Nouman Ali Khan – Leniency in Leadership

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of learning from the Prophet's teachings and finding the right opportunity to teach a lesson. They emphasize the need for discipline in protecting soldiers and protecting the organization, as it is crucial for the fight against Islam. The importance of leadership positions and forgiveness is also emphasized, with advice given on how to deal with unexpected events and handle leadership challenges. The need for forgiveness and leadership positions is emphasized, and past issues should be addressed based on emotions.
AI: Transcript ©
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under the Nakamoto who wanna style you know who when I stopped

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when he went to LA

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when I wrote to be let him in surely unforeseen a woman say it. Melina man Yeah, Hello fellow mobile Ella. Woman you follow her Deanna wanna shadow Allah ilaha illallah wa sallahu la sharika when a shadow Ana Mohammed Abdullah he was solo Allahu la junta Allah Buddha Wadi, then Huck, Leo Hara who Allah de Nikolay Waka fabula he shahida for some Allahu alayhi wa sallam at asleep and Cassie and Cassie Allah. Some another word for in the US Dr. De kita Bula Well, hello howdy howdy Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were in a shout out to her. We're in akula modesetting beta Baku la vida. Allah Allah. Allah Allah Allah.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala Kitab al Karim

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Allah, Allah him in a tunnel Rajim fabby Mara Mati Mina la healin tala whom when we couldn't afford one VLAN for boom and Holic for unknown was still fella home, where shall we are home field number for either adjunct fatawa Kannada la in La hibel matava Killeen in your soul como la who fella Holly welcome welcome Simon de la de Soto Coleman dooney where are the La Jolla tawakoni? Moon?

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Sorry, we're silly Emily Waterloo looked at me lissoni of koko de la Houma. sabitha angle Moti de la ilaha illallah wa la la mina Latina Amano. Well, me too sorry, hurt whatever so will Huck whatever so besides that, I mean yellow but I mean,

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certainly and Ron, the third suit of the Quran

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deals with several subjects. But one particular subject has been given a lot of space in the surah. And that subject matter is the accounts and whatever happened in the Battle of offered and offered as many of you know, as the second major battle in the Madani life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam there are a lot of things to learn from these accounts. And that's why Allah dedicates a lot of iaat to this subject. And we know that every eye of the Quran offers us guidance. So Allah doesn't just tell us what happened. But he tells us what happened and what you can learn from it. What us as Muslims can learn, not just in that particular situation, but what universal lessons are

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we going to take from that and make our own lives better forever to come. So the Quran is not just a book of history, it's a book of timeless instruction, timeless counsel and timeless guidance. So it is in that spirit that I want to share with you something very particular that we learn about the Prophet himself. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in dealing with a difficult situation. How the Prophet is AutoSum is being taught himself. He is our teacher, some Allahu alayhi wa sallam Kamara, kulu subhana wa Taala, where you only Mohamed Kitab, he's the one that teaches you the book. So he's our teacher, but he himself has a teacher. So in the long run, he was alone. And that is a large origin.

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And you know, the best thing to do as a teacher is to find the right opportunity to teach a lesson. So the opportunity of offered as terrible as it was, and many of you know the details, and maybe some of you don't know the details of what happened in that battle. I won't give you too many details here because this is not the place for it. But I at least share with you some of the accounts so that you have an idea of where we're headed here. It was a tough situation of battle. Earlier on Allah says what are called sadakazu como la he isn't he is what Radha who is taco tsunami, isn't he? Allah was fulfilling his promise, when you were annihilating them, you are making

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them feel the heat of battle by his permission, the Muslims came ready. And they were destroying the enemy on the battlefield. And they were winning. And this is the commentary of Allah Himself, that you are making the enemy feel the pains of battle in the middle of the battlefield. Now, a lot of you know in a battle in a war, there are a lot of different, you know, situations. It's not just one fight going on. There's a fight going on over here, one over there, one over there. There's strategic locations, and every location has its own importance. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had appointed in every major Group, a battalion, if you will of soldiers, every battalion has

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their own leader.

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Because the Prophet himself sallallahu wasallam, can't possibly lead every group. So he has to appoint you can call them sub managers. So if he's this, the CEO and the general of this army, he has to appoint certain lieutenants in each position, and that's important. And by the way, when you appoint a lieutenant, it means you've given them confidence and obeying the lieutenant. And when a soldier obeys the lieutenant, it's the same as the soldier obeying the general. There's actually no difference. If a soldier says in the army, I don't have to listen to you. You're just a lieutenant. I'm going to go listen to the general that soldier

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is actually court martialed because that's destroying the discipline of the army. You can not everybody can, can go up to the top, just like a lot of you work in organizations, you work in corporations by guesses, and you have a manager. And then you have up above the corporate ladder, somebody who's a CEO or a regional director or somebody, people who are in your team, when they have an issue, they don't go to the CEO, they go to you. And if they skip you and go to the top, well, they're destroying the structure of the organization and hurts the organization itself. It undermines the hierarchy of the organization, to make sure that we understand that as Muslims, the

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prophet alayhi salatu, Salam says, men are an effect upon Allah, whoever obeyed me, actually, the fact of the matter is, they have in fact, obey the law. There's no difference between obeying me and obeying Allah, what women are immediate for God upon me. And whoever has obeys the one I appoint, if the Prophet appoints somebody, some alohar leaves to them, a lieutenant, whoever obeys him is the same as obeying me, is the same as obeying me because that's the chain of command. That's the discipline structure you have to have in an organization. And there's no tougher organization, no stricter organization than the military, the military is probably the most disciplined form of

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organizational structure there is. And that discipline is critical, because it can be the difference between life and death. When a soldier when a lieutenant tells the soldier go over there, and he, you know, goes one foot over this way or that way, it could mean the death of the entire command, it could be the death of the entire you know, that entire battalion. So discipline is of key like life and death importance in the army. Now, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam appoints certain a number of Sahaba companions to the top of a hill, and they're supposed to be in modern, those of you the younger folks here, that's the Modern Warfare sniper position. Okay, so they're, they're set up

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there as archers, so that if the Muslims are attacked, they can keep the the security view, they can see from all angles, if the enemy is coming from behind, they can watch out for him, because the higher position you can see in every direction, so he appoints them, and he gives them instruction, you shouldn't even come down even if you see birds eating from our corpses. Bottom line. In other words, no matter how bad the situation gets on the ground, you shouldn't come down. And the instruction, even though the Prophet himself gave these instructions, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he left somebody in charge, he left a lieutenant behind, when the Prophet leaves, who's in charge

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the lieutenant is now though it looked like according to what Allah says, it looked like we were destroying the enemy. We're destroying the enemy. And these archers, some of them 35 out of 50, some historians say, they said, Look, the prophet said that we should go down, even we shouldn't come down, even if they're eating from our birds or eating from our bodies. But this is the opposite. We're winning. We're not losing, we're winning, we should go down, you know.

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And the head of the battalion, the lieutenant says, No, we should stay.

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He says, No, we should stay. So now there is a difference of opinion in interpreting what the prophet said. Some say the Prophet didn't mean we should stay in every situation, we should just go down because it looks like we're winning. And the other says, The lieutenant says, No, my interpretation is we should stay. So 35 out of 50, disobeying him, they disobey him thinking, What's the big deal, we're only disagreeing with him. It's not like we're disagreeing with the Prophet himself. Some of them that was their idea. So they come down, and as they come down holiday been bullied who wasn't a Muslim yet, but he was a genius and political and military strategy, sees them

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coming down and sees an opportunity. 15 archers on top are not going to be enough to hold them down. So he makes a gigantic U turn and attacks the Muslims from behind, and the tide of the battle turns a lot captures that entire failure. A lot of stuff happened. They came down, they messed up, we got attacked from behind the whole scene, the tables were turned upside down. It looked like we were winning. And now it looks like we are losing and being destroyed. The one phrase in the Quran that captures that is either official term. What does that

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small phrase until you fell loose, especially with the RBL murase right modern Arabic question is failure. But an old Arabic fashion is to become loose. The idea is loosen discipline. You guys loosened up your discipline you can afford to and you started arguing with each other with another I don't feel angry. You started pulling out each other in what the right commands should be. Even though there is a hierarchy set what I say to them and you disobeyed me by the Morocco motto hipbone, you disobeyed after you saw what you love. The soldier sees, you know, swords and shields lying on the battlefield. Those are the spoils of war. Those are the things you're going to pick up

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and they can be your property. So he sees them and he you know, he runs towards it. But some, some of us will interpret motto a boon meaning the Sahaba loved victory. for Islam. They didn't just want the swords in the shields. They saw victory so they ran towards victory. But anyway, the point I want to make is it turned the tide of the battle. Things got really tough.

