Omar Suleiman – Dont Be Like Trump

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The halifa of Islam is a reflection of the holistic approach of the halifa to society, and the importance of good governance and addressing "weacing culture of the world" is critical to achieving change. The speaker also discusses the negative consequences of negative leadership and the need for confronting "weacing culture of the world" and "weacing culture of the world" as critical elements of the fight against racism and anti-American activism. The importance of asserting oneself and denying views of others is emphasized, and upcoming events and plans are discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Alhamdulillah

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una de niro be here wanna talk karate he went to ob La la la maman shewry unforeseen Omen se RTI Marina de la huhtala filarmonica della Sala ha de la. Shadwell Allah, Allahu la sharika cola unhemmed you're here you meet with you and I am honored to be at the hill higher wahana aqualisa in Kadir or shodhana Muhammad Abdul Rasul Allah wasafi Yahuwah harira Amana tabula rasa tala Sahil Ilona maka Shalom, terracotta Alabama hydrated by La Liga Canna hardy her legacy one hola Holic, parada he offered a solid to a template to slim while Ernie he was so happy here woman is standing there be so nutty, he you know yo Medina, la Medina mean home woman alladhina amanu huami Dasani how

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to auto also we'll have to also the sub, I mean arrabiata mean we'll see coming FCB Tukwila what could Amazon have been how Kwok Allah tada yeah you had an AMA no Chappell la haka Ducati he went out to Morton a low onto Muslim on yeah you Hannah Sakura Bakula the hakomi nevsun wahida Allah caminhada thermen humare john and Kathy are on manisa What's up hola hola de Tessa Luna be here with our ham in LA can de como la Kiba? Yeah, you heard that the nominal taco la ha aku Colin de de de la Kamala can we offer local Mizuno back home on a Utah a la how Rasulullah whoa faqad defassa fosun alima from my bed. We begin by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala and bearing witness that nun has the

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right to be worshipped except for him alone. And we bear witness that Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam as his final messenger, we asked him to send his peace and blessings upon His messengers, the family of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his companions. And those that follow until the day of judgment, we asked a lot to make us amongst them a llama, I mean,

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our brothers and sisters, it's extremely hard to prepare a holtville on a day like this. It's there's so many things that I could say that I would like to say so many different lessons that we can take from this from a spiritual perspective. So many lessons we could take politically, there's so much to learn. And it truly is difficult to understand what point of history you are in when you are actually in it. It's very difficult. But I'm sure we can imagine how history will look at this particular era. And these days, and these weeks and the images that will be played over and over again. And what story of America will be told years from now 2030 years from now.

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But there's one avenue that I would like to discover and discuss in this multiple. On one hand, it's important for us to remind ourselves not to be afraid not to be intimidated, as almost all the Alon who said Allahu molana Well, I'm old Allah.

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Allah is our protector, and there is no protector for those that wish the believers in the servants of Allah harm. So on one hand, we have to remain confidence. And we should be grateful to Allah subhanho wa Taala that we are not in an era of complacency, that inshallah our community will learn that accepting meaningless tokens from the power establishment is not a substitute for actual meaningful change, which requires sacrifice. And that fruit or those fruits are usually not realized until a generation that comes later. So hopefully, we get it now. Hopefully we understand that gestures and tokens are not enough that there has to be a change that there has to be much beyond

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campaign slogans. And I want to remind everyone of one thing and this is very important when we speak about this in the hope of today. And when we talk about the state of politics, politicians are notaries people are agents of change. never in the history of this country or in the history of the world, in fact, has an election dramatically changed the fabric of a country or a society. an election doesn't bring down a system of oppression. candidates make us feel good. If they align with our words and our slogans. They usually fail to live up to those slogans and they disappoint the people that they riled up. And then another candidate comes and promises to do what the previous

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candidate the previous president could not do. It's usually many empty slogans. But one thing is also true. That many times the ugliness that we see in our leaders is a reflection of the ugliness in ourselves as a people and as a society. There's a top bottom way of looking at this, which is that Mr. Mona Adam, a righteous ruler, and we're talking about whether we're talking about an oma or we're using an analogy if we're talking about a country or a nation, a righteous ruler or a good ruler,

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allows for so much good to take place in a society he shapes that society and the Hadith of the Prophet. So I said when he mentioned the seven that are shaded by the throne of Allah on the Day of Judgment, he mentioned first Imam and either a righteous Imam, a righteous ruler. Why because under Imam want to add them, the masajid are able to function properly. Under email when they're added, there are certain ethics that are taught and values that are taught and that are administered at a government level that then manifest themselves in human interaction, people loving each other for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala people feeling uncomfortable with zinna people feeling called to

