdom, he says that.
Are you hoping for reward for the good deeds you do? Isn't it enough
reward that Allah chose you to be able to even do the deeds in the
first place?
Because there's so many people who don't do the deeds. What
percentage of Muslims in any country pray namaz pray Salaat.
Perform prayer
You know, just just think about it. So the fact that somebody has
been selected
as that 20% or 30%.
It's a massive issue, then so then he says that they only say that
this is my, this is my action in the sense that I was responsible
to do it, I was accountable to do it, because it's wajib points
fault. So I did it. So in terms of that, yeah, it's my deed, because
I need to fulfill my fault. But in terms of the actual deed coming
into existence, and it being a good deed and everything, that's
Allah, that Allah still fecal hamdulillah Hamdulillah. That's
why the way the Sufi is looking at this is that today and saying is
that any Amil any action, which the person links to its apparent
image, then it's not going to be accepted?
Its meaning there's no Kulia, then it's accepted as a fourth year for
this fulfilled. But in terms of Allah subhanaw taala? Well, you
know, you've really just attribute it to yourself, whoever thinks
that he did the action, then his action is his, it's not an action
by his Lord.
And whoever really understands this, well, how can another
whoever has Basirhat and true insights, penetrates, then he will
that, really, for the Mac, look, the human being, there's really no
effect. It's all from Allah subhanaw taala.
It's just that the judgment
is made, that we did this so that there's we we fulfilled our
And most people don't make a distinction between the fact that
this is my fault that I'm fulfilling. And the fact that
Allah gave me the trophy to do it. That's why
many people, they,
they have not made the actions purely for the sake of Allah
subhanaw taala.
That's why they then ask ALLAH SubhanA wa taala, for a reward of
that which Allah subhanaw taala allowed to come about on their
hands, what Allah allowed for them to do, they then ask Allah for
reward for that, whereas it's Allah Who gave them the ability to
do that in the first place.
And then, if the action that they did had anything to do with
favoring somebody else, or assisting somebody else, then we
will also ask them for a word.
So Allah gave us the ability to help somebody out. So it's a good
deed that's just not like praying for yourself, but it's assisting
someone else. sadaqa or anything like that was the cat or whatever.
And Allah gave us the trophy to give our zakat, then, because it's
benefited somebody else. Now we want them to reward us as well.
So that if they were to stop associating the action to
themselves and start understanding that Allah is the One who allowed
them to do it in the first place and enable them to do it, then
they would not ask even for a reward from Allah, and neither
would they ever ask for reward from anybody else, for that
That's why it's ear canal Buddha, where he kind of studied, only you
do we worship only you do we seek assistance from.
He says, but people, they just say this in tilava, they just read
this. Not, they don't really understand it's inside, inside.
And the reality of it.
Another thing I didn't see, these are very high realms. But if we
don't even know that this is a way to think that we'll never be in
that. We'll never even think like that. But at least now we
understand that. And we all believe obviously, that everything
comes from Allah subhanaw taala. Another thing is that they do not
use their own honor and they don't show up about their own honor or
They don't use that in front of Allah subhanho wa taala. Because
how can you Allah is the independent one, Allah is the
honorable ones. In fact, what they do is they associate with
themselves humility, and need, that's the way they stay with
Allah subhanaw taala. So when they have when they turn to Allah
subhanaw taala for any matter, whether it's a dunya you matter,
or a matter for the archaea, whether they want something of
this world or whether they want some baraka for the hereafter,
then they do not act all independent in their dua to Allah
subhanaw taala but they act with complete need of Allah subhanaw
Now, in terms of the dunya we're not where it's better to be
independent, not ask anybody for anything, but you can't do that
with Allah, because you're acting like a semi autonomous,
independent being whereas we're not. Allah owns us. We are his
possession we do we
His servants were absolute slaves. That's why he says that is that
our Jatha il Allah when you turn to Allah subhana wa Tada for the
word je la he were under 40 You're on verlieren then turn to him in a
state that you are in need. And you are humble for in NA Hinako
where is it UK we're in Ghana Villa heater Allah, em Na, Nick, L
E, Java, because you're acting independent and your self honor,
even though that's you do it for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala.
