Nouman Ali Khan – Honesty And Justice In The Society

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The history and meaning behind actions and events in the Islam world is discussed, including the importance of remembering commandments and regulations, trusting parents and children, and fulfilling promises. The speakers also touch on the negative impact of "igrams in Arabic" and the treatment of Muslims across the Atlantic. The importance of listening to evidence and verifying one's actions is emphasized, as well as the need for public responsibility and community involvement. The segment ends with a discussion of a book and possible seminar.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillah Haleakala God when Aladdin

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financial guru Anil Messiah, he became Manish guru who Allah neon.

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wonderfully Allah rasulillah from

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or come out in Libya in our house and say the Villa de Adam and Lizzie Bashara here is Ave Maria. Sachi Brahim alehissalaam Hina. Can I have a debate a little more common?

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For sallallahu alayhi wasallam. While he

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unless he barakallahu li him? Kapha Tennessee and Alabama in Houma john

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hamdulillah Allah de la Miata Hola, Dan. Well, I'm Nicola, who said he can sell milk when I'm Yakuza heavily umina Dooley

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was hamdulillah Allah The Angela Allah Abdi Hill kita Bala Miranda who I was a while hamdulillah and Latina who want to start a new who

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want me to be here. What can you add a one our UI Himanshu UI and fusina woman sejahtera Melina De La, La La woman you believe Fela ha de la

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la la la la la, la la sharika. When a shadow Allah Mohammed Abdullah he was solo Allahu Allahu taala Buddha.

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Leo Hara who Allah g nikoli vocabulary shahida for some Allahu alayhi wa sallam at asleep and Catherine casilla

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esta casa De Sica tabula rasa Eva de howdy Mohamed in Salalah alayhi wa sallam. We're in the shadow Marina.

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We're in Nakula Masdar City in beta Bakula Allah Allah, Allah Allah Allah.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala Kitab al Karim

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Allah Allahu Allah him in a condo regime in Nevada Morocco.

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where his or her come from pain and nausea and to whom over in La La Jolla. Who can be in Nevada can SME and the Sierra

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aloha Medina mean

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permission to do something silly Emery loksatta melissani okoli Allah Allah Subhana Allah, Allah, Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah Allah me

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today inshallah, inshallah, I'd like to share with you just a few lessons and reflections from just one idea of sort of Elisa, a very comprehensive in a very powerful idea in the life of a Muslim. There are some places in the Quran where Allah just says one thing, but it can overshadow your entire life. And it's something you can't stop. But think about in pretty much every activity, every matter every issue that's going on in my life, and that's going on in your life. It's another nice surah, which means that the audience is predominantly the Muslims themselves, as opposed to a murky surah where the predominant the primary audience are non Muslims. So the message is one of Dawa, to

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those who don't believe the majority of the people that were listening to the Quran, or people that were not Muslims. But in the beginning, the majority of the people that were listening, were the Muslims themselves. And the exception to that is when allowed preface his statements, but yeah, I feel keytab you know, what the people of the book are? Yeah, even Athena cafaro, even in one case, but typically a lot. So he is addressing the Muslims. And this is important to note, because when Muslims are being addressed, these are people that are that have been seasoned into Islam, and they are students of the Quran, some of them for now, well over a decade, and even those that aren't,

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I've been exposed to a great deal of the message of Islam. But yet there are some things that are so fundamental and so easily forgotten that Allah azzawajal highlights them. And he emphasizes them as though it's the first time you're hearing it. So the IR begins in the La Jolla, Morocco. No doubt about it. Allah is the one commanding you and again, I mentioned this a pseudo NASA certainly start from the very beginning has commandments. Yeah, you have the Xena hamanaka Cola, it'll tell you how NASA kodambakkam event from the beginning. Then I have you know, I asked about inheritance law. Those are also those are rules and regulations. Do this and don't do this give this proportion to

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this one. And that proportion to that one. There are all these commandments given. But you don't begin the show by saying in La Jolla, Morocco and itakura become allies commanding you that you should have dakhla the command itself is a command you don't have to say it on top of that he's commanding you, but in this particular life, like he starts from the beginning. And he says there's no doubt about it, you better get clear about this, that the command that's coming every time it's supposed to be applied. Remember, it's not the person you're dealing with in front of it's a law you're dealing with in the La Jolla motoko allies. In fact,

