Nouman Ali Khan – Eid Mubarak

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The history and importance of Islam have been discussed, including the impact of being recognized as a Muslim and the benefits of being exposed to a particular message. The "we" concept is also emphasized, where everyone is supposed to be the same. The importance of surrendering to others and not allowing others to sacrifice themselves is also discussed. The struggles of people who want to be a part of Islam and the importance of celebrating its success are also highlighted.
AI: Transcript ©
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Allahu Allah, Allah, Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah. Allah Al

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hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah han early he was a huge pain and 100 la junta de la moda who understand you know who and istockphoto when we will be here when I talk to Allah He went through the villa human surely unforeseen a woman say, Melina, Hello fellow mobile Allah. Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah. Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah. Allah, Allah. When a shadow under Mohammed Abdullah he Rasulullah sallallahu taala Buddha within a newly Allahu Allah de Vaca fabula shahida bustle Allahu alayhi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira I'm about fighting Ebola. Oh, hello, howdy howdy Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but in a shorter volume of data to have a inoculum

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Desert invader Nakula without in La la la la la la la, la, la la la Allah azza wa jal Futaba caringbah Nakula erodibility ministry cuando Jean with a patella Ibrahim honorable will be kalimat in Baton mahana Pilar Indonesia a local Indesit your mama Pilar, mental realty Pilar, Lillian and Yvonne you mean? rubbish? Silly Emily melissani only Allahumma sempiternal multiview La ilaha illa Allah, Allah Medina, Mina Latina, Amina Mohammed Ali heard what was what was on the sub me I mean, a la, la, la la la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la land hand. It's an incredible day for all believers, and all of the people that are the children of Ibrahim alayhis salaam, because we're celebrating his

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legacy. And I wanted to take this opportunity of the equilibar to remind myself of a few things, this legacy is 1000s of years old. And as long as you have remembered being Muslim, you've been reminded of this legacy, virtually every time this time of year comes around and beyond. So it there's a tendency when you hear the same thing over and over again, to tune out to hear something and say, Oh, I already know what that's about. You know, and that's a tendency you have an I have, we're human that that happens. And that's one thing that I want all of us to let go of when it comes to our religion for the kid with a kid for in Nevada, they can remind because the reminder has

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benefit. And in fact, even though the story of Musashi so that was given to the prophets lesson on many times, when he was in a difficult situation unless attacker, de su Musa did the news of Musa come to you, like news meaning something new, had a hadith from header, right as if you have to hear like you've never heard it before. And I have to think about it like I've never thought about it before. And that's part of a very fundamental part of our religion is that we think about these teachings as if we're being exposed to them for the first time. And what that does, the benefit of that is that it affects our heart in a new way. Instead of it glossing over, because it's not just

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something that goes into our ears, and then goes into our minds. It's something at the end of the day that's supposed to affect our hearts. And that's really what we want to do is be able to affect our hearts. That's big because because we're talking about the legacy of Ibrahim on a solemn he understood something from the very beginning when he lost his dad, because that kicked him out and he was on his own. He basically told a lot if I can lose anything but illuminata Lucha be Calvin Saleem, just the day on which money and children will be of no benefit except somebody who comes in front of Allah with a with a good heart, with a sound heart, that's all that's going to matter. So

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at the end of the day, all of this is about where what's the state of our hearts, you could be in a gathering of people. And we're in a good state, in terms of the environment, we're in a good state in terms of the food that's on our table, we're in a good state in terms of the clothes that we're wearing, we're in a good state in terms of the job or the income or the finances, we're in a good state in terms of our physical health. But that doesn't mean our hearts are in a good place. And that doesn't mean that we're okay with Allah. Right. And that's really at the end of the day, what this is about. So the few things I wanted to quickly share with you.

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The first of them is that Allah made human beings with a body, like all creatures, but he also gave us a ruler, right? And it's hard to translate. But for now, I'll just call it a soul. So a body and a soul, right? And if the soul leaves the body, then we're dead, then it's just an empty shell. And without the soul, we're nothing more than a corpse. That's all we are. So there's an outside reality, which is this physical body, it has organs, it has skin, it has bones and all of that stuff. And then there's a spiritual reality that the real true essence of who we are, that's not seen. It's an invisible part of us that's inside of us. That's the part even when we die, it's going

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to be alive. Right? And it's going to be it's going to be questioned by the angels. It's going to be taken to Allah. It's going to be the that's, that's the

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essence of who we actually are in this is basically just like these clothes I'm wearing on top of my body. My body itself is clothes that I'm wearing. It's not actually me, this is just a cover. And literally Allah says what Dr. Maha will knock on Judgement Day. He says, You've left behind the wrappings we put you in, right? These are the wrappings. And on top of that they're the wrappings of clouds. And on top of that, there's the wrapping of your home. And on top of that is the wrapping of your neighborhood. And on top of that is the wrapping of the sky. When Judgment Day happens, all these wrappings come off. It's just you, you and Allah. So just like there's for human beings,

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there's a body, and there's a rule, and without the rule, we're just an animal, or we're just a corpse really the same exact way. In our religion, our religion has a body and it has a rule. The religion has a form like, it looks like something on the outside. Right, the prayer, the things we say the things we hear the visible parts of Islam, the rituals of Hajj on the outside, the fasting on the outside, you know, the the forms of the prayer, the recitation of the Quran, this is all the body of the idea of Islam. And then there's something that's inside Islam, the rule of Islam, the essence of this religion, everything Allah has given us as worship, every act like it's the prayer,

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once Hajj, or in this case, it's the eat celebration, it has a body, it looks a certain way, right? Just like the body has a certain appearance. These acts of worship have a certain appearance, so we're supposed to leave, you know, as soon as the day we leave, or even the night before we start doing tech we rot. Right? We take a different road than the normal road to come to the prayer because it's a Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam we do you know, we, we pray the prayer first and have the hookah second. This is part of the body of the the ritual of eat, we celebrate, we hug each other, we eat food together, we drink together. These are things that the

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prophets I said, I'm told us we should be doing on the DVD to celebrate, right, but that's all the body of aid.

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And this is a moment to remember the soul of

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what's it what's behind all of it. And what's behind all of it is is you know, in simple words, what we're celebrating is the fact that we get to call ourselves the children of Ibrahim

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Ibrahim Alayhi. Salam was asked to slaughter his own child who he loved so much. But it's remarkable that Ibrahim alayhi salam, that same Ibraheem alehissalaam, who submitted himself and it was such a hard test for him because he loved his son so much, was even arguing with angels about a nation he's never been to.

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He's never even met, the people have looked but when they were about to be destroyed, he was worried about them. Because he saw himself almost like a father figure to all of humanity. Which is why when he passed all of his tests, Allah said to him in New Jersey, locally nasty Mama, I'm making you a leader over all people.

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Over all people, and then he talked about his offspring. And Allah then told us he's your father Abraham, even if you're not by blood or by lineage connected to Abraham, Elisa, then maybe physically your body and its genetics are not tied to Ibraheem alehissalaam your soul is genetically tied to Abraham, Alice. Alice has been letter A b comma Brahim, you're the religion of your father, Ibraheem alehissalaam. Now, that means, because this is about celebrating him, we will lose the soul of this lead if we don't understand what his life is about. Because then we don't know what or why and how, because what, why, and how are important we're celebrating. So what what happens when the

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when the soul is gone, is that the celebration of eat is just a prayer, and its food, and it's gifts, and it's hugs and its meaning with family. And all of those are wonderful things because those are the beautiful body of eat. But without the soul, it's nothing more than a corpse. A body is only beautiful when it's alive, isn't it? That same beautiful body, it could be a you know, a beautiful, physical, healthy body, but the moment his soul leaves, it becomes a corpse.

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And it's something that's difficult to look at. That's something that difficult to be in the presence of. We want to make sure that when we do acts of worship, for Allah, that the body is beautiful, but so is the soul. And the soul remains inside the body. So what are the what are at least three things you and I can think about when it comes to the soul of the the essence of aid that is tied to Abraham it set up? The first of them is that he is a young man who is willing to who's really committed to finding out about who Allah is.

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And when he tries to find out who Allah is there are people that get in his way.

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And he starts asking questions and wonders why we do things the way we do them. And the people who get in his way are the people that have the most power in his life over him, his own father, his society. So if you questions them and angers them too much, he's gonna get in a lot of trouble. But that doesn't stop him from seeking the truth about who God is, who Allah is, no matter what. I want to know what the truth is. He's not praying yet. He's not doing any acts of worship, yet. He's not eating Hallelujah, or, you know, performing rituals here. He doesn't know any of that stuff. He just wants to know who Allah is. And he wants to know why we can we follow the wrong way. What Why are we

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following something that doesn't make any sense? He's questioning, he's questioning his culture. He's questioning his society. He's questioning the beliefs that he was raised with. And he's saying, there's something that I have inside my heart, there is a higher purpose, there is a there is someone that I owe gratitude to, and it cannot be the sun, it cannot be the moon cannot be the stars. It cannot be these idols that you're sitting and dedicating yourself to. There has to be more than this. I'm going to question it. And when you question the people around you that are blinded by false gods, then you become offensive. Then people will call people who call them you're being too

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extreme. You're being disrespectful. Why can't you be like everyone else? Why are you being weird? Why this is unacceptable, you're hurting me. You're hurting the family. And he hears all of those things. And it doesn't change the fact that he's committed to the truth. He didn't stop loving his father. He didn't stop caring about people. He was actually one of the most caring human beings talked about in the Quran, but his desire to know and commit to the truth. Because I just need to know I need to understand for myself, and when something is wrong, I'm going to call it wrong. I don't care whose feelings are hurt. It's just it's wrong. Dad, I love you, but you can't be sitting

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in front of idols. They have no life. They can't benefit you.

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You know, he would I know something you don't he was offensive. That's an offensive thing to say. But he was committed to the truth. Now the thing is, we can belong we can tell hamdulillah we found Islam therefore we don't have to investigate anymore. You know, his faith is something so remarkable. Ibraheem alehissalaam that even when he finds the truth, he's still trying to understand a lot better and better.

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Even after finding the truth, even after being a prophet after so many years, you know what he said to Allah? Allah? Can you show me how you bring the dead to life?

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And this is you. This is after Allah has ax he has experience being thrown in a fire,

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which is death. And the law preserved what his life? He's already experienced that. So he knows Allah controls life and death. Yes, when he's experienced it. And he's still asked a lot, that question, you know what that tells you, that tells you that it's not some faith, and growing your faith. And you know, seeking to know a lot more and more and more is not, it's not a thirst that you quenched A long time ago. Now you know, who Allah is, you can move on to other things. It's not like that. Your Quest towards a lie is a lifelong quest. When we sit in gatherings of a man, the prophet socialism tells us to celebrate and eat together. And why would he tell us to go take different

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roads on a day, because other people will see where these people going?

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When we're gonna sit together with family and eat and drink? We're gonna sit and eat back in the day people didn't have refrigerators, right? People didn't have pantries in their homes. We have now what are they eating? They're eating the animal that they sacrificed. You get it?

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They're eating that animal. And when they're eating their animal, who are they thinking about? Who are they talking about when they're sitting and eating? Who are they discussing with each other? they're discussing the sacrifice that their father, Ibrahima Lisa was willing to make and how they are honored to be a part of that. And I was thinking about that on the way here today. And I was thinking about because I guess because we're studying sort of use of right now. Yusuf Ali Salaam was in prison. And you know what he said to prison his inmates. When they he struck a conversation with them. He's he remembered his father Ibrahim Ali Salaam and his particular words were the only coming

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from Lila he Alena Weiland as

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I get to be part, you know, I fall I follow the religion of my father's Ibrahim has happened. Yeah, oh, we don't associate anyone with ALLAH. That is a favor Allah has done to us. And that is Allah has done to the people. But most people don't under they're not grateful. He's so grateful that his father found Allah. Ibrahim, who then taught his kids who then taught their kids who then taught you so

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but that favor began with everything.

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Are they so who found Allah who sought for align removed all check? When we're sitting and celebrating with our children, it's not just what did you get me for you? I mean get anything.

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Yeah, you should get stuff. But as you're sitting there and celebrating these gifts, and this food, you and I should be thanking Allah for the Our Father who turned towards him whose legacy we get to be a part of today. Because this wouldn't be here. We wouldn't be mentioning his name. We wouldn't be tied to that if a London bless him and make that die. In fact, even our Prophet sallallahu Sallam is a response to Abraham is the law and he set up so that's the first thing. acquest no matter what. The second thing is surrender, no matter what. Rahim Elisa Lam is an example of something we you and I struggle to do every day, surrender completely to Allah. surrender our sleep to Allah surrender

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our temper to Allah, surrender our greed to Allah, surrender our you know, desires to Allah surrender, you know,

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our opinions to Allah surrender our time to Allah like he surrendered himself completely slumped to the rug behind me. It's not an easy thing to do, you and I know that we live it.

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We struggle with it every day.

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And we are now sitting and celebrating that we get to be get to look up to someone and find strength and inspiration from somebody who surrendered himself entirely before Allah. You know, notice the both the prayers come after a massive act of obedience. The first aid prayer is after a massive act of obedience to Allah, Ramadan 30 days of obedience to a lot not easy.

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The second eat prayer comes after a massive act of obedience to hudge, which is an exhausting taxing act of obedience to Allah. And then you get to celebrate so what are you celebrating? In both cases, you're celebrating surrender to Allah. That's what you're celebrating. Isn't it kind of crazy, then that our celebrations include so much disobedience to a lot, sometimes our celebrations have backbiting our celebrations have showing off. Our celebrations have paid you that's your eat outfit.

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We're talking about a man who left all material things behind. Yes. And it has become more about material things than anything else. That means the body remains and the soul is gone. And even the body starts rotting. It starts decaying. We can't let that happen to me. That's that's the second thing surrender. And the third is sacrifice. Ibrahim Ali Salaam was asked to do something no other Prophet was asked to do. Abraham at a time was asked to give up something nobody else was asked to give up. Give up his loved ones, not once multiple times. When the child is born, leave them in the desert to die. That's the first sacrifice before the sacrifice of you know, that's that's even the

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first sacrifice leave the wife and, you know, wife and child in the middle of the desert, which practically looks like death. What else does that look like? You guys go drive somewhere and the air conditioning is not working in the car. And your family will say I'm dying. Try that without air conditioning in the desert.

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How are we going to be dying? And then after his son is old enough to run along with him, then Allah says you need to sacrifice him for me. What does that tell you? That surrender submission to Allah isn't just about giving up yourself. Giving up you know your own feelings, giving up yourself even physically. But surrender has another dimension. And that sacrifice meaning when we surrender to Allah are going to be things that we love, but we're gonna have to let go of or we're gonna have to be willing to let go. And we should be grateful to Allah. One of the biggest things we're grateful to Allah for is Allah didn't ask us to sacrifice the way he asked Ibrahim to sacrifice. He asked him

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to sacrifice his own child, can you? We can't even imagine what that would be like. Instead, he sacrificed an animal instead. And when we're sitting and eating an animal that's been sacrificed or sacrificing an animal, we're celebrating that Allah made things way easier for his children.

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They were way harder for him, way easier for us. And we thank Allah that He didn't ask us to sacrifice things that give us joy. He only asked us it's this is the beauty of the of the Quran, but you have to be more or lay him on haba if Allah only asked us to sacrifice things that are bad for us that are filthy, that are evil. He didn't ask us to sacrifice anything good.

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In fact, he told us to ask for good things in this life. But not enough for dunya Hassan Hassan pinata now we should be celebrating we should be in a healthy, safe way.

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Because we are in a COVID situation, right? So we should be getting together with family, we should be eating with them. But we should also make this a day of reminding ourselves what makes this day special. What makes us special because of it? You know, why do we get honored by it? Don't let that soul have a go. Let that be something that's renewed and rejuvenated. And then the food and the drink and the gatherings and the gifts will actually have meaning. Let's make it let's make this a meaningful celebration for all of us in our families. I pray that Allah azza wa jal protects you and your families and Lesotho gives us a meaningful eat and mix us gives us a renewed sense of

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commitment to the legacy of our father Ibrahim Ronnie's barakallahu li walakum filmmaker Anil Hakeem when a family when he accompany it with him, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illAllah Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar. When he learned him, they Mubarak to all of you

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