Nouman Ali Khan – Commanding Good Forbidding Evil #1

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the concept of failure and how it can be defined. They emphasize the importance of fulfilling human rights and achieving success, emphasizing the need for faith and fulfillment of all four demands. The speakers also stress the importance of not overthinking requirements and not overthinking expectations. The speakers emphasize the importance of remembering actions and words in one's life and emphasizes the need for mindful behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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What do we believe

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when truly unforeseen are

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punishable by law Illa Allah,

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Muhammad Abdullah he was

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eager. For some Obama he was

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a double la la, heavy handed in Salalah.

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Allah azza wa jal

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are silly me?

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Today's webinar is dedicated to a very fundamental concept in art and in our religion.

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More commonly, people call it commanding the good and forbidding the evil. That's a very common way that this concept is described. What I want to do over the next series of hobas, is to kind of help us gain a big picture view of this subject, and how that applies to our lives and what it expects from us from this, this notion, this teaching that he's given us that he's re emphasized over and over again, in different parts of the forum. The first time that the first way that I think you can understand this easily, before even going to the eye out that literally say command, the good and forbidding the evil, which is actually what I decided,

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is probably to take a look at silvassa. And so to answer is, you know, children, though, you guys know, it's a short sort of the shortest, but

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what I was hoping

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that's why there's a few basic things that everybody should know about. And the most basic thing you should know about it is it is the least describes the least passing rate. The kids can understand that easily. Right? If you don't meet, if you did some extra credit assignments, you can get a higher rate. Yeah, if you did some more work at the office, we are your job requirement, maybe you can get a bonus if you can put in some overtime. But in any time you have been given a responsibility or have been given responsibility, there's a bare minimum. And if I don't meet the minimum requirements that I failed, yeah. So to give you like, by analogy, if somebody gave me a job

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and said, these are the three tasks you have to accomplish, and if you finish these three tasks, and you have some extra time leftover, then do these other three tasks. So do ABC, that's your job. If you get extra time, boom, de F, yeah. But what I do is I realized that ABC are kind of inconvenient for me, or I'm not enjoying them too much. I really like D Yeah, they're actually a lot of fun for me, and I'm really good at them. So what I do all day is def.

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And at the end of the day, when my boss comes and says aurantium, the week or the month, I'm awesome. So how's the project going? I did a fantastic job. Look at look at the pomos perfectly I did D and F,

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he says

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your that wasn't your primary job, your primary job was a, b and c, right. So that that kind of a an employee is bound to get fired, because they're technically not doing their job, they can complain, I get so much, I did such a great job, but you didn't do what was asked of you. You took the secondary and made it the primary, and you took the primary and made it the secondary, you don't get to decide what's primary, and what secondary, that comes from your employer. The same way for a teacher, a teacher can say this is the term project. If this is not complete, you're not gonna pass the class. But here are the extra things you can do. These are the extra projects you can do to

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enhance your brain. And a student doesn't do their current project does all the extra credit assignments and expects to pass they're not going to pass. They're just simply going to fail. Why am I bringing these examples to your attention? By the way, it's not just in school or a job. It can also be in a relationship like parents and children, spouses, etc. There can be some things you do for your spouse that are extra, right that are out of the goodness of your heart. But then there are other things that are absolutely fundamental. You have to do that you have to fulfill those rights. And you ignore the fundamental rights and say, hey, look at the look at the you know, the burger and

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pottery or something. Right? So like if you if you take the extra stuff, and you make it like that's, that's such a great job I did here but you ignore the most fundamental

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basic parts, you're bound to fail in that relationship. This is the thought process that has to be in mind when we understand the overarching concept of social

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and really suited so like I said, is the starting point to understand command and good and for being. So let's let's go there first. Allah says Time is running out, he swears by time that's running out. So it's a state of emergency what else and he says every single human being is in a state of loss. So every one of us is actually the starting point is failure. Now, again, an analogy. Sometimes a teacher comes into class, I have two kinds of professors in college. One Professor Curtis Dickerson says all of you are going to get your name. Every one of you I've already written in a what is written in pencil, it's up to you whether I erase it or replace it with something else.

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And if you want to get this a, here's all you have to do. So the starting point is not F, the starting point is a other professors come into class and say, by the way, most of you, if not all of you are going to fail. And the Lila's own fail is who do this, this and this. So the starting point for that, professor is why it's an F. And you've got to work your way to get out of the app, you understand, to get out of the field. So to answer describes the starting point, for you and me, if we don't get our act together as what is failure. Every human being is already gone. We lost every single one. He didn't make any exceptions. He didn't say disbelievers or failure, or bad people are

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good. He didn't make a distinction. He said, if you're a human being the starting point for you is what? loss you're losing time. First of all, you're losing time, and you need to get your act together. Now, there are four things, you have to accomplish all four because, like I said, ABC, let's make it A, B, C, and D because there's four items and sorted out. So right.

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Wha What are some of those three ends in between A and B, and C and D? You know what that means? If someone said, I'll just work on a, they failed. If they say I worked on a and b, they still failed. If they say I did a, b and c pretty good. But I didn't get time for D they still fail. You and you can pick and choose. If a law says the only people who don't lose, the only people who are not in loss are those who accomplished alladhina amanu. Wha sonica? What are some? What was he expected four things, then unless I need all four requirements I had what?

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Then I haven't met the required, you know, from a from a Christian perspective, they talk about salvation. Right? And if you want to look at the Korans description of salvation, well, what is salvation to y'all? Well, here it is, every you know, human being shall have salvation, because they're all going to be a loss unless they meet four requirements. They need to meet these requirements, you have to have to, you have to fulfill the requirements of faith, that faith should lead you to do good deeds. And he will describe what those good deeds are, I don't get to describe, and I don't get to prioritize, and but that should be good enough, you should just believe and do

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good deeds, and you should be good enough. But he says, but there are some kinds of good deeds that go overlooked. So I'm going to spell them out for you here. So the next few items are actually good deeds, too. But they are the two good deeds that are so important that if they're not there, and they can easily be forgotten, that you're still going to be in lost and not even realize, right, so what does he do? He says, not just those who have faith, really, not just those who do good deeds, like praying, for example, or eating halal food, for example, or staying away from Cologne, for example. All of those are good deeds, great. liability, two things. Two out of how many for sale

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failure, technically, but I'm doing good. That's all there should be.

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Allah says Allah, Allah, Allah.

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Allah, those who believe and do good deeds shall have gardens doesn't mean he doesn't say for apartments, he says how many to all the time. So how come there's for all of a sudden, you promised me happen in other places, which are still requirements. And now you're putting yourself out, you're telling me I'm a failure unless I meet four requirements. So there is a contradiction. Actually, there isn't a contradiction. What a lifestyle misses. Those good deeds include C and D. But C and D are the most forgotten good deeds. And I mean, I want to make sure you don't fail and think you're doing some good deeds, and you're ignoring these other good deeds. And as a result of that, you're

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failing. I wouldn't want you to be in that category. So he spelled it out for us. And so tell us and what did he say? What? So what the lasso is? Now the word the lasso is a

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means the Council, the council, they give advice. Okay. I won't get into

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Etymology are long discussions and the whole book context, we can keep it short. They give advice, they give counsel, they see kind words to encourage. So these are all they translated as the the enjoying each other, or they cancel each other. Okay? Anyhow,

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he could have said that word once, he could have said the council each other to the truth, and the council each other to patience. But the word council didn't have to be repeated, because the council each other to truth and patience, you could say the council once. Like, you could say, I ate a burger and a french fries. But you don't have to say a twice, you can just say I had a burger and french fries. You don't have to repeat the eight. But here he's saying, and those who count those who have counseled each other to the truth, and those who cancel each other to patient. So why would he do that? Why would you repeat the verb? Why? Because those two things don't necessarily come

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together, they have to be looked at as separate. You have to understand them separately, to put it in very, very basic terms, because the purpose of it is not to give to give you a CEO. So I've done a lot of lectures on podcasts and things like that. Here, I want you to understand going back to the concept that I hope to elaborate for all of us, and that is demanding good and forbidding evil. So I'll give you a basic example.

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Late at night, before the COVID-19 days, you're going home from work, right? And it's like, you know, eight or 9pm, you're going down the street and a bunch of kids are playing TV boys are playing baseball in the middle of the street. Right. And they're hitting the ball really hard and it's hitting cars and alarms are going off and some windows getting smashed, and they're playing. And you're walking by

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guys, you shouldn't be doing that. But what thought crosses your mind, if you did tell them that they shouldn't be doing that. The thought that crosses their mind, their mind is right now they're playing baseball with a ball. If I open my mouth, and I play baseball with my head,

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I don't know what they're gonna do. There's a lot of them. And there's just one of me. There's a fear is speaking out for the truth. Because you can't just say that and get away with it. When you when you speak the truth.

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Whenever you counsel somebody to the truth, there's a pretty high likelihood they can turn around and say, would you say? Excuse me? Who are you to tell me?

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So and you could say and by the way, I didn't say the slap each other with the truth. They counsel which means they find respectful, gentle, kind, appropriate words, the appropriate time to say something and say it in the in the most proper way. And then what they say is actually based on proper understanding, we'll get to all of that. But even if you do everything right, the problem is truth is offensive.

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It just is. Nobody wants to hear that they did something wrong. Nobody wants to hear advice, because they feel like we feel like we're in a position to give advice as human beings. But when it comes to taking advice to candidates like Yeah, really. And it's extreme, its most extreme form is when prophets give advice, right? prophets advice cannot be argued. Like if your wife gave you advice or like,

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what about you? doesn't give you advice? Yeah. Thanks for the advice. What about you? When prophet give you advice? You can say, Yeah, thanks. Well, what about you can't tell you that?

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You can't, it's really annoying that you have to listen to everything a Prophet is saying. And you can question anything. And you can even say, Oh, yeah, well look at yourself. Because if you look at an example of it anyway. So this was a big problem for people to accept a prophet. And the Quran describes

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a person

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and you couldn't find any other problem with him. So this is

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the Prophet, he eats food. He's walking around in the markets like we are.

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He's just human. Now they couldn't find a flaw. So him being human became a flaw. But the point the underlying psychology behind that is important. Human beings don't like being corrected. Human beings sometimes don't like hearing the truth. And by the way, the only reason you would have to counsel somebody to the truth, or the only reason somebody would have to counsel Me To The truth is because I'm doing something that's untrue. That's I'm doing something wrong, or I'm thinking something wrong, or I'm seeing something wrong. Or maybe I become neglectful of something good I should be doing. So I was in need of it. That's why I'm here. And the law says in the show, that if

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you see something wrong, and you don't find a way to point it out to the other,

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but it's not just the counsel to the truth, the loss of the power will actually mean to each other. Amazingly, now, they give advice, but as they are giving advice, they are equally prepared to take advice. That also means they're they're not just there to tell you what you've done wrong.

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They're actually eager to hear what they can do better.

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And they find, and the one who's being corrected, thinks of it as a favor being done to them that they are being corrected.

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Each of them actually think that this person now in the world that we live in today be corrected is offensive. Be correctness. Oh, yeah. Are you all correct me, let me show you how that works.

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And in fact, part of us even says, Now that you've corrected me, it's your turn.

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It's like a tennis match. Nobody's interest, nobody's actually acknowledging that you've done me a favor by correcting by thank you for pointing something out that I didn't address that I didn't see that I'm doing wrong. A person, for example, can be negligent. A person, for example, can look dismissive. A person, for example, can say something that comes across as offensive, they didn't think it was offensive at all. But they said it and they didn't.

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And somebody pointed out to them, and we should be able to realize it. Yeah, you're right, that we accept that you were the first to defend and say, No, no, that's not

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what I mean at all. And I don't want to see how it can be taken that way. I don't want to see that. I want to be corrected. Oh, you are so hurt by that. What about what you did on Thursday, of 1983, January 4, etc. Like you've got this list of, you know, violations ready to go. And you can bring those up. Anytime you're corrected. You've got a list of things you Arsenal you've got against each person. And every time they tried to correct you something, I got your phone right here. Pull up the file. And let's say about so deflect from yourself.

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But that's the opposite of what I say here with

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the council each other. They're giving, you know, as if they're giving parting advice, you know, the Aussie comes from We'll see. And we'll see I mean, someone who's dying, they leave a will. Yeah. And when they're dying, and a mother resign. And she says to her daughters take care of each other. As the last the last words they heard

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the mother stuff, this notion that maybe I'll never get a chance to say something to

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the children will have imprinted on their minds that these are the last words our mother ever told us. Are they have some significant value? Yes, they are. And Tomasi means it's as if you're talking to somebody, and you don't know if you'll ever get a chance to hear their voice again. Or to get to hear yours again. There's a certain softness in the heart that comes from philosophy, unless people are in a state of loss. And they can't hold on to their faith. And they can't hold on to good deeds until they learn to give each other good sincere advice based on the truth that

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it happens.

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And here actually means

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they cancel each other to all buzzwords.

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And the point being if somebody tells you Hey,

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oh, yeah. Are you telling me that?

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You don't think I know that?

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Why do you think the Sahaba reminding each other? Like they were silent roster to each other all the time? No, not one of them said, Hey, I

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already know that. Thank you. Thank you, though, for assuming that I don't know that.

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Nobody said that. Because they understood that human beings are in need of one reminder. Reminder as if it's never been heard before. This is why when illegible was was the story of over and over and over again more than any other story. And then when the promise is almost the products runtime, he told him what to do with the news of Moosa come to you is the new story of moussaka to start new, I've already been bajillion times. I've heard it so many times. And yet unless Allah gives the prophets like something like attitude, when you hear the word of Allah, the attitude you and I should have is like we're hearing it for the first time. That's what he expects. That's what help

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and then comes well, even if you do such counsel, sometimes if I give you advice, or you gave me advice, you don't see the change right away. Yeah.

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Let's compare for our master, Allah made it very clear that we have to pray.

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He made it very clear we have to dress a certain way or we have to eat certain things or we have to behave certainly he made it very clear.

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Do we sometimes miss

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his does he have a right to say, I clearly told you what I want and what I don't want.

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And here you are sleeping through prayers. You know what I'm done with you?

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Is that allow us origin towards us? Because if he was humanity wouldn't exist anymore.

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But what are we to each other? I told you once.

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And that should have been enough. And now that I see that you forgot, or you neglected my commandment to you, I'm sorry. My advice to you.

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Now you're finished.

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I can't believe that

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You neglected

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me so easily forget, I easily forget how much do I need.

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And I was not upset with me. And yet I feel like I'm in the position that I told someone to do something. And they weren't, they didn't, I didn't see the change right away. I didn't see the transformation that I was expecting

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to see, I specifically told you why.

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I let you know that that's not gonna fly. And here we are again.

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Does that sound like so awesome? Does that sound like counseling to the truth? No, because, you know, under the The reason I wanted to, you know, really explain this concept. Take my time explain this concept to you through a series of football, is because we use beautiful words, sometimes, like beautiful words are commanding the good and forbidding the

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beautiful words. But we use them for some very ugly behaviors.

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We misuse them. And we masked the ugly behavior, thinking that we're doing something good.

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The responsibility to give counsel doesn't go away. And once you give counsel, you have to be patient,

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but also the soul, we have to be patient with each other. Even the scientists, Allah has to tell his teacher so the God, could you be patient with me?

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You know, and the teacher has to tell them, you're not going to be patient with me.

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What does that mean? Human beings are not perfect. Even if you give someone advice. If one kid came to me and said, and I tell them, hey, listen, the machine has certain manners. When you come in here, I don't want you, you know, talking about video games or other things. Once you come into the machine, you should only be talking about the real remembering of life. And I gave them this advice twice, three times four times. But then they come in and they're doing the same thing again, should I get upset? No, no, I should remember human beings a reminder

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that that's what I should remember human beings need when we forget.

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And who are they? Instead of water? They often forget, but I, the one from YouTube gave them

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Then this act of worship? This is supposed to be that this Ilan is worship, good deeds or worship. counseling to the truth is also what? worship, every act of worship is the last thing that's it for the soul. But every act of worship has to be done with humility to a lot, yes or no.

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every act of worship can Is it possible to do an act of worship for Allah with an arrogant attitude?

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It's a muscle and the one you are dealing with, whether it's your son, whether it's your husband, whether it's your wife, whether it's your father, whether it's your mother, whether it's your cousin, brother, sister, coworker, friend, best friend, best enemy, whatever, whoever you're dealing with, are they not slaves?

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Are they not a property of a law?

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And when something is the property, like if you handle something that was a property of someone very important, you know, they handle with care.

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Right? You're you're not just dealing with a person, you're dealing with someone who belongs to a lot. Isn't that what we remind ourselves of when a person leaves this world, that we all belong to a lot, that's an envelope, we will be returned. This is why the name which we speak to each other, the way in which we give counsel to each other, the way in which we speak the truth to each other needs to reflect that understanding.

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So when we get to the commanding the golden, evil, and what that really implies, what does it mean? What does the word good in the eye actually mean? What does commanding actually mean? What is evil? Actually, what's the word for evil use? What does it mean to permit it? When and what does it mean for an individual? What does it mean for a family? What does it mean for the oma? There are levels of it, there are layers of it. When we understand that, at every single level, we have to come back to one fundamental thing. All of these are acts of worship, which means we are not concerned we are not more conscious of a lot and we are the creatures in front of us. That's what that's what has to

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happen first allows origin makers of those who can truly exhibit their divine good deeds, even when they do counsel to the truth and counsels patients in their lives and make use of those who are in fact people have come in the good and forbidding the evil in the way that he would expect us to be

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Reza with me again,

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a lot more

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in the

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in the line up with the idea

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when it

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to the

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love of

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Allah Illallah La,

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la, la la, la la, la la, la la, la la, la, la, la la la la la la

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man you kiyomi

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he cannot

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be Dena coo

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of life

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back to

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how now honey

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send me an

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he hosts

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a landlady

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semi long remember

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