Omar Suleiman – Dont Forget Your Mistakes – Learn From Them

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of remembering past mistakes and finding glory in one's present and future. They touch on the difference between remembering mistakes and finding glory in one's past, as well as the significance of Prophet's teachings and actions. The speakers emphasize the need for forgiveness and mercy towards people who have caused harm, as well as the historical context of Islam, including the deaths of certain individuals and the use of body parts for pleasure. The segment ends with a mention of a coronavirus pandemic and a social media post.
AI: Transcript ©
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We ask Allah subhana wa Tada to send his peace and blessings upon His Messenger Mohamed Salah Hardy who was salam who was sent as a mercy to mankind, a messenger of guidance. We ask Allah subhana hota Allah to send his peace and blessings upon him, the prophets and messengers that came before him, his family and companions that served alongside him and those that follow in his busted path until the day of judgment. And we asked Allah to make us amongst them Allah him I mean, the brothers and sisters it's hot. May Allah subhana wa Tada reward you for coming out in this weather to perform salatu Juma May Allah subhanaw taala allow every moment that you feel of the heat of this world to

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relieve you of the heat of the Hereafter, whether it is the standing of the Day of Judgment, or may Allah subhanaw taala protect us from what comes after Allah whom I mean, I'm going to keep this hotspot very short in sha Allah to Allah and cover only the second half of the statements from Ibn Allah and Allah Hema Allah to Allah that I mentioned last week, he said him in Allah ma T mo to call from the signs of a dead heart. Adam on his knee Allah Martha Kameena muah forgot that a person does not feel sadness over the good things that they have missed out on. And we talked about that last week. That a living part is one that finds a way to please Allah subhanho wa Taala no matter what.

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And a dead heart is one that feels no sadness when the opportunities to please Allah subhanaw taala are taken away from it. But the second part of that statement, what Tata could anatomy, either an alpha alpha human would do this or not, and to not feel regret over the sins that you have committed in the past. Now this is a very important and you know, it's not just an important concept, but one that is tricky to navigate. Why? Because Allah subhana wa Damasus kuliah Riba, the Alladhina Estrada for Allah and footsy him Lanta cannot own Rahmatullah in Allah Hiya. FIRA de Nova Jamia in the whole world of Rahim Allah says so Oh say oh my servants who have transgressed against themselves, do not

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despair from the mercy of Allah Subhana Allah, Allah, Allah forgives all sins. And Verily Allah subhanaw taala is the most forgiving and the most merciful, and you can go out and certainly start and sort of zoom out all throughout the Quran, where Allah subhanaw taala assures the believers that Allah subhanho wa Taala with the presence of an Huseynov youth hipness, see at the bad deeds go, they are wiped out and they are replaced with a good deed. So what is the benefit of this? And Is there truth to it? There is a difference between remembering your mistakes, not forgetting your mistakes in a way that you learn from them. A difference between that and finding despair in your

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previous mistakes to where you're paralyzed in your present and your future. There is a difference between being paralyzed by your past and using your past to make a better future. There is a difference between finding despair and your sins and being humbled by your sins. And I want to talk about that in sha Allah to Allah for a moment. Think about the Sahaba of the prophets of Allah Azza wa salam, do you think that highly depends on either will the Allah to Allah and who ever forgot?

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Do you think that with 1000 battles he never regretted and looked back on fighting against the prophets like something? We talked about Ahmedabad and also the Allahu Anhu? A couple of weeks ago, when he came to the province like somebody held his hand back he said yellow suit Allah.

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Am I going to be forgiven for everything I've done before all those years? That I opposed you all the pain I caused you yada Sula, Am I forgiven? And we talked about Islam and hidden on the Prophet site. So I'm told them, Islam and Hijra do away with everything that came before it. But when I'm doing the Oslo, the longtime, who was dying, he remembered he recalled, he said, My life is in three phases. The first phase of the prophets lie sometimes call when I oppose him, and I know how I died, then I would have been amongst the people of Johanna. And then when I accepted Islam, and I served along the prophets lie Selim and I know when I died, then I would have been from the dwellers of

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Jana, and now after the Prophet Sly Stone has passed away, it's a mixed bag and I don't know where I stand with Allah subhanaw taala and so I'm depending on his mercy on would have been added as he's working on Allah to Allah, who performed all sorts of reforms in his life. All sorts of reforms, as the Khalifa in two years accomplished what most would not accomplish in 200 years, the OMA has not seen a man like him not in terms of virtue but the uniqueness of normative and disease Rahimullah and what he achieved. Rahim Allah to Allah, all the Allahu Anhu between the age of 38 and 40, not including his seven years as the governor of Medina, and all that he did there from 25 to 32. And

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all of these when someone would praise him, you know what he would say? He would remember a person that he wrote

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Aren't and he would say okay for the Kobe. What about Kobe, the man that I wronged? He'd remember someone he wronged years ago. Now, did that make Ahmed bin Abdulaziz say so forget about TM and then forget about reforming the Khilafah. I am doomed because of Kobe

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or did it humble him to do more so that Allah subhanaw taala would not hold him accounts and that the best of his deeds would be the last of them. He didn't let it debilitate him. He was activated by remembering that now we are not harlot or arm or Omar, are these people may Allah subhanaw taala be pleased with them. But we all have things that we have done in the past, that sometimes when we think about them, we can feel regret. It is good to feel regret. You know why? Number one, it keeps you working and striving for Allah subhanho wa Taala number two, when he asked for what he asked for who are gonna fit Hola, hola, como. Forgive and show mercy pardon? Don't you want Allah subhanaw

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taala to forgive you, when you look at someone that is struggling the way that you want struggled, when you look at someone that's at a part of their journey that you know that you also were once at, you will have mercy in your heart towards them, and hope for them, you won't write them off, you won't write them off. Because you say, you know I used to be who am I to look down on that person. Allah subhanho To Allah forgave me and opened the door for me. It may be that Allah subhanaw taala use me as a guidance towards that person. And that would be a way of accessing mercy for that person. And so you remember your sins, to humble yourself before Allah and humble yourself with the

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creation of Allah so that you can bring them to Allah subhanho wa taala. But you don't despair. And the beauty of the believer is that at the end of his life, may Allah subhana which Allah grant us all have a good ending Allahumma Amin at that point, what does he depend on? At that point? Yeah, Allah, I took a little bit of your mercy and compared it to all of my sins, and found that just a little bit of your llama is enough to cover all of my sense. At that point, yeah, Allah. I remembered my sins, I tried to change. This is the body of my work, and now I'm trusting in you for your forgiveness and your mercy. May Allah subhanho wa Taala allow us to achieve his infinite mercy.

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May Allah subhanaw taala forgive us and pardon us. May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to always find the doors of good and to always refrain from the doors of evil. And may Allah subhanaw taala make the best of our deeds the last of them. May Allah subhanaw taala not leave us to ourselves. Allahumma Amin Apolo holy Harada was tough Allah, Allah can when he started Muslim he invested in a hole for him.

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa ala at one illa Allah wa and meanwhile if you were to live with Turkey, while masala was selling methodic and Abdi Cora Sudha Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam while at he was so happy he was send them to see him and cathedra Allahumma in Nana Luca Jana, Allah in local Jana hola hola in Nana's a local channel when we come in and now when are over becoming a nap when I was becoming a na Allahumma in Nana's etiquette for those that are Allah. When are you becoming enough? Allah Muhammad and what me Nina when walking out when Muslim you know what a Muslim out here even homeland omelet in Nicosia on Caribbean Mooji with our Allahu Allah and our Hamner Wi

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Fi now Allah to live in Ramadan Alana and what even I'm tested on our top 100 an akuna nominal ha serene

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la monsoon is one and most of our fina famous article or the Mojave we have a lot more.

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One in Vancouver and one multidomain frequently makan ja Ramadan I mean Allahumma is Islam I will Muslimeen Allah humma is Islam I will miss Vinny Allahumma is that Islam I will miss the mean the leadership killer Tara they've been with them the other day in Allah hum allocate Why do you mean avoiding me in a hurry to generate one and endanger himself he mean about Allah and Allah Hi I'm Robin and they will sign later we will put a bow and honey the fascia you will monitor your belly you are the commander come to the Coronavirus Corolla. Hey, come watch crew. Why is it that what are the Corolla here? A couple

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