Navaid Aziz – Why You Need To Study The Seerah

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The importance of learning the Prophet sallday's teachings and sharing resources for community building is emphasized. Prayer and creating curriculum for children in the future is emphasized. The speaker also touches on the need for parents to care for their children and the importance of parenting to be a priority, particularly for Muhammad's parents. The Prophet sallama alayhi wa sallam is emphasized, and the importance of praying during busy nights and creating curriculum for children in the future is emphasized.
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Then Hamdulillah he number one is do you know when the stock fell off? When they're also below him insurer and fusina Woman sejati ama Nina manga Hila hola medulla who want to delete who further had the other was shadow in La ilaha illallah who had the hola Shikata who are shadow ana Muhammadan Abdul Hua Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa the early he was so happy he was seldom at the Sleeman kathira. And my bad. My dear brothers and sisters Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
in Sharla, this is our first session on Sierra. And in today's session, we will be covering course materials, the objectives of the class, and then why we actually need to study the CLR why we need to study the CLR and then I'll be leaving you with a question not as homework, but more as contemplation to end the class within Lehi. Tada, Dave, so starting off with the objectives for this class, we have a limited amount of time together, it'll probably be between six or seven classes altogether, and to discuss the whole sale of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will not be possible. So the way I've broken it down in my head, and this is my first time teaching Sera, we'll
see how it works out, is to discuss pre Arabia, and then to discuss the birth of the Prophet Salaam and everything that happened pre ye. And then starting from ye till Medina will probably be about two sessions. The Hijra will be a session on its own. And then the final two sessions, we're going to summarize, you know, 13 years of Medina within Allah Tala. So in my head, that's how I see it working. Practically it will be a fluid project, and we'll see how it works out. Now, the goal behind this is not to discuss everything in detail, but is to extract important life lessons from the period that we are discussing from the period that we are discussing. So we want it to be
practical, we want it to be relatable, we want it to increase our love of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, and, you know, bring us closer to Allah subhanho wa taala. And that will be done by basically highlighting bullet points, and then deriving lessons with regards to the course material itself. The book that I'll be using, to go through everything is this books call is this book called revelation by Mirage Mohiuddin. It was published in California, if I'm not mistaken, and it's an excellent resource. And what I love about this, is that not only is it broken down to chapters, but then on the side, you have like notes, you have chapter summaries. And in certain places, you have
like reflection questions. So it's a really good book. And this is what I will be using as a primary text as a secondary text I will be using when the moon split, and this is something that I would recommend that everyone tried to go through. It's a short book, it's about 200 pages. I know some people may find it insulting the fact that it's written for like 12 to 15 year old kids. But the fact is, it's still a very easy read. So for someone that hasn't read the CLO before, it does a very good job of currently A to Z of zero, that's when the moon split. And then third and last resource. I don't have my hands on it in physical form. But that is the Sierra book by Shaykh Yasir qadhi that
just came out very, very recently. And I think without a shadow of a doubt, it will probably be the best seller book available in English. There are other resources while there are very good that I would highly recommend. The noble life of the prophet Muhammad by Dr. Ali Salovey is very good. And what that book does specifically is it extracts the detail lessons at the end of every chapter. So if I was to summarize it into those four resources when the moon split,
Dr. Yasser Cody's book, the book by Dr. Ali Salovey, and then this book Revelation, however, this will be the primary text this will be the primary text. For those of you that have time and you like to walk or you do long commutes, I would actually suggest listening to the sera series by Shaykh, Yasir qadhi, it's about 110 sessions. So that's at least I would say 130 250 hours of content. So you can spend a lot of time walking or commuting, and you will have something valuable to listen to. And that will be important information for our class. So now let's get into the main topic of what we want to discuss today. Which is why should we study the spirit of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam? And before I come up with my list, let's start off with all of you. Why are we here? Or why are you here to study the seal of the prophets of Salaam? Once an answer has been said don't repeat the answer.
And we can start with brothers or sisters and Shawn
you know, the more you learn about the Prophets
the love in your heart for the prophets.
Excellent. The more you read the more you love the process. Go ahead
Excellent, so whatever the process gives you take it what are
where he told you to stay away from abstain it and that is part of studying the sila. Go ahead.
Remember, I don't remember what's
the proper was like a walk in Quran so studying this year also provides context for understanding the girl. Excellent that was a shot of the Allahu Taala and kind of Holika who Al Quran that the character of the promised Salam was the Quran. So as you studied the seal of the prophets of Salaam, you're seeing the Quran, living and the context of the Quran. Come to Life. Excellent. From the sisters, why are you studying the Sierra? Or why should we study the Sierra?
Masha Allah, how long have you been Muslim now?
Since January Mobarak, may Allah make things easy for you and keep you steadfast other sisters Why are you here?
The primary example of
how we should live our life
so the more we know about him
know how to approach the modern times in the modern life.
