Nouman Ali Khan – Characteristics of Believers

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of sharing experiences and moments in publicity to bring people together, the culture of farm, and the need for a checklist to know how to know one's success. They stress the importance of understanding success and failure, privacy, and the need for regular marriages to make them romantic. The speakers also emphasize the importance of fulfilling promises and creating a culture of trusting others.
AI: Transcript ©
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and then he hadn't really had amaku nearly NASA Dr. Lola and Hassan Allah

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well hamdulillah

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unless he let me get to him well Then what am I?

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What am yaku Lavalle you may not know Li or Kabir Viola

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but hamdulillah

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Allah The McMurdo who want to start Ito who wanna start field when he when I say what color are they?

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When are older when they're human? Surely and fusina woman say Medina

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when yes the level phenomena woman you blame further howdy Allah.

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Allah ilaha illallah wa sallahu la sharika

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when a shadow and now Mohammed Abdullah he was all of

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us Allahu Allahu Allah, Allah will Huda Medina Leo hirahara Deen equally Waka fabula he shahida

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for subtle Allahu Allah He was so dumb as asleep and get here and you can see a lot

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more than that in the so called tabula

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rasa. Well has he have you Mohammed in salallahu alayhi wasallam

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or international Whoo hoo ha. We're in Nakula desert in beta for boondocking Bala, Okuda.

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puto subhanho wa Taala. him carrying back an akula.

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of rock metal Rahim

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for the moon

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and the vena homefree Salatu him Kashi own

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when the Xena homonym does more of the bone

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when the VENA homeless Kathy finally loon

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when Medina homely Guruji him has the bone

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in the idea is watching him at a macro home or in the home. I mean,

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so many without law, Daddy, he come home when I don't.

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When he not only am I letting him be him

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along with

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Emily melissani of koko de la masa, LTV La ilaha illallah wa la Miranda minella Nina ama Amman wamena Swati had, what I was hoping what I was over so, beloved Medina Miriam hain elegant I mean,

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I'm sure that you probably heard a reminder

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about the art but start off the beautiful soulful, what we knew in the 23rd sort of the foreign, very famous words, but have we known

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what I wanted to use this rare opportunity that I have. And I personally feel that I'm very honored to be here on company law. I flew here from Dallas this morning, and haven't even seen the hotel yet, because the cab driver couldn't find it. But

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at least he found the mustard. So I'm happy about that.

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But I feel very honored that I have this opportunity to speak to you. And actually the first sentiment I want to share with you before I share a reminder from these IOD is that I don't feel like a stranger. When you walk into the house of a law, this is a bond created between Muslims. Once they share that in Ohio law, that bond is thicker than blood. So you feel home. Once you enter the house of Allah, you see other Muslims you say Salaam and you say Salaam back, you smile in their face and they smile back, then you fulfill that. So novelized messengers are lovely, and they fulfill their part. You know, at that point, there's a tranquility in our hearts. And there's a

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unity that doesn't have to be talked about or you don't have to give speeches about it. You just feel it in your heart and realize that we can put that genuine kind of sincere unity in all of our hearts and remove again, remove ill feeling remove harshness remove jealousy and anger and frustration and judgments between each other, never remove those from us and really make us a true brotherhood.

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Allah says in the

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very beginning because we know those of you who are familiar with Arabic, you know, cause is that Auto Key that's used to emphasize something, but it's also used to say or communicate the meanings of already. So whatever is about to be said is already the case. It's not like it's going to be

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case it's already the case, then the light uses a verb in particular for success of Lucha, Lucha. And before we go further, a really shallow translation would suggest true believers have already attained success or they've already succeeded. But a very particular flavor of success is what's mentioned in the ayah. And the word of the heart is related to the Arabic term fella, fella, the farmer and the farmer in Arabic, interesting, we have tons of words, there's lots of words that depict the farmer.

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Because farming was so very important to the Arabs, because most of their region wasn't really something you grow anything on. So the few places you can grow something are very, very important. And the activity that goes on there is very, very important. Incidentally, things that were really important to the ancient Arabs, they have lots of words for them, like the sword. Now, lots of words for the sword.