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The one commanding you. The point is that this particular verdict, the instruction Allah will give us in this ayah requires that you remember a lie immediately, as soon as it's about to be applied, is not one of those commandments that you can just do. You have to be overly conscious of the existence of the law and of the authority of Allah over you and myself. This is in the La Jolla, Morocco. What can be the such a command that before I even told us the command he prefaced it again, never forget, it was placed in this command, particularly unto Abdullah manatee in Africa, that you give all the Trust's and we'll talk about a minute in a little bit. You give all the trusts to those

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who deserve them. All the obligations you have towards somebody else, you fulfill them fully, to those who are rightful of them. So let's talk a little bit about Amana. Amana is easily translated as a trust, but it comes from the word M and in Arabic, which means safety. It comes from safety. When you give someone a loan, or you say for example, you're leaving town and you give your friend your house keys, and he said, Listen, just come in every once in a while, check my mail. And listen, just you know, just make sure that you know everything's running Okay, just but I'm leaving my keys and my car keys in my house keys with you. You would not do that with just anybody. You would have

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to have a relationship of trust. In order for you to give your keys over to someone like that. You've given them an Amana because you feel a sense of almond towards them. They you know, so you, you feel a sense that they will not violate your trust, and you can feel safe your belongings can feel safe with them. That's when you would hand in a manner. Now the idea of an Amana is not just when somebody trust you with something, but also when you and I are entrusted with some things. Allah has trusted us with some things, your family trusted you with some things, your parents trusted you with some things. So before we move further, we have to understand how does it apply to

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us, not just the abstract example of someone leaving their house. But for example, the young people here whose parents have given them a car, their parents gave them in a manner, they trusted them with a car, they trusted, they will speed on the highway, they trusted, they won't cut a red light, they trusted, they're not going to go to some party, they trusted, they're not going to have all kinds of shady friends in the car with them. There's a trust between parent and child, look, I trust you, here's the car, they're not going to monitor you, there's not going to be some tracking device in your car, it's a trust that's been handed to you.

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The same is the example of an employer a boss who hire somebody to do work. The boss is not always going to stand behind your shoulder checking whether you're doing your job or not. He trusts you. He gave you the task as you get it done. And you just you're left to your own devices, the boss is in a meeting somewhere, whether you should do work or chill out and watch YouTube videos or take a break for two hours. And that's all up to you. That's all up to you. Some of you are here, obviously from work. So your boss, your employer, whoever they may be, you told them look Friday, I need extra time. I need to pray. But maybe this break all you needed, all you needed was an hour, hour and a

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half. Maybe that's all you needed, but you take your sweet three hours and you say it's a religious reason.

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So you get out of here, then you go way over to your favorite restaurants sit and talk finisher food chitchat a little more, I got some time, because I've already told my boss Friday, I need some time because of my religion. So he's not gonna say anything. You know what this is a violation of trust. This is what a lie saying. You have to fulfill the trust to those who deserve them. You can't be dishonest in the things you claim. You can't be dishonest in the things you claim. And you cannot take advantage of the things that have been given to you and the things that have been given to me wrongfully children violate trust of parents and sometimes parents walk violate the trust of

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children. This is Amanda Illa. Allah is the first problem that's mentioned in this ayah. And by the way, most of the time, most of the time this ayah will be applied not inside the masjid. Not while you're making salaat not while you're praying not where you're listening to a lecture, this ayah you will have to apply I will have to apply when we're driving on the road. When we're dealing with family, when we're dealing with coworkers, when we're dealing with friends. That is when this idea comes to life. And that's what a lie saying, remember, it's a law who's telling you take your break early and get back to work.

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And I'm telling you slow the car down.

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Remember, I mean do your peers, some parents, for example, give their kids allowance, some money on a weekly basis, how they spend that money is a matter of trust. Whether you're going to go use a fake ID to buy a beer,

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are you going to use that money to buy you know get something legitimate for yourself. That's a matter of trust. That's between and that's the time to know who's you know, who learns Islam just as a bunch of things that we know are some doors that we recite but Islam actually runs in our veins. There's actually something we live

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That's when it's tested. You know, this is on to Abdullah mana Tila and you have a ti isn't done. And actually, most of my time in the hotel today I wanted to spend on the second item.

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And the second item is what either have come to mind and nasty and Taku. With agile.

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When you make judgment between people, when you judge between people and ally did not say if you judge between people, he didn't say in Hong Kong to mainland us, he said either have come from within us, which means it's inevitable. Inevitably, you will be in a position where you will have to figure out a dispute between two people. You will be in a position where you have to judge who gets what you will be you will be in a position where you have to say the right thing or the wrong thing. It's not just for people who are sitting in a judge, you know, in the judges chair in a courtroom. It's for all of us, even the kids here. Your friends got into a fight this one said this, that one

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said that that one said that and they say what do you think? What do you think even at a playground is?

