Abu Bakr Zoud – The Best Worship During Laylat Al-Qadr

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The speaker discusses the importance of praying during the 10 nights of Papua for Islam's reward, specifically during the time when individuals are seeking Allah's reward. They explain that praying in Atikaf in the presence of Lord Layretion is the most rewarding and most appealing, as it is a place where everyone is connected with Allah and has a witness to his commands. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of keeping a hand on the screen during praying, as it is not required to avoid the rule of the church.
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Brothers and sisters in Islam, what is the
best deed that could be done during these
last 10 nights of Ramadan,
especially when we are seeking the reward of
Laylat al Qadr. Very simple. And Nabi Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam said,
said, anyone who stands the nights of Laylatul
out of faith and seeking Allah's reward, all
his previous sins will be forgiven.
So the greatest thing that could be done
during Laylatul Qadr is al Qiyam
standing up in osalat. This is the greatest
thing and this is not only in the
hadith that the Nabi
narrated, but we also find this true in
his actions
So the Messenger
spent the last 10 nights of Ramadan
in Atikaf in the Masjid,
seclusion in the Masjid, and he spent the
entire nights
standing in Salat.
This is the greatest thing to be done.
Why? Because a Salat
is the most beloved deed to Allah
and many worships are combined within a Salat,
or Salat
includes a Dua
especially in your sujood
and before Taslim
and the Dua of Istiftah the opening Dua.
It also has a Dhikr, a Salat also
has Dhikr and a salat you read Quran
within it.
Many worships exist within the prayer itself,
so a smart person
will spend these nights in Salat, pray as
much as you can.
You can take long
in standing and reading Quran, if that's where
you feel your heart is moved
and connected with Allah.
If you feel that your heart is moved
and connected with Allah through a long sujood,
a long ruku,
then you do so. That's what
Sheikh Islam Ibn Taymiyyah
answered when he was asked
what's the best
in the salat
that I stand a long standing reading Quran
or a long sujood
or a long ruqua?
He said you find
within yourself
what you connect with the most.
If it's a long standing then stand long
and read a lot of Quran. If it's
sujood then do so, and whatever it is
now and as
for the woman that is upon her monthly
She is prevented from praying, so it is
Haram to pray. So a woman that avoids
Salat because Allah commanded to avoid Salat
She is being rewarded for avoiding the Salat
because she is adhering to a commandment of
Then what does she do during these nights?
Exactly what is done in the prayer, which
is reading Quran
with Dhikr,
with Dua and many other worships that could
be that could be done
And it is permissible for a woman upon
her monthly cycle to read from the Quran
and read from the phone or a tablet.
No problems.
But if she is reading from the actual
Quran itself,
then you will need
to wear some gloves
so that your finger your bare finger doesn't
touch the word of Allah Subhayl,
and if you're reading from a mobile device
or a tablet,
then that doesn't take the same ruling and
you're allowed to put your hand directly on
the screen and flip the pages. There is
no issue in this. That's the best thing
to be done during these 10 nights.
is the most beloved to Allah,
and every single limb of yours, and every
organ, and every bone
is moving in the worship of Allah, a
zuajal, when you pray. We ask Allah
to accept from us,