Ahmad Saleem – Prophetic Home 06 The Kitchen of Nabi

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The speakers discuss the use of kitchen tools during quarantine and the negative consequences of social media. They touch on topics such as measurements and measurements of kitchen tools, the origin of the name for a dish, and the use of sall prep and hot spades in warfare. The speakers also discuss the use of slippers and gel in warfare, the use of s computational and hot spades in food service, and the use of different types of tools and foods during quarantine. They emphasize the importance of avoiding gold plated cutlery and its potential health risks. The transcript also touches on the use of salaries, water, and coffee, the use of masks and wreaths, and the use of dry powder in narratives and shaping their appearance.
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Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Hoberg welcome everyone in sha Allah we're gonna give it some time as people start trickling in, in sha Allah.
Let me just get a few things set up over here set I want equal to Allah, whoever you are, I don't know who you are, but I see you
in sha Allah, let's give it some time in sha Allah be in the lab before everybody comes in and we start
in sha Allah to Allah, Allah was sent to send a minor interview you know
along with Sydney, my enemy from an alarm was and he was in the mind entity. When when the law was in, he wasn't gonna you know,
send us an email every
month, so that way you can welcome as Allah who are category one, I hope you guys are doing well Insha Allah, today is a very happy day and a sad day at the same time, happy day because Allah Subhana Allah is giving us the Delphia to finish the series, that prophetic home
sad day because we're finishing it and we're not going to have
so this would be the last session so that sad from that perspective. So inshallah I will begin beating the night Allah. Today we're going to be talking about the prophetic home. We have had the series going for the last four or five weeks. This is the last session in amongst the sessions.
And today, we intend to start off our session with something very interesting, which is the kitchen of Nabi SallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam. So I'm not going to go into the descriptions of how big the house was, because we already know by this time, for those of you that have been following us that Prophet sallallahu sallam, he did not specifically have a kitchen, right, like he didn't have, as in his house did not have a separate section that was dedicated for kitchen. Rather, it was a multipurpose room, a lot of the for example, that same room was the bedroom, but it was also the living room. And most of the time, the cooking would take place on the out. So it was outside that
that area that we've already talked about in the past. Today, the focus is going to be on two things in sha Allah, if I'm able to go through them in the light Allah. First and foremost, our focus is going to be that we're able to go through
the different categories of utensils that Prophet sallallahu Sallam used in his kitchen.
So rather than talking about what was in the kitchen, because keep in mind, many of their tools were multipurpose tools. So that mean that that meant that for example, if somebody used one tool for something that same thing was used for something else. So a tool or a plate or a pot could be could have multiple purposes. But in general, if you were to look at it, most of their food, most of the information that was most of the utensils that Prophet sallallahu Sallam had, they would be categorized and if you were to categorize them, you would say that they would fall under five primary categories. Let me just share the screen here.
Whereas it was, how do we do this? Okay? Kitchen of Prophets, Allah Allahu Allah, He will sell them. So the kitchen of Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, that's what we're talking about. And in specific, we're talking about utensils, the utensils the Prophet sallallahu Sallam fall under five categories. So the first category of utensils that he noted in the first category is utensils that Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used during his lifetime for drinking. The second category is utensils the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used for food for either cooking or serving third utensils that were used to, in general, preserve or keep liquids. So in general, things that were be
required to be kept in its liquid form, and you're not able to just keep it open. So they would be utensils or there'll be things that Prophet sallallahu Sallam would have that would be primarily used for preserving liquids. Third category which fourth category, which you already got, you all saw last week, was the category of measurements. So you saw in the last session that we discussed two weeks ago, we showed you the mud and the Tsar of Nabi SallAllahu sallam, we showed you the two tools that Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam used to have liquid in them, but also
So, also, they were tools that were used to formulate a certain amount of measures, they did not have scales. And that would be an Allah or a tool that was used. So that's the fourth category. The fifth category would be things that are multipurpose. So they will have numerous, numerous purposes, you could be you could use it in this way or that way. Sometimes, like for example, our I'll give you an example of that, if you were to look at it from
what's his name,
the, like cast iron skillets, multipurpose, right, you can cook in them, you can saute things in them, you can bake in them, you can do so many things to them, right. So it's just one tool, but it can be used for so many things. And that's what you know, we're going to go into Inshallah, I am not going to dwell too much on the three latter categories. So liquids, measuring and multipurpose. That's not in line with what we're talking about in terms of the kitchen. So the focus that we're going to have is going to be food. So utensils, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam used for his food, and utensils that were used for drinking, okay, for drinks. Now, food utensils are categorized in three
types. Somebody wants to tell me what those three types are, make a wild guess.
Make a wild guess. What would be the three categories of utensils?
