Omar Suleiman – Amr Ibn Al-As (Ra) His Wicked Father & Better Brother – The Firsts

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a situation where a Muslim man refuses to admit to any wrongdoing and refuses to admit to siblings. The dangerous situation is described, with the risk of consequences for the Muslim community. The transcript also touches on protecting Islam during the current crisis, including the loss of the throne and the misunderstanding of the concept of ahaste. The conversation includes discussions of the importance of protecting Islam and the need for protecting Muslims during the crisis.
AI: Transcript ©
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Let's get started

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it's just a reminder inshallah to the brothers upfront. Be careful with the camera

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long summers

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Santa Monica rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh.

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Allah Samira administrators and just remember him and hamdulillah he'll be Rabbil Alameen whatever Guanella Allah binding in will add people to the mix again la Saliba selama Baraka, radical Asuka Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, while earlier he was looking to sell him to see when cathedra Welcome back to the first and hamdulillah Rahman we are continuing in the story of those that were on the other side of the hood. And my intention tonight was actually to start talking about the Sierra of automata. And also the low tide I know. But I'm actually going to tell you from right now that tonight we're not going to talk about on the Ross we're going to talk about his father, and

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we're going to talk about his brother. And I'll tell you exactly why. It's Pamela when I first started this series one of my main intentions for the first was to find Sahaba that don't get the recognition that they deserve people that are kind of buried in the stories of others. And then also the Allahu Tada and who has a brother named he sham if no loss of the Allah Tada and who, who is worthy of his own biography. So what we're going to be doing tonight we're only he's Johnson here are the chumps. No, he shops here. No, he sounds in Valley Ranch. I don't know what's going on. I was going to make you guys proud. Alright, so what we're going to do in sha Allah time is we're

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going to talk about the making of arm and also the law of town and home by really understanding the family that he comes from. And subhanAllah the title for tonight is a wicked father, and a better brother. And better is in quotation marks and it'll make sense at the end of our Holika tonight and then insha Allah Tala. Next week we'll dive into Ramadan also the Allah Tala ANOVA. Today, we talk about his father who is one of the most wicked people in the history of Islam. And when you say one of the most hated people to Allah subhana Tirana, you're not exaggerating. He is associated with so many of the ayat of the Quran that we read into the AMA that we read throughout the Quran, over 10

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instances of Tafseer, in which he is the one that's being indicated, according to the scholars in terms of an enemy of Allah subhanaw taala, the father of Ramana, we were also the love of Tata and his brother, he shambled the Allahu Taala and who an incredible Sahabi and incredible companion who embraced Islam before his brother, but did not get the same recognition in the books of history and we'll talk about that tonight the lucky to Allah and what that did in terms of shaping life of Imran Rasul Allah Tada. Going forward. So let's start at the top. Now, Omer and he sham are the only two brothers. They don't have any brothers that are noted in their biographies, but they have different

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mothers. Okay, so I'm going to get us in well, he shall allow us they've been one right there half brothers, and tonight we're going to focus on Hashem. Now Ahmed have been an OS have been one. Their father obviously is allowed. So we're going to talk about an OS his mother was a slave girl by the name of Leila Ben Telma. Leila Ben Termina. And there's a story behind that that we'll talk about next week in Charlottetown. So his half brother is his younger brother. And his mother is a woman by the name of ohm harmala Binti sham in animalium on how to Mala bint he sham YBNL Molina, who is his mother on how to Mara is the sister of Abuja, okay, the sister of Abuja. Now if you remember who

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remembers Abuja, his name, his actual name,

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Ahmed have no he Sham. Okay. And then Molina All right, I'm going to show you something in Mojito so his sister is the wife of Alas, and the mother

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Have he Shamp so obviously I will Jehan is the chief of bento Mizzou. And he's also by the way, of course, you know, he shaman and Molina is the brother of and what he did in Molina, the father of five, there'll be loads out on right. So this would mean that he sham and then asked is the first cousin of Kata there'll be a low tide on. Okay, the first cousin of Carlat or the Allahu taala, which makes this, you know, truly a family affair when you start to talk about the dynamics truly Khalid and Amara Banaras are so inseparable in their stories, both, you know, before they embraced Islam, and then after they embraced Islam, there is a lifelong connection between those two

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brothers, may Allah be pleased with them. And in the situation of Hashem, he's actually a relative, he's actually the cousin of Khalid while the Allahu Anhu through his mother. So this gives him a power through bento. Masoom. Right, you're situated in one of the most powerful tribes in Mecca, being bent on Masoom, a competitive tribe to bento Hashem, the tribe of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now let's talk about the Father and I'm going to go through how many yards you've been reading, and inshallah Tada, it'll now give you a face to think about when you read these ions. The father is allowed us Ibn what

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allows us is the chief of Venosa Benissa, which is also a powerful tribe of Quraysh. He's a distant relative of the prophets lie southern meaning they meet at one of the ancestors, so he's a distant relative of the prophets lie some in Quraysh. But this man will go on to become one of the staunchest opponents of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Eno and the prophets licenses and NASA Island era ConfigMgr he fer to confront Islam, that people are like precious stones, the best of you and the days of ignorance are the best of you and Islam. Likewise, some of those who exhibited lowly characteristics carried those lowly characteristics and opposition to Islam and only

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became furthered in their to Lyon furthered in their transgression with those qualities. And so, let's talk about allowance even before Islam and ask even before Islam. He is the catalyst for a very momentous episode in the scene of the Prophet slice and before Islam remember headful falloon, the League of Justice, the Pact of justice that was taken in Mecca, where the tribes came together in Makkah, and they said that we will protect the weak one amongst us the one who doesn't have a tribe amongst us that we're not going to let him be wronged economically just because he has no one to protect him. So Alas, is the one who made that happen, but by being the transgressor Okay, so I

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take you back to before Islam, there was a man from Yemen, may Allah bless the people of Yemen, everyone say I mean, a man from Yemen, from the tribe of zubaid. So this is a way the man from Yemen he came to Mecca to trade. Now this was in the month of the Florida right before the hedge or one of the sacred months and he had some goods with him and he's around the cabinet doesn't have anyone to protect it.

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He sells some of his goods to an awesome and well

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the worst rich person is the one who's predatory and doesn't have to take advantage of the poor right like you don't you have no reason to steal you have no reason to poke people to take advantage of people allow us is one of the wealthiest man in Mecca. But he's a slimeball, you know, and I can call him that because Allah azza wa jal refers to him in so many different ways in the Quran. Complete slimeball, right? So last one wire says, Alright, give me the goods, I'll pay you. He takes the goods. The man says, Alright, where's the money? He said, what money?

