Hamzah Wald Maqbul – Perspectives on the Muhammadan Reality Masjid Hamzah MN 03092019

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The speakers discuss the historical context of the Bible's use of the word "sallim," which is used in teaching. They criticize the lack of understanding of the prophet's message and his actions, stressing the importance of warning and protecting oneself. The title of the book, which describes the behavior of the prophet's son as a rem embedding of reality, is discussed, along with the meaning of "one and" for each term.
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Allah said in his book
that the way is only one way. It's
just only one way. It's Islam. There's no
such thing as deans like in the plural.
There's only one deen. Everything else is a
Everything else is a fake. It masquerades as
a deen. The only deen is 1 deen.
There's one Allah. There's one universe. The same
deen is here in the earth, and it's
the same deen in the heavens. It's the
same deen for the animals. It's the same
deen for the trees and for the rivers
and for the rocks and for the for
the for the ground. It's the same for
the sky. It's the same for the for
the human being and for the
And it's the same dean for all of
the angels. It's only 1 and all that
all that is is what? Is it Islam.
And what is Islam? The foundation of Islam
That there's no God except for Allah, and
that's Sayna Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam is the
messenger of Allah.
This Muhammad rasulullah,
this is not something this is not something
that started 1400 years ago.
Rather, it comes in the that this is
something that's etched into the arsh of Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
The throne of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is
not a chair in the sky. Rather rather,
it is an edifice of light that bounds
the known universe from every side.
All of the known universe is
small in front of the that
bounds the known universe from every side just
like if a person threw a ring in
the desert.
This is a expression in classical Arabic. It's
like saying needle in a haystack. In fact,
it's even less than what a needle in
a haystack would be.
One possible wisdom in hikma of this is
what? Is so that even the angels in
the heavens that can travel like light,
and that are named like Jibrael, like the
brute force of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, that
are so great in their power and so
great in their physical form, that when they
see this edifice of light that bounds the
universe from every side,
they know that the one who created this
arsh, the one who created this arsh, that
one overwhelms all of the rest of creation.
And inside that arsh from before any human
being was on the earth, what was written
in that arsh?
Muhammadur Rasulullah.
Before anybody even knew who Muhammad sallallahu alaihi
wasallam was, Allah ta'ala had his name etched
into that arsh and etched into that throne,
and he put his name with the name
of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam. So much
so that no generation came from the time
of Sayna Adam alaihi salam until
the coming of our Mubarak's prophet sallallahu alaihi
wasallam except for what? Every Nabi gave the
bishara and the glad tidings and the good
news that one day this Nabi Muhammad sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam will come. And just like
it is Wajib, it is an obligation on
every one of us to believe in him
in order to become a Muslim, in order
to enter Jannah.
It is it was and it was an
obligation on every single one of those nations
from before us that they had to believe
in Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam without having
seen him, without having heard him, without him
ever having been born yet even.
What? Without him even having been born yet,
it was wajib, it was an obligation, it
was a necessary part of their deen in
order that they believe in him. Why do
you think that the Yahudar in the Arabian
Jews, their their ancestral
homeland isn't in the Arabian Peninsula. Where is
It's up north. It's in Sham. It's by
Al Qudsa Sharif, Jerusalem, and by by,
what we can call now Palestine. That's where
forefathers lived for so many generations.
Why was it that there are Jews in
Madinah and Jews in in in Tama? Why
is it that there's, Jews in Jaffa?
Why? Because all of the not just one,
every single one of the MBIA gave the
glad tidings of the coming of the prophet
Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam to their people.
Why is it that the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam, so many of the the the
the monks and the priests of the Christians,
they waited for him. They saw the signs
of his Nabuah to the point where,
Khadija said the Khadija
The first thing she did after the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam told him told her
that he received a revelation from this angel
Jibrilah alaihi salam. The first thing she did
was to take her to take the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wasallam to take him to her
cousin Warakal Warakatunu Nofal. Right? She's Khadida Khadida
Bint Al Khwailid,
and he's Warakatubnu Nofal. And Nofal and Nofal
are brothers.
That she took she took him
to her cousin
who was a Christian,
who was a person who knew how to
read the Torah, who was a person who
knew how to read the the gospels. Not
the ones that the our church, you know,
our friends and neighbors over here, they carry
a a bible,
and they say this is the the gospel
according according to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John,
the original language of which is Greek.
She took she took who? She took, the
who was a man who could understand the
actual tongue of
Syriac and Aramaic, the actual tongue of Sayna
Isa alaihis salam, she took to to to
those original Christians who knew about the teachings
of Sayna they're
still alive in those days.
There's still some part of it that was
alive in those days. And what did he
say? What did he say to, the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam? Imagine someone goes to
Moana Fraaz and says, oh, look. You know,
my my, husband, he saw a dream in
which the angel came to him and gave
him revelation and, you know, whatever. What he
says is the the guy is hallucinating. He's
on drugs. He's tripping. Why? Because it's well
known that that there's no nabi after the
Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam. What does it mean that the Warakatulnu
Noafal is a man who's a convert to
Christianity? Anyone here There are brothers here that
converted to Islam from other religions. You know
how hard it is to leave the faith
of your forefathers?
You know how hard it is to go
against your family members, to go against your,
loved ones, to go against your society,
to go against every trend and to leave
your religion.
The Arabs used to love their forefathers so
much, they used to worship them. You know
how hard it was for them to leave
the religion of their forefathers that this person
abandoned the the the shirk of Jahiliya,
and he accepted Christianity,
and none of the none of the, Quraysh
were Christians, and very few of the Arabs
were Christians at the time. That's how dedicated
and sincere he was that even being a
being a person of Quraysh in the middle
of Mecca, he held fast to his religion.
If the and the claim of the prophet
was a joke, or if it was mental
illness, or if it was psychological problems, what
would he have said? He said, Get away
from me. I I I want nothing to
do with you.
Get away from me. I want nothing to
do with you. Rather what was it? He
was the one dedicated to the dean of
Sayna Isa alaihi salam. He saw the prophet
sallallahu alaihi salam, and he heard the description
of the experience that the prophet
had, and he knew that Sayidina Isa alaihis
salam also gave the the glad tidings to
his followers, that this Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alaihi
wasallam, he's going to come before the end
of time. And all of the work that
I started that wasn't done, that was undone
by the corrupt from the Banu Isra'il, that
was undone from the Romans and from the
Greeks. All of that work, don't worry about
it. It will be completed at the hands
of Sayna Rasool Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
It's a hadith of
it's a hadith narrated by Saydna Abdulah ibn
Amr ibn al Asir radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu, one
of the first converts to Islam at the
hands of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam, who
was also a Christian before
before the advent of Islam and knew Hebrew
and also knew,
the language, the ancient semitic language of Christian
He was once asked by,
somebody else later on.
