Nouman Ali Khan – Ramadan 2016 – Surat al-Baqarah – Day 8

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The segment discusses the theory that humans do not do not the same thing as animals, but rather do the same thing as animals. It also describes the three implications of NASS, the dominant view on humans being the most compassionate and loving love, and the ability to show compassion and compassion. The segment also touches on the three groups of people who hold onto guidance, anger, and lost, and discusses the importance of "has been made up of relationships" and "has been made up of relationships" in the Bible. Finally, the speaker discusses the history of Islam and its use to protect oneself from negative emotions and the importance of being a member of a community.
AI: Transcript ©
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Unless he Hanako, the one who created you well as the nominee, publican, and though and those that came much before you are the ones for much better for you than the contractor cone, hopefully you be you take means to protect yourselves, or hopefully you will become better, you'll become those that save themselves. Now, this is a profound idea for several reasons. Here's the first of them. There's a transition everything up until now in this entire surah was in the third person, and Latina you knew and I believe they believe in the unseen, they believe in what was sent down to them. There are those who say we believe those who just believe they, those they those everything was in the third

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person and in retort in linguistics, and in rhetoric, the third person is far away. They're far away. And as a matter of fact, by the time you get to the end, the last couple of IOD were the imagery was drawn that I painted for you yesterday, they are really far away because they're out in the middle of the desert lost and nobody can hear them, or they're out by the edge of a cliff and it's raining hard and they're completely out. They're isolated. And yet from that image of isolation and distance and the use of the third person, there's an immediate switch and instead of even Allah telling his messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam to address us call Yara yohannes foodora bircham.

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Tell them people worship your master. Allah decided mobile shallotte and velocita without any means in between. He addresses you and me directly and not even just the Muslims. Yeah, you Hanna's This is a profound moment in the Quran in the revelation of Allah's book, Allah has decided to take all of humanity and talk to them directly. Your maker is talking to you directly. Yeah, you Hannah's or mudaraba come in, save yourselves to your master Imam Razi phospho Dino Rossi Rahim Allah fascinated by this ayah he says what could you moron man laser beam open with a bada

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bada bada what is the argument of alpha Tabu? Phil Jamie, a monk in Alaska. He says a man Rosie says that just like a believer can be commanded to better their faith. Yeah, you have Lavina amanu Aminu, those of you who have women have more in mind, in further your mind, the same way all of humanity Allah is the master of all humanity, he has the right to tell them to enslave themselves, even if they're not Muslim. So this book is not just for Muslims. This book is actually a call to all of humanity. You know, you would think that the Macan Quran was addressed to the non Muslims mostly. And the mother the Koran is focused on the Muslim community. How are you Hello the nominee most of

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the time, but here in just in the in the introductory IR? We haven't even heard Yeah, you have the denominator yet. We haven't heard that yet. The first thing we hear is Yeah, you have NASS or mudaraba people and save yourselves to your master, worship your master. There are three things that I'd like to share with you about the word NASS, that is used inside of this ayah. If you're a boss of the Allahu taala, Noma and some other companions held the view that the word NASS which is the plural of insaan

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is actually from Miss Eon. The origin of it is the word Nishan, which means forgetfulness. And so by definition, human beings are forgetful Allah azza wa jal had taken a covenant from them a promise from them before they were even brought on this earth and they forgot that promise financier. So that's one implication of people that have forgotten that you have a Lord, that you have a master, remind yourself that you need to go back and fulfill your responsibilities to him. That's one meaning another meaning that comes that is associated with the word NASS is actually from the verb Anissa. And in us in Arabic means to be able to perceive something or see something for the Jonas

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actually means the one that can be seen. The here the contrast is between the human being and the Jin Jin from the verb genda means that which is covered, you know, like Gemini is heaven also, from the same origin because the dirt is all covered in Gemini, it's hidden. That's why the gin is called the jinn because they're hidden from the eyes. That's why the baby inside the womb is called Janine. The womb itself is called jenean because it hides the baby. And as opposed to that human beings are not hidden they can be seen. And so that's why they're called in son or from that extension nurse or from the scene. But the third implication, which is the most commonly held the most popular view on

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and the most convincing really also of what the word nos refers to, it actually comes from the word owns and owns is actually the opposite of the Arabic word wash. In other words, wild animals are you know, will do speakers even know when vashi john will write and wash wash means wildness, no compassion. A wolf doesn't actually put a napkin on before it tears down the you know, it just tears up the animal as it will, but a human being will have civility the way the way he's gonna eat, right? And human animals are not capable of the kind of compassion that human beings may be capable of. Even though as we've seen in a recent example, human beings can become lesser than animals. time

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comes, you know, Allah says, Tamara, who, as far as I feel, we reduced him to the lowest of those can that can become low, right? So it's even below animals that they can exhibit behaviors.