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What are you talking about? And then says, You just bought these goods for me. He said, Go find somewhere else and go go claim your money somewhere else basically get lost? What are you going to do about it? Right, I'm an awesome and while I'm the Chief of General Sam, you're in Makkah coming from Yemen, you think you have some power here? Get out of here, right get lost. So this was actually common in Mecca. Before headford Follow this type of behavior of exploitation, exploiting the slave exploiting and most other affine exploiting the weak and the oppressed ones. This is very, very normal behavior in Makkah. Now, obviously, the man starts telling people like, do you guys see

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what what just happened here? Aren't you going to do something? And those that are around the house, they immediately take aside like we're using Austin. Well, what do you want us to do? Right? He's the chief of bento, son. Then at that point, the man stands up in front of the cabinet and basically embarrassed his Mecca. Right? He starts to author these beautiful words of poetry, about the people of Mecca, and he strikes at their ego, their culture, right what type of people are you custodians of the carrabba Right. And this

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This is how you treat the weak amongst you. This is how you treat the one who has no tribe. And he starts to shout out and author these words of poetry. And now it's embarrassing. So these people don't do anything out of righteousness. It's embarrassing, right? So the other tribesmen from Benin, Masoom benefit of the doubt others, they simply sided with us. But one of the uncles of the prophets lie Selim, whose name was as innovative, nimble Pollock, not innovative in our model, the lawn and uncle of the prophets lie some as the weight of an animal planet. He stood up and he was outraged. So it isn't someone going to help this man. Like is this how we're really going to treat the people

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when they come to Mecca? The migrants when they come to Mecca? The the tourists, the trades people? What type of reputation do we want? What type of people do we want, an argument breaks out, and Abdullah Banerjee Don summons the people. And the long story short, because headford fluid is something we've covered in multiple lectures and in great detail in NEC era. Long story short, the people of Mecca agree to this pact and the Prophet slicin was the youngest person to be a part of the pact to protect the one who is exploited to protect the one who does not have a tribe to protect him from economic exploitation and an OS signed on to a to whatever, right, he's the chief of

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Benissa. The powerful the elites of Mecca, can always find a loophole. But at least this was a notable move a notable moment in the state of the prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam, and this behavior from Laos will show itself in Islam in a very nasty way as well. So he's a rich man, multiple slaves, multiple, you know, homes, all types of money, but he still pokes at the little man in Mecca and messes with the little man. So when you think of an awesome Anwar and put him in the league of Abuja, him Abu Lahab and will lead them in Maria Rocha gonna be more aid. And then it also been one put them in that league, the father of harlot, Fallon, or the Allah and whose father who of

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course multiple Ayat came down about him his arrogance with the Prophet slice of them, the way he rejected asylum. This man falls in that category, and he has a unique way of oppression. His oppression is to his a mockery. So here's the thing. Subhanallah Omdurman also the Allahu Anhu will largely become successful in Islam because he was so smart, his wits, his intelligence, they called him the most clever, the most clever general in Islam like how did little the Allah Tada and who was a man who could map out the battlefield and win every battle? armor was a man who could use his brain and he can outwit he was so clever, and he used that for the sake of Allah after being an

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enemy to the Prophet slice on himself for some time. In the case of his father, his father was also a brilliant man, very witty, smart elk, but he uses it to mock the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. So his oppression has the physical oppression to the prophets like Selim shutting the avenues of data, but also pure is the ZAP of the Prophet slice on pure mockery with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So let's start to go through all of the ayaats that you read throughout the Quran, in which the scholars say he is the one who is implicated, first and foremost, when Allah subhanaw taala says, While Kalu Lola Annunziata hematic they said why doesn't an angel just come down?

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So at us was the one who said to the prophets like Selim, you know what will believe you if you get an angel that comes in stands next to you be Surah T Maddock in the form of an angel and then talks to us but you we don't believe you, but bring an angel next to you. Maybe we will listen to that angel Willow and Xena mela can call the Alamo. So Mala young girl and Allah azza wa jal says if an angel would have came down, then it would have been over and you would not have been granted any type of respite to repent. And of course Allah azza wa jal says again using this this that well according to the Bureau, Solomon publica for heart I've been Latina Sufi Roman, who my account will

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be yesterday. Oh, look, yeah, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, prophets that came before you were marked in this way. And Allah azza wa jal did with them what he did

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take comfort in this when you see the Zionist doing with our brothers and sisters in philosophy and what they're doing. What occurred is to have the Iberostar in public Look, people came before you righteous people that were mocked in their lowest points. It hurts the profit slice on them because everyone treated the prophets lights on well before it's now. And, you know, an ask can always bring a particular type of mockery to the discussion that puts the prophets like some in a very awkward situation. So he's one of those people and he's the main one that always invents these claims with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the spirit of his questioning of Rasulullah slicin was

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not as smooth as he wasn't genuinely inquiring about anything. So when he brings these challenges to the Prophet's life, it's pure

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really to mock the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the next Surah that many of the scholars say was revealed about him but yeah you and Kathy don't suit it and Kathy don't you worship our God one day we worship your God one day now different people made the suggestion to the prophets lie so you can actually find multiple elites of Quraysh that made this adjustment to the profit slice on them because to them it's like look if your God is just another idol Hamas we will make space we got 360 of them anyway just make it 361 I mean like if that's really what this is all about you worship your God we worship our God that's it but listen to the way that allows puts it to the Prophet slice them

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said yeah Mohammed Hello nothing taboo at a time with men and with Oh Muhammad, come on and worship what we worship and will worship what you worship. If the good comes from your god then we'll get it and if the good comes from our gods then we'll get it but if we worship all of them, then we won't miss any of the hub we won't miss any of the Fortune like the good is gonna come from one of them right? You see the way he marks the profits like something so cool Yeah, even caffeine on many of the elements said was about allows like, this was the lowest of democracy is that like, this is how seriously he takes God. This is what God has to him a wish list.

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Go ahead, find Mohammed flies on Come with me. Let's all worship gods together. One of them is going to answer our drought. One of them is going to make something happen.

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Another time so what an extra keeps on going Subhanallah we'll call you La Nina la Terre Haute, tough gerada Duryodhana mineral orally Yong goo.

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Sorted asstra Verse 90.

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The Prophet slicin was doing Dawa to the people of Mecca

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and asked says to the prophets like Selim, you know yeah Muhammad, if you want us to believe you, you know what we want in like Italian Illuminati. You know, we want tell your Lord to push the mountains of maca apart. And then to start letting the springs come up and some of the gardens come up. Let's let's see some gardens pop up here. You're talking about Jana over there and you're talking about and how in January, tomatoes represent Jana and the springs in general just make it happen here and we'll believe you. Allah Subhana Allah Allah mentions this mockery over here, verse nine of sorts of the salt which is also sort of bending slightly right so it kind of resembles you

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realize the people of most Eisah marked in this way to write. He resembles Benny Islam in their worse form. When he says these types of things to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the next ayat

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they were recited today and salata, Aisha, yes, Luna can answer it a Jana Musa. So Muhammad salallahu Salam, why don't you tell us when the hour is and then we'll kind of we'll fix ourselves right before this. Go ahead and give us a timeline. We want to know the day of judgment you keep talking about a sera, sera, sera, the hour the hour the hour. Go ahead and give it to us. Many of the scholars say yes Aluna Karina sir it a Jana Mercer is talking about allows him and well. He goes on and on. Surah Yaseen, verse 77 And verse 78,

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allow us brings a bone,

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a bone of an animal. He throws it at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He says, Tell your Lord to bring it back to life. Go ahead.