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in your homes? Some of you, for example, you have multiple children who are Muslim. So generally we have lots of kids, right? So you have a lot of kids and some of your kids are a little hyperactive, so they get in trouble a lot.

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Right? And they've gotten in trouble the last four or five times. So what do you do the next time a glass breaks?

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The next time you see a mark on the wall? You don't have to know who did it. You just automatically come in. What did you do?

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How do you do? I was sleeping? No, you weren't sleeping? Tell me the truth. And you got get mad at you? No, this is our fairness. You already assumed them to be guilty. And you could say and I can say to myself, Hey, I know my kids. I know who did this. I already got it. But you know what they have to feel also that not only the judge has to be fair, but the one being judged also has to know judge justice was used. This is why I come to

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us whenever you make judgments between people and takoma will add that this word is really important and tough to mobilize and that you judge with agile, now again in Arabic can easily be translated as Justice so can kissed. So can this is powerful. First of all, it's the opposite of unfairness. I'll joke, the joke. But also one of the interesting meanings of Abilene Arabic is McDonagh one fish Shahada when someone says something, and it's absolutely convincing, and anybody who heard it is happy with the verdict. In other words, even the guy that's guilty says, You know, I can't complain, that was a fair verdict.

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So when you and I as parents or as employers, or as teachers, we punish or we judge, but the people that we judge say, Oh, that's not fair.

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That wasn't fair. You're not being it's not right. When they feel that way that we haven't done.

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We haven't done agile, agile actually necessitates from the language perspective, transparency. You know, some of you are into watching, like, court TV, you know, when they when they finished the verdict, and they come out, and they asked each side, so what do you think? Well, I'm really happy I got my $100. And the one says, that was totally unfair. But ardila judge who's Arden, everybody will come out the guy who got one, the case will say it was fair, and the guy who lost the case will say, you know, it was fair. That's odd. And that's what you have to you have to exercise. It's particularly hard, for example, for teachers. You know, the teacher deals with students every single

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day, same people every day. And there are some students who always have the homework on time, they always get a good score on the test, they always raise their hand for the answer. They're always there early to school, never get in trouble. So the student, the teacher starts getting a little soft towards those students. And then there's a student who walks in late every day. homework is always a mess. He doesn't know if it's English or Chinese, he wrote on the homework, you know, kids shirt is always tucked out, he's always talking to somebody else in class, etc, etc. And over time, not the first day, not the second day, a couple of weeks go by and the teacher starts is getting

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agitated by this other kid. So he just walks in the class and the teacher is in a bad mood just looks at his face and he's in a bad mood. Maybe you were one of those kids when you were at school. But you know what a teacher who's added will not use what he's his previous experience to judge what's going to happen today. Every day clean slate everybody will be treated equally and that's the other meaning of added the other meaning of admin is actually test we say make something equal. And er de la Vina Shane Sahaba Hamada, sin Arabic When you make when you do other between two things, it means you consider them equal, you did not say one thing better than the other. As a parent, you did

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not play favorites among your children, as an employer, you did not treat one employee nicer than the other because of their gender, or because of the color of their skin, or because of their accent or because of the language they came from. And it goes back even further, just talking about employment. Some of you, for example, as human resource managers. You know, your job is to hire people. So you say let me call him my cousin.

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Let me let me hire

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Only the Muslims, you should hire Muslim. You know you're working at Verizon or you're working at IBM or you're working at some company I like I should only hire Muslims. This is not either. You were given this responsibility not so you hire Muslims, you were given this responsibility. So you hire people that are qualified for this job. Don't think you're doing the Drina favor. You're not our Dean does not condone injustice in any way, shape, or form, whoever is qualified, you're looking at them, whether you like them or not, whether you're personally in favor of them or not, you know, that's not the point you are given a trust, you are given a responsibility to hire people based on

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certain criteria, and your employer trusts you.

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So then you say to yourself, Well, everybody else uses their connections. So we should use our connections do use your connections, if it's fair, if the person that you're going to hire really does have the credentials, really does have the qualifications, and genuinely nobody else has better qualifications, then fine. Otherwise, you and I are going to stand in front of a line, we're gonna have to justify why we did that. I was a teacher one time in a college A long time ago. I used to teach Arabic at a college in New York. And mostly my students were non Muslims. One time there were two students in my class, they were Muslim,

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and Muslim. The only student I failed in my class was the Muslim.

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And he was really upset. He called me after

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I got my report card today.

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Yeah, you failed me. I said, Yes, I did. It hurt me a lot. I failed you. Good, but I'm Muslim.