Tell me describe to me the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wasallam.
Describe him to me with some of his
attributes that are described in the the Hebrew
scripture of Banu Israel.
And he quotes a track from Isaiah
that that you will be you'll be You're
not going to be a person who reads
and writes. Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa sallam didn't
read and he didn't write salallahu alaihi wa
sallam. All of his teaching and all of
transmission was all oral. It was all oral.
Why? Because a person who doesn't read and
write can follow the sunnah of a person
who doesn't read and write, and a person
who reads and writes can follow the sunnah
of a person who doesn't read and write.
Whereas a person who doesn't read and write
cannot follow the sunnah of a literate person.
You cannot follow if someone has read too
much, you can't follow what they're saying.
But the prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam, one
of his many miracles was that everything he
did, everything he said, there was such simplicity
in it, everybody could understand.
He could make something difficult. Some people, their
knuckleheads, they make simple things as if they're
very complicated.
But the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, what
was his genius? That he could make things
that were even complicated easy for, otherwise knuckle
headed people like myself to understand.
Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said that Abdul Abin
Amr bin As' is saying that Allah ta'ala
said that you are you are you are
my, prophet, and you are my slave, and
I love you. And you will be you
will be unlettered. You will not be You'll
be like a normal person from the regular
people of the earth. You're not going to
be someone,
fancy in the way you talk or in
the way that you dress or in the
way that you conduct yourself, you'll be a
normal person. He says that he says that,
I name you the one who put his
trust on me,
The one who put his trust on me.
That one day Allah gave him this,
responsibility of Nabuwa. He sent an angel to
him. He didn't schedule an appointment. He didn't
ask him, do you want this trust or
not? He didn't ask him, do you, want
to be a nabi? If someone asked us,
yeah, I wanna be I wanna have my
name and picture up everywhere. I wanna be
famous. I want everyone to shake my hands
with great honor and with great No. He
didn't ask any of those things. Rasulullah sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam, what was he trying to
do? He literally was trying to worship Allah
in a place where no one could see
In a place where what? In a place
where no one could see him. That he
could see the house of Allah, the the
cave of where the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam
would go. He would take a very small
amount of food with him and climb up
a mountain. Most of us are probably not
in shape enough to climb up that mountain.
And he would stay there with a small
amount of food just enough to survive. He
would stay there for several days in a
in a row.
And he could just barely see the Kaaba
from from from far away, and that this
is what his time this is my time
with Allah ta'ala. That's it, nobody else.
With the love that somebody Imagine like
a a a a person gets married, a
newly wed couple, they don't want to spend
the entire night at the at the wedding
Why? They want to spend the time alone
with one another. Who cares about everybody else
when we have each other? He wanted to
spend the time with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
and that was his secret between him and
Allah Ta'ala. He didn't ask for any of
these things. He didn't want any of these
things. He never wanted leadership sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam. Even in Jahiliya, they called him Al
Amin. They used to come to him to
settle their disputes, he would never say, I'm
the judge, why don't you ask me to
judge? Abu Jahl was like that. Abu Jahl
prided himself on being a man of great
wisdom that he settles I'll settle people's disputes.
And he used to call himself Abu Hakam,
the the the one possessor of great wisdom.
And when the prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam's
wisdom eclipsed the wisdom of of Abu Jahal,
Allah showed who is Jahal and who is
who has the ikhma.
The prophet
salallahu alaihi wa sallam didn't ask for any
of these things, but when they're put on
his shoulder, he realized how great of a
responsibility it was and it scared him. It
scared him. You know how much it scared
him salallahu alaihi wa sallam?
He went back to say the Khadija radhiallahu
anha and he's shaking.
shaking. He's like completely like it's it's overwhelmed
him. He's like gone into shock. He's gone
into shock. Brothers and sisters, what is it
that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam understood
that we didn't understand, that you and I
didn't understand?
That when you take this message of
to people,
it's gonna be hard, it's gonna be difficult
task. For you to live on it on
your own is difficult enough.
salallahu alaihi wa sallam is living according to
To take it to other people then,
how difficult is it gonna be? It caused
them to go into shock salallahu alayhi wasalam.
How am I gonna do this? How am
I gonna do this? If we understood and
we wanted to follow the the the the
the the path of saying Muhammad sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam.
The name is very epic of the retreat,
the Muhammadan reality. Right? The haptic of Muhammadiyah.
You wanna know the reality of the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam? It was a shock.
When the angel Jibreel
brought him, the first type verses of
Surat It was a shock.
We we say this is juz'ama, we teach
our children this and we don't give it
a second thought.
It's difficult, do you know what it means?
Said that Khadija
calmed him down, and took him to what?
And said, this is the same that came
down on, on the, this is the same
word that came down on,
on on say the Musa alaihi salaam. This
is the one that's coming down on you
right now. He said one day because of
this, your people are going to throw you
out, and I wish Allah gave me enough
life that on that day I could help
you. I could be there to take the
pain and take the difficulty and make sacrifice
with you on that day. Rasulullah salallahu alayhi
wasalam, will my people throw me out?
These people loved him, sallallahu alaihi wasallam. He
was the nicest person in the world. You
know, often times many of the fights we
get into, we can avoid them just by
being nice. Just by being nice to people.
We can avoid many of the fights that
we get into just by being nice to
people. There's nobody who understood this better than
the prophet at that time even. So, are
my people gonna throw me out? What did
he say? Very ominous words that nobody came
with this with this thing that you have,
except for his people will oppose him because
of it.
What did they understand that we don't understand?
What does it mean
that that what the description of the prophet
in the Torah is what that Allah said,
I name you the one who puts his
trust on me.
How is he gonna do any of these
things? You know Jahiliya is like not Jahiliya
for free.
Jahiliya is not Jahiliya for free, it's not
age of ignorance, they didn't just call the
age of ignorance just to sound cool. And
there were some ignorant people, there were some
very ignorant people. Can you imagine the gall
of a man who could bury his own
infant daughter alive?
How heartless, and how cruel, and how sick,
and disgusting, and twisted that person is going
to be. You think he's gonna care about
somebody else? You think when you tell him
to give zakat to somebody else's daughter, he's
gonna give give that money? You think when
you tell him to, speak the truth even
though it's against himself for somebody else's benefit,
he's gonna do it? Absolutely not. That person
will kill you and they won't even bat
an eyelash, they won't even blink.
That person will kill you. Imagine that person
who's heartless enough to kill his own children,
to kill his own baby daughter nonetheless.
That person imagine, do you think they're going
to care before they kill you? Do you
think they're gonna care it's gonna bother them
any any one bit that they're gonna cry
and make toba later? Absolutely not. Those were
the most scary of people. Those were the
most animal like of people.
You know, like there are some animals, there
are some animals that are like this, that
the young, they have to leave right away
once they're born. Why? Because if they stick
around too long, their parents will eat them.
There are many animals like that. You think
a shark if it's baby shark sticks around
with its mother, that it's gonna survive? Absolutely
not. It has to it has to bounce,
it has to keep going.
It has to move. Why? Because that's the
law of the jungle. That's how things work.
You know,
mammals, there are many mammals like that, they
will kill their own offspring.
Imagine a human being is doing the same
thing. You think that person is going to
care about the prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam
when he teaches them to to be kind
to the orphan or any of that? They're
not trying to hear any of those things.
They're not trying to live any of these
things. They're not trying to do any of
these things. And now, Allah says to him
that now you go and and take my
message to these mankind. And and don't start
with the Romans who know how to read
and write. Don't start with the Chinese who
have like a rich tradition in philosophy.
Don't start with the Buddhist that, you know,
teach about
mercy and consciousness and all of these things.
No. Start with these people. They're absolutely crazy.
They're literally absolutely the craziest of people. Start
with them, and start with your family. Who
is what? They're like the the the most
arrogant of the craziest.
Start with them.
Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa sallam, it wasn't a
joke. When he first started preaching this this
deen, who could he the only people he
could tell is who?
He could tell say the Khadija radiallahu anha,
and she believed him, and she was the
first one to believe. May Allah
give her a high
alayhi salam. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, give
her a high maqam. May Allah ta'ala,
increase and preserve her beauty and her honor
in this world and in the hereafter.
May Allah
make all of the sisters of this ummah,
have a piece of of the beauty and
honor of that, say the Khadija radhiyallahu ta'ala
Anha, who is there to comfort her husband
rather than compete with him.
Who is the first ones to believe? Say
the Zayd bin Haritha radiallahu ta'ala anhu?
Zayid bin Haritha was who? Zayid bin Haritha
kidnapped him. Imagine,
he was a kid and he's a he's
a kid from from from a tribe from
the tribes of the Arabs, someone kidnapped him
and lied and said that this is a
slave and sold him into slavery.
That slave was given as a gift by
who purchased and didn't know that this happened.
What is a little kid gonna,
be able to communicate such a story?
Yeah. Can can she can can such a
a little kid, you know, explain, like, human
to the adults or whatever? Imagine he's going
slave markets. The people who buy and sell
slaves, are they nice people?
They're the scum of the earth. They are
the worst and most disgusting of people. Imagine
the slave slave traders and on top of
that, the slave traders of the Arabs of
They're not used to somebody caring about what
their story is. So by the time he
changes hands so many times and gets to
the house of Khadija Radhiallahu Anha, he's probably
just happy that, like, these people seem like
nice people, they're not trying to give me
any hard time, we're just gonna ride with
this, we're just gonna go with it. And
what happens to the Khadija
gives him as a gift to the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam during, when they get
This is what
One day his uncle comes for Hajj
to the the house of Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala and he sees him. He says, this
is my nephew that's that was missing from
so long ago. He goes back and he
gets his brother, and his brother who is
a nobleman from from their tribe, he comes
and he finds,
Zaid in Makamukarama,
and he says to him, he says, my
son, don't you remember from so long ago,
we were separated from one another? And he
was indeed happy to see his uncle. He's
indeed happy to see his father.
And he says, what happened? And so he
tells his father the story,
and then he says he says, okay, we'll
come. Let's go talk to him and, you
know, like, let's work something out. So what
happens is that the father said, Bin Haritha
comes to the prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam,
and he says, look, I understand this is
a very unfortunate misunderstanding.
You people paid money for him thinking he's
a slave, but he's not a slave. He's
a free man from a noble family of
the Arabs, and he's my son.
So I see that you're a person who
loves good and you love justice.
So let me give you let me give
you back the money that his his value
is, so that to compensate so as to
compensate for your for your loss, so that
I'm not just causing trouble inside of your
life. They were good people. You can see
like a good son comes from a good
father as well. And so what happens is
the messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,
he says, what did he say?
He says, ask him, ask the boy what
does he want to do?
No coercion from my side, no corrosion from
your side. Ask him, what does what does
he want to do? Does he want to
go with you or does he want to
stay with me? If he wants to go
with you, he can go and I don't
want I don't want any any money, any,
any, compensation
from you whatsoever. You take him and be
Said, if he wants to stay with me
however, let him stay.
They asked, said, the Zayd bin Haritha
Allah, who do you wanna do?
What kind of person is that
That this child is sold into slavery. This
child is sold into slavery. Like Sayyidina Yusuf
alaihis salam imagine like he was sold into
slavery as a child, treacherously.
In the in the middle of Jahiliya,
and his father comes and finds him, and
he has a choice, You go either you
go with your father or you can stay
with me. So what kind of what kind
of a person would do that? That the
prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam gives him a
choice and his father, he gives him a
he gives him a choice between his father
and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
And that Zayd bin Haritha apologizes to his
He apologizes to his father. It's not like
he hates him, it's not like he's been
brainwashed or disrespects him or any of those
things. He says, my father, I love you,
you're my father. He He said, I I
would would love to go with you. But
he said, this person, I've seen some things
from him. I've seen certain things from him.
He said, I've never seen them with anybody
else ever in my life. He says that
I I've seen such things from him.
I've seen such things from him
that I would never leave him. I would
never leave him ever.
This is before Nabuwa by the way. This
is before Iqra.
This is before Nabuah, he knew the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. So who's the first
people who accept the the the message from
him, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam?
First say the Khadijah
said Nazeid bin Haritha
said Abu Bakr Siddiq
who was the best friend of Rasulullah
alaihi wasalam even before Nubuwa, even before Iqra.
Who is it? Just a few people. Why?
Because at this point, the
prophet has received this word and he's received
the command to,
spread this message,
but no no not much further instruction.
So a reasonable person would think what? This
is Jahiliya.
These people are crazy. They killed people for
far smaller things than this.
So what am I gonna do? I'm gonna
tell those people that I trust. Who are
the first people who accept Islam?
Saidna, Abu Bakr Sadiq goes and gets Abdul
Rahman bin Auf, he gets
He gets the the, you know,
Zubairibnu Awam. He gets who? He gets the,
those those people who are Sadah Ali Radiallahu
Ta'ala Anhu, Sadah Ali Radiallahu Anhu. He gets
these people who are the closest ones to
the messenger of Allah
and those are the ones who accept Islam,
and they can't even tell anybody else why
because they're afraid.
Then Allah ta'ala in subsequent revelation says, what?
No. It's not enough.
Now go go and and warn your your
your close relatives.
This is not this is really difficult. Okay.
Who here has like relatives that respect them?
Raise your hand.
While I give me a chance to drink
my chai while you guys raise your hand,
2 of you. You guys are must have
some spectacular relatives because it's not my relatives.
It's not my relatives. It's not the relatives
of any do you know, Melania Faraz, do
your do your close relatives,
seek your advice with regards to matters of
I remember one of the one of the
olamah, there is one, where's Mufti Noaman? There
is one
old school graduate of the from Northern California.
He came to he came there's a hall,
there's like a wedding hall right next to
my house,
and this guy is like a hardcore, real
stern like, you know, Malan Assad. He's like
he's like old school, you know, he's like
very stern scholar. We grew up like seeing
seeing him in the masjid whenever we would
visit Northern California.
And so I see him bam in the
like just randomly in the in the in
the banquets. It's like a mile from my
house at at a wedding that I'm invited
to and he says, yeah. You know, the
grooms, uncles, you know, whatever veterinarian's cousin is
related to my this and that. And so
they explain how he's here. And he's so
so I came in all of my brothers'
So I thought this this guy, who's his
brothers, they're gonna, like, roll out into,
into Shalimar banquets, like like Gandalf the Grey
or something like that, you know, like big,
like, senior, like, masha'if looking dudes.
Not a topi on the head, not a
beard on the face. Every single one of
them seemed to be like so stone cold
like normal
to almost like secular,
and completely awkwardly out of place in the
majlis of of of the ulama and mashay.
Then I realized, you know what? This is
the sunnah of Allah ta'ala. Nobody's relatives listen
to them. And what does Allah ta'ala do
to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam? The
first people the the first people he commands
him to go go take this message to
is who? Go tell your now go tell
your relatives.
Go tell your relatives.
I wonder how that's gonna go. Is it
gonna be easy? Is it gonna be fun?
I wonder how that's gonna go. Let me
tell you how because Allah on the Torah
call the prophet says,
I call you the one who trust trust
in me.
He knows how it's gonna go
But Allah said it, so let's just give
it a try. We'll see is it, you
know, like is it, you know, there's some
good that's gonna come out of it. Not
because it like I can understand how much
how much good will come out of it
but because Allah said to him everything that
comes from Allah's what? Everything comes from Allah,
there's good in it, there's khair in it.
So what happens, he gathers them all together,
and he he he gives them the dawah,
tells them about
that he's the messenger of Allah, and that
this is what the commandments are, and that
this is what the reward will be, and
all of these things. And he says, who's
with me? And guess how many people respond?
Only one person responds. Sayna Ali
who was at this point something like 9
years old or 11 years old or something
like that.
And the Arabs the Arabs in Jahili, like
I said, they used to worship their forefathers.
The elders were like the most like, sacred
people to them. Right? What does the word
Sheikh mean? Right? Sheikh literally means old man.
Now in Islam, Sheikh means like a person
of knowledge and piety and Right? So if
you see some guy who's like 80 years
old, like, drinking a bottle of wine on
the street, you'll be like, this is not
a shaykh. Right? Whereas in Jahiliya, that's what
it was. All their elders, they used to
respect their elders like
like, irrational, like religious type of respect.
So what does it mean that in the
gathering of all of Hashem, the only person
who stands up and accepts the, accepts the
dawah is 11 years old,
What does that mean?
They all started laughing at him. Abu Lahab
looks at his brother, Abu Talib, and he
says, look at your nephew. Your nephew is
calling you to such a deen in which
this, like, boy is like a a a
greater chief, in Quresh than you are. He's
bit greater than you because he accepted this
deen before you did. And he said, this
is he he asked he he says to
the prophet
He says, is this what you gathered us
here for? This joke, is this what you
gathered us here for? He said, may your
hands turn to dust.
And he gets up and leaves. Did Abu
Talib accept the dean at that time?
He doesn't accept it really ever. He comes
close to accepting it at some point, but
he doesn't accept the deen at that time
for sure.
Does Abbas radiallahu anhu who actually will accept
it later on? Does he accept it at
that time?
Does Abu Dhabi have accepted? Absolutely not. What
did Allah
Now the Surah comes down saying that this
Abu Lahab, the one who said that may
your hands turn to dust, his hands are
the ones who are going to turn to
dust, he's going to turn to dust. He's
gonna perish. And there's an actually, a Surah
in the Quran lampooning him. There's actually a
surah in the Quran lampooning him lampooning his
wife as well. Now the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wasallam, he's like in a he's in a
jam now. His own family, like a a
powerful ally from his family is cut off
from him. Did he stop?
No. He kept going.
commands him at some point.
Now, go open this circle up, widen this
circle and tell and call people and tell
people the the the the thing that you're
commanded to do. And he gathers the Quraysh
all of them together.
And there are people who are hostile to
his clan. There are people who are hostile
to his family. There are people who are
hostile to him. There are people who are
hostile to his message. There are people who
are hostile to his economics.
There are everything. All of these things now,
it becomes a focal point to the point
where the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, he
cannot pray anymore without getting attacked. He literally
he used to have guards.
Stand guard
while he used to, pray. Did you know
that? Very few people know that.
Because we watch too many movies, you think
everything is like,
You and I, we all think everything is
like a movie, like, life is like a
movie. You're like, some sort of Marvel superhero
or you're some, like, some sort of, like,
Jedi knight that, like, you know, the that
you pray and, like, the whatever blast just
bounce off of you or whatever. No brothers
and sisters. They they did don't blast off.
They hit you and they hurt.
They hurt a lot.
They hurt a lot. The prophet sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam, he used to have guards that
used to stand guard while he would pray.
And then
So, O Messenger,
take this message to its intended audience.
And if you fail to take any part
of it to its intended intended audience, you
have not taken any of this message to
its intended audience.
Allah ta'ala is the one who takes responsibility
of protecting you from the people.
Literally after this ayah came down, the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam in the midst of
peril, danger.
Danger to his life. He could die.
Most people who try something even attempt this
often this this, difficult will die,
will die trying.
What did what did, Allah ta'ala say? Allah
ta'ala says, don't worry, Allah will protect you
from the people. So it's a it's a
narration of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
after this, ayah was revealed.
Allah ta'ala said to his guard Nabi sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam said to his guards what?
He said,
so you can go now. Allah ta'ala has
protected me. You can go now. Allah ta'ala
has protected
Allah ta'ala said that I I call you
the one who trust in me. That that
messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, the the the
the Quresh of Makkah, they tried their hardest
to kill him. They tried their hardest to
harm him. What
excuses would come inside of their hearts that
they couldn't kill him? The excuses they would
say on their tongues that they couldn't kill
him. Why? Because we don't want Banu Hashim
to take vengeance from us. Because, you know,
we don't want,
you know,
the other Arabs to say, oh, look, you
know, we the Quresh are killing people inside
the Haram. We don't want the but what
was the actual thing, the only thing that
was protecting the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam?
Allah Ta'ala is the only one who protected
the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
It. It is the one who protects him.
Allah to Allah is the one who protects
him. That prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, Allah
to Allah was the one who protect him
and it's the same protection he afforded to
every single one of his companions.
Said Abu Bakr
There was there was a time when the
prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam himself was openly
and anyone who supported him.
Anyone who supported him
was also openly attacked.
Abu Bakr Sadiq radiAllahu ta'ala who was also,
his protection was his protection in the system
of Jahiliya was withdrawn from him.
And one of the traders from another tribe
from from the Arabs, from outside of Makkamukarama,
who knew Abu Bakr, Sidit and Jahili, I
said, you're a good man. These people should
not lay a finger on you. So anyone
who lays a finger on this Abu Bakr,
he makes a fight with me. I put
I give my protection to him.
And after that, what happened? They stopped they
stopped harming him What
did he say? He said, if the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam isn't under the protection
of the tribal system of the Arabs, what
do I need to be under the protection
of the tribal system of the Arabs with?
What do I need to be under that
Why? Because they understood they also took the
path of Sayyidina Muhammad
It's one deen, it's one reality, and the
heavens and the earth, it's the same way.
It's the same path. They all took it
Allah Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, he said in
get the the of Umihin.
He will get the nation of unlettered people
to say
to accept and to admit that there's no
god except for Allah. And through you, he
will he will,
open those eyes that were blind,
and he will open those ears that were
were were deaf, that were blocked,
and he will open those hearts that were
encrusted in rest. He will make them alive
again. Now tell me something,
now tell me something, does this, description, does
it describe sayna Isa alaihis salam?
Did his own accept him before he left
from this world?
Before Allah took him up back into the
heavens from this world?
Does his people accept him? No.
Absolutely not.
Neither did Banu Isra'il accept him, except for
did the except for very few people nor
did the nor did the
the the the goi, the non, Israelite people
accept him. And those who did, a majority
of them accepted him only through their, neo
platonic, shirk understanding of him being the son
of god. It's something that he never preached
to himself,
a day in his life, never came from
his mouth,
Who does this description who does this description,
that's there in Isaiah in the in the
in the,
the revelation
of the, of the, Israelite religion in the
revelation of the the the the Hebrew bible.
Who does it describe?
alaihi wa sallam. This is something that would
that's known. It's known to all of the
nations. If you want to know what the
Muhammadan reality, what the Hatikah Muhammadiyah is, don't
think about 1400 years.
1400 years was a good it was it
was a good ride. It still is a
good ride,
I'll admit that.
But that's not all.
There's an entire tareef before it. That the
Rasul sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, he was a
Nabi when said Adam alaihi salam was still
earth and water.
Meaning, he he wasn't even physically created yet,
rather in the ilm of Allah Subhanahu wa
ta'ala, Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi salam was his messenger.
And every single one of the angels knew
it, and every single one of the prophets
not only knew it, they they told their
their followers that this is something you have
to accept. If you don't accept this, then
your deen is not complete. Your your deen
is not acceptable to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
That the Jannah will be haram on the
person who doesn't bear witness to the risall
and the nubu of the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam. How
many of the ambiya alaihi mus salatu as
salam came and they only have one follower?
How many of them came? They it comes
in the hadith
shows up only with 3 people. These are
the only people who followed me. Some of
them will show up. There's only 2 people.
They're the only ones who followed me. Someone
will show up only 1 follower. Someone will
show up alone. Nobody followed him and his
people killed him afterward.
What gets them going? You could people get
disappointed really easily. People get disappointed really easily.
Imagine if you're saving up, like, you know,
money for something.
and then like you're like, just a $100
more and you can go and buy your
car that you're saving money for. And that
day you get robbed and all your money
is gone. You're gonna be disappointed. You
be very disappointed.
You're gonna try to save up that much
money again. You're gonna be like, nah. It's
dunya. Look at this dunya. This dunya is
all nonsense. You know, I'm gonna buy cheap
car this time. If I had if I
just bought a cheap car, it would have
been going around instead of now, I have
nothing. I saved and I invested all my
hopes and dreams and something I have.
You know, why
alaihi wa sallam. The enemy of Allah and
his Rasool Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Salam.
A person who's an enemy of the poor,
a person who's an enemy of the weak,
who a person who's an enemy of the
sick, a person who's an enemy of justice,
a person who's an enemy of righteousness,
a person who is the friend of every
evil thing, every selfish thing, every vice, every
disgusting in in shape satanic
A day will come this Nabi sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam, Allah, I will literally plant him
like in the most evil of places, in
the most evil of circumstance.
Everyone of those are gonna hate them. They
can't do a thing about it. They're not
gonna do a damn thing about it. They're
not able to do a damn thing about
it. You watch.
Allah describes the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,
in the and
He says that the
describes said now he's a a a son.
His his his revelation describes the the companions
of say, Muhammad
is the messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam. And those who are with him are
stern and harsh
Those people are antagonistic to Allah.
And they're merciful with one another. Right? Not
like nowadays. What do we do? We have
like interfaith,
night at the masjid.
And everybody's like, oh, look, you know, Bill,
thank you, but welcome to our, masjid. Do
you know Islam means peace?
And they're like so nice to them, which
is good. You should be nice to them.
You know? But then once Bill Bill and
Jane have left the Masjid, then what?
Brother, you put your foot on the toe
your toes on the line instead of your
I hate Muslims.
I'm never doing business with Muslims. I'm never
gonna diss with Muslims. Muslims fight about everything.
Muslims are backwards. Muslims no. That's not how
that's not how they're describing the Quran.
The people who are the enemies of Allah
and his religion.
They're they're they're harsh with them. They know
better not mess with these people. We need
to be careful around these people.
When they're with one another though, they're soft
with one another. They're kind with one another.
They forgive one another.
You see them. What is their description? That
you see them in and you see them
and you see them constantly looking for Allah's
grace. That can I do something? What can
I do? Right? You see the moving tables
around the Muslim hamza. You see them sitting
on the floor when they could have said
be sitting on their couch watching something on
Netflix. Right? How many people, masha'Allah, are in
the house of Allah? Is your house like
the house of Allah? If you wanna know
the answer to that question, ask are you
like Allah?
No. Not even slightly.
Your house is not like the house of
Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. There's some people sitting
on their couch right now watching air to
roll on Netflix, saying they're they're gonna somehow
bettering the right now. Instead of watching a
movie about somebody, why don't you go do
it yourself? That those people people are sitting
at home watching, like, you know, and those
in law law. In law. Why don't you
just come to the masjid and say
yourself, man?
What's better? If you do it, maybe they'll
make a TV show about you one day.
Instead of being the I mean, the person
who's sitting on their couch, you know, there's
people sitting on their couch doing worse things
than that. So I'm not trying to, like,
dog but I'm saying like, look, there's a
better way. Right?
They're going and looking for the grace of
Allah. The
how will Allah be pleased with with me?
Do you see the marks in their foreheads,
didn't have carpets in the masjid. I don't
know if you noticed that. They didn't have
carpets in the masjid. What did they they
used to make sajdza in the earth do
it one time. You're not gonna
die. It's not gonna kill you. You're not
gonna die of germs and like what You're
not gonna die in shower. Don't do it
in like like the sewer, the gutter, or
whatever. Go on a grass field to make
such a zone of earth.
So that a piece of grass will stick
to your forehead and you can say, you
look how happy I am because I'm also
That the mark of the the the mark
that came to their foreheads also came to
my forehead also because of this one sajdah
that I made.
Those are the people they spent their lifetimes
doing it. Do it one time also so
that you can also, like, you know, be
like the one that you love.
How are we going to ever be as
good as you? How are we ever going
to be as good as your good companions?
You know how? Rasoolullah
gave the answer.
A person will be with the one that
they love. If you love them, that's the
point of coming here. You hear about them.
You love them. You hear about this.
You love it. Maybe Allah will give you
a part of it. Even a small part
is enough. Even a small part is enough.
This is such a big river, such a
wide and mighty river. Even if one drop
of it sprays onto you and hits you
and touches you, everything you're doing on your
after all, you'll be set. You'll be set.
This is an entire river. Go swim in
it. But if you can't, even if one
drop of it hits you, you'll be fine.
The the grace of Allah to Allah and
seeking the pleasure of Allah to Allah. And
their sign is in their forehead
by the by the the effect of their
on the ground. This is their example in
the Torah. And their example in the NGO
is what?
Like, a plant which grows so quickly, shoots
out of the ground, and it be grows
so quickly. And it becomes so,
that plant becomes so strong and so thick
and so like,
so alive
to the point where the other farmers are
like, what kind of crap is this? We've
never seen a crap like this before. What
happens? What kind of crap is this?
Is this? We've never seen a like this
What happened? What happened to the, the rest
of them?
That didn't happen to any anyone else from
the and beyond Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Is this Sahaba, those Arabs, they came from
nowhere. Go read the books of history. Arabs
is almost non existent. It's like the Greeks,
Romans. They didn't even know who they were.
Why why should they know who they were?
They have no written language.
They have no trade. They have no culture.
They have no civilization. They produce nothing. They
fight amongst each other. They kill their own
children. What are they gonna do for anybody
Out of the literally out of the middle
of nowhere, all these people are like, you
hear about the Arabs? The a what?
The Arabs.
You hear about them? No. Well, they just
conquered Syria. They just put an end to
the Persian empire.
They just conquered Egypt. They just this and
that. And a lot of friends was talking
about this before this the for those of
you who were here. It came the the,
for those of you who were here. It
came out of nowhere.
The other farmers when they see how big
like this crap gets so quickly, they're like,
wow. What is this?
What is this? We've never seen anything like
this before.
And that that that that that
power, that energy,
that life
that makes them like that.
The kuffar when they see it, it makes
them burn inside.
This is not the only time by the
way that people hate on Muslims and Islam.
This is the old story. This is like
that from day 1.
This is the old story. It's like that
from day 1. You want people to we
need to prevent we need to pass a
law against Sharia. You know, we need to
pass a law before Sharia takes over America.
What do you mean Sharia takes over America?
Go open a cracker book open. Right? What
are you afraid people are gonna start making?
Wash themselves after they go to the bathroom.
What are you gonna Are you afraid that
they're going to make when they're in Janaba?
What are you afraid of? They're going to
Their prayers are going to affect you? The
only way you should be afraid of that
is if you know that there's no God
except for Allah and that Muhammad is his
messenger and that the salat is being accepted.
They all know.
They all know. The person who's never put
his forehead on the ground before and claims
that he,
knows God.
When they see you put your forehead on
the ground, they're like, oh, smack. These guys
are these guys are doing it in a
way that it never even occurred to us
This is that I won't take you back
until until the
the until you get the the the
unlevered ignorant people to say,
That there's no god except for Allah. And
through you,
the eyes that were blind will be opened,
and the ears that were deaf will be
opened, and the hearts that were encrusted and
dead will be brought to life again. That
They'll feel
again. This,
my brothers and sisters, this this
Muhammadan path and this happy this Muhammadan reality
of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, this
is what we're here to learn. That the
prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam is not just
a story book. There are people who actually
learned what this path was, what this reality
was, and they brought it into their life.
I'm sure none of us are going to
ever be anything compared to rasulullah.
We're not going to be anything compared to
him. We're not even going to be anything
compared to companions or his companions companions or
his companions companions companions companions. But what I
promise you is that nobody will hear about
and learn something about his
And, but at the same time, you can
the was
described as the one who
is the one who meets that whose sunnah
is what? To meet your brother with a
smiling face.
To meet your brother with a smiling face.
There are many people who do it.
Ronald McDonald does it. You guys know Ronald
McDonald is?
Stop for a lot, man. I think you
guys you guys are a little bit too
excited about Ronald McDonald.
It's haram. Don't eat don't eat don't eat
at at McDonald's. I'm giving you right now.
Don't eat there. Go to go to go
to Habib's,
falafel takeout. Right? You know Ronald McDonald's? He
also meets everybody with a smiling face.
That's not in and of itself any sort
of perfection. That could be just a sign
of like mental illness
to be honest with you.
used to meet his brothers, alaihis salat and
his companions, with a smile.
But at the same time, he used to
be with Tawasool al Azzam.
He was the one who would go from
one grief to another grief to another grief.
Every single one of his children died in
front of his eyes except for, say, the.
he loved her. She died.
And she died what? She died sacrificing for
the deen of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Everyone he loved died in front of his
eyes. Say the Fatima died 6 months after
he passed away, and he was given the
news of that also before he died.
He was the one nobody loved the Kaaba
more than him. Nobody loved Maqam more than
him. He had to leave
it. Nobody loved it more than him. He
had to leave it. He was the one
Nobody was more dutiful to his elders. They're
the ones who turned their back on him.
It caused him pain. It caused him suffering.
All of these difficulties.
His companions used to his companions,
you know, he loved them. And what happened?
They gave their lives for the sake of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. That seems
imagine that he chose chose to stay with
the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. That seems
they've been harifah was shayeed in the battle
of murta.
Rasool Allah sallallahu alaihi wasallam crying. He wept
when he heard these things.
The full brother said, he was
in the same battle.
The one who was the the the that
physically resembled the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
in his physical form. That's how close of,
relatives they were. He was a mirror of
the the Jama'at of Muslims that made Hajj
Hijra to where? Where did they made Hijra
to, Yusuf? Where where did they made Hijra
I was like, I don't know. Anyone?
Where did they make hijra
Where? Abyssinia.
Where's come on, man? Where's the horn in
Africa? Where's my Somali brothers? Where's my Ethiopian
brothers? Masha'allah. You should be proud. You should
use this honor Allah to Allah gave to
your lands. That
the Sahaba set foot over there before they
set foot in the place of places of
the other people.
Was the Amir who's the Amir of that
group of people that that went to, Habeshah.
And and and what? These people gave their
lives for the sake of Allah to Allah
and Rasulullah
wept. He cried for all of them.
It It was difficult for him. He gave
he he he had every single thing he
had. He lost it for the sake of
Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala when it came to
Islam the point where he never had anything.
He died. He was
one of the noble men of Quraysh.
After that, what does it mean to smile
all the time when you meet your brother?
Tell me, is there somebody who could follow
that sunnah?
There are people who follow that sunnah.
There are people who follow that sunnah.
Your car, you went to Masjid Hamza and
your car gets smashed in and you slip
in like, you know, break your leg on
your way home and this and people like,
I don't know if I'm gonna go to
the retreat next year. Right? I don't know
if I'm gonna go to the retreat next
Got the teeth knocked out of his mouth.
not funny.
It's not funny. He's imagine he's bleeding. Would
you like to see your mother's someone hit
her so hard that she's bleeding?
Would you like to see your grandfather like
What does it mean to say the fatar
alayhi wa muhammad? She's like a girl, and
she has to see her father like that.
The poorish beat him so hard because of
what? Because he stole something?
Because he lied? Because he cheated? Because he's
a criminal?
Absolutely not. Just because he said
that. He said
he told them to treat the orphans well.
He told them to be just. He told
them to speak the truth, and they what
did they heard him for that? She saw
she's a little girl. She saw her father
go through all of that. And still still
then to meet your
your your brother with a smiling face,
that's that is nothing short of amazing. Let
me tell you something. Normal people cannot do
that. Normal people cannot do that. Normal people
cannot do that. Normal people cannot do that.
Normal people cannot do that. Let me tell
you something, normal people cannot do that.
Normal people cannot do that. You cannot come
to it. Bayani must have hamza and be
like, oh, Rasool Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
did it so next time I get upset,
I'm gonna do it too. You can't do
it. It's not gonna happen. I promise you
it's not gonna happen. You're gonna try faking
it for 5 minutes, and then you're gonna
be like, I can't do this anymore.
Shaitan will come into your head and say,
all sorts of reasons why you shouldn't be
smiling. Why you shouldn't be happy. Why you
shouldn't, be nice to other people. Because the
world look how badly it treated you. Now
we should pay everybody back. That's how normal
people think.
Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam is not the father of any of
your men, rather he is the messenger of
Allah and the seal of the prophet alaihi
salatu wasalam.
He wasn't a normal person.
That's what this whole is about. This Muhammadan
reality, this Muhammadan way, which is what?
There's a hadith of the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam in the in which the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam tells his companions what?
says he says he says make excessive remembrance
so much like just for fashion, someone's going
to say, oh, Sheikh, look, he has a
Okay. Do it on your fingers.
Count in your head. Do whatever works for
you. What's the point?
What's the point of making the dhikr of
Allah ta'ala? That you make the dhikr of
Allah ta'ala until the people think that you're
what? That you've lost your mind.
What happened with the sahaba radiAllahu ta'ala on
Anybody sees all of his children die in
front of in front of his eyes and
goes through all of these pain and suffering
difficulty, loses his home, gets kicked out of
his home, etcetera. And the person is still
smiling all the time about what we say.
Because we know that the deen is reality.
It's how can we say this person has
great iman.
The people to whom iman is just a
pie in the sky in July. This guy's
got a crazy.
What does it mean to say Abu Bakr
Siddiq, brother?
If you had to choose a word to
describe him, would you say he's a nice
guy or mean guy?
Anyone read enough about Abu Bakr's deal that
they can make some sort of judgment with
regards to his character? What would you say?
Nice guy or mean guy? He's a very
nice man, extremely soft hearted person. Extremely soft
hearted person.
You know, he met he met his son
who fought with the against the Muslims on
the battle of Badr.
And he
his son says to him after later on
when he becomes a Muslim, he says, oh
my father, there was, there was times in
battle where you came underneath my sword, and
I couldn't bring my myself to bring it
down on you
because of my love for you. I had
so much love for you. I couldn't bring
myself to bring my sword down on you.
What did Abu Bakr said?
He said, if you came under my sword
on that day one time, I would have
I would have you would have been done
done. You would have been toast. You would
have you would have got whacked.
Would he say these types of things because
he's harsh? He's not a harsh person. What
is it? The iman changes a person from
the inside.
The people make the of Allah to Allah
and tell the people think this person is
crazy. Abu Tal Al Nifari stands in front
of the Kaaba and declares the of Allah.
The beat him up to the point where
he's he almost like they beat the life
out of him. What does he do as
soon as he gains consciousness again?
I'm out of here. These people crazy. What
did what did you do?
He went straight back and he said it
again. What is that? Is that to ask
us like, look how great his iman is.
To a person who to them iman is
at by and sky in July, what does
it keep this person's crazy?
How do you how are you able to
do that?
When a normal
person becomes a normal crazy person,
Do they go do they go out in
the public and then talk to everybody and
then the the sinners will leave their sin
and the murderer will stop murdering and the
thief will stop stealing and the liar will
stop lying and the fornicator will stop fornicating,
and the drug addict will leave their drugs,
and the alcoholic will leave their alcohol. Does
that happen when a normal person goes crazy?
That's the difference between iman and crazy.
Person who doesn't have iman immediately doesn't understand
what's going on. They don't see what's going
on. It just changes in this person.
But what's the difference? A crazy person something
broken down in their process of reasoning in
their mind.
The person of iman has understood something a
normal person doesn't understand,
and so the normal person thinks this person
is crazy. What is that the the thing
that that person understood?
That the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, you
wanna know about his way? How is it
that he was able to? He was able
to do all of these things.
How is it able he was able to
go from one brief to the next brief
without any break in the middle continuously.
But still have a smile on his face,
and be optimistic about the future. Say positive
things to his companions instead of negative things.
How was it?
Something that other people didn't know. He knew
someone other people didn't know is who. Allah.
Say it, you could say it, Allah. Allah.
He knew Allah.
You can take the name of Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala too. He used to take the
name of Allah. His companions used to take
the name of Allah to Allah, and tell
the people say, in no Majali, and these
people are crazy.
That that they make the dhikr of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala the remembrance of Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala again and again. Until the people
who thought that they lost their minds. Until
the people say I give glad tidings and
I give good news to the
that that that that should receive this what?
This complete this complete engrossment, this complete drowning
in the remembrance
of Allah
going back to the regular life. It's seeing
a picture of
reality. Afterward, you cannot unsee it. Your life
will never be the same again. Your life
becomes a life unlike your life. Your day
becomes a day unlike your day, and your
night becomes a night unlike your night. Your
thoughts that were there yesterday, they're gone. They're
never going to come back. They've been evicted
from from the home of your heart. Now
you think something else. Now you say something
else. Now you live something else.
There's no there's no, going back,
to that old thing nor does anybody want
it anymore.
Before yesterday, someone used to debut about driving
a Tesla and owning such and such type
of house and eating certain foods and then
taking a picture
of it and putting it on the Internet.
And now,
look, we're in the house of Allah surrounded
by the malaika and the angels. The ulama
are sitting here. The zakareen and the the
Salihin are sitting here. The students of knowledge
are sitting here. And now, they look so
dumb. All of it looks so dumb.
Sounds so dumb like putting a pic who
here puts a takes a picture of their
food and puts it on Instagram before your
Just nobody wants to raise their hands. This
sounds dumb now. Right? When we're sitting in
this house, it sounds the house of Allah
it sounds dumb. Why? Because it's already changes
Imagine that every time the Mubarik name of
the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam is taken.
Every time this Mubarik name of Allah is
taken, the dhikr of Allah is taken, and
the 2 will never be separated.
Will never be separated. Don't think why these
people talking about that, prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam so much. We don't worship a man,
we worship Allah.
The reason is what?
Did who here saw Allah? Raise your hand.
Anything we know is just because of the
messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
Just like the Kaaba is the house of
Allah, but Allah doesn't live in it.
He made a place for us to go
and visit to show show our love.
Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is like the tibla
of the wah.
Every guru, every spirit who has any good
in it,
that that that that that spirit will only
only show its love for Allah ta'ala for
showing its love through of the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam for Allah ta'ala's sake.
This is what Islam is.
Some people have forgotten about that. That's their
problem. That's their bad. But this is what
Islam is. If you wanna read books of
hadith, you wanna sit in the company of
the you wanna read the books of it,
you wanna learn Arabic and read the tradition,
this is what our tradition is.
Every generation has bore witness to its light
and and to its to its benefit and
to its efficacy that it's effective. It's not
just like it's not just words. It's not
empty words. Sisters, you already have been changed
every time you hear that Mubarak,
name of Allah in the name of the
prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam and salat and
salaam on him.
So come sit even though you don't want
to, even though you're tired, even though it's
more comfortable to sit at home. It's funner
to watch at your girl. It's funner to
go play basketball. All of those things. Force
yourself to sit.
Because when you're doing all those things, your
body is enjoying and your spirit is getting
tired. It's in pain.
Come in this weekend just for a couple
of hours, let your body be in pain
for a little while and let your spirit
be happy.
Don't it's become sick. It's gotten beaten up.
It's gotten harmed so much. You know? It's
like walking on crutches. It's on its last
It's it's it's in pain. It's it's it's
it's it could die.
Now put your body through difficulty for a
few hours in this weekend so that your
spirit can be strong. It can be happy.
It can be healthy. It can live again.
And also so that it can
make a glimpse of this Mohammedan reality and
never be the same again. So he can
walk down this path and never ever wish
to turn back. Just like imagine a person
is gonna enter into Jannah. He's doing research
for the Bayan that I have tomorrow about
the Shafaatul Uthma. It's one of the hadith
we came came across was that the person
in the lowest in the most like the
lowest in Jannah,
Allah will tell him go here here's your
place in Jannah.
You'll have for you as a reward
this entire dunya and like 10 times 10
times it.
And the person will like
like be in front of Allah
and say like,
how can you laugh at me? How can
you joke with me? You're you're like the
king of kings. Like, I don't get it.
He doesn't understand. It's not a joke.
Who if somebody if someone said that you
got 10 times the dunya and say you
wanna go back to cry.
Around and look back. Even the knucklehead wouldn't
wanna turn around and look back.
Allah give it to all of us from
his fuddle and from