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So the farmer or farming, they had lots of terminology surrounding this process, this agriculture that sustain the entire region.

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At the end of the farming season, the harvest season, when the farmer is finally done with his labor, he sees that the crop, the harvest is tall, the stalks are tall, and he's going to go in and cut all of his labor down. He's going to collect and he's going to make his yearly income. The way we think of the our our income, nowadays, we have jobs most of us

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are we get paid weekly, or we get paid bi weekly or monthly. I don't think anyone here probably gets a year, once one paycheck a year, I don't think anyone here has that situation. But that's what a farmer's situation is. He puts the work in all year, he puts the seed into the ground, he waters it, he begs for the rain, he puts he he moves his animals around on the land tilling the earth, then he hopes that the insects don't come and destroy his crop or infestations don't happen or weeds don't come in. And he has to basically be on this high strung stressful labor majority of the year. And finally, eventually, at the end of the year, he sees the fruits of his labor

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at the end of that year, and by the way, agriculture is not just something that obviously happened in the Arab world, it's what's happening all over the world. And if you look at any agricultural society, you'll find the same thing.

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When they get to crop season, when they get to the season, where they harvest, they all have festivals, they all celebrate, they'll they'll decorate their entire villages, there'll be singing going on, they're gonna be why because that's not one paycheck in the entire year. All that year's labor in that one day in that one week.

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That's the word of law.

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It's not just success, its success that comes after you put in a lot of labor. It didn't just come, it didn't just make its way to you. It's something you have to put a lot of work into endless work into. And by the way, when the farmer does put the seed in the ground, and gets his animals to go into hot sun and go and give water all around, he sees no progress at all. He does not know if this is going to be a good year or bad years, no clue whether he sees results or not. He has to get up and he has to do his work and just make its way to you. It's something you have to put a lot of work into endless work into. And by the way, when the farmer does put the seed in the ground, and gets

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his animals to go into hot sun and go and give water all around, he sees no progress at all. He does not know if this is going to be a good year bad year is no clue whether he sees results or not. He has to get up and he has to do his work. And he knows even if he skips one day, one week, if he misses up messes up even a little bit, then it can hurt his entire labor. So he has to very strictly follow a schedule. He has to stick to a program. Allah azza wa jal began this law saying we know

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those who truly believe

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those who really have attained a majority in their faith. These are the people that have already attained success implying that they've already put a lot of work in to get there. And that is why they don't just get the term and levena amanu describing them, and levena amanu those of you read for all of you in child law, know that the nominal comes all the time in the Koran. Allah uses here not let me call para la Vina amanu court of law and will be known as must be known as a noun. It's substantial. It's permanent. Allah is describing these people as mature in their faith. By the word we know. When Allah uses under the Quran sometimes even complains about them. Yeah.

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Those of you have you been What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?

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by the Holy cow, yeah, you know, una vida de Lune. Those of you who claim to have him on, why do you say things you don't do? But here in this ayah These are real, real books.

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And we beg Allah that he counts us among them, but solely

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We should have a checklist, how do I? How do I know for myself? And how do you know for yourself whether we qualify for this ultimate success? Where do we stand? Allah gave us a checklist. And usually, you know, what was our very short opportunity, I'm keeping an eye on the clock, I have 30 minutes exactly left. And usually most of the teams that try to do the job of describing these IOD they get to for sure, insula, which is the first one and the vendors optimists a lot. Because you don't really get time to do the rest, and then it never comes around. So I want to actually go a little faster, and cover some more of these items on the checklist. But my agenda before you isn't

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just to cover these items, or talk about them, many of which probably are all of it you're familiar with. But more importantly, to illustrate how they're all connected to each other, how they're all tied in with each other. The first thing is that what I mentioned is an arena Humpty Salatin, Hoshyar only those who especially when it comes to this a lot,

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especially when it comes this is if they saw us earlier in Arabic. So I'm adding that in translation. These are the people these true believers are the people that especially when it comes to their prayer, they have this quality called for sure, which most commonly misunderstood is focus. Like they focus in their prayer, that their keys, it's something else, for sure, in the Arabic language, is when you feel as a kind of fear that numbs your muscles,

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that you get overwhelmed with fear. You don't just feel it emotionally, you almost start feeling it physically, it overtakes and rattles you to the core. That kind of fear. Let me give you an example of that kind of fear. There's a boy talking in the back of the classroom and they know there's a very strict teacher and the stitches are arbitrary.

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That child just felt for sure.

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That when he first when he felt he felt for sure,

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this is one of the most powerful experiences a person can have an Allah says especially when it comes to their prayers. These people have for sure, especially when it comes to their prayer, which implies they push you outside to outside to but especially in their salon. Now the question arises why why highlight this as the first characteristic? You know a salon describing salons origin says, you know,

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in the salata, kanatal Mini Nikita makuta no doubt is the salon essentially the is suggesting that the salon is a means by which we maintain a schedule. It keeps our the believer schedule is in ICU at 430. I'll see you at two o'clock. I'll see you at seven o'clock. I'll see you right before Monday. I'll see you right after I shop. I'll see you between 100 houses, our clock revolves around the salon. What did I tell you about the farmer that he asked to follow a very strict schedule if he wants to be successful, our strict schedule is the salon. And the point of the salon is that we never lose sight of the fact that we are working hard for success and the moment we lose sight of

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that we're really not going to be able to take our work seriously. We're not going to be able to get any of the other expectations of Allah met what's the next expectation? When levena home and in love we want the moon very interesting. Allah says especially when it comes to Allah who are remarkable word in the Arabic language level. No means useless conversation. Or two speakers call it baguazhang bookmark. Arabs color color when foreign

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you know in back in America we say shooting the breeze challenge yackety yak yak. That's that's not who it is also an activity, not just speech, it's an activity that doesn't benefit you here in this world and has no benefit for you in the asset either. You got nothing good out of the PlayStation three here. Or in the NFL. You got nothing good out of Angry Birds here or in the arsenal. But it took a lot of your time. It takes a lot of your time. This is no useless activity, useless speech that has no benefit in the world and no benefit benefit in the next when people start respecting their time. By the way, how does a Muslim respect this time what's a lot

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so largest proof that you have respect for your time? If you really had a shoe and salon you'd start respecting not just the time of Salah the time between the salon also so you have no time to waste. So there is no law who in your life. You cut it out. You get rid of useless things in your life. You have friends sometimes you know when you're listening to a football or listening to four on you listen to it for three minutes you get sleepy. Oh happy listening a long time. That was really long. But when you're talking to your friends about nothing at all, you can sit for hours and talk like where did the time go? Oh my god is Julian. Oh, say goodbye to fudger now, right will happen all the

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When a believer becomes attentive or really focused and really fearful of a lion Salah it starts impacting how believers spends his life

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Her time outside of salon. When does he know melindungi marleybone.

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When you stop wasting your time, it's like you start if you stop thinking about useless things, you know, Gulu nimap, ambach, Dr. upsells, every container only gives out what it contains. If you're only talking about useless things all the time, that means the heart is full of useless things. That's what that means. When you start, stop that stuff, it's no longer coming out of you, it means the inside is getting cleaned up. And when the inside gets cleaned up, I give my students the image. It's like, you know, you can't see yourself in a dirty,

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you have to wipe it clean, and then you can see your own reflection. It's when you start waste, stop wasting your time, you can really really and I can really, really think about who I really am. We're delusional about who we ourselves are, where we stand in front of Allah, we don't even think about it. Cuz we got other stuff to think about. You got you know, young young folks have game video game walkthroughs to read. Right? Or they have to check their Facebook status or whether somebody put a thumbs up or thumbs down on their comment. They have they have other stuff to do. But when you cut that stuff out of your life, Allah azza wa jal says, Well, levena, who leads the catifa you

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those, especially for the goal of cleansing themselves purifying themselves, this is not just a sakata giving Zakat, because that is what sakata una different verbiage, different language. This is a catify Loon. When it comes to the goal of cleansing themselves, they put themselves to work. And they don't they put themselves to work because they realize there's something dirty needs to be cleaned. You know, when something's really dirty, it takes a lot of work to clean it. When the when the stain is deep. And it's been there for a long time. Those of you that wash dishes, if you don't wash your dishes for a couple of days, what happens to the stain, it gets stuck on and you got to

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put a lot of work. If you and I have personality problems like anger, greed, jealousy, you have a problem lowering your eyes. Nobody knows only you know, a man knows nobody knows.

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You could be knowledgeable or not knowledgeable doesn't matter. You can be young man or old man, you have a problem lowering your gaze. You have that problem and you know about it. Nobody else can tell you you have it. You have to be honest to yourself. And if you do if you've had that problem for a long time, it takes a lot of work to get rid of it. It's not gonna happen overnight. So these people first of all realize what's wrong with them. I get angry too easily. I insult my friends too much. I talk behind people's back too much. I watched way too much shamelessness. You know, I'm a little too friendly with with the opposite gender in college or at anywhere else. I get a little too casual too

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easily. I gotta watch myself when they realize that they put themselves to work to try to cleanse themselves. When the vino only Sakakibara you. And when it comes to cleaning yourself up. There's one fitna there's one trial that is so dangerous, that no matter how hard you work at it, that temptation never goes away. You know, you can work really hard and you can get the diva out of your life backbiting all of your life. You can work really hard and go from being a very angry person to becoming a patient person. It can happen. You can evolve. It can happen. It's possible. You can work really hard and be a very lazy person. Some people say like in America, it's very common. I'm not a

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morning person. They say, I'm not a morning person means I can't wake up before 11am right? That's what that means. But some people if you work on yourself, you can become a morning person. You can become diligent in time, but there's one problem. There's one temptation that even the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam was most concerned about when it came to this oma

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and that is competition between men and women shamelessness. So Allah azza wa jal dedicates multiple IR to this one problem in the author one because after the honeymoon, and the renowned facade team has your own, when does he normally does?

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When does he normally satifying Oh, now that purification has been mentioned. Whether the nahoon li Fuji him Hafiz on one ayah in the Allah is watching him Omar madaket, a man who's

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been to IR summative de la Veronica,

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three IR same subject, one subject, what's that one subject shamelessness when it comes to their private state garden, except on their, on their on their lawful, where they can lawfully, you know, execute their temptations, we can look upon our life, we can have a beautiful relationship without you know, with the spouse, that's fine. They keep themselves restricted to that and they're happy with that. You know, one of the things that we learned from that I have four minutes left, I'm keeping an eye on the clock.

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One of the things we learned from that is how hard we have to work on making our marriages beautiful.

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How many of us, you go home? Not one minute goes by an argument starts.

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How's your day? How's your day? Why are you asking like that? Oh my God, you're so nasty. And you just go back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. But when you go to work, and the Secretary says how's your day, how's your day

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you say it was great. It was really beautiful.

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I love to talk to you about it and you want to prolong the conversation the wife asked your house you talked about I'm tired right now, to mother me right now. We have to put work in to make our marriages beautiful to make our marriages romantic, which is a sin novelized messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because that protects us from shamelessness that protects us from the worst possible shape. And that's part of our job as believers, we got to do that. We have to do it we have to make time and nothing will become better if you don't give it time. Your wife needs your time your husband needs your time. Just like your kids need your time that will be for another football

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another occasion and shall hold on. But will there be no homely regime happy zone. And at the end of once Allah mentions they can stay away from this major problem. And by the way, I say this is an easier problem to tackle and also a bigger problem for us to face than ever before. Because now shamelessness is staring at us down the street on your mobile device. When you're checking your email when you're watching the news. It doesn't let you go anywhere, you can't go go groceries, you can go to the college, you can't go anywhere, anywhere, but to be exposed to shamelessness all the time, which means it requires that much more work from you and me. Every time you look at something

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wrong, and you don't feel bad, you don't feel bad. It's another stain on your heart. And how many stains because until this heart gets so dirty, and then you and I wonder when we make dodgeville How come the guy next to me is crying, I can't even cry. My heart is incapable of crying because it's so dirty and it's so stained.

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It's so strange that the light can't even get inside. Because we keep getting dirtier and dirtier and dirtier. These are the art of cleaning ourselves up. These are the people who put themselves to work so they can feel human again, because we know this takes work. And nobody's gonna do that work for you and me, I have to do it for myself and you have to do it for yourself what law he talking about this stuff is easy. Talking about it is easy. doing something about it is serious. But I remind myself of a famous piece of poetry in Arabic, I love this piece of poetry.

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It says woman yada yada g Ba ba ba ba da da da da papa. Whoever feared climbing the mountain will remain forever in the ditch.

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You and if you think I can change this way too much change for me. Don't have Don't be afraid at the start of what it means to have

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1000 miles start with this step, get started do something at least put a little bit of work in and then you see how Allah makes changes in your life. How will opens doors in your life. Some of you try make try to make it to fudge the mustard sometimes, the few times you do make it you know how much how much more beautiful your day goes. Just because you made it. Some of you try to make it regular in your salon the few days that you do make a lot on time properly, you know the kind of light and joy and peace and tranquility and happiness you feel in those days. It's a gift from Allah and you can accomplish it you can you can get there. This is the last bit I want to share with you

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in my final minute.

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After mentioning this big temptation and how we have to ward ourselves away from it allows our dimensions to more things before he tells us these other people that inherent inherit the highest paradigm and May Allah make all of us from

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Allah says well Nadine, only a minority him we're adding him wrong.

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When does he know whom Allah Allah, Allah wa t him You have to think when it comes to the things that are trusted with and the promises that they make.

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They don't just fulfill them, not just move on for our own. They watch over them.

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You know, security guard, watches over something is keeping an eye on it. I gave my word I'm not just gonna fulfill, I'm keeping an eye on my word. I'm going to watch over. I've been trusted with something at my job. I've been trusted with something with my parents. I've been trusted with something in my deed, I'm going to watch over it. And by the way, the way to remember that you and I have to be people that fulfill promises across the board, whether it's between Muslims and non Muslim to go to work. And the Secretary says how's your day? How's your day? Mohammed?

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You say it was great. It was really beautiful.

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I'd love to talk to you about it and you want to prolong the conversation, the White House your house you talk about I'm tired right now.

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Right now. We have to put work in to make our marriages beautiful to make our marriages romantic, which is a sin novelized messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because that protects us from shamelessness that protects us from the West was out of shape and that's part of our job as believers we got to do that. We have to do it we have to make time and nothing will become better if you don't give a time. Your wife needs your time. Your husband needs your time. Just like your kids need your time that will be for another football another occasion and cello Donna but will

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As you know whom the fujimaki zone and at the end of once I mentioned is they can stay away from this major problem. And by the way, I say this is an easier problem to tackle and also a bigger problem for us to face than ever before. Because now shamelessness is staring at us, down the street on your mobile device. When you're checking your email when you're watching the news. It doesn't let you go anywhere, you can't go go groceries, you can go to the college, you can't go anywhere, anywhere, but to be exposed to shamelessness all the time, which means it requires that much more work from you and me. Every time you look at something wrong, and you don't feel bad. You don't feel

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bad. It's another stain on your heart. And how many stains because until this heart gets so dirty, and then you and I wonder when we make dogs. Well, how come the guy next to me is crying. I can't even cry. My heart is incapable of crying because it's so dirty and it's so stained.

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It's so strange that the light can't even get inside. Because we keep getting dirtier and dirtier and dirtier. These are the art of cleaning ourselves up. These are the people who put themselves to work so they can feel human again because we know this takes work and nobody's gonna do that work for you and me I have to do it for myself and you have to do it for yourself what law he talking about. This stuff is easy. Talking about it is easy. doing something about it is serious. But I remind myself of a famous piece of poetry in Arabic. I love this piece of poetry

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says Romania Yep, Surat Al Jabbar estaba. Daddy vena cava. Whoever feared climbing the mountain will remain forever in the ditch.

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You and if you think I can't change this way too much change for me. Don't Don't be afraid at the start of what it means to be hot while 1000 miles start with this step, get started do something at least put a little bit of work in and then you see how Allah makes changes in your life. How will opens doors in your life. Some of you try make try to make it to fudger at the most at some time. The few times you do make it you know how much how much more beautiful your day goes. Just because you made it. Some of you tried to make your regular in your salon the few days that you do make a lot on time properly, you know the kind of light and joy and peace and tranquility and happiness you

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feel in those days. It's a gift from Allah and you can accomplish it you can you can get there. This is the last bit I want to share with you my final minute

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after mentioning this big temptation and how we have to ward ourselves away from it allows Odette mentions two more things before he tells us these are the people that inherent, inherit the highest paradigm. And male let me call this from

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Allah says what levena hooli amaravati him Why?

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When Latina Hamada salam, Sana watching him you have you know two things, when it comes to the things that are trusted with and the promises that they make.

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They don't just fulfill them, not just move on. For our own. They watch over them.

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You know, security guard, watches over something is keeping an eye on it. I gave my word I'm not just gonna fulfill, I'm keeping an eye on my word. I'm gonna watch over it. I've been trusted with something at my job. I've been trusted with something with my parents. I've been trusted with something in my deed, I'm gonna watch over it. And by the way, the way to remember that you and I have to be people that fulfill promises across the board, whether it's between Muslims and non Muslims, whether it's in our family, whether it's with coworkers, or business partners, every few hours, we are reminded that we're supposed to be people that fulfill promises, because the next IO

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takes us immediately back to the promise between us and Allah. When does he know whom and also by watching him, you have a loan, the one who's watching something is also guarding something, that's why they're watching it. That's why you keep your eye on it. I go home my two year old boy, he loves playing with my phone. So I put it on the table, but I keep my eye on the phone or on him. And as I just got like looking at my phone, I'm guarding my phone. So when I says watching the other says, guarding guarding what the seller wants. In other words, and this is my last comment. If you and I really understood what slot is slot is supposed to make you and me reliable Muslims. It's supposed

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to make you and me people that keep their word, people that can be trusted. And if you're making salads, but you can't be trusted,

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you don't keep your word you can't be relied upon. Then there's something wrong with your salon something's missing. Maybe you're missing the point, the fruit that comes out of this salad that's supposed to be there. The the benefit, the character change that it's supposed to bring into the life of a Muslim male not as always gonna help us fulfill these, these these obligations and these expectations that make these difficulties ahead of us in cleansing ourselves easier for all of us. We allow someone to bring a love of the Quran and a love of Allah messenger sallallahu alayhi Salaam, into our hearts and into the hearts of our families Barack Alemany Welcome to another

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Hakeem when they finally were here for me it was the

00:30:07 --> 00:30:24

hamdulillahi waka wa Salatu was Salam. ala de nos la Posada of Bali him wahat me Naveen Mohamed el amin rather early he was happy. Yoku la gente que le Baba Buddha administrativo Najim in the la llamada

00:30:26 --> 00:30:26


00:30:27 --> 00:30:35

Lena amanu sallu alayhi wa sallam Moses Lima Allahumma salli ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed can also later either Ebrahim

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al Ameen in Dhaka hamidah Majeed Allahumma barik ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed

00:30:43 --> 00:30:58

Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim al al amin in Dhaka hematoma je de la Mola la in the La Jolla, San Benito in Cordoba here and in fact, he was one come while adekola he

00:31:00 --> 00:31:01

might have known Allah.

00:31:36 --> 00:31:39

yada, yada, yada yada, yada

00:31:46 --> 00:31:47

no more

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Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan delves on the Ayahs at that start of the beautiful Surah Al Mu’minoon which emphasizes on the characteristics of believers.

Allah (SWT) began this Surah saying: 

  • Those you truly believe, those who have really attained a majority in their faith, these are the people that have already attained success, implying that they have already put a lot of work in to get there.
  • Those who are especially when it comes to their Salah, they have this quality called Khushu.
  • Those especially for the goal of cleansing themselves, purifying themselves.
  • The people that inherit the highest Paradise. 
  • When it comes to the things they are trusted with and the promises they make, they don’t just fulfill them, they watch over them.

Hence, we must pray to Allah (SWT) that He help us fulfill these obligations and expectations and make these difficulties ahead of us in cleansing ourselves easier for all of us and bring the love of the Quran and the love of Allah’s Messenger ﷺ into our hearts and into the hearts of our family.



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