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You passed all those gefallen. You've you've and you failed me.

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I pray next to you at the master. I say salon to you every time you come into class, you know, of course used to be in the evening, I used to pray with him before the slot class, right, used to remodel together. And then we used to go to class, and you feel me? How could you do that? To me?

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You didn't do any homework. You didn't show for any of the tests?

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You were barely in class used to praise a lot with being skipped class after that.

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How am I supposed to pass you? You know, we this is this is and it's not just because of him. And I don't want to make an example out of him. But the point of it is, it's not whether we treat each other, you know differently just because of we share a faith or we go to the same machine, or we're from the same town, or we have the same race or have the same family. You know, none of those things are enough before a lot. That's why the IRS doesn't even say what is our hockenson bhaineann Latina amanu and da da da da law is written by Nancy and Taco Bell. When you judge between people who should be fair of people, say Muslim people be fair, everybody else

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like that. Who cares about them, it's not like that.

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We have to develop this mentality about dealing with each other with fairness, is akin to being a Nazi and

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you know, in our personal lives, especially in our personal lives within our families, how you treat your wife, how you treat your in laws, how your wife treats your parents. These are matters of justice. This is not just personal matters, like nobody alone will ask us about each one of those relationships, whether we were fair or not. And I can tell you something for sure. We complain about political injustice. We complain about rulers that are unjust governments that are unjust bureaucracies that are unjust police that are unjust in so many parts of the world, right? There's like police taking bribes and judges that are paid off and the government is working for the rich

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and the poor, just get you know, slammed. That's all I have all the time, over and over and over again. And we're way a lot better here in the West. But we're not that much better. This corruption also exists here. But you know where it starts, when you are okay with injustice inside your house. When you're okay with injustice among your friends, then it extends to a community. And from there, it extends to a city and it extends to a country. This is a it's the disease starts with a small, small weed. It's a small little virus, it starts with individuals, and then it spreads.

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And it spreads in some Muslim countries to kind of lead the situation is so bad. Now even the Muslim, the good worse than the guy who prays five times a day, the guy who's got a beard the guy who's planning to go to Hajj, even he says what can you do? Everybody's doing it. What can you do, brother? I gotta take a bribe to I gotta feed my kids. What can you do? I have to Yeah, I have to falsify the reports. Also, you know, my very recently in a few states in the United States, there was actually a report done about how principals of public schools are telling their teachers to pass children unfairly.

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Not Not enough kids are passing.

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Now, not enough kids are bad, they're not able to pass the exam. So give them 50 extra points, give them 60 extra points of passages, get them out of here, graduate them, because we're looking really bad. And you know, when the when the schools don't graduate enough kids, then that's who has a lower rating. And when that school has a lower rating, the real estate in that area goes lower. And when the real estate goes lower down, lower taxes generated, and lesser businesses come to that. So it's an entire industry, right? So you have and it all comes down to how many kids are graduating, so they have to do this corruption to keep up the facade of we have the highest rated schools in the

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You know, and then the teachers are doing it and the teachers who refuse to do it get fired.

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You know, and they they eventually just post their complaints on YouTube or whatever. But you know, this is this corruption is even here. This corruption is all over all around us. This may be a corruption inside your company. They're asking you, your consultant, they're asking you to sign off on papers, this project is going to require 500 hours, you know, it's going to require 100 hours, you're falsely billing your client. You shouldn't stand for it. And you say, Well, if I don't stand for it, they're gonna fire me. Your is does not come from your employer. This comes from Allah. When we don't learn to stand up for justice, we have no right to complain about the state of the oma. No,

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right? If we personally in our own lives, if you don't stand up for justice, it isn't right. It isn't right. What we do. I have heard about and we keep talking about Muslims across the Atlantic. What about us over here, I met so many business owners and people who work for Muslims. And they pay them differently. The guy is from Pakistan, the owner of the business owners from Pakistan, his Pakistani employees get paid more his African American employees get paid less. His Spanish employees get paid less and then do the same work that justice, you're going to be able to answer along with that. So

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how far we are these think are dangerous. These are out of Carranza for Baraka. We recite them and we go home and we can live life the way we live life, we can do whatever we want with ourselves. We will not be getting away is in the La Jolla, Morocco. llamada de la, vida.

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Nevada can be here again from beginning to end.

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He says again, how amazing the advice Allah is giving you Are you listening? Are you even paying attention? What am I saying? What an incredible bit of advice he just gave you. And even then he is not done? He concludes the goddess I mean, no doubt Allah had always been listening, always been watching. What does that mean listening and watching? You know, when people go to court, people go to court, they testify. So the judge has to listen, the judge has to listen. But when they asked for evidence, they have to bring a witness who has not listened. But he has seen. Right. So first in judgment matters. First, you listen to the testimony, but to verify if that's the truth or not. You

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have to bring in a witness, who's a witness, somebody from the outside is a witness. And in other court matters, you can bring a fake witness. Yeah, I saw him he didn't rob the bank. He was sleeping in my apartment building. I saw him that night. You know, he's safe, you can make a false witness. Right. But when the court of law who's listening allies listening, and who's the witness, allies, the witness? What are you going to bring the witness from? How are you going to falsify a witness? So Pamela, in the law kind of semi on the perfect ending to the idea about justice, you better act justly. Because when you and I stand in our lowest court, there's not going to be a way we get out

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of this. There's not going to be a way to wiggle out. This is in our family life. This is in our business life. And even as I conclude to you, even as allies and allies as citizens, and to adult, I'm an athlete, if I don't care who is in the county,

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who's the chair of the school district, who's the who's the board member at the masjid, Who's the man who's the I don't care about any of these positions, these are public positions, any public position within the masjid outside the mustard. These are matters of public responsibility. The board members pool pool volunteers have to come to you please tomorrow we're having a meeting and they're going to be an election and there's some people that are you know, buying for this position or that position. We're hoping that we've picked the best person please participate. Eight people show up.

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This is not to Abdullah Mattila Alia we have to participate. Because these are Amana. These positions are Amana and it's this machine is your responsibility every machine in this country and anywhere else. The same thing for people who are in positions in any, any any public sector. We have to be involved in that because we have to be able to say that we at least, you know we at least had our say in giving disposition to those who are rightfully deserving,

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who are more deserving than others and to me

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is very important this public personal responsibility in a community in which you live. It's not just yeah, Mashallah we have food, we have house, we have car lights, good, who cares about anything else that happens outside, so long as I'm good. I don't care about anything else. This is a negation of that. You have to be concerned with matters that are happening outside that are happening in your community that are happening beyond yourself. So upon Allah, Allah azza wa jal makers, responsible believers and those that are able to take from the reflections of the Quran and bring that light of this book into their lives. barakallahu li walakum Quran is Hakeem when a fire Anyway, it was it was

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hamdu lillahi wa salatu salam ala Zina Safa. Susana of Mali him mahatama Nabina Muhammad Al Ameen vida le he was a big man in the LA Houma la casa who you saw Luna Allah nebbia Hola, Xena. amanu sallu alayhi wa sallam, Lima Allahumma salli ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed masala tada Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim al al amin in Dhaka hamidah Majeed Allahumma barik ala Muhammad Ali Muhammad Kamara Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim al al amin cama de Mogi de la urashima como la de La La La Jolla, San Juan de la jolla and in Sasha he will mooncup well as a crow la, la la, la la

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la la la la sala de Cana mini Nikita makuta

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hang on

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hang on.

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Hang on.

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Hang on.

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All night in sauna

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the sauna

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your phones should be silent please.

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Hello Hello Alhamdulillah

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Nana wafi Mima Kenya.

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He cannot he cannot say

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Email c'est la vie Nadine and

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Bumi island

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Subbu honey lahemaa is our thing.

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Patino Laffy sahbihi

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semi Allah hamidah

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a law

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aloha lot

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assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah.

00:32:52 --> 00:32:58

Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah. Shall a few announcements. One is this Saturday shala has seminar

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan shares a few lessons and reflections from just one Ayah of Surah An-Nisa which is a very comprehensive and very powerful Ayat in the life of a Muslim. It’s a Madani Surah, which means that the audience is predominantly the Muslim himself as opposed to a Makki Surah where the predominant and primary audiences are non-Muslims. But in the Madani Qur’an, the majority of the people that were listening were the Muslims themselves. 

The ayats of surah An Nisa talk about various points such as the Commands that are supposed to be applied such as Allah is commanding us that we should have Taqwa.  Also, the concept and importance of Amanah is elaborated upon.

The majority of the lecture delves on the importance of sound and impeccable judgment and how it is paramount for a Muslim to be a sound judge between people in the face of a dispute or altercation.

“Indeed, Allah commands you to render trusts to whom they are due and when you judge between people to judge with justice. Excellent is that which Allah instructs you. Indeed, Allah is ever Hearing and Seeing.”

[Surah An Nisa , verse 58]

This implies that we should make fair decisions keeping the Shariah in mind and always remember that Allah is always Listening and always Watching.

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