Nouman Ali Khan – Surah Al-Jumuah #08 Where You Belong

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary ©
The importance of passion and learning in Islam is essential for society, and everyone should have a passion for Islam. The potential benefits of becoming an Islam influencer include helping people to express themselves and share their views. The use of "untlet physical" in the Bible is related to waking up at the age of 50 and the " Buick appointment" is a punishment for a job or promotion. The message of Islam is not imposed on the public, but rather passed on by the King of the Kingdom. sponsorization for students is also key, and the message of Islam is not just a general message, but also a culture message.
AI: Transcript ©
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So when you develop that love of Quran of contemplation of study then the way you're going to start talking about it you're not you're not going to have to take some course on public speaking or how do I you know, you're not your aim is not to become a public speaker the idea is you should be able to speak passionately about something that inspires you

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know having a shiny toy analogy

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when Lady but I failed me in a lawsuit I mean, homea to either Him, He will use a key him What do I need more hormonal kita about when like my

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wedding can Oh, Miriam COVID with Effie and bada mobiIe in rubbish, actually. sobre un Sidley Emery, don't rock determinedly Sandy alcohol, Cody hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Ali, he was asking me about once again everybody is cinematical tonight, Ricardo before I go on, I really want to appreciate the energy of the audience mashallah, you guys are making me really happy hamdulillah May Allah preserve all of you, protect you, and grow you in your own relationship with the Quran and make your people up to the book and of study of the Quran that brings light to every part of your life? And may Allah make your learning of the Quran easier and easier and easier for you, and just

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guide you in every decision you make in your lives. Okay, anyway, so it also makes me really happy to see so many young people, this has an unusually high concentration of youth Hamdulillah. So that means the you know, Europe's got some spark. Mashallah,

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actually, before I start, one of the one of the, the hopes I have, one of the real dreams that I have for European Muslim communities, which I think can bring so much higher for generations, is that

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I want to see youth emerge, men and women emerge from here that are well accomplished in their own careers. So they're, whether they're MBAs, engineers, doctors, whatever they are, they are, but at the same time, they're very well educated in Allah's book, at the same time, and they're articulate enough that they can actually speak intelligently about Allah's book from faculty how to nuts, they can do that. And that's not an impossible task. Just you know, you don't have to become a scholar in every field of Islam. But we have to generalize at least the minimum bare minimum knowledge of Islam, which to me is the word of Allah is the starting point knowledge of Islam, because this is

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where Islam literally started. I started with this, right. And I would wish that every Ramadan, and every year, there's actually even series de Roos going on and not even done by the Shu youth, but under the guidance of the scholars and the Imams. But the young men and women are actually creating their own study circles, where they're actually going through the entire Quran. And they're studying the entire and they're able to speak articulately about to Quran and share lessons from the Quran. And every year they can deepen their own learning and help others deepen their learning of the Quran because reading, reading a translation of the Quran is a completely different experience than

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sitting and listening to the Quran being explained, they are worlds apart. And the more you feel passionate about the Quran, the more passionately you'll be able to speak about the Quran. And that passion is infectious. You know, you see people talk about sports that love sports, and you just even if you don't like sports, you want to listen to the guy. Because they love it so much the way they talk about it, like I want to hear what this is, you know, there are people that that love cars, and they love whatever subject and just the way they speak about it, it just oozes out of them. Right. So that when you develop that love of Quran of contemplation of study, then the way

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you're going to start talking about it, you're not you're not going to have to take some course on public speaking, or how do I you know, you're not your aim is not to become a public speaker or an influencer. Most influencers are influenced or under the influence. But but

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but the idea is that you want to become a public figure. The idea is you should be able to speak passionately about something that inspires you. That's all it is. And that that can happen in your living room with your friends with your family. It doesn't have to be a tick tock page it doesn't have to be like a YouTube video. But that's not the only way to communicate with humanity and unfortunately now that's become almost like you know, I just I want to become more famous online. I want to give something and I keep criticizing this idea people become like makeup influencers online and workout influencers and nutrition influencers. And now the new thing among youth is I want to

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become a hijab influencer or a beard and so I don't know what what it's like Islam influencer, but it's basically the desire isn't Islam the desire. The thing in capital letters is the influencer part. Not the Islam part. Right

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Since I really want I'd love the attention. I love the engagement. I love the growing followers. I love the comments. But I love how you say, and for the sake of Allah wanna give you guys some advice, this really good advice for you that I'm giving in my filtered camera.

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That's going to be really, really beneficial for you. And I'm just doing this for the sake of alive and I'm going to keep checking the comments for the sake of Allah.

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Anyway, who under the basophil Amina Rasulullah Minho, this is one of the most powerful ayat of the Quran, describing the mission of the prophets of Allah where they were going to take it bit by bit and it doesn't matter how long it takes us for this if we're going to give our due to the sign this idea would be in my opinion, if this surah is a building, the pillar that holds this entire building together is desire. This is the heart of the entire Surah okay of the time and homeschooler anyway, he is the one who who will Lesiba so the sooner the IR begins with he, referring to Allah. It didn't have to begin like that it could just say, but as I fill me in also the men whom he appointed among

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the unlettered a messenger among them, that's the phrase in the beginning, he raised meaning Allah raised among the unlettered people, the uneducated people, a Messenger from among them, that's the phrase we're working on. But Allah said, He is the one who raised one of the Basa. This it's not this reference to Allah in this way, is forcing us to go back and say, He's making us connect this idea to the previous idea, he introduced himself to us in the previous hire, the one to whom everything does this be, because he is a medical produce Aziz and Hakeem is the same one, with those names and with everything doing to speak of him. With that in mind, think about the fact that he

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appointed a messenger among the unlettered people, the King of all kings, raise the messenger among these people. But let's, let's now focus on the word raised the alpha, but as it is used for batha, who may know me he to raise somebody to wake somebody up from their sleep. This is why it's used also for the young will birth, the day of waking up, meaning the Day of Resurrection, because death is a kind of sleep. Right? So it by extension, it became the Day of Resurrection in Bertha visade you get up, sometimes you get up and you don't really get up. You know what I'm talking about? You get up here.

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And in your mind, you're like, Yes, I'm getting up. I'm getting up. Come on, get up. Yep, just count to 50.

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Because five is too quick, right?

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Or if you're if your wife wakes up, okay, you turn the light on, I'm coming. I'm coming. Yep.

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So you're, you're not really a button. Sometimes you get up and you're just,

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you're just like, you know, just get up. And that's called MBR Mbatha save, when you rush and get up and you start walking, frankly, you just jump with a spring in your step. That's mbls.

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the word Bertha, this is it says on the title, but I thought with and without varying prepositions. So let me explain what this means this is not so complicated. In English, you have a verb like give, right? But if you say give up, it's totally different meaning, right? If I say give in slightly different meaning, right? So, giving has a certain meaning, but giving up doesn't mean giving up.

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It means quitting. So when you when some verbs when you add a preposition up, in this case, it completely changes the meaning of the word, you understand this. So language is kind of like chemistry. In that sense. This was one element give when you added this other element, this other chemical up, it created a reaction then a new meaning was created. This is why you cannot learn languages only from the dictionary. You know what good means. You know what up means? And when your friend comes to you and says, I give up on this friendship. You say okay, well I give down on this friendship then.

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You think he's leveling up on the friendship?

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Because you can't look at the dictionary and figure that out. You have to know that language is a verb an action comes with preposition sometimes and then new meaning is created the word Botha which means to appoint or to raise comes with a number of prepositions it could be Botha, Isla, like in the Quran. For my basket I'm embody him Musa Biya Tina Illa farang. Some have asked me about the Hebrew shouldn't either call me him. For us who had the Combi What if what if we can have the he in El Medina T Baba Illa Bertha Illa Illa which means send someone to, you know, raise someone appoint someone to do this mission. So if I say for example, I choose you to go get my car or something like

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that. Then that's by Thank you

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You know, when I give somebody a job towards a task, okay, I choose someone for that. You know, sometimes a teacher in the classroom tells one of the students Okay, come up on the board and write this. This is as bad ILA has been chosen. Get up and now do this for the tours this mission Okay, now, then there's Bertha Isla Bashar la comunidad de la another preposition with the same word. That means Allah chose someone or you when you command someone to beat someone else.

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Like I impose someone on you. Like if the police she says he sees some people that are some teenagers that are making noise, and the police officer says You three go take care of that. That's bass bass at home, I lay him he took them and he impose them on those other people. Okay, so he made so when you when you assign someone to beat somebody up or to overpower somebody to impose on somebody, right that's either like you know, if a general commands martial law in a nation, and he's taking his army and he's doing bad either the population Okay, so battle geonode alumnus either sharp Okay, guys, sorry for the interruption in the middle of this lecture. Just before you

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continue, I want to let you know and encourage you that I want you to sign up for being a and help other sign up or even sponsor students for being a So we can create worldwide communities of students that are studying the meanings and the benefit and the wisdom of the Quran. And are insha Allah Allah spreading that in their own circles, thanks so much. Then there is fee, which is what's being used in the saya huella, the Basa fee, it's not ILA, it's not either. So if it was either, that would mean the mess the mission of the profit solution is towards these people call the mean which we will discuss. That's the mission Allah is sending you to them.

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But then, if it was Allah, it would mean Allah is sending him as a punishment on them.

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That will be other but Allah didn't use Allah He didn't use either he used fi Bertha fill me in now what is fi do, Fi actually means to choose someone who will be within them.

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So he raises someone from within them. In other words, for example, when you when you

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choose a leader, but you don't choose a leader from the outside, you choose leader from within the group. But I feel mean actually means He raised up from within them, from in their society, from in their families, from in their culture within them where he was mixed with it, he ate with them, he he interacted with them, he was friends with them, his family with them, everybody knew him. He knew everybody. And he was a part of that society. And from within them he raised. So but as a fellow mean is, you know what they call it. Embedded journalists, right? When you embed a journalist, they're living with the villagers, they're living with the soldiers. They're in the camp, they're

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not coming from the outside they have to live in, right. So he, he's not embedded he was actually raised from within them. And this leads us to understand the difference between the word out of Salah, which is used for messengers, he sent messengers, and now he's saying he raised the messenger. When you say sent, that means sent from somewhere else. Right, the King used to send an announcer to make the announcement to the village here ye all of you must pay double taxes, and then he would go away. He comes dressed differently. He comes dressed in the royal clothes, he comes on a royal horse, he comes with his soldiers and guards, he comes to the village makes the announcement

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and goes away that that guy's job was to be a Rasul a messenger of the king. But he comes from the outside, right? Allah sends this messenger, he's a messenger of Allah, His Messenger of the King of kings, but he didn't send him from outside. He raised Him from within them, he raised them from within them. And this was Allah's unique Kingdom, where he doesn't need to send a messenger from the outside, he will choose the messenger from within that society. And this is a really powerful thing because Allah wanted his message to be understood by the people, not something that's being imposed on them. Allah could have sent an angel that would look scary and powerful, and he would descend and

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he would recite some Quran on the people, everybody will go, yes, no, here well, we just had an experience from God. Nobody mess with that. And just to just to show you what we can do, if you mess with us here, raise a mountain for them and drop it down. Next time it will drop on you.

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And Allah has done that with Israelites before NetworkManager gonna focus on God now vola that he raised the mountain above them like it was a shadow above them. He's done that already.

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He could have done that with the instead of sending Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam and raising them from among him from among the people, he could have sent a messenger from the outside, he's got his base, his angels are also called Rasul. By the way Gibreel is also a Rasool, okay. Or Rasulullah Amin in the Quran. That's one of His Names. Salah could have sent him but he says no I, the King of Kings decided to take among the unlettered people and raise among them a messenger raised among them, meaning, okay, now there's two things.

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There's your raised among the people, and you are from a people. So you are living among them is one thing, and you are from them as another thing.

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I learned this I don't not sure if it's true of you guys. But I learned this in my few days here in Germany, that sometimes you meet some Germans who might tell you that you may be born in Germany. You may have lived in Germany, you may speak German, you may have a German passport, which you're not really German.

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You may be you may be within us. You may be within us, but you're not from us. Okay, you mean you read me within us but you're not from us. So there's this may be a sentiment fee, your your your feeder? But you're not Mina,

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you understand? When are the Bertha, Phil Oh, mean? That's one part. He's within them.

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But there's another part. Maybe even if you're within us, like Bilal was within them,

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without us to live it Live, you know, in the region. He was in Makkah. So he is among them, he's within them, but they don't see him as what? from them. They see him as an outsider. They see him as they don't know from us. When do people accept a message more willingly? When a person is from within them, and from them? Because people have bias? People? This is that how can we trust someone who's not really from us? He sounds like us each like us. Drinks like us, you know acts like us? Well, he's not really from us. It's not really well, but if someone is truly from you, then that becomes a much more acceptable messenger, isn't it? Allah says this is actually one of Allah's

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rules. Well, my Asana members who live in LA, Billy Sani call me. Allah never sent a messenger except by the in the language of his own people. There are people and listen doesn't just mean language. This also means culture. Right? So the language and culture of those people, he understood their lingual lingo, by the way, you couldn't be from old people, like some of you may be from Turkish origin, or Albanian origin. Somebody may be from Indonesian origin, Malaysian origin, and you were raised your dad or your grandpa moved to Germany, and you've been here for a couple of generations. So even though you're from Albania, you're not in Albania. And even if you go back to

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the home country for a little bit, even though you're genetically from them, you don't feel like you fit. You're kind of weird. Like, you sound funny when you talk their language and they sound you know, you're like, wow, I want to go home.

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Okay, I mistook God.

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Then you come back, and you come back, and then you say, Okay, you are, you are, you are fee us. But you're not mean us. And when you go there, they say you're mean us, but you're not fie as to come on.

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I'm split in half, which Where do I belong? Where do I fit? Right? So this is what a messenger is being sent, who is within them? And he's actually also from the you know what that means? There's no excuse left for these people to be able to listen to him.

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For there's no, there's no external factors that say, I don't know if I can relate to this man. He's just he's giving some message that I can't even understand I can't even relate to it. Because what does he know about our culture? What does he know about our family? You know, people say well, how can an outsider treat teach us so Allah says He sent him among the Amin from within them and this is something Allah didn't have to do. Allah, the King of kings and Aziz al Malik and Aziz Allah didn't have to do that. Allah could send his all kudos he could send Rohan kudos himself. You know, but Allah saw in his hikma that he wants this messenger to actually be raised from among now they see

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him from his childhood. Yeah, when they see him from his childhood, and one day, he decides to Allah decides to make him a messenger. They could say to him, oh, yeah, you're a messenger. Now, we saw what you were doing last year.

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We still have some recordings when we played for you. This is what you were doing last year.

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I remember five years ago at that party

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but they know him since the beginning don't they? And they know that his record is completely what is completely clean. When somebody makes a big claim like that you would go after their background like you know Musa alayhis salam when he came back and he declared that he's a prophet fit on set oh you

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That's funny.

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Oh, I kill people you don't kill people

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do certain font the font ethic and that the font. He throw it in his face, right? Because one of the reasons to reject Musa was he has something in his past. About Rasulullah Salallahu Alaihe Salam Allah says, Oh ma sua hippo can be Majnoon. Look at the best to feed Komamura you're the one who has lived among you this entire time. It's not insane. Allah tell them I have lived my entire life with you. This is fi calm. This is feat of on film mean. Okay, so that's a little bit that's an important distinction now.

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So they've already come everyone there are almost 50,000 students around the world that are interested on top of the students we have in studying the Quran and its meanings and being able to learn that and share that with family and friends. And they need sponsorships which is not very expensive. So if you can help sponsor students on Vienna TV, please do so and visit our sponsorship page. I appreciate it so much. And pray that Allah gives our mission success and we're able to share the meanings of the Quran and the beauty of it the world over

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