Excellence a primary example can I get one more sister
this Mala why do we study the seal of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
what I'm going to pick on you go ahead
okay, no worries.
primary example. Type as an act of of sadaqa will save the life of the prophet Salam inspires optimism. Right? When you look at all the hardships and calamity the process and and went through it inspires optimism that the process and got through it, then I can as well. So let's start off with number one. And that is the topic of love in general. So when we talk about love, there's two things to look at. Number one, the command of loving the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in an authentic hadith The Prophet said and he tells us that none of you will truly believe till I am more beloved to him, than his parents and his children and all of mankind. So the command of the Prophet
saw them to be loved, is impossible to be fulfilled unless you know who the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam is. And for me, I think this part really sticks out that we look at all of the sacrifices that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made for the sake of Islam for the sake of the Ummah, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, at the end of his life. You can't help but love who the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam was as a man, like literally, the epitome of what it means to be a good human being. And then number two, in terms of how do you show your love for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? It's by studying the Syrah. It's by studying the Sierra, you know, it's
very fascinating. When you speak to your friends, what did how does the conversation go? Like? How was your day? You know, what did you do? If you have if they're like a family member? What did you eat? Like you ask your kids? What do you have for lunch today? Like, why do we ask these tidbits of information? Do they make a difference in our lives? They don't. But we do it for the sake of this is how we express our love. This is how we show our love. So when you study the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you may think, you know what is the big deal. If the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam closed his top button, or left it open? Right? You may think what is the relevance
behind it. But when you truly love someone, you want to know every detail about them. You want to know every detail about them. And when you study the shadow of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and people may think that's a random example. But there's actually a hadith that talks about how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam left his top button open. So it revolves around the love fulfilling the command of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe salam to love him. And by reading the Sierra, you get to know him and thus you will be able to love Him more. And then number two, as an act of love, you read the spirit of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam because you want to know everything
about him, you want to know everything about him. Number two, is that Allah subhanaw taala. He commands us to follow the example of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam right so we heard from your brother when I talk about rasuluh that Allah subhanho wa Taala says that whatever the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gives you and commands you with, then take it and Allah subhanaw taala also tells us laugher the Quran Allah comfier, rasool Allah He was what one has sunnah, that indeed in the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, do you have a great example? Now for me? Again, what sticks out over here is how do you be a good servant of Allah?
subhanaw taala. Right. Like what does Obadiah actually look like in practicality? And there is no better example than
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so if you want to know what it looks like to be a slave and servant of Allah, for the brothers that are walking in you can get more chairs from the library inshallah you get more chairs from the library inshallah. And for the sisters as well if they need more chairs, you can get them from the library inshallah.
So, when you look at a living example of what Abu Dhabi looks like, you look at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, if you want to look at what it looks like to be a good leader, you look at the example of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam, if you want to look like at what it looks like to be a good husband, a good Imam, whatever it may be. You look at the example of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now we're gonna go on a quick tangent over here.
What is one of the rules that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not manifest?
What is one of the rules that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not manifest? Meaning he did not live it out?
Excellent. What are you going to say something else?
He said to be a son.
What were you going to say?
It to be a king. Excellent.
Xochimilco done. Both of them are good examples. But as for the king person was given a choice in that right to be a poor servant or to be a king leader. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam chose to be the poor servant. Now with regards to the Sun is a very fascinating thing, like the process of the fulfilled every other single rule. Why was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam not shown or given the opportunity to be the ideal son? And when you look at the commentary of some of the more recording some of the historians that comment on this fact, it's a very humbling reason. And that's two things. Number one, that the responsibility of parents is such a huge right, and such
a great right, perhaps it would have deterred the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam from fulfilling his prophetic obligations, perhaps it would have deterred him from fulfilling prophetic obligations. And number two, and this is maybe the more poetic, you know, beautiful thing. And that is that the example of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in being a good son would have been a standard so high that no one could live up to it that no one could live up to it. And while that sounds beautiful, but doesn't that apply to all situations, like he would have been such a good worship of Allah, that is impossible to live up to that level, he would have been such a good husband, that
it's impossible to live up to that level. But at the end of the day, the process alone was still human, and was there as an example was there as an example. So those are two reasons that historians have mentioned as to why we don't see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam fulfilling the role as a son, but he still did give the encouragement in terms of the rights and obligations of the parents the rights and obligations of the parents. So the example of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is number two, we are commanded to follow him. Number three, the Sera, educates us about the meanings of the Quran educates us about the meanings of the Quran. And this is in particular, why I
chose this book, because one of the things that this book focuses on is as the Syrah is happening, what verses of the Quran are coming down as the sila is happening, what verses of the Quran is are coming down at that time. So as the brother mentioned the hadith of Aisha Radi Allahu Tada, when she says kind of hola como el Quran that the character of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam embodied the message of the Quran. In order to truly understand the verses of the Quran, you need to know what's happening in the Sierra, you need to know what's happening in the Sierra. So for example, when you read the surah to Doha, and ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada says, ma dakara book, our
marcada, that your Lord has not abandoned you nor has he detested you. If you don't know what's happening in the Sierra at that time, you may think that this verse seems very random. like who is this addressing? It can't be the promise of Sodom. Why would the process and feel as if he's being abandoned and detested by Allah subhanho wa taala. But when you learn at exactly what happened, that revelation stopped coming down, and the wife of
Abu Jamal on Jamil she says that even your Lord has abandoned you and detested you now. Allah subhanaw taala sends the server this verse down to rebuke her to refute her. So all of a sudden, this verse makes sense now because you understand the context of the verse. So studying the Sierra, in relation to the Quran will also help you understand the Quran better will also help you understand the Quran better. Can anyone think of another example? What is another example that you know of? Where knowing the Sierra helped you understand the verse of the Quran?
