Nouman Ali Khan – Relying on Allah

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept of the concept
AI: Transcript ©
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When they were going through a hard time, they just kept calling on Allah.

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They just kept talking to Allah. They kept crying out to Allah. They made conversation with Allah in condemning Cobb Luna de Ruvo.

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What Oh Makita been to

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in Khanum and cub, Luna de rue and before even that, so Allah protected us from the punishment of *. And we used to be worried about our families. But even much before we were even worried about our families notice the min couple of this time, there's an extra min in the previous two hours ago there was Tableau without men. But now there's been common which means even before then, and even since the beginning, we were doing something now the rule we just kept calling Allah.

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This is a summary of their remembrance of their entire life. All these people that Janna from all these different centuries, all these different continents, all these different languages, and they all have one thing in common. When they were going through a hard time, they just kept calling on Allah.

00:01:16 --> 00:01:50

They just kept talking to Allah. They kept crying out to Allah. They made conversation with Allah, inner condemning Cobb Luna de Ruvo. And da Nehru means two things, call him and also means pray to Him. Ask Him for things make dua from him. We kept praying to Him, we kept asking him, we kept begging him. We kept talking to him and begging him and talking to him and begging him this is what we did. This was our relationship with Allah. Ya Allah just give me this ya allah just give me this Yeah, Allah just give me this.

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And then what did Allah prove himself to be in now who who will borrow Rahim as a unique name of Allah. Never in the Quran does Allah describe himself as Al Bara except Messiah? Albert, this is the only place that no Quran where Allah describes himself as Al Bara. Bara is using other places in the Quran. Like what our Fatima Abraj

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like, for example, another version of this word nasal Bira. And to aloo Helcom. Allah Harold facade to fill Barbary Well, backery we make a Sabbath. I didn't ask what's using other places, but for Allah. You've seen a Rahim before, but what have you not seen before? L bar. So let's understand what l bar means. L bar originally means land far away from the water.

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Land far away from the water. The land close to the water is reef, reef, and the land in inland is better.

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The idea is it's the opposite of biomes. So let's understand this first. When you're in the sea, and you're on a ship, are you absolutely safe?

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No, it depends on the sea, doesn't it? Have to see decides and it comes in turns into a tsunami wave or something? The ship can overturn. There could be a lightning strike, anything can happen. But you're not safe until you reach what?

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Land and once you reach land, even the reef area is still dangerous because large waves can come and strike out. But what will you feel if you've been out at sea for a long time? Where will you feel the safest? When you are deep inland? Now you're on stable ground. This is a reliable place for safety. From it comes the idea that someone who is good and reliable. Like they're good for their promise. I know in American English, we say this, you may have may not have heard of it. You say Hey, can I borrow $20? I'm good for it.

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I'm borrowed for it, meaning I'm reliable. I'll pay it back.

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Allah is good for his promise is one of the main implications of the idea here. In other words, butter actually means good, but good, in what sense good in being reliable, God is good. God is reliable. We used to call him and pray to Him and pray to Him and death because he is the ultimate one that is good for promises. He fulfills His promise when he promised something and Nikola totally fooled me. He doesn't you don't break the promise. So that's included inside of this meaning and not only did he fulfill his promise, He gave me much more than what I even imagined. And that's inside what word Rahim

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I hope you guys enjoyed that video clip. My team and I have been working tirelessly to try to create as many resources for Muslims to give them first steps in understanding the Quran all the way to the point where they can have a deep, profound understanding of the Quran. We are students of the Quran ourselves, and we want you to be students of the Quran alongside us. Join us for this journey on bayonet

00:05:00 --> 00:05:21 Where and 1000s of hours of work have already been put in, and don't be intimidated. It's step by step by step. So you can make learning the Quran a part of your lifestyle. There's lots of stuff available on YouTube, but it's all over the place. If you want an organized approach to studying the Quran beginning to end for yourself, your kids, your family, and even among peers. That would be the way to go sign up for being a

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