I know it's too early for questions, but it's alright. I'm just trying to set up my screen. So I'm able to see the next. Next slide. Bear with me for a second. So who's going to tell me the categories? What do you think is the first category? So food related? You know, what do we in order for us to have food food has to go where? Who's going to tell me like food has to be? Come on, guys. I know there's a delay. So I understand.
And I understand that we're starting up for a long time.
By the way, I'm having Kashmiri Chai for those of you that are wondering.
All right, it seems like nobody's up for commenting today. All right, like you guys need to your coffee fix or something? I think most of you probably need your coffee. Yeah, I think it's a good idea.
So three types of three types
of food related category of like, if you were to say all the utensils that Prophet sallallahu Sallam had, there were three types. What are they?
There were types in which Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his wives would cook. So cooking, there were those that were related to preserving. And there were those that were related to serving, right to serving. So cooking, preserving and serving, so three categories of food related utensils, or in other words, but then of Nabi SallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam. All right, so he had three categories.
First and foremost cooking my favorite subject I love cooking, I love cooking. By the way, those of you that are online if you can just start sharing on on the comments, where are you logging in from so what's your name and where I would know your name if your name was not your name and the handle then tell your name, but let us know where are you logging into from and where are you listening in from so you know, it just gives us a better perspective and everybody can see that how global or how national or our local the program is right now.
Okay, in anyways, so let's get into cooking. There were things that are related to cooking
utensils that are related to cooking. Now as we talk about the utensils that are related to cooking
mashallah Zara is from Lahore, Pakistan, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. I have been to Kuala Lumpur the beautiful beautiful place I've been to Kuala Lumpur I've been to Putrajaya, sha Allah and all of the places Teesha it's a beautiful place. I also wanted the Gold Coast
Serena I think Serena or Gold Coast Serena or something like that beautiful city if you know Muslims should definitely go and visit it's just amazing, amazing city and amazing country in general and beautiful people. Misbah is from Calgary, Masha, Allah, masha Allah and so many are from Toronto. BarakAllahu Li from everyone. That's, that's better. Now I feel like I'm talking to humans because I felt like I was talking to myself and I wanted to end the stream because this mic is just you know, annoying to look at it
So now we go back into our set our so cooking utensils that Prophet sallallahu seldom used for cooking. First and foremost, the one that is mentioned the most in a Hadees. Okay, so one utensil that has so many stories attached to it, that we cannot miss it. Okay. It is let me first explain to you what it is. It's called El Burma or it's called Burma. And Burma is primarily well that's a name for it. It's primarily made from granite or it is made from stone. You still find it to this day, you are going to find Burma available in Middle East you can go to these local shops, you can go to the local markets and you can pick up something similar to what you see in the image right now. You
can pick up this Burma which is very similar. And the beauty of this is it is made it's stone so it's literally stone and what ends up happening is they will you know it's because it's stone, you will put meat in it and it gets really hot really really hot and it remains hot.
Remember Valley consider monumental labor catches me 20 So remember that the story of that young you know and Saudi who has set up who had set up shop kind of like you know, our kids setting up shops, in garage sales on
you know, during garage sales in the summertime, you know, those days when we were allowed to stay outside and not have masks on remember those days. So in those days, we used to have, you know, kids setting up like lemonade stalls. This young and Saudi man, he set up a buruma shop, a shop in which he was going to serve Burma, Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was crossing by and as he was crossing by, he looked at
that, that boy, and he read recognize that he's in a hustle so he's trying to, you know, set up something. And Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam asks the question and he says, ba but both my talk is your Burma. This is what Rasul Allah is talking about. Is your Burma ready? Is it is it powered means is it is it done to perfection. So this young boy he turns to Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam or young man and he says, Now I'm ya rasool Allah Lefkada ba but Marak Varma T, that this Burma is ready In another Hadith it says Ababa tomorrow cook. Is your soup ready? And he says yes, my soup is ready. So so many narrations about Burma that you're going to find. There's another one where
Prophet sallallahu Sallam you know, he says that I should not be Allahu Anhu and she says, further Fela either era sudo Allah He said Allahu alayhi wa sallam that Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam entered upon me I entered the house while Bournemouth Island
and the buruma The thing that I was cooking in this thing that you see made out of stone was on now it was on fire. Well Burma to Allah na vida Arabic bomb for ot be hubs in what enamel Beatty for paella. Lm Ara Burma Tala na fi ha la hum. So this is funny, Rasul Allah is sitting there and then all of a sudden he he sees the fire he sees, you know, meat is being cooked. And he says I need food. So what happens is Aisha Radi Allahu Allah and she brings bread and then she brings some you know, condiments Edem basically means condiments in some sort of salad right? And then also realize like don't I see that you're cooking meat over there? Like Big Give me Give me some of that meat
like why are you bringing all of this stuff? Right like he didn't say that like me correct? I did not say that but the question was, I love Robert don't I see that you're cooking meat like bring that meat over here
nice nice nice Mashallah. Samina aunty says that you know, she, you know they they found out
from our family in our village near sir Gouda. It was dug out of the old house Subhan Allah, these things are found till this day, right people used to cook on it. So anyhow, this is really funny Hadith, in order sola Lhasa Salam again, the mention of Burma was there. So I'm mentioning this because when we hear about the purpose of all of this, the purpose of all of this, if you remember my first lecture that I gave in the prophetic home, is that if we don't have an idea of Nabi SallAllahu Sallam
Then we can't claim to have muhabba we can't claim to have love for him. And we can't claim and that love is going to have a result. And that result is that we would be inspired to have a diva of Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So this whole purpose is that you have modified about the Burma. But did you learn things that during the life of Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that this Burma was part of his life.