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Allah azza wa jal says what who knows the ayat Subhanallah it just it brings so much of this to life.

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Oh Allah may Allah in Santa Ana HELOC now home and auto 14. Either who are hustling or moving well, Dora Bella Anna matalon. Wanna see a halka? Work? Carla Manuel Allama Hiromi. This is talking about Alas, when Allah Subhana Allah says, do people not see that we created them from a drop of fluid and then behold then how someone will be and then they come and they start challenging us? Like where did you come from in the first place to start making these types of challenges against the loss of Hanover to Allah? And what does he say men your healer Allama? Well, he'll mean who's gonna give life to these decayed bones? So imagine the image of an artist coming to the province is him and

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saying, here, make it happen. And Allah subhanaw taala says, put up her lady and sha Allah Mara, who will be coolly Hultin honey say that they will be revived by the one who produced them in the first place for he has perfect knowledge of all of his creation. It goes on I don't even know how many verses I've mentioned so far. I literally Subhanallah was just perusing the books of Tafseer it's I after I after I it's unbelievable how much this man is to his that was covered in the Quran. How much is mockery was covered in the Quran. Remember his incident before Islam with helful football.

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Now he starts to bring that type of mockery to the masala Fein to the weak ones of the Muslims. So he goes to the marketplace and

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He, you know, purchases goods from one of the Muslims. And then the man says, aren't you going to pay me? He says no.

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He said, What do you mean? He said, I'll pay you when we get to Jana.

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I'll pay you when we get to Janice Powell look at the arrogance.

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So what are you talking about? Karla nanohub Global Agenda team and Mohammed. We are more worthy of Jana than Muhammad salallahu salam for sofa or Tikka. Jorah. Catherine Jana. I'll give you your wages in general. I'll pay you back later and Jim. See the mockery.

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There nmsa Verse 63 of Super Mario till you tell agenda to Latino resume and everybody know men Kana. takia. This Jana is given to our servants who have Taqwa who are God conscious who are pious

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And subhanAllah it gets even deeper

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you know, Allah Azza just says in a hadith put seam and add that he really forgot oven to will help whoever takes one of my earlier one of my righteous slaves as an enemy than I wage war against that person. Right? So he does this out of all people he does it to hubub Arataura the Allahu Taala and hubbub one of the best Muslims one of the greatest of the Sahaba but he was a weak person in Mecca, right? He was asleep. Now if you remember what hoBRO the Allahu Anhu used to do. He was a blacksmith he used to and he used to make carve out the swords for the people used to make their shields he used to make their their swords. So he used to work with the coal and that's why his master took the

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coal and started burning his back with it right. So he told kabob to make him a sword. So for Bob did his job well the Allahu Tada and

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so then when the time came and he gave me the sword, kebab was expecting to be paid.

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He said Wallahi law will suddenly do like a heart attack for Abu Mohammed said I swear by Allah I won't pay you a single Dirham until you disbelieve in Muhammad.

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Kebab sallallahu alayhi wa sallam barbital the Allahu Anhu responds and he says, Well Allahu Allah Akbar Obi Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Hi Ian, what a neat and Willa Hina Talgarth. So I swear by Allah that I will not disbelieve in Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, neither when I'm alive, or even after I'm dead, or even the day that you're resurrected, and acid, you're saying I'm going to be resurrected. So he starts to make fun of them. And Oberth I'm gonna be resurrected. So kabob said, you're going to be resurrected. He said, Well, I have a lot of money.

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And I have a lot of people. So I'm not too worried about that. He said in the contest, Ramona and Nakamura zone what Phil Jannetty The Heaven will fill button. Well, how do you know? He said, You people believe that we're all going to be resurrected. And in Jannah there is gold and there's silver and there's silk. He said for an athlete. He said I'll pay you them.

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See SubhanAllah? Is that where it's going? The mockery, I'll pay you in Jannah. Guys, don't worry about it as if he certain he'll get there.

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And as if he can get away with this. Allah subhanaw taala reveals verse 77 I can see something your blood is boiling. Imagine living in that time. Right? Imagine living in that time being Muhammad zweisimmen His companions you have a man like this who constantly does this. FRR ater lady Kapha Robbie, Tina Wirkkala gutian and Alan Milena. Did you see the one who disbelieved in the signs of Allah subhanaw taala and said, I am going to have plenty of wealth and children in that in the

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follow up. Did he see the unseen and the tough at the end of money? Or does he have a contract with the Most Merciful? Allah azza wa jal says What can I say unacceptable Maya Kulu Anna Muda, whom in Aladdin Imelda?

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No, by Allah, we're going to write what you say. It's Pamela this, these words will confront him on the day of judgment. And we are going to extend your punishment accordingly. So you're not just going to have an anything to grant you that exemption on the Day of Judgment. But also those things that you're supposed to pay the people with is going to lead to a payment and punishment, and said, We're not going to hold it up who are we to follow?

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And we will inherit we will take back from him what he boasts of, and then he will come back to us all by himself. I was so powerful, so powerful. Allah azza wa jal says, with all that money that what you earn hallelujah and that what you earn haram, that which you stop, we're going to take it back anyway. And you're going to come back to us all alone. No one will be standing with you on the Day of Judgment when I resurrect you. Remember what Allah said about the father of how to do lead? What did Allah say about and will lead right? There any woman Haluk to Wahida they used to call them Allah, He is the one Allah says, Leave me and him alone. Wait to see what I do to these people. So

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this is what's happening in Mecca. It goes on. Some of the scholars say waiting on liquidity, humanity no Massa, world to every back biter and slander is a

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Awesome and while some of the scholars say the first three verses are sort of my own, I ate another you can people redeem for that another year? Don't leave your team. What are you up for? And then Miskin. Do you see the one who denies a dean? A dean here means what?

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Easy Tafseer lesson by the way. A dean here is Yoma. Dean the Day of Judgment. A Dean is the Day of Judgment Do you see the one who denies a dean the return the Day of Judgment, according to most of them for studying for that he can lead the team? That's the one who repulses the orphan Well, I heard one out LAMINAM skin has no care for feeding the poor or taking care of the poor. So someone's gonna say that's an ounce that's the father of armor. Well, the Allah Tala and and what strengthens that, that it's about us is that the next Surah after sort of Maroon, is the surah for which he is most famous for. And this was the most degrading insult that he had. And Allah subhanaw taala truly

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makes him swallow it, like in history, and that is in Napoli knockin Coco.

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Salted cosa, which came down as a result of him calling the prophets lie Selim upto, the one who was cut off, he's the one who originated this name about our beloved messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now it's really interesting because like in every day and age now you see like how the psychological warfare of nicknaming right it's become common discourse, political discourse, like a celebrity yet to put a nickname on someone. And this is these are the three facts of the kuffaar of maca animal naphthalene of Medina are the nicknames, right? Yes, for calm and calm. Don't mock people and give them bad nicknames. You know, what to tell me is what? enforcer calm what are 10

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others who will cop don't give people these nicknames? That is the trait of the kuffaar of Makkah, and the Manasa tea in the hypocrites of Medina. And unfortunately we see some Muslims that do this stuff to to write even to each other Subhan Allah and up top. How did this come about?

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Whenever the prophets I some came to address the Royals, the elites of Mecca.

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And Obatala was standing next to the prophets like Selim.

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He tells Apple part of you might as well cut him off, he's not going to give you anything he has no children. He has no boys, no sons.

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So no one's going to carry the name of Muhammad Sallallahu it was telling me that no homak tour leave him alone. He's cut off. And then he turns around, he says to the gathering data Ufa in who after either not in Kotla or the crew.

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He said Leave him alone. He has no sons when he dies, his name will not be mentioned anymore. In Qatar or the crew, no one will mention his name anymore. That's how he responded to the prophets lie Selim and he would say in front of the prophets lie some and of course that is the worst of the insults. The worst of the insults. And Allah Subhana Allah says in an athlete you can kill her. First of all, you haven't kill without waiting for you for suddenly the Robbie can 100 Focus on your prayer focus on your sacrifice. And Allah Subhana Allah I mentioned in the shiny aka who an avatar it's rather that one who is cut off that person who mocks you that is going to be cut off your

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opponent is the one who is going to be cut off. It's Pamela I don't need to tell you how the prophets license his name was not cut off. Right that his name was not forgotten when he passed away. The most famous name in the world is Muhammad Sallallahu It was what often Allah the Quran and we have raised your mentioned and imagine in Mecca the Prophet slice I'm used to hear this man dismiss him and say either not to unclutter or the cool when he dies, no one's going to remember him anyway. Allahu Akbar. So this is the ban.

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And with all that, I mean, this one blows my mind is Pamela. Some of the scholars say certain calf, Fela Allah Qaddafi enough Sokka Allah authority him Yeah, Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam killing yourself, you're hurting yourself wanting them so bad to be guided. Some of them said that it's referring to a loss. Prophets lie. Some even with these people who treated him this way, kept trying to give them data he kept trying to guide them. He kept trying to reason with them, He gives them more and more and more and more he keeps investing in them. And they keep getting worse and worse and worse with their insults towards the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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but sometimes, there's a limit the prophets like some rarely made, you're out against people right? But when he made you're against the you are in trouble.

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And so what's going to be the end of the father of Omdurman us all the allow to and what's gonna be the end of it awesome and one,

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one day, and this is in the most severe days of persecution. Some of the scars say during the boycott, I mean, they're starving. Think of this panela they're starving the population. They're torturing them. And Abuja and an artist chase the profit slice, I'm down and they're marking him a book club is dead. He can't protect the profit. sighs it's just bad. It's a bad situation.

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And Rasulullah sallallahu and he was

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Have them after hearing their insults on this particular occasion the prophets lice and I'm says Allahumma Salli plati he Shoka 10 Min ash waggle art

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very specific.

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Oh Allah, let a thorn from the thorns of the earth overcome him place a thorn from the thorns of the earth on top over him basically give it power over him. Now there's a there's something about this drought, right? I mean, you can go you can think about the nature of the tongues of an OS was different

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calling the prophesy some small and he's saying your religion is nothing. And he's saying you know who's gonna bring you people from this and No, no consideration of the power of Allah, no consideration of the greatness of Allah, no consideration of the honor of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So the prophets like some does not just make do against him to die. Prophets lie, some says, Take him with a little thorn from the thorns of the earth. Let them be overtaken in a small way, like with something small really puts him in his place. It's Pamela, the drought of the Prophet sign Saddam was answered. And this is the last verse that this caller say came down in Cafe NAC and

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Mr. Has the team that we have dealt with the lockers for you. What happens is allow us steps on the foreign

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his body gets infected in a really weird way. So first, he loses the ability to walk with his two legs. And then he developed like a skin disease. So he said Subhanallah his face was rotting his body was was rotting. Like he starts decaying basically. And he's completely bedridden. And look at the way that this all plays out. I'm better than us. Of course, I'm gonna be alone who is still not a Muslim, I'm gonna have an OS basically is panicking. How do I save my father? He goes to law of all places, because there was supposedly a doctor and thought if I told him and part of a specialist and part of that could deal with this infection that had gone through his body, they're basically

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trying to figure out what did he step on? That caused his body to react this way? So I'm gonna answer those towards thought I have to find a doctor. By the time I'm gonna get back and answers that and they said his body was all swollen, like Subhanallah whatever struck him by the drought of the province lights on in Cafe knockin Mr. HeZI. Allah azza wa jal dealt with this man, after almost a decade of persecution is desert mockery. And this is the man you're reading about. And all these verses of humbler he's the primary target, of course, of the wisdoms of Allah subhanaw taala, not mentioning their names here, by the way is that there are analysis and every single their assault on

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every single generation. There are always people like this and every generation, they just have a different manifestation. And also, it's part of the dismissal of a lot of these people that isn't, he doesn't even mention their names. You're so low, so little, you just become a category of evil people. And you become of the fuel of the fire like those who mocked before and those who come after you. Now Subhanallah we go on now to the sons remember how he called the prophets lie son up top, the one who's cut off because he doesn't have any sons.

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His only two sons not only became Muslim, but became reasons by which Islam spread throughout the world.

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And he sham both will become Muslim. And they will take Islam through different parts of the world raising the name of Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah raising the name of Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam look how it came back to him. Subhanallah and I tell you this, especially in a moment, like Reza,

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don't lose faith in Allah subhanaw taala Don't lose faith in Allah subhanho wa Taala it bothers us when we see it. I mean, it bothers me. It bothers all of us when we see what's happening. Don't forget that's your job. That's Allah Subhana Allah Allah Allah azza wa jal has a plan for the mockers and Allah has a plan for the month Allah has a plan for the oppressors, and he has a plan for the oppressed. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, if not and asked me now the two sons have asked are two believers Ahmed will he shall I'm ready sham Allah's prints I'd be pleased with them Subhan Allah who will have it up he is the one who was cut off his own two sons became

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followers of Mohamed Salah Salem and took this Deen far and far into the world. But we know now I'm going to us is going to take a long time. Like 100 All the Allahu Tada and

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unfortunately, in the beginning days, I'm going to ask will use the same type of wits and the same I mean he has the brilliance of his father, and he will use it to try to outsmart to try to harm the prophets lie Selim. We know what ometer is going to do in Abyssinia. We know what I'm going to ask you the Lord's on and who does against Islam for the beginning of it until he becomes Muslim. He's following in the path of his father and so Allah subhanaw taala guides. However, let's talk about his

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This man is incredible. He shot him in the house is the younger brother ROM. Right and as we said, his mother is also the sister of Abuja. So he sham became Muslim, so early in Islam, that he's one of those that was part of DOD and

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so the brother of M becomes Muslim way before him.

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And as a side note, by the way, and I don't want you guys to get lost, but there are many. I said, Where are the Shams here? There are actually three famous hishammuddin austism the sila there's he sounds awesome. And there's hishammuddin us even Isha. And there's hishammuddin Rasul Moe who has a beautiful story about the alo animaljam and they'll talk about one day so if you see something that awesome the books don't it's not always this one. There are three he shaman and ISIS and different analysis and different nations. But this one, he summoned us

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or the Allahu Taala and hold the younger brother of arm precedes him in Assam and he's a legend in his own right. So he becomes Muslim very early on. And he nicknamed or he took on the Konya. Obviously the tradition is even if you don't have a son, you take on a nickname of being the father of so and so a son that maybe you have in the future. So he nicknamed himself a blouse. Right I will ask which is after his father. He was, according to almond Ross, he was more beloved, the more beloved of the two to his father. So this this kind of gives you a little bit of like the resentment the poison in the heart of an OS towards the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in droves. These

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drove these people mad that their favorite children became followers of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So armour says he was the more beloved of the two and he he attributed it in not just to his qualities, but he also said, because my mother was a slave woman, his mother was a royal woman, right? So he treated he gave him more, more care more attention, because there was more hope. And he shone within us to sort of carry on the legacy. Because these are people who only find joy or pride in their lineage and in their wealth. So he's a badass. And then Mongo says into the dimension, that cannot you cannot ask for cannot who never use sallallahu alayhi wa sallam other multi year. This is

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beautiful, because the Prophet Solomon used to change bad names to good names. What does that ask me?

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What does it ask me? Means the disobedient one. The name fits. name fits the father allows is the disobedient one and honestly, these are the DIS This is the disobedient one. So because he doesn't actually have a son named Alas, the prophets like some changed his name to other multi-year the father of the obedient one.

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So his Konya in the books is actually his nickname is actually abode multi-year. He sham if then asked, but he never had any children. Okay, so this simply becomes his nickname of a multi year old the Allahu taala. And so he embraces Islam early on, and his father is deeply embarrassed. So what the Royals used to do in Mexico and their children will embrace Islam is they torture them more privately? They don't torture them like, like the Muslims are often they're not the Belaz the weak ones like Beloved's and kebabs and, and so many years, no, no, we torture them in our own home. Right, the dirty laundry literally isn't our own home. So he was severely tortured, but never in

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public, severely tortured by his father. And his father tried everything to get him to leave Islam. And unwritten us was his older brother, took part in the torture tries everything to get him to leave Islam.

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And eventually, he has to flee from Mecca, amongst the Mahajan into habita, so he's one of those who migrated to Habesha to Abyssinia in the second migration. Now remember, when you read history, there was a small group of Sahaba that did the first migration to Abyssinia, a much larger group that did the second migration to Avicennia. He was in that group. And you know, the famous dialogue between Daffodil the low on who and Ahmed will be alone and we're I'm just trying to get an A gesture to give up the Muslims. That's the second migration of habitat. So gives you a little bit more like a family context that when I'm doing an Aussie is going to Abyssinia to try to get these fugitives

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back the second time around his own brother, his only brother is standing amongst those Muslims. So this is really personal to him. Right. Give them back to us. These are our fugitives Jana Joshi about the Allahu Taala and owner Joshi. This is a domestic dispute, right? He's trying to use an extradition clause. This is a domestic dispute, just given back to us, we'll handle them. These are little kids that have run away and cause discord and then they're coming to you. So this is very personal for him. His brother is there. He Sean is there. And of course, by the Grace of Allah subhanaw taala um

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failed to use his wits to overcome the justice of Najafi. Right. He failed this time. And he tried really hard. We'll talk about that next week. He tried really, really hard to play on whatever he could in the Josh's heart and mind to get him to give up those Muslims including his brother. And he felt however,

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there was a rumor that of course the Muslims in Abyssinia heard that some of the elites of Makkah had embraced Islam. Because when the prophets like some read certain najem and did the sujood many of the kuffaar as well many of the disbelievers did sujood as well they prostrate as well they removed overcome by the moment they prostrated themselves as well. The rumor reaches Abyssinia that many people have embraced Islam and Maccha it's safe to go back now. So about 40 of the Muslims and Abyssinia decided to make the trip back to Mecca. And he sound was one of them. So he sham comes back to Mecca and unfortunately immediately is grabbed and the persecution is worse than it was

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Now it goes on.

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I'm gonna I'm gonna hop out of the hotel and

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and, you know not to go back into family ties but amaro the Allahu Anhu This is also his tribe. He's related to Abuja hut. So he is a cousin of he Shan he's not a cousin of him. He's a cousin of Hashem through his mother. So not only Allah Azza Anhu now tells the story, right? A man who becomes a footnote, but who is so significant, Amara de la Tada and who said myself, Ieyasu Robbie, Robbie, Allah who can handle and he sham in US made a pact amongst each other, that we will escape to go to this particular place. We'll meet there at Fetchit and we'll make the Hijra to Medina. All right.

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Yash is the half brother of Abuja. And he sham of course, his his, his his first his cousin, or his nephew, actually, sorry, I'm losing myself at this point. It's better for me not to get caught into it now. It's gonna take me a lot of process that Alright, so either his cousin or his nephew. What does how does this work? His mother was been teashop. So actually No, He's the nephew of Abuja, right? So he is the nephew of Abuja, Amaro the Allahu Taala and who is his cousin? I Yash. Is the half brother of Abuja hub. So Abuja has the fifth element of Alma right, he's the pharaoh of the molasses dead now, they're out of the prophets, like some has been accepted in regards to it all. So

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they're really worried about who they're worried about Abuja, the one who is also plotting the murder of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So amaro de la and who said myself, I Yash. And he Sham, we all agreed to meet at a particular spot at federal on the outskirts of Mecca. And we said to each other, that if one of us doesn't make it, then we just assume that they got caught, and the other two have to go. If two of us don't make it, then whoever is there at federal, just go.

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So I mean, somehow I think of the mindset, the hope, the fear, that is in the hearts of people at this point, as they're trying to plot their escape, like, look, it's unlikely that all three of us are going to make it. But if we do and hamdulillah and if not, then hamdullah. We just have to go. So OH MY GOD, ALLAH and he was telling the story now. He says So myself, and I asked for the Allah and who showed up at budget.

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And he sham did not make it for Illumina and who can help us so we knew that he was caught. We knew that he was caught, unfortunately, by his family, and at that point by his older brother than us and some of the people from Belgium saw him from his tribe. So he said myself and I ash went forward. Now, if you remember, there's a very famous story where a Buddha had a trick to Ieyasu binaural beats. He was his half brother Abuja had came to him and they have the same mother and told them your mom is really in pain. And she just wants to see you. She wants to be assured just come back. See your mom. We promise we won't do anything. And our Yash unfortunately, was guilted. To go back

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to his mother, Abuja had caught him beat him up, tied him up and forced him out of a snow. Right forced him to utter words of California. So I asked was taken back as a captive to Mecca as well. So Omar was the only one who made it out from this group of cousins. All right.

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Subhan, Allah the trial,

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he sham was imprisoned for about 10 years in Makkah,

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whole decade. Torture,

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forcing him to utter words that he didn't want to say, starvation.

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He missed bed that he missed. He missed hunger. And the prophets lie some was grieved over knowing that these few companions were left behind in Makkah and there was no way I mean, the Muslims are trying to survive in Medina. There's no way to bring him Can you imagine that?

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bitterness that can set in that how jaded you can become feeling abandoned for 10 years. So they put them they had like a prison in Mecca, which was an abandoned home and it was like a dungeon basically. And he was left in there for 10 years, about 10 years. From that time before the hijra, all the way until after hunt duck, our beloved na Bosco the Allah Tala and Homer, he says they would beat a man and they would starve him until he couldn't even sit up on his own. Like that's how beaten and tortured he was for all of these years. And then they'd ask them as they were beating them a lot. Well, it is either Honeyman. dunlea, alert when Erza you don't even do an alarm or alert

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and there is a two gods besides Allah or Allah and there is a two gods besides Allah and they beat them and beat them and beat them and beat them.

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And he said he sham cracked.

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He said it was called boo boo in normal eemaan His heart was full of faith. But again, Ilam and okra people were forced to say things and the prophets lies I'm told that I'm audibly awesome on the allot of time, I'm hoping I'll do Pharaoh if they do too again, and they make to say things it's okay. Right, you're not you're not bound by words that you say under forced under compulsion. But he said those words and then his spirit was broken too. And this is the psychological part of that as well. That both the Muslims in Medina as well as I asked him not Obeah

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this man, and he sat in the house thought that they were too far now.

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They thought they couldn't be forgiven because we uttered words of COFA even if we were forced, Allah azza wa jal revealed what verse who they are either the Alladhina Asafa Hara and foresee him talking about Rama Tila in Manila filled with an Uber Jamia in who will afford Rahim say oh my servants who have transgressed against themselves don't despair from the mercy of Allah. Allah forgives all sins, Allah azza wa jal is all forgiving, Most Merciful. When he booted out of the coma Asli moolah turned back to your Lord and submit yourself to Him.

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I'm going to talk about the Allah Tala and who he says when that verse was revealed, Kala Khattab to who Brd I wrote it in my own with my own hands, because Amata was one of the few literate people said I wrote the verse in my own hands in a scroll. And he said, and I got someone to sneak it

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to Mecca to get the letter to them.

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So he showed me the answers that the letter of Omar reached me with that I.

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So he said, so on one of the days, I went down to the valley of Kula Vitola it was on the outskirts, which is on the outskirts. And you know, it could be that he's using the restroom or whatever, relieving himself because he's technically not a free man, but obviously, whatever, right? He's gone out. And he said, I looked up and I said, Allahumma feminie Lama for him, Neha Allahumma Fahad Neha, Oh Allah, let me understand, let me understand, let me understand, is it me? And then he said, then I Yash and I, we understood, that these verses were revealed about us, that Allah azza wa jal was telling us that we could still come back we could still come towards Islam. While this is happening,

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the prophet slice Allah is making drought for years in Mecca and Medina. In the last Raqqa his keynote the prophets lie some sometimes will mention the names of the Sahaba by name ALLAH hum Angie, Allah Mandy selama remember sedimentary Sham, the brother of Abu Jaha Allah hum ng the woody woody Hola, I'm Angie and he's going to offend a female prophesy someone make dua for them Oh Allah save them. Oh Allah save them, Oh Allah save them. So they're waiting in Mecca for a way out.

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Then after 100

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the prophets lie some in the Muslims are able to afford off obviously a genocide and hung up the Battle of the Trench. Rasulillah Salam says to the Sahaba, who's going to go and save? Who's going to go and get these two men for us? I think it's been too long that we've been missing a Yash. And he shall, who's going to go get them who's going to go and volunteer? I mean, this is the most dangerous mission, right? You just have these people come and try to kill you. You've seen what they're capable of. At this point. Now the Muslims have not just better marijuana Rajveer conduct I mean, they've seen the worst types of behavior from the people. So think about the bravery. It takes

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to say you also law I'm going to do it. Guess who stands up and says I'm going to do it?

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It's mind blowing.

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And worried, not worried the brother had it.

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So Sinhala, we know how to Dinamo at this time. These two men are the worst enemies of Islam. A lot of the Allahu Allah and Hama their lesser known brothers are plotting this mission

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to save themselves. And you can see that the brothers are similar

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are in many ways it takes a lot of courage to volunteer yourself said worried, ignorant, worried and worried all the Allahu Anhu the brother who preceded Khalid in Islam, well the Aloha and the brother who became Muslim way beforehand

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and worried, says, another KR rasool Allah be Hema I am the one or messenger of Allah who is going to bring them to

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the prophets, I send them sons smena to you, for Harada Mustafi. And so and when he went out on a disguise, he basically disguised himself like a bedwin, or a person of Mecca. I mean, his brother is Scarlett and her the only Allah and hello still a non Muslim. Can you imagine a fire that catches him in Mecca what he's going to do to him at that point?

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And when he will be chopped up into pieces, but he goes out, and and what he says, so I went out to Mecca.

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And he said, I looked around to see if there was someone that looked like they were taking, like food for the prisoners. You know, like I was basically like tracking.

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You know, the movement of people in Mecca to see who's doing what, like if someone looks like they're delivering to a prison. They're delivering to a home. So I said, I saw this woman that looked interesting, like she looked like she was not not doing what other people were doing. So I went to her and I said, Aina Tori Dini, where are you going?

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And she mentioned Oh, I'm just taking this food to the prisoners. I said, I got it. I said, Okay. So he said, basically, I you know, I then spied and I followed and I saw where she was going. So I saw the the place, like the dungeon basically, that he shot with an OS and I Yash were in. So he said, I waited until the night Subhanallah It doesn't get more like poetic than this, right? Because what was Carla's distraction, what it kind of needs to do in war deflection. He said, I deflected the woman, like I distracted her. I made I made some sort of a scene outside. He said, I jumped into the home. He said I cut the chains of them. And he said they were so weak. They were so weak. They

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couldn't even stand on their own. And when he said I pick them both up, I put them on my animal and we wrote back to Medina.

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So he comes back to Medina.

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The brave Ellery diviner worried the brother of Fallot, may Allah be pleased with them Subhan Allah. He said, You know, he rode back into Medina on his brave mission with his Shadowrun OS. And I asked him Obeah and he said, subhanAllah that when I did that, like the missionary said, like I basically broke one of my fingers and it was like flowing the blood. And he looked at his finger, he said, enter sporran, dummy, FISA de la Hema Lafayette Are you aren't you just put a finger that bleeds and you found what Allah subhanaw taala has promised here you're seeking, it's only in the path of Allah like it's okay. I'm glad to have lost a finger FISA beat Allah in doing this mission, and he brought

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back hishammuddin us and I am an Obeah to El Medina and Manola with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Hence he Salman and asked becomes one of us harbored Hyjal attain one of the people who made the two hedgerows, he made the hedgerow to Abyssinia and he made the Hijra to Medina, even though it was torture, and SubhanAllah. He suffered so much up to this moment, and was so happy to be in the company of the prophets like some of the Medina and again missing, either missing or missing conduct. Like there's a history that you have to accustom yourself to now in Medina. And it just so happened that at the same time that this happens, the similar to that time, that is when the Muslims

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came on the ship. Not Not that I think about it's pretty funny because of the Muslims that came on a ship crossed on a ship through the Red Sea. Obviously, the Yemenis went to have a sin and they joined the Sahaba there and they came on a ship provided by an A Joshi towards the Muslims that hamdulillah no one interrupted those ships, and they arrived at Medina. So people are arriving at Medina all at the same time. Right. They're all arriving at the same time. And so he's arriving around that context. And then he says eventually obviously my brother became Muslim, Imran also the Allah Tala and who joins Islam, very close before Fatah Mecca, very few narrations from him in this

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regard about his time with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam there's a narration that they both narrate and nail us it's an Muslim Iman So on behalf of the two sons of alas

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Talu magia Lesnar allegedly sent via ID Rasulullah. sallallahu alayhi wa salam I couldn't be here, shut down the walk on Madison Jasna Yeoman. So we there was no gathering that we sat with the profit slice on them. That we felt better about that we that we feel we you know, that we felt good about, then this particular Methodist this particular city, he said jitna when NASA and the Hydra T Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Yato Raja I'm gonna fill Quran we

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came and there was a group of people that were sitting outside of the house of the prophets lie Selim. And they were debating the context of the hadith is Raja ona for the Quran. They were actually like debating on certain verses and what they meant doing like tafseer that we at that time, right? They're interpreting it in certain ways, and they're basically young people having a discussion about the Quran. But he says, fella, Mara Aina it says Allah when we saw them are like, this doesn't look like the type of gathering that the prophets lies only pleased with. You're supposed to be sitting and reflecting, but the way they're debating the way that they're showing

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their differences of opinion. We don't think it's a good one. So it says when we did that, awesome allah sallallahu alayhi wa salam Faraja Elena Moldovan You're awful, Radha Wolfie YG here and his salatu salam prophets Lyceum came out and you could see the anger in his face Allah Allah Azza wa Salaam and the prophets like some said to those people a home we have the only cattle OMO Kubla Khan, the Rafi him Allah Ambia him Oh my people this is how the among the nations before you went astray, because of their disagreements and because of the way that they would they would they would, you know respond to their profits, while Darby Hamilton Kitab Martin Mojave borough and then they're

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comparing verses to verses of the book right so the way they started to use verses against verses and the profit slice of them. Basically when he did that, he said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam found that out of two Minho family will be one monitor Chabahar Alikum Amina will be beautiful Hadith by the way the Prophet sighs I'm said so whatever you know, of the verses, whatever you understand of the Quran, act in accordance with it and whatever you can understand then believe in it. Amin will be here. So he says the mana taffeta, you know you're either lucky. The prophets I said, look at me and I'm approvingly. So me and I'm, we're so happy. We're like, I'm happy that we escaped, you know,

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the anger of the Prophet salallahu Salam in the province like some looked at us as the only two people that understood that that's not what the Quran was sent for. He said that was the happiest day that we had with the prophets of Allah Islam that we escaped his displeasure. In that moment, there's another very interesting Hadith, which is Do not be that wound. It's not authentic hadith.

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And it shows you sort of the complexities of the people of Mecca, right? Like an honest as terrible as he was, for whatever reason he had in his will. And of course, it's easy to put things in your will. And that's why the profit slice on them for bait people, you know, from trying to whittle away everything at the time of their death and then deprive their own sons, their own their own children. Here,

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alas, had in his will to emancipate 100 slaves with his wealth. Very interesting. Allow us who is an awesome the nasty person that he wasn't the way he treated the poor in his own lifetime, but he hadn't his will to emancipate. 100 slaves, so he sham with everything his father did to him and with everything that he went through, he sham actually, on his behalf, emancipated 50 People 50 slaves. And then he went to arm them and asked his brother and said you should emancipate 50 as well. And I'm gonna ask I was a little confused about the situation like what's it gonna benefit allows anyway? Right? So it's one thing that we free slaves, which is good in Islam, but is it for our

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father? Or is it for something else? And this is where the prophets lie, some said, in the hullo canon Muslim man for our doctrine and who out also Dr. Moran, who? Oh, hi, Judge tamanho bellava, who Dalek the prophets, like Sam said, if he was a believer, then you're freeing slaves on his behalf, you're sacrificing on his behalf, your donations on his behalf, your hedge on his behalf would have reached him. But otherwise you do this to go on. You do this on your own. But it's not for him at this point. Right? The answer is done. But it shows you kind of the way that Alicia hishammuddin as well was, so what happens and what becomes of it. He showed me the house he showed

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me the US goes on to basically serve under his brother in the Muslim army. So I'm going to ask becomes one of the most key generals in Islam.

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And he's leading these armies across a sham under Abu Bakr and Omar continues to do so with Egypt which is obviously his biggest accomplishment which we'll talk about in sha Allah to Allah. So he sham serves under his brother who was serving under Khalid bin with eight

00:59:27 --> 00:59:32

kind of love the way that it all turns is to persecutors are now his two commanders in that

00:59:33 --> 01:00:00

and he Sham is someone who is incredibly brief. So the last two mentions we have of him Subhanallah actually tie into the last two battles of hotter than woody that we were talking about last week. The first one was Nadine, which was in Philistine and we said that Arjuna denas was in why the sons which would the value of sons would some of the scholars says we're David defeated Goliath and the Muslims have

01:00:00 --> 01:00:22

About 30,000 troops against 90,000 Romans and this is the first real battle between the Muslims and the Romans like a big battle between the Muslims and the Romans. And what is said about a sham in this battle is that there was a time when the Muslims got exhausted in this battle was a heavy battle between the Muslims and the Romans. And he Shang took off his helmet.

01:00:23 --> 01:00:58

And he turned around he addressed the Muslims. And he said, Yeah, Marcelo Muslimeen in the hot room, Lions Verona, Allah safe, said, Oh, Muslims, these people, these Romans layoffs, we don't want to say they're not they're not patient with the sword. Just keep on going, keep on fighting. And then he plunges into the battle and he starts I mean, taking out warrior after warrior and he's calling out Yamaha shoulder Muslimeen it's not all maths on our two Oh, Muslims come and do what I'm doing. And then he said famous words that became attributed to him.

01:00:59 --> 01:01:19

He said, Yamaha synonymously mean. I mean other Jannetty Tarun Yamashiro Muslimeen I mean, I'll Jannetty tougher road so he started shouting out to them all Muslims. Are you running away from Jana? are you fleeing away from Jana, Amina Jana, Tita for Rouen. Are you running away from Jana right now come forward the way that I'm going forward.

01:01:20 --> 01:01:24

And when he did that, a large group of the troops kind of got re energized.

01:01:26 --> 01:01:54

And some of the books of history say that was actually a turning point, like there are moments in the battle where you get weak, that was that turning point that eventually led to victory? How often are you going to hear the name of the sham, the brother of having anything to do with the victory of edge and the kind of on the lower end who always gets the credit as he should for devising the plan? But it's those brave soldiers in the middle of it right. And he is that person. Then comes the Battle of Yarmouk, which is his final battle.

01:01:56 --> 01:02:04

The battle of Yarmouk, which was obviously in Syria and a sham and it was the most famous battle of Tyler's little, the longtime, and that guarded lead.

01:02:05 --> 01:02:46

He shattered the house plunges forward, and he fights bravely. And he was protecting a large group of his own Calvary. And, and he, he's martyred in that battle. So he's actually a Shahidan jamoke as part of there's a story there. That as he was a Shahidan, the way things are processing where his body felt the way that the pace of the battle is going, and the way that his body is placed. If the Muslims were to get down from their horses, in battle, and try to pick up his body, then it was actually going to compromise the battle, but they saw he shaman, they know he's a noble Sahaba of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he's a noble man. And it was armoured the Allahu Taala and

01:02:46 --> 01:02:54

was looking at his brother and he said, his soul is already in Jannah. His body doesn't mean anything right now, go. Keep fighting.

01:02:55 --> 01:02:57

Like, like you think about

01:02:58 --> 01:03:12

the bodies. That's not what it's about. It's about the soul. It's about the soul. So what is it about the body, it's about the soul. So keep on going, keep on going, keep on going, don't worry about the body, he would want you to keep on going.

01:03:13 --> 01:03:20

And so they continued forward. And his body was actually in multiple pieces. It's kind of

01:03:22 --> 01:03:47

an armor or the longtail annual after the battle concluded you have to make alliances or gave them victory, a hammer or the alotta and went around the battlefield and he had to collect the parts of his brother to bury it in one grave. He was so emotional, his only brother, the brother that preceded him in a slump. And when the news reached on might have been a hot topic for the whole town. Remember, he was supposed to be the companion of Amara in the Hijra.

01:03:48 --> 01:04:01

I'm not all the Allahu Anhu said the Rahim Allah as he he shall may Allah have mercy on my brother, he shot that near him that I own and Canada Islam. What a great supporter he was to Islam. What an incredible supporter he was to Islam.

01:04:02 --> 01:04:07

And here's the story that makes the title of this lecture make sense? Before we talk about I'm gonna Ross

01:04:08 --> 01:04:13

Omro the Allahu Taala unwhole years later is making a walk around the cabinet.

01:04:14 --> 01:04:19

And there's a group of young tambourine young, second generation Muslims

01:04:21 --> 01:04:23

that are sitting around talking like that time and loss.

01:04:25 --> 01:04:50

And that's, you see a lot of these narrations especially in Hajj where you got these young people that are from the next generation like that's how to love no matter that's how the love mystery that's on the rocks like these are the celebrities of the next generation. So um, is making so often he hears these young people in the Halaqa and they're talking about him that's us that's us and they're having a conversation amongst themselves so I'm gonna ask finishes all the a lot of data analysts tell off

01:04:51 --> 01:04:56

and then he goes in, he sits amongst them. So if you had an arena as the narrator of this narration, he goes and he sits with them

01:04:58 --> 01:04:59

and he says to them,

01:05:00 --> 01:05:03

Uh oh young people I, what were you talking about?

01:05:05 --> 01:05:09

And so they were kind of shy, but to say exactly what they were talking about.

01:05:10 --> 01:05:11

And he said,

01:05:12 --> 01:05:18

I think I have an idea what you were talking about. But it's better to come from me, what were you talking about?

01:05:20 --> 01:05:21

So they said to him,

01:05:22 --> 01:05:31

that we were talking amongst ourselves. And we said amongst ourselves, is a Hamid of an OS better, or a sham than us.

01:05:33 --> 01:05:39

That's the conversation we were having. We're trying to figure out we were basically having a debate amongst ourselves men of

01:05:40 --> 01:05:51

who's better honorable to ask the famous Ahmed menos or his lesser known brother who became Muslim before Him and who did all this before him. Who's better

01:05:52 --> 01:06:02

or he sham and to hire a hook he sham who's better you are Isha. So I'm gonna ask puts his head down. And he starts to tell the story.

01:06:03 --> 01:06:08

And he says, it's kind of a I mean, it's hard to think about this outside of us right now.

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But he says that the day before you have a monkey said me and my brother we're making dua together.

01:06:15 --> 01:06:17

That Allah Subhana Allah, Allah accept us as Shahada.

01:06:18 --> 01:06:25

So he says, how Radha and fusina Allah Allah, we presented ourselves to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah.

01:06:26 --> 01:06:34

For kabhi Allahu wa Taala Kenny. Allah accepted him as a Shahid and he left me behind. So he's better than me.

01:06:37 --> 01:07:12

He's better than me, because Allah accepted him as a Shaheed and Allah did not yet accepting as a sheep Umbra was so emotional, thinking about this brother, and the moments of making your Minami Nina Darwin sobre como hacer la Leith, I'm in home and Pablo Nashville and then home and yon toggle on my bed ruta de la these are the sincere believers, their brothers and sisters who were truthful to the covenant with the covenant they made with ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. And he sham Ignace was not seeking the glory of this world he wasn't seeking to be mentioned and Hala cuz he wasn't seeking to have his name in the history books he was seeking his name with ALLAH SubhanA wa Allah and Allah

01:07:12 --> 01:07:19

azza wa jal accepted him as a Shaheed as someone who did the Hijra twice as someone who is from the savvy corner or well on the muhajir own.

01:07:20 --> 01:08:00

The people who were tortured in Islam tortured for a decade almost in Islam, a person who went out in battle strove for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala and died as a Shaheed even before his brother and one of the most consequential battles in the history of Islam. Federal the Allahu Taala and who hate me Allah Subhana Allah have mercy on him and be pleased with him and his brother out of the house. So next week in sha Allah to Allah will talk about 100 hostile, the longtime unknown sha Allah to Allah, and now you can have the background of who his father was, and who his His notable brother was, may Allah have mercy on him? Does that mean well, Hydra Salam wa Sonnenburg kind of

01:08:00 --> 01:08:04

being a Muhammad Ali he was like a big marine was said I want to live in a castle.

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