Quran Tafsir/Explanation – Juz Amma
Nouman Ali Khan – 093 Duha B
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam O Allah wa sallim ala alihi wa sahbihi wa ministered nabeshima De Lima de Allah Medina main home
Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Kanaka mela dakara bukovina Kala we were reciting mela column bukovina Kala and we talked about how Eliza was met let's His Messenger No, he didn't bid you permanent farewell at all. One subtle point I didn't I fail to mention before the oaths that Allah azza wa jal took in the beginning were about the morning and the evening, neither of which are permanent. So it's only fitting that Allah says the farewell the gap in Revelation is not permanent. Now what dakara buka Allah now to the word Kala we were talking about, and I was just in the middle of explaining that it's transitive. What that simply means is it needs an object. In other words,
you don't say I am unhappy, you have to say I'm unhappy with and you mentioned somebody, right? So you say you don't say I bid farewell. You say I bid you farewell. Similarly, if I say I am displeased, you would expect in Arabic at least I am displeased with you, that you would be mentioned again now, when it came to bidding farewell Allah azza wa jal says ma What da car that car is, means you. It's referring to those little la sala harnessing them. Your Lord did not bid you farewell at all bid you farewell at all. But when it came to being displeased, Allah does not say well now Carla,
and he is not displeased with you. They will you the chi is not there just color. It's just color. Okay. Now, bidding farewell yakun wainuiomata have been bidding farewell happens between people who love each other or two parties that love each other. But being displeased konnyaku and Badal mahasi mean it could happen between people that are at odds against each other. So the word that could have even that might have suggested that Allah may be displeased with his messenger. In that context. Allah did not even put the messengers name. He did not even mention you would with goodbye. It's not a negative term. So Luz messenger His name is mentioned Salalah honey seven hour.
With being displeased Allah put the name he removed the name of the messenger or the mention of the messenger sallallahu sallam. He said he's not displeased. But he refrained from saying he is not displeased with you. This is one benefit acraman level Assouline, Kareem sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This, as we say, follow me of charisma rule, a chrome and also Linda, he didn't mention the object, meaning he didn't mention the messenger out of honor of the messenger Silva Hardison. But there are other benefits. When in Arabic, something is expected and not mentioned. Its benefits are multi multiple one, it could be, as we said, For Honor, but it could be to actually include a number
of meanings at one time. And this is you know, this was sort of filled manner. It's called to expand the meaning. And so by saying Allah is not displeased, he's teaching us. Not only is he not displeased with you, but not any of your followers either. He's not displeased with anything that has to do with your mission. He's happy with all everybody all together. So this color leaving it open, it opens the scope of it. Not neither you nor your followers have done anything wrong, you have nothing there's nothing blameworthy going on. This is just a necessary part of the process. And by taking an oath, by the the soothing morning and the night, what do you expect after the night?
Morning again, we're learning here that the revelation when it used to come to the messenger sallallahu sallam, it was like life for him. It was like a beautiful morning for him. And when the revelation stopped coming, it was like a dead still night that's not moving. It seems like death. It seems like it's never gonna go away. It was that endless depression for the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But Allah gives him hope. Now, when hirato highroller kameena oola just incredibly beautiful words. And we're going to see this lesson what we're learning here when an owl hello to hydro la comic con una. This lesson will keep coming back as the soloist continue from here to the
end of Quran in different wordings. But let's talk about these words first and foremost. When then
typically in Arabic we just say when a hero to higher on the Hereafter is better. But unless has really the Hereafter is better. Len, aka this extra law in Africa, Islamic Turkey. Now this is used in Arabic in two ways. One way it's used is to swear I swear the next
Life is better, a lie saying I swear the next life is better. Or he's saying I swear for sure the next life is better. Now that kind of language is used, depending on the audience, just to give you some idea of what I'm talking about from it from a rhetorical point of view, when I say the teacher is sitting
there, I'm talking to an audience that is neutral. If I say the teacher is definitely sitting,
you know what that suggests? That's just the people I'm talking to. They're not so sure about who's sitting or not. So I have to convince them. So I don't just say the teacher is sitting, I say the teacher is definitely sitting. But then there's a group of people who says the teacher is standing for sure.
To talk to them, I have to say, I swear the teacher is definitely sitting.
My language changes, because the audience is denying what I have to say. Right? So the strength of the language suggests the state of the audience. That's what it suggests. Your child will say to you, I swear I didn't do it. Because they see on your face that you're convinced that you did it. That's why these the that you have to use that sort of tone. Now lesson one, then Halo two Halo laka the Hereafter is definitely definitely better for you. It's better for you, and we'll get to the U part, mean an EU law from the earliest from the former, so the latter is better for you than the former. Now this has been interpreted in two ways. One group of Mufasa rune says the ladder refers
to the Hara refers literally to the aka Gemini is better for you. The housing Jana alcocer, is better for you than what you have here. Others say no, it's the latter part of the Prophet struggles a lot more on the asylum that is going to be better for him than the earlier part in the In other words, it's going to be easier on him. It's going to be what I love the the challenges ahead are going to be easier. So hardest parts already over the toughest part is already done. Now you would think how can that be we have to address this issue. How can it be that the toughest part is already done? This is McCann Quran hijra hasn't happened yet? The torture hasn't occurred yet. Right? The
ultimate humiliations haven't occurred. But that hasn't happened or hasn't happened. xop hasn't happened. The trouble of them when it hasn't occurred. None of these trials have occurred. And yet Allah is saying what is coming is what is better than the earliest. What this is referring to is a very strong lesson in the Sierra and the struggle of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, the toughest struggle is the earliest part of the seal of the messenger sallallahu sallam, and it's a psychological challenge. He's the only one. Everybody calls him crazy. When he speaks people really cute. People make mockery, and whoever believes in Him gets called crazy to you know, as time
progresses, more and more people believe. And if more of your men more of us are in a group we have support. But if there's only one or two, then it's it's that much harder to open your mouth. You know, if we're in an audience, 100 of us, 500 of us and something is said about Islam, we can find the courage to stand up and say No, that's not true. But if there's 1000 opponents, and there's one of us, it's harder to open your mouth, it's more difficult. So Allah as always is suggesting that your numbers are going to increase and the way in the data will become easier and easier upon you. And this ridicule become will become more and more it'll become less and less relevant. So it's the
internal struggle that will become easier, the external struggles will remain difficult, and allies will make them easy for you as well as on the law. The other thing is I said, you know, some people believe the ohana here referring to the next life other referring to other saying, referring to the latter time of the prophets life. So Allah Hardison, him, how does Allah in his language and his Koran, ensure that we appreciate both meanings? If Allah said, what an asset to hydrolock Amina dunya,
dunya dunya is this world is the next world but Allah instead of using dunya, what do you use here, and oola the earlier the former, which again at our sort of a manner, it includes my by saying earlier, it could mean veneer, and it could mean the earlier part of the prophets life. So both meanings are captured together. So upon Allah, the messenger struggles as he continues will be better for him. And the messengers life in the Hereafter, of course will be better for him. But there's one more thing here that makes it clear that this is not talking first about the ACA, even though that meaning is included. It's talking about something special first. Well hirato Hi Ron
The hereafter or the latter part is better for you. It's better for you. Now we know our Hara is better than the next this the next life is better than this life. That is for sure. But a lot especially highlights. Liquor does not even mean the next life is better for the believers and
Ya know, for you, especially some Aloha, my name saddam, how is this to be understood? First of all, we learn what he will get an aka nobody else will get more calm and smoother, right? And he gets things that nobody else gets. So that's especially better for him. And then what he says suggests is a level of give him height and dystonia that has never been given to anyone before him. There are people in this world that have all kinds of riches, they have all kinds of wealth. But the higher Allah will give him not just in Africa, but in this dunya, the high the good, Allah will give His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in this dunya is unlike any hate that has ever been given
before. Let's Let's count some of those to the * of Islam, the victory of Islam, Allah will given this world the conquest and the cleansing of the house of Allah, that will become the center of the worship of Allah for generations 1000s of years to come. People will worship, you know, a lot of directing their face in that house. And Allah will give him the honor of cleansing that house some Allah Allah, He will send them a lot as I mentioned, you know, how is it that as the generations continue, it's better for the messenger, even in the worldly sense. everywhere in the world, the event is called and whenever the Adhan is called, we elevate his mentioned what a final
like advocate eyeshadow and Mohammed Allah so Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his his status keeps on getting elevated some of our audience and him and every time you know we say we should do good things, because it's so dark Algeria is not what we say. We should do good things, we should contribute to the machine we should help out with, you know, give to the orphan and support the school and make you know help people or mask on things like that, because the good will continue after the good will continue after teaching is a kind of sacajawea giving you know giving Zakat and all these kinds of you sada jharia, who did the most of the casaya think about that. The Messenger
of Allah sallallahu alayhi salam, every time someone does something good, they are emulating in a 1,000th of a fraction, the practice of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So the more good the Sahaba do, who's actually racking up the rewards? What a halo two highroller kameena una will end up answer to highroller hamama so an MIT hydralic, a MOBA as a sangoma, he comments that what's coming is better for you or messenger than what has already passed. So we learned why not mentioned dunya well Allah to hydrilla camino dunya because then the meaning of our Hara would be reduced to the next life by saying oola the AST Hello refers to the next life and the leader struggles of the
messenger sallallahu wasallam. The other thing about leca again, we said in this surah will find many many things that tell you the special love Allah has for his messenger sallallahu Sallam he took away from Kanaka
but when it came to high res have higher en la caja, he won't come back again. Additional care that you don't expect the sentence would be complete complete. Without the preposition or phrase you could say when an acid autohide Amina Lula the Hereafter is better than this, the for the later is better than the earlier but he says the later is better for you. The eventual is better for you than the earlier Han Allah. And by the way, if you when you look at the rest of this surah how beautifully the suit is tied together. We're skipping one ayah but Allah mentioned is the messenger on a subtle Salaam used to be an orphan and he was given shelter, then he used to be in search of
guidance and Allah guided him then he used to be you know in need and in the in a desperate situation Allah made him free of need.
Right now here he says, the latter part is better for you than the earlier part. And then the last teaching his messenger so I said that you already have experience of this. You already have experience of the ladder situation being better than the former situation. You were an orphan and later on you got shelter. You were looking for guidance later on, you got guidance, you were in a desperate financial situation. Allah made you honey. So already the proof is there in the rest of the surah it's almost at the feet of women in the community. It's beautiful how it's tied together. So common law, but now let's get to this next Iona sofa, your clicar buka tadoba
white leather sofa. Now first of all, the word la again lol para la so far, when Allah is talking about the future, he's emphasizing, emphasizing emphasizing why, as the struggles get more and more difficult in the work of the messenger. Some of them are they said Him in His work of Dawa, the more you have to emphasize Why are you doing this struggle to begin with, and the promise of victory in the in the future, the promise of Paradise in the future. So now how does it like give consolation to His Messenger by saying that now in Arabic for reference to the future, you could say sir, or sofa, you could say let's say lesser Europa, or you could say less so for your thesis you could say
sir, and so you could say for example, sofa or suddenly and you could say successfully both of them in rough translation.
would be I will pray I will pray or you can even add I will pray soon but the difference between sat and sofa is subtle sofa is a long it's farther away than sat
sofa is longer away than so for example if I say sofa Sunday for the ancient Arab you're going to be praying a little later but that was Sunday you'll be praying a little sooner Allah says what I sell for yo pika Allah will soon give you but not too soon it's a little bit later on meaning the messenger is being told some Allah Allah He was Salam until you get there there's things to do in the meantime you have some time before you finally get the eventual gifts right now there is some time in between if it was going to happen very very soon what we what we have found when I saw your applica or was higher or thicker, but so far there is time in the middle now that time in the middle
How should it be spent we're going to get instructions later on in the surah two now that time in the middle has been illustrated. But let's talk a little bit about this the word euro pika
alone will give a lot will give you roughly translating right now a level give you
but then when you say I'm going to give you if you say to your child, I will give you what does your child ask you back? Give me What? Give me what right now the IRS already said give you when soon I will give you
a little bit later I will give you okay but give you what Allah has not mentioned what he will give. And this removal of the object This is again Allah doesn't say your altar ecostar
in APA NACA and co he mentioned go for what he will give he mentioned. But in this era, he didn't even mention what he will give. He didn't even mention what he will give. The benefit of that is locka locka Subhana Allah Allah Azza wa sallam you had did who he made the giving absolute and didn't put any limits on it. He made the out give you now you know, imagine somebody comes to you and says, I'll take care of you.
Somebody really, really, really rich comes to you and says I'm gonna I'm gonna give you so much you'll be happy.
Are you thinking you're gonna get 25 bucks out of this guy? You're thinking you're gonna get paid? Because he didn't even put a number and he's like, you'll be happy Trust me. I'll take care of you right now. So what would the Arab says on the report? Oh Allah Catherine Murphy. Giving is appropriate to the one who is going to give so when Allah says out give you you can imagine he didn't even put a limit on it, how unlimited the reward is for the messenger sallallahu Sallam you're thinking the other thing is Allah does not say whether will so for Utica,
you see in Arabic is to give our pa he is also to give the difference between them came up in the previous surah when we said for a moment Alpha Kappa Alpha, the one who gave and then later on in that sort of we saw Allah d u t. mala who not your okay but you team Allah who we talked about the difference between these two as a reminder
at artha is to give up is to give a lot. So even the word forgiving is a lot to begin with. And then Allah didn't put a limit on it on top of that. And the other amazing thing about eata is, you know, there's a kind of giving that you can take back also. Right, you can give and you can take it back. Then you can use the word eata for example, you the Mulcahey to the right to the weapons Do you give and you take away Allah uses this
mukava weapon Zalman can. You give rulership and sovereignty to whoever you want, and you take it away. You * it whenever you want on from whoever you want, but you're clean the inbox this word when you give you given you don't take it back. So the word that is used is so beautiful for his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Let's look at how this word has been used in other places. By the way, when a thought is done, then you don't have you have full rights over what has been given. When eata is done. It might come with responsibility. Like if a narrative Akita. Allah gave the book does the book come with responsibilities or you can do whatever you want with the book. It comes
with responsibilities, but Allah says Allah gave his messenger alcocer alpha, alpha alpha, which means he has full rights over COVID Allah gave him full rights over L COVID. Similarly be fine when Sullivan alehissalaam has been talked about how the alpha from noon I'm sick beat it. He said Oh, I'm sick, we're ready to sell. This is our gift to you then favor others or hold back however you want without any limits. You have full rights. The word used alpha, alpha una una so this gives you full control. That is the word Allah uses for his messenger sallallahu alayhi salam, I am going to give you no strings attached. No responsibilities. It's a gift to use of panela fellow sofa euro
click on a book now there's a discussion pages upon pages upon pages intercede on what is it that Allah will give
and most of the discussions
And revolves around a lot of xojo giving and the messenger asking for the shefa for the intercession of this oma and ally xojo will accept the plea of His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam until the messenger says, I am satisfied, I am satisfied. So the words are fun as well as how we think about Luca fatawa. Then you will be pleased, you will be who'll be pleased, then as a result, the messenger will be pleased to Lola harmony center. There's beautiful subtlety here again, if there was something Nana, first of all, Allah will forgive and give shefa until the messenger himself sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is satisfied, we should understand this holistically. Some of the
Muslims have taken the shafa of the messenger sallallahu Sallam and taken advantage of this concept and said, Well, I can run the liquor store because after all, Allah loves his messenger. And he's going to make a case for me and I'll be alright. Right. They've taken advantage of this concept of a chef Amina Rasul Allah honey absurdum. But we understand in the Quran, Allah makes two kinds of testimony. Allez messenger makes two kinds of requests. On the one hand, he makes a request for shafa we find this in plenty of Ahadi. And in the words in lobby evening, right.
On the other hand, we find the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, making a case complaining to Allah about a group of people. I want you to think about this with a with a sound heart. On the one hand, Allah is making a case for some people, or love, forgive them, they are my own man. On the other hand, that same messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is making a case complaining to Allah in the court of Allah against a group of people. Now you can imagine, Allah will satisfy the request of His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, who he makes a case for, and who he makes a case against if allows messenger complaints against him, who's going to come and be a
defense attorney for that guy? You understand? This is a scary place to be now, what are the words? allows messenger says in another place where Karla Rasulullah in cometa, who has an AMA JIRA, the messenger will say, Master, oh Lord, oh Master, this nation of mine, my nation, no doubt, abandon this Quran
they abandon the score on this is referring to the kuffar who abandon the message message of the Quran, but Allah azza wa jal does not make the messenger say on that day in nelco, far into
the disbelievers they took they abandon the Quran he says in akoni my nation abandon the Quran now his nation is Croatia originally, but who also is included in his nation? We are so if we abandon the book of a lion, its message and its teachings, its guidance, its application, then we might the danger exists, because the description fits the label wasn't given the description was given. And if it fits, it's a scary scenario May Allah not make us or any of the Muslims from those unfortunate that the messenger himself sallallahu alayhi wa sallam complains against you know this Fatah, Fatah, this the word regard to be satisfied. This is usually in general, about the Allahu anhu or the one
who for whom he shot in raw via injury in Arabic He probably a time of the year these are contexts of Jannah when Riba is used, Allah says to His Messenger, he will give you so much that you will be you will have you ever you will have be satisfied you'll be totally content, but again an object is not mentioned. When you say he will be pleased, he will be satisfied two questions come up, pleased with who and pleased about what you know pleased with who and pleased about what now the answer to that is pleased with who pleased with a law. Now the thing is, no matter what allows original does whether Allah punishes the Omar doesn't punish the oma the messenger will always be pleased with
Allah that's given. But Allah azza wa jal did not just say for taba any of the Arabic, you will be pleased with your Lord. He said you will be pleased, just pleased. Not only will he be pleased with his master, he will also be pleased with what his master has done over what the forgiveness that she found the shofar that has been offered to the oma and the gifts that Allah has given his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam May Allah make us all recipients of that. Now Allah says Allah Mia, Jessica themin
amazing rhetorical language. And let me educate him. Didn't he find you an orphan? Didn't Allah didn't he find you an orphan? Now the language you could have said Why Why did what Dhaka team And He found you an orphan? Allah says didn t find you an orphan. He puts it as a question as a rhetorical question. Now, when do we do that in language? It's very simple. It was done 1000s of years ago. It's
even done today.
You say to somebody, didn't I do this? Didn't I take care of you last time? Somebody say are you going to deliver on time this week? And your business partner you say to him? Didn't I do this last time? Didn't we already have this conversation? What are you trying to say? Don't worry about it. It's taken care of. I am reliable and I've proven my reliability to you already. Saw the messenger is concerned sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about the fate of the oma about whether this mission will succeed or not, about whether or not more revelation will come and allows origin gives him consolation by not referring to the future. Now, referring to the past, the few gifts that Allah
just talked about. So far, we're about the future, Allah will give, he will not abandon you. He's not just pleased with you. That's about the future. Now he turns the subject matter to the past, making the same case from the past.
Didn't he find you an orphan for our and he was in Arabic, Allah is philosophy, Majora, those of you know a little bit about softened morphology, the three letter form of it is to give or take refuge from some kind of danger. But Eva is to pull bring someone into your home to make someone a guest in your house because they have nowhere to stay. You put them in your house, this is called an EVA. Allah says, didn't he find you an orphan and he made you a guest? He gave you Eva. Now we know we know. A lot of xojo gave him this or this Shelter by means of his uncle abakada or the Allahu Allah him but you know, his uncle embleton him who had given him shelter when he was an orphan. But a lot
has not mentioned I gave you this Shelter by means of obatala by this by this by this who takes full credit for the for the giving of shelter, our he gave shelter. What do we understand from this? We understand people will do us favors. But we have to recognize those are just means Where did the favorite actually come from? It came from a large origin. Didn't he find you an orphan by the way your team is an important your team has been coming up. If you notice in the previous Sora, your team keeps coming up. Take care of the team take care of your team. And now you yourself or your team. You yourself or your team, the messengers being told Salalah Holly from why the so much
mention of the team. If you think of a child who's been orphaned, it's the most painful thing to imagine a child losing their parents, by not having their parents anymore. Nobody cares for you, like your parents care for you. Even if somebody adopts you, even if it's your uncle, even if it's your relative, no one will ever substitute for your parents the way they love you, the way they forgive you the way they overlook your shortcomings. Nobody else does that for you. And if you don't have any shelter after your parents are gone, then you are basically the most oppressed in society. And nobody hears your cries the orphan who's gonna cry to who's going to complain to your child
cries you run and take care of them. But if we if you know our children, my other life a child is orphaned, who's gonna take care of their cries? Who's gonna fulfill their needs, who's gonna give them who's gonna hug them who's gonna put them to sleep? They don't they it's not just a loss of food and shelter. It's that human need to be taken care of that's taken away from them. Right? So Allah says, You were in this helpless state, you were in this dark place and alarms that was brought you out. So we are headed to highroller communal oola The case has already proven in the past for our then he says, what was your backup ball and Fahad are very important.
If you look at the word ball, it means Miss, you know, misled, misled, it also means lost. So the raw translation would be And He found you lost. Then he guided you. Now, when we say the people outside on the street are lost, they're going to the clubs, they're drinking, they're doing this that they're lost. We say about the Christians, they're lost, they do shake. Okay, we'll move on to him. same word when a bonding is used for people, we don't want to be like them. And in this ayah Allah is using it for his messengers, Hello lohani. So we have to understand this carefully. Similarly, Musa alayhis salam when he was questioned by Pharaoh and will file to file at Akala t
files, one terminal caffine you did the thing you did you know you killed that guy? Are you denying it? What did he say file to her even when Amina balling. I did it, but I was from those who were lost. So how do we understand this word? The way it's been explained, by the way, they're the explanation of this comes from the Quran itself. Allah xojo says, we're in quantum in company, he let me know how often and before this revelation came, you were unaware, you were utterly unaware that there's this higher truth, this wisdom that could only have come from Allah, you can't figure it out yourself. You were completely unaware of it. And comparing your state after the revelation
came to before the revelation came, you can only be described as what last but even his last state is better than most of us today. Right? He never committed check. He was on the fifth law. And when those scholars described the
A lot of the profits, especially early humans, Auto Salon, they don't commit shit. They don't commit any evil acts. They are the best and most most righteous of people even in even before the revelation comes, they have all the elements of the best of all of the believers. They already have all of that. But the highest wisdom, the highest wisdom, what exactly do we have to do for our master? How do we call him? what pleases Him? What displeases him? What do we owe him that we are lost? At that point, we are lost, so you can have a decent person. But if you have someone, you know, even a decent person doesn't know everything about what they owe to their Creator. In that
sense, he was lost, and some actually even better define it. He was seeking. He found you seeking, you know, when somebody is lost, what are they doing? They're seeking. So the implication is, he found you searching for truth. In other words, as this lucky comments into who are on he says at this point, the messenger sallallahu, Alayhi. wasallam, is raised in a society where people do shift. It doesn't fit his taste, he can't, he can't stand shake. He doesn't go and be part of useless gatherings. The people of the book have corrupted their books, even that doesn't satisfy him. So he is disturbed about where does where do you find truth. He's seeking desperately for it.
And it is at that desperate moment, though. And you know, it's some even comment that the fact that he used to go reflect in the cave, and he used to leave society, even before revelation came, it is because he was so dissatisfied with what was there, there was nothing there that satisfied his quest for truth. So you would go and reflect and reflect and reflect, but the human mind cannot find that truth on its own. So Allah, Allah describes that state of the messenger searching some alojado Sonam. And he gives it for haga. And this is essentially if you want to look at it from an outsider's point of view. This is essentially the difference between a philosopher and a prophet.
This is essentially the difference between a philosopher and a prophet Aristotle, Plato, philosophers, right? really define truth. They found the truth, from reflection, their own thoughts. Where does the messenger find truth he reflects, he realizes he can't find truth on his own and then Allah gives him guidance. So his wisdom is not his own. The Wisdom is given to him by a law woman you take modificado to Highland, kathira, whoever has been given wisdom, they don't have wisdom, Allah gives them wisdom. Allah gives them wisdom, even look mine, we don't say al Hakim, actually, we say Where are they? Now? Look, man, we gave lokman wisdom. Allah doesn't say Look, man was wise.
Allah says Allah gave him wisdom. So this is really the quest. The messenger is significantly different from the philosopher. Now the the western mind, when they when they talk about profits, especially in Islam, they say all your Mohammed says, that's how they talk about him. Mohammed Mohammed said this, Mohammed said that. They don't say hello to them. But they are assuming that he is what? He's a philosopher. They're making the assumption that he said this was his own ideas. But where are we coming from? Allah guided him. Allah gave him this, he doesn't speak on His behalf. Well, my own thing, and in our, in our in our new house, this is the essential difference. So now it
was explained in his own book when I couldn't agree Makita. Man, you had no idea what the book was, and you had no idea what complete demand was, you had no idea. Allah gave you that guidance. Similarly, Musa alayhis salam didn't know the law of Allah. When he committed that crime. He didn't know he didn't know any better. So in that sense, he was last, not like the last of you know, Alibaba him in a bad name. This is the one seeking the truth. And Allah gave you that ultimate gift for header. What was the other guy in an end he found you in Isla de la Marina also, okay. Now this word, you know, it's translated as poor, or desperate, financially desperate, but the Quran uses the
word faqeer miskeen for poverty of ladies of the word inuk Katara matava Yattaman or miskeen and d'amato raba we learn right one with the dust. All these words are used for poverty. What word has been used here
is someone who is under a lot of pressure and they're being crushed by that pressure.
A term for your family is Iran in Arabic If you know what that word is used. If you are financially responsible for your family members, it is like a burden placed upon you so they're called an iron. Okay, and is someone who is under a lot of pressure, a lot of burden is on them and you have to alleviate that burden. Allah says well why jakka even for Allah, He found you crushed underweight in this desperate state and he made you free of need for Elena. Now Allah as origin does not mention how he made him honey.
You know, we learn in the seed of this surah he may he married him he found him a spouse Khadija, the Allahu Allah, who was financially free. This freed up the time of the messengers of Allah harissa. So he may reflect and he may do other things. And the final
Support of Khadija de la Hana plays a strategic role in the in the struggle of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But in the end, the credit does not go as much as she gets rewarded on the long run, how? Where does the credit go? Where does it take who takes the credit of whom he takes her he made you free of need. And as I reminded you in the beginning of this does, it is being compared with the previous Surah womma ugni and Whoo, man who is Asada, his wealth is not able to make him free of need in the previous surah your wealth is not enough to make you free of need. And in this surah Allah makes you free of need. Allah makes his messenger free of need, this comparison
is being drawn Subhana Allah. So amellia tema flaticon. Now Allah gave his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, three reminders, three favorites that Allah had done for him. What were the three favors? Allah Mujica tema, didn't he find you an orphan? Didn't he finds you seeking but without the Kabbalah? And then finally, what was the DACA three favors three favors. Now a lot of faces on his messenger symmetrically three demands, three favors were mentioned. Now three demands are going to be mentioned for Emelia tema, then when it comes to the orphan, especially Emelia team would imply then especially when it comes to the orphan fella attacker, then don't overpower him. Don't
humiliate him. This is you know, for that person and or target maybe even don't over dominate him. Don't be domineering to an orphan, but the car car is different from from Allah. Okay? Or is to not only have power over someone, but to impose yourself on them and then humiliate them to
these are all the implications of the word. Why is Allah mentioned this? Of course, the messenger would never do this on the lohani send them. But when the messenger is being taught directly, who is supposed to be learning, all of us, we are supposed to be learning Ally's teaching his messenger lesson, but we're supposed to take heed. So familia tema, filata car, because you yourself, were your team at once, at one time. So you are here to make sure that this doesn't happen to anything. What I must say in a fella turn hub. And when it comes to the the one who asks, now, the one who asked could be two things, he could be asking you for knowledge. They could be asking you for
guidance. And of course, they could be hungry, not just hungry of knowledge and guidance, but hungry, really a food of shelter? So if any site comes to you, then as far as they're concerned, then how then you don't know it's interesting. You guys know the word now? river, right? Did you even crack the howl? And how? So what's done what's not have to do it now. Now, maybe if you translate it, don't scold him. That's how it's translated. Don't scold him. Now the Arabic word for that is for innama. He has a Jonathan wahida. Right was de jure, for example. These are this is scolding. But now you know, it's a river in which the water is gushing.
And this word is used for scolding, that when you're yelling at somebody and scolding them, they feel like they're standing in a river and the water is gushing at them. It's like they're standing and facing the wrath of a river. That's what it feels like when you're humiliating them and yelling at them. So Allah says, when someone comes and asks you don't humiliate them like that, so they feel like they're standing in a river. And they're being the water is just coming in and just hitting them wave after wave after wave. What we're learning here is how to deal with the one who asks, and you know, especially for the people of knowledge or that way, and things like that, sometimes people
ask really annoying questions.
Right, and somebody sometimes we will ask really, like,
you know, absurd kinds of questions, and you look at them, you say, How dumb are you? Why don't you get this? It's simple, you know? And they'll you answered it, then they ask again, then you answer for 20 minutes and they asked, somebody else asked the same question again. And you say, Oh, my God, I can't stand these people. They have such an annoying questions. Right? Or somebody asked to get to get get on your nerves. Sometimes somebody can ask to get on your nerves, and you figure you size this guy up. He's only asking to kind of you know, size you up, even then leave them in a dignified fashion. You don't say I'm going to teach this guy a lesson lesson. I'm gonna make him face the
wrath of a river. Right? Give Allah gives the advice and Messiah in Fela, Tana, don't, don't, don't humiliate them like that. Don't humiliate them like that. And this is the advice given to the messenger himself. So how much more does it apply upon us? All of ourselves. But the last thing soprano hautala, he says to His messenger will be near material
and as when it comes to the favor of your master, Nicola, Nicola comes from neuroma softness. As for the softness and the ease and the relaxation and the comfort that the master has given you, near material of big forehead, death and make mention of it. Now the thing is, Allah did not mention which Namah
Before he said you don't think he will give you he didn't mention what they will give you. He said make mention of the nierman, not even near Omnium would have been all of the favors. Allah just says, One Namah, Namah Namah to Arabic. And the other thing also is in in language you could save for Binya mighty mill Arabic. As for the favor that came from your Lord, we don't find that here we find will be near material of ibaka. The favor of your master, the favor of you. This is what caught the Cree was bought close to each other. This is a favor of Allah as a result that he is so close to you that it hasn't been done by the men in the middle. Right. Now, if you study this super
carefully, you'll find the answer to what that favor is. If you look, some of them have as Sharon said, this is the wisdom given to the messenger sallallahu Sallam other said
what Alimi it is the prophethood itself and its teachings. Others said this is all the good that comes to anyone you should make mention of it. I had this advice to the messengers of Islam, but let's make a list. The surah is concluding how's it tied to its beginning is there are a list of favors Allah did to His Messenger so I saw them in this surah number one favorite now what dakara buka Omar Kala he didn't bid you farewell that's the favor of Allah and he's not displeased here's a second favor. Well hello to hydro laka Mina Lula the eventual be better for you than the earliest knowledge not just in this life in the next five to he's a third favor when I so far you're off to
eco Luca tada he will soon give you up please isn't that another favor? Here's another favorite dingy find you an orphan and gave you shelter and then the aged care team and
here's another favor.
Hahaha here's another favor. What was Yaga Elan
fever after failure after failure after failure after failure, and finally the messenger is commanded for her death. But you know what's amazing? Allah does not say if I had this who or if I had this ha, then mentioned it.
He got upset then mentioned it he doesn't say mention it. He doesn't say mention it. He just says then mentioned now had the offend implies not only should you mention the favor, you should make mention to the people of the teachings Allah has given you keep mentioning this Dean, keep mentioning this Dean, because of the favors Allah has given you. And the less has been your material of big because of the favor of your Lord, this amazing favor, compiling them as one, the ultimate favor of your Lord. As a result, what should your response be? Don't worry about anything else just keep making mentioned and has this implies to speak by the tongue
to speak but to actually speak up about the favor of Allah and the teachings of this name. Go back a little I want to share with you some other things about the surah that I skipped are really important and we conclude inshallah, when we go to the word header or whatever the Cabal learn for her, I said he guided he found you seeking and he when he guided. We don't find for Hadar when he guided you. We don't find car. Not mentioning car has a number of favors. Sahaja laka. For your sake he guided that's one meaning for HUD aka he guided you for HUD because he guided others by means of you. He guided others by means of you. The irony is you yourself were seeking and Allah gave you so
much guidance that you became a source of guidance for others. All of that is captured by a lot not saying for Hidaka leaving it further.
All of that is captured panela similarly, Allah azza wa jal says what was the other end?
By not mentioning of NACA, he made you free of need. He didn't say that. He said I'm gonna have NACA for your sake he made fun of you. He made enough for you for your sake, to you and then deca, because of you He gave Hinata others he gave Hinata other Subhana Allah how Allah azza wa jal embodies these profound lessons by not mentioning much by taking away actually meanings are enhanced a tawassul film Allah, Allah says
he found you an orphan and he gave you shelter, our laka our aka our deca he gave other Shelter by means of YouTube. Not just that he gave shelter he gave he gave shelter to others because of you. He gave people the shelter of this Deen from the storm of ship. He gave them shelter of that tooth Han Allah how large it was and captures multitudes of meanings in one word. Then finally the one I want to repeat because it's the most beautiful of these, what are some of the current bukata bas you will be pleased not only will you be pleased with Allah, but you will be pleased with the ones on level give you a level give you a following
Allah will give you Sahaba that you will be pleased with you yourself will be pleased with this is described in Surah your G was the raw v Baba human kafar the farmer is really happy by the crop. The crop used to be just a little tiny, you know, little tiny blade, it came up it couldn't even stand on its own. You had to put a trellis next to it, tie it up so you could stand fastag lava hasta la dasuki when it got stronger than it could stand on its own right. And the farmer when he sees the plant is finally maturity is really happy. Who's the farmer? The Ayah? began Muhammad Rasulullah when Medina ma who should go far away? No, that's not where the ayah began. So the ayah is actually
talking about the Sahaba of the Allahu animage mine, when Allah says fatorda He will give you so much that you will be happy and part of that giving is the companions of the messenger sallallahu sallam, and part of that gift is the ones that are that a large messenger boasted about. He told his companions there are people coming that are better than you is I'm paraphrasing getting right to the point we could become part of the Tada. We could become part of a thought that there is an opening Allah azza wa jal has given to us that not only will Alavi please with us, we would be the source of pride and the source of joy for the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam May Allah azza wa
jal bless all of us with that honor, inshallah huhtala. The next surah will be the surah of the study of the continuing favours of a large origin, as we heard in the salon and on national locka sodre. It would be a continuity of these favors that Allah has mentioned, but we'll see a beautiful contrast between this sola and the next next time so conical llamo behenic the shadow Allah, Allah, Allah and Mr. Furukawa to waco salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.