But in this state between you and Allah subhanaw taala will prevent
you from an answer. It will prevent you from getting a
response from Allah subhanaw taala reason, these two attributes of
independence and honor self dignity. These are
attributes of Allah subhanaw taala alone, and although he's told us
to use them, you can't use them in front of Allah subhanaw taala you
use them with others? Do you understand this one? It's like
although we're told to not ask anybody else for help and you're
trying to be self sufficient and self dignified when it comes to
Allah subhanaw taala you can't do that with him. Because he is the
one who's self dignified and self enduring and independent. And
we're servants so let's act our part with Allah but not with
others. Let's not be slaves of anybody else. But in front of
Allah we are complete slaves. The next one is the another of the
other besides Arun Allah che Amin Ohmori da Rainey Illa Martha of
weedy what are the La la la he Subhana I'm an unbeatable movie
Cody heater either. Why certain Takahashi and our hero lakum were
Assa and Taheebo che and well who were shot, we'll look at them,
what Allah who you are and Mo and to monitor and the moon.
Another of the other bits that they do not ask Allah subhanho wa
Taala for anything related to either this world or next or the
next except, or while also consigning the result of that to
Allah subhanaw taala and leaving the knowledge of it to Allah
subhanaw taala as well.
What does that mean exactly?
That means that when they make dua to Allah subhanaw taala about
something, they also leave the response in Allah's hand that if
you think it's better for me, not that Oh, give this to me.
The reason why they do this is because
it says in the Quran,
that sometimes you may dislike something whereas it's better for
you Eisah into crochet or hydrological. Or sometimes you may
love something, but it's actually bad for you. And Allah knows, and
you do not know. So what the way they would make their dua would be
Allahu Martinique. Waka in Ghana fee higher li What's the different
Nikka waka in Ghana fee sharonlea
Oh Allah give me such and such a thing if there's goodness in it
for me. And keep that away from me keep such and such a thing away
from me if it's bad for me. So they don't just think okay, this
is must be good. So let me just go for it. Now, of course, you can't
use this if it's a dis it's a decision between doing a good deed
and a bad deed. You know, that's clear. But this is if, for
shall I buy this car?
I need a car shall I buy this car? Oh, this must be very good for me.
Yes, you do your diligence. This is the car you want. This is the
house you want. This is the coat you want or whatever it is. But
then you still leave it to Allah. Then you get Baraka in it.
Just by remembering Allah subhanaw taala Oh Allah, if you think this
is good, Allah give me this, if you think it's good for me,
then when you do get it, if it's good for you, you get it, you get
And if it's bad for you, then you're still saved. It's like a
get out clause every time.
Right? It's like a get out clause every time.
I'm gonna buy it when I want to buy it but Allah don't give it to
me. It's not good for me. So then you might end up not getting it
but that's a good get out clause. You might not know you might feel
bad, but it's actually better for you. It's just the other day, that
every time we buy something we think like that.
That's why she said say the Abdulkadir Gilani used to say,
Allah Allah Allah and Allah might have with you should just avoid
asking Allah subhanaw taala for anything without consigning the
benefit of that or the harm of that to Allah subhanaw taala
it's almost like you're making Allah responsible for the good or
bad of it. Like I want you to be helping me out here. So he says,
avoid doing any dua Other than that, that's the way you should
make your DUA. Well, I might either I'll talk a low shaming
lady earning because look, if Allah subhanaw taala gives you
something without you asking. Allah gives you something you
didn't ask for it. You got it for that and you can move on
I have no doubt that we'll be blessed it when something comes
without being asked its blessing, right?
Whatever it may be, it's blessed if it comes without being asked
what as diba to Hamid, its results will always be praiseworthy. Well,
Lisa Ali, Kofi Hasani, sha Allah, Allah, and also no heads up on
that. So for example, you didn't go after, you know, some special
food or some other special garments, somebody come and give
you a hadiya or something of that nature. That's from Allah subhanaw
taala take it. They say that if you do, if you are offered
something without you, your heart, or your nerves, having designed it
in the beginning, then you should never reject it because that's
come from Allah and if you reject it, then you're rejecting the name
of Allah. So taken and thank Allah
because likoni German lady St. Shroff enough sin, it's come
without your knifes desiring it.
Another one, neither of the other services, other militia have
already been near material money.
They would never become preoccupied with the bounty, and
forget the giver.
Never to become obsessed and preoccupied and totally consumed
into the favor that you received and you forget who gave it to you.
Because it is extremely despicable for a servant, that he becomes
close to the favor and forgets the giver.
And that in all reality, in general, for a person to incline
towards anything other than Allah subhanaw taala is despicable
anyway, then because of the fact that He is the giver, and you
become obsessed with the gift. And this is a, I think a problem that
pretty much our entire world is involved in. We forget our giver,
he gives us especially us in the West sometimes because Allah has
given us so much. We become totally immersed in that and we
become forgetful of others. That's why Allah sends us these little
reminders just to make make us remind ourselves that look, it's
not about being cozy like that here. You have to do something for
yourself and for Allah subhanaw taala that's why another of say
the Abdul Qadir jeelani is
advices is that er CandyShell will be my ad. Al haco SubhanaHu Meenal
Merli for gibca Be radica and who dunion whoa Cara.
