Nouman Ali Khan – Surah Yusuf #58 – V91-92 Confession & Forgiveness

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers explore the meaning of "ma'am" in English and its use in French, as it is not reflection of reality. They explore the use of "monster" in the context of a culture of contemplation and how it can indicate a desire to avoid certain words used in French. They also discuss the importance of forgiveness in Arabic and its fruitfulness in addressing personal suffering and loss, as well as the struggles in the past but also the struggles in the future. Forgiveness is also about who is forgiven by others and how it can remove scar from one's heart.
AI: Transcript ©
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Allah Allah alert s3 by Maria Maria Pharaoh ma hola como

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Misha a silly Emily Wang Dr. Tammy lasagna Cole even hamdulillah salat wa salam O Allah, Allah Allah Allah He was apprehended pain I'm about once again, everybody someone to come back with a label record.

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I hope today to cover is 91 and 92 of select Use of in these two if we're going to see an exchange between the brothers of use of and use of my name is Sam. And he said, um, he is, first they're going to respond because now it's dawned on them and he's actually let it out that he is their brother. And that's what the last discussion was an iron number 90. Now, this is the idea of their reaction. And I'm sure before we go into the IR that their reaction must have been much more than the words that are recorded in the Quran. But in the laws wisdom, he decided that our focus should be on these words what they said, because this is probably much more than one conversation, much

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more than one comment, it's obviously there's multiple brothers, there's 10 of those guys. So each one of them must have had something to say one or the other or even to each other. So it's kind of like all of which has been juiced and presented to us as one statement representative of their sentiments. So and this is the Quran style, I mean, the the heart English word that uses brevity, right brevity, meaning that the Quran uses brief language, but it captures a lot, it's kind of like a tree can be captured inside of a single seed. And you wouldn't think that a seed as much, but it contains in it the power to grow an entire tree, right. So it just needs that kind of nourishment.

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It's like the words of the Quran, you can look at them and just think of it as one word. But inside of it, or inside a single ayah there's an entire tree of wisdom that keeps on giving fruits and fruits and fruits, it keeps on you know, blossoming. And the only thing missing is our contemplation and a lot opening the heart and the mind to understand things in a better way. And we ask Allah to continue to open our minds and to reflect on his book in the way that pleases Him. So anyway, coming to this desire, it's now you know, him coming to them and saying, I am in fact, you know, they said, Are you user? He said yes, him and this is my brother. Allah has done us a favor and the Holy

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Spirit. Whoever is going to have patience for in law Hello. The original machine alone will not let the competition of those who do their best go to waste. That's the last statement. So what did they say? They said carlu they said de la Haleakala Athol aka la hora, Elena, I'm going to translate the entire Ayah for you briefly first. The law he was swear to God, oh my God. That's the line. The line is I swear to God, or Well, it's like what law he but the extreme form. It's come up a few times right? Here. What it captures is the shock with which they experience these words. Like it's really hit them hard. It's not something typical. So their first words are Oh, my Oh law. And that's kind

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of like the light. It's not just I swear by Allah. But it's a very heavy realization law called the tharaka law where Elena, Allah certainly has preferred you over us. That's one way of looking at the meaning. Allah has certainly preferred you over us. We're in good now the hot the end. And no doubt about it. The fact is that we had been those that made mistakes or are or did great or made grievous mistakes. You could translate that as those who make mistakes or those who made grievous or serious mistakes. We're going to explore the meaning of the word mistakes hear a little bit deeper when the time comes. So now let's take a step back.

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A few interesting things about these brothers and their transition towards repentance.

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You notice that the words the law, he swear to God has come out of their mouth three times in the surah. So the first time we heard it, the law he felt that guru Yusuf Hakuna Harada, swear to god, you're going to keep talking about use of you're going to keep mentioning use of until you what becomes so sick, you can even move your near death. otaku nominal, highly keen, or you're going to be from those that die like that. They were yelling at their dad, they used what words to lie, so it wasn't exactly used in a hum like Ally's name was not using a humble context or in a spiritual context or in a context in which they are having a conversation with a law or, you know, coming

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before Allah as, as, you know, repenting slaves and things like that. And then the next case, the law, he likened him to magic Lalaloopsy that fell.

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In another scenario that they've talked about, we swear to God, you

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already know, we didn't come here to cause trouble. And we've never been thieves. So this was when the cup was found. And they were like what we you guys know, we didn't come here to make trouble the line. And so they dropped that lie the second time. So one time it was to express anger at father the other time it was to impose on everyone else, that they are innocent. So that the law he was almost like a, you can call it a kind of credibility, we're invoking God's name to say that we are, you know, we're innocent, we would never be be thieves like that. And we've analyzed those statements previously. This is the third time we hear them say the law, he so already a pattern has

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been established in the Quran that they don't really say this pretty extreme word. And they drop a last name, but they've haven't actually dropped it yet in a spiritual context. They haven't used that word to really invoke on the law really, right. they've they've, their focus has been the people that they're engaged in. And their focus hasn't been a conversation with a law. And even though this is the IRA, in which you would imagine that they are to be redeemed, and they are to acknowledge what they did wrong. You'll notice this is the first time they actually mentioned a lullaby name outside of the library. So in the entire, all of the conversations we have on record in

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the Quran, from these brothers of use of our days to them, they don't talk about Allah. They just don't they don't bring up Allah who keeps bringing up Allah, Yahoo. Every time you hear a conversation from iacob, scan the entire Sora What are you going to find? A lot like he doesn't say something without a lot coming up.

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Yusuf Alayhi Salam hisab, Allah keeps coming up. When you hear him talk, you'll find that a level keep coming up. When you heat by contrast, when you hear these brothers of jacoba, the Solomon use of some talk, then you don't find a lot coming up. And when he does come up, it's not because you're talking about Allah. It's because you're throwing the word Allah around to express something that concerns people. Right? So when they are in so the point is, it's it's two opposite scenarios that are being shown to us. There are people that are engaged with, you know, you and I are engaged with people, but our mind and our heart is filled with a law and never severs the connection never

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severs, never disconnects. And on the flip side, the tongue can mention the law, but the heart and mind is always focused on people. Even though last name is being mentioned, a last name is being dropped, but it doesn't. It's nothing but lip service. It doesn't really go any further than that. Because How can you call on Allah? The all knowing the one who knows the mistake you made? And you're yelling at your victim?

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Right, that doesn't make any sense? And how can you call on a last name and then accuse your brother of being a thief? That doesn't also make any sense. But now that they're powerless, they're humble, they're there. Now it's dawned on them what position Allah has given use of money Salaam, their words are and this is where they use a lot outside of just a lucky lucky fella, kala, who Elena and I roughly translated, Allah certainly has preferred you over us. Allah certainly has given you preference over style. The statement is pretty obvious. Allah has given you preference over us. But what layers of meaning could there be what could be in their minds as they say this? Or what could

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be the implications of this statement? The first of them that I want you to think about is, let's give them benefit of the doubt, as they say this, and what's that benefit of the doubt the benefit of the doubt is in the previous ayah Yusuf Ali Salaam said about him and his brother Binyamin about Benjamin Joseph and Benjamin said, Allah has God has favored us, oh, God has done us a huge favor. And I talked about the different ways Allah has done them a favor, right? The reunion is a favor them holding on to their faith as a favor them not losing their connection to a love, no matter what happens was a favor from Allah, their focus remaining a lot, whether they're in a prison, they're

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being they're being abused, they're being falsely accused, doesn't didn't matter what happened, their connection to a lie never left. And so that is the ultimate favor, because the only treasure a person can really have is inside of their chest. And they never lost that treasure, even if the outside scenario keep changing, kept changing, right? Another subtle implication was Allah has finally given us the upper hand over you guys, among other things that I listed to you, right? So if you consider that these these brothers heard it, and said, No, there's no need to be subtle about it. There's no need to be modest. Allah gave you the upper hand or Allah preferred you over us.

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Let's just you know, you know what this is now in God's God's intervention. I can't as oblivious as I have been of Allah and His role. When my father said to me, said to us Don't lose hope and Allah's mercy, or when he said, You know, when he would remind me that he would you will take an oath by Allah, none of that really carried any weight. But now when you see this miraculous turn of events, and it's finally dawning on you something you've been avoiding. So what happens in life sometimes is, Allah gives us signs that are so

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And then Allah gives us gives us signs that are very direct. Right? And we alesse has enough italica iottie little motto was see me in there in the Quran, there are miraculous signs or lessons to learn from, from those who pick up on the clues. Right? So there are clues Allah leaves in life and for us to ponder, right? I'm always reminded of a friend of mine who I won't name because he'll get embarrassed, but he's so cool.

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When I was in college, we were taking a walk in the city one time, and we're just walking down the street. I've talked about this story before, but I'm really moved by the story. We're walking down the street. And in New York, they call it a concrete jungle for a reason. Right? It was crowded cities back in the day, and you know, and there's just pavement and road everywhere, right? And you don't really see the sky because the buildings are so high. Right? In Texas, all you see is the sky. But in New York, you don't see the sky. You just see buildings and traffic and you know, the hustle and bustle. So we're walking, and he just grabs my hand all of a sudden, and just says stop what he

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was, look, it was really dramatic, too. So you look, I was like, Okay,

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I thought something happened, a car accident, somebody got getting mugged. I don't know, things happen in New York back in the day. So you look at the ground. And there's a little I was like, are you pointing at that little blade of grass. So you know what happens in concrete, sometimes if you don't take care of it, it starts cracking and grass comes out from between, it's not supposed to be there. But it comes out weeds come out from between. and he goes Look at that. And I said what he goes.

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That's the only thing that's supposed to be there.

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It looks like it doesn't belong. But that's actually the only natural thing here.

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Right. And then he said, for towbarless raba. He's mentioned the Hadith of the prophets, I saw them, congratulations to the strange ones. Because the time will come where the people on fitrah the nature that Allah created are going to feel like they're strange, and everybody else is normal. Right? That's what you call them with the lesson like he saw something. And it just made him contemplate like a less telling him something from looking at a piece of grass sticking out of concrete. Right these these are people have gone into people of contemplation. Right. So there are subtle signs sometimes, right changing winds, or you see a picture or use somebody sends you an

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email or it could be any kind of sign that you can learn a lesson from draw a lesson from you heard about somebody else, or you had an almost a car accident or something, it was a reminder of death. These are signs some not so subtle, some very subtle, but then sometimes there are in your face signs that you can't get away from, like you can't ignore them is one thing to pass by a billboard it's on the side, your eye didn't quite go there and you'll keep driving. It's another that the billboard drops on top of the highway and blocks the road and it's in your face.

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This is one of those cases, you can avoid the signs that have been there, you can avoid the the sounds of your conscience, it's telling you to turn back to Allah. But now it's hit them right in front of them. And so they acknowledge it. And instead now saying you have a better position than we do. Let's give them benefit of the doubt in this scenario and say they actually attributed that to Allah and said, Allah gave you preference over us. A lot gave you the upper hand over us, let's just be let's just call a spade a spade. You just said Allah favored us, you didn't want to embarrass and say, Allah favored us over you guys. A lot finally gave us victory over you. You didn't say that.

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But let us say a lot did give you a preference over us. Look at Africa, Allahu Allah, you know, over us, right. So in one sense, you can think of this as an act of humility, or them recognizing that this was divine intervention, and they are accepting divine judgment, that Allah gave him the upper hand because he deserved it. So you could think of it in this way.

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If you don't want to give them benefit of the doubt, then another way you can look at the same words is kind of passive aggressively. And that means? Well, we always thought dad favored you.

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And you know what a lot prefers you to?

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I mean, things turned out pretty good for you. Sure, we did a lot of bad. But I mean, look, if we didn't mess up, mess your life up, you wouldn't have been here. So I guess in a weird sort of way, even though we made a mistake. You're welcome. Some people in their mind can actually have that the wrong they did to you and the fact that you were able to recover from that wrong, that somehow they made you stronger. I was only beating you to build your character. See how well see how good you turned out. That's because I prepared you for the real world.

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This kind of thinking I'm not saying that they did this, but if you didn't want to give them benefit of the doubt, then you could possibly read it that way to what Incandela hottie in and no doubt about it. We did in fact make a mistake we were those who made a mistake. But I would still want to incline for the first time to give them more benefit of the doubt than not and say okay, you know what? They acknowledge that Allah has given given you preference

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Meaning they said this is divine. And perhaps what they realized now is, we always thought dad was wrong because he preferred we felt like he preferred you. He loved you more, he saw something in you that we just didn't see, were the we were the first. But now we realize it wasn't just your father who saw something good in you, Allah himself did. Allah saw something in you over us? We should have known that all along, we should have seen it for what it was all along. Right? So you could either say, well, first Allah was first, Jacobo Hassan was unfair, and how he loves. And now we know allegis prefers you, Allah just likes you better. It could be a sliding comment about their decree

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with Allah, or how, where they stand with Allah. But you're better off reading it in the way that you know, we were wrong about you. And we shortchanged you. And we didn't realize that Allah was always on your side, that Allah did give you this kind of preference. And now maybe even recognizing that even when you were younger, you had a good character. And we should have known that that character is a favor Allah has given you we should have learned from it. Right? But then there's a subtle undertone. And I want to thank Chef sohaib for bringing that to my attention because I think it is an important subtle undertone. I keep saying preferred, preferred preferred, preferred you

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over us a lot, you know, and I keep using that word.

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The typical Arabic word in the Quran for preference is the Li. That's the word use for the Israelites. Well me for bazooka Allah, Allah mean I prefer you over all nations of the world. So before I want to talk about the subtle use, because you could say Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allahu Elena, Allah preferred, I would have translated a lot preferred you over us, if I if the word fabella was there as opposed to Arthur. So it begs the question and an unusual interjection of the word arthritis specific use of the word athlete or here may have some literary connotations, because as you know, words in Arabic are very rich, right? There's a certain word, it means something, but

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it has a story behind it, and other related words and its etymology that kind of create an imagery associated with that word. So even though when you're seeing that word, you're not referring to all of that imagery somewhere in the back of your mind, it does come because it's related spelling, right? So, you know, you know, having noted that, let's look at the etymology, the origin of the word I thought a little bit and then maybe I'll help you appreciate what what may be an undertone in what they're saying. And I think it's pretty profound. And I thought, Well, how do I appear to shake I thought actually means something left behind. Well, my bookie I mean rust machine or something

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left of the remnants, you know, like, for example, footsteps that are left behind, or ruins that are left behind her called Arthur was semiotic EBU Allah Salatin it fishermen can accomplish. And when, when, when a camel gets fat, and what used to be muscle turns fat, what's left of it is fat. Now, they call it they use the word atharva for it, they use it for hula, so to summon it especially when you when you melt fat, and the left over is just a pure refined meat and the excess fat is melted off. That's actually called a thought also. So you know every where you find the use of this word, you find something is being removed and then something remains and something is removed and

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something remains and the remainder is what is called a thought. So in the Quran, it's used lots and lots of times for Bethesda to Capcom and Jeremy Shea Tabitha Taku. Essentially, it is the left over or a trace of something from the body of something that that will last will outlast the thing itself. Right so

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kalba piatti minashi Baba kita Shama la dee da but like the remaining fat after the melting has taken place. Okay. So in the Quran, you find there's lots of uses, I won't go through all of them further.

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30 Hema kasasa you musala Islam story at the end of South Africa have they follow the footsteps and the traces the clues left behind what was left behind? They followed, and that was called out earlier on in the surah, Fernanda kadakia, enough Sokka Allah assadi him in them you'll be having Aditya Safa. Will you kill yourself in grief, the prophet was told over there I thought, oh, for over the damage. They're leaving behind what you can call the trail of destruction. He was talking, I was talking about the trail of destruction that the Christian creed would leave behind. You know, the Trinity, the idea of the Trinity. It's not just an idea. It's not just a concept of shift. It

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will create a worldview, it will create a civilization, it will create a disaster. And then in a reaction to it. There will be an anti religious fervor that will take over the world. There's lots that's coming. But it's starting point will be what what happened with the Christian civilization and the deterioration. So that's in the beginning of sort of Cavalia says, Are you going to kill yourself in grief over the consequences or the leaving behind of affairs

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They don't believe in this speech.

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But cofina Allah assadi him Marisa. Allah says about, you know, the Israelite prophets. He says we reinforced on their, on their traces, and on their remnants, you know, remnants is the last remainder of something like a remnant of a civilization could be an ancient coin is a remnant of that civilization. Right, or a tower that's dilapidated, but they're not letting you destroy it because it historically preserved site would be an asset a remnant of that old time, right. Like in Switzerland, they're big on remnants, right? So they, even though practically nobody goes to church, church bells ring like clockwork, there, Calvinist people, they're really big on time and clocks and

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watches. So they're, you know, the the clocks, the church bells go off exactly on time, every single day. Why? Because they want to preserve the remnants of the ancient society, that they belong, they preserve that civilization. Allah uses that word to talk about profits. And since Well, cofina, Allah fit him Marisa, and we reinforced on their traces on their remnants with Isa, with Jesus, meaning Jesus was following the traces, and was a continuation of the traces left behind of previous profits. Well, that's a remarkable way of saying, Jesus did not say anything that wasn't already taught by previous prophets of the Israelites. And he reinforced them. And if you follow those

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traces, it leads you to Jesus or lead you to a Saudi slam. Right? So the continuity and the consistency of the messages captured with the word. Anyway, enough examples. By the way, another beautiful there's so many beautiful examples of this, but fundable Illa artha de la cama de la, look at the traces or the came call it the effects of the loving care of Allah. So Allah doesn't just say look at less mercy, he says, look at the Athar of Allah's mercy. Look at the thought of Allah's love What does that mean? Look at the traces the the the remnants, the small droplets, you can see that this is coming from the love and mercy of Allah xojo and I tell her something you look for you

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ponder upon so he's it's like he's making us ponder over the things that remind us that Allah loves us, and He cares for us. That's what he's calling for. In funboard, illa 30 Mattila.

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Okay, so, enough about the examples of a thought now why let's come back to the ayah. They said, Allah, Allahu Allah, Allah has given you preference, I keep saying preference, right. But the word preference comes from the word traces or remnants, as if to say, Let's check this out, as if to say, we wanted to get rid of you. So there's no trace of you left.

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You wanted to erase you from this world.

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You know, aku, or with Rahu, or then kill him, or cast him in some unknown, Uncharted place, he's a forgotten thing. And even your name getting mentioned makes it made us angry, because we wanted no trace of you. And we wanted to give no clue as to what happened to you. Right? Wasn't that the entire scheme.

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And they then say, that Allah gave you a third over us. In other words, of all of us, the one that will all who's who will never become some unknown mystery, who got killed and died inside of a well, somewhere, you will be the one that everyone will know, not only in our time, but think of the timeless nature of that, that they don't even know what they're saying, really. The one that they wanted to make unknown is now the most known name in Egypt and the surrounding nations.

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Everybody knows us as

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everybody calls it realizes. And he said, if you look at one of the meanings of effect, God gave you more effectiveness than any of us you have more impact than helpless child, you have more impact and more effect. And you leave more of a legacy behind because what are traces at the end of the day, old roads, old buildings, ancient coins, those are the legacy of a previous time. God Allah gave empowered you with legacy over us, is inside the word he preferred you over us. So the preference is the dominant, obvious meaning, but the choice of the root actually suggests this really powerful statement. And look at our time, we are now you know, a millennia later, reading this personal story

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of a child who was abducted, turned into a slave. And then a love brought him to this position. And here we are, like pondering over every event in his life, and every event of it has an effect on us.

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It leaves a trace on our hearts. It leaves an effect on our lives. Allah gave you an author over us. You see how powerful that is. It's incredible in a literary sense, also

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That we actually don't find the names of his 11 brothers in the Quran, there is no trace of their names. There's no trace and the timeless final revelation of Allah. Allah will mention his father. A little mentioned his grandfather, Lowell mentioned his great grandfather, but the only name that will give leave the mark. And endless mark is going to be the name of use of honey, Sam. So when they say Allah has preferred you over us, they don't even realize the weight of what they've just dropped. What they've just said, yeah. And then they say we're in we're incunabula hottie in this is a bit of an interesting thing, especially for grammar students. If you studied a little bit of

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grammar, you know that the word in in Arabic means if, yeah, so it's a conditional statement. But in can also mean a few other things and can be mafia. So it's a substitute for MMA, if you don't know what I'm talking about. That's okay. This is the time for you to do this be instead No, but make sure that pretty soon you'll understand what I'm talking about. And you will end up in can also be a substitute or short for, for for inner or inner who like the lamido shot and within? So a reading of this would be enough who could not have been certainly the fact is that we were truly mistaken. Or we we were the ones that made a mistake. Now, why would we not use in and say if like you could,

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somebody may have translated I didn't check all the translations. And even if we were the ones that made a mistake, meaning Allah had given you this preference, even if we made a mistake, as if to say you would read it as well a lot took took care of you even though we messed up, but a lot, you know, he helped you out. So you're good. I don't feel that bad. Cuz you seem to be doing pretty good for yourself. So we're the one starving, so I'm not that sorry. I'm sorry. But I mean, let me look at the situation here, bro. But we wouldn't read it like that, you know why? Because if this was a shelter here in Kona, then the lamb would not be there nahata in the llama Toki you know, certainly

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validates or, or ensures that the end is actually short for inaho. So it's the it's short for enough. Therefore we're not going to look at as a conditional statement. And our transition is going to be Allah has given you preference over us. And while certainly we were the ones that made a mistake,

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and couldna hop in is different from you know, heartache now, or after we made a mistake, or, you know, we aired, we aired,

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um, why is this different? Well, one way of looking at Guwahati in is we had been we have been the kind of people that make mistakes, meaning we've been making mistakes continuously. It's not a confession of an act. It's a confession of like a long term thing. Now, what is this confession entail? It entails what we did wrong by you. And we did plenty of the wrong things too, right? That's one way of looking at we were wrong. The other is, we were wrong about our opinion of you.

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So one is we were wrong in what we did. We confess that we were wrong. And the other you were wrong about you. We have we had you figured out all wrong. And the second one meaning we misunderstood you, we didn't quite know how good you were or we were wrong about our opinion of you. That if you accept that one, it doesn't sound very good. Allah gave you a preference over us and we were wrong about you, you know, that still not confessing that you did anything wrong.

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I was just wrong in my opinion of you.

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You know, I am underestimated. You wrote a pretty good job.

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You're not exactly remorseful. But and the other is, you know, when when someone has made a mistake, and they really want to, like, acknowledge that mistake. There should be words of apology. Forgive me. I wronged you, I oppressed you. Notice the language we certainly were those that made mistakes generalizing it.

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We we certainly have been making mistakes. And when you generalize it, it's like you don't want to talk about specifically what you did even now. It's like washing it over. Right? And even Yusuf Ali some asked him, do you know what you did to Do you realize what you did to us and his brother when you were giant? Remember he said he asked specifically. And this is the time to say now we know what we did. But no, they gloss it over with we're not gonna hop in or in a heartbeat.

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Right. So let's talk a little bit about the word mistake now.

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It's an interesting subtlety. I have a heart for those of you that have studied a little bit of sort of hoppy,

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hip and for who are hearty on

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happy hours.

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The trilateral the semi pattern

00:30:03 --> 00:30:50

means to make a mistake but it's either happy or when someone does a grave mistake they call it hottie. Well here is with them. This was them. It's the insert for a sin or something grievous. Well, Muslim who will hit the infinitive form is well, a Malhotra who will amend for you Who? Apa. And so there's two Arabic words for mistake, HIPAA. And HIPAA, you sound very similar when you hear that in English because the letters are similar. With the kassala and a sukoon. And HA, HA is raised with an MIT it's it's a actually a mistake. Like, if you mistakenly spilled a cup, that would be a hot pot. Right? But if you took the cup, splashed your brother's face, that would be a hottie

00:30:52 --> 00:31:34

or hit. Okay, so there's a subtle difference, though. So there are linguists, I won't go into the details. But linguists argue that originally these two meant the same thing. I mean, actually, that's probably the best summary that whether you say, Aha, or hoppy, it would mean the same thing, people who made a mistake, and it could mean for on purpose or without purpose. But over time, one of them became coined for what you do on purpose. And the other became more coined for what you do by mistake. And the word for doing a mistake by mistake. Meaning not intentionally messing up what you can call messing up. That's mostly in that will be mostly. And if we were to read this ayah,

00:31:34 --> 00:32:10

then by that standard, they didn't say mostly in they said we're in we're in canola hearty. And if you go by that standard, then and they are saying and we have made grievious mistakes. So they're not entirely dismissive. They're talking about the mistake being serious and you can get a sense of that from the word hearted. Okay. Now in the Quran, you do find a little bit of a distinct distinction. For example, Lisa alaykum, Juna Han FEMA tumby, what mistakes you made inadvertently meaning unintentionally, that's the sort of laptop so after a musty is used in that sense,

00:32:11 --> 00:32:53

in a cappella home, Karna, hip and Kabira for the word that they use killing children, you know, because you're afraid of poverty is a huge hit. Allah calls it a mistake. Obviously, that's an unintentional, it's a grievous sin. Right. So that's the word that they've used here, suggesting we've messed up pretty bad. We did a lot of really terrible things. So that's what in the heart thing. Now it's time for use of it, so to speak, Yusuf Ali Salaam is going to now address them. And as he addresses them, we're expecting he's gonna forgive them. Right. So I'm gonna preface what I'm about to share with you by telling you that I don't think it's that simple.

00:32:54 --> 00:33:24

You can gloss it over and say you suffer. They said, I'm forgave them. You could. But the text if you do a careful reading of it of the Quran, it doesn't give you that clear indication. You can gloss it over and get that but I'm neither I nor shall ever entirely convinced that that's actually the case necessarily. So let's figure out what's going on here. He says lots of free barley camaleon. There is no shaming that is going to happen to you today.

00:33:25 --> 00:33:29

There's no shaming shall fall upon you today. Okay, and

00:33:31 --> 00:33:45

the today we're going to go with the reading where a yom is connected to lattissima alikhan. William, so there's different readings, but this is a clear reading, so I'm going to stick with that. Okay. So first, there's not going to be any shaming of you. Well, he already asked you know what you did?

00:33:46 --> 00:34:11

Right. And did they answer that question? No. They just had loved I've heard you. We made mistakes. No, no, I want to talk about what you did. Can you tell me exactly what you did? I want to hear from you. What did you do? Where did you hit me? What did you say when you were throwing me in the well? Why don't you tell dad, review it with me because I can't remember. I want to see if you remember what I remember. And if you have any gaps in the story, I'll fill them in for you.

00:34:13 --> 00:34:14

None of that's happening.

00:34:15 --> 00:34:29

user friendly. So I'm saying no shaming. And the three can be used for shaming. No shaming shall happen shall fall upon you today. Today is not a day for you to be a man if there was one day that was there for them to be shamed. This was it.

00:34:30 --> 00:34:38

But you know what happens when you argument somebody? And they say I'm sorry? Cuz you're like, it takes forever for somebody to say they're sorry.

00:34:39 --> 00:34:40

But if they do say they're sorry.

00:34:41 --> 00:34:52

Then it's like, they have the shield up and a sword in the other hand, and they were fighting, fighting, fighting. No. What about you? What did you do? That is a no, no. And all of a sudden they dropped us. Okay, I'm sorry.

00:34:53 --> 00:34:55

When you notice their shields are down. You're like,

00:34:57 --> 00:34:59

oh, you're sorry. Right. Now it's time for me to remind you how

00:35:00 --> 00:35:01

Are you really should be

00:35:02 --> 00:35:10

dropping on you, because you're not guarding anymore. So now's the time to lay it on thick. And when you're just laying it on thick, the person who's getting slammed,

00:35:11 --> 00:35:17

picks up their sword and shield again. And then you say, I thought you're sorry. Well, I didn't.

00:35:18 --> 00:35:20

You slapped me after I put my shields

00:35:23 --> 00:35:29

up knows the points been made, what is in their hearts is in their hearts, there's no need to beat this over the head now.

00:35:30 --> 00:35:39

Even though you have to understand when someone has been wronged, and again and again. And then they insulted him to his face when they didn't know who he was.

00:35:41 --> 00:35:46

You would dream of the day where you can have a real confrontation. Man, what am I gonna say to them?

00:35:48 --> 00:36:01

All right, you have dreams about what you would say to the person what they need to hear you don't feel like you got it out. So you write it in a journal. You write it out. And you send it to yourself,

00:36:02 --> 00:36:13

you know, or you send it to your friend, I was gonna send it to her or send it to him. But you're safe writes, I can just send it to you. We'll grow that's heavy. osis that's heavy.

00:36:14 --> 00:36:49

None of that's happening today. Lotta three barley como yo, no shaming shall fall upon you. Today, let's explore the word shaming. So you appreciate the word that's been used by by our beloved Yusuf Ali Salaam. That is he by law attorney bulalo, Molly komatsuna. A third, the origin of the word is solderable Sa ra, or who are shacman latifi joven. Other casual sila to define itself as Allah to thurb. You. Okay, so there's two graphic meanings of thurb. It's really cool. And

00:36:50 --> 00:36:51

at the same time, so let me explain.

00:36:52 --> 00:37:23

So when they slaughter an animal, obviously, the meat is, you know, separated the legs, limbs and things like that they're separated and, but then there's the stomach. And the stomach has a thin lining, right? And you don't want to gut the stomach, because the intestines and all this other stuff, the gooey, nasty stuff is in there. The three is to take off the layer of whatever flesh it was, or fat it was. So the ugly organs that look disgusting get exposed.

00:37:24 --> 00:37:31

And so therapy is that line, and the three is the solver where is the removal of it, so that the ugliness is seen.

00:37:32 --> 00:37:56

Right. So the only thing hiding that I mean, it's some people when they slaughter an animal, they're already nauseous. But if you saw the gut open up, who's different level, I told you, I'm going to share the stories I'm going to share the story. Now I was in high school I this is this is the day I knew I will never go into medicine hamdulillah in biology in high school, in New York, they made us dissect a frog.

00:37:57 --> 00:37:58


00:37:59 --> 00:38:40

the so they give you these frogs that are like I can I can do the Kermit impression, but whatever. So they look like that and they're cold and dead and you're supposed to be able to cut them open and they show you how to use the incision and whatever. What the teacher didn't know is the frog that she gave me was pregnant, and had like a bunch of nasty looking eggs inside. So as soon as I cut it up and the goo started coming out, and that's the three. There you go. That's your three story. Okay? Why is that connected to the word we're saying? It says if when you are someone has been incriminated in front of you, you have a chance to what lay them bear, let their ugliness come out,

00:38:40 --> 00:39:08

let them be exposed, let the How disgusting they really are, be seen. Let every ugly detail that's been you know, that's been made invisible become visible, let's let everybody know how filthy you are. That's one of the implications of the theory. But the theory can mean the opposite thing to it can actually mean to put another layer on. And the other meaning also, like your mama Lucy mentioned, is pretty interesting, because what that would mean then is

00:39:09 --> 00:39:12

I'll actually read it to you.

00:39:14 --> 00:39:18

Hulu suku, Takata pika and avahi. She had that and

00:39:19 --> 00:39:59

other his cache heavy muscle. So it's to put a thick layer on top of something like you know, how you put like a layer of wax on something, or paint on something, you know, so you're adding layers and surfaces. It's as if someone's already down and you're pouring, you know, humiliation on them, and then another layer of humiliation, another layer of humiliation, and then another layer just burying them suffocating them under their guilt. Now, they do that. Nowadays when you know criminals are incarcerated and they are sentenced already. Then they bring the victims families and they have the victims families read you know their feelings towards the killer.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:42

Right and say to them right and that's a kind of a three but also because now they're the guilt is being layered on them it's the the jail sentences in and enough for you. You need some two three, you deserve to three use of Allison says law three. There's absolutely no bringing up past harm at all. By the way, the three is the same word that gives us the word yesterday, which is the city of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. Its name is what yesterday from the same origin. I mean environment school yesterday, smooth, smooth khadim li li Medina para su sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. It's the name of the city of the province. I'm Robert Malley. And in Ohio, maybe because it's a land of crop

00:40:43 --> 00:41:32

because it gets shaved off, right? The scraped scraping off of the crop column in a thurb affordable cup shoes or the shampoo shuttle service. I mean, meaning it's a you know, lush land, because remember the original meaning of phobias the fat meaning a juicy lamb right. So a land that is yathrib is juicy land and grows a lot it gives a lot of nutrition only and how can it obey the law him in a coma. So masala for law who about a hobby there are enemies on the long run you so this is Nclt been a sham, he says that the the city in the region or the area and the region that would get the most diseases and you know, you know, epidemics was yathrib. And because of that people would

00:41:32 --> 00:42:08

get you know, hit with it and scrape their their immune immunity was scraped off constantly. That's why I'd got that name. And then the profits I should have made the offer that city and the diseases stopped coming to Medina. And he wanted to change the name from yesterday to Baba or theva, good impure. The process. I'm really named as a side note about the word yesterday, now coming back to the words of use of racism. So he says I'm not going to bring up what you did wrong. So he didn't come out and say what I forgive you. He says I'm not going to bring up what you did wrong, I will not humiliate you, and no one else will either.

00:42:09 --> 00:42:50

The idea being he's in the king's court, he's talking to them, they've made a confession. They are soldiers, advisors, ministers, friends, the city, this is a major event. This is a news event, right? This is live from the castle, like this is printed news. So everybody wants to interview So what exactly did you do to you? So you know, they want to know, and he's issued a nationwide policy, nobody will talk about this. It's done. I've moved on, you all need to move on. Don't take this up, don't humiliate them. necessity. But you know what this is, I have decided that I will not dwell on the past, I will think about the future. And then you can think about the word yom today, as if,

00:42:51 --> 00:43:16

From today onwards, no shaming shall happen to you today. Or as if, if there was any day that you should have been shamed, it was gonna be today. And since it's not gonna happen today, I won't ever do it. That's the word today. It could also mean to up until now everything that's happened, there shall be no shaming on you. Not today. And he's not directly saying it, but maybe a very subtle, indirect hint. But if you are up to no good again tomorrow,

00:43:17 --> 00:43:19

then this expires today.

00:43:20 --> 00:43:32

You understand, like, everything up until now has been expunged. But don't push it. Because, you know, for people who didn't see the consequences of their actions, and they got forgiven, what's the tendency?

00:43:33 --> 00:43:44

Maybe I'm just gonna like to think of the thing of your kids. They've been missing homework, and they got in trouble with the teacher. And they, you know, they come before you and say, I'm really upset. But you know what?

00:43:45 --> 00:44:00

No, I'm gonna let this one go. And I think you will do better. And you let it go. I mean, no parent alive, I know will do that. But if you are one of those in other law when I lay down parents, if you do do that, without any consequence, what's the fear for a parent

00:44:02 --> 00:44:32

can do it again. The next time they're thinking about missing the homework, they remember they better remember that the three they better remember the layer of fat getting peeled off, the better remember the humiliation the look on my face the look of death. mamas Look at that. They need to they need to remember, but use of holy summons let them go. He's let them go. They've been overpowered. They've been humbled. And he says I'm not going to bring this up to you. And you know From this day on or or today at least. So lotta three byala camaleon

00:44:34 --> 00:44:44

I think it was our new see if I'm not mistaken, or should I forget which one I'll ask shucks, I haven't confirmed. He added that in Arabic. Typically you just say like the three like you say blah, blah.

00:44:45 --> 00:44:59

You know, or labasa. You just dropped the note nephila, you know, logins, so no harm, no shaming, and if he said no shaming at all, he didn't have to say on you. So the on you is actually an added layer of favoring or added layer of

00:45:00 --> 00:45:22

You know, specificity for the brothers of Yusuf Ali some that didn't actually have to be mentioned as if you suffer the same as going out of his way to say I absolutely do not want to hear anything about this being sent to her towards you and I will not do it and I will not allow anybody else to do it. Let me borrow a chameleon. Okay. Then he says you're Phil la Holcomb can be read in two ways. It means Allah will forgive you.

00:45:24 --> 00:45:32

And there's three meanings implied one of them I'm completely unconvinced of one meaning one implied meaning is the one I'm not convinced of is Allah has forgiven you.

00:45:33 --> 00:46:07

Allah has forgiven you. My problem with that is if you do say that then the prophets may know who allies forgiven and not forgiven the revelation can come to a prophet Yes, the prophets I saw them was told which to have are going to Jenna so we know the idea exists. The prophecy some can know which person has been given forgiveness or which person is a person of gender. And it can be true of previous prophets, they can be given the beshara of somebody being forgiven. So you could some have read this as Allah has forgiven you. My problem with it is in the present tense, that would have been clear in the law for Allahu Allah, Allah has forgiven you. It says Allah forgives or Allah will

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forgive you. And nobody is read in the present or the future. But if it's being read in the present, Allah forgives or will forgive you that it's not guaranteeing of the past. But as if it's a statement that says, Allah is the one to forgive you, not me.

00:46:22 --> 00:46:27

What happened between you and me? The farthest I will go is I won't bring it up.

00:46:29 --> 00:46:31

But forgiveness is with a law.

00:46:33 --> 00:47:08

You Know What You Did you need to take that to align Allah forgives. Well, who are hamara Jaime and he is the most loving and caring of all those who show love and care as if use of La Salaam is acknowledging that I in the end, at the end of the day, I'm human, I have been hurt so terribly by you. I will not shame you. I will reconcile. I will not hurt you. I will not take revenge. But I'm not gonna say that we're good and nothing's there's no harm no foul. No my pain did. I'm human, the only one who can forgive and let everything go.

00:47:09 --> 00:47:46

That's a line. That's why he's our hammer Rahim. Allah has the capacity to forgive you. Allah will cover your mistakes. And he is the most loving and caring of all those who show love and care. Mother also means to cover as if you suffer as I was taking a special, subtle, making a special seven common and a wisdom that he's teaching us. And that is, I'm not going to shame you thus expose you. But the one in the end, who covers everybody's shame is Allah because he doesn't just mean forgiving means Allah covers will not cover for all of you. And he's the most loving and caring of all those like the prophets. Listen, I'm told us, man cetara meenan cetara Hola, hilman piano,

00:47:46 --> 00:47:54

whoever covers a believer, like covers them on judgment day. So I'm not going to shame you. And I pray Allah, Allah gives me the reward for that. And Allah gives me his.

00:47:55 --> 00:48:30

Another meaning of this is May Allah forgive you like a prayer? I pray that Allah forgives you, which is also profound as if say, as if to say, even if you and I have a ways to go, before we have a clear path. You know, I don't mean you harm and you don't you no longer mean any harm. But we're not bros like that yet. But that doesn't mean I want you to stand in front of a line be answerable. We can sort out our issues in this life. I wouldn't wish for divine justice on judgment day on anybody. Doesn't matter how bad I feel about them. The Justice you think you deserve

00:48:31 --> 00:48:49

is the law is the judgment of a law on that day is much bigger, and there's no comparison. So you don't want somebody to be questionable in front of a lender. What people do an argument sometimes, is that I'm going to tell a lawyer what you did on judgment day, and then we're gonna see, I'll see you on Judgment.

00:48:51 --> 00:48:52

You don't know what you're saying.

00:48:53 --> 00:49:00

You don't know the degree of harm that you may bring to somebody, though the worst thing that can happen to someone in this life is they die of violent death.

00:49:01 --> 00:49:10

If you think of like the worst physical harm they can suffer, is they die of violent death, or the worst psychological harm is they're publicly humiliated. Let's just say Yeah.

00:49:12 --> 00:49:43

What's gonna happen on judgment day, when someone's humiliated on Judgement Day, there is no comparison in this life to the humiliation. What's the pain of judgment, there's no comparison in this pain and that pain. So no matter what hurt was caused in this life, we want justice, but especially from people close family and things like we want justice, we want things to be worked out. We want the people to reconcile or recognize the error in their ways or make up for it and even pray a penalty pay penalty if need be. But if you start wishing that they answer a law on Judgement Day, there's a problem.

00:49:45 --> 00:49:51

Like they like you want them to, you want to see them in * or you want to see them torture, know that that's too far.

00:49:52 --> 00:49:59

Especially if they redeem themselves if they haven't redeemed themselves, feelings or feelings. Right and you could have like our little cutoff

00:50:00 --> 00:50:04

The last one who, who can say, you know, our, our Shahada, or agenda, your Shahada in the fire.

00:50:06 --> 00:50:26

Right and your you people are going to head to the fire etc. He can say those things out of anger because of what's been done perpetually with no remorse. They've shown remorse right now that they've shown remorse, use of Alison's words are no harm shall fall on you, meaning no shaming shall come on you. Nobody will bring up your past mistakes. And in fact, Allah is the one that forgives him, Allah forgives you.

00:50:27 --> 00:50:40

Not much I can do sure I can make dawn for you. And he's the one who has more loving care than anyone else. Well, who out humbled me. So this is the statement made by use of honey said, I mean, what does it teach us about forgiveness?

00:50:41 --> 00:50:44

You see, our Prophet sallallaahu son loved his uncle,

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00:50:47 --> 00:50:56

and Hamza Viola Horton, who was killed by a long range spear assassin, washy in the Battle of HUD.

00:50:57 --> 00:51:02

And then his body was mutilated after that, it'll be a lot more on whom you'll accept him among the Shahada.

00:51:04 --> 00:51:18

Our prophets lie Selim knows that he's among the Shahada. He knows that he is one of the you know, the most honored of his companions before a long Judgement Day. But the pain of what he suffered in this life did not get erased.

00:51:19 --> 00:51:21

It wasn't enough to say he's in general, so it's okay.

00:51:23 --> 00:51:29

And nobody has a bigger chest and a grander heart than our beloved Salalah horniest.

00:51:30 --> 00:51:45

When Islam became victorious, washy, the same assassin was far away. And he was afraid that when Islam comes this way, they're gonna find me out and they're gonna kill me. And he knew, and he actually wanted to accept Islam.

00:51:46 --> 00:52:02

But to accept Islam, you have to come into your face to the profit slice of them. So he actually put a hold on, and hid in the crowd. Because if anybody saw him, they would have taken him out. The Muslims knew what he looked like, and what he did to the profit side of them, until he was face to face with our Prophet.

00:52:04 --> 00:52:28

And he took his Shahada. And the prophet SAW him saw him. And he asked, Are you the same one? And he says, yes. And the professor asked him, How did my uncle die? How did you kill him? I didn't want to tell him and he said, You need to tell me how you killed him. Describe it to me. And he described it to him. And he said, after Islam, everything is forgiven, but I can't see your face.

00:52:30 --> 00:52:37

He couldn't see his face. This is important. This is not material, I mean, but at the end of the day, he has a human heart.

00:52:39 --> 00:53:17

Yusuf Ali Salaam is incredibly forgiving. But you didn't just hurt me. You hurt my brother. You humiliated my dad, you did so much wrong. It's not just about me being thrown in a well, you cause so much pain and suffering for so so long. You're saying you recognize that you made a lot of mistakes. I'm not sure you realize what those mistakes are. If in your head, the mistake is man, we should have never come back to Egypt. What if we should have found somewhere else to go for food? If that's what you think, I don't know, I don't know what's in your heart. I know what you're telling me. Now. Let's look at it from the worst case. This is an important thing before I let you guys go

00:53:17 --> 00:53:18


00:53:21 --> 00:53:26

If you don't want to give these brothers of use of benefit of the doubt,

00:53:28 --> 00:54:05

then you can say, wow, that's convenient. Now you're sorry. Like a second ago, you were calling him a thief. And now you're sorry, now that you're starving, and he has authority, and he has all the cops around? If before if you didn't know that? And he said, Hey, tell me about your brother use Have you would have been throwing him in the in the well with your mouth? You would have been doing that. But it's pretty convenient. And now that you got caught, and you're overpowered What choice do you What choice do you have except to admit that you were wrong? And even then what a half baked apology, you never said you're sorry. Or forgive us. You just said Allah gave you a preference. We

00:54:05 --> 00:54:36

made mistakes. That's all. Oh, my God, I'm gonna really do give you problems over us. And we've been making a lot of mistakes. You call it an apology. And I think you can do a little better than that. Right? So as a reader, you can say I don't have to give these people the benefit of the doubt. And I think a lot of them that is a loss intent that Allah gave us a scenario in which you could see that their apology is sincere. Possibly, and you can see that their apology is nothing but can you convenient.

00:54:37 --> 00:54:44

Oh, how convenient now you're sorry, right. And this actually happened in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

00:54:46 --> 00:54:48

Mousavian became Muslim after Islam was overpowering.

00:54:49 --> 00:55:00

He came to the Prophet themselves to negotiate he didn't come to accept Islam, but he ended up accepting Islam. Now we can look at that and say how politically convenient now you know they're gonna win. join the party.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:00


00:55:02 --> 00:55:03

But here's the thing.

00:55:05 --> 00:55:20

olara zoa gel is teaching us a profound real life lesson in the Quran that is so much more in tune with human nature and wisdom than what we give the Quran credit for what we generally see in Muslim society.

00:55:21 --> 00:55:25

And what is that we preach? Just forgive Allah wants you to forgive.

00:55:26 --> 00:55:34

You know, Allah loves people will forgive. Yes, he does, as he does, but there are some cases, there's some things that can be forgiven, something's not so easy to forgive.

00:55:36 --> 00:55:43

And when those things are not so easy to forgive, first of all, you don't have to come out and say, I forgive you, you can just say, I'm not going to shame you anymore.

00:55:44 --> 00:55:56

You and I will treat each other properly. So we're going to our interaction as people will be dignified, we will be good towards one another, we will honor each other, we will not bring up the past.

00:55:57 --> 00:56:01

That's pretty good. or moving forward, starting a fresh clean slate. Yeah.

00:56:02 --> 00:56:37

But the word forgiveness is not part of that equation. The hurt you caused me is still there. I may never be able to love you like I used to. Or like a brother should love her brother, I may never be able to trust you. Because of what's happened. I won't mistreat you. But that doesn't mean it's all good. Now, the other part of that is, doesn't matter how convenient, an apology looks. You need to come out immediately and say, Look, I'll tell you how I will deal with you. I won't shame you.

00:56:38 --> 00:56:57

But whether or not you mean that apology is up to who? Allah, yo fiddle la hula comb, well, who are hamura? Me? That's up to Allah, that's not up to me. You don't have to convince me that your apology is sincere. That is the power of our religion. We don't have to convince anyone that we are sincere except Allah.

00:56:59 --> 00:57:28

You don't have to give a heartfelt apology and make a video about it or cry in court. Or you don't you don't have to make convincing words and argument. None of that means anything. Because you Your forgiveness, being genuine or not genuine can never be known. The fact is, if it looks genuine doesn't mean that it's genuine. If it looks not too genuine to you, doesn't mean it's in genuine no looks can be deceiving. Somebody can say I'm sorry. When you say Oh, that guy sorry, look, he didn't even cry.

00:57:29 --> 00:57:47

That's not what I'm sorry, it looks like not to you. And you don't know how much you cried before or after? Or maybe he has an eye disorder? How do you know? What When did you set the standard for what is a sincere apology and not a sincere apology? human beings aren't capable of that. Human beings can see the signs

00:57:48 --> 00:58:12

and say, Listen, if you want to move on what's happened happened. It's also interesting that he added a yom as if what's happened up until now has happened. You won't be shamed about it. But as if, look, if you want to be up to no good, we're gonna have to revisit this chapter. Right? So it's not over simplistic. It's not naive. You're not just forgiving. You forgive me already? What do you mean?

00:58:13 --> 00:58:25

No, that's not how that works. And it can be in some cases, you actually genuinely forgive someone. You can. You could forgive someone, I'll give you a scenario, just a real life scenario.

00:58:26 --> 00:58:28

You could have somebody who stole from you.

00:58:30 --> 00:58:39

Right? And as a result, they used to work for you and you fired them. Okay, they stole from you, you fired them. Okay? Now they come in, they apologize.

00:58:40 --> 00:58:48

You could say, I'll treat you like a brother, I'll respond to you. So now we can pray together we can, you know, we can offer you and your family although you never worked for me again.

00:58:51 --> 00:58:52


00:58:53 --> 00:59:29

that door is closed, other doors remain open. And that's that's not necessarily forgiveness, though. Other scenarios in which there's an explanation or there's an apology and you feel like the person can be trusted, that's a it's a call you're gonna make and at the end of the day, only Allah knows, right? And then you decide to completely forgive someone and start to, you know, start a clean slate and, you know, loving affection all the way. Well, that's up to you. It's a personal call. But Allah has given both of any, you don't get to say, well, you need to pick the high road because I'm pretty sure use it for a nice time as an example of patience, perseverance, trusting a lie and faith. So if

00:59:29 --> 00:59:38

he chooses a certain road, then we don't get to condemn it and say, No, there could have been a higher road he took, he should have just given him a hug and say, I forgive you, bro. I love you so much. You're all it's all good.

00:59:40 --> 00:59:53

alauddin oversimplified like that, because it's complicated. You're not obligated, to, you know, clean off all sin that can only be done by Allah. And that's the last comment that can only be done by Allah.

00:59:54 --> 00:59:59

We will have scars even if you make amends and hug and eat

01:00:00 --> 01:00:39

together and live to get all of that the words that were said the hurt that was caused treachery that was done the treason that was done the cheating that was done the the the foul that was done the crime that was committed the abuse that was done, it will still leave a scar, we're not capable of removing that from ourselves completely. It's just not possible, which is why on Judgment, a when we come in front of Allah, and Allah is always, by His mercy and love alone, grants us forgiveness, and grants us his paradise. One of the gifts in paradise of believers and believers are supposed to love each other, right? Not so much when as to be human, when we will pull any ill feeling they had

01:00:39 --> 01:01:01

from their hearts, meaning even believers, even family, even brothers that prayed together, even friends had some ill feeling in their hearts, even though they prayed for each other, and loved each other. Something was there that can only be removed when you come in front of a law on Judgement Day and you make it into heaven. And in heaven as a gift of law removes that scar from your heart.

01:01:02 --> 01:01:41

That's realistic. So it's not simplistic, that's realistic and putting that unrealistic expectation on people to forgive unconditionally, or to not be cautious or to not say, let's move forward. Let's not dwell on the past. Those are all healthy things. We're learning from you so funny, Sam, but we're also learning a reality that he he knows how the real world works, doesn't he? He knows what manipulative people are. He's been around them as a whole life. So he's not going to give some you know, clean slate and it's going to be interesting what he's going to do next because what he does next is pretty badass. Like it's a pretty epic move. And I am number 93, which I'll tell you all

01:01:41 --> 01:01:48

about tomorrow in shallow Tyler barakallahu li walakum pukalani Hakeem when I finally what year can be iottie or the color scheme.

01:01:49 --> 01:01:49

Awesome radicular

01:01:53 --> 01:01:56

Now it's time for me to sink in because send me went to sleep.

01:01:58 --> 01:02:00

canceling is so low.

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