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So tough that the Muslims had to retreat. And as they're retreating, and in this chaos, by the way, the prophet was hit so hard on the Lahore audio salon, that his tooth fell out and he fell unconscious. And when he woke up, his mouth was filled with blood. And he saw blood on his own blood all around him. And he was really, really like the rumor even spread that the Prophet has been killed maravilla you know that this rumor spreading or hood. And when you can imagine people are fighting, dust is rising, you can't see clearly you don't know what's going on where. And when this rumor spread, the Muslims were in chaos, all kinds of crazy thing. And then finally, eventually,

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when it was known that he hasn't been killed, there was a secure security line around him. And they escorted him up a mountain because the horses of the enemy couldn't follow up the mountain, if they do not want to Luna had Rasulullah Huracan the Muslims were retreating up the mountain and the Prophet is still left on the battlefield. And he's saying, calling them back,

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calling them back this insane situation occurred, you know, 70 of the great Shahada were killed. It was the exact opposite of what happened in brother and brother 70 of the greatest leaders of Croatia were killed. And the opposite happens in about 70 of the great Shahada of the this hub of the Muslims are executed, and their Shahada. Now, in the middle of all of this chaos, does the Prophet have a right to be upset? This Mayakoba is not about about love or hurt. It's about something about the Prophet himself. So a lot more on exam. Does he have a right to be upset? He absolutely has a right to be upset with the Sahaba. What did you do? Why did you leave your position? Didn't I

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appoint him as my commander? Weren't you supposed to listen to the chain of command this one mistake cost lives. It costs lives. It costs the prophet Isaiah Salaam, his tooth, he fell unconscious, he almost got killed in the battlefield. His uncle dies in the process. I mean, this is not something small. And you know, when you suffer losses, you get upset but when you suffer even the loss of loved ones as a result of one of your people's mistakes, you have every right to be extremely, extremely angry. So now there's going to be a meeting the meeting between the Sahaba especially the Sahaba, who failed who made a mistake, and the prophets on the level or they send them one of the

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Sahaba expecting you think oh man, that's not a meeting you want to go into. That's not a you have a lot of you, you know, you're working corporate, you have a project Do you must miss the date by like three weeks, and you're being called to the office? You know what you feel like? It's not gonna be good.

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So some of you are students you don't hand in your paper and the teacher says Can I meet with you after class? You know how your your heart gets overfilled like, Oh, my God, my life is over. You know,

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this overwhelming feeling I imagine the Sahaba have to go meet with the prophets I saw them but before they meet with the Prophet isotta salaam, Allah azza wa jal reveals tells the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam how to deal with them.

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That's the I want to share with you. This is leadership leadership in tough situations. Furby ma 90 min Allah He didn't allow.

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Then it is especially because of the incredible and incredible mercy from Allah.

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That you are lenient towards them. It was there are some things that the English translation of the Quran just can't capture.

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Linda home, fell into the home be my rock bottom inala at the water table, it will lower the normal sequence is you Will you say you are lenient towards them because of Allah's mercy. In Arabic When you say for Bhima rahmati mean Allah, then you say lynnderella home. What that means is it is an unusual mercy from Allah. This is not something normal, no normal leader can do this. But you are the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you enjoy a special mercy from Allah and that's why the buys before and then there's the mind because in Arabic, you can say Fabiola met him in Allahu Allah says Fabi ma, ma ma ma ma ma, ma, ma Giovanna. It's shocking, how merciful how powerful

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the mercy of Allah is on you. The Prophet sallahu wa salam, it is such a huge mercy on you. What's that mercy that when you deal with them, lint, Allah whom you are lenient, and soft, you don't even come across as upset. You're talking to the Sahaba that cost lives and you're going to deal with them. And they're not even going to feel like you're angry lintel at home. You're lenient towards them. You're soft towards them on the law. That's a very difficult thing to do, especially in the battlefield. Now I we're talking about the battlefield and leadership in the battlefield, before I go on to attend the rest of the ayah, which is incredible, really incredible.

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All of us, we have to understand if I asked a question, you're not supposed to answer questions during a clip, but but I'm asking rhetorically, how many of you are in leadership positions? You know the answer all of you are all of you are. A father is in a leadership position. And a manager is in a leadership role.

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position, a mother is in a leadership position and older sibling is in a leadership position. You know, even the youngest sibling has other people in his class in school that are younger than him. He's a role model, whether you realize it or not. And as Muslims, Allah has put us in leadership positions, because we're supposed to be examples to others. All of us are in leadership positions. So when the Prophet is being given instructions, Allahu alayhi wa sallam, in the role of a leader. And he's being told how to deal with disappointment, how to deal with people that have failed you how to deal with people that didn't do what you asked them to do, that have made you upset that have

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caused you harm. Then we have to take these instructions, not just something for the Prophet himself. sallallahu wasallam but what kind of leader Am I when things don't go my way?

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You know, in a college there's an MSA and the MSA president says please make the flyer and have it printed by this day. And the guy says I forgot I had a midterm and you know, and of course it was a finals game last night so I just couldn't couldn't find the time to make the flyer and he gets really hot, bro. Come on, man. I relied on you. The event is in like two days you haven't made the flyer. What's wrong with you? No, no, no. Lynn Taylor home, this volunteer. He doesn't need your attitude. You need to be you need to learn from the prophets, leadership, some of them in that most incredibly difficult situation of life and death. The Prophet is commanded to be lenient. What kind

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of leaders are we going to be? lynnderella? He says, Well, I won't have one.

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And if you were rigid in speech from Lidl lane. Lane is soft, easygoing, for his tough, rigid scolding he from the from his face, you can tell what he's gonna say is gonna sound like thunder and lightning.

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I can't believe you guys did this.

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You know, what made you do this? Answer my question, you know, is some teachers getting angry at the students? How could you fail the exam? How could you have done this to me? That kind of yelling maybe comes from your boss, when you go late into work? Maybe you're the boss, and you're the guy that does it all the time. You know, have one if he had you been tough, you know, harsh mouth, you said mean things all the time, as I leave if you were a heart of the heart, meaning you were insensitive.

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In Arabic combines two things. Very interesting word. When it combines toughness, and mostly in Arabic literature, it goes back to the heart.

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So somebody who doesn't it's not very sensitive, not very soft hearted. But it also means hard toughness for your own protection. In other words, he's tough because he wants to get his job done. He doesn't care about what anybody else needs to get done. My project, my work needs to get done, and you fail. So it's your fault. So you're in some sense, you're selfish. When you have liver, you're just concerned about yourself and insensitive to the problems and the shortcomings of others. You think the Sahaba already feel guilty even before the Prophet opened his mouth. So Lola Han, he said, I'm absolutely. And a sensitive leader would already know that. He would, he would already

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know, look, these people, they made a mistake. But look at all the sacrifices they made for me before.

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They're nonprofits, they're gonna make mistakes. They're just human beings. And all of this that they've done, and they haven't been paid for it, they've done this out of the goodness of their heart. So I need to appreciate the fact that as we go, there will be bumps along the road, some bigger than others. And I can't be hard with them. Local top 100 even called Now listen to this incredible Ayah what Allah says to the prophets, I saw them. First of all, it's a special mercy from God himself that you are so nice to them. Second, if you were harsh, and you were mean to them, London Fog boom, and how lik the English translation says they would have run away from you, they

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would have dispersed from you. The question is who would have dispersed from you the companions of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, the companions came to Islam because Islam is the truth. That's what we're told. We they came to Islam, because Islam is the truth, they were convinced that it's the truth. They were convinced of it. But Allah says, and even though the Quran is still true, and the Prophet is still the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And that is the best of all generations, even if all of that is the case, if the only one difference was you were a mean, rude leader, even just that one difference, everything else is still the same. The Sahaba would have run

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How important is the niceness of a leader that the best of all generations according to Allah Himself, would have run away from the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, if he was harsh, if he was tough, it's not my word is the word of Allah. When Oakland

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boomin Holic How can we undermine the importance of the character, the demeanor of leadership, how you're supposed to be with people who work under you? Even the Sahaba the greatest of all generations were being told they would have run off, they wouldn't have been able to handle it.

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So when people quit working volunteering for the machine, because the president of the machine yelled at them. I don't know the president. I don't know any stories. Don't tell me

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Don't know.

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But he quit. I don't want to work there anymore. The teacher quit from the Sunday school because the principal yelled at or,

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you know, people leave, they don't want to deal with it anymore. And you say, well, they don't, they don't want to serve the cause of Islam. That's why they left Well, actually, you're pretty obnoxious, you know, pretty tough to deal with. And if the Prophet is being told Sahaba wouldn't have been able to handle a bad attitude. You can't blame the people. He can't blame the people. We have to take these people as gifts from Allah, the ones who serve in any capacity, and the mistakes come along the way, regardless their gifts from Allah. Now,

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the most incredible thing I told you, the English translation says they would have run away from you. Yes. And in FIBA that's the word used in Arabic land football, in football, in football and Arabic is actually used when glass breaks. You know, you drop a glass of water and the small pieces of glass they spread. Can you put the glass back together? No, no, it's impossible. The word used the miracle laugh.

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Right away, they would have run away he says in fabu. In other words, they would have the group would have been cracked and dispersed in a way that you could never put that unity back together again.

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The thing that is holding the unity of the Muslims together is the leniency and the patience and the love of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam as a leader, can you imagine the value of leadership? Imagine the value of the leniency of the leader, the patience of the leader, especially when dealing with disappointment. Being a nice leader when things are going well is easy. The test of leadership is when your followers disappoint you when they mess up. That's when the test is and that's when if you don't do your job, the group the effort will break and it will break in a way that can never be recovered. Again, learn from boom and Holic.

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This is Allah holding a meeting with the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam before he holds a meeting with the Sahaba let me prepare you for your meeting. Let me have a meeting with you first. So how should you deal with him then? He's about to go meet with the Sahaba How should you deal with them? Allah tells him here's what you need to do. Three steps.

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Number one fight for unknown then lovingly forgive them. There's no point dwelling on the past. I know you feel guilty already. Look, let bygones be bygones. It's over. I don't hold it against you. Mistakes happen. It's okay. Forgive them. But my uncle no forgive them. But 70 Muslims died, forgive them. I gave them specific instructions. How could they not listen, Allah says forgive them, let it go.

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That's what you have to do as a leader.

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That's leadership. He has all the reasons not to forgive. Unless there's no you because it's a special mercy from Allah. First thing first run and Allahu in Arabic.

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For under McDarrah, right, forgiveness is with the one who has the the nobility, the dignity, the ability to do so. So the prophet SAW them as a matter of his status. The fact that Allah has granted him leadership is in the biggest position to be forgiving. The higher you are in leadership, the more forgiving you should be far for on him, forgive them. Let them know that it's it's it's in the past, not gonna bring it up again. But then, it may be that in a public meeting, the leader says it's okay. It's done. I don't hold it against you anymore. But the heart still has a feeling inside. Like that guy really messed up.

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I mean, I'm saying I forgive him. But every time I see him, I remember what he did.

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You know, every time I see his face, I'm reminded, so it's not like it was before. There's a crack in the relationship and that crack is deep down inside the heart. It doesn't come on the tongue. It doesn't come on the but it's in there. So how do you get rid of that? When you are by yourself? Yasuda Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what should you do? What still FileZilla home ask a lot of forgive them. When you make the offer yourself and your family and this oma pick the people that disappointed you and make special offer them. That's how you will know nothing is left in your heart. So Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And by the way, I added in private moments on purpose.

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Because when somebody disappoints you, and you have a meeting afterwards and you say, No, Marie, I forgive you, and May Allah forgive you to, then that's not forgiveness, that's humiliation. You don't say that somebody publicly made love forgive you. You don't do that. You go in private. When you talk to a love for yourself. When you talk to a love for your forgiveness, that's when a leader asks for the forgiveness of his followers. It's the exact opposite your being back to being rude and mean again, when you publicly say, May Allah forgive you what you have done. Oh, you know, that's not that's not what the case is. This is how you make sure that the leader has nothing left in his

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heart. But there's another last problem. Such a beautiful problem. The last problem is what if the follower has something left in his heart? The one who does

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appointed the prophet SAW. Selim says, Man, I messed up. He used to listen to me. He used to value me. He used to respect me. I know it's never going to be the same again after I've messed up. I mean, how can it be? I know he says he forgave me, but come on how it's impossible for him to get rid of that from his heart. How are you as a leader going to convince your follower? That it's okay.

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It is as it was, we have mended paths. So there's a crack in the leaders heart that's been mended. But now there's a crack in the followers heart that needs to be mended. So Allah His Messenger is told sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what shall we do home Phil?

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Manhattan column.

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consult them when you make decisions.

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The people who disappointed you when you're about to make a decision now who's making the decision? The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Does he need anybody's input? No, my antico and in our he doesn't speak on his own. He gets what he gets revelation. He doesn't need further opinions. He gets opinion from Allah. But Allah says in order to make your disappointed followers, your disappointing followers feel like they're special again, before you make a decision. Make sure you ask their opinion.

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So they feel like what the messenger asked me what I think. But I just messed up last week. It must mean he values me again. He respects me again. He has love for me again. Just the fact that you consider it and you asked. And by the way, Allah didn't say de la hora

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pretend that you're asking their opinion don't really ask their opinion. You know what we do? In short, all right, brother, what's your opinion just like a low hidden like he before he even gives his opinion usage is like a low Hayden. That's not sure. When the Prophet is being commanded sallallahu alayhi wa sallam it's this Mashallah is absolute? In other words, genuinely, I know my time's up, I'll take one more minute, or shall we absolutely seek their consultation in the most genuine way so they feel valued again. And even though they they have given your given you their opinion, you will still be the final verdict, you will still have the final rule for either as I'm

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afraid when you by yourself make the decision. After considering all the options for Canada law, then put your trust in Allah. The last comment I want to leave you with, we're talking about you know, and I was thinking about this for several reasons. And one of the most common of which is the elections are around the corner. And in politics, you know what they do, they blame the problems of a country on the leader.

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It's under his leadership, this happened, this happened, this happened. So it must be his fault, or under my leadership, this and this and this will happen so I'll take credit for it. So the leader wants to take credit for everything good happening, and the opponent wants to give him all the blame for all the bad things that are happening that's happened that happens with leadership. But you know what Allah says, no matter how good a leader you are, Muhammad salam, there's not gonna be a better leader. They will not be a better leader. But no matter how amazing a leader you are, victory and loss do not come from you the very next irss em Sol como la who follows Alibaba calm when you don't

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come from Angola De Luca mendini. If Allah wants to aid you, no one can overcome you. Victory doesn't come from the leader. Victory comes from Allah. Don't blame your leaders. Help from Allah hasn't arrived. See Allah puts the right attitude in place right when you need it. Right when you start thinking victory and loss comes from leaders. Allah puts us in the right attitude. subhana wa Tada. May Allah azza wa jal give us the ability to implement qualities of this leadership in our household with our wives and our children. May Allah azza wa jal make us good leaders as teachers, good leaders as people that are in charge for different aspects of the community. May Allah give

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this kind of put the love of following the leadership practices of the prophet SAW them into the hearts of every one of us so that we can lead better family lives, better community lives and run better Islamic organizations. barakallahu li walakum Hakeem when finally we can build it with the King

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hamdu lillahi Wa Wa Salatu was Salam ala Abadi, Latina Safa Susana, Allah of body him waha tamina bien, Mohamed el amin, what Allah Allah He was a big marine yaku La Jolla del fakie tambien Karim, but an akula let him initiate on regime in a la Mola eketahuna soluna Allah nebby

00:29:16 --> 00:29:52

Latina amanu sallu alayhi wa sallam Otis Lima Allahumma salli ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed kamasan later Allah Ebrahim le Rahim, Allah Al Ameen in naka hamidah Majeed Allahumma barik ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed comma Baraka Allah Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim al al amin in Naka, Jaime de Majeed, about de la rahima como la la in La Jolla, San Juan eata, Cordoba, Vienna and in fact, you will mooncup when adequate Allahu akbar wa la jolla alma mater stone Optimus sala insalata cannon mini Nikita makuta

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan delves into the topic of leadership and how leniency should be advocated in this matter as is evident from numerous verses of the Qur’an. In Surah Al Imran, the third Surah of the Qur’an, one particular subject has been given a lot of space in the Surah. And that subject matter is the accounts and whatever happened in the battle of Uhud. it was the second major battle in the Madani life of the Prophet ﷺ.

There are a lot of things to learn from these accounts and that’s why Allah dedicates a lot of Ayaat to this subject and we know that every Ayah of the Qur’an offers us guidance so that we can learn from it and make our own lives better forever to come. So the Qur’an is a book of timeless instruction, timeless counsel and timeless guidance.

Allah says, “No matter how good a leader you are, Muhammad ﷺ, there’s not going to be a better leader, there will not be a better leader. But no matter how amazing a leader you are, victory and loss do not come from you.” The very next ayah says, “If Allah was to aid you, no one can overcome you…”

This implies that victory doesn’t come from the leader. Victory comes from Allah. Allah puts the right attitude in place, right when we need it and loss comes from leaders. Hence, we should inculcate the ability to implement the qualities of this leadership in our household with our wives and our children. We should aim to make ourselves good leaders as teachers, good leaders as people that are in-charge for different aspects of the community. We should imbibe the leadership practices of the Prophet ﷺ so that we can lead a better family lives, better community lives and run better Islamic organizations.


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