He says that, be completely
be completely distant from or avoid completely that you become
engaged in what the True Lord gives you. Wealth,
and then that same wealth, it makes you it veils you from Allah.
So Allah gives you lots of riches or whatever and then you stop
praying, you start enjoying you start traveling with that you
start splashing out with that and you forget Allah subhanaw taala
you don't pray anymore, because Allah has given you a lot before
when you need you ask Allah. Now you don't ask Allah so Allah has
given you something and that's saying, Well, you disobeyed Him,
because we're Obama, Salah, Catholica, el Morocco, better luck
because maybe sometimes he may take that wealth away from you as
a punishment for you. And then you saying that, whatever wealth Allah
has given you, if you use that to obey Him, then that becomes wealth
which is praiseworthy, not blameworthy wealth, that's the
benefit of it. Allah give us this snowflake Allah give us this
insight, and give us this ability to do this. Now this is another
one which
again, is a bit more specific, but I'll just mention it because there
will be benefits. My habit will isolated or isolated will be diety
doing the higher
when a person is starting off on the path of Allah subhanho wa
taala. You start studying you start doing Vickery starts getting
close to Allah subhanaw taala. Then the other of the earlier and
the righteous is that they first try to remain low key and isolated
and don't get public about it.
The reason is that when a person is just starting off the very
weak, small amount of praise, small amount of fame, renown will
corrupt them. They don't know how to deal with it. Fame is very
corruptive frame is very corrupt. So it will corrupt them take them
away from Allah subhanaw taala. Now a person who's mashallah
stayed and did a lot of vicar and really purified themselves, and
they've learned how to deal with these things. So it's advanced
Since then, it won't be so easy to corrupt my person, anybody can be
corrupted aside for profits. But generally, the more you've had
training in this regard, that's why people who become famous very
quickly, they can they have a lot of pitfalls, greater possibility
of it for those who stayed under, you know, someone else's
tutelage, and so on. And then slowly, slowly, then they train
themselves on being trained, then they know how to deal with it, you
know, somebody just smack you down a bit and tell you look, take it
easy. You know, this is not what it is. When a person is advanced,
then generally,
in front of him, there's going to be two types of people, whoever he
sees that.
Once a person is well connected to Allah, subhanaw, taala, then
anybody that he sees in front of me is going to fall into only two
categories, there can't be a third category says the two categories
is the either is going to be somebody who's got a bit of
And he needs help. So then this person is going to think that I
need to help this person. So he's trying to help them with some
compassion. The other type of person is going to be the person
who doesn't have any crookedness. He's on the straight path, then,
in that case, this person is going to try to benefit from him.
So that he can gain some benefit. So it's only two types of people.
Either somebody can benefit from or somebody thinks he can help.
So that is what you call a person who is never going to be a useless
person, somebody who is either going to take benefit from
somebody, or he's going to try to help somebody, it's always like
that an active individual, either benefiting or taking benefits,
never just passive. That's why he says that, I don't say that,
there's going to be three possibilities in running, there's
always going to be two types of possibilities, because a logical
third possibility will may have been somebody equal to him.
Right, just in terms of a logical possibility, theoretically, but he
says that we're not going to say that because really, in reality,
in this world, there are no two things which are completely 100%
No two things are completely 100%. Like, there's always going to be
something, even when you take two products of the, there's going to
be one that may just have a slight, you know, little dent, or
a slight dust on it, and the other one doesn't have dust, you know,
it's just always gonna be of some level is gonna be so when it comes
to people, there's always going to be either up or down. So, for this
person, he has to decide whether he can benefit from him or whether
he can benefit that person directly.
Yes, he says also, that such people will try to stay hungry for
long periods will fast quite a bit, especially in the beginning.
And the reason why they fast in the beginning is that food is what
gives the knifes a lot of power and strength.
So if they try to stay hungry and they fast, then they have a better
ability to control their knifes otherwise the knifes is what
prevents anybody from progressing in the path of Allah subhanho wa
Taala so you will generally see a lot of these people that in the
beginning, they will do a lot of fast and everything later on they
may do less fast, but that's because they've got enough control
now and they don't have to stay as hungry they can indulge if they
need to
say indulge it doesn't mean you know go overboard with these
things. But they can have food if they want to. And they don't have
keep long periods of fast and so on. Because their training period
is over now. Okay, and the next point is women other beam resume
or raw material Muslimeen
these people they're always going to have Chef aka and compassion
and mercy for the people. Always merciful to the people because
their whole focus remember is to help people and to assist people
so they become like they get the flock of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada
which is mercy. The reason is the Hadith says Aurora Harmonia hameau
Houma Rockman your hammelmann find out that the those who act with
mercy to others than the Most Merciful One acts with mercy
towards him
towards them. That's why
That's why I say the ideal house used to say that aleikum wa
rahmatullah Muslimeen. In Arata Antara hum. It is necessary for
you to be compassionate and merciful to others, if you
yourself want to be dealt with Mercy within a Rahmatullah home
and damietta. humo part of being merciful to others is that you
also take on their grief and sorrow.
You take on their grief and sorrow. Why them an Hamlin early
human equine animal simula UniFi Tasleem come at our hammer who bow
Now he's clarifying something here. You know, some people used
to say that if there's people who have issues, then it means it may
be because that they were sinful and that this is a punishment for
their sins. So that's why you can't really take on the grief and
so on and so forth. It's a bit
of an issue there. He says there's nothing like that. One is what
Allah wants to send them that's up to them. That's up to Allah
subhanho wa taala. But we need to act with mercy to people. Right,
and we need to assist them in that regard. And it's has nothing
against it doesn't go against the submission to Allah subhanho wa
Taala because of abdominal anemia hazelcast B him live the nobility
stack is to Hakuba Albula Anna zilara him where you sell him in
Haifa, Duc de la isla de Saba Kobe Hill el la Yun can run the
mythopoetic farm for in hookah the holiday Vida ligature merrington
Masha Hill Jan is Amina no Maselli monolight where you could do your
own Uh huh. Yeah, me too. Hum iClone him were called on Ahmadi
for learning one more Arata nakodar, because there's some
ignorant ones who used to say that why are these guys helping these
people out, and they are actually interfering with the color of
Allah subhanaw taala Allah wants to punish them or whatever the
case is. Now, we're not saying that, you know, it's trying to
assist people in their sorrow and their grief. Clearly, if a person
is a major sinful individual, you're not going to, you're going
to help them to recuperate, and hopefully get back on track.
You're not going to help them in their Sindo you're not going to
help them in their bad deed. But if somebody needs help, in terms
of their grief and sorrow, and they've got sorrow now, then you
need to help them out.
That's why it says malum Yamil, humble Muslimeen Felisa mean or
anybody who doesn't take on the griefs of other believers then
he's not from them, millimeter maybe emerald misdemeanor
policemen, anybody who is not concerned about the affairs of
other believers than he is not from them. That's why Imam Ahmad
ibn and Hatha Radi Allahu Anhu. Even as a liberal Muslim, Ina
Bella on Lyle haka, got to
lie I'd have got to Oregon Hurtado, the Allah one, when the
muslimeen would be afflicted by some kind of calamity, he wouldn't
laugh. Likewise, I would have been Abdulaziz Sofia and authority, I
thought a tsunami until the calamity was lifted, they wouldn't
be laughing. So the same Osaka deal in the UB that's why he
mentions about
auto salami,
that whenever this would happen, he would, I thought a salami would
actually blame himself as this is all because of me. And he says
that when when I die, then
people will be people will be then set free. So there's a lot of the
pious people of the past they will be really concerned about others.
Another of the other is that they remind the believers morning and
evening about whatever has been mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah.
About how things can be corrupted. So it's like, they are trying to
help people to keep the insects away from their crops.
So the crops or the good deeds that they do in the Hereafter. And
if you allow
the wrongs to come into that, then it will pollute your good deeds.
So it's like they're helping people in their fields, the fields
of the hereafter. So that's what he says here.
Okay, we'll we'll stop here.
Allah give us the trophy.
The point of a lecture is to encourage people to act to get
further an inspiration, and encouragement, persuasion. The
next step is to actually start learning seriously, to read books
to take on a subject of Islam and to understand all the subjects of
Islam at least at the basic level, so that we can become more aware
of what our deen wants from us. And that's why we started Rayyan
courses, so that you can actually take organize lectures on demand
whenever you have free time, especially for example, the
Islamic essentials course that we have on the Islamic essentials
certificate, which you take 20 Short modules, and at the end of
that inshallah you will have gotten the basics of most of the
most important topics in Islam and you will feel a lot more
confident. You don't have to leave lectures behind you can continue
to live, you know, to listen to lectures, but you need to have
this more sustained study as well as local law here and Salam
aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.