And then from there, you're able to
feel a connection to him, you're able to go back to those lands and search for this buruma Search for this. I remember the first time when I was driving by and I was coming back from Makkah, and I still remember the gas station by the name of ZEM, Zem, Zem, Zem gas station by the name of zamzam. They don't sell them over there, but I just called them
in primarily because it means stop, stop. Right so that zamzam we were there and we enter into this Haftar in this gas station, and I asked the person what do you have for food and the person says,
you're having dinner with Alma and my mind just went that mines Oh Subhan Allah, they're still making buruma They still making buruma Till this day, and I bet you like I kid you not probably one of the best meals I had. And it was the simplest because the Burma at the time of Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam which is a completely separate discussion. Why ecommerce Salam rahmatullah wa barakato which is a completely separate discussion, which is that you know, which is a discussion that the, the food that was cooked in it, what was the food the Prophet sallallahu Sallam had completely separate discussion, we will do it some other time. Insha Allah, but again, lots of
stories about it. Another interesting thing about Burma, so Burma was used during the time of Nabi SallAllahu Sallam and Aisha Radi Allahu anha for tel Vina so there's a hadith which says,
you know, we're Prophet sallallahu wasallam I shot the Allahu Anhu she says, I know how Canada Mata tell me it mean Alia that if somebody from her family would die, so what would happen is all the woman would gather and then she would command Burma to Mintel Bina she would make tell Bina in this so tell Bina is basically crushed grain crushed wheat grain, not refined like flour, but crushed in a way that you could use it as cereal. And that is cooked either with milk or with water, and you can add honey or flavor to taste and that is called tell Vina and it has tons and tons of benefits.
So they would have tell Bina they would have Tamina tell Bina that was made in the Burma but to be hot she says one of the times somebody passed away and they cooked the tell Bina for to be hot summer Sunni. 30 don't what is studied, it is a type of food the Prophet sallallahu Sallam loved the most Prophet sallallaahu Selim used to say that the father of Isha the the greatness or or the honor or the rank of Arusha is like the rank of three on the rest of the food, like three there's like the king of the food and I shot at the Allahu anha is the queen of all the woman that ever came. So he would compare her to said like, you know, rasool Allah like studied so much, but you are wanting to
let people know that as we revere studied as being the top thing. We also revere Aisha Radi Allahu anha, as the best woman that has, you know, her father has her her her rank in the eyes of Prophet sallallahu Sallam and in our eyes should be that she is the best of the woman.
So for Toby's, tell me where to go. So yeah, I studied that study it was made and I'll talk about 30 Then sha Allah, for those of you that want to know what it is for sub but at Telvin I lay.
And what happened was the whatever tell Bina that they had made that brought that Talena it was imagined like a cereal that was cooked up and the milk and hot, and then they poured that Albena on studied studied is basically soup. Or you can say meat that was cooked in water, and you let it boil until the meat became really soft. And then the soup or the broth is there and you bring some form of hubs or bread, you put it on top and then they place that Tobin on top of it. Now this is very descriptive, but we find that elvina is excellent for anxiety. There's so many benefits of Filipina that we find and over here you'll find that this food is being provided to who this vote is being
provided to those who have
lost their loved one. So it helps them to, to lower their anxiety, their stress of losing that someone. It's a very uplifting type of food. Okay, then,
again, there's numerous narrations of that I don't want to spend too much time on what am I, if anybody has any questions related to that you can start putting your questions in. I know it takes time for the questions to come in. So feel free to drop into questions over there. The next one is good. There are so many so many so many narrations about what's really interesting. And sometimes when you do research, you find that mentions of Tigger are so many and Hadees. But there is no mention of what it is like, for example, for Burma. There's a lot of mention of the description of what the Burma is, but for Tigger, we do not find a lot of description related to Qaeda. Right, you
don't find a lot of other now together.
It says Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam and Yeoman Yeoman haber Santa Barbara hazera. O'Meara below home.
Well, here Phil kudos for the fact that prophets of Salem commanded a certain amount of meat.
Literally half or a certain type of people will hear Phil kudu and we this land, this meat was found in Ecuador. Ecuador is basically in order we say the H key but they Cha right not ditch key dig jar, like it's big, it's huge. It's humongous. And it's meant for a lot of people that eat from it.
And then, lots of times you're going to find in the dictionary if you're going to go look up what feta means you're gonna get really confused because there's a difference between the reader and, and our any and all of that stuff. So let's not get into that. Bottom line. It is a type of
you know, it was a type of cooking utensil that was predominantly used by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi, wasallam, and even violet, he says
that when Fatima the Aloha Anna she asked
about Prophet sallallahu Sallam that I need a servant when my ShockPad fitment or Elan Fajr water bill Mushaf. But I admit and Caitlyn that she was really tired of serving and working so much. In that narration, the word cooker is used what our kids have had that connect the Baha that she burnt up to there, she she she lit a fire for a fader a huge pot until the smoke actually, you know, started to discolor her
her cloth her clothes that she was wearing.
In the shower, I looked at it double had this cathedral I didn't you know, like you find that there is tons and tons of narrations about Peter and we cannot say that it did not exist during the time of Prophet sallallahu sallam. The next one I wish that they were like think of a DHT I could not find pictures like I don't want to say put a picture if I if I it was just a picture of a modern day, you know picture but again, metal gel is actually I do have a picture of it.
middle region metal gel, where is it?
How do I show this?
share? Yeah.
Okay, one second guys, stick with me. I will share my screen share screen. The interesting part is you can only add one thing at a time.
Yep, there we go. So this is an example of the next item that we're talking about in the category which is called Miljan. Now, mirror gel is either from stone, it was either made from stone, but it was humongous. It was giant. But more importantly, it was made from either stone or no has or copper
or copper. Now, if you remember in Pakistan or India or those places, if you've ever seen those giant digs that they use for, you know Dalits and they use for shadows and stuff like that. I'm not sure if that still takes place. But I remember as a child having those memories of those giant things that were there that is something very similar and that is called murjan. It is actually made of copper. There was a lot of lot of narrations around around murjan. One of the hadith is Takata a charlatan Ilan Michel fimasartan
Lots of narrations
and Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam in one of the narrations he says in one scenario adab and Mandla Hoonah Allah and mean and the
The least punished person on the Day of Judgment. The least to punish person in Jahannam not on the Day of Judgment in Jahannam is the person who would be given nylon he will be given to slippers. Okay of what to slippers of fire? Yes really mean Huma DeMarco who that his dimel his brain is going to start boiling with those two slippers. Cam is a little miracle gel, the way the mirror gel boils and Rasul Allah used the word merger in that so it was something that was so common ly used by the people and definitely it is something that retain a lot of heat. It retained a lot of heat retention and obviously boiled in a manner that it was really you know very if you look at it you feel scared
of that boiling and that's why it also utilizes referring that his brain, the brain of that individual may Allah subhanaw taala protect us from Jahannam and may Allah subhanaw taala enters in Jannah without any hisab but for that person when his brain is being boiled it is as if you're looking at this giant dig that is filling up you know filled with water and it is boiling, imagine how much heat is required imagine how much and imagine the intensity of those little sandals that he wears of fire the intensity of that fire that how much heat is required to boil up that huge pot and this little sat like you know small piece of fire that is going to touch the foot of that individual
his brain is going to to to boil from it may Allah protect us from
Allah protect us from all of this Jahannam and either Abba
let me go back.
Next part. So this is measured. You have also other Hadees is related to measure. Once upon a time I shattered the hola Juan how she states that I was I was in the house for the holiday Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said prophets I seldom enters and
will middle jello your full Ruby lamb, you know for whare you know, Ferrara, like when Ferrara rises up will milk jello Your food will be lamb that Miljan profiterole Salam said that or I shall know the Allahu and says that Rasul Allah enters and he saw this pot and it was bubbling and boiling, like it was almost like a fountain the word yet for means like a full water or fountain, it was boiling up, and remeasure was there would food with lamb and then Rasul Allah asks Herman Aner lucky Harada Where did you get this?
And this is all giving you context as to these things existed at the time of Nabi SallAllahu Sallam
Do you guys want me to tell you the stories about Michel or you want me to just go straight to what it is and move on? I'm not sure if you guys want to hear these stories or are the stories adding any concepts like I don't know I thought this would be interesting. I guess there's no point in me telling you hey, this was what it was sort of like us rather than I tell you and then you know tell you a story related to that. So I don't know this is just my way of doing it. If you guys want me I can just simply skip and just go straight to
you know,
go back
but anyhow, if you guys have interest in that then please let me know if you guys want me to stop telling you these stories and just focus on on what is there then I can just do that inshallah.
Okay, oh, it looks like people do want to hear the stories then we'll stick with stories.
Okay, awesome. All right. The second category is my optimal fee what time it is serving category in which the food is being served.
Number one is job okay. Is jam the word jam which basically means it is Ina or it is any YNAB basically means any type of vessel in which you can hold water and liquid and it is easily drinkable for one person from it. Right so you're one person and most commonly it was from football, most commonly it was made from silver.
Okay, John, and basically it is it is it is not something that was found very common. But again you have lots of lots of
examples of that. For example, in one of the Hadith in one of the stories where Abdullah bin ibis and IBIS World with the Allah who answers how Raja Raja lumen bunny Sam, multimedia Daddy, where Id even Hatem where Id even Budda Fermat so him sir
To me, we are laser behind Muslim. So somebody went and they went to a place to be two individuals, one of the SOS Raja module or person with two individuals that we happen to go to name name of 20 minute Daddy, what Id even by that, and they went with a third person and that third person dies in a land where there is no Muslims dilemma for the mu beta t alpha do German men fit the thin muscles. So when they came back, the family was like, oh, but he used to have a vessel that was made of silver that he would use for drinking. We don't find it. So it seems like somebody took it on the way or somebody you know, misplaced it. And then Subhanallah it comes salaam Rahmatullah KATUSA just
the way how are you?
Right again, so that's the word jam over here. Similarly, in another
another narration you find that Prophet sallallahu Sallam uses the word.
So there was a lot of discussion about why would prophesy Selim use jam and football and a lot of discussion around it. But I don't want to get into that.
I just want you to remember that rasool Allah SallAllahu sallam, many times, there would be like, a lot of you today might have a lot of utensils. So we might have a lot of different types of cutlery and different fancy stuff, but not everybody uses those fancies stuff. So there might be a mention of something that existed at the time of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and it may have entered the house of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam as a gift from somebody, not that he went and he bought it out of his way. So he will not go and buy something from silver, but somebody might have gifted it to him, somebody might have given it to him as a gift, and hence he had it.
Okay, so this is this is Jim.
Then you have something called Jeff Now, Jeff nice, very interesting, Jeff now is is is a big huge, either wooden wooden or metal platter that was used by Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam has certain if it was made from wood, it would be called pulsara which is the next word where to go.
Jaffna, the course is coming to if it was made from wood, it would be called cassava. And these Jaffna they would be
Zara that's a good questions or asks that we should not use the word jam because it belongs to Jews and drinks.
Again, you have mentioned of these utensils during the time of Nabi SallAllahu sallam, and they were very you know,
they were very commonly found in the at the time of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam.
And again many times it was really expensive. So as I mentioned that I would mention something that would exist during the time of Nabi SallAllahu sallam, it's not necessary that Russell's Lula had it. And if Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam had it, that it is not necessary that he went and he bought it. It might have been something that was gifted to him, for example, the Joshi he gifted him something very expensive to drink in. He used to have it but he didn't like it and he gave it away. So he added for a period of time, but he gave it away. So this is very interesting for us to learn. That Rasul Allah, his life was very simple. And it predominantly focused on the element that if it
came to serving people and serving others and Rasul Allah would keep those utensils very, very close to themselves. For example, Jeff nap in one of the one of the Hadith that says
ruya and as a hobby are Kashia even though Ava and the whole boil at the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam be definite in Kathy Rotties zippered that a huge platter was brought to Prophet sallallahu Sallam be either either It's butter or zipped that is either butter like depending on whatever terminology used either was butter or a lot of yogurt Zebedee. So either is about the or zipped up again, I'm not sure what exactly was it because I did not go in search the exact opposite of the Saudis. But it could be either butter or it could be yogurt, either of the two nothing other than that. Another Hadith the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he says at Abbey Jaffna Oh Call Of course Ottoman
Fareed Kulu mean have fatty ha ha Roman rewired, yeah. So, why Kuruman have fattier and other Jaffna a huge platter of studied was brought and Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said eat from the sides and leave the center right leave the center Do not touch the center. So Rasul Allah also used to have a Jaffna or he
used to have this huge platter that would require for individuals for men to carry it when food was served in it. Okay.
That I hope I answered your question please let me know in sha Allah, then Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam used to have something
which was called again he did not have this, but this was found at the time of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and there are references of this at the time of Rasul Allah. He might have seen it, he might have used it at somebody's house, but there's no recollections or records of Rasulullah having this it is called so it's a little bit difficult word to pronounce. It's called Sukkot Rajasthan, Sukkot Rajasthan. Okay. So cool Rajasthan Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam used to have that this was the most expensive type of utensil that would be found and as far as the Allahu Anhu mentioned and Moroccan NW SallAllahu wasallam Allah Hawaiian wala Fie, Sucre, Rajasthan Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam never
ate so he might have he like if there was this expensive utensil, even if he went to somebody's house and they had this this expensive you said utensil so called Raja that was being served in Rasul Allah would not eat in that.
so, so why because rasool Allah SallAllahu sallam was always cognizant of the fact of the poor individuals who are not able to afford this type of you know, expensive thing. Now, this is in our own saline, you can Luffy he che Khalil Minal Edom, it's like, you know, like, if you go to these restaurants, these hifi restaurants, fancy restaurants, they serve you, like, you know, you know, very little food but they charge you so expensive for that, right. It's something similar to that, that it is very expensive.
And, and it is very, very expensive. It is extremely small in size. And you can
kalila middle Iam and it, it does not occupy a lot of the food so you're not able to eat a lot of the food that is in there.
So, rasool Allah Azza wa sallam, us, Jan, we don't have any references of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam using jam. And I think what we have to understand is the word jam in Farsi and Urdu is a different word than what we're talking about in Arabic. So I think that's the confusion that we're having. So you know, when we use the word jam in order to and Farsi it is primarily predominantly indicative of serving alcohol, whereas in Arabic language, that is not the case, it is just a utensil that was used. Sahabas used to have it as in the example of the Sahaba who died, and there was no Muslims. He used to carry it with him. So this was just a utensil that was used by the
sahaba. And I think that's where you're getting confused. Czar. So Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam never ate on a platter that had so Kolja now, it's a really interesting point for us over here that arose in our sharing, you're not allowed to eat on plates that have been gold plated or silver plated, we're not allowed to eat on those plates. So gold plated, silver plated, anything that has gold, anything that is, you know, that shows off excessive wealth, in terms of cutlery and utensils, is not permissible in our religion. And it is not permissible for two reasons. Number one, it is rough number one and is waste of your money. Number two, it breaks the hearts of poor individuals.
So our religion, you're not allowed to use those.
Now I'm saying gold and silver. So keep very specific. I'm talking about gold plated, and silver plated utensils and silver pray. Like if you're buying something that is utility, ie, like if you want to buy a cast iron, Dutch oven, and it's $200 its utility, no poor person is going to come and look at it and say, Oh, my heart is breaking down, right?
You know, it's like, oh, you know, my heart is breaking down. You've got a very expensive dutch oven made of cast iron, right? But a poor person when they look at it from a perspective that you're sitting on a platter or you're sitting on, you're sitting somewhere and you have a custom like you know, gold plated utensils and everything like that. So gold linings and all of that. Anything that excessively flounce your your wealth
in general and it is usually found in the tuber cartel.
idea it is usually found in extremely rich people as their culture and customs. Generally the foot behind the element they say it is safer to stay away from that. Because the Sunnah of Nabi SallAllahu sallam was despite the fact that he has access to all this wealth, he had access to get all these things he refused to even be on on a hawan he refused to be and there's again, I'm not getting into the stories related to that, but he refused to sit on up on a dining table that had expensive really, really expensive
cutlery now, there's a difference between buying cheap and good quality and excessive price in quality because it's a name brand or something like that. Okay
yeah, exactly. So as as Laura said, gold plated cutlery is something very, very, you know, commonly found and it is it is definitely not recommended.
If we use them, should we dispose of them? I would say they really depends. I cannot give you an answer say that, because I'm not sure what you have. And does it qualify? You know, like, but if it has, so you generally the general rule is if you're a gold plating on,
on your cutlery, and you know, on your
if your gold plating on your cutlery is enough that if you were to burn that cutlery, and you would be able to take away that from that gold plating enough that you would be able to form some sort of a metal piece of gold, then that is very, very problematic. If it is minor, then again, there are different there are differences in terms of what to what extent is it allowed or not like that, but I don't want to get into that. That's not the purpose of this session. We might get carried away. But that but if you do have concerns, message me and then maybe we can have a discussion offline inshallah. Okay, then Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were to go come on.
He used to have something which was called Safa. He used to have something which was called Safa. It is similar to cassava it is very very similar to cook pasta, but there are enough enough evidences enough evidences that you find
Yes, you can Zara you can use expensive, expensive crockery as long as they're not gold plated there's nothing wrong in that.
You should be fine with that in sha Allah.
Well, yeah, charlatan. Oh, yeah, so Safa Allah subhanaw taala even uses the word cipher because cipher is also used in the Quran, where Allah Subhana Allah says in surah Zakharov he says well Utah for it him beautifully has FIM mean the hub that you will have servers you will have people that would be be surrounding you, they will be rotating around you serving your different types of food. We usually have in in platters that are made of gold, in platters that are made of gold. So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he used to have a Siva, you have lots of lots of narrations related to Cypher as you find that you know Khalifa or Marathi Allah Juan says that's us that's so
half fella taco Norfolk you had one wala to refer to Elijah al Amin, V Tilka. Cipher.
For both we have it as was interview SallAllahu Sallam whenever a platter would be served to remodel the Allahu Allah after the death of Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he would make sure that a portion of that platter or some of that platter would go to the wives of Nabi SallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam, and other Hadees of Oman you know the Allahu Allah and where she mentioned the desolate inland Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Yeoman, WA who are fearful but in level for what what it felt was yet to who tessera the MA Safa. Well, we have a thoroughly hygiene. So she says that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with this was at the Battle of Fatima QCCA and you find that
Rasul Allah had had made will do fresh will do from the cipher. This platter it's not as big as Jephunneh that we talked about huge cipher, he had a cipher and primarily primarily it was used for either prep or for serving. And in this particular case, she says that Rasul Allah had filled it with water and it still had arta left in it Ajin you still had reminisces of dough left and and so rasool Allah filled it with water and then use that to make what will do well
While you still had remains of dough left in that platter,
and this tells you something so beautiful about Nabi SallAllahu sallam, you know, I'm no casual extraordinaire out and like the successive Nakara you played SCA were seen as any age should be this much clean and that much cleaner, all of that. And also the loss of Allah who said Salam did not have that, like you're looking at somebody who has just conquered fat MCE who has just conquered his own, like his hometown, where he was kicked out from he just conquered it and then he is found making wudu from a cipher that had remains of the dough that was made in it before. What does that tell you about Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam that he was an extremely humble person, his lifestyle
was extremely humble, very simple, he did not you know the worldly affairs and this world had not entrenched in the heart of Nabi SallAllahu Sallam hijab, and he would never write. And that is the you know, and that is something very important for us to recognize that many times. When we read these things about Rasul allah sallallahu sallam, and his connection to these beautiful
utensils that he had, you find that he was so simple in the use of them.
Then, next part, used Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam used to have different types of Awani, for preserving different different types of
remember the three things we talked about. So cooking, serving, and now preserving. So he had different elements, one of the most important ones was that about this was used to preserve,
Faribault was basically, as you see in the picture over here, as you can see, it was an animal's skin that was taken off completely around, and then you had people, you know, they would tie up the legs on the edge, and you would fill it with water, you would fill it with milk, you would fill it with whatever possible things that you could fill it with. Now, that was one one type, there was another one which is called P now a lot of you might know this by now, dinner, every single one who was being suffered, who's suffering from COVID The word mask is in Arabic called ina covering are a mask. So you can understand what the word Tina and what this tool does. It was primarily made off of
us Bill null, it was made from the dried leaves that it was actually not let me correct that it was made from when you strip the trunk of the palm tree, the the hair strands that you find inside the palm tree that it was the this this covering was made from that so they would open it they would you know mash it up in between like they were forming some sort of a mesh and we know weave it together and make it in the form of a cover. So it was a Tina that was primarily used as as the knuckle worker the helical canal. So this is this is what Russell Lasota said I'm used to use and his family would use to cover up food if the food was there.
Next part
was, oh, food and drinks. Now the things that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam used for for drinks Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam used for drinks.
And so I'm going to go we're getting long and I think we extended a bit too much.
I'm going to try to
Inshallah, Inshallah, definitely, if Allah gives us permissions on that, you know, we'll definitely do that. Okay, so different types of tools that Rasul Allah salAllahu Alaihe, Salam or utensils that Rasul Allah used.
Number one is Ernie. So for drinks Ibri Ibri. Okay, is basically a word from Arabic. And actually, it is actually fair to see it as far as see it's word from Persian and then it was brought into Arabic language.
And then there there are lots of examples of that. For example, in Surah Tynwald, our last one says we acquire view Abadi, but what gets him remain right, we acquire been with cups, whatever, sorry, but right and with thermoses, so a belief is something that is used to keep some sort of a drink, whether it is a cold or hot drink, to be served to the guests. So that was one thing that are sort of lost, otherwise, I'm going to skip a lot of the slides, because then we'll be sitting here for a long time. Okay.
So he had a brief then he had something which was called a euros, okay. And euros it is a type of a bowl something similar to what is right here right it is Mitchinson it is a type of a bowl it is type of other but it is made of Taarab okay it is made of Torah and also in Haiti boo Akbar and it is majority of the times it is made from Torah but if it's not found from clay, if you cannot find it from clay, then it was made from Hashem it was made from wood. And then usually the people of Medina in the in the past.
They would the people of Medina and specific they would make it from word but the people of Baca, they would find it much easier to make it from some sort of a clay or some form some form of a clay in general. So you had num something called Rose, then you had something which was called a little warmer,
a warmer, okay, and this was basically
it was square, it was square, and this was something that Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam would use in his day to day you know, and there's a lot of Masada. There are lots of evidences about this, that you find this hadith of abakada Abu Qatada
Radi Allahu Anhu that he talks about it and lots of other then he had something which was called cada which is basically one other one. And this is
it the author he mentions over here like one of the research papers that I was able to find it says that it has been found you have more than 23 Different narrations that you can find with the word powder. So it means that you know the word either or this tool was a very predominant one, something like Burma. And all it is is you have numerous narrations for example one of the narrations is so heavy Jabra bin Abdullah of the Allah says, You have to hear kind of Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Festus Bacala rajulio Rasool Allah, Allah Allah
Nabi then for all availa so they were sitting with Rasulullah Salah Salem and somebody's like aerosol law shall we shall we not give you an Aviv Nabis is a type of drink that Rasulullah used to like not the newbies which is alcoholic but this is newbies where you take dates or you take fig and you put them in water you let them sit soak up the whole thing. And next morning you drink that high level alpha Raja Rasul Allah solonius Alpha. Yet fi Naveed so a person he won quickly and got the drink for nebi Salah Salem and he brought it in. I saw the Allahu Anhu she says that he rasool Allah Azza wa sallam Wahoo I moved to we're in that we're in the whole cada fie him for yet full of Yoda
who fell from my arms and watch her who filmed when Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam He was passing away he was it was in his last moments, he used this beautiful.
either one use this other, not this one. But he used other a bowl that was that had water and Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam may Allah have mercy on all of us at that time when Rasul Allah was passing away in May Allah elevate the status of Nabi SallAllahu sallam, he would place his hand and other and he would wipe off the heat of the deaths that you know he was going through and the hot and they would call himself down and he would wipe his face with that water as he was passing away. sal Allahu Allah aka rasool Allah Allahumma salli wa salam ala Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam So anyhow, this was our interviews of Allah Islam there are so many so many so many
narrations that I don't want to go through all of them right now.
Then you have
then Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam used to have something which was also guess you have tons and tons of narrations. So many ads in the Quran that talks about Aqua view about equal castes in Marine in collaboration with them in casting, right so many oils go in the middle, he was going to see how Gatson kind of is agile has and jameelah so many narrations that you find in the Quran referring to this word gas, it is basically something that is more elongated than other other is something that is more open like this and is more something elongated and longer. And usually, you know, generally it is from glass. Rasulullah rarely had glass but if he had glass and you know he had glass from
Natasha and other places, and you'll find lots of narrations related to that.
So with that
we only come to the 1/4 section
of the utensils of Nabi SallAllahu sallam.
That's the sad reality. We're almost an hour in. And I think we've only covered 1/4 of what
I had. I knew that I was going to run out of time
But in any case, if Allah gives us tofield and we're able to connect once more, then we shall carry on discussions. One last thing that I would like to remind everybody in sha Allah as the month of Ramadan gets together, you know it comes together we ask Allah subhanaw taala that Aloma but living Ramadan, Allah subhanaw taala grant us the ability to live through all the way so they were able to witness in the in the month of Ramadan. And one other thing that in the month of Ramadan I do intend to discuss in detail about the prophetic foods. So different types of foods that Nabi SallAllahu Sallam had, or different types of foods that Sahaba or hola for advice she didn't have mentioned
about. So we shall try to do some sort of a series, it's not going to be a Live series, it will be a pre recorded series. But Inshallah, if Allah gives me tofield and time and ability, then that is my intention. Allah is the One who fulfills these intentions, I asked you to pray for me, that like gives me the total field with the limited time and work and other responsibilities that I have that I'm able to pull this off. And in the end, for everybody that has been here that has been with me, it has been a super pleasure. Special thanks to the team at alHuda, who made this possible. And
also a special thanks to my family who had to bear with six weeks of six weeks of me not being available for them on Saturdays. Even now as we speak, they're gone somewhere
and having some nice food and I'm here in the house Alhamdulillah but that's the fun part of you know, enriching ourselves with the mighty fell off Nabi SallAllahu sallam. So each one of you can walk away and myself we can walk away with Maya in our heart, and that becomes a source of increased DVR and following the path of Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa salam.
All right, BarakAllahu li calm I shall see you all a Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh