Nouman Ali Khan – Surah Yusuf #49 – V78-79

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the use of "naught" in English, which refers to a person's lack of power or position, and the importance of respect for a person or group of people. They explore the use of shaman and the importance of considering the father's feelings and not taking anyone to hurt their father's feelings. They also discuss the negative impact of a father giving children too much attention and causing them to feel disappointed, and the use of words in court to avoid confusion. They provide updates on setting up a language learning class and the potential consequences of being a wrongdoer.
AI: Transcript ©
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from somebody recently Emily Emily Sania Falcone and hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam O Allah Rasool Allah, Allah, Allah, he was his main undergrad, once again, everybody, Santa Monica, Ricardo. My job today is to try to cover a little bit of reflections from is number 78 and 79 of solid use of so we've those of you guys that have been following the series so far know that we are at a point now where Yusuf Ali Salam has hatched the scheme, Allah has endorsed that scheme, the couple is placed inside of vineya means bag, it's been recovered now. And when it's been recovered, the brothers instead of defending their younger brother, they throw him under the bus and say, well if he stole

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runs in that side of the family. So that is something we talked about. And now we're coming to two ions that we're going to read together. And then we'll try to gain some insights from what Eliza was just telling us in these two ions. So let's start by translating these simply anuja Aziz, they said minister, so use us brothers called out to Al Aziz Aziz being Yusuf Ali Salaam now. Interesting, right? So first time we heard the word al Aziz was when we were introduced to the Minister, the, you know, the Potiphar. Now, who's he was a slave to. So some have extrapolated from that, that actually now he was now that he was exonerated, and his innocence was proven. And maybe even you don't know

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this for a fact, but maybe even the cover up by the Minister was an earth. And he's been replaced by him, meaning the one he used to be the slave for, he now has his job and has his title in his position, it can also be that he has a higher job that even that minister because now he has yet but what the heck, we are sure you can, you can settle and put rules in whatever capacity in whatever department so he's kind of head of all the departments of government in that sense, right. So he's even higher than what that as these may have had, in terms of position. The other interesting thing is that now the brothers are calling him minister, or the one who has authority and power. So

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they're, they're, they're, this word actually has a few connotations. The word as are the root letters, I in Zaza they actually come from dirt that won't fly off, or that won't shift. You know, like, when I moved here, from the east coast of the United States into Texas, the first thing that architecturally I found different here is we don't have basements in homes here, right, and basements are a normal thing in the East Coast. And the primary reason here is the soil shifts. So you can't actually it's a foundational problem, it's much more expensive to build a basement here, and you have to have a lot more reinforcement, because the soil keeps shifting. I'm giving you that

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example. Because when soil shifts or dirt flies and things like that, then it's not holding its place. And it's not staying strong. And it's it lacks is actually in the original literal sense of the word. So when something is strong and doesn't move, and you you would expect it to move, but it won't move. That's actually one of the fundamental meanings of the word resign from it. Of course, it was named al Aziz. Right. And they commonly translate as Jesus mighty.

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Something that doesn't move has been extrapolated, and other literary connections have been made to it in Arabic, over the you know, over the centuries. And part of that is when someone is principled, or someone has power, and they are not budging from that power, like they were who they are, it's like a statue that's in place, a firm foundation, right? a stable government can, a government has a right, or a person who's known for their power and their principles, and they never shift from those principles and never shift from that power, their power hasn't reduced over time. They're set to have. Okay, so, you know, in razavi steamatic study of the Quran, he attributes some other things

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that may not have a linguistic origin but thematically he argues, and Aziz is someone who no one else can have authority over which by implication also makes sense. But is that interesting, we also is a word of respect. So in the Quran, it comes as an as an opposite or an antonym of villa. villa in Arabic means to be powerless and also to be humiliated. There are two things in Villa to be powerless and to be humiliated. And the opposite of that is that is to have power and to have dignity. So when power and respect come hand in hand together, then a person has it

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And there are two scenarios for that. I mean, I'm diving a little deep into this word. And they may not mean all of this etymology, they're just calling him minister. But it's interesting choice of words that the Quran chose to translate that there are other words you can use for government officials, right. So this word, it has a few themes underneath it, one of them is if someone, you know, demands your respect, because of the power that they have.

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So it could be that you respect someone only because of the power that they have. That's one scenario is that you can have that. So somebody commands power, and therefore they command respect, right? So it can be, for example, the easiest scenario for that could be a judge. You know, when a judge walks into the courtroom, they say, All rise, right? So he has that power in the courtroom. And you have to respect him because of the power that he has. You may not know him personally, you don't know what the judgments are like you don't know any personal character traits of his that make you admire him and respect him. But the power that he holds the role that he holds, makes you

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automatically respect him, you understand. So that's a kind of his attitude, just because the role that someone is playing, they immediately command respect. The other is that you know, you have someone that has power, but they only have artificial respect. Right. So you can have, for example, there could be a student, who has to listen to the teacher has to give in to the teachers authority, but has no respect for their teacher, so begrudgingly listens to their teacher, that's kind of a, you know, it's a fake kind of bizarre, because it's not genuinely respect, I would argue that is that actually means someone genuinely has respect for the one who has authority because people in

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authority can do two things, they can command you to have respect for them, and you can show artificial respect to them, or you genuinely have respect for them. Because you've accepted that authority, and you actually genuinely, genuinely respect the fact that they are the rightful person to have that kind of authority. When you surrender both of those things, meaning you you admit that they have that power, and you respect them for it, and you respect the position that they have. That's actually when you consider somebody disease. Now the brothers are starting, they're going to make their case. And the first thing they say is a term that's used for him, which could be generic,

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meaning minister, they're calling him by his title. But inside of it, what could also be embedded is they've already acknowledged how much respect they have for him, and how much power that he has. So we're not what we're about to say we in no way mean any disrespect, because you're Aziz. And in no way are we saying that we have any influence over your decision, because you're Aziz, you're the one who decides, incidentally, this is the name of Allah, that Jesus is going to use this on a salon, when he speaks on behalf of people that ignorantly committed chick, he calls on the line he calls him and as he is to suggest, I am pleading for them. But I respect the position you come from, and I

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have no say in your authority, which was absolutely important, because the Christian creed was that he has a say in salvation.

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Right? So he uses a name for Allah on Resurrection Day, that eliminates the possibility that he has any say in salvation, that he has any role in that to play. In fact, that is entirely in the authority of Allah, which he himself respects. And thus he calls him what Allah sees. Right? So and there's other parts to that, but inshallah, one day when we study sootel, Midas rottenness, we'll we'll deal with that subject. It's really powerful stuff. But anyway, coming back to this, the brothers are now telling their their their youngest brother, the younger brother use of who was not so many. So many years ago, he was powerless.

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And he had no respect in their eyes. And now look at the irony, they call that same brother that they just called a thief. And calling someone a thief is humiliating, isn't it. And now he has no power to defend himself. And he never did. So he had no power, and he had no respect in their eyes, right? And look at the irony of their words, the one who has power and respect, Minister Aziz is coming out of their mouth. So whether you like it or not, when a law decides that he will give you dignity and power to who he wants, you won't even know that you'll give them that dignity and power willingly, they would never give use of a solemn respect, or acknowledges power had been if they

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they would not do that willingly. And now they're coming to him in humility. Allah has turned the tables in such a remarkable way in this one statement. It's just just think about what they're saying and who they're saying it to. The one they considered powerless, they can do whatever they're discussing multiple choice options. Should we kill him? Throw him somewhere? Oh, let's put them No, these are the multiple choice options is that someone who has any power or you have power over them, you know, and then calling him a liar or calling him a thief, my god, no respect, both of those elements that come inside Aziz. And now they're acknowledging it. So this is

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Are you Hello? Hello. How are you? Hello Aziz and use of Elisa must have appreciated the irony in those words. You're calling me and Aziz. And I'm, what do they say? The words are pretty epic in mela, who? urban shaman. Kabira. There's no doubt sir. He has meaning. Binyamin, who's being arrested right now because the cup was found in his bag. He's got a father. And then there's two attributes for the father. He's got a father, who's very old, shaken, shaken means he's old, cabbie, Iran could be a mobile Ah, and it's safer for shaker meaning is extremely, really, really old. Right. And comedian can also mean, you know, that he is Kareem, meaning he can be it could mean he

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is big in our eyes, meaning we have a lot of respect for him. And he's a dignified person, he's a good person. And we think big of him, we think highly of him, because of, you know, his status. So not just he's old, but he's also a very respectable old man. Now, interestingly, they say he's got a father who's very old and respectable or extremely, extremely old. Now, before you even read any further, sir, please don't take him as a slave. Because, you know, we said the punishment for someone who's found stealing is that they themselves become the pay meaning they become a slave. Remember that? Please don't take him as a slave, spear him, not for him, because we don't like him.

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We already told you, you know, theft runs in that side of the family. So we don't want you to be considerate to him, because you should spare him. He deserves it. But he's got a dad who's so respectable, and has he'd be heartbroken. He would be so broken, you know, cuz he takes care of him. And he's really attached to him. And if you remember previously, they even told the minister use have they told him before, we'll try to slip him away from his dad somehow Remember that? So they've already made a case that he's very dad's very attached to him. The irony in these words, you are telling yourself, you couldn't possibly bear to hurt your father's feelings by separating one of his

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children from him that he loves so much. Do you hear yourself? What did you do with yourself?

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say, No, we really care about our dad, and he'd be heartbroken if we took us Binyamin away. And his advice, I must be going in his head, really. So you care about the father's feelings. And even though you don't care for him, your consideration for the father makes you say I shouldn't separate Binyamin from him. Hmm. Where was the sentiment? When you were doing what you were doing with me? You understand the irony? So you said they say in Allah who have been shaken Kabira and he's got a father, who's a very old man. Now lo is interesting duality in the language. You could say in simpler Arabic lesser words, you can say in a bow who show you when Kabira has his father is an old

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man. Right, of course, is their father too. Right? So it's not just his father, it's their father. And they've already said that. But they didn't say that. It's our father. They said it's his father, to illustrate that dad has a special relationship with Him.

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And the language isn't his father is very old. He I translated it he has a father. But another literal literal translation in English would be you know, his. He's got a father who's for him. No, actually, dad is all about him. He's just his, it's like, it's he. He's like his his, you know, that just is completely on his side. He's completely in love with him, and can't bear to be away from him for so long. It was hard enough to get him this time. So in a little urban shaman caveolin. And, you know, now they're trying to say that our dad is respectful Kabira in his old age should be taken into consideration. And also the fact that he's a respectable man, Huckabee should be taken into

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consideration. This is the same father, when he cried for use of, and when he when he showed love for you. So you used to call him utterly lost. This is the same father that you're gonna yell at later on in the salon, you're gonna yell at him. That's gonna happen. And right now you're saying he's very respectful. You know what this is? This is a behavior where you tell someone what you think they need to hear.

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You see him as a respectful man, as someone who helps the poor and the needy. So definitely, he's going to be helpful or, you know, have a soft corner for an old man. They don't know that he knows it's his dad. They don't know that. But they know that he's a sentimental person. He's someone who's caring for the poor. Look at how he's taking care of foreigners. And yes, look at how generous he was to us. So let's appeal to that side of his. They personally couldn't care less about Binyamin and that's become clear why? Because they just threw him under the bus a line ago. But they're like I think we went too far. What's gonna happen with

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They didn't think through their entire crime. Right. So now they're backtracking and saying, please not if not for him for his dad, in urban shaken Kabira. And then they say for who had no Makana, who, therefore take one of us in his place. Now, I don't say take one of us in this place as a slave necessarily, I doubt that they were willing to enslave themselves. But they're saying there must be some other solution, we can come up with a form of payment or something that can, you know, compensate for him. But because there's a special circumstances, fathers in special need of him, we are one of us is willing to stay here as collateral, like a bail bond, right? Like you've got to

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guarantee one of us will take his place, and will remain imprisoned until we can come up with an alternative solution. We're absolutely willing to do that. Sir. Please show us some clemency. Please show us some leniency. And then they end with the following. In Iraq, I mean, almost any, certainly we see you among the kind of people that do excellence that do good. Now this do good has been interpreted in multiple ways. Let's quickly go through them. One of them is we see that you've done a lot of good to us already. You gave us double what we deserved. Remember that you give us an entire free load. You've been nothing but good to us, sir. we plead with you, you've been nothing

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but good to us, please show us this one more kindness. So that's one way of looking at it. We know machine can mean we see that you've done to the good to the entire country. And you're a person of mercy and care. And you go above and beyond to show courtesy to people please show courtesy to our to our old father, we see you there as the kind of person that would do that. in another country. And Washington also means Sir, we see you as someone who doesn't just stick to the letter of the law. Because you know, you have different kinds of judges, right? When someone's sitting in the judge's bench. And this is an important distinction. Obviously, a judge is going to give a verdict

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based on the law, right. But at the end of the day, a judgment is a combination of two things. It's a combination of the law and the judge. If the law on its own was just enough, then you would put it inside a computer algorithm and solve the case and be done with it. And every every verdict would be the same for every crime. But you'll notice a judge will have similar cases in front of him. And he'll give different verdicts. Write different sentences, one will get five years one will get 10 years one will get time off. Right. And one will get you know, no bail, and no no room for clemency. And the other one's gonna get pardoned. Does that happen? Yeah. Because? And is that all still

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within the law? Yes, it is. Because law isn't just about the rules. It's the rules, and the person put in charge to make the execution makes the judgments? Right. There's this famous judge, I think he's up north somewhere because I can tell from his own name, Massachusetts, very old man, very wise, very lenient, and have YouTube videos of him where you know, somebody's got a speeding ticket or cross the stop sign. And he's very, he shows a lot of clemency to them. Right? He shows us the first time you should, you know, be more careful, etc, is very merciful judge, and people love to see that from, and there could be someone else who can take that one opportunity and just wreck

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somebody. Right? So they see him as a kind of judge that shows leniency. So they're appealing to that side of his insane, could you please take this into consideration. And given that you kind of like us, and have given us some special considerations. Maybe we're hoping that you can also, you know, go go a bit easy on us this time. Now, the thing is Yusuf Ali Salaam has created this scenario, and then it becomes more and more obvious that he's created the scenario, in collaboration with his youngest brother, he and his brother are in on this scheme. The brother isn't surprised. Because if he's surprised and he starts screaming, I didn't do it. Right. And that's not gonna, the

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plans not gonna work. So they have to make it work. I'm getting distracted. What's going on? Hi. Okay. So, so when when he says in that when they say in a neurochemical machine, we see you from those that do do really good. It's interesting. This is the second time you you see this phrase, said to use a phrase from the two guys in prison who wanted their dream interpreted, needed something from they said, we see you as someone who does a lot of good. And now he's in this position. And they say you, we see you as someone who does a lot of good. And this is not an accident. These are called echoes. And I call them echoes, like exactly the same words repeated.

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Right? These are, it's an echo of a previous statement. Like Wait, I've heard this before. Somebody said this to us before. And it was those two guys in prison that said it before. And now we're hearing an echo of that here. This is, what would that mean? Well, if you look at it By comparison, you've got yourself in a position where he's completely and utterly powerless. He's a cellmate in a prison, and now he's the most powerful man in all of Egypt. So he's in the lowest possible position a human being can be, and then he's in the highest possible position a human being can be in Egyptian society. Yes. In life, that's the lowest you can have. That's

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If you can have, right. And in both those scenarios, anybody who observes him sees that he does good.

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Isn't that something incredible, they say money changes people, power changes people, your situation changes you, you know, you get too big for your own good. That would happen. And here you have use of police. I'm not telling people I'm the same as I always was. People themselves are testifying that you're the same as you always were. They don't even know his past. And they see him as a person. And people didn't even know him in prison. They just observed them and said he's a Martian. What that tells you is character is not a product of your circumstances.

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Solid character that's based on our faith, if sun and by the way, that word this, these two echoes, are echoes of a statement of Allah, what Quranic energy and mercy that's what Allah said, that is how we compensate those who do their very best. Those who do axon. So when when someone lives by axon to Allah, then their circumstances difficulty ease a prison cell, a government office, it doesn't change their son, it doesn't change their principles, they have more opportunity to do good, or they have less opportunity to do good. But whatever the good they can do, they will do whatever way in which they can help, they will help. And that's actually what they're banking on. This is a

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man who will help people any opportunity he gets any chance he gets. And so we're going to try to, you know, use that and because now you ask, you would ask what's their motivation? Well, their motivation is if they go back to father, they've already you know, human, you know, stabbed the father in the back so badly that even when he was letting Binyamin go, and a Salaam he said, are you going to do to him? Well, I should trust you, like I did with you. So he said that to them. And now they're going to go back and say what?

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So you know, the whole thing about us keeping him safe? And yeah, well, that didn't happen. He stole

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he stole? I know, why does he not know when you mean? Does he not know that? And if you say that it runs on that side of the family, let me tell you, the why. Why would jacobellis um love them more. The Bible's answer might be they come from the same mother, he loved her more, therefore he loves them more. That would not be the Quranic answer. The Quranic answer will be a father will have special love and consideration for a child that shows special promise and character that shows goodness. And it's even harshness. When a father is a disciplinary, that's also a kind of love. But you can't be encouraging to someone who keeps on doing bad things. They need tough love. And when

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someone's doing good thing, they need good things. They're doing it they need encouragement, so they can keep on going. So the fact that he gives him all kinds of encouragement actually means Binyamin has very high character. Right? And that's why jacoba sam loves him. We think of Yahuwah a Salaam is a fair man, obviously, the fairest of all people were prophets. So there's no way he was partisan towards some of his kids, because of what wife they were born from. That doesn't work. That's not that's an allegation against jacobellis. So what wouldn't, what would work, what would work is this child has reasons to be lovable, and to be liked and to be stabbed more time spent with him, and he

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himself is willing to spend more time. It's not like Yahuwah is denying those other sons of his time and attention. They don't want it. They just don't want anybody else to have it. I'm almost reminded of kids that you buy them all kinds of toys, and then never play with them, until somebody comes over.

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And when somebody comes over that all of a sudden become No, this car is my favorite.

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And as soon as they leave,

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not my favorite anymore, it was just my favorite because I don't want to use it. But it burns me when you use it hurts me right here. I don't need that love.

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I don't need this respect. I don't need to spend time with him. But it really irks me when he spends time with you.

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You know, it's not like they improve their relationship with their dad. You know what I mean by the common Sally, hey, they said to themselves, once you get rid of yourself, we'll be good people. Once he's gone, you'll see that's not the case. Actually. They're not any better to him. In fact, they cause him even worse, because they're down even more and the the contrast has to be kept in mind because here they are trying to convince us of we're looking out not for Binyamin, who's got a thief thievery problem, a stealing problem, a shoplifting habit, but rather we're looking out for our dads who we care about so much. Oh, no, you don't know you do not but actually some part of them does

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care let's balanced. It's not like they don't care at all. They know they're going to be in all kinds of trouble with dad when they go back. And some part of them still the father's an old man. He has no physical power over them. He has no material or you know, financial power over them. He just he's the father figure. And his disappointment is actually something scaring them for once. So even and this is another

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of influence, somebody may not have influence over you because they can hurt you physically, or hurt you socially or hurt you and you know, financially, they have no other influence over you, except that they're your parent. Or there's someone you looked up to. Even if you have a rough relationship with them, there's still a degree of influence, you can't let go off. And that scares them, that they're gonna get yelled at by dad, or dad's gonna be so disappointed in us, or he's gonna actually call us a liar. Again, we're gonna have to go through that again. So they make this case to us. And now, for the conclusion of today's session, we're going to read it number 79. And that's use of

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brilliant response. He says, Carla, he said, maravilla, I cling to a law for refuge, which is remarkable words, because that's all he's done his entire life. And actually, he did that the first time his brothers threw him into the pit. He was thinking to a law for refuge. And when the, when the wife of the minister was going to throw him into sin, He clung to a love of refuge. And then all those years in prison, he clung to a love of refuge. And now he says, I claim to love for refuge my other life, he calls it out. And this is, you know, rough translation would be God for God forbid. But what is he What? People need refuge with him? What does he need refuge for? I seek refuge that I

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would be an unfair judge.

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I claim to a lover refuge against the the evil potential of my own power.

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Because when I have power, power itself is my enemy. It can destroy me. It can become something I get drunk on. And I do wrong. And I don't even consider that allies watching. I want to hold on to a love for protection when I'm weak. He says I'm gonna hold on to a love for tech for protection when I'm strong. You see the remarkable language here? Why would you see someone starving could say I claim to allow someone in danger would say I claim to Allah. He was in the in the room with the minister's wife running from sin. And he was clinging to a lot. That's when he said my other law. And now he's saying my other life sitting on the throne.

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That's, that's a son. That's excellence. Your relationship with a law didn't change. And the what you fear will take you away from Allah has changed. What he feared inside the ministers house was different. What he fears now sitting on the throne is different. Now it's a different kind of temptation. There was lust before there's power now. I can just make whatever judgments I want. So he says, look at the power the beauty of his words. He says, I cling on to Allah. And not hold on in manhwa Jelena Mata Anna and the who that we would take anybody, meaning we would arrest or confine anybody except the one with whom we found our goods, our matar. So I seek Allah's refuge that I

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would arrest the wrong person for the wrong crime.

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But he doesn't say arrest. And he didn't say thief. He said, Listen carefully. I seek Allah's refuge that I should take anybody except though we should take anybody or hold on to anybody, except the one we found our goods with.

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So when you say we found our goods with you,

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if I say I found my pen with you, right, or I found my keys with you.

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I'm not necessarily calling you a thief, am I the precision of the languages, I'm gonna hold on to the one who we're gonna hold on to the person we found our goods with, without actually calling him a thief. And still speaking the truth. It's very precise language, he didn't say we should arrest or we will only hold on to the thief. If you call him a thief, who we found our stuff with. Then he uses the word we which can be interpreted in two ways. One, it could be that royalty speaks, as we say he's in the position of Kingdom and authority. So he says we will not take anyone except the one who we found our things with. Right? So he's talking about himself, but talking in the UI that also

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has a side implication that I speak on behalf of all of us. I speak on behalf of the security guards, the ministers the administration advocating when I say we it is all of our voices as one coming out of my mouth. That's what we can also mean the Royal we can suggest we as an empire have spoken, not just me as a person that spoken we as Egypt are speaking. Right. The other interesting thing, another way of looking at this is that there are a bunch of people around the police surrounded them remember, the authorities are all in on it. And usually you have top down, you know, the one who has the authority he speaks and everybody else listens. But it's like he brings

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everybody in and say we have laws and regulations here. We don't take anyone except the one we've found the bag with and all the cops are like yeah, we don't do that around here.

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Like to us. You understand. He brought everybody in on this as if to say I abide by the regulations like everybody else. This applies to all of us is bigger than me.

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This is all of us. And the other really interesting

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play on words here could be that has just slipped suggested I was like, Hmm, maybe. And that is that maybe he's when he says we, he's saying me and my brother. I seek Allah's refuge. Me and my brother aren't going to take anybody except we've The one who found the bag with meaning this is our plan, but we ain't telling you in direct words we're telling you and I'll say it indirect words in that. And the other side, you know, just subtleties in the language.

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Madonna was at dinner. Mata Anna Anga, who we found our things with him matar also an Arabic means enjoyment,

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means things. It also means what enjoyment Yusuf Ali Salaam has enjoyed the company of his brother

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and mother Anna in the play on words Also, I'm not giving up someone I found so much enjoyment with.

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Because we found our Mata with him, meaning in his company,

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matter, I can also mean something to utilize, something to put to use. So it could also mean we're not we're not going to take anybody except the one we're going to put to use put to use for our plan or plan as part of him. So there's play on words in here that they can't see but use of only sounds dropped it all on them. Inside just the words illamasqua Jana Mata Anna and of course with Anna more explicitly, everybody's hearing it, what are they here, the cup, the refound our cup. It's also interesting without Anna, the cup could be my cup, but he's saying our cup. So it could be the Royal we or he could also be seeing even this cup that I drink from, that the government has provided me

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isn't my personal property, it's our property.

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So it's kind of like this personal responsibility thing that that you find here. Something that I want to highlight here that I only started alluding to remember, I talked about the law and the judge, and how a judge can be lenient with the law, right. There are times where a judge is expected to be lenient. And there are other times where a judge is supposed to be by the letter is supposed to execute, and sometimes even mercilessly execute, execute the judgment of the book. Why? Because if he keeps on being lenient, although people do, like if every time people run a red light, the judge forgives, the judge forgives, the judge forgives, guess what's gonna happen, there won't be

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any different left difference left in that town between a red light and a green light. You understand, because there's no consequences. So you sometimes you have to have consequences. And this is also a matter of impression people are watching. People have seen the use of has been really good to them. And you don't want to give that example now. He's even taking that into consideration where they got off the hook Now again, but of course he has his own agenda behind it. He says in either love or the moon, we in that case would be wrongdoers, if we did that if we give preferential treatment to you, or if we put somebody else crime with someone else punishment with somebody else,

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then we would be doing wrong. I'm also another interesting echo in the Quran. When the first time my other mother law was used in the minister's house when he said I claim to refuge with a law.

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He also said in a hula you for your honeymoon. wrongdoers don't ever succeed. That's the statement that he made. He started with my other law and ended wave volleyball and don't succeed. Here the statement began my other law and it ends in either Lavalle moon if we did that we would be wrongdoers. So there's a interesting subtle connection being made in this surah between these two concepts, the concept of seeking a loss protection

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with being a wrongdoer. There's a connection being made between these two things. Now, what could that connection be? In very explicit terms? It would be I seek a less protection, not just from evils, I seek less protection, because if I don't, I will become a wrongdoer.

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Nobody is nobody's free from that possibility.

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Unless I hold on to a law unless I see protection with a law. Nobody's above it. That was a coup and forsaken. don't declare yourselves spiritually cleansed, that you're self righteous, and you can do wrong, what we'll be going into he knows better. Whoever has the plot. So he says in that is a lovely moon in the in that case, we would actually be wrongdoers. And actually, there's also a play on words here. We're not the ones that are wrongdoers, and our brother isn't the one who's wrong, your words are misplaced. You calling him a thief and his family thieves is misplaced. Your wrongs to our father are misplaced. And if you think I'm doing some kind of wrong to our Father, you should

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look in the mirror. You're the ones that are wrong, and if I did something, I'm only doing it for the volunteer and not to ask

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Took a vote to the wrongdoing. I'm doing it for the wrongdoing to end. But it's all encoded inside of his words. Basically what this is telling us is as, as kind as user friendly Salamis, he gave a principled response to them. This is how it's going to be, I'm not going to do wrong for you. That's not happening. And they're pleading and they're begging and it's not happening. The last thing I want to share with you with today's brief session, is the contrast. And the contrast is in the beginning, you found that they were so proud that they were unnatural. Now notice button, we are a powerful band. So their arrogance came from them being this huge number. And it took so much pride

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in it that even if you accept the evil eye theory of going from different gates, he said you guys are to show he go from what different gates, right. And now they are coming to the Minister and the minister who was all alone and isolated, and being beaten, tossed in a ditch. He's the one that says national.

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He's the one that says we will take whoever we found our things with, and we would be wrongdoers otherwise. So he's speaking in the way and they're the ones isolated. It's been it's been flipped power, the shift of power has been illustrated even by the use of pronouns in this remarkable is so now inshallah, here we've you know, I've got a couple more out to do. I haven't decided neither shape nor I, whether or not we're going to go to end number 81 tomorrow or just one hour tomorrow because it is a long ayah. But then again, you know, 79 to 80, or 80 to 81 are all connected. We'll see but if we do finish that tomorrow, then on Wednesday, we'll do a comparison with the biblical

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narrative up until now and then move on inshallah Tada. So with that in shall conclude for today's brief conversation. Also just wanted to make a quick announcement. I'm working on setting up for teaching Arabic. I've made the announcement on Facebook a couple of weeks ago, and I'm the preparations are very much underway. I know I haven't given you guys details. But even before I give details I've decided to give you guys are a student orientation. Just so it's clear to any of you that are interested in studying Arabic with me what that means, what to expect, what kind of commitment to expect, what kind of mindset to have, what should you have ready, what should you be

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working on right now, all those kinds of questions because at the end of the day, I don't want you to just take part in that because it sounds fun. I need people that are going to be actually committed and stick it out long term. So I'll lay out exactly what the expectations are over the next couple of days. And I've you know set up the studio to do that and charlo Donna, so look forward to you know, sharing that with you guys and I hope to see positive response from you, particularly when it comes to them when it comes to language.

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