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Even animals don't kill senselessly. Animals kill when they're hungry animals kill when they're threatened. And when the threat is over, they move on. And when their stomach is filled, they move on, the animals don't kill out of hate. Animals don't kill without cause. So when human beings engage in that kind of behavior, they've gone lower than animals. That's actually us philosophically. That's why even in some places a level compared people take cattle to animals and set the volume of oil, they're even worse off. They're even worse than that. At least they act according to their nature. This is not even nature. This is entirely unnatural. So in any case,

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these are the three implications of NASS and the dominant view once again, is that human beings are compassionate creatures, that in their or in their essence, they have the capability of showing love and mercy and compassion, like no other creature. That's why we don't just show compassion to ourselves and to our family members. We are capable of showing compassion to a neighbor, to a stranger to even another animal to plants. We show compassion all around, we show compassion. When you're walking down the street and you see a rock in the path, you remove that rock that's part of you being in inside. In other words, humanity is actually called humanity because they care about

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other people. And when that sentiment that quality is removed from the human being, they're not even in San anymore. Now Allah uses that term. He could have used other phrases, but using that term and calling humanity with this phrase, yeah, yohannes it does something. What it does is it calls upon humanity's compassion. And that's the first appeal between us and Allah. Allah is not first and foremost, my relationship with Allah is based on my desire for love. You know, the Arabic word for the our relationship with alone, we take the Shahada, we say la ilaha illa, Allah, we use the word Allah for Allah. The word Allah comes from the verb le ha, which means to be obsessively in love

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with someone, and to rely on someone and to lean on someone, the Arabs back in the day would describe nine levels of love one day when we study item kursi, I'll explain that in detail. But now I'll be brief, they describe 10 actually 10 levels of love. And the ninth of them is, you know, Allah, Allah here, even it's a level of love, not just worship, it's actually a level of love in which you feel empty. And actually you feel no pain because the love fulfills it, or you don't feel hunger because your love is filling your appetite. It's that kind of love. And the only love above that is the one that kills you.

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So it's the most extreme form of love that we have for Allah azzawajal. And of course, we are capable of that love, because we are people of owns, where people have compassion. So Allah as always, our relationship with him is actually rooted first and foremost in this attribute of human beings of desiring and seeking love of compassion. It is not an authoritative relationship. First and foremost. It's not a top down relationship first and first and foremost, it's actually a loving relationship first and foremost. And that's when you get to the word a Baba or Buddha calm and save yourself to your master worship your master in order to really appreciate this. I've been avoiding

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this subject for a long time, but you know, today I can't help myself so I'll share something with you about the literary sequence in the Quran. inshallah it's very easy to understand. This is the second Surah in the order of the Quran. The first one is what Fatiha. Okay, this is the second time we're seeing the word a Baba Yaga yohannes or Buddha robocon. This is the second time in the last half that you're seeing the word about it. The first time was in the factory, where was it iaca nabooda, you will notice these are the two times where the second person is used there, we spoke to a lot directly and said we are ready to enslave ourselves to you. We enter into Nevada with you, we

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declared that we want to be your slaves. That was the first instance and now the next instance is the 23rd ayah we're allies speaking to us so it's actually a completion of a conversation there we were speaking to Allah er cannot do and the end there. Allah even revert right before he said what Bill Allah mean master of all peoples and all nations. And another way of saying alameen is a mass. And now here, Allah addresses all of us who said, you know, in one sense, we're ready to declare that we're going to be enslaved to Allah. Allah says, go ahead and fulfill what you declared him or Buddha but in between what's going on in between? It's so beautiful. When we asked for Allah for

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that we declared to Allah that we're going to worship Him, and we're going to enslave ourselves to Him in the Fatiha. three groups were mentioned. If you recall, those three groups were the ones that are favored by Allah who received guidance, who live by guidance, then those who are recipients of anger. They deserve anger. And the third one was the ones that are lost. You'll notice in Bukhara when we began which group did a lot begin with once again, he began with those that hold on to guidance. Well, the little Matatini hula Carla houden those people that were mentioned in the Fatiha is salata, Latina and talim, those same bunch of people, once again, the second group of people were

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such that Allah is so angry with them, that he sealed their hearts, their hearing, and he covered their eyes and they're like the people last enough you

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Even though there's a fire burning, they've gone blind and gone far off. That's the worst of move, are they him. But then there was a third group of people mentioned even in the imagery yesterday, you remember, they're not entirely there, but they're still lost. They try to find their way, a little bit of lightning strikes, and they find and then the light goes away, and they're standing there still, clearly these people are what last. So those three groups that were mentioned in the Fatiha were now elaborated in the beginning of Bukhara. And what's beautiful about that is, in fact, a lot began with worship and mentioned these three groups in Baccarat. Allah mentioned these three

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groups and concluded with worship. Yeah, you have now sir mudaraba come, it just completes the picture. So Pamela, and in there in the beginning, it was us talking to Allah. And by the end of lives talking to us, the conversation becomes complete with the other beauty of this ayah is the fact you know, the last image you saw was of a person lost in the desert with no support and Allah has abandoned them. Remember, we're taraka home fievel umatilla job soon? Well, OSHA Allahu la Hobbes, me him, I'm sorry, him. The image that is in the mind of every listener of the Quran is a human being left, lost, alone, isolated. And that scares us. Because by this time, three groups in

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Baccarat have been described believers, hardcore disbelievers. And then people lost in hypocrisy.

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three groups, but you know what, as our listener is listening to this, they might start asking themselves, which 1am I which 1am I and by the way, there are some people who are in none of these categories. There are some people listening to this Quran that haven't believed, but they're not hardcore disbelievers either. And they're not hypocrites, either. They don't know where they belong. But you know what happens when they genuinely hear the call of the Quran up until now. Now they got to pick aside.

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Now there's no choice up and up until you had heard hadn't heard this revelation, you were kind of floating out there, it was neutral. Now you've heard this. Now you have to pick where you're going to fall. And by the way, which are the only group of people that are going to be saved or protected, the people who accept the guidance, right, that's why Allah says that you can Kitab without a Buffy who then then we're talking people who are going to be able to protect themselves. So you see how that subject comes full circle when Allah says, you cannot, or will do not come. And let the Hanukkah come, when Latina men who will Allah contact us Taku worship your master, the one who made

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you, the one who created you, and the one who created those that come came much before you so you can protect yourselves. So you can belong to category one. It's an invitation now to these people that have heard this message, you now need to take action. Our religion is not just philosophy. It's not just a bunch of interesting ideas. It's a call to make changes in life. There are people who study theology, philosophy, the unseen like la right there was mentioned in the beginning of the surah. There are people who do PhDs in philosophy, all they ever think about is alive. All they ever think about, but you know what, they live in that world. And in those they go around in circles

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mentally, but there's nothing that ever changes in their life. It doesn't that belief in or those ideas of the unseen, don't call them towards any action. As a matter of fact, those are people that are just lost in space. Even like if you see them, they're like, they look like they're lost. You know, disheveled kinds of people are believing the unseen compels us to action. It calls us to inaction you can't just believe in this stuff, and not transform yourselves in this world, or it will do a buckle. So now we get to the concept of everybody very quickly. And that is you know, the the first name of Allah. That's the next thing that should be noted here. We saw the first name of

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allah after Allah and the Fatiha al hamdu Lillahi

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Rabbil alameen. Okay. Now here also, again, from the beginning until now, Allah has actually not introduced himself in Baccarat yet. He has this is the first time up until now he talked about revelation. He talked about some people who claim to believe in Him, and they don't really believe in him, you know, he talked about and his name came up, a lot came up, but you know, only in a secondary sense, but not directly. And this is the first time Allah has actually put two terms together that are, in a sense, the summary of the entire Quran. I was asked this question by my teacher 1516 years ago, and I don't know how I guess the right answer. But I got lucky because you

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know, sometimes teachers ask you a question and you're like,

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you're kind of winging it, you just kind of say something, and hope that you're not gonna get humiliated. So I've been studying Arabic with my teacher, or and with my teacher, we went through an entire daughter of the entire Quran, and he sat me down and he says, No, man, what's the summary of the entire Quran in one sentence?

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Even the whole thing?

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Yeah. Can I just pick the fatty heart? No, no, no, the whole crime? What's the summary of it? I said, Okay.

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Accept Allah as your master,

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and accept the fact that you're asleep.

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And he said, yes, you understood.

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And that's just because he said that all the time. That's why I remember. But you know, 15 years later studying multiple dukkha, seeing a tuxedo, mcaren, linguistics, language, all this stuff, I tell you that summary holds true, more true now than it ever did. The idea is that, you know, all of our life is made up of relationships, I have a relationship with my children, with my parents, somebody has a relationship with their spouse, somebody has a relationship with their neighbor, with your boss, with business partners. Everything in life is built on one, relationships. As a matter of fact, we even have a relationship with yourself. Well, this book is about the relationship between

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you and Allah, and every relationship has a definition and has certain rights and responsibilities. A teacher has certain responsibilities, a student has certain responsibilities, teachers have rights, students have rights, isn't that the case? And if you're not clear about the rights and responsibilities, the relationship will get messed up. The thing is, there are lots of names of Allah, that establish a relationship.

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A law, for example, is a Rahim merciful. His end is to give mercy, my end is to receive mercy. He's the guide. He's the one who gives the guidance minus to follow the guidance, many names of Allah, reciprocate into something that I must do, right. But then you have which Name of Allah is actually fundamental. That decides that describes the basic relationship I have with Allah. It's actually not Holic. Holic means creator. So he's the Creator, what does that make me the creation, right? That's not the fundamental relationship. The fundamental relationship in the Quran is robbed. And

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that's the, if you understand this one, everything else falls into place. If you don't understand this one, then you can call him your Creator. And you're his creation, he's the guide, you're the guided, he's the merciful, you're receiving mercy. All of that is secondary. Actually, all of that is secondary. The primary is Rob. And, and Rob is the owner, the one who takes care of something, the one who ensures the growth of something, you know, alcoholic will be the one who gives gifts. Well, I am the one who maintains these are the qualities of love and the one who's completely in charge. By the way, when you call someone Rob we call a lot of that means he owes us nothing. You

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know that. When you call him Rob, it actually means he owes us nothing. And when you call yourself a slave, when you call yourself out, then actually means you are entitled to what nothing. An employee is entitled to a salary, a business partner is entitled to his share.

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A child is entitled to some rights from the parent but a slave, a slave isn't entitled to anything. As a matter of fact, anything the master gives is a gift. Because he doesn't have to, he just didn't have to.

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But the thing is, when we think of slave and master, these are ugly terms in the English language, because they have an ugly history. And when we apply those terms to the to the Koran, then it's hard to let go of the, you know, the social history and the psychological history that's already poisoned our minds about these terms. When we think about a lot as a master, then you have to understand LASIK, admittedly, he shade There is nothing like him. You cannot think of any other master the way you think about a lot. And that's why I already illustrated to you that our relationship with a lie is rooted in what first love. What master in history has the relationship with the slave that the

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primary bond between them is love.

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That's never happened before. But that's the relationship we have with Allah. What master ever says, my slaves, you can be slaves if you like. Or if you want, you can just believe how much of a human woman shall have a yoke for which master does that which master shows mercy and unimaginable mercy, even to the slaves who disobey Him who curse him who forget him were enemies to Him, who make fun of him and he still gives them more mercy than can be imagined. Which master has ever done that when masters are disobeyed, there are immediate what consequences immediately, but with a law, there are so many atheists, there are so many disbelievers. There are so many people that have left Islam and

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curse the Koran, and they get to eat food and their stomach doesn't have any problems and their heart continues to beat and their lungs continue to function. And there they have happiness in their lives to where did that come from? That also came from Rama and from Allah. If you go back and you understand that there are layers in the Quran, there's an answer but then you notice that when Allah introduced himself as rob the first time that was in the Fatiha al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. So moving along to the

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Next point now, Allah azza wa jal describes himself as Rob. And then the first qualities of that rubber, what our man, or Rahim and the first qualities of that rub here is a levy Hanako when levena when koliko The one who created you, there is actually a super imposing here. In other words, a law creating you and me is an act of Allah's loving mercy. This life that Allah has given us is an act of less love and mercy. There are people who are so ungrateful for the gift of life. They say, I didn't ask to be created. I didn't ask to be here. Why did you have to make me stupid. You have, you have no appreciation, even for the most valuable gift you have which is life itself. Life itself is

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an act of loving mercy from Allah. Life is not a punishment. Life is not a curse. We are very fundamentally different from several denominations of Christianity, who believe human beings since the time of Adam alayhis salaam are cursed. And the life of this world is a kind of punishment. It is not it is full of blessings. It is an actual, it's an act of love and mercy from Allah, everything Allah created, especially the human beings, he created them so you can show them his love. And that's what he says in the Quran itself in llamada hemara book, when he Malika Hanukkah home, so he can show them mercy and that's why he made them that's why he created them. So here

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Allah says, Come back to your master, and slave yourselves to your master, the one who made you the one who created you, meaning created you out of love, and mercy, and those who created those who came before you. And by the way, part of His mercy is he doesn't just make you and let you go, he makes you he creates you he gives you abilities and then he gives you guidance on how to make your life better, and how to live the best life here and then earn eternal life after that. And he didn't just do that with you. He's done that for people for much before you this is actually much similar to what we'll have you know up mountains Isla alayka mountains ulam in conflict there's actually a

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close relationship between creation and guidance. Look at what Allah doesn't sutra man allemaal Quran holla Collinson. Look at what he does. In fact, in bacala, the same thing you know, not be my own Zilla, like first revelation was mentioned first. And then I love the color comb, the one who created you. Why? Because without the manual, what's the point of the product we've been created, but the manual that will put us to work is revelation itself. And so Allah gave us revelation so we can fulfill our purpose when the need I mean, publikum la la quinta takuan, so that you may protect yourselves. By the way, every one of these words in the Quran, they're not isolated, they're

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contextual. In this context, what are you protecting yourself from? you're protecting yourself from becoming one of those in the Latina aka furusawa Allah him, you're protecting yourself from women and nasty mokulua mcnabola video velocity, meaning you're protecting yourself from someone workman around you and for whom they are your own, your own fears and

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all those negative images that were terrifying of people who have no appreciation for guidance, or are losing appreciation for guidance. Allah says make the commitment that you want to be my slaves, you will be protected. You can be protected Allah. I love the word that upon because I'll say one last comment about this word and move on to the next ayah this word is so beautiful, because in the Arabic language when you say your taco, taco and simply taco and it means you protect. And if you said to Cohn it means so that you are protected, so that you are protected. But when you say it Taka, then you're actually this comes in laws amendment audits in transitive and transitive in

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Simple English. So you can take measures to protect yourself. A law made human beings responsible for protecting themselves. You know, like if you go if you're living in a tough neighborhood or whatever, and you leave the door unlocked and open, and then go to sleep and wake up in the morning and everything but your mattress is gone.

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Then you can say a lot of this to me, you didn't take precaution. You're the one who left the door open and left a sign outside that says free stuff. Then that was your fault. You know? So the idea of that akunis Allah has actually on the one hand Allah guides, Allah gives hedaya Allah strengthens the mind. But equally Allah how holds people responsible to build taqwa in themselves. And that's the way that the car is actually not attributed to Allah. It's attributed to the responsibilities human beings are supposed to demonstrate. That's why it's not to counsel, you may be protected. That would mean that Allah will protect you somehow, some outside force will protect you. But no, Allah

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gave you the means to protect yourself. Every one of us, according to this word, has an opportunity to become a person of taqwa. You can't just blame a lie and say Allah will one day reveal taqwa to me. It will drop on my head and then I will have Aqua MC door. Allah makes me from the motor pain.

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That's your fault. You don't get to say MC de la makes me from the motor cane. I'll already gave you everything you need to be from the motor King. You know, you can make Java rain and you can be

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All for other things but if you're not making any efforts and yes May Allah fulfill and complete our taqwa, but to argue that we don't have it, and we have no way of getting it, that's not true to the spirit of the Quran. So Allah azzawajal goes on and paints this, this scenery before us, which is kind of McKennon nature and let the Giada come with our Buffy Roshan, the one who placed it for your service the word Java as opposed to halakha Arabic students should notice here, the previous I was held up, but now he says Java, Java in cannot be managed for hamedan empty non Java would lamb is used as a favor who furnished for you for providing the one who provided for you, who went out of

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his way to facilitate for you the earth as a fuel rush, the rush actually means for Russia who basato something that's laid down something that is soft, something that is easy to walk on, he didn't make the earth boiling hot, you know, there are other planets, there's their their surface temperature is so hot that if you walk on it even with whatever protective gear, the protective gear will melt, the Earth is not so soft, that you put your foot in it and your foot sinks inside the earth is not so jagad that if you if you stepped on it, it would cut you and kill you know, your peers through your whatever clothes or shoes or whatever, you know, protection you're wearing a

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large project made this earth easy to tread, easy to sleep on, feel ocean. And then the other meanings of Islam. Yes, Allah has now Hostnet n o has gotten really hot, and now you can only stay chronica he didn't make the earth such that you couldn't live on it. As a matter of fact, collage is the imagery of a bed. You know, like,

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back in the day, people didn't have high beds, they just rolled out a mat and slept. That's feroce actually. And the idea is the entire Earth was made like your bedroom. You could just set up camp anywhere. Nobody appreciated that more than the desert Arabs man. because they'd be traveling and they didn't wait for like a Holiday Inn or a Sheraton or a Hilton to like go time to sleep, laid out and fall asleep.

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yada, yada.

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And you know, you lie down and you want to be in a hotel that's got high ceiling or nice lobby and what some albina and, and he made your ceiling, your roof, your concept, the construct above you the sky, he made the entire world into a living space for you. This is actually the image of for for for the Bedouin that's a that's furthered for all of us that the entire Earth is like a home.

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More than a home is like a bedroom. It's like a place for you to rest with some Nabina. And then Moreover, not only is this a place for you to get rest, you know, the two comforts in human life are sleep and food, the two major comforts. So the first image is that of the comfort of sleep. fellowship will be not an okay, the second image when you go further, is what enzyme SMR EMA and he said water down from the sky foccacia wilhemina thammarat. And he brought out by means of that water, all kinds of fruit. Notice he didn't say have been here. He didn't bring out grass. He didn't bring out a bun. You know, I didn't bring our grains and crop he mentioned what exactly fruit the

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sweetest of what you can eat from the earth, the tastiest of what you can eat on the earth, the most beautiful of what you can eat on the earth, the colors of fruits, the wrappings of fruits that tastes, the tastes of fruits, the shapes of fruits, the smells of fruits, the beauty of fruits, you know. And so Allah azzawajal is reminding the human being how comfortable I've made your living for you that you can rest on this earth, and how beautiful the sustenance I provided for you. When I used to teach sutra fan repeatedly back in the day, I used to talk about how you know there's a friend of mine who was hospitalized because he had stomach problems. For six months, he couldn't eat

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solid food. So they had to put a drip in him for two months. And finally he was able to drink liquids. So they would take proteins card, whatever essential food he needs, and nasty nasty shake. And he was just that was breakfast lunch and dinner for a few months until he could handle actually eating solid food, you know, and one day I went to visit him and he said you want to try some?

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like yeah, so I had a sip. I was like is this for an oil change or a human being like, how do you

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but you know the the guy who's having this all day is he surviving? He is it tastes disgusting. I mean, it makes you want to like croak but he's surviving right. In other words, Allah didn't have to make food delicious for us to survive.

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Allah didn't have to make food look good for us to survive. Our food could have looked like cockroaches for all we care, so long as it's got the right ingredients will eat it. And animals don't you know they don't need a nice plate and fork and knife on the side and catch up and they just eat off the ground. You know, we have a lot of soldiers gave us these incredible wrappings of food and you put them on these beautiful trees. You know, the image, even the image of a tree with fruit on it. It's such a big

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beautiful image, you know, palm trees. Everybody thinks of palm trees or California Wow. You know, expensive vacation.

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Dates could have been, you know, they didn't have to grow on palm trees. They could be like this hideous thing of how to love every gift, every fruit with its own wrapping its own texture, its own nature, you know? And Allah azza wa jal did all of this for you for Murat rescorla, comas provision for you. In other words, he didn't just give you the bare minimum in this world. The point I'm making is he didn't just give you the bare minimum, he went out of his way to provide you beauty, to provide you taste to provide you joy for Natacha lunula. And other than, then don't put competitors don't furnish competitors for Allah don't put in place. And that meant actually they say there are

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several meanings. But the meaning associated with this is a method when the lead

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worship, what did they say that need is someone who's equivalent to somebody, an alternative to somebody or a competitor to somebody actually tended in Arabic means or offer assault to raise your voice against somebody, not the who

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actually means to expose some of these flaws. The meaning here is not just don't put competitors with a law. Don't put anything with a law that raises a voice before a law that challenges God. Don't live your life in opposition to him. Don't put things in your life that challenge him, you know, that that's under the law. He doesn't want to turn around and you you Well, you're the ones that well no, you are so knowledgeable that you are doing this yourself. Now this idea of nid it will come later on. I mean and nasty when you come into the law and garden. You have buena honka Villa, Marina Amman shadow Bella, Allah talks about these competitors elsewhere too. As a matter of

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fact, even Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one time

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a man came to Masada bedwin came to him not very well trained in Islam yet and he said to us Oh hi Salim Masha Allah Hua mashita, whatever Allah wants, and whatever you want

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to say someone got offended, as your attorney denilla Have you made me a competitor to a law when it comes to the will the will only and only allow works, you don't put a last will and my role together? You don't say martial law? Who am I?

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That would be an ID. But for us, what are the what are these competitors? I already tried to paint a picture that our primary relationship with ally is that of Robin. And the fundamental within that relationship is love. So the first kinds of under that people set competitors that people set with God with Allah, things they love. Sometimes money becomes a competitor to Allah. Sometimes greed becomes a competitor to Allah, sometimes lust becomes a competitor to Allah, sometimes your love of fame becomes a competitor to Allah, a love of self worth becomes your pride can become a competitor to Allah, sometimes your family can become a competitor to Allah, when you're willing to disobey

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Allah and obey your family. You can become a competitor to Allah, you know. And so these competitors that live inside of our heart, Allah is calling upon those by first telling you look, look at the fruits I've given you. Look at the food I've given you look at the sustenance I've given you. And now think, why you should have why you shouldn't have competitors before Allah will enter talent, and you will know, and this is not a movie. And sometimes there's knowledge of Revelation, knowledge of previous scripture, knowledge of language, knowledge of calm, but in this ayah it's knowledge of what God has done for you. And how little you acknowledge it, you know, it look deep down inside

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you, you already know what Ally's done for you. And so now after this is the law, it's called a state law in Arabic, to make you think of the proofs of why you should turn towards Allah, who didn't just make you He made you with so much love as Arab. That's why you should turn to Allah. Then he talks about His revelation, and what he said about His revelation today, I'll just give one section of it. And we'll finish this tomorrow in Sharla. We're in quantum theory even. And if you've been in any kind of doubt whatsoever, any kind of bothersome, disturbing doubt, the word rave is occurring the second time now the only Kalki taboo, Laurie, Buffy now it's repeating itself by

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saying it again. By the way, there's no room for any doubt whatsoever in this book. But even then, even though there's no room for any doubt in this book, if you're still any confused, if you're still not so sure if this is the word of God, me My name is Allah, Allah Adina, if you're in any kind of doubt about whatever we've sent down over time, on to our slave, notice a lot doesn't say may madness, Allah Allah Selena, call Allah aptina on our slave, humanity was told you should become slaves, or Buddha back home. And now they're told by the way you have a slave among you be like him, and that is Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So this was the time to call him up. And as a matter

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of fact, the Quran is so beautiful. He is for us. He is Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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But in the most noble places in the Quran, when Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam reaches the highest McComas in the Quran, he's not called Russell. He's called out

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for OHA Illa de Maha. He gets the Sidra tonawanda he gets the highest any human being as any creature has ever gone gibreel and Islam says I can't go any further. Only you can pass and he gets there and Allah calls him out when a large Muslim took him in the middle of the night and that journey began, let me go so behind Allah, the Asahi rasuna, de la la la Subhana, Allah de la, we have de la la mina, mushy, mushy la casa, the highest places in the Quran, when rasulillah salam is mentioned, you know, the station of outdoes us and this is a very important concept in our Deen everything in our religion, because we believe in the unseen is reverse engineered, it's so cool.

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You have to understand this concept. In this life, there is no lower labeled and slave. In this life, somebody works somebody has a job, somebody said, janitor, it's pretty down there, somebody actually isn't a servant of the janitor, he's even lower than that. When somebody says I'm a slave, you cannot come up with a title for a human being that is lower than sleep. There's no there's no position lower than that, than sleep analyzer which takes that position that is so low, there is nothing lower than it in human society. People are humiliated to even use the term, they find it embarrassing that their society used to have a history of it. And yet when that slavery is

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attributed to Allah, then there is no higher term in existence than the slave of Allah. There is no greater station than Abdullah. Allah, that you know, the position of ultimate humility, as a result of this Deen becomes a position of ultimate pride, ultimate pride and why? Because when a slit when I'm a slave, then I don't care about the I don't care about making anyone happy except to my master. And so when I accept the slavery to Allah, then what my society thinks, what my culture things, what the government thinks, what media things, what my friends think. none of it matters now. I don't need to make any of them happy. I just need to make a lot happy. I am no longer a slave to fashion.

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I am no longer a slave to cultural trends. I am no longer a slave to peer pressure. I have been freed from every slavery because I've accepted slavery of Allah. That's it's the ultimate form of freedom. If you're not a slave to Allah, then guaranteed you're a slave to something else. Guaranteed. And the only way human beings will find freedom from all the other forms of slavery is when they truly become slaves of Allah. This is why in quantum theory, Melissa and Adina to be so rotten, bring forward a surah Subhana Allah bring forward a surah you know, the Arabs had never heard this word being used this way before.

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They never used surah for any unit of language like you know, in English, you have chapter, right? Or you have verses of poetry. Or you have poem, right? You had kasar. And you have qasida, you had kalaam, you had Bob, you had different words for units of language. Nobody ever used the word what before Sora. And this is actually unique to the Koran or on us for It's what we call chapters, you really can't call the chapters, because a lot decided to call it something nothing has ever been called before. And that is what solar it's a proprietary tournament, we have to respect it. But when you dig into this word, you find something remarkable. This is the challenge of the Quran, even to

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the Arabs, Allah did something with Arabic, that the Arabs who were so proud of their Arabic had never done. They had never done it. And the word surah is an example of it. Let me tell you a little bit about the word surah. The word surah comes from the Arabic word Su. Su means the ancient outside walls of a city. You know, those of you that have played games like Assassin's Creed are familiar with the outer walls of a city. Okay, there are giant giant walls and you only have certain gates, you can come in from what was the purpose of those walls. The purpose of those walls was to protect the city. And to give limited access, you have to come to those to those cities. With approval. You

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can't just enter into those cities. Okay. Now those walls were made unusually

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high. Why? Why were they made so high? Because they're not you don't want anybody to be able to scale them. And these walls were made unusually thick. So nobody can dig through them for mosquito and Yahoo.

00:39:49 --> 00:40:00

Knock Well, that's the idea of actually a suit is this large outside wall of a city now let's take a step back. When I when I'm building a house, and I want to mark the territory of my house. Maybe I'll

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build a fence.

00:40:02 --> 00:40:11

This outside wall is that private property that some guy said one guy who owns a house Build that wall, who used to build those walls.

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Back in the day, did one owner of one store or one house build the wall for the entire city, who used to build it? kings, Kings used to build those walls. In other words, that is not the property of the people. That is the property of the king. As soon as you use the word suit, you're thinking about a king who put this together? You understand? When you think about a surah? Immediately your mind goes to which King? Which Can't you understand. Now, the second thing, the Arabs didn't have it.

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Because the Arabs didn't really have the kinds of cities you want to protect.

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And nobody's interested in attacking their elaborate village.

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So where did they see a suit? They saw them with the Romans, they saw them with the Persians, they used to travel and do trade and see these massive, gigantic walls. When does the king decide, you know, the kings in their territory, you have villages you have, you know, cities, they don't put a wall on everything, they only put a wall on high value cities don't take the high value places. So now you know that whatever is inside a suit is of high value. And it's worth protecting with a lot of investment by the king. So not only number one, it reminds you of a king. Number two, it reminds you of value. Number three, it reminds the Arabs that is not from around here.

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The use of the word surah. Because the surah is not from around there. It came from a king far away. It came from a king far away, then the idea of the the size of the surah. The sword was that you can't scale it and you can dig through it. Just like a suit of the Quran. You can't overcome it. You can try as best you want, you won't be able to overcome it. It's impenetrable. Then if somebody does try to attack imagine that city with the outside wall. If somebody does try to attack that wall or scale that wall, are they attacking? And in like one member of that city? Are they attacking the king himself?

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An attack on a surah a criticism of a Sula and attempt to mount over the surah is an offense against Allah Himself. All of this is just because he used the word surah. So far, and then above and beyond any, you know all of this. If you think about a wall that let's say a king decides This city is worth protecting. I think we need to put a suit around it. Is it a one day project? No. And when he's when he starts this project, they have to build a foundation. Then they put giant bricks and bricks and bricks and this is years and years and years before this whole thing is built. Yes. So it goes from the bottom up. Look at the language of the Quran. For when quantum theory Bhima naza Allah

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Allah Adina to be surah.

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If you're in doubt about what we have sent down from whatever we've sent down on our slaves, bring us sudo like it because any sooner you try to build this from the ground up and the surah Allah built from the sky down, and when it's from the sky down, there's no end of it. No matter how high you climb, you can get on top of it.

00:43:17 --> 00:43:46

Han Allah, the perfection of the Kalam of Allah just in the word surah. Now bring us a little like it. Let's see you produce. When we translate this as if you're enslave about what we've sent upon our servant, bring a chapter like unto it. Unlike achaea chapter, this is a surah man. This has never happened in the history of humanity before this kind of language. And then Allah says men myth Lee, instead of saying so rotten myth, Lee,

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he says Salatin may mayfly Why don't you bring us What are remotely even some a little bit 1% like it? Give me something close to it to be sold at me Miss Lee. What Oh, Shahada acumen, do Neela and then bring your witnesses. Bring your expert witnesses that whoever you have, besides a line come from Saudi teen, if in fact, you are truthful. And by the way, now you'll appreciate the word shahidul Shahada, a witness back in the day used to be considered an expert. But if you look at that the sweet funny in the eye or the imagery that's depicted in an IRA, when you build this massive wall, people are going to be witnessing it.

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And then you build this Lego wall. And they're gonna be like,

00:44:28 --> 00:44:29

Yeah, that one.

00:44:30 --> 00:44:51

You understand what the Rocio Hidalgo mean doula in quantum sonatine bring your witnesses besides Allah and those that are lesser than Allah, whoever you believe in. If in fact you're telling the truth inshallah share some more things about this remarkable ayah with you tomorrow. barakallahu li walakum Philco Anil Hakeem monophonic El Camino IoT with digital Hakeem was Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan delves into an elaborate explanation into some of the Ayats of Surah Al Baqarah.

In Ayat number 21, “O mankind, worship your Lord, who created you and those before you, that you may become righteous.”

In the above Ayah, Allah SWT mentions His Oneness in Divinity and stated that He has favored His servants by bringing them to life after they did not exist. Taqwa in this Ayah means ‘protect’ yourself. To summarise, this Ayah is a call to all of mankind to emphasize on the Oneness of Allah and the significance of the basic declaration of the Islamic creed.

Having said that, it is not enough to affirm the Oneness of Allah SWT orally. Rather one must have a complete certitude, and must also have the truth always present close to one’s heart, for Tawheed is to see Allah as One, and not merely to say that He is One.

The reality of the present times is that even though the number of those who respect this basic formula of the Islamic creed runs to millions, but sadly, their lives do not exhibit Tawheed. This needs to be analyzed and the concept of Tawheed needs to be reinstated tie and time again in order for us to have some form of respect when we stand resurrected on the Day of Judgement.

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