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give charity and values of empathy and so on so forth under email when either the other six categories exist. The other six categories flourish. So on one hand, it's incredible when that actually happens, and one can't help but think about Amata bin Abdulaziz Rahim Allah to Allah. When Allah bin Abdulaziz became was appointed as Khalifa and he stands up in the masjid and his first his inaugural speech was not like the one we heard today. his inaugural speech was actually a resignation, which is the one we hoped we'd hear today. Right. But his inaugural speech was a resignation. his inaugural speech was I did not ask for this. I don't want it. You people choose

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amongst yourselves who you want to be your halifa found little elementary born Go ahead. I'm done. Well salatu salam ala rasulillah. I didn't ask for this. I don't want to be here. He got down and the people forced him on the one button. And they said learn redo Iraq, we don't want other than you. The people carried him and put him back on the member until he accepted that position that the people appointed him that the people wanted

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from that day, or webinars will be said I saw I might have been Aziza, before he became the halifa and I saw him at Oslo and he was unrecognizable.

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The amount that he felt the trust that he felt the burden that he felt of an entire society as this 38 year old young man who had once been the governor of Medina 25 and reform so much within seven years, but now the halifa of the Muslims, the amount of the burden that he felt it shook him came out and he saw you know, modern cabal halifa he saw the the the the the entourage of the halifa and he dismissed it he said I'm you know, I'm just another Muslim just like everybody else, I don't want this dismissed all 600 bodyguards assigned to the office of the halifa you know, gave up 13 of his mansions and his palaces because he was a wealthy man gave them in South Africa and started to

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reform and started to implement justice in his society. It was a beautiful thing.

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And that trickled down into a beautiful manifestation in society. The people felt inclined towards justice at seeing a just leader and Amato was not just the man of slogans, the people themselves were moved towards them. In fact, as the mama chauffeuring narrates and knowlegable dinar, the wolves did not attack the sheep. When Ahmed bin Abdulaziz became Khalifa, the wolves did not attack the sheep much, much of what is projected of the return of Isa is on the return of Jesus peace be upon him, where the profits license mentions that the animals would not attack people predators would not attack animals that typically attack more vulnerable animals would not do so justice

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overwhelms a society. So there's a trickle down effect as well. So when you had this halifa, that was actually about change. And he represented the best of what Allah subhanaw taala gave to us, the people bought into that as well. And it started to change the interactions of people. So that approach is important. governance, good governance is well embedded in our faith. It's important because that shapes the society, and there are certain tools at that level that can shape a society like nothing else. But then on the other side.

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I read all the data on who was asked, he said, you know, how come a little bucket and omata Got it? All right.

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And look at what you're dealing with. I will Beckett and Alma were able to get all of this right. How come in Europe enough. There's so much struggle. And you know what he said? He said above Beckett and Ahmad had followers like me, I have followers like you.

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There's a difference. Society also has a responsibility. People also have a responsibility to change because it is very rare in history that you have a transformative leader that changes everything. People also have to change so there's a car either in Arabic there's a maxim and the Arabic language in order to hack him and cabbie back at Walmart for couldn't care if Manwani if you want to ruler like Apple Beckett and all more than be like Earth mountain valley. And from that, the famous saying

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Come out a corner you only Aleikum that as you are you will have placed upon you from a leadership perspective. It's not a hadith. But it's a saying and it has some truth to it. That many times a leader is representative of his society. Sometimes that's not the case, I need all the time I'm home was not a representation of the corruption in the oma there was some other other elements to it. Sometimes it's not the case, neither was Earth, Mama, the Allahu taala. And sometimes it's not the case. But many times what we see manifested at that level, are the are the primary examples of the ugliness that exists in a society. So things can be superficially changed that times good slogans.

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And you have a pretty hypocrisy, a charming hypocrite that leads and everyone buys into it and buys into the euphoria. And sometimes you have a brute bully, that represents the ugliest of society. But you know what, there is some representation there.

