Nouman Ali Khan – The Ayah of Ramadan – Part 1

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The use of words in various phrases is common in English and French, and the colder weather in the Middle East is common. The importance of "monkey" in English is discussed, as it is a common phrase in French. The conversation also touches on the colder weather in Arabs and the need for warmer climate to alleviate suffering of heat, as well as the importance of sequential recitation in preparing for warmer climate and reducing the message of the Quran.
AI: Transcript ©
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Now we'll be learning ministry tunneled regime, shallow Ramadan and Lady Salafi Hill.

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Who then Lin Siva ina mineral who the one full on family freemen Shaheed I mean commercial property awesome. woman can I marry one a wider suffering? I mean, I mean have you read law hoobie como nuestra vida Ud duby como los, while he took me in all night, when he took a mural la

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vida como la la ku, KU, prohibition of diversity melissani Akali handloader.

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Santa Monica tonight,

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what I'm going to try to do in travelers over the next few nights just give you short reminders from the idea of Ramadan. There's only one I have the Quran that explicitly mentioned the month of Ramadan. And that belongs to sootel Bukhara, and it's a rather long ayah it has many phrases in it. So each phrase has some lessons to teach us and I'll try to highlight some of them in the short reminders over the next few nights in Sharla. Just to get us into into gear for what's coming and shallow Ptolemy will accept the coming Ramadan for all of us and have us reach it and have us make the most of it. So we open with this first phrase Shahada Madonna lady on the left hand corner on

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the month of Ramadan commonly translated the month of the Quran is the one in which the Quran was revealed. The first thing I'd like to highlight from a language point of view is the Arab say the best way to say something is to use the least amount of words. So hydro Kala kala, the best way to get a point across is use the least amount of words, but this is actually more wordy than the least amount of words. If you said, Angela houfy shalida Milan and Quran are no longer on fish. I hate Ramadan, much less words gets the point across but unless I shuffle them along, and let the ones you love the Koran, he elaborated it. Now what what difference does that make? The first thing that it

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does is that the subject of the ayah the total point and the purpose of the ayah is the first wording of the ayah. And that is the month of Ramadan. So this is the topic of it, the subject matter of it is not revelation. The subject matter of it is not fasting, the subject matter of it is the month of Ramadan. That's the first thing. The second interesting thing is that Allah has referred to the time of revolution before. Allah has told us in that Angela who feel a little hotter. In Angela, fidelity Mubarak has been in economic theory, we sent it in a bless at night we sent it in the night of power. So let's refer to the time when Quran came down before but he never

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specified the month he said the night of power the night of, you know, the blessed night or a blessed night, but it kind of remained a mystery. until Allah solved that mystery where does that blessing night lie? He says the month of Ramadan is in fact the one in which the Quran was revealed. The words fee for grammar students is actually macadam. What that means is, especially in particularly in this month, highlighting the role and the importance of this month. Now just a few interesting things. The word Ramadan comes from llama, which is extreme heat. So Ramadan is actually mobila of the month of extreme heat. So Allah chose this and you know, when there's extreme heat,

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then the people are desperate, and they're burning. And they're hoping for rain to come relief to come. And it's actually that kind of an imagery beautifully, about the month of Ramadan. This is a month of extreme heat, extreme discomfort and Allah sent relief for humanity he sent just like he sends rain when it's really hot. He sent the Quran, you know, in that time, so it's actually this really beautiful imagery captured even from the name of the month of Ramadan. The other remarkable thing is that, you know, this season for the Arabs was called this because it's the toughest time of the year. Right? And Allah decided that he's going to make the month of Ramadan and later on in the

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phrases, we're going to see fasting, because a lot of people get scared of fasting, right? But it's going to be hot, how am I going to do it and for the Arabs, when the Arabs consider something hot, it must be really hot.

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Hot is their normal. So when they say it's extremely hard, and that's just you know, insanely hard and then that's the and yet Allah chose that month for fasting is almost as though he chose the hardest possible month for the month of fasting. But we'll get to that mystery in a couple of nights and Sharla what I wanted to highlight today is Allah says that the first thing and the most important thing you need to know about this month is that Quran came down in this month.

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This month is important, because this is the month that Allah gave relief to all of humanity, that Eliza which have decided to speak to them for one last time directly to all of us. You know Allah azza wa jal gives us guidance in our personal lives. But this is one message that is relevant to every single human being directly from Allah from now until the last human being that way.

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on this earth, and he decided that that conversation from Allah, that final conversation from Allah, that should be recited and heard over and over again, should be sent down in this month. What does that tell you in me, that tells you and me that this is the month to connect with the Quran, this is the month to have a real relationship with the Quran a real conversation with a law, after hearing what he has to say to us, what he's gonna have what he's gonna tell us the word Quran as opposed to GitHub, GitHub means book, Quran actually means recital, or something that is read out loud. And so the idea in it is that this is the month in which we should be gearing up to hear what the last to

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say, and to prepare ourselves, you know, especially the other important thing, a mindset thing, you know, Khurana sitting on our shelf, and caught on sitting in your home and lands on your apps now, right? It's accessible, you can just and you've memorized it, but we lose sight of the fact that we have access to I just decided these words, I opened this page and I recited these words that we have access to, isn't something we're privileged to have. This came down from a very long distance, so you and I could have access to it. And we were privileged to have this access in this month, you're supposed to almost take a step back. And in your mind having a reorientation, I'm reciting something

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that travelled across the seven heavens from Allah. So I could read what he has to say, or I could listen to what he has to tell me. Like there's a sense of appreciation, you know, like to give you an analogy, if you have some something at home, or something sitting around at home, you don't even think twice about it. But if you see a new package, unopened, right, and it's international wrapping, and you can tell they're stamps like whoa, what is this? What is that like you have this, this this came from somewhere far this must be really important. This is delivered that sense that this is not just something that's sitting around, this is something that came especially so the

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month of Ramadan is as if we have to every time Ramadan comes we have to almost relive the coming down of the Quran.

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Allah the Quran, it's remarkable to me also that in this ayah Allah did not say that he sent it down he said the Quran was sent down. That's the last thing I'll share with you for today that the Quran was sent down, let me compare the English. If I were to say Allah sent the Quran down, he mentioned himself, Allah centocor on down, and if he says the Quran was sent down, that he didn't mention himself, that's the passive form the Quran was sent down. When when the passive is used, you don't mention the door, meaning Allah is not mentioned. And the reason to do that in language is to focus on the object, the object becomes the subject, the object itself becomes the subject. So this is a

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way of highlighting the special all we have to have of the Quran literally being sent down in this month, and that's captured also in the passive form. And then the unzila crowd so the first thing first and foremost, when psychologically when we think of the coming of Ramadan, obviously we're thinking of fasting, some people are thinking of you know, shopping, some people are thinking of cooking and you know, if bars and socials and all this other stuff, these are the things that are associated with the month of Ramadan, all good. But you know what, we lose sight of Quran and what we do with Quran unfortunately, is that we reduce the Quran to just recitation in this month, just

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listen to recitation or recite in this month. Both of those are extremely important. But the Quran didn't come to be recited. The Quran came to be understood. The Quran came with a message. The Quran didn't come for sounds the Quran came for a message. So this is a month to connect not just with the sounds of the Quran, but more importantly with the message of the Quran so inshallah Allah from here, we'll go to the next phrase tomorrow night barakallahu li walakum wa salaamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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