Nouman Ali Khan – 110 Nasr A

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the historical context of the Surah and its implications for the future of Islam. It emphasizes the importance of the "monster" in the narratives and its use in historical context. The transcript also touches on legal guarantees and their use in court, including the Santa Ana Hassan case, the Santa Ana Hassan case, the Santa Ana Airlines case, the Santa Ana Airlines case, the Santa Ana Airlines case, the Santa Ana Airlines case, the Santa Ana Airlines case, the Santa Ana Airlines case, the Santa Ana Airlines case, the Santa Ana Airlines case, the Santa Ana Airlines case, the Santa Ana Airlines case, the Santa Ana Airlines case, the Santa Ana Airlines case, the Santa Ana Airlines case, the Santa Ana Airlines case, the Santa Ana Airlines case, the Santa Ana Airlines case, the Santa Ana Airlines case, the Santa Ana Airlines case, the Santa Ana Airlines case, the Santa Ana Airlines case, the Santa Ana Airlines case, the Santa Ana Airlines case, the
AI: Transcript ©
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Santa Monica

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all the Riddler him initiate law and you're watching Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim either

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al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen or salat wa salam O Allah say the cambia you will even more saline water and he was happy when he said Nebuchadnezzar he didn't

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mean home woman or Latina I'm sorry, hot water was what it was all the sudden. I mean,

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we're starting the study of salt.

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One this sort of comes right after sort of caffeine and the most have, it's we have about four sodas more left before the most half is done. And this solar is actually directly connected to the message of the previous surah. In the previous surah, Article ceramah. In the previous surah, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam was told to basically openly declare his separation from the pradesh by not even calling them

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by not even calling them his own people, but rather calling them capital and Alia, you have caffeine in this surah Allah azza wa jal because that conflict has been declared in the previous surah. This is a surah that guarantees the Messenger of Allah and those who believe with him, it'll be a lot more on how much money was a lot harder to send them, it guarantees all of them victory. And so this is the surah, famously known as the surah that brings the help of Allah and the victory as the first IR suggests. Also, in the previous slide, we learned the coup de nukem bleddyn. So there was a concluding comment, which is commonly very misunderstood as you can have your religion and I can

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have mine and we can both go our own ways. But that's clearly not the case in the seat of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. SoTL, caffeine is a late MKI surah. What that means is that at the end of the era of Dawa for almost a decade or a little more, even the messenger has been inviting these people to the to the religion of Islam, and they have not accepted with very, very few exceptions. And at this point, it's very clear that they have made up their mind. Hence, they're not even called people. Yeah, you Hanna's they're called the human capital. They're set in their ways they're going to remain in coffer. The word Dean doesn't just mean religion and one of the meanings of Dean is

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also outcome or judgment. And so, when a large messenger tells them Lokhande, Unicom Alia, Dean, you will have your dean and I will have mine, one of the meanings of that is, you will have the consequences of your religion and I will have the consequences of mine and the fate of the religion of the Messenger of Allah Allah is victory. It is guaranteed that is what is ahead for him in this dunya and in the next but the fate of their religion is defeat and humiliation in this dunya and also in the next I'm happy with this now. Okay. So, what we find in the in this surah is the victory of this Deen and in the next surah what is the fate of those who disbelieve Allah gives an example

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of a b 11. What what happens to those who disbelieve in their fate, so the two have been contracted. Another thing about the solar that is important to note is that the messenger Allah hisako salaam was told when I sell for your tea, Caribou Coffee Tada, this is something we studied before that you're that Allah will give you very soon he will give you a lot until you yourself are pleased. This is what Allah guaranteed to His Messenger sallallahu sallam, and part of giving the messenger is removing grief and concern from him. One of the things that gives the messenger Allah His subtle Salaam a lot of pain is that he delivers the message and people don't take it seriously. They don't

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believe and rather they make fun of the message and don't realize how seriously in danger they themselves are if they don't accept this message, and this brings the messenger RNA subtle, slang grief. And imagine he's not only worried about his own tribe, like all messengers were sent to their own nation, the Messenger of Allah realizes sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that if these people don't believe, then there's no talking about the next generation of people, not to mention the rest of the world because he's the final messenger of Allah. So the grief is enormous. It's captured in many places in the Koran For example, when Allah says Allah, Allah kabocha enough Sokka Allah fit him in

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let me know we haven't had it so far. Are you going to kill yourself in grief? If they don't believe out of grief? Are you going to kill yourself with worry? So the messenger is extremely worried and what will remove his worry is that he sees people actually entering into the religion. And so in that way, this is one of the gifts Allah has given his messengers on the left Marley for them, in the words What are eight and NASA Luna de la he of Raja that ayah has the word writer used

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all the messengers being told, you get to see for your own eyes, that they will enter into the religion multitudes upon multitudes. In other words, it's not something that will happen after you pass away and you you won't know what happened after, but you get to see with your own eyes. So in other words, he dies with satisfaction, you know, compare this to the grief and the concern of jacoba his salon, he doesn't know what's going to happen after he's gone, right? So he gathers his children around, and he says to them at our booth and embody, who are you going to worship after what are you going to worship after I'm gone, he's concerned, similarly about him, either his salon

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keeps making the art for his future generations, because he only sees his immediate generation, he doesn't see the larger, you know, the consequences, what's going to happen in the future generations. But the messenger, what he saw was, Sam is going to is given this, this, you know, satisfaction to be able to see the growth of his oma in his own lifetime sallallahu sallam, in the introduction to the surah. A few things. I'm wondering about the long run who this is after the profits passing. So a lot of them

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he was quizzing the Sahaba. He was taking a tafsir quiz from them. And he recited this surah. And he said, Tell me about it. So the Sahaba gave their opinion, some of them said this is the victory of Allah when the mecca was conquered. This is the sole law that guarantees or gave the good news of the final over, you know, the * of this Dean. And he accepted all of them. Yes, but I'm looking for more. And they turn to a young Sahabi named Abner bass or the Allahu taala. What's your opinion? And he said, this is the farewell address of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam. This is the this is the surah that announces the leaving the departing of Allah's Messenger. And our

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mobile app tells him I was thinking the same thing. But why do you think so? He was thinking the same thing. But why do you think so I have no boss. And by the way, he's one of the youngest at the time. And he says that every messenger Allah sends on this earth he sent for a purpose. And the purpose is that he delivered the message. And when he finishes his job and he's delivered the message, and the people have received the message, then the worldly function, the worldly purpose of the life of that messenger is complete. He's no longer kept in this dunya without a mission. And so when people enter into this Deen and the victory has arrived, and more and more people are entering

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into Islam, it is an indication that the job of the messenger messenger has been accomplished, and that means that it's time for him to leave. When this little was revealed, it is narrated that Abu Bakr Siddiq rhodiola Han, who cried profusely without any explanation, he just heard the surah and he kept on crying profusely. Similarly, we find some very interesting narrations. We'll discuss them in more detail as the dose continues after salon child lump, but I shall the Allaha narrates that the messenger started making a lot more still far than he ever did before, after the soldier was revealed. subchronic Allahumma esta Furukawa to like similarly, on Salah, Marathi Allahu taala,

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hundreds that used to repeat Subhanallah he will be handy he istockphoto la what I do really he will read the full narration later on, but sitting standing walking all the time, he would recite this over and over again. And she said to him to get here, you know, you've you've added a lot more than you used to before in terms of this Vicar. And he said Leanna Who am I gonna be here because I've been commanded to do so. And he resided recited this surah Allah He will fit. Why because at the end of the solo, you find what Stubblefield who the messengers commanded seekers to fall. So the messenger increased his sister for a lot of scholars also comment that the famous Hadith of the

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Prophet or the subtle Salaam, in which he tells us that in any given day he makes a stepfather at least 100 times is mentioned after this surah was revealed that after the surah the messenger increased his practice of istikhara Allah Allah Allah also he increased the special Vicar of Mr. Farr in such that and this is not commonly known so panic Allah hamara banner, so conical hamara banner will be handed Allah homophily this is what he would add in his such that after this surah was revealed

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about the Allahu anhu actually comments that after the surah was revealed, the messenger Elisa was Salaam would start praying a lot more than he did even before he was already a man of a lot of you know, pm. Of course, the father was constantly making no effort, but he increased even what he had so much so that his feet would swell and they would be in pain.

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So narration after generation after generation telling us that this surah had a very deep and profound impact on the personal life of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Half of the surah is dealing with something that happened on the outside, and this is something we'll inshallah when we by the time we tie this this up, it will make more sense to you. But half of this sort are more than half really the first two are dealing with one subject, the victory of Islam and the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. The last ayah is dealing with the practice of the messenger himself some a lot more on Islam, as far as praising Allah, remembering Allah doing

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Vicar of Allah and asking a lust forgiveness. So what are the first two things what was the first thing the victory of Islam have to do with the messenger see

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Forgiveness. How are the two things connected? That is something we will explore in childhood data as visitors continues. The important thing I want to get to before the celebrate, though we have about 10 or so minutes, is a discussion among Roma about the historical context in which the surah is revealed. They are divided the majority of other men say that this is a mother nishiura and a minority says that this is a lucky surah so I'll share with you the the opinions of the majority first and the majority that says this is another nice hoorah they say either it was revealed at the time Makkah was conquered at Mecca, or it was revealed revealed a couple of years before that it had

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settled with our so at the farewell hedge it was revealed, or they say that the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam was reciting it as he was entering Makkah, but that suggests that it was already revealed, and he was repeating it himself as he was writing the camel when he sallallahu Sallam enters the city of Mecca as a victor. And by the way, he entered with his forehead on the camel, and his beard was touching the skin, you know, the camel itself, suggesting that he entered in a state of sajida. He entered in a state of humility sallallahu wasallam. But the minority does say it's mucky. And it's kind of peculiar when I first read that some scholars did actually say that this is

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a monkey suit or two. I found it very difficult to understand at first, because, you know, clearly it's talking about the victory for America. This is a maddening incident. So what will lead them to believe that this is a monkey suit? I will look at their opinions also. First of all, they say there's a different way of looking at those narrations you remember ignore bass or the Allahu taala in Houma. And the question Omar had asked him, they said, there's a different way of looking at that narration. In other words, what if not us, or the Allahu taala, who is saying is when those things happen, when the victory of when the help of Allah comes and the victory arrives, and the people

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enter into Islam and multitudes, then we know that it's time for the messenger to leave, it doesn't necessarily have mean it happened already. In other words, this surah they look at as a guarantee of the victory rather than looking back and commenting on the victory that already took place. So they're looking at it in that sense as a machimura the second evidence they use is the use of the word either in Arabic and you know in the English translation if you're reading one as we as we follow along either Jana sola when the help of Allah right when the word when is the word either, but in the Arabic language, there's another word for when which is if so there's, if and isn't.

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Now, you know, it is using the Quran also like exotic absorbable gelatin.

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Right? If color is color the Abbe, so we find the word is means when and either also means when I what's the difference between them is, refers to the word when, if it's referring to something in the past, and either commonly is referring to something in the future. Let me give you a simple example in English, because in English, we just have one word, which is when but the Arabs have two words. So we have to make a distinction. If, for instance, when I told you that I will be here, I meant it. When I use that sentence, as an example, when I told you, I'll be here, am I referring to something that I said in the past? Right, then I would use is,

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but if I say, when I come here, be ready.

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When I come here, be ready. am I referring to something in the past of the future now, the future that would be that would be either. Now this is found in no code on, for example, in our follow up, note, that actually that's the exception, the only two places, arguably three places in the Quran, where either is used for the past, but before I get to the exceptions, let's look at the common case. Allah says either shumsa could either then he says either new gym is eligible, either he shall either wash, it will be hard, either new foods, all of those instances in so the taquile are referring to something that happens in the future. Similarly, this summer on chocolate, either when

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the sky is torn open, right? Similarly, either associate in Jinja one The earth is shaking. All of these are instances referring to something that happens in the future, so commonly either for the future and in for the past. But there are exceptions. Exceptionally in the case of the Santa Ana Hassan, Allah says either Jamuna Hata, Java una fata *, then when our decision finally came, and the kettle boiled over, referring to the valleys, you know the valleys in the region of new Halesowen as forming a kettle and it boiled over you know, when it kettlebells over the water slips over. So the water filled over in the mountains and tipped over like a dam breaking and that's how

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it's describing the kettle tipping over, but the word is used for the future for the past in that case, or Isabella hamari by Samson's little calf. When Conan is traveling and he reaches the setting of the sun, meaning he reaches the West Coast and he gets really far into the West then either is used also referring to something in the past. And the final case which goes both ways, is insulted when I feel uncertain when African Allah says either jackal Muna coupon in the very

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Beginning Elijah Koon and Mufasa don't have understood that I in two ways. One is when the hypocrites came to you. Now when I translated that when the hypocrites came to you, what tense did I use? past? Another way it's been interpreted by muffle soon because of either is whenever the whenever the hypocrites come to you now when that's when I translated that way whenever the hypocrites may come to you or come to you, now I'm referring to it in the future. Nonetheless, in Arabic literature, the norm is to use either for the future. And that seems to be one of the stronger arguments used by this group of scholars to say that this is in fact a solo that is Maki

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making a promise of the future. They tie this argument to another thing. In the Quran, Allah azza wa jal in many, many occasions both McKee and Madani has given a guarantee of victory to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. For example, multiple times this occurs when levy or sal Allahu Allahu Allah Buddha dealhack Leola Hara who Allah de nikoli This occurs multiple times, he allows the one who sent His messenger with guidance and the religion of truth, so that it may overcome all the other ways of life all the other Deen all the other religions, so the guarantee of Allah's victory, then in Saudi Arabia and Iran at the occasion of offered Allah says Colin levena

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cafaro The tala buena, Sharona Allah Johanna, Tell me Tell the disbelievers or tell those who have disbelieved. You will be overcome and you will be gathered towards hellfire. So two things were told to them. Number one, you will be overcome.

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But to dominate, you will be dominated and second you'll be gathered to go to *. What's really interesting about that is this two part warning that's given to the kofod in that surah that total nobuna Sharona Elijah Hannon, that same sequence occurs here in sootel in this surah Allah it's the it's the part that

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they are overcome because of the help of a lucky man the victory came What about being dragged into Hellfire that's the next solar to but yeah, that would be that have been whatever

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happened then sila now run now run that Allah right. So being overcome and then being cast into the hellfire. That sequence occurs at the end of Quran also very interesting idea when the messenger was making his law. So the law not only himself, he was heartbroken. He was absolutely heartbroken. Makkah is where his heart is. This is his home. This is where he was born. And when he was making his law, Allah revealed an ayah to him to calm his heart. The ayah is in la de foto de la couronne la de la Martin, the one who has made the Quran mandatory upon you, meaning the one who's revealed it upon you and made it mandatory for you to live by it and to deliver it. That same one will make

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you return to the same place he'll bring you back to the original place. So as the messenger is leaving Mecca, Allah said no doubt about it, I'll bring you back. They gave him that guarantees a lot of them then the second very important, we find this in sort of soft fat, wallet setup socket calamata not a bad no mostly i have i our word our promise has already been delivered to our slaves that are that have been sent as messengers in the home the home will monsoon, it is they truly on only they that are going to be aided that are going to be given help, meaning Allah guarantees that every one of his messengers will be given help. But then he says what in June Donna Allah whom Allah

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Allah boon, and no doubt our army, it is only they and especially they that will be dominant. So in a Maki surah, already Allah gave the victory, the guarantee that the army of Allah will be dominant. In light of all of this, this minority of scholars looking at the surah Elijah and

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they say that this is a Maki surah making a guaranteed promise of the future. The final argument they use is the next surah. The next surah is about Abu lahab and how he's going to be destroyed that by the almost agema of the Mufasa rune is a murky surah. But we know that Abu lahab was not destroyed in Makkah, actually his death comes much later. But the guarantee is given earlier, which makes part of the benefits of suit lab is the miraculous promise of solid lab I wouldn't have could have turned around and said okay, you're so your Quran says that I'm going to die a disbeliever and go into hellfire. You know what, I accept Islam.

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And for years he did it. And the reason that he did it Allah had already declared his fate and he could have he's a very clever enemy of Islam. He and if he did, it would make the Quran look invalid, but he didn't. So it was part of the miracle of the Quran that he would remain undiscovered and he would die in that state. Similarly, the argument is if the next surah is a miraculous or guaranteeing an event of the future, this surah is also that this surah came to talk about the help of Allah and the victory that is guaranteed to His Messenger these are too much in the past will not have data on them. So the evidence is, once again just as a recap the use of the word Eva

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And then also the fact that this kind of promise has been made elsewhere in the Koran many, many, many times. The final comment before I let you go for the celebration in a minute inshallah, just to get the introductory comments out of the way is that this this year when the Makkah was conquered, which is what the majority of scholars say the word fat in this surah victory is referring to Mecca, the conquest and the opening of Mecca.

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When this is mentioned this year is also called animal food. This is the year of ambassadors. These ambassadors these representatives came from many, many, many different places from far from Yemen, from Alaska, they came in groups of 40 and 80, and 102 100. And they came in they spent a couple of days with the messenger Elisa to Salaam. They heard the message of Islam, the whole bunches of them will accept Islam, take it back to their tribes and the entire tribal, tribal become Muslim. So in a very short amount of time, a lot of different ambassadors from all over the Arab world came to meet with the messenger, either he saw to some in this particular year, and people started accepting the

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religion, multitude after multitude after multitude. Contrast this with the messenger going to the people

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a decade or two ago, a decade ago. The messenger is going around delivering the message and people are laughing at him. And now the messenger is sitting in Makkah, and people are coming to Him To learn about Islam, how Allah turns turns the tides and how Allah azza wa jal gives aid to his messengers from the lahardee send them so these were some introductory comments about the surah after the Muslim prayer inshallah tada will begin the dose of the pseudo word by word itself. barakallahu li walakum. And Hakeem when it finally will be it will declare hakima Samadhi

Quran Tafsir/Explanation – Juz Amma

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