Nouman Ali Khan – 094 Inshirah A

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The transcript describes the history and characteristics of the Arabic language, including the use of past tense questions and negative questions, the importance of balancing the internal and external work of a believer, and the use of "will" in the past to indicate ease or ease of doing something. The transcript also discusses the meaning of "soak," and mentions a social event where the heart of the messenger was cleaned.
AI: Transcript ©
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al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam O Allah say the MBA you will mousseline rather early he or Sufi or minister Nebuchadnezzar he laomi Dean, a lot of Madonna men home woman and Latina Emmanuelle Amina for the head what was

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what was holding me accountable? I mean from Nevada saramonic la hirakata. We've reached the dose on the 94th solar social insurer also called solid alumna, Shara and shadow Tara, we're going to be first as usual doing a study of the coherence and its connection with the suta that preceded it. And on that note, we begin with a practice of Abdullah in the midst of the 11th Thailand Houma, who used to recite both what baja and alumna shrine together in one locker and Salah without even breaking for Bismillah used to recite them together, and almost as though they're one continuation or one discussion, and even from its language we learned that these two solos are very very close to each

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other. Further fortifying This is the opinion of revenue above or below harrenhal who comments on an unnatural act like a soft rock? roughly translated did we not expand your chest especially for you? When he commented on this he said this is my proof this isn't this is a continuum of what already came in the previous solo when Allah said elemi agenda team and for our didn't we, you know, didn't your he find you an orphan and then provide you shelter which is what we talked about last time. So in this style, lm mia jitka Lm nasura there's already a continuum. Now inshallah Allah some other things, first of all the other parallels between these two solos, so to baja and then sort of insha

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Allah is that both of them are exclusively together, addressing the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam. You know, in the Quran you have sometimes Allah is talking to the disbelievers. Sometimes he's talking to the believers. Sometimes he's talking to the people of the book, etc, etc, different addresses, but in these two sources back to back, the exclusive audience is the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So the, the the pronoun cap, you know and then national laka saw Baraka right similarly, in the previous Salam now what the ARCA or buka wha Kala so that was both of them are addressing the messenger sallallahu Sallam exclusively. Later on, we're going to find another

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pair of surahs in this series of surahs towards the end of Quran, where again the exclusive address is to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, and those will be social capital in Africa in Africa, and cofa and then Elijah and hospital law he will write both of those two are going to have the same similar parallel in that in both of them the addressee will be the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, but more on that later on inshallah. This is a very short surah, just eight is the previous ayah Surah was also short 11 out but this is even shorter, just eight is one of the shortest of the entire Quran. Yet as far as its lessons are concerned, it's probably one of the

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heaviest suitors we're going to go through yet. It's one of the most, you know, rich and heavy surahs of the Quran. When it comes to appreciating and loving the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam. The previous solar at the end of it has certain advice for the messenger alayhi salatu salam for Emelia tema, filata Kar Wai masala vallotton these were imperatives as for the orphan then don't you know be abrupt with him? And as for the the one who asks you then don't shrug him off etc, etc. We talked about that last time. And then the final advice to the messenger RNA Sato Salaam was will be near Mattila beaker, forehead, it ended with an imperative. Here also at the end, you find First

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of all, you find the same for suburbia, you find far over there for Amelia tema. Here you find that either follows the same way it's concluding in a similar fashion. There there were commandments given to that were general as far as dealing with the orphan and dealing with the one who asks

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These are general advice which apply to all the Muslims. Of course, the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is being addressed in the singular, but he already practices this. So when you get when you hear in the Quran advice being given to the messenger, and he thought was certain, which applies generally, it means he's not being told to do something that he isn't already doing. He's actually being told to do something and through him, you're supposed to practice it. So the the special commandment that was especially for him, that in a much less way applies to everybody else, but more so to him was the exclusive Ayah what am vignette Mattila beaker, had this mentioning the favor of

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your master, that ultimate favor of Nevada, the ultimate favor of the Quran, the ultimate favor of being the final messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam make mention of that favor. So for Hadith, that was the last commandment. Here also at the end, Allah gives imperatives and instructions to his messengers of Allah harness them. And we'll talk about the comparison between the last source commands, right, well be near Mattila because I had this where the commandment was to declare the favor of Allah and to speak about it. And because of that favorite gift that we're really had to speak, not just mentioned, the favor Allah has done to you, but also speak of this

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Deen to now others. And if that favor is the Quran that now speak the Quran to others. So it's really an instruction of Dawa, also at the same time. On the one hand, this is a result of the favor. But there's another thing about favorites. The other the other side of it is feeling gratitude internally. And what do you do for yourself? That was for others? First and foremost, that was something that benefits others. But in this era, we'll learn what benefits yourself or what is more pleasing to your own self, for the fun sub, we're in Arabic, Africa, and when they when we get to those that will study that in more detail. From a linguistic and literary point of view, we find

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something really remarkable.

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In Arabic, you have this thing, you know, and also occurs in other languages where you have a negative, you know, negative question sentence. Okay, it's a question and is put in negative form. And we talked about that a little bit last time. For example, if I give you a worldly example, before we come to Quran, if I say, Didn't I tell you not to do that? If I say something like that, didn't I tell you not to do that? What does that really mean? It means I told you not to do that. That's what it means. So even though I put it in the form of a question, and I made it negative, what I mean by that is, I for sure, tell you, I for sure. told you not to do that. Okay. So if I say

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to you, didn't tell you don't worry about it. That means for sure. Don't I told you don't worry about it. Relax. Okay. Now Allah says in the previous solar, we found a lemmya. Jessica team, and didn't he find you an orphan? Didn't he? What does that mean? For the wotja deca team And He found you an orphan for sure. For our Here we find the very beginning similar format of a question. And I'm not sure why

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didn't we expand your chest for you. And we're going to talk that the seat of that leader, but first appreciate, there's this very similar idea to Ilya jitka team and right here in the beginning, and then national soccer, soccer, like from the beginning, the middle of that sort of to the beginning of this one, there's a direct connection. And then the next two is in the previous surah. We're both family if you know a little bit about Arabic worldwide, yada, yada, past tense, Berlin, fadda wah wah wah Elan, both of these are past tense verbs. So, it goes from a question rhetorical question format immediately to a past tense kind of structure. This is the from the linguistic analysis point

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of view. If you look at this slide, you find lm lm national Becca sabak. This is again a question format just like me, it meant for our and then to IRS after this, or two statements really after this three IR that are both in past tense Joomla savaria format, just like the previous solar so here you find while Varna and COVID, silicon levy and Kabbalah hot water fan Allah the crux you find these two statements past tense, past tense, question format, past tense, past tense, previous sort of question format, then past tense then past tense. So structurally, they're very, very similar. And even in the way they're the language is constructed. In the previous slide, we found something

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really remarkable. We found a lot so we just said Well, hello to hydro laka means that for sure the eventual is better for you. Then the the former the earlier we talked about oola versus dounia. Last time, if you recall, in this surah Allah gives him another constellation some Allah Harding's. And then he says for in number, and also the use law in the US law, with every roughly saying, again, we're gonna go into more detail when we get to the IOD, for sure, with every difficulty, there's ease, and there's tremendous ease actually. And for that same difficulty, there's even more tremendous ease. So in the previous sort of the future is getting easier, it's getting better, it's

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better for you here, it's easier for you. So there was hironaka. And then here's your source over here. So not only is it better for you, it's going to be easier for you to you know how generally in the world, something is better for you. But it may not necessarily mean that it's easy, right? It could be better for you but it's going to be harder.

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For you, but in the messengers case, Allah Allah, Allah, Allah guarantee what is coming is better for you. And now he's guaranteed what is coming is also easy both of those gifts, one gift in the previous order the other gift in this surah to the messenger sallallahu sallam. Similarly in the previous Torah, and this will come under more discussion this time, while we're jakka ball And He found you seeking, he found you desperately seeking we don't translate that as lost. But really the implication of lost someone who's lost a seeking their way further than he guided you than he guided you, in this Sora at the very beginning is when you know when somebody is lost, they're disturbed.

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They're not at rest. They're not calm, you could tell from their face, they're looking for something they're looking right. But when they find it, what happens to them, they become calm. So the previous law said he found you seeking and guided you in this sort of begins lm nasura Baca sobre la can we expand your chest? The expansion of the chest is to put someone's mind at ease, put someone's heart at ease. Didn't we give you ease? Didn't we give your chest relaxation? Didn't we do that already for you? Meaning This is again explaining the guidance that Allah had given to his messenger sallallahu Sallam in the previous law allows promise. While so for your three combo katha. Soon your

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Lord will grant you immensely, then you will be pleased but

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now look in this surah Allah azza wa jal shows us what he is going to grant. He says What are fattener look at the clock. And we elevated your mentioned for you. We'll talk about how Allah elevated dimension of His Messenger. So Lola Hardison, what does it mean that Allah elevated has mentioned? And why is that so important, and it's a great grant a gift from Allah to his beloved messenger, salovaara names. And then finally, in this surah, we, you know, we get a parallel between the internal and the external work of a believer, and this is going to be a main theme of this hour, and we'll find that balance in the life of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. What I mean by that is, you

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know, that was giving, you know, teaching the people, right, helping people standing up for justice, these are things our messenger did out of his mouth was around for sure, you would call these things, you know, dealing with the people that are always dealing with the people teaching is dealing with the people standing up for justice means you have to deal with the people, right? You have to confront society. But there's another dimension, a dimension in which you cut yourself off from people and you just worship Allah is that what you do two different sides of the personality of a die and sometimes there's an imbalance between them in the previous surah the surah ended will be

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near Mattila Vika for Hadith had this Linda's talk you know mentioned the favor of the master to who to the people. In other words, he was directed to address humanity at the end of this surah Allah asks him to cut off from humanity and now turn to him for either Africa on Saba Isla or become for him. So these two directions to you know, objectives of the same men from Allah harnessing them and will study the balance between these two objectives. So now with these few parallels are some of the argument commented, the relationship between Soto baja and SoTL inshallah, for who have homina shams, it's more obvious than the sun, how connected these two sources are to each other. So we

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begin in sha Allah with the first ayah. And I'm not sure like a sawbuck. You know, in Arabic, you could have said lm, NAFTA, and an absolute lm no hiler lm neck chef, lm nancial, we could have used any number of verbs that all mean opening or expanding. But the specific one used in this ayah is sharp, sharp, in more contemporary language is used when you explain a book like the shadow of this book, or the shadow of that home, right. And shadow really means to open up the meaning of something which in and of itself was complex. That's one way in which you can understand the word shadow, it opens up the meaning of something that was otherwise complex. If then faddis was a great linguist

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among ourselves, he argues there are two fundamental components to the meaning of the word shock. Number one to open something literally also to open something or expand something. And secondly, to clarify something, to clarify something. I'll go through the meanings now and we'll talk about their implications on the ayah especially on the Messenger of Allah as we go further in Arabic idiom. You know, in the in the, what's called in Arabic studies, it's called an element ban where you study figures of speech there's a figure of Arabic speech, Shara. Hola Hola. Hola. sobre Whoa, okay, that Allah expanded his chest for him. That literally means is I'll put his mind at ease. Or you know,

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Shara Halle Sabri he put my mind at ease. He put me You know, he put my chest and he relaxed it for me. Now, the world saw that I'm not literally translating as chest. I'm talking about mine because in the English figure of speech that we use, but we'll discuss have a discussion specifically about the word solder in a little bit, inshallah Tada. Let's look at something that the scholars of the past have said about this ayah First of all,

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shelf a sub server will be wapa Bobby nafsa. Who can know who Elsa I'm in summary here, Facade Facade Allahu themost nfpc. What this simply means is, the one whose chest has been opened is very happy with whatever situation is before him. It may be a situation it may be a thing that was given to him, but he's very happy with it. And he before it, he was at unrest and now because of it, he's completely content and happy. And so when Allah says messenger, sallallahu alayhi salam ala Mashallah naka sandrock what this implies is the messenger is enormously content completely satisfied with what has been given to him some aloha there's no there's no want for more there's no

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you know, there's no void left in the heart of the messenger so Islam is completely satisfied with what Allah has given to him subhana wa Tada. Now Martin has shot the photo who will be it heavy my so blue and intellect very important meaning a show Can he writes about him Allah, He says the opening of the chest implies that any barrier between the true knowledge true meaning of the message of Allah has given him any of those barriers have been removed. And this is a very important concept. In other words, you know, dictation, when you give somebody dictation, it doesn't necessarily mean they understand what you wrote made them write down. Like if a teacher is teaching

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in a class and he says, write this down. And he gives them this whole big paragraph and the students are in third grade. They have no idea what they wrote down, but they wrote it all down. Receiving the message is one thing understanding it is another thing, when you receive it, and you understand it, your chest has been opened. So by using this word we're learning Not only did the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam receive the revelation, but he also best understood the revelation Allah opened his chest to its understanding also and any barriers they may have been for him to understand the revelation were removed. So this is one of the the beautiful implications of short shelf wasabi.

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For now, what is the TAM is Allah Allah nafi Carvalho? This is very important concept in Arabic language, when you put a language and when you put a question on a negative statement, lm nashoba la casa Why didn't we expand our chest and I said this in the beginning Carvalho This is a means of emphasizing a thoroughly meaning of blessing for sure. I expanded your chest for you. And to put it in a rhetorical form is to make one become more grateful. Okay, so the giver of gifts, when he put instead of saying I did you a favor? If he says didn't I do you a favor? The intent of that is to make the one you're talking to even more grateful. Even more, remember, oh, I'm not appreciating as

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much what I should have been appreciating. This first of all sets the frame of the tone for the entire surah Allah azza wa jal is going to give his messenger constellation the point of this entire solo till the end is actually to to support psychologically spiritually for a lot of support is messenger sallallahu Sallam said begins in the supporting tone. Didn't I take care of you already? Didn't I expand your chest for you? Didn't I punch it put your chest at ease. These are the implications as far but we're in namaha sada Leanna who Mahalla mahalo well in nefs, mineral Orleans, Panama, and Allah did not say he expanded you for your knifes for you. He said some he

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suspicious, especially highlighted Assad. What other word could have been used here you could have said lm natural curl back but that would be incorrect. Then we expand your chest. Later on we will read that a lot of them have a series that are you know, that quickly cite the ASR other texts that are similar in making the scene of this is a lot of them comment that sharper Southern a Shar Casa shackle, meaning, you know when the angel came in the childhood time of the Prophet placed on them, and the angels came and he was you know, there were children playing there and they opened his chest and they washed his heart they may intercede of this ayah they said this is what it's referring to

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Didn't we expand your chest for you is when they clean his heart another occasion when the messengers heart was cleaned? Some Allahu Allah Himself him is that the occasion of marriage? That's another occasion in which the heart of the messenger was clean social event is at 815 15 in onine today, okay, so it's time now for the event, Mashallah. So, inshallah inshallah we will continue our study of the first I have thought of inshallah, after the philosopher Chronicle long Moby Dick, Michel de la ilaha illa Anta Mustapha Lacan to willeke

Quran Tafsir/Explanation – Juz Amma

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