Mr. manleigh Go ahead, are you you're smiling
was revealed after the Battle of
people be successful when they have done this to the face, the prophets
that don't have any control over their success or their fear the Allahu Akbar. That is a very powerful lesson. That's one example. You can think of Abba tovala. Right? That's another example. You look at what's happening in this era, the process is trying to give dower to the corporation. And he does it with such a zeal and a passion that someone is willing to accept Islam and to learn more about Jazak Allah Faden, thank you so much.
I really appreciate it. But my friend can you put this back where you got it from?
The zakat. Okay, thank you so much. Thank you so much.
So that's another example. So you see the CLI will help you understand the Quran better.
This is point number three now, or point number four. Point number three. So point number one was love. Point number two was
the example of the process Salam number three the Quran. And then number four, it inspires you with hope and optimism inspires you with hope and optimism. And there's many lessons in this alone, that you look at the process Salem, his father bore dies at a very, very young age as he's born, his mother dies relatively a few years later, after that, my dear friend, where are your parents?
Where are your parents?
Zach McLaughlin. I don't mind you staying in class, but you got to sit with your mother or father, please.
Just take a look at.
So if you look at the price of Salam, particularly his life where you know, he's born as an orphan, and deposit Salam is unlettered and you think how is he going to survive in Arabia? And I think I think this is a big thing over here, where unless you had a family to protect you, there's no one looking after you. Right? Unless you have a tribe to look after you. There's no one protecting you. And somehow, someway, Allah subhanaw taala always provided someone to look after the Prophet SAW Selim in this dunya right, that was always the case. And this shows you that when you have hoping Allah subhanaw taala, and Allah subhanaw taala has a greater purpose and mission for you. Allah
subhanaw taala will always take care of you. Right, I'm going to go on a quick tangent with Musa he sat down. But if you look at Musa alayhis salam story Subhanallah it's, it's phenomenal. That as Musa alayhis salam is afraid of approaching for your own because of how powerful he is and all the mites that he has shown. What does Allah subhanho wa Taala tell Musa he sat down, he tells him what so not to kill enough See, that I have created you for myself, that I've created a purpose for you to exist and I'm going to make sure that that objective is fulfilled. And similarly with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam clearly, from the very early on, you can see that the process Selim has
this greater goal and this greater exist purpose of existence. And Allah subhanaw taala is going to fulfill that till the very end, he's going to fulfill that till the very end. So it definitely inspires hope. You look at the example of being exiled from Makkah, like the Muslims are such few in number, they have no wealth, they've abandoned it all behind. How are they ever going to get back into Makkah? Like what is that look like? And Allah subhanaw taala shows us how it takes place. The purpose of Islam or one of the purposes of Islam, in from the rules of the Prophet salon was the expansion of the ummah. And that didn't happen during the lifetime of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe
Salam, it happened during the lifetime of the hola file. So you could try to look at that. Could you have imagined at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that Islam is expanding westwards all the way to the south of France and eastwards all the way to China. Subhan Allah, like you couldn't have imagined that right. Yet through the story of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you find this hope and optimism that when Allah subhanho wa Taala wants to make something happen, it will happen. And many many times throughout this era when the odds are against you.
Success still comes from Allah subhanaw taala and the odds prevail.
