Nouman Ali Khan – Balagha Intensive Day 1 #01

AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses a new program for teaching grammar and writing in English designed to cover topics like grammar, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing, writing,
AI: Summary ©
It's below salatu salam ala Rasulillah hard early or savage vain. Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
Very nice to have all of you Alhamdulillah I think there are more people also trickling in slowly but surely. But we I know we had a late start people are coming in the first day. We also have some technical stuff to figure out, but it's good that we've all got a start Better late than never, Inshallah, my intention today is to explain to you how the program is going to work some house rules first. And so everybody's on the same page, and then we'll get started right into the material. There's lots and lots of stuff to cover. But don't worry, I'll make it extra difficult. Okay, so the first thing is we are still construction zone. So there are doors that are closed in the campus, and
they should stay close. So the sisters area these doors over here, they lead straight to a hallway that goes into the masala and that's the sisters bathroom area will do area and the masala area, Salah is a shared space the guys, you go from that door, and through those doors is the men's area. There's a section on this side where the construction workers are and there's lots of materials there. We've closed those doors, please don't open them. Okay, so that's inaccessible. I'm going to give you guys lots and lots of breaks. And what I'm going to I'm going to experiment with how these breaks work out. So what I'm going to do in the first break I'm going to try to do is the sisters
can stay in the auditorium if they like and the guys can go into the masala and in the next break, we'll swap places. So just so everybody's more comfortable, they have more room to roam around, etc.
The office rooms in the back they are personnel only. And we've got all kinds of booby traps and you know barbed wire, electrocution all kinds of stuff setup so don't test us. Okay, so lunch is going to be served I think it's going to be around 8pm
or so series you're like okay fine.
program ends at three Fletcher reserved at eight Okay, let me write that down.
Let's you'll be served when I feel like it, and inshallah we're gonna have lunch in the masala we try not to eat in here even though it feels like a movie theater. Because vacuuming popcorn from here is very difficult. So we're going to inshallah eat together on the other side. Okay, any questions so far before I begin?
We're so excited. Mashallah, okay, so let's get right into the subject. My intention for teaching this course, alongside the Dream Program is that in the dream program, we're trying to cover a couple of targets, right, we're trying to understand grammar, as it applies to the Quran serve as it applies to the Quran. We're also now starting to read Arabic without haricot, right, and trying to figure out how to read text and put sentences together. We're doing all that stuff all at the same time. But while we're doing that this part of Arabic studies, usually people master those things. First, they get really good at them. And then they touch this area, right, they get into this area
of law, because it's advanced, that requires some advanced knowledge of different kinds of fields. But there is an approach, my approach is I want to take all three of those skills, grammar, your reading ability, and Bulaga. And I want to start building those skills little by little at the same time. So that by the time you get to your advanced reading,
reading books of Welaka is not a difficult task anymore. So by the time you get there, you're already familiar with all the hard words that they use, the terms that they use, the concepts that they're talking about, because those things can be pretty tough. When you get into the science itself, and the people that specialize in it, then it can be pretty tough. Also, my goal for you is, eventually I want you guys to read the seer books with me. Right? Some of those books sitting in the library over there, right? Dream students might find that that corner familiar, right. So that those and some of those books those who assume they're using terms, that if you know, you would think as
an Arabic student, okay, the the professor said something, I could look up this word in the dictionary. I'll know what they're talking about. That's not true. They're using a term from the world of Bulava. If it's a Bulava based tafsir. And that word means something in the dictionary, but they're using it technically. They're using it totally differently. To give you an example of that, if I was talking to somebody about, you know, a site, right, and because this is a construction site, but if a web developer overheard me talking about a site under construction, what are they going to think about? They're going to think about a website. Right? Man development is getting
harder and harder development is
is getting harder and harder a city planner, when he says development is getting harder and harder. He's thinking about building new highways, roads, mapping out neighborhoods, infrastructure, but programmers when they're thinking about development or thinking about app development, same word in the dictionary, you're not going to know what the city planner meant. You're not going to know what the programmer meant. You have to be in that world to know how they used that word you understand. So the same way in the world of Tafseer, there are different kinds of authors. And some authors were focused on the language of the Quran and analyzing the language of the Quran. And analyzing the
language is not just about grammar, grammar is kind of the base. That on top of that base is actually the Bulava discussions. And in those Bulaga discussions, they use lots of generic words like, I just use sight and development, they use words like that, but they don't mean what you and I think they mean. So it's really important to understand the concepts of Allaha. But if you and I are in this for the long term, we also have to start getting familiar with the terms of Villa. Like the terminology, it is a vocabulary bank of it. And my job is to try to make that easy for you to now, there's the next challenge. A lot of times, have you ever taken a difficult science course, a tough
science course, one of the hardest things in a science course is all the words,
right? And you can't remember what this word meant and what that word meant. And every word has a definition. And when you're preparing for an exam, what are you doing, you're going over all the words and what each word meant, right? And what's what's even crazier is sometimes the definition is super easy.
But the label the term is the word itself is really difficult, right? But the concept behind it is really easy, right? A lot of that is true and Bulaga actually, the terms sound like oh my god, this is such a heavy duty thing. But when you actually look at it and make sense of it, it's a pretty basic common sense thing. It's a pretty everyday thing, right? So we're gonna, you're gonna get bombed with a lot of terms, over the course of the next five days, lots of new words are going to come your way, I'm going to try to help you digest them little by little, if I just wanted this to be a lecture series, I kind of just sat in front of a webcam and done all of it. But I want you guys
to take those terms away with you that you are now familiar with them, and you can use them and you when you talk to each other about those terms. Everybody knows what we're talking about, you understand. So moving forward. And because this is a parallel program, what that means is, those of you that have done the program along with me, and are so far as we are we've done sentence structure, we've done a pretty good amount of stuff. We've done some advanced stuff we're doing, we do grammatical analysis of IR by now, right, we break that stuff up. So we that's going to continue. And if you didn't do this, that can still continue. This is not going to affect that this is a
separate track. So if some people decide you guys have already made the decision, you know, the bus already left. So the for those you're stuck here doing this for the next five days, but those of you that are going to be watching this online, and we have live students just like normal online too. And you say this is too much right now, I just want to take a break, that's completely fine, you can continue to study your grammar. And then you can do this stuff later on. You can do this later on. So there's time. The other thing is because this is heavy loaded for Dream students, I'm gonna be giving you guys a week off or maybe a little more, maybe 10 days, right after this program. So you
have time to digest this to review other stuff. Take a breath, okay, because this is pretty intense. We're having four sessions a day, every day, nine to three, you would think there'd be more sessions, but I want to give you plenty of breaks. And I want to give you time to digest the material and also get to know one another. So we're gonna have a relaxed time in Shall I don't want to do super long, crazy, long lectures. Okay, so let's get right into the material. We have a
a PDF file, do you Oh, I said his name. He's here. Oh.
someone? It's uploaded. Right? It's on the website. Yes. Okay. So it's on the study material section. Don't look for him. No, don't look for him. No, not allowed.
Or remain anonymous. It's just a voice. I'm speaking to a voice. Okay.
So, this is the study material section, I'm going to try to go through it little by little, there's gonna be lots of Arabic in there. If you don't understand the Arabic That is okay. The purpose of writing all that Arabic and there was just to depress you and make you feel like you know nothing and make me feel really smart compared to yourself. So inshallah that works.
Because I'm really humble, but we're going to, I'm going to go through it, explain it to you don't write notes until I tell you.
Do not write notes until I tell you. Right, but do write notes when I tell you guys
How to talk to the girls. Because they're writing notes already, they even wrote down, don't write notes until I tell you wrote that down.
So getting into the science, the first thing you guys need to know is what? Yes.
No, right now, if you don't have the PDF, it's okay. The printouts are coming. So you'll see them anyway, this session next session, you just need to listen carefully. That's all you need right now. And then, you know, the notes, my formula membrane intensive one, I explained stuff to you, by the time we sit and take notes, everything starts making sense, right? Because when you start by taking notes, all your focus is on the notes and the concepts are flying by and you don't even know what's going on. So this session, I just really need you to listen in a concentrated way. Okay, and then inshallah we'll get to the notes. So if you want to study Bulava, which we haven't even defined yet,
you have to you have to know something about two words to two major words. One word is for Saha. And the other word is Bella. I will write them on the screen not for you to write down but just for you to know
that these are two important words we need to be familiar with for Saha
and Bella, and kinda like, fossa is like, the relationship between will do and Salah will do is like a prerequisite for prayer. Right? So for Sahaj is like a prerequisite for Bella. So you got to know what Fussa is all about scholars whenever they write a book on Valera chapter one. Before we get started, let's go over fossa. They do it every time. Right? So we got to do that too. We got to know a little bit about us. So this word
in Arabic.
There are and I explained this to you separately, but now I'll talk to you about a little bit differently. In Arabic, when when you study Islam, you always have to separate linguistic meanings and technical meetings. Okay, linguistic meanings and what? Technical meanings? So remember, I talked about sight and development?
When a programmer uses it? Which one is he using? Is he using the linguistic meaning or the technical meaning?
Using the technical meaning because it's technically part of his field? Right? But when I use it, you use it outside of our professions, right, then we are using it in its linguistic sense. So a lot of words understand something though Quran never uses technical meanings. The Quran itself never uses one technical meanings. And the seers use lots and lots of what technical meanings. When you're studying the Quran text, you got to look at what linguistic meanings when you're studying tafsir texts, you got to look at what technical meanings that's why you can't use the dictionary the same way use for the Quran, I'm going to use it the same way for the Tafseer book, you understand,
because they're two different things. It's like trying to use the dictionary when trying to read a medical book. It's not going to work. They have their own science, they have their own vocabulary. It's all a bunch of technical meanings. The same way lawyers use technical meanings. There are lots of legal terms that only lawyers use. They're only relevant in the courtroom, and they're not relevant outside. But since we're studying not Quran, but the science, one of the sciences, one of the Islamic studies that helps you study the Quran, we have to be familiar with the technical meanings. But why did a certain word get a technical meaning by the way, some people get confused
between linguistic meanings and technical meanings and then they interpret the Quran using which one the technical readings when the Quran was never using the technical meaning it was using the linguistic mean I'll give you an example of that. Allah says in Mr. Yash Allah hi everybody Hello Allah ma. Oh,
that the only ones who truly fear Allah from among his slaves are Allah ma. The Arabic word is under allah Ma. Okay, well, this idea was given to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, what do we know about the Prophet slicin? Um, did he was he lettered or unlettered then you go to a university or didn't go to university? The Sahaba that learned under him did become scholars over there now scholars
they How can you become a scholar if you didn't go? Just do scholarship? They're knowledgeable. They're knowledgeable but they're not what now scholars is a later term in society use for people that study in a university and graduate and get a degree etc. Right? And if you're not if you don't have a degree, then you can't call yourself a scholar by that definition knows a hobby is a scholar, right? But are they knowledgeable? Now? Linguistically are the MA You see me knowledgeable people.
Somebody who knows La Ilaha illa Allah and somebody who doesn't know that Ilaha illa Allah, the One who knows it is an alum. And the one who doesn't know it is a giant.
Somebody who knew how to pray, and somebody who doesn't know how to pray. The one who knows how to pray would be called a Ilm. And the one who doesn't know would be a giant. But later on in Islamic society, how did we use a llama?
Technically, how do we use it? Scholars, somebody who got his degree in jazz and Fick or Sharia or Hadith or something else. Now the IRS says, the only ones who truly fear Allah are the Allama.
Is the IR using the technical meaning scholars? Or is it meaning knowledgeable people?
How did Sahaba understand this? i When they heard it, they say, Oh, I don't have a degree I guess I'm not one of them.
Or did they realize this means those who know the word of Allah those who know that Allah is One those who know that he only he should be worshipped? Those who know that Muhammad is his messenger, salaam, shalom, as opposed to those who don't know this? How can you truly fear Allah if you don't even know that Allah has expectations from you? Of course, scholars are included. But the one who seeks to know or even knows a little bit gets to know Allah can be among Allah slaves that fears Allah. But later on, some people started saying, Look, Allah says that the only people who fear Allah,
Allah ma, the Quran does say Allah ma, but you're interpreting it. Technically, while Quran mentioned it. Linguistics you understand why this is important, right? But so now, coming back to this the word for Saha is linguistically used. Obviously only linguistic use in the Quran is also used in the Quran. So what you see in Arabic over here is some of the technical definitions of the word fossa. So I'll talk to you about that. And FOSATU dot lacO Filati Allah Malin Kathira linguistically, it can mean a bunch of things. linguistically, fossa can mean a bunch of things. I mean, * biannual Lahore. Among those meanings is when something is absolutely clear. When
something is clear and apparent, then for Saha it has for Sahifa its clarity, and its appearance you can use what you see is what you get
a call Allahu Taala Haruna who are AFSA who same route letters I saw and how some students what's the fall letter?
What hear of subtle. What's the fall letter? Fall? What's the EIN letter? sod? What's the lamb letter? Hmm. And what what pattern is this upcycle
I start the asana family No,
no, look, look at the Lomatium OFSAA Oh
Hmm. It can be a slum because that doesn't end with Ooh.
It can't be Fatah. Ha No.
What do you say in that? What do you say that that could be?
Allah home Ark ballroom? Ah llamo
of Haru. And what is this one of circle? Anyone remember what that's called?
It's called Essam de Lille The comparatives a comparatives. So this word which means clear is being used in this IR as a comparative which would mean what?
Yeah, who was he how old? This is easy sentence right? My brother Harun who he is. of several he has one clearer mini than I is clearer than I.
In what sense? This is my typo. Listen. Listen, okay. He is clearer than I in speech. Okay. I abbiano mini Manticore and what apollomon Nicola and he is clear and putting his thoughts together. He's he is more well articulated. Well, you all have Saharsa Vu. The month up the Arabs used to say now this is the Islamic family of Saha like us llama right of Sasabe up Monty P. The child started being clear in the way that he speaks when babies are little, they're laying
and then they say I want chocolate milk.
So when they when they get clear enough that you can tell they want chocolate milk, and they're not saying
then they become they have a Sahana so they say of Zaha Sabi up Monty p is a banner of ahava column who when his words has syllables are separate from each other. He's not the child is not mumbling together words, right? Some people I don't know we do this in box on I don't know if you guys do this. We like to keep baby sounding weird for a long time. So we don't talk to them normally, like we turn into we
knows when you talk to babies he usually she who you who you what happened to you? Why do you want the child to learn these sounds? Has a child look at it like okay JG raise you oh you copy me
What's crazy is you talk to children normally they get used to the normal syllables and sounds and they start speaking sooner
they start speaking sooner and then you have like six year olds that are like hey that's because you talk to them like that
so to speak to kids normally and they'll develop fossa how sooner right well call it out robbing the Arabs back in the day used to say around barbecues of Zaha Soho of Saha or Soviet Soviet means morning so when the morning light makes everything clear the morning has become abundantly clear in that Allah wa fossa Haven so they use this the father family and these in the FATA family meaning both words being the morning became very clear. So what's the what's the theme constantly a child becomes clear in their speech the morning becomes clear. And with the with the light, well of Sahaja mew is Ivana Banda and lumea Can you say what you buy in? Or you being
the foreigner became more say?
What word did I use? Most say? What what self is that?
Now Asana muster, that would be if sa Han
is no status symbol for known. There's a good so you didn't think it was a self review in this class? Did you? Give me this off of Saha? You see how it's a hand for who? Okay, now after he he became clear, you'll see who he becomes clear, if saw happen to be clear, uh, well, mostly one, the one who is clear, the one who becomes clear. So they say the the non Arab, the foreigner Jeremy means foreigner became Muslim. What does that mean?
He became clear all he can say Arabic properly. Now, his pronunciations become clearer, I can actually tell what he's saying. Right. So this is after Jimmy, you were first Hallahan in the Abra. A mafia see.
And a person is doing first, when they can clearly express the feelings that they have. Sometimes you feel something, but you're not able to express it. You don't find the right words. Right? I had a friend who used to man, I got to talk to you. What do you want to talk about? No, the thing is that what I really want to tell you is that it's it's just really that I got to tell you that it's so important that you know that. You know the thing is that
there's so many introductions, bro, what is it that you hold on? You're interrupting me now I lost my train of thought that's when you would say
and then it start over. You know, if you didn't interrupt me, I have to tell you something really important. And what I really have to tell you is that it's so
hold on, you stressed me out I can't do.
So when a person can actually say, you know, all he had to say was ah your pizza. That's all he had to say. But there's so many introductions. And such a long Nakajima to get to the point, that person doesn't have facade because they can't get to the point you're not clear what they're trying to say. But I can also be a problem when you listen to a hookah. And there's a lot of yelling and screaming. And then you ask at the end, what did he talk about your?
I don't know. But it made me a better Muslim somehow, like, so that lacked facade, because there was no clarity. There was no clarity in what was being said it was just all over the place. Right? So that's Lex facade
of Allah who Allah watches so abdominal Hatha. And so he was able to make something clear without making any mistakes. So without stumbling on your words. For example, if you have a presentation at school, and a PowerPoint presentation all prepared, all color corrected and all all you know all the fonts are perfect. The only thing not the only thing missing now is your confidence. Right? So the PowerPoint looks really great. And you're like
aw, small says, Oh, wait, that's the other class.
And it's a calculus PowerPoint. And you're talking about I suppose when that happens, you have a problem with what fossa? You're not clear in what you're trying to say. You're stumbling on your words, you know, and that kind of thing. So that's, those are the linguistic meanings. But now we come to the technical meanings.
Let's see. Can you guys see that clearly? Okay, somebody read that to me out loud.
Go ahead, huh?
Understanding Thank you. I wrote that because I get comments like that. MashAllah Jacoba so quick understand.
So, I got I got inspired by the comments section.
My English is beautiful Anyway, yes lead to quick understand and go ahead.
Ah, so, for Saha First, let's look at each part of this definition words that are clear. We've talked about that already, obviously, if so how would be when a person uses words that are clear, lead to quick understanding? Why is that important? That means that if you're speaking to children, and you're using big words, then you don't have fuss. Aha. Because if you use big words with kids, it's not going to lead to what
quick understanding they're gonna have to look at it. What are you talking about? Right? So the point you want to get across when you use the right effective words, to get that point across, and you're clear, and you're keeping in mind is this person going to understand me? And this word understanding is really important in facade, the goal of facade is actually to get somebody to what understand the goal of facade. We're going to compare this to the goal of Bulava. Right? The goal of balletto will not be to get somebody to understand, but the goal of facade will be to get somebody to understand so when he says what, Michelle, that was a really good speech. It was a really clear
article. It was a really good book, it helped me understand this concept really well. Then you're not saying that the book had for Saha, you're seeing the book or the book had Bella, you're saying the book had for Saha the Quran actually possesses for Sahil? Also. Why? Because Allah keeps saying that the book is clear, doesn't he? And it clarifies. Right. So he constantly uses these words. So and which is the it's the first step to having but where you haven't even touched the law yet, but it's important to know the separation between these two. Okay.
Now enter the look at the next part of the definition, and are commonly used among authors and poets. What does that mean? Who are authors and poets compared to the rest of us?
Yeah, they're better at language. They sound really intelligent when they speak. And good authors and good poets are actually not people that use hard words. Good authors and poets become popular because everybody understands them. And yet, they're able to get their point across really well. Right. So like a good author, for example, in in the multimedia world, I used to be a huge fan of Bill Nye the Science Guy, right? Or Bill Nye the Science Guy, very simple language. Right? It's, it's he's teaching science, but he's using extremely simple, straightforward language, right? There are people nowadays that have false Aha, they make like cooking videos, or arts and crafts videos,
right? And some people are not good at it. They're like, Oh, here's how you make the sculpture.
And you're like, why? How do you and then there are other people who like step one, do this, this this, if you run into this problem, do this, this, this, this and step two, do this this is the clearer they are the more people appreciate that. Because now they help them walk through it every step at a time. Right. So they possess what for Saha, they possess for Saha. And they're using, they're using language that that others can appreciate. And language that is not. It's not used by less educated, less educated in language. So there's two kinds of language, the language of intelligent people, the language of well read people, and there's the language of not well read
people. And when people are not well read, they use, they kind of break grammar. Sometimes they twist words. And they, for example, what happens in education is when you meet somebody who's doing a master's degree, a PhD, or whatever else, right, in any university, anywhere in the world, the way they speak is going to be different.
And somebody who is not going to school, for whatever reason, and they are in a, you know, in an environment where education is not the emphasis, they may speak the same language officially, they're both speaking English or they're both speaking Persian or they're both speaking Bahasa, but there's a difference between the two. You can tell clearly, there's, and you can actually speak to somebody for two minutes and know whether they had an education or not, you can tell because of the way they're using words, even though they're both born into that language, they're not foreigners. So that language you understand. So what is the standard of fuss? Aha, so how will come from those
who are educated in a certain language? Okay, they're, they're the kind of the benchmark and their, their words, their poetry, everybody appreciates it. This creates kind of a, an interesting hierarchy in society in ancient times, in ancient times, the most respected people were the people that were best in their speech. And so poets were a really big deal in Arabia, right? They were really, really big deal and
in poetry even after Islam became a an industry. So some of the best poets in Islamic history would actually make money from making their poems. So rulers, governors, generals, millionaires would say, Hey,
I'm gonna I'm gonna, let's sign a 1099 contract, I need you to make some poetry about my generosity, I'll pay you generously.
Right. And then they would write poetry about their generosity, I'll Montana be very famous poet was actually a poet for hire. So he got money to, you know, bring people up, and somebody else would say, I hate that guy. He was my business partner. And he like, ditched me. And now his, his business is doing well, and Mines not doing well. So I need you to make poetry to just basically roast him, make me a good roast, here's the money. So he would make poetry roasting people. Right? And then a lot of poets actually got killed because they roasted the wrong guy.
That's part of our history, too. Okay, and so they were they were really good at it, right? So they were that good that, you know, you and I are exposed to social media, where people are insulting each other all the time. But these guys made a professional living out of it, which means they were really good at it. Like they were really, really good at it to the point where people that they insulted were willing to kill them for it. Right? And then there were times and we'll see that later on, though there were times that these poets, right they would they somebody was used to pay them good money to make poetry and then that person got killed by the ruler.
Right? Because he was a millionaire, because he was corrupt or something political happen. And the guy that used to pay him good money is now dead.
So he's like, I need to make poetry complaining about how my source of income has gone. That guy's gone. But if I make if I make poetry complaining that he was killed, or how much I miss him who's not gonna like it.
The rulers not gonna like it. So I might be next on the chopping block. So I need to find a way of praising Him. Without praising him. I had to find a way of, you know, writing a an ode to Him. Without the end, if I get caught and arrested. Did you say this about him? No, no, no, I was talking about my grandmother. I wasn't talking about him. So you could get off the hook too, right? So they were fussy in the sense that they wanted to be extremely clear. But if they were to clear they could get killed. Right. So sometimes being being having facade, how would be the problem?
Okay, can we call it No, we can't call it hypocrisy. We can call it politics.
Right? So political speeches, if you notice, they use unclear words on purpose.
Right, they use very unclear words deliberately. And in court trials, you're asked a yes or no question. And the clear answer would be yes, I was there, or No, I wasn't there. But what do you find you find an essay answer. Right. So some people are really good. And check this out. They're really good at using Bulava to avoid for Saha
use Bulava to avoid for Saha that can be done. And a good example of Bulaga which we'll get to a little bit later on is car salesman.
Right? Use a lot of bulahdelah.
And you're like you feel guilty leaving. You owe them nothing. But you feel like you're hurting their feelings if you walk out of the
because you know that every two minutes like let me go talk to my boss.
And you're like, you're feeling like they're doing so much hard work for me. They're doing so much negotiation on my behalf, bro, he's just hiding behind the corner or looking at a stopwatch and waiting for you to start sweating. And then he comes back. Okay, Elsa, I think we could do 1% off.
You know?
And then you're like, No, I don't think I can do that. Oh, come on. Okay, okay, let me you know, and then they use these techniques to get inside your head. And then you end up you know, with a broken truck. And you think, what have I done with my life afterwards? Right. So that's what that's what anyway, for Saha is when you have clear speech, okay.
Now, there are three dimensions of facade. This is how, by the way, this is the book that I'm using as a guide. It's called Jawaharlal Baha. Okay. And this is a book that's really, really amazing for anybody who wants to get a full overview of the subject of Allah. Our goal in the Dream Program, is to actually read this book cover to cover eventually. Right? So what I'm going to give you in these Bulaga intensives, is a skeletal outline of this book, and some of the main terms defined, but not every line. I see you have like, you don't go through every brick in the building, you went through the pillars, right? And we're going to get the concepts and some examples in and all of that, and
then we'll do a second round of the same book. But that time we'll read a little bit more of the book. Because I don't believe
In Quranic studies, I don't believe in like, oh, I read this book. No, I need you to own the book, I need you to like my goal, one of the goals I have for you is actually, by the time we're done over the course of the Dream Program, that you can read something like this, but you can actually, it sits in your head, it's concepts are sitting in your head, and you're well versed, and what will what will that look like one day that, that dream within the dream program? When you have done this, right, what will that look like? What that will look like is you'll have a really nice appreciation for Arabic poetry,
and how the Arabs used to think what their culture was like, because poetry is a really good insight into culture. Just like today, music tells you a lot about culture. Right? So this was the music of that time. This was the art of that time. Art tells you a lot about people about their culture, about their heritage. So the way they used to think their mindset, what was important to them, it'll give you it's almost like it'll take you back in time. It puts you in that time. So it's a really amazing resource to have and then then you'll also see something else. By the end of this book, you'll see how the Quran is incredible. But we'll get more to more of that when we get to Bulava. So
let's finish this facade discussion. So there are three kinds of three studies in Osaka. They say the facade of the word facade to Kalama is a facade to column, which is the facade of speech. What's the difference between word and speech?
Yeah, speeches, all the words together. Right? So pasado Kalima, is about did you choose the right word?
But even if you chose the right word, your speech was still lame.
Right? So when you're when your word choice is good, you have a certain caliber, when overall your speech is good, and things are flowing together. Then you have FOSATU column and the third one really, I don't even know why they made their category they say if you have a and b, then your, your see your your first you have a Sennheiser speaker. Right? So that's not really a study is just when you get good at this, then you become a fuzzy speaker. So let's look at this a little bit deeper.
FOSATU Calima we're diving deeper inside Masataka and again, you're not writing any notes yet. But let's see if you remember some things.
I suppose I mean,
Okay. What are some examples of how the old Arabs used to use for Saha are the word some examples that
when the baby can start talking, go ahead, you don't have to raise your hands. And you're in university now.
When you can clearly see that it's morning hustle.
When the foreigner can speak clearly, right? Those are examples of us. Aha, good. How many kinds of facade are there?
Yeah, three categories. What are they?
kalima tell you about the word column, the speech and motor column the speaker. Okay, well, there's a couple other things, what is the biggest focus infosol Like what is suppose I want from you?
Ah, for someone to understand you, and what are some of the words that everybody says oh, these words are fussy when who uses them also?
authors and poets, authors and poets. And okay, when people understand you over time or understand you, immediately, those are some of the things that come inside for sahaya. Okay, so
they say a word has for Saha.
If it does, if it's free from for problems.
So they don't tell you what fossa is, they tell you what fossa is not.
If this car doesn't have these four issues, you should get this car.
If this house doesn't have these four issues, you should buy this house. If this word doesn't have these four issues, you should use this word. It's a fancy word. You get it. So they're coming at it from the negative, right? And they talked about these four defects, four problems that a word can have that can make a word not fussy. Okay, so let's go through them quickly. Then after the roof simply means when when the letters don't like each other.
When letters sounds weird, huh? When letters don't like each other?
No, no, those are those are actual parts of speech. But letters like I live by Tata letters, when some some letters don't like each other. So we're gonna figure out what that means. But let's see if you can remember that. Then after a photo simply means what? When letters don't like each other. The more intelligent way of saying this would be one letters repel each other. Okay, repel each other. I love araba is when no one knows this word was used that way. Like you're the only one who used it that way.
Okay, so you you watch the basketball game and you're like, Yo, that game was onion.
And we will have to figure out what do you what did you mean by that?
Were there layers to this game? I didn't understand is that what you did that make you cry like nnu? What are you referring to?
so this is what you know, you won't forget what it is right that gave us ideas. So when you use a word, and nobody understands why you used it that way, that would be a problem with facade.
No robber is a master weirdness, literally robbed by his weirdness. strangeness. Okay.
Mohalla furtopia means
you know, surf, gives you a slum, what's the MOBA use Lemo? Right. But if somebody says Islam is Lemo then what are they doing? They're going against what the Arabs decided at a barbecue Aslam, I will always be use evil and why are you giving me a Cebu? Or yes level when they said use Nemo. So you're going against what everybody already guess was going to be the case. PR says, you know the language so well, you expect the word to be a certain way. Right? That's the US Mohalla photokey as means you're going against that. Okay? It's like, I'm my dad, I love him. He's probably gonna meet him this weekend. He loves Mohyla PhotoPass. Like his sense of humor is all about Mohalla PhotoPass.
We're in English. So what he's he speaks remarkable English. And his authorship is phenomenal. He used to work for the embassy. And he was a writer, like the official statements were, you know, copied and edited by him. So his English, even when he writes, he loves talking to customer service. By the way, I don't know why all dads love talking to customers. But he will write the most prolific letters to at&t customer service, or, you know,
but he has this thing when he speaks. And he does it to troll me. I know his sense of humor. He likes to say something. And he knows nobody pronounces it that way.
And do it on purpose. So we're driving by a hotel, and he goes,
good hotel Mariott.
But you know which one is better shutter to own.
And he knows it's the Sheraton. I've heard him saying other times, but he will do Mohalla for total chaos. And he didn't know how long it took he as he took it to a next level. We had, you know, back in the day when we had students coming in full time. And he would be at the front, he would like greet all the students, right? And they would tell him their names. And he purposely butchered everyone's name.
Everyone's name. Like this guy was name was Arthur if he's like, Abdullatif.
another shooter, you know, his name was I was obeyed. And he goes,
so that student of yours, Samsung, what's, what's he doing?
You mean so bad? Yeah, that's what I said.
So MHADA photo chaos is when you use, that's a little extreme Mohalla photo chaos. But the point is, when you kind of twist the pronunciation of a word, or you use it in a way that the Arabs are not used to that's called Mohalla furtopia. Let's see if you can remember, what was what was the natural Hooroo?
Not words, not words. Letters repel each other. We haven't really seen that one yet in action. Okay, what's called Raba.
When you use a strange word, it doesn't fit. You don't know how you're using it. That's called Mohalla. furtopia is
when you take a word and you distort it, okay. And that's not how we were expecting it to be said. And finally, alcara for summer, which is similar to the first category, I don't really know why they even make it a separate category, but it sounds ugly when you hear it. You could have used a better word, it just they were they were nicer to hear words. They fall more gently on the ear, but you for some reason chose this ugly word. Right? So that's the first summer Okay, so
now, I'll give you some examples. We're not to go too far into this. So I'll just keep it simple.
A rough surface in Arabic as a surface as hushan is called cushion. Okay. But or a place that's rough. Say this word for me.
A leash, of leash.
You know what the VA and the sheen. They repel each other.
They repel each other. So this word exists in Arabic, but if you use it, you're not being very white. fussy. Like if you talk to somebody on the phone, you'll I'm at a place that has so much Lish. What wish
she left again? Wait, okay, FaceTime, you wish I still can't see. What are you saying? Write it for me. Oh, you don't have fun. Haha. Don't talk to me again. Right.
So this is an example of what the first example your first case when letters repel each other.
This is what the
what the poet says. Dr. Kotti. Dr. Tanaka, he left. What struck to anatella to I left Nocatee I left my camel. I left my camel Tara, so it grazes now it grazes the pasture, right and graces the fields. The pre the fields could be unobserved Azhar it could be an ARD password you can use the poet uses Thorac to Kati Tara her her
say that for me?
so when you use for grass, for greenery for pasture you couldn't use you know the field. But you chose what instead her than you have chosen a word where the letters one repel each other. Now the Quran, it's so beautiful phonetically that you have in the Quran. For example, one of my favorite examples, until Anzahl to move who Meenal musli and national Moon zielona meme known czar lamb. Those orders keep coming next to each other next to each other next to each other, but look at how smooth they flow until Anzahl to move who Meenal musli a mcnall Munzee loan. It's gorgeous. Just phonetically it's beautiful. Right? So this is an example of words that repel each other or letters
that repel each other. Okay
and subcategory we'll just do these examples anyway. NACA
NACA NACA say it again, they use nothing NACA for the croaking of a frog.
Okay, the frog is NACA, fine. Okay. So
I think somebody was trying to imitate the croaking of a frog. The sound they do that sometimes. Like they had words like
they describe the the call of a CRO as RP RP.
That's the word for the RP RP. Which makes sense. Okay. Like that's what they're trying to do. Right. So, anyway, so another word a word. This has many meanings, but one of the meanings is cold water. You could just say and Martin batted cold water. But no, uh, no car.
No car, you see how the letters are repelling each other coughing ha. They're stressing on your throat. Right? This can also by the way, this these words can also belong to the final category where words are just hard to hear. Right then after all Hooroo kind of leads to that right and it leads to words not sounding Nice. So phonetics, how words sound are important. So here's an example of a poem.
I'll go through it quickly. Because you know who mustache the mustache? Mustache Zerah tune Illa Lola Toby LuLaRoe Casa de mythen. One more Sally.
What's the word that has? Lack of fossa here?
You can tell right? Mustache Zerah tone, mustache Zerah tone. The word could have been more toffee out on Moto into fire Taffy earlier different means to be Hi. This is a famous poet emerald oil case. They used to write a lot of poetry about women and about like romantic life, etc. And he's visited his cousin, who he she thought was very pretty. So he made a poem about her. This is a poem about her. And he says her she had braids, some part of her hair was braided and some part of her hair was not braided. So that in our braids, they are rising to the top like there's a beehive on top of her head. So well that you know who mustache zero tune in Alona but the LuLaRoe Casa de
Mouton and one more Sally, that her braids get lost between the parts that are tied and the parts that are open like she's got a wild crazy here too, is basically the poem
but I guess to describe how crazy it is, or maybe how much he doesn't like it, he said mustaches the rotten
As opposed to simply mozzafiato, but it's an example just simply for why a word is being used, where the letters are repelling each other. Is that clear? Yeah. Okay, so let's go to what was the next one?
Look, robber. Robber is Kelly Matan. Tada lubaina Marian Mandarin Oksana Bella Collina, a word that can be understood as one or two things. And you could go this way you could go that way. So Rama is not just your use the word, a weird word, but a word that can clearly cause confusion. Okay, it can clearly cause confusion. You can use the rabbi in interesting ways. Actually, even in English, for example, you go to school, you have multiple teachers, right?
And if you say,
the teacher told me that there's no homework.
The teacher told me there's no more. And one of them may have told you there's no homework, but the other one didn't. Right? So when you say that, then you're creating a confusion which teacher were you referring to? But this is actually more than that. Sometimes a word can mean two different things in the dictionary.
It can be two different things in the dictionary, and in this poem will explain this poem to you later. Well, Macula tanhaji been Musa Jojen Wafaa in and one more scene and massage and it's also describing the face of somebody. And so so their, their eyes, their cheeks, there's this there's this there's and then they use the word massage, massage, which could mean straight, like the describing his nose, the person's nose, as massage. Now massage could mean lit.
And it could mean straight. Because they use it in two ways. So is their nose bright? Like they have a lot of oily stuff on their nose? Or is their nose really straight, and they're commenting on their nose, and nobody knew what they're talking about because nobody used massage ever. Also, it was a weird word to use. Right? So they used the the form of it for massage or some of you use this form that was never used to describe the nose in this way. It was never used to describe anything, really. So they used a strange word. Right? That's really the point that he's making in this poll, okay.
But this is a really interesting exception, and we should understand this.
If I say,
we must be charitable, we must be charitable. Or we must.
We must give and we must worship.
You must give. And we must worship let me add, we must help. You must give and we must worship.
Then help refers to help
each other, help those in need, give professional people charity. But when we say worship worshiping
hmm, I didn't spell it out.
I just said, give help and worship. But you figured out that given help is for people and worship is for Allah. And nobody says Well, I don't know if you're using worship for people now. Why? Because some words are abundantly clear in and of themselves. When they're being used, you can only think of worshipping who Allah. Now look, fella, Xena, Manu, Biggie.
And this is actually a lot of bots. It's a really interesting example for Latina I'm a newbie actually let me give you the other example first and so little fat Okay. Allah says what to add zero who what to work through who what to sub be who who book rotten or acela to zero who that you honor him?
Okay, what to work, you know who that you think you have high regard for him? Like you? You realize how magnanimous his personality is. You make something someone a big deal. When you consider somebody a big deal. You're an all of them. Then you're doing Toki? What? Torqeedo? Who's Allah talking about honoring the Prophet, what to zero who were to appear? Oh, then he says what to sub B Whoa, whoa, we're two sub B whoa, whoa. And you do this we have him? What's this be to declare someone perfect free from any flaw? perfect in every way. Who do we do this we have only Ah. So when words on their own are clear, they can only refer to a then then you can mix them together. Arabic
also has this other crazy feature where you can use a word and its opposite.
The same word can be used for itself and its opposite. Okay? There's only a little bit of that in English. There are some words like that, that can be used as themselves and their opposite. So example I gave you in class before I think is the word screen. You know, when when when they're screening a film. They're showing you a film. Right? But
If I screened myself from you using this curtain, then I'm doing the opposite of showing I'm hiding, right? So let's so to screen something can be to show something. And to screen something can also be a sensor something can be the opposite, right? So as Zara is a word that an Arabic can actually mean, to magnify to praise somebody, and to think they're great. But as that I can also mean to humiliate somebody.
So it's crazy enough it can be used in two opposite ways. Right? Another example in Arabic is one, one can mean suspicion, suspicion and lung can actually mean absolute conviction. absolutely convinced. But the same word is used right in two different very different ways. Bella is an interesting word in Arabic, but is using sootel dakara. Well, you know what, Ali Khan Bella on Mirabai comm Alim Bella can be used as a terrible trial. And Bala it can be used as a magnificent blessing.
It can be used both ways, terrible trial or magnificent blessing. So sometimes words can be used in two opposite ways. If then if a person is using that word, which is a fussy word, did they mean it in one meaning or did they mean it in the opposite meaning? The scholar the author here tells us how can you tell you have to pay attention to the context, the context think of context as having a flow like a river. So when it has a flow, the word will not go against the flow, it will go with the flow. Right? So he says Felina I'm going to be bizarro who were Nazzaro This is the last example I'll give you before your first break. Those who believe in Him, and Azhagu. They honored him. And
they know Saru, who you should know that oneness, oh, and they helped him. They helped him now as Zara can be can mean, honored or humiliated. Which one is going to work here?
Yeah, they believed in him. It doesn't make sense to say they believed in him and humiliated him and helped him. That doesn't make any sense. What's it going to be? They believed in Him, they honored him, and they helped him. Right, that makes common sense. So Allah doesn't just expect from you and I to understand words, he expects from us to use common sense. And so does the science of Bulava and even for Saha right, so you can have words that have ambiguous meaning. But then context can make it clear the example I gave you, when that game was so onion, there was no context making clear what I'm doing with onion. Right? There's nothing so helping you out. But here's there's a context clue
that's helping you out. Okay, so with that, Inshallah, I'll give you guys your first break. You have about 25 minutes to live your life. And then come back here, if nobody's back here. I'll just start talking to myself. What time is it exactly? 1030 right now, right. 1030 right now. Okay. I'll give you 29 minutes. Well, exactly at 11. We'll start again, but in the meantime, I'll open it up for questions. If you guys haven't.
You could take a break if you'd like. You can ask questions if you'd like