Nouman Ali Khan – 087 Alaa A

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the origin and use of the title Islam, including the use of "tanks" and "verbal" in English to describe behavior and emotions. They also touch on the concept of "operational" and the transformation of human beings, including the use of "has" and "has been" in English to describe actions and relationships. The speakers emphasize the importance of being aware of words like "has" and "has" in relation to one's actions and relationships, and discuss the use of "verbal" and "lington" in English to describe the God himself. They also touch on the difference between "verbal" and "lington" and how it relates to their work.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Al Rahman

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and levy Hanako somewhere when Navy

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when Navy

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rajala who

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said nobody

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in sha Allah in the morning

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when we assume Kelly Nusra fedtech here in fit the calore say that kilman karumi yaksha waiata jen Naboo Han ash core and the Aslan Cobell da

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mo to Fie hawala yeah pada f la hemen tezak workout I smelled up behave Aslan bedroom to Theo Luna hi dunia when you want to

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call in

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sort of in Sofia Ebola Hema moons

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and hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was salam wa de Sade ambia even more serene.

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Early, he was happy he ministered Nebuchadnezzar he like

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a lot more maganda Minh home woman and Latina Mr. Muhammad Ali had what I was hoping what I was hoping sobre Amira but Allah means once again Samadhi can

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we begin today with one of the favorite sources of the Prophet salallahu Salam sort of Allah. There are a number of suitors in the Koran called wasabi hot. These are the sutras that begin with the declaration of the perfection of Allah azzawajal they begin either with the word Subhan Allah He likes or too soft, for instance, one of them so to add another Subhanallah another few that begin in the present tense declaring the perfection of Allah you said Behold, Allah he like is the case in subtle Jamal and

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then there are those who begin with declaring the perfection of Allah and the infinitive form, like Subhanallah, the sob he's totally distraught. And of them the favorite one of the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam, which begins with a command to declare less perfection, which is this one sub sub base model, because some of them will sub be hard we say that this is the one that is the most beloved to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam for a number of reasons. One of them of course, we see it evident in the Sunnah, that he would love to recite this one, this specific surah in every single Juma prayer and of course, in both of the prayers, and this was this was much frequented by

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the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam. This in connection with the previous two lawsuits of Allah is a beautiful transition. The last I have sort of robotic Allah azzawajal gave consolation to His Messenger, and there was a commandment there, and that was for my hidden calf Irina, m Hill, hombre, vida, give these disbelievers give them a little bit of leisure, give them let them slide with it, give them a little bit of loose rein, so that and just for a little while, and this is of course in the imperative. It's a command form in the singular, addressing the messenger himself so Allah Hardison, and so, obviously it indicates that the messenger is concerned so Allah has written about

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the planning and the activities of the disbelievers. Which is why I saying let it go, let them have more leeway. But now Allah azza wa jal has turned the messengers attention so Lola harness and I'm in a different direction. If you're not too worried about them, what should you be worried about? instead? What is the alternative activity? So now after Thermohaline, Katharina m, Hill home row ADA, we transition into these words, sub B, his model, we can add a command again, sub B. Let's look at the words one by one but basically, the messenger has been commanded sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to declare the perfection of the name of his Lord most high in subhana wa tada sosebee his model

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because Allah By the way, the Sahaba when they heard this ayah there are many narrations including that of Allah or the Allahu anhu.

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Who whenever he heard this ayah, he would say Subhan Allah, Allah, Allah Subhana Allah, Allah and a couple of Hadith that pertain to this and the other if I said, this may not be colorlines

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When that ayah was revealed for sub base metal because the messenger sallallahu Sallam commanded aloha Phu Kham put it in your record. And when this idea came to be his model because Allah He said he aloha fee, so God can put it in your schedule. So we said, the ayah came and now we say Subhan Allah, Allah Allah in our sujood. So this is the origin from which that that liquor industry jute comes this Sora and this is in particular,

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a few other things. Before we get into the vocabulary. here Allah mentions the word Islam, you see it says

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the word Islam, and the word Islam is particularly beautiful here and in contrast to the previous surah Soto Tarik, because it's so Tarik part of its style was to admit the name of Allah He didn't want to mention it next to those arrogant kofod so he says for Jamboree in Santa me mahalo in Santa mimma. Hola. Hola. Coming back in the Holika he was created a lot didn't say he created he asked the human being should look carefully into what how he was created, or what he was created from. That's the passive form. Similarly yoma to bless Allah. Allah says when in the previous solo and he says the secrets are thoroughly tested, he doesn't say he is going to test or he will test the secrets or

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we will test this when the secrets have been tested or will be tested. So the passive form is used omitting the name of Allah, even when the name of Allah azza wa jal or his mentioned occurs in the previous surah. It occurs in the form of pronouns and pronouns by definition have a form of ambiguity like for example, if I say he something something something you're wondering who he is, unless I mentioned him by name first, right. But here in the previous lesson in nahu, analogy, Haleakala inaho, certainly he is capable of bringing him back right from from death, but he didn't mention his name. He didn't say in Allah, Allah Allah, Allah called him and he didn't mention his

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name. Similarly at the end in the home, Yaki do Nikita Allah did not say, you know, when will you kill Allahu Qaeda ketola okay that Allah is also making a plan. He said, What Aki do Qaeda I am making a plan. Allah mentioned the I in the form of the verb, so Allah emitted his name. So the entire solar has pretty much omitted Allah azza wa jal name and the previous where do you begin with you begin with the name of Allah Now, the next one is making filling that void that was there. So be hasma or beacon Allah. Now let's look into the vocabulary a little bit, too so we can appreciate the depth and beauty of these words. The first word is the word Sabir, which is a fairly common it's

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command form. It comes from the muscle or the infinitive test be, you many of you have heard the word to speak before, right? This v has to declare or remember Allah with a certain profound remembrance that Allah himself has taught. But it comes from the word siba siba mean or sub also means to swim. And in Arabic, there are different kinds of words for swimming. But this one in particular refers to a kind of swimming where you don't go under the water, you retain your your level above the water, so it's kind of close to the concept of floating. Yet that's where the word sub comes from. So what is floating have to do with remembering a law declaring the lowest

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perfection, when something floats in retains its level and it refuses to go down? So we say that Allah azza wa jal is beyond any imperfections. So we've declared this perfect level for Allah. And we are not to say anything about him that brings that level down, we have to retain that perfection in acknowledging the less perfection in the things that we say about him. And that's the concept of this be basically right so Sabir declared the perfection and in Simple English we would say, declare the perfection and retain that declaration retain the perfection of allows origin subject. Now, other IOD in which Allah azza wa jal speaks about this during the speech. He says For example, for

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sub b we have the Arabic our staff here who in Canada many people know this short surah right for Serbia be handy Arabic there when I was at Serbia, he added

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the letter byes there for subject be handled. Similarly, we find for some bismi, rahbek and aldine. Similarly, the angel say when a new new sub beho be handy gov, da da, when you say sub baja the verb then come next to it you find the particle you find the half the but here in this surah we don't say sub Bay Miss Mira because we don't see the bar here. This is one of the few places in Quran with this V is mentioned without the bat. So what's the what's the difference between when this V is mentioned with the bat? Like for sub Bismillah byculla Diem, right? Professor B hamdulillah because tofu and when it's not you see by mentioning the bar what what the meaning of the text becomes

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declare the perfection of Allah by using his name's be here be less damage, it refers to usage. So you want to declare a less permit for perfection. Declare so by using a less names and Islam here refers to any of the authorized Names of Allah, the ones he taught, so it's a lie itself in any of his any of his smell pasta, right? All the Most Beautiful Names belong to Him. So what

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You declared a loss perfection by calling him alcoholic, the creator, right or almost always, right, or you call declares perfection by saying al Hakim, what you are doing now is this be be bismi Arabic, you're doing this be with the name of your Lord. But here the word with doesn't occur, the word within this word does not occur. So what's the difference? The difference is, declare the perfection of the name of your Lord. But here the implied meaning which is very deep and profound is to acknowledge the perfection of your Lord, not to declare it necessarily but to retain it and acknowledging it. So wherever you use the bat, the idea leans more towards doing Vicar of Allah and

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remembering a love is Most Beautiful Names. Here, it's more than remembering a lot. The idea the concept here in Serbia, his model, from the language point of view, is more about acknowledging the perfection of Allah, and not allowing yourself to hear anything to be part of any conversation to be to entertain any thought that brings down the status of allows origin. Let me give you a contemporary example of this issue here. The idea of course, mentioning a line the highest way, but also thinking of Allah in the highest way, and not allowing yourself to hear something about a law that isn't becoming of the Lord, right. Nowadays, in entertainment culture, you have, you know,

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comedies about making fun, a lot of times about people, right making fun of situations, but more and more comedy has become something that pokes fun at home, and allows a lot of comedians, they find you know, the concept or the discussion about God funny, and there's a lot of like, you know, commentary, satirical commentary, commentary in comedy about the Bible, or God or Jesus moment, the prophets have been the point of satire in their own lifetime. And even now, in the gigantic culture that we live in sometimes the other place where you find this kind of discourses and things like cartoons, and you know, a lot of people watch these cartoons that are supposed to be funny, like,

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but they have in them commentary and statements and utterances that are utterly blasphemous, they're entirely blasphemous. And this culture of blast, you know, this blasphemy against a lot in entertainment, fused in into entertainment is something that's been going on for some time, in an American tradition, at least, there's almost a rebellion against God, right. And there are some subplot and themes, even children's cartoons and comic books and things like that, that poke, you know, poke a hole in the idea of a divine entity, right? Even novels and entire things like that are written and the underlying themes of them if you study the underlying themes and literature, right,

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the underlying themes, and a lot of these are questioning God Himself, a lot of themes in a lot of films, and then, like supposedly entertainment, that have this natural disaster coming, and the human beings, we can all get together and fight that natural disaster and overcome it. Right entire movies dedicated to like a meteor shower, or tsunami or something. And people somehow survived all of it. Somehow, people were able to overcome this idea of Yeah, biblically, God used to destroy towns, but now we can overcome. Now we have the technology to you know, survive against these sorts of things. Even in I used to study the psychological analysis and the underlying themes. And a lot

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of older TV shows, I don't even I don't keep up. So I don't know anymore. But you remember the old cartoon series x men, right? And things like those those cartoons you had on it, and they have extra evolution now or whatever else, right. But the original ones are one of the themes in them was human beings have super abilities now. Right, and they've evolved, they've come beyond and then the evil guys, like the worst bad guys are some some entity that comes from the sky, and wants dominion and harmony in the universe, and wants to impose his law on human beings, because that will bring order to this chaotic world. And the whole theme is we have to fight that bad guy. So what do you know,

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psychologically? What What message is that sending the children that are watching? Right? Anything that comes from the from up above, is somehow evil and is you know, you have to fight it. And human beings have the idea of freedom, the idea of freedom is glorified, right? And at the very heart of, you know, the the message of Islam is that the idea of freedom, but the idea of what slavery to Allah xojo right, so this idea of being embedded into people and to be free, and you know, nothing from the outer universe, or the higher heavens is going to impose its will on me, it's been injected into popular entertainment culture, it's a part of the culture. And sometimes people simply, you

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know, subconsciously get affected by these things. And they don't even know they're, they're victims of this kind of thought, because they've been watching this this sort of stuff, their entire life, anyhow, suddenly has made a big, declare the the perfection, and maintain the perfection, of the name of your Lord of the name of your Lord. According to most of us your own. The word isn't here, though it has its benefits. It makes no difference because in the end, when the messenger commanded some Allahu alayhi wa sallam, he knew huffy, so God come, we don't say sub B his suparna is Mira B, and Allah we just say Subhana Allah, Allah Allah, we don't introduce the word Islam in that Vicar

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So what that tells us is essentially, this is the same as saying declare the greatness of your Lord, declare the perfection of your Lord. So the benefit of the word isn't here. In addition to practicality, it's the same as sub Sahara Buchan, Allah Azza, Moravec, as many of them have assumed will read, what comment right declares the greatness of your Lord. But here the mention of the word name. What this tells us is, in every one of the last names, you have to be conscious of it. And you have to be aware around you in your speech and the speech of others. Is there something that's being said that undermines one of the perfect Names of Allah, we have to become that sensitive in our

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tawheed, that when we hear something that we can tell this is not becoming because Allah has this perfect name. And this statement doesn't fit with the last perfect name. We shouldn't be accepting that statement. We shouldn't be tolerating it. Right? This is this is what's really at the heart of this statement, we can make by making you sensitive to the perfection of Allah. So on the other on the one hand is dhikr of Allah, on the other hand is is difficult and deep thought that comes with declaring and internalizing that the speech of Allah. So Allah says sub be his Moravec. The other thing here is Allah did not say his own name Allah He said, Rebecca, Rebecca, and of course love is

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one of the names of Allah.

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So why Allah azza wa jal when he says the name, he doesn't just say any name after that he specifically mentioned the name. Because at the heart of the relationship that Allah has with us, at the heart of that relationship is this term. The word Rob, he is Rob, and we are what?

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So what does Rob mean? Rob includes the one who has complete authority over you, the one who gives you gifts, the one who owns you, the one who has mastery over you. It includes in the sense of a lie, even the one who created you, but generally, the word Rob doesn't include the one who created you. But it does include the meaning of the master in modern language, older language, we would have said, Lord, but nobody really use uses Lord anymore. We do use the word master though when you think of master in English, what's the opposite? Its slave, right? So it's that master slave relationship that's being brought to mind when Allah mentions his name, or any of the laws names, when you think

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of Allah's names, what are you conscious of, these are all lies, the creator lies, the lies and lies, the knowledgeable, etc, etc. But in the end, these are all names of my master. These aren't abstract concepts, there's a relationship I have with him, you know how when you say Harlock creator, there's a relationship between you and the Creator, you are the look, your which has been created, right? That's the relationship between created and created. But that relationship isn't necessarily a bonding relationship. For example, I can I can manufacturer, a table, or a guy can manufacturer or a statue or whatever, doesn't necessarily have a constant relationship with that

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which he created. No, it's not necessarily constant. Which of the names that which of the relationships that Allah depicts in the Quran is one that's constantly retained between us and Allah, that the the heart of the matter is, or up

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or up when a bad, right he is loved, and we are about We are the slaves of Allah azza wa jal, this attitude of lobbying my rub, if it's absent from absent from this discussion, then you will find people not acknowledging the less perfection. These are the people who dare say things about Allah, that are inappropriate about Allah. When does when does someone end up saying something like that even among the Muslims? You say, how come Allah says this? or How come this or why will I do this to me or that to me, when people talk like that questioning the wisdom of Allah, and questioning alized origin in any way, shape or form, the heart of the matter is they haven't accepted one thing about

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Allah, that he is loved and they are. That's what hasn't been accepted. That's the only thing missing. And so here because this this B is being done first and foremost, by the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam said, this is not a beaker, declare and acknowledge the perfection of the name of your Lord your Lord, meaning the lord of Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, every time you say one of his names, you remember that he's the master and you're the slave. So how does the slave speak about the master? When the slave makes mentions the name of the master, there's this humility. There's this acknowledgement of a higher power. There is this fear also, when the slave mentions the Masters

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name, these attitudes they have to they have to sink into a believer when he makes the vicar of Allah subhana wa Tada. Then the final word Allah, and Allah is also very beautifully in picture in a very picturesque fashion placed at the end of this ayah Allah azza wa jal did not just say submit his model, but he added the adjective, which by the majority position is an adjective of Rob not of Islam, okay? It's the sofa or not have so your Lord Most High, nobody can honor your Lord Most High. Why is it so perfectly and beautifully placed in the previous surah Allah called our attention to something very high in the sky. And Nigel Falcon, remember, was similarly, what Barack Obama America

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methodic And now, I'm very impressed by this topic. We're impressed by this beautiful creation in the sky. But then Allah says there's something even higher and there's someone rather even higher than your Lord.

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The most high, the one who is above all of these things that you find impressive even above that upon Allah Subhan Allah Allah, the word Allah comes from the word Allah Allah Allah Allah one which means height in and of itself means height and grander. In a really awesome to see it called government dollar 50 bill it was super. This is written by a scholar named Allah and His teacher was that Abuja Philippines await minutes debate. They talk about the placement of the ayat and the sutras in their sequence, right and the benefits in them. And he says one of the benefits of mentioning this in the very beginning after the concluding remarks in the previous solar is that in

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the previous slide kofod were making a plan in the home Yaki de la Qaeda. They were making a plan they were actively engaged in making a plan, a plan to destroy, undermine who the Messenger of Allah wa Salaam, his mission, which is really the mission a lot intense, so they are trying to undermine the intent or the guidance that Allah azza wa jal has revealed, but no allies beyond and above their plan, who will Allah He is far above their plan. The other thing is, in the previous surah the allegation against the Quran that this is just casual talk, you know, a lot of refuted that by saying well man who have been hassled it is not casual talk. It's not just entertaining speech that

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makes you laugh. It is something more serious than that in the hula Colin fossil woman who have been hasn't so now, you know, to say that the Quran is casual speech, who are you actually talking about? Not the speech but the speaker, the one who's saying so that would be reducing the perfection of a law. So you begin now by saying as a refutation somebody has Malbec and Allah that the one who is absolutely supreme Subhana Allah.

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So once again, I want to iterate the sutras that begin with declaring a less perfection in Salahuddin Sultan hushan and sort of soft three sutras we find the production of Allah being declared by all creation Subhan Allah Himself is somewhat up in the past tense, though sabaha the Arabic word Saba is in the past tense. This occurs in Hadid, Hachette and SFX then in the infinitive form, meaning in the form

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basically in Arabic, you could summarize words into being either past tense or present tense or commands or nouns, okay for things basically past present command, or now, the future is included in the present. That's how it works in Arabic, so mildly melodic. And then Islam. Okay, some kind of Islam. If you look, Allah xojo declares this perfection in the pseudo as I just mentioned, had it hushed and soft in the past tense and mildly sub bhatinda. Then he mentioned this perfection is sort of giovane pseudo turabian in the present tense you sub beholder, and the present tense in Arabic includes the future so what's covered now past, present and future all of that's covered in these

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sutras now. So the Allah perfection is being declared by all of creation in the past, in the present and also in the future. So that's, that's done. Now the next phase is the permanence even if there is no creation, the perfection of Allah is still going to be declared its perfection still remains. And how do you declare perfection that is timeless with a noun? So suitably thoughts of how an entity Subhana is, in essence announced timeless, nouns are not caged by time verbs are caged by time, and then finally directly to the messenger himself in the suta that we are reading some behavioral economics, a few comments in classical societies that you deserve a careful look. One of

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them is show Carney Dr. mercola comments on them. Rebecca, Allah one of the direct implied meanings, declared the greatness not just a perfection, but the greatness of your Supreme Lord, not bad. I mean, however, there is not a single Lord, higher or more supreme that he nor a greater and we will see what he means by what seems obvious No, no Lord greater than Allah. But he you'll see what he means when we read the next is why he felt the need to mention this in is to see what kind of color adeleke Subhanallah like a little deal on right and if not boss must rule the law on him. When they would read this, they would recite Subhan Allah, Allah Allah, actually a little the Allahu anhu was

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asked when he was reciting to at 200 Quran you're increasing in the Quran, you're adding to it? And he said, No, no, no, I'm doing what I was commanded. I was I was instructed as such, so in other words, he got this from the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam.

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Now, then the next thing here nezzie this me I thought, this is a very important work at NZ. This is a very very important concept if we can get this across before Salah we've done our job in Sharla you know the most of them have assumed in making the seed of this ayah without about we talked about that a little bit without about then the meaning of this, this B becomes 10 Z, then z and then z and Arabic is an interesting word. What democracy don't mean by that is number one, cleanse the name of your Lord and the concept you have of your Lord. When you speak of his name, have clean thought pure thought about your Lord. Okay. And in explaining it and with only a shout out to him

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Hola I think did a remarkable job in explaining the concept of disease of our Lord as applied in this ayah. You see, there are some words that apply to Allah, that also apply to us. For example, Allah azza wa jal exists, we also exist, right? Allah azza wa jal knows. Now the word the verb I used for Allah was, he knows, but do you use that for a human being to he knows, you can use that for a human being, right? We say Allah sees. And you can also say a human being sees. So now I've shared a word, a word has been used for the Lord, the Most High, and it's also been used for me and you or any other creation, right? So what is what is the difference? You have to maintain this

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perfection of Allah? Yet the limitation of languages we're using the same word, right? So you have to be conscious of what separates the same word when being used for Allah for your Lord, and when it's being used for anyone other than your Lord, what are the differences? What are a few of them, you should always keep in mind is that the attributes that are given to a law for example, Allah sees, it has no beginning. It has no and it was always there, it will always be there, but my seeing has always been there. No, will it always be there? No. So it has a beginning and it has an end but Allah is seeing or any attribute of Allah has no beginning and has no end. Similarly, my seeing

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let's just stick to the adjective of seeing. I'm, I'm bossy. I see to Allah call themselves bossy. And also what's the difference? One difference? Of course, we said no beginning no end. Another difference between my me using bossier for myself and for a large religion is that my, you know, my my vision, my buzzer has a limit. I can't see through this wall, I can't see inside of myself. I have limits, and I can't see everything all at once. But when I say use the word proceed for Allah, there are no limits placed upon it. It's infinite in its capacity. But mine is finite and limited in its capacity. And finally what's called authority. And that what that means simply is that when I

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say I can see or I see, then that ability is not something I own. Meaning I didn't get it, I didn't get it myself, how did I get it? It was given to me, it was given to me and it will be taken away from me. But when I say Allah sees, then it was not given to him by anyone and it cannot be taken from him by anyone It is his own, it is his own. So at the very least you have to maintain these three differences between whenever you use a word for Allah, that can be used for other than Allah. Also, it's it's infinite. It has no beginning no end in terms of time. It's infinite in terms of its power and quantity and ours is finite and limited. And Allah has his own and ours all of our

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abilities are granted they're granted and we will see this manifest this this we have a law manifest in in one of the IRA that whose placement in this surah is so beautiful and profound. subnuclear aka Fela, tansa Allah Masha Allah Allah tada we will see the, the the the precision and the subtlety of these words, when Allah azza wa jal has to be his declare his perfection is declared above everything else above everything else. So suddenly his model because Allah one last bit of the beginning of the first iron will call it quits inshallah, and then the halaqa for Sawa the the one who created now this has occurred before we read previously, the halaqa for a worker for adakah we

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read this before in the very previous solar for the unloading insano Mima Holika. The passive was used but here he says the one who created previously said the one who created you, and then the halaqa that's been that's we've read before, but he says the one who created so he didn't limit to what he created in this in the previous text, we found that there was a focus on the human beings creation, but now the scope has been opened. When you want to find the perfection of a lion declares perfection. You can reflect on anything that he created, and then the halaqa and then finally for so when we'll talk about these two words in more detail and be returned after this law, but the word so

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word comes from the sphere, or as the unforeseeable comment I fudge Allah who Mousavian that he made it balanced. He made that creation perfect. And every last tweak every last detail was perfected. intricate in design. That's the word Sawa to not just balance something, but to make it intricately designed. So every last detail every last bolt and not as we say in engineering, right, every now is not in bold, right is in its place is in its place. And so not only reflect on the creation, look at how intricate the creation is. Look at how profound and perfect and subtle each element of that creation is. And the human being it's enough for him to look even with within himself, as was

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iterated in the previous Sora we'll take a break here so panicle la morbihan de la la lanta, Mr. Furukawa willick

Quran Tafsir/Explanation – Juz Amma

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