Omar Suleiman – Out Of Context – Part 5

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The sharia law is a legal term used in the context of criminalization of terrorist activities, and it is not synonymous with criminalization. It is not synonymous with criminalization, and it is not a legal term used in the first 1000 years of Islam. The "ents" of Islam involve practicing faith and following laws without interrupting personal practices, but lying to someone, such as a Muslim woman, is allowed in Islam. The current "immature" culture war is a result of a "immature" culture war, and individuals can still be punished for their actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Well, let's go to another kind of word that gets thrown around a lot, especially in the political political spectrum today. And it's one that, you know, I keep hearing, but I honestly don't know all that much about. So hopefully you can kind of enlighten me and, you know, folks who are watching and probably other folks in the room. So So Sharia law, right, it's this, this phrase that gets thrown around is this grand threat? And that's flying. Right.

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And, and so I'm kind of curious, like, first of all, what is Sharia law? Is this something anyone should actually be concerned about?

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Can you can you explain and elaborate on that a little bit? Yeah. And I'll just say this, that a lot of times, it's, it's sad, because we have to distance ourselves as Muslims from terms that have been abused.

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Because we don't have we don't have sufficient time to explain what those terms are. So, you know, we're anti jihad. We're not anti jihad. jihad is a part of our religion, we're anti an extremist version of jihad, right? But no, jihad is a part of our religion. shadia is a part of our religion shadia, that the linguistic meaning of shediac is a path that leads to water. That's actually what God means a path that leads to water.

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And it's not it does not refer to law, in the state sense alone, but rather my prayer. And that's why when people when states criminalized early on, that literally means I can't pray anymore. Because my prayer is part of Sharia. It's part of my obeying divine legislation. Right? So God is divine legislation.

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It's not synonymous with heads flying off, enhance flying off. And again, crazy things that happen around the world.

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showdown is, is there's there, there's a component of it, that's government based, and there's a component of it that's individual based, so it's about your own personal practice. Now, if you're living in a non Muslim country, Shetty means that, you know, it's part of your being a good Muslim, it's part of your being a good citizen as part of your practicing and maintaining identity and so on so forth.

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At the state level, at the government level,

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Sharia law is not synonymous with criminal law. And that's actually a very important distinction to make.

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what's what's criminal law is known as Hadoop and Hadoop. This is the the Penal Code of Islam and so on so forth, at a state level, and remember, Muhammad peace be upon him, he fought, he functioned as a statesman in the last decade of his life, right? That part of Sharia, which is a very, very small part, very misunderstood, very, very much. So taken out of context. I mean, everything from stoning, to beheadings to cutting, you know, all this stuff that's been,

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you know, that's been presented to the world in a horrific fashion. Due to the agendas that we see overseas. That is actually not Sharia law, that's

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criminal law, in and of itself is a very small portion of it. Right at the state level, okay. And even at the time, where, and again, if we read the Bible, we could find, you know, stoning, we could find these types of things, right, very harsh code and things like that, right, very harsh punishments and things of that sort. In Islam, these laws were purely discretionary. So actually, in the first 400 years of Islam, there's not a single in the first 1000 years of Islam, actually not 400 years. There's not a single incidence, from the time of the Prophet Mohammed onwards, of a person being stoned because they got caught committing adultery. It didn't happen. So there is a

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stoning punishment that's there. But it's a discretionary punishment, because the conditions to punish someone to prosecute someone with stoning were so impossible that the law was was pretty much discretionary. Right? So even from a state perspective, even from the way that it was practiced over history, all right, it was not meant to be something that takes place, right and left, and so on, so forth. And what we find is when we see harsh punishments and things of that sort taking place overseas, we see the horrible things that ISIS does, for example, you know, there there are people that would punish their mothers in public in gruesome ways and stuff like that, because she did not

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give her allegiance to America, but that they just horrible things that we see that take place under that, that that, you know, whatever that is that cancer

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that has nothing to do with God. So as a Muslim here in America, which is to me, is literally just practicing my faith, doesn't mean that I'm not able to abide by the laws of my land or that I believe in a separate set of laws. Absolutely not. Because as long as there's no contradiction between the laws of my land, and my personal practice, as long as the laws of my land Don't stop me from personally practicing my faith, then I'm actually obligated as a Muslim to obey those laws.

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obligated. So it's actually in a funny way, it's part of shutdown to obey the United States law, as long as it's not stopping me from personally practicing my faith. And so that's what I got. So this hysteria that's been created suddenly, that this, this small group of people, less than 1% of your population in the United States are all secretly trying to push a different set of laws, and that there's a secret Muslim in the White House, that the President is Muslim, and he's secretly trying to push a new set of laws. And that America in 20 years is going to be people being thrown off of buildings and hands being cut, and people being beheaded in the streets and so on so forth. It's

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it's, it's completely ramping up. You know, first of all, it's a culture war, which is very common. Here in the United States. We've had those it's been done against various minorities. Second of all, it's complete nonsense, right. And it's an, it riles up a significant portion of the population, unfortunately, that are afraid, it capitalizes on their fears, to fight a non existent threat, at the expense of the safety of that small Muslim community that exists here in the United States. I think another word that comes up in that kind of cultural war that you've identified, is this word to Kenya? And I think, yeah, I'm saying it properly. Right. Okay. You know, the, that somehow gives

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Muslims, you know, kind of legal license to lie,

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in order to advance the purposes of Islam. Right. So is that my hunch is that that's not representative of your understanding of Islam? Or, you know, this whole interview is a sham. But my hunch is, all these guys all these?

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Everyone here?

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We're all in it. Right? I mean, my hunch is that that's not the case, because it just has a feeling to it have that same kind of fear building sensibility. So if someone were to,

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you know, pose that to Who are you to hear someone who heard that from a politician or, or someone who's speaking to issues of Islam, but what's your response to my response to that, number one, the the concept of tequila it's taken from so 90% of the Muslim world is Sunni, which Sunni is basically synonymous with orthodox, right? So it's a concept that's taken from CRC, which is, again, 90% of the Muslim world is not shy. Number two, even then it's abused. So it's, there's several problems with it. There's this concept that's taken from a sect of Islam, and then portrayed to be a concept that exists in all of Islam. Okay, number two, the concept itself is abused. So, the idea that a

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Muslim can lie can deceive others so that he can secretly advance the faith of Islam. It's not found anywhere in our faith tradition, not in the Quran. Not in the Sunnah not the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him so I would I invite these people like can you find me where this Takia thing exists in our own books, you know, I we have Google Now. You don't have to sit there and open the book and go through the pages of the Quran just Google it and try to find me. Yeah, can you find this for me? Because it's not really there. So no, we you know, and the concept the concept of, of lying to escape persecution. Okay, so someone's got a gun to your head, and tells you to curse

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God or, you know, curse Islam. Are you allowed to do that sure to get yourself out of that situation you are but there is no concept in Islam of lying to deceive people so that you can secretly make the Muslim or you can secretly advance an agenda in Islam. So while we're just just it does it does feed into that narrative, right again, hollywood narrative that the nice the nice Muslim lady next door that invited you over for, you know, for some good spicy food, you know, she's secretly you know, works with all

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those cookies. Yeah. Oh, my God. Yeah.

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And people might be missing out on some amazing cookies. If they have that that would be a tragedy.

Sharia Law vs. Penal Code – Omar Suleiman

In Part 5 of the interview with Dallas-based Pastor Mike Baughman, Imam Omar Suleiman gives the definitive word on the meaning of Sharia law and how it must be distinguished from Islamic penal code.

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