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And Islam teaches us to transform things at a societal level to move what we can in our capacity. Why, because if the leader is just a representation of the corruption of society, and you're only criticizing him, because he's corrupt, and you are not able to do what he does, then change has not been realized. So many times, we say, if this country had this, or this Muslim, you know, ruler needs to be like this. But if we were in that position, we'd be the exact same way, we would be just as financially corrupt and do the exact same things. There's a representation of society. So when you have that ugliness laid bare, it provides a chance for some deep introspection. Because it's not

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just changing laws. It's not just changing policies, slavery was technically abolished in this country, but it still exists. slavery was abolished, but it still exists because the problems that allowed for slavery to happen, that allowed for slavery to be of the most gross symptoms still exist. So you know, people went from whips to police sticks people went from, from from chattel slavery to prisons, mass incarceration, but it still exists. Sometimes things are changed at a legal level, but but from a societal perspective, those conditions still exist, those conditions still exists. And they exist in their ugliest form. So there's a reason why we can have a vile racist as

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President, because vile racism exists in society. And it was nice when we could sit at home and watch movies of the 1960s in the 1970s. And say, That's how America used to be but now we're figuring out that's how America still is. That still exists. And we have to fight that. And we have to make sure we don't internalize that and inherit it in our own communities. And Project trumpism on other than us, meaning what we don't want Donald Trump the islamophobe. But we do want Donald Trump to be aggressive, you know, the aggressive anti Mexican, who's talking about immigration forces, deport deportation forces, we're okay with that Trump. We're okay with the racist Trump, as

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long as he's not talking about Muslims. That's a problem. That means we've internalized some of the very elements that we're claiming to combat. So what is this representation? And what am I getting at here, on a personal level, on a personal level, when you have a bully as President, then people will become bullies as well. And we all start to sound a little bit like him.

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It's the way we talk to each other. The way we talk to people, the way we talk at each other, rather, we all start to pair it a little bit of what we're seeing. We all start to sound like that. Don't be that way when we when you know shit he asked her spoke about this a few months ago, that you know when that when that when the audio tapes first came out, or the videos first came out of some of the disgusting things he was saying about women, well, how do you treat women? How do we treat women as a society? When we hear race things? How do we treat people of other races in society? When we hear that ugliness? How do we manifest that in society? We can't allow that to

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become our own reality. And we have to ask ourselves, how much does a leader represent of his people? How much of his attitude is really our reality as a people? And how much of that are we actually going to fight against? And I tell you what, as Muslims, we we continue to live in this nostalgia that one day, Salahuddin will come back and we will try to turn leaders in the Muslim world into Salahuddin because we're that desperate. Everyone wants the hero to come in to take us out of this miserable condition. Everyone's looking forward to that. So people that don't even know

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fit the profile, we look at them and it's like Allahu Akbar, there's a sign, let's make this person out to be so amazing. Because now the era of omnibenevolent disease will be re ushered in, and now the era of Salahuddin will be ushered in. But the fact of the matter is that that's a very unlikely outcome, a very unlikely outcome. What we can continue to do is challenge those conditions in society, challenge them in our own homes, challenge those attitudes that are allowed to exist. So you know what, there is a silver lining, there is something that we can see from this all that we have a person that has assumed office that represents the ugliest of our society, he puts it all out

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there for us to see, you have the KKK celebrating the victory of a president in the year 2017. You have all of this ugliness taking place in front of us. So now we have to confront it. And it's your country to this is your land too. And you know what it used to be that, you know, people would just talk about, we just leave and but let's face it, let's face it, not many of us are moving to Canada, not many of us are actually going to get out of here. Let's confront it. Let's face it. And let's be courageous when we're facing these ills. And let's also be introspective enough to recognize when these features that we hate so much are actually features of us as individuals and communities. When

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the things that we're speaking against are actually things we ourselves are guilty of, it requires that level of introspection. Because you know what's going to happen over the next few years, you're going to have the anti Trump run, and rile people up with slogans and rile people up with all sorts of campaign promises. And it will be important, it will be important to be involved politically and to be involved in trying to assert ourselves politically, not just for the sake of ourselves. But for the sake of people that are vulnerable for the for the sake of the oppressed, it will be important for us to do that. But most likely, what's going to happen is that when that leader gets

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in little is going to change.

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And we're going to be back at square one. And then another Trump child, hopefully not literally will rise up to run for office again. And where are we then? At what point does the cycle end? When do we actually challenge the conditions of a society itself, and not run away from them, not run away from them, we are too ready to be complacent as a Muslim community, and accept gestures and continue to be stagnant and not do things that are actually going to be bold, that are actually going to be bold. So it's, it's a call for myself, and it's a call for all of us. It's not going to get more confusing and more messed up than it is right now. Or it doesn't seem that way. So let's take what's

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been given to us and put our trust in Allah subhanaw taala and confront it. And it starts with asking yourself, Am I like, the person that I dislike? Am I like that? Do I talk to people that way? Do I treat people that way? Do I have views of other people the way that he has views of others? Do I parent that in my own personal life and then asking ourselves as a message and as a community? Do we have that and then asking ourselves, how do we challenge the underpinnings of society that allowed for something like this to happen? How do we challenge that bluntly, without being apologetic? If there's one thing that we should learn from all of this as well, by the way, is that

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no matter what you do to your Islam,

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no matter how much you run away from your deen, you will never be accepted. You will never be accepted until you disregarded altogether.

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Okay, cozying up to people in power and thinking that we can continue to do away with aspects of our Deen instead of explaining them, instead of explaining them and reclaiming what the deen actually means whether it's theologically socially or politically.

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We're not going to suddenly be accepted by a Michael Flynn or suddenly be accepted by a newt gingrich or suddenly accepted by any of these people, these islamophobes that are assuming office. So what do we do we assert ourselves, we push back, we push back because that strategy is a spectacular failure. It doesn't work. There'll be a few safe Muslims, a few people that are willing to say the deen doesn't mean this and the deen doesn't mean that Islam is whatever you want it to be. Because, by the way, just as there is an establishment Islam, there's an establishment Christianity. There's an establishment Judaism. There's an establishment everything. There's all

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In establishment version of these things, we have to recognize that our Deen is transformative at a societal and communal level and we have to embrace those aspects of our Deen and explain them and explain them and push back and not allow ourselves to be bullied. There is a Texas Muslim capital D. Coming up.

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Not this Tuesday. Actually, it's January 31, coming up on January 31, Tuesday, January 31, where Muslims will go at the state level and assert themselves because guess what, that bigotry is already translating into more policy and more legislation that we conveniently were able to close our eyes to, that we're also taking place under the previous administration as well. We need to go challenge it. We need to speak up we need to assert ourselves. Now is the time for us to actually call it out and challenge. May Allah subhanaw taala protect us from ingesting the ugliness that we claim to be confronting. May Allah subhana wa tada not allow misguided leadership to be signs of our own

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misguidance May Allah Subhana hoods Allah not allow ugliness to be our own reality? May Allah Subhana Allah to Allah allow us to be rectified, and to rectify through us. May Allah Subhana hoods Allah put a man in our hearts May Allah subhanho wa Taala push us towards that which is most pleasing to Him. May Allah subhanho wa Taala guide our strategies as a Muslim community, guide our steps as a Muslim community so that we deal with our circumstances in the way that's most pleasing to Him. May Allah subhana wa tada forgive us when we turn away from that which is from that which is part of what he has revealed to us when we turn away from his divine revelation, out of fear May

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Allah subhana wa tada give us the courage to be able to channel the beauty of Islam and make us vessels of the beauty of Islam and through that bring comfort to those that are not just Muslims but those that are outside of Islam. May Allah Subhana Allah guide us and guide through us. May Allah subhana wa tada protect us, protect our sisters protect our children, protect all of us from anything that or anyone that wishes to do us any form of harm. May Allah subhanho wa Taala embolden us and may He allow this Masjid to be a an example for other massages around the country and this community to be an example for other communities around us alumna Amina Hello Cody how there was

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stuff about your lack of money start a Muslim invest in a hula for wine

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa one Illa Allah Meanwhile, Atiba to limit Tofino masala selama barichara de cada silica Mohammed and Salalah heitinga Silla Mata and he will Sahil sell them to * kathira llama for me in all Muslim in all Muslim at Allah here even humble and Martina Casimir on a Caribbean movie with a lot longer. Phil and I were having a while for a novella to Robin Avalon and fish in our in Lucha furlanetto then akuna Minal ha serene alemannic and foo and Kareem went to Herbalife for for a long while Idina babraham, Omar Kamara, bonus era, Robin Avalon Ahmed as well as you know the reality in authoritarian

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subpoena Inanna allama sort of one level struggle I seen a famous article audio Mahara Bihar, Alonso this one and Moscow dafina FEMA sharika Navara Bihar Allahumma la could be either either Dean Alanna halachot Vitamina Vivaldi Meanwhile, original with one and beaten him So you mean about the law and the law a little bit it went on what he taught his little quarterback by unheralded fascia he will carry well belly, it will come down to come to the Corona, Guru La Jolla guru calm posh guru Valentina is it luck on whether the crow la he Akbar Allah Yamato sinner own walk in Salah

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Jumuah Khutbah on January 20, 2017.

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