Siraj increases our email, zero increases our email. But from what angle Am I approaching this? I'm approaching this from the angle of. We live in a day and age where many, many doubts are put forward about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, from the fact that he is accused of being a barbaric killer, to being accused of a womanizer to being accused of marrying Aisha Radi Allahu taala. And at a young age, like all those accusations are out there. But what's always phenomenal and I think this is so important that if you only leave today's session with this lesson alone, it will be sufficient. And that is the fact that the Quraysh they fabricated lies against the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. They used to call him a sorcerer. They used to call him a magician. They used to make up things against the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Why would they make things up? Because they had nothing true to say about him that was bad. They had nothing true to say about him. That was bad. So if those things were actually true, they would have used it without a shadow of a doubt, to discredit the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but those things were not true. And thus they couldn't use it to discredit the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. What's fascinating is, when do you actually see these accusations come to light? It's not in seventh
century, eighth century, ninth century, it's actually you know, post enlightenment, right? Post enlightenment when Oriental Studies begin. That's where these accusations of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Now come about, because we've become enlightened that we are the epitome of morality, when in fact, if we look at our times, do we live in mortal times? I think the answer you know, the proof is in the pudding as they say the proof is in the pudding, as we say. So if you just leave with that tidbit alone, that when the Quran couldn't find anything true to say about the position, and they came up with lies, and none of the things that he is accused of right now,
wherever mentioned wherever mentioned, and that's something very important to keep in mind. Next point, it was the Sunnah of the Sahaba the Allahu taala. Now, you may find many of the tabby in that said, our parents used to teach us MASAZI just like they used to teach us the Quran. Mallozzi was the early word for the CRO of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And under another interesting tidbit, when you look at the death of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam in Sahih al Bukhari is actually found in Kitab Mikaze. It's actually found in Guitar bagasse, the book of expeditions, the book of expeditions, so they used to teach their children, the mythology, just like they used to
teach them the Quran. And this is something very, very profound Subhanallah because I think, for us, or our generation of people will do a good job of wanting our kids to learn the Quran will get them to learn their Elif Bitez from a young age, they will learn Surah Fatiha to learn a good portion of Jerusalem.
But when do we actively teach them the seal of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam right? Is that actually something that we envision that yes, I want my child to learn the secret of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Sahaba or the Allahu Taala and when they understood the value of it, that they will teach the Sierra just like they will teach the Quran. Now why would they do that? Because the to go hand in hand as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam tells us that if you hold on to two things, you will never go astray the Quran and my sunnah, the Quran, and my sunnah. And this shows us the importance of studying the Syrah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
I think another thing, and this is related to this tidbit, but when you look at like, a crisis of faith, right, when a crisis of faith happens, one of the reoccurring themes that you'll find with those individuals that have a crisis of faith is that they've never studied in detail the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And I think this is one of the best ways to actually protect your iman. Right? Just like reading the Quran on a daily basis and having a word is important. Studying the seal of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on a regular basis is very, very important as well. Now someone may say, if I read the same thing over and over again, am I not
going to get bored? And the answer is no from two different places. Number one, just like the Quran, is so deep in its prose, in its meanings in its messages, that you can extract literally an infinite number of lessons from the Quran Subhanallah similarly, the CRO of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, no matter what angle you look at it from, there's always something new to learn.
Look at it from leadership lessons. Look at it in terms of you know how to take care of the poor and needy look at it from social justice. There's always something new to focus on a different lens to look at the seal of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his life from. And then number two, look at this just from in the English language. Anything you have in the English language is someone's interpretation of the events that happened. So you have this book over here. You can look at the book by thought of Ramadan. You can look at the book by either Salahi you can look at erotica Nocturne, by the way, he's the same author, as when the moon split. Everyone has their touch and
their flavor to the seal of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So as you study the seal of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, keep rotating books that you're reading, right? You don't have to read the same book over and over again, if you did, I'm sure with different lenses, you could still extract lessons, but even for the sake of your own appetite, keep changing the books that you're reading, and you can always continuously learn and always continuously grow. So that is why that the Sahaba doula who I know I'm used to teach the seal of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, as it was a part of their faith.
What are some of the miracles that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam was given? Who can tell me what were miracles that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam was given
the Quran, one of the greatest montages that without a shadow of a doubt is the Quran itself, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was given what else?
What other miracles was the position given? Go ahead.
The SRR and Mirage Excellent. Brothers What else? We'll go to someone else right? The swelling of the moon Excellent. Sisters one more what's another miracle that the process alone was given?
I can see everyone's just sayin answer, inshallah. If you have your hand up
excellent. The water that came out of the fingertips of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So these are all miracles that are narrated about the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam. Let's look at what Amon has done. Rahim. Allah says even Hashem Rahim Allah he says, that had Allah subhanho wa Taala given the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, no other miracle, other than the preservation of his Syrah that would have been sufficient as a miracle that would have been sufficient as a miracle. Why is this statement so important? Because if you look at the historical narrative, how many human beings have lived from the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, till now, how
many human beings have lived? Yet how many people have had their lives documented, like the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, not a single one. Like again, going back to the Shamal your various narrations from Anasazi Allahu Taala anhu, where he documented the number of white hair on the head of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he had three white hair he had 10 white hair, he had 17 white hair, all different narrations SubhanAllah. Like No one's life is documented in such detail, like the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and that wouldn't have itself is a huge miracle is a huge miracle. So when you look at all these different books of Syrah, not only do
they have different flavors, but they will also have different facts inside of them. Now here's something important to understand this concept of authentic hadith, and weak Hadith.
When you look at this concept of authentic hadith and weak Hadith, when it comes to your Aqeedah, when it comes to filk, there should be a very heavy emphasis on or the Hadith that we're using to substantiate our positions authentic or not, we should not be using weak Hadith with regards to our Farooq or to our Arcada. However, when it comes to the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and when it comes to virtuous deeds, there is actually flexibility with regards to the authenticity of those Hadith. So as long as the hadith is not completely fabricated, or completely filled with a chain of liars, we can accept those Hadith in the spirit of the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, and in virtuous deeds. Why is that the case? Why is that the case? Because there's nothing that you're actually implementing there. There's nothing that you're actually implementing from those aspects of the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So one of the contended parts of the seal of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has actually borne all of the events that supposedly took place. So for example, the law
If that was emanating across the world, and other things that happened at that time, those sorts of things and Allah subhanaw taala knows best. There is not a single authentic hadith to prove that yet, you will find multiple books of Sierra that highlights some of those incidents that highlight some of those incidents. Why? Because they're mentioned so often, and they have little to no relevance in terms of implementation, that they said there's no harm. In those Hadith being mentioned. There's no harm in those Hadith being mentioned, and we'll save questions for the end of the session inshallah.
Next point,
the Siraj lays out a foundation for teaching and growth. The zero lays out a foundation for teaching and growth. What does that mean? Exactly? So, we need institutions as an ummah, right? We need educational institutions, we need financial institutions. We need social institutions, we need medical institutions, the OMA needs all of these institutions.
The life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam shows us what foundations you need to start off with. Every institution will need to start off with those foundations. So when you look at Revelation coming down,
there is a divine wisdom behind why it could be similar Baker lady HELOC is the very first revelation, the importance of knowledge, the importance of learning the importance of reading, the importance of growing knowledge is the foundation of everything. You look at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam coming into Medina, what is the first thing that he does? He builds a masjid because people need a place to congregate. They need a place to pray together. They need a place to have their knickers. They need a place to have their holiness. They need a place to strategize. They need a place to socialize. And the masjid fulfilled all of those institutions. In fact, even social
services was fulfilled through the machine itself. You look at the very first quotable of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Medina, what is he telling us about? He's telling us about your individual relationship with Allah subhanho wa taala. He's telling us about community. And he's telling us about how to build that community. Right. So when he tells us of Shu salaam, spread the salaams, to everyone, you're wishing peace upon everyone, and I'll highlight this point over here. But one of the things we need to be very intentional about is giving Salaams to people. And what I mean by that is oftentimes on the streets, we will recognize other people as Muslims, but maybe we
won't say salaam to them. Or if we give them a greeting, it might be a head nod, or a wave. Or you know, if you're shy, you might say hi or hello, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam specifically tells us Asha salaam, spread the salam. So that's the first thing that needs to change. If you recognize someone as a Muslim, and they know you know them to be a Muslim, and they know you to be a Muslim, spread the salaams. Number two, is actually to emphasize that point, what I wanted to get at is you shouldn't only give Salaams to people that you know, right give sometimes to people that you know, and those that you don't know. And number two, the intentionality behind it. When you
say A salaam Aleykum what does that statement actually mean? Like we translate it It is May peace be upon you.
But as salaam aleikum is actually much deeper than that, because it means May you be safe, may you be home, may you be secure, not only in this life, but in the hereafter as well. And that insinuates that as I give you, Saddam's that I will not insinuate any harm towards you, I will not harm you in any way. Right? It's very fascinating that when you look at, where does the culture of the wave come from? Why do we wave hello and goodbye to people, so that you show people that you have nothing in your hand to harm them with? That's actually the history of it. Subhanallah and for us, it's even deeper than that, because we don't just wave hi and hello, we're actually told shake the person's
hand. Let the person feel what's inside of your hand and be the last person to let go. And as long as you're holding a person's hand to give Salam is your sins are being forgiven Subhanallah Your sins are being forgiven. And this is one of the ways that we show love to one another. So the process I'm says after salaam will auto Mo Tom and feed the people. And this is so important over here because you have to look at the dynamic in Medina, you have emigrants that came from Makkah that have left everything behind, they've left everything behind. They have no food, they have no resources, whereas the unsought those that are living there, most of our tomato Cola, a lot of them
are dead farmers, they have food to share. So the province of Allahu alayhi wa sallam is teaching us how to build community, share your food with the people, share your resources with people. That's how you're going to build community. So after you've given Salam
To them, don't just stop there, but share your resources with them. And I always go back to the, the story of, of the Romanian orphans, Saudi Arabia, because again, this level of generosity is unfounded. In our day and age Subhanallah, Saudi Arabia, he welcomes Abdul Rahman. And he tells him I have two houses, take anyone in my two hours, I have two businesses, take any of my two businesses. And this is before the kingdom of Nikka luck were revealed. But he even says I have two family, two wives, take any one of my two wives, and yet she's yours. And what is up with our binary but what decided in Libya know about Abdul Rahman Ibn have nothing except for the fact that this man
loves Allah Subhan Allah to Allah and His Messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he made his way into Medina, and he made hedgerow to Medina. And that was enough for him to literally share half of his wealth with him. Subhan Allah, like this is the impact of what a Salam aneko is meant to have on you. That is the impact of what a Santa Monica is meant to have on you. And then you also see the prophetic example in responding. Because we live in a culture where, if someone's gonna give you a free handout, don't you want to take it? Like someone's giving you a house for free? Don't you want it? Someone's giving you a business for free? Don't you want it? Like you're not married, right now
someone's saying, I will even get you married, don't you want to get married? What was the prophetic response to him and they've been I was brought up in the therapy of show me where the marketplaces Giselle co located and I appreciate everything that you're offering me. But let me try to build myself. Because that is where the ASA is. That is where the honor is, and building yourself up. And that window itself was an act of EBA. Then you go to the third aspect of the hardware, and the processor, Selim says, was so low and Estonia and pray while the people are break, doing work in front of the community is of little value, if you don't have a personal relationship with Allah
subhanaw taala. And this is why social activism and spiritual development needs to go hand in hand, there needs to be a moral compass involved in our social activism. And that starts with our relationship with Allah subhanaw taala. So while it's important to give Salaams to people, it's important to feed the people. It is just as important, if not more important, to pray while the people are praying. And I see this with recognizing my own weaknesses in this.
We may not be able to do this every night. But just because you can't do it every night. Does that mean you'll never do it at all? No, that's not the case. Right? There's a very nice principle Malla Eudora, Kulu, la Yutaka julu. That just because if you can't obtain everything, it doesn't mean you don't try to obtain the best of it. So hamdulillah in the month of Ramadan, we're praying Pamela and tahajjud. How about can we try to do it once a month? Okay, once a month is feasible? How about twice a month? How about once every 10 days? How about once a week and you keep building on this? You keep developing on this till you become consistent on something till you become consistent on
something. Now, here's another fascinating tidbit about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, while keyamo Leyland tahajjud is encouraged for us, it is optional for us. It was something that was mandatory upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam call me Leila Illa kalila that stand up and pray except for a little bit of the night. So not take, you know, sleep for the majority of the night and pray a little bit the opposite. Stand up for the majority of the night, and then leave a little time for sleep. And if you go back to the story of Surah Doha, one of the stories behind that is that the promises of them was sick, and he wasn't able to pray his priamo late and the processes
on feared that revelation stopping was a result of him not praying, His Cleon would leave. So that was another interesting tidbit. How many of you are taking notes here? Raise your hand if you're taking notes. A few of us what point are we on right now?
Seven. Excellent. Just icon located by Yep. So that was speaking about how to nurture and grow and develop.
From the benefits of studying the Syrah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaches us how to deal with people that we disagree with, and that are even difficult. Right? Like if you look at how the mannequins the coalition particular treated the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the way they slandered him verbally and physically abused him, killed his companions and made up and fabricated all of these lies.
The process seldom teaches is such a valuable lesson, that there's always a greater goal in relationships, right? For those of us that are concerned in the dunya we have
dunya we based goals, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam teaches us that even in our human relationships, there are okra we goals, there are Akira related goals, that we desire paradise for everyone we desire, goodness for everyone. And you can't let your personal aches and pains and you know broken hearts get in the way of that Subhanallah just because you dislike someone just because you hate someone, it doesn't mean that you don't want Islam for them. And I think this is a very relevant point. Like, you see a lot of people that are accepting Islam in this day and age, and you may not like them, and I'll use like Andrew Tate as a specific example. Right? There's a lot of
antidotes history that we may dislike, and Allah subhanaw taala knows best, the true value of his Islam. But at the end of the day, when someone accepts Islam, that should bring us joy over the fact that Insha Allah, this is one less person in the hellfire and one more percent and Jana, this is one less person who is a disbeliever and one more person that is a part of our ummah. Right, so those sorts of things should bring us joy. And the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam teaches us that very valuable lesson
the Syrah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is intertwined with the best generation of human beings. So the best human beings without a shadow of a doubt with the prophets, but the best generation of human beings ever, were the Sahaba the Allahu Taala at home, and the seer of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is directly intertwined with them. So as you study the theater of the Prophet, sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam, you're also studying the biographies of the best of generations. And it's very fascinating how many Hadith that you have praising the generation of the Sahaba, right hural koroni colony, some Medina, you don't have thermal Edina, you don't have that
the best of generations are my generation than those that followed them, and then those that followed them. So there's an emphasis on this generational concept, that while individual sahabi, had weaknesses, as a whole, they were the best generation as a whole. When they agreed upon something. It became Hoja. In Islam, it became a proof in Islam, right. So there was a very strong emphasis on that generation in particular, and that generation story is intertwined with this era of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
And we'll conclude with this is that the Syrah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is history. And from the benefit of studying history is two main things. Number one, you minimize and prevent the repetition of mistakes. If you study history properly, this should prevent you, or at the very least help you mitigate and minimize mistakes that you will make. But number two, when you study the history of Islam, particularly the Sira of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam, the beginning of Islam and I use this term very loosely because the beginning of Islam technically should be either Malay salaam, but the beginning of our Ummah, is at the time of the process of
them. And the reason why that's very important, is because we are the last OMA right? There is no more Oman coming after us. We are the last OMA till the Day of Judgment. So when you study this, OMA, it's beginning. It's very foretelling of its ending, like we know, in general, all the events that are going to happen till the Day of Judgment, we know what that reckoning is going to be like in the hereafter. All of that is taught through the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which is tied to the Sierra of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So you have the reputation, or the mitigation of mistakes or mitigation of errors, and preventing them. But then you
also have this concept of foretelling of the future, which I think is very, very fascinating. That through studying the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, you're also able to see the incidents that are going to happen in the future. If you lose, you see, or in the broader sense of studying the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam in terms of his statements and actions. So with that being said, that is what I wanted to share with you for this week. And then next week, we'll be studying the early history of Makkah. A little bit about the Quraysh what the seventh century was like before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the life of
The Prophet SAW Selim before why, so that is what we will be studying next week. try our best to read up, either from when the moon split or a hiccup Maktoum or Dr. Elisa lobby's book, do you have time even go to shake Yasaka these lectures, but come prepared
to analyze and to discuss within the Huhtala
the question I wanted to leave all of you with and I'm hoping that you will take this seriously.
But why are there no more prophets after the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam?
That is the question I want to leave you with. Why are there no more prophets after the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and that is a question we will start with our next session with benign Tala. With that being said I'll open up the floor for questions that you may guys may have inshallah.
brothers or sisters, Sister side let me know if you have any questions because I can't see all the way in the back
Go ahead
Excellent. So the sisters question is whether regards to what did I mean that when you study the seal of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. It should minimize the mistakes that you make. So we go to the Treaty of Abia, the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam have lived a life of allegiance to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, yet they feel betrayed by the Treaty of Arabia. So when the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is now telling them shave your heads and take off your firearms, for the first time in his life. He sees them refuse. They didn't outright say no. But no one actually listened to him, no one actually fulfilled the command. So now in this sort of
situation, what are possible responses that the prophets I seldom could have had, he could have said, I'm the Prophet of Allah, you are being disobedient, I command you to listen to me show his authority at that time. That's one way of doing things. Number two, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam could have said, Forget you, I don't need you. I'm the Prophet of Allah, I can survive without you, Allah will give me victory. Regardless if you're a part of it or not, it's a privilege for you to be a part of my OMA could have taken a very arrogant approach to it. Or number three, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he steps back. And he says, let me make sure, let me make sure
he goes to his wife tells her what has happened. And we reassures him that these people still love you. They're just disheartened. If you go and lead by example, they will follow you lead by example. And they will follow you. So when you look at leadership as a concept, it's very easy to dictate to people do this and don't do that. But open until you're leading by yourself, there may be a reluctance for people to do it. And this is like a leadership mistake that could be avoided. If you try to lead everything by example, before you preach. That's just one thing that I'm thinking of. Good question. Well, yeah, okay.
Yeah, go ahead.
You just said that this amount of learning the theta alongside Quran, yes. You
know, how can we do that? I mean, like the Quran started.
You know, when we started read, are we restricted extract from the law?
How can we connect?
Excellent. So we Steve on the statements of the toward the end that used to say that we used to treat teach our kids, the mozzie, just like we used to teach in the Quran. So the general concept over here is the concept of you know, how we teach them a lift better. Those are the basics of the Quran, and then we teach them the smaller Surah of the Quran, and then we encourage them to memorize and then eventually, we will want them to become preferred, right? Similarly, with the seal of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, teach them the basics of the Sierra, where the process of them was born. When revelation came down, what was the first Surah that came down? And then talk about
what were the battles that happened? What are some incidents that happen in those battles? Who are some of the famous Sahabas and as your children grow older, then start reading books with them. One of the books, again, that I'd recommend is when the moon split is written, ideally, as I mentioned, for 12 to 15 year olds, you can start with something like that or learning routes, even has a book for kids as young as seven years old. And then as you grow older, create a curriculum for them, just like they start memorizing drama and then going to use the Baroque and then perhaps going to the beginning of sorts of Bukhara similarly give them more complicated books as they grow in their
learning of the CLR and that is the way that I will
approach it. And Allah knows best. Right? When you said, the scholar said, the Prophet SAW, Selim wasn't a son. And one of the reasons could have been because responsibilities to be to his parents would be greater, particularly from the responsibilities or the being a prophet. Yes. Because this mean, then the responsibilities of a sudden is greater to the parents than it is to say, a husband, your wife, and vice versa, like, just trying to have a thought around that because I'm like, some holiday like that's such a heavy statement. Because the pastor said was made to multiple women. And he and he was the military general. And he was, you know, the prophet, and he was the leader. He was
a friend. But it's Paula, that analogy of the sun. And I know a lot of had he say, like, one of the greatest eases very well, he didn't like the or
especially in the old days. Yeah. And I just all these thoughts coming through my head thinking now, like, you know, what, the way the society is, we're putting parents in our old folks home, or children, you know, not attending to their parents because they get married, and they kind of, sadly, their parents get neglected. And I'm like thinking, is this something that maybe in this day and age we take lightly, actually, as sons and daughters our responsibility or a man to our parents?
I don't know how much of this answer you're ready to take. I will be emotional about it. I'm sure you'll be emotional, too, because I love how you're coming in. But have you had that those moments to spend with them? And it's a big man, of course, without a shadow of a doubt. I'm just curious to know what we'll do for sure. Because that's, that's, that's heavy that was so loaded, like, yeah, you dropped a very heavy weight on this. So the brothers question is with regards to one of the roles that the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam did not manifest was him being a son. And we mentioned two reasons that the scholars mentioned. Number one, is that it possibly could have deterred the
process seven from fulfilling his role of prophethood, or at least being a hindrance, or and then number two, is the fact that the standard would have been so high, that no one could have lived up to that standard. And with that being said, the processor then was still the general of the army and was a husband and was a father and was playing many, many roles. How do we compare that role to the role of being a son to your parents or even a daughter to your parents? And again, you know, this may be the the adage of the of the class this week, but the proof is in the pudding in the sense of that.
You know, there's a reason why Jana is beneath the the feet of the of the mother or so it is said, the reason why, that there's no way to repay the debt to your parents, except that if you were to find them in slavery and to free them, there is a reason why that if you were to carry your mother on your shoulders for Hajj from Yemen, Tameka, you wouldn't have paid back even the contraction that she felt, right. There's a real reason and wisdom behind all of those things. And there's a reason why Allah subhanaw taala in the Quran, he says, to be grateful to him and to your parents. Like, again, you know, I think it's pretty straightforward, that it is the most important relationship
that you will have in this life. Without a shadow of a doubt.
The pleasure of Allah subhanaw taala is in the pleasure of the parents, the anger of Allah subhanaw taala is in the anger of the parents. And the fact that this relationship is trivialized in our times, is one of the greatest, greatest indications of the moral decay of our society, where we feel it is sufficient to put them in senior citizen homes. And we don't take pride in taking care of them and providing for them. It is one of the greatest indications of the moral decay of our society.
Allahu taala. May Allah forgive us for our sins and shortcomings towards our parents?
Any other questions?
Let's go ahead. Just wanted to respond to his question.
When you say you're being a son, but all the other girls is talking about their own roles of leadership, in a sense
on a man that you actually asked the other day, so it's the only possible place for a man to actually not do something he wants to do.
You follow us
being the same as the only one. We actually have to make compromises. Allahu Akbar, great reflection. That's a very good reflection that the brother was saying that in all other roles. You are in a position of leadership accepting the position as a son, where you always have to compromise you're in a place of fear.
Following no bank, does that. Go ahead?
Go ahead. Okay, so that just got me thinking about another thing about that hold people in the position of a son. He wasn't the position of the forefront.
Like when you mentioned,
one of them was, like one of the, one of the ideas was like doing not find you or make you self sufficient.
Right. Yeah. So credibly also, kind of showing what how someone should respond in a position with that kind of difficulty.
Trusting 100% 100% I think when we're talking about optimism, like the fact that the processor had no parents after the age of six, and yet he's still turned out to be the greatest human being that ever walked on this planet, is an indication and a testament to that, that you can come from the most difficult of circumstances and still be the best of the best. Subhanallah so that definitely inspires hope and optimism. And you know, related to that, I think one of the things that we overlook, is that when Allah subhanaw taala he says Allah Mujica your team and for our did Allah subhanaw taala not find you as an orphan and provide for you and take care of you. That
you know, the primary caretaker of Allah Subhana Allah depositor, Salam was Allah subhanho wa taala. So there should be a sense of honor and a sense of pride in taking care of orphans, because this is something that Allah subhanaw taala took upon him, self.
Folks, I think will conclude with that, who can remind me what is your question for next week that you're going to contemplate and think about?
Why was there no other prophets? Why were there no other prophets after the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and we're going to be studying all the way till early childhood of the Prophet salaam before what a big Allah He Tada. So come prepared again. 630 Wednesday evening Subhan Allah Allah humma Hambrick shadow Allah Allah Allah and as luck Furukawa to Lake wa Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh