Nouman Ali Khan – Hitting Women The Ayah and Beyond

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The history of Islam is discussed, emphasizing the importance of understanding the word Islam and not trying to be like a different person. The speakers stress the importance of speaking the truth and not harming others' feelings, as it is a commitment to the prayer. The use of "naada," "naada," "naada," and "naada," in Arabic language is discussed, along with the importance of standing up for oneself and others. The speakers also emphasize the need for men to be true to themselves and not let their emotions influence their decisions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hamdu lillahi polical would you live in a ladder? With Jerry the newly minted golem are mostly just subliminal LM Pobol kotoba T and another finance guru who Alan masa AB can manage guru who either

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want to solve the lawsuit he Lokrum the Charleville Shami when needed

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when Kitab will welcome welcome Allenby in our hot CWD Adam. Allah diva Shalabi here is a new medium, whether it be 30 He Ibrahim alayhis salam in akhirnya rucola a debate Illa Hill Mohan for some Allahu alayhi wa sallam while it's very highly lumen Latina BarakAllahu beam catheter nurse a lot of women whom Elijah

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hamdulillah under the Lumia Villa del Mala mia bella who shared on Facebook when on the upper level, well you may not fully work a bit with Akira hamdulillah Isla de Anza Allah Allah I believe him kita but let me I love

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hamdulillah Allah the Nakamoto understanding the whole when I stopped fiddle when we went to work early when I wrote to be let him in shortly unforeseen moments a year Dr. Molina when he Lahu Philomel Villa homonuclear fellow had yella when a shadow Allah ilaha illallah wa who would actually color want to shadow under Mohamed Abdullahi rasool Allah Allah who died I mean who died within Huck leovera who identified equally waka Fabula he Shahida for some Allahu Allah, he was seldom at the Sleeman Kitsilano kathira. I'm about to put in a hadith he get Ebola. Well, Halo had he had you Mohamed in Salalah alayhi wa sallam were in the shuttle more remote data to have in a cooler more

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data in beta. We're collaborating blah, blah blah. Now,

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Allah azza wa jal came up with a URL to Villa immune shaytani R rajim. arranger Luca Muna let me set up my football Allahu Allahu Allah will be mad and performing and worry him for Solihull to call it out on her for a while to lil baby Mahaffey. Allah will take her phone and show someone a very human robot nephew mobile Jerry, what did you vote for in Atlanta, Kampala, Taku la Inasa villa in Allah Kennedy and cabbie

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publish it. So they were suddenly Emily looked at me recently, Callie, Allah said the tangle multiple Allah, Allah how much I know Mina, Latina Amman or hammerless it has both of us will be happy. What also be something I mean, I've been I mean,

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in the next few harbors, and I don't know how many it will take, I will be speaking with you about a very famous idea. It is famous for all the wrong reasons. It is used in many circles, as a center of controversy in Islam. It is used also by many Muslims, to express their confusion about how Allah could say something like that. It's a famous Ira about hitting women. And this is sort of Nyssa number 34. And, more often than not, when I've heard this Ira being spoken of, I've heard and I've seen explanation or discussion that isn't becoming of the word of Allah. And we can't hide away from what Allah says, We have to understand it, we have to properly declare it and we have to, there are

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a few conditions we have to meet as believers in Allah and believers in the Quran, and believers in the followers of Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So what I'm going to do today is some introductory comments. The purpose of those comments is to recalibrate our minds first and foremost, the right kind of attitude is necessary. And then once we do that, I hope to at least get started on this if this is a very long iron, and I'm probably going to go beyond this iron on to the the remaining out of this passage. So things are placed in a context and we inshallah try to do as much justice as we can, to each of the components of the words of Allah that He has given to us as a

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gift. So first and foremost, we believe as Muslims what Kali Mata Allah He had earlier the word of Allah is the highest, there's nothing higher than the word of Allah. And what that means is for me as a Muslim, that means that I cannot use my own assumptions. I cannot use my own bias. I cannot use my own culture. I cannot use my own new modern sensibilities, I cannot use peer pressure, societal pressure from outside, I cannot use any other force to put put any kind of influence on what I get from the word of Allah. Because the word of Allah is the highest. If, for example, somebody has a real problem with something Allah says, Yeah. And I say, well, these people are going to be very

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offended by what Allah has to say. So maybe I should interpret it in a way that some people are not as offended. Then I put my concern for those people higher than the word of Allah. And then I no longer believe Kalamata Allah He had earlier I no longer believe the word of Allah is in the highest place, because something else became higher. And now the word of Allah has to surrender to this pressure, the social pressure, right? And the social pressure is of two kinds, some

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You know, in this particularly in the context of this idea, some would like to interpret this idea in a way that is not true about the Quran at all. Some would like to justify actions using this if they would like to justify behaviors that the Quran never justified. And others would like to almost apologize for this idea. We're sorry that you know, this is there, let's find a new creative way of interpreting it. So everybody's thinks that we're not so savage. And we're not that bad, right? So there are people that me and these two things, they're both the kind of bias, somebody wants to be abusive. And they have an abusive mindset. And they grew up watching their mother being abused, or

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their aren't being abused. And now they're a husband themselves, and they want to carry on that legacy, because they're scarred by it themselves. And now they're going to find this idea as the perfect weapon to not only do the wrongs that they're doing, but also use the word of Allah for it, you understand. So they can do that if they want. But then again, their anger, their rage, their pride, their cultural bias, their sense of supremacy, all of those things became an earlier right there, tell him I became earlier, not the word of Allah. And on the other hand, somebody says, this is you know, this is so so old time, this doesn't apply in this way. Let's find a new creative

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figurative interpretation of it. That's also our fear talking. That's not you're afraid of people not afraid of Allah. How am I going to stand in front of Allah and Judgment Day, and explain to him that your word did not scare me, but people's opinions of me because I believe in your word that scared me more than what is the point of having empty harbors about the Taqwa of Allah, and the fear of Allah and the conversations about judgment, if we can even be loyal to the word of Allah. That's the first preliminary thing that I wanted to mention to myself and to all of you. So the bottom line is, no matter what is said, if you speak the truth, if you speak the truth, someone will be

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someone will be offended. There is no such thing as speaking the truth and not hurting anybody's feelings. There's no such thing, truth is disliked by someone or the other. And I tell you, what I what I will try to explain about this idea and the subsequent ayat is what I have come to understand to the best of my ability, having discussed the idea with different scholars have done my own having done my own research, language analysis of serious study, textual and contextual analysis, whatever I can do as a human being to try to understand these ayat I have tried to do that, does it mean that I own or have a copyright over the true interpretation of the IRA? That's not what it means. It

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means I have made my best human attempt to understand what Allah azza wa jal is saying, which means I completely stand corrected. Somebody can come along and say, No, you're wrong. For this reason, this reason, and this reason, and that is actually how we grow. Nobody claims that they have the full, complete, perfect understanding. And if someone does, then they have some kind of self righteous pill, they've had fruit in the morning, that I don't seem to have in my possession, I don't have that. So I will try to present something to the best of my ability to the in the most sincere possible way. as unbiased as I can try to be as a human being, we're all biased in the end

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in some way or the other, but as unbiased as I can possibly be, to try and do justice to the word of Allah. But another final comment, an introductory comment about the Quran in general, and that applies to every IR including this one.

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And that is that as a believer, we believe the Quran is a Rama from Allah. Like, Allah gave me life. That's Rama that's loving care from him. Allah give me help, that's loving care from him. Allah gave me the ability to provide for myself that's not from him, Allah give me health that's not from him. But look at me parents, family, you know, some of you got citizenship that's not from him. You know, it will whatever circumstance you have every blessing you and I have had as a result of Allah having Rama on us, and that same rubber bar said, Man, why level Quran, he said, It is a Rockman the exceedingly unimaginably loving and caring one that in fact taught the Quran which which actually,

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many haven't understood, that Allah could have used any one of his names to describe him teaching the Quran but he used a rock man. And what that means is everything he has taught in the Quran is a direct result of his extra overwhelming love and care for you and me, man, woman, child, everyone, every human being. So nothing in the Quran contradicts Allah Zama nothing. That's the that's the if you if you want to understand something with a bias if you want to understand the Quran with a bias. The only bias a believer should have is that this can only be like not from him. This is only he's only saying this because he loves me more than anybody else can love me. He's only saying this

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because he cares for me.

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Anybody can care for me. If I don't have that belief, if somehow in my heart or my mind, I read something that Allah says, and it bothers me and I say, I don't know that sounds a little harsh, or that sounds out of place, or that sounds unfair, or that doesn't sit well with me or I'm uncomfortable with it, then you know what the only thing that can be, the only thing that's possible is my understanding is not in the right place. My mind is not in the right place, or my heart is not in the right place. Because if I have the courage to say, I could have done a better job telling not telling human beings what to do, or I could have had a better rule than it could have been a more

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sensible rule than the one that's here, then I'm somehow claiming that I have more capability of wisdom and like my than Allah xojo does. And we ask Allah for refuge, even thoughts like that, or even thoughts like that. So maintaining the supremacy of the word of Allah is the first thing that I want to highlight. Now on to the ayat themselves, and today's subject is going to be something that I've talked about many years ago, but I will repeat because it's important for the purpose of this series. And that has to do with the fundamental term that defines the relationship between men and women in this ayah Allah says Elijah Lu Kawa, Muna Alan Nisa, that's where the statement is, the

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idea is opening up the Journal of agunah Allah Nisa, those of you that are familiar with the Arabic language, even if you're not original is men and Lisa is women. And between the two, the hub of men's role has been defined in the statement. And the statement is, men are now I won't translate it yet. I'll just say the Arabic column over women, men are a one over women, now we have to really understand the word a one. So we the if we don't understand that we're right, the rest of everything Allah says, will not be set, right? You know how, like, when you're taking a course, if you don't get the proper orientation, you're the rest of its going to be off. If you didn't understand the

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concepts in chapter one, forget the rest of the book. Right? So this the statements that are about to be made in this idea, open with this opening remark. And that remark sets the stage for everything else that is about to be said, everything else is dependent on our understanding of this. And this there are three simple words here men and women nobody has, I don't have to explain to you what a man is, or what a woman is, even though there's lots of debates about it. Oh Chase, but Allah created men and women what

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he did. That's, that's clear to us. The only thing missing now is an understanding of the word Pawan. So a few things about that, just in appreciation of this word. First and foremost, Allah revealed all languages, all of them. Every language that human beings speak across the earth, and have ever spoken, even the ones that are extinct. Now we're all revealed by Allah through Adam and Islam. They're all byproducts of what was given to Adam and Islam and Allah was Allah taught Adam directly and he Salam. So language is considered sacred, from the beginning because Allah Adam and I smell a lot of other elephants Allama Esma, he taught him how to speak Allah Muhammad by and he

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taught the human being speech. So all language is sacred. But within those sacred languages, Allah early on chose certain languages to reveal his words.

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Right, so he chose certain languages for his revelation. So a language that was honored by Allah was the Hebrew language. For example, when torah was revealed to Musa Allison as an example.

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Similarly, of all the languages, Allah honored the Arabic language, just like he honored the Arabic era Prophet it subtle, above all else, because he chose to reveal his final word in the Quran, in the Arabic language, and within the Arabic language, there are 1000s upon 1000s of words and roots, there's a system of roots in Arabic. And he didn't use all of those roots in the Quran, he only chose 2%, if you will, or less of the vocabulary of the Arabic language was used in the Quran. The Quran uses less than 2% of the vocabulary of the Arabic language, you know what that means that 2% of that language is the most special part of the Arabic language because Allah chose those words to

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communicate with us. And within those words, words are connected in Arabic. So what happens you may if you've been listening to me for a while, you know that words in Arabic are connected with this, this amazing system of etymology of root letters, three letters that connect lots of words together. An easy example of that is a Latin which means knowledge. Harlem means someone who has knowledge maloom is something that is known is the alarm is to try to find find out the alarm is to tell somebody something more I live as a teacher who gives information or gives knowledge. All those words are related in the end to what right and there are hundreds of words that can come out of that

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one word, right? And that's one of the qualities and powers of the Arabic language. Well, if we're going to try to figure out the word a one probably have to go back to its essence its source. What did how did the Arabs use the three letters off while in meme? Or some can even argue off

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Er and meme are interchangeable. How did they use them before Islam before?

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Actually, fundamentally, this word was used for standing up, or being awake. So comma to stand up or stand up, right. And they used it as a figure of speech for the market. So they said, Dr. masuk, the market is standing, you know what that meant lots of customers, lots of noise, lots of buying and selling going on the market is active means the market has PM. That's actually what it meant. And when the market is dead, they say it's sleeping, the market is sleeping, or the market has PR. So PR has to do with activity. When things are happening, there's there's and then this word then took on other meanings. It took on the meaning of standing up for something, and being firm on your

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commitment. So for example, what about no other guru, be him his camo. For Kalu, we gave the young people of the cave in that story and sort of, if they were very scared that they have to they were going to get the death penalty for believing in one God, because everybody in their town believed in different gods. And they were defined the king by not worshipping are showing homage to that false god, the statue for which they've built. So now the whole town is standing and they expecting them to explain themselves. Imagine them being in on trial, and the court is there, the cops are there, the security is there. If they say the wrong thing, they get the death penalty. Their parents are

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ashamed of them. Everybody's ashamed of them, the whole town is angry at them. And they have to now speak, you can imagine how nervous someone would be standing in court with the authorities. The whole town, everybody's looking at you angry. And Allah describes that they stood up with firm resolve, they stood up, like strong, calm, fuck Hulu, they rows. And that's how this has been interpreted by MOFA Cillian correctly as Azima. In the azimuth call, they have firm resolving what they're standing up for. And they didn't feel like they shouldn't be intimidated by the crowd. The crowd should be intimidated by the truth that they have to say. So they flip the script, and that's

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that flipping of the script is captured by the word como. This is the same word important in that it is used for what we do in the prayer. We call it a palmata. Salah iqama to Salah why do we call the karma to Salah because we it carries the meaning of commitment to the prayer we're establishing the commitment to the prayer. We're establishing the prayer something that stands upright because beyond actually like I was telling you the beginning is standing upright by the way, the straight path comes from the same origin in a salon Mr. Team off while we're off while me off yeah and Mima interrelated. This the state this the straight path, the upright path, what I'm trying to get across

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to you is that this word is really important in the Quran. It's really, really important in the Quran. This word is also used in certain this up for responsibility, because when you're standing upright, you know how they say nowadays in English and upright citizen and upright citizen, you know what that means, right? Someone who takes responsibility, someone who fulfills their duties, someone who abides by the law is an upright citizen. And so standing upright is actually an image of someone who takes full responsibility. And that's why this word is also used in this little early on, when I talk to sofa and Wila, calm and let the Jain Allah hula comb, Yama, Yama, don't give fools your

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money, the money that Allah has made UPM over. Meaning Allah has made you responsible over that money that you stand up, right and you make the expenses the way you're supposed to make them. You earn the right way and you spend in the right way. So you're done. You're responsible for it. So standing upright, responsible. And finally I get to the most sacred part, Allah has one of Allah's mighty names is actually from this origin. Allahu La ilaha illa who will hire you, a young, a young comes from the same origin. Now, the reason I want to talk about an email to you, that means Allah Himself. By the way, Allah himself describes himself not just as a human, but he also describes

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himself as a human because I am from the same origin again. So multiple times Allah has described himself using this word.

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The reason I'm seeing this before even interpreting or helping you understand the meanings of Khayyam

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is that when we interpret this world, this word, we better be really careful. Because Allah uses words related to this even for himself. You see, it's so sacred, this word, these letters, that they are used for our prayer for the straight path was the theme for commitment. And Names of Allah are associated with it. Names of Allah, a human iron coming from the same origin. So we don't get to loosely translate or interpret this word, because it's a matter of something very, very sacred. And Allah has honored men by

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Using words letters in their Adam ology that are related to one of his own names and put that responsibility on men. He's put that responsibility on men. So Allah has profoundly honored men in this idea by using a shared word for us. So now let's talk about how what does it mean that Allah azza wa jal is okay you and I'll call him or him because mean someone who maintains or stands up for something, when somebody maintain something, and somebody stands up for something, so it won't be as opposed to follow. So if I if I did something, then fine, too. I did it. But if I did something with commitment, and I stood by it, and I saw it through the end home to be the difference. So you could

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say salah, he prayed, but if you say karma Bisola in Arabic karma, the Salah in modern Arabic, they're interchangeable karma Bisola definitely Noma. But there is a difference. The second one of his Salah actually means someone who made the commitment to pray and did right by the prayer. Or even will kiss the description of Allah and the believers again in that in that idea. Allah took the angels the believers and Allah Himself and described himself Shaheed Allahu Allahu La ilaha illa Hua when mela Ikawa. Amen. Bill Christie, and he used that hull form, why he's describing himself as someone who stands by Justice, who stands by and commits to justice, and so do the angels. And so

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those so to those who have been given knowledge.

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Now, let's come to the word awam. And how it's used. awam is used for someone who stands upright, who does the honorable thing, who shows commitment, and who takes responsibility.

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standing upright, doing the right thing, doing the noble thing, doing the dignified thing, when someone's standing upright, you know what that means they don't bend easily. They don't bend easily. They don't come into pressure, they don't let their anger make decisions. They don't let their fear make decisions. They take they understand their responsibility and their role. And the decisions they make are based on that responsibility. They don't listen to something from one year, get emotionally influenced, and then do things that go against standing upright. So an example of that would be i You can't I can't listen to my wife and then take a stand against my mother because my

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wife will be happy. Because now now my wife is filling my ear. And now I'm going after my mom. And I can't listen to my mom and go after my wife. Because now I'm not calling him. I'm taking sides. I'm leaning this way, and I'm leading that way. Right? So the idea of Kalaam and this is the seehotel mobiles AThon actually suggests men that stand up for the right thing over and over and over again and the Allah could have said, or Regina to call a Muna or immune Elisa, but it's a Kawa, Muna Alania, this sea otter Numana, and one of the hyperbolized form, what does it suggest here, that men will be challenged, that it's not going to be something that men are just born genetically upright,

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it's not gonna be like that, or you were upright in one decision means you're upright for the next decision, you're going to have to stand up again, and stand up again and stand again and your Pm is going to be challenged every decision, it's going to be challenged every day, you have to maintain it over and over and over and over again, it's not a passive thing. It's not a passive thing. So it's kind of an injustice from a literary standpoint, to simply say, men are responsible for women, or men or maintainers. Over women, men are committed, responsible, and repeatedly demonstrating their responsibility and their maintenance and their care over women. In fact, the universe is in

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existence, from one from one second to the next, this building is not collapsing, because Allah is a human over this building. Because Allah is KU, he maintains its existence, he maintains us to remain in existence, that's part of the meaning of art and someone who maintains something and doesn't let it fall apart. And that's why when you erect a building, it's a comment will be not when you you bring bring it up, that's a commercial winner. And then after that you are Mr. Lahey, your take making sure it stays, it doesn't fall apart. So what does that mean that we are constantly responsible for taking care of women, and there's a there's a direct meaning here. And there's

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what's called in Bella studies and Marani Awani secondary meanings, so that we have to appreciate both throughout the entire study. The first meaning is husbands are responsible over their wives. That's the first it seems very contextually obvious. This is talking to husbands. And it's talking about how they have to be with their wives, our Mona Lisa, they have to care for them. They have to provide for them. They have to protect them. They have to maintain their well being they have to maintain their emotional well being their financial well being their physical well being. They have to maintain their social well being they have to honor them, they have to teach them to be all of

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that came under column and then they said you're responsible now. You're responsible and that's this month.

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seem anti, you know, a new age everybody's equal men and women are equal in every single way. That's great i if somebody is offended by what I have to say, I'm completely okay with that I will share with you what I understand from the book of Allah. I'm not talking about the superiority or inferiority about anybody. But in Islam, it is very clear that men have been given a mandate to be the caretaker, they have been given the mandate to take responsibility over women. Notice I didn't use the word authority, I use the word responsibility. Right? I didn't use authority, I used responsibility, because in the entire etymology of the Arabic language, the word karma has nothing

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to do with authority. It has to do with responsibility. So understanding from this man or the authority over women, is absurd. authority comes from elsewhere. That's a separate discussion, who's the meat of the house is a separate discussion. That is not the discussion in this IRA. Don't bring into this is something Allah didn't say, we have to speak the truth, whether we like to hear it or not. And when somebody gets offended, what are you saying? So men have no authority? No, that's what you're saying. That's what you're implying. You want to get jumpy about it. You want to get you know, look, a little bit rattled about it and triggered that I'm trying to say something I didn't

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say that's on you. But I have to, and we have to be as honest with the word of Allah no matter who gets triggered, no matter who gets offended, somebody, some a female might get offended. What do you mean, they're responsible, what I'm not responsible, if you want to take that and run with it, that's up to you, I still have to do and you still have to do as much justice as we can to the word of Allah as it has been set. So the point here is men have been given responsibility over women and the first implication is husbands or wives. But there are secondary and tertiary implications. Brothers are responsible for their sisters. Sons are responsible for their mothers, fathers are

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responsible for their daughters. We have irresponsible responsibility to the women in our lives, all of them, not just our spouses. And they also depend many times for emotional support, emotional protection, financial protection, physical protection, social protection from a mother can expect that from her son, a sister can expect that from her brother catchy. So we have to take that role of Calum and apply it across the board. And this This is a very powerful reality. It's a powerful reality because in saying so that's the secondary meaning, not the primary, the secondary meaning. What that does is it makes me understand as a man that Allah created me as a slave of his and he

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gave me certain responsibilities. He made me responsible for the prayer. He made me responsible for, you know, paying my zakat. He made me responsible for earning halal, and I'm answerable to Allah for all of those things, everything he put responsibility on me, I'm answerable to him. So when he made me responsible for women, he made me responsible for making sure they're okay for maintaining or doing right by them but using Gondolin. That means just like Allah will ask me about my prayer. Allah will ask me about the women in my life, he'll ask me about my mother, he'll ask me what my sister more directly who asked me about the spouse. This is why there was also salam says Heydo,

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complete only Allah, He, the best of you are the ones that are the best of their family. The best of you're the ones that are the best of their family. This is where the idea began. And, you know, the the sad the tragedy of the CYA, at least what we've done with this IRA, the IRA began by putting a huge responsibility on who, on men.

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And how now you we have the audacity to think this idea is about putting men at an advantage.

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You know, benefits are not being discussed here. You know, what's being discussed here, responsibility, and we flipped it instead of taking responsibility. We've turned this idea into men have rights because they have the authority over when your rights are there, my rights are there, there are certain certain things in which I do, in fact, have authority as politically incorrect as that might sound and that will come under discussion too. But let's take one phrase at a time and properly understand it sincerely as the slaves of Allah. So he starts by saying, or Ricciardo our Muna Allah Nisa, the next phrase inshallah and index haba Bhima. fumble Allahu Bamba whom Allah Baum

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and then we'll be back in philippou minim one that will be our task next time inshallah Tada I pray that Allah azza wa jal gives me the ability to be clear in my speech, and to be able to communicate these things to you in a way that pleases Allah, and that you're able to take the best of what I say, and be able to apply it in your lives. May Allah make us those that live by the Word of Allah and short show loyalty to Allah and His messenger and everything that we do and overlook our mistakes and our shortcomings of the past and that we're able to rise to the occasion and show Allah azza wa jal that we are still his sleeves returning back to him and Toba and correcting our race

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BarakAllahu li Walakum Quran Hakeem when a family yeah, it was lucky

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hamdu Lillahi wa Kapha wa Salatu was Salam ala anybody living stuffer also salah of Medina, Mohammed Ibrahim Mohamed El Amin while he was happy Jumari Allah azza wa jal FICKY tambien Kimba an Akula Arab the bIllahi min ash shaytani R Rajim in Allah Allah Malika Julio Soluna ala Nabi yeah you already know Amano Sallu alayhi wa sallam Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed Keymaster later Hello, everybody my enemy in Majid Allahumma barik ala Muhammad Ali Muhammad

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Ali Brahim enemy in Muhammad Majid about Allah Rahim Allah. If the whole lot in the La Jolla model gladly will send you the quarterback when hand fascia you will not go what are the Colet Allah who you know might have known of can be Salah in the salata kind of Allah Medina kita Makuta

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