Navaid Aziz – The Chapter of Fasting #03

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary © The Hadith statement provides people with the option to fast in the month of war, which is important for practicing safe activities to avoid mistakes and confusion. The host emphasizes the benefits of fasting, including improved energy efficiency and reducing risk of cancer, and recommends taking a meal with a high protein content to alleviate fatigue and fatigue caused by the pandemic. The host also emphasizes the importance of fasting for overall health and well-being.
AI: Transcript ©
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And then hamdulillah Hinata wants to know when istockphoto when our Villa Himanshu Rudy and fusina woman sejati Amma Nina, Maria de la la modelo de humo De Luca de la or Chateau La la la la hula city he gotta wash I don't know Mohammed Abu Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira My God, My dear brothers and sisters salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Though so disjointed everyone is like all over the place. know each other. We're good to go we have a lot of stuff to cover.

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So we left off last week having started the beginning of skateable cm, and which was a selector Hadeeth. So I want to start off with the first heading for today. It is the chapter about boom on Samarra, Madonna email amen in the Serbian or near 10 we'll call it the eyeshadow the Allahu Allah and in the BSL Allah Allah wa sallam yoga through agonia to him, will not be Herrera todo de Allahu mahkamah Laila Tila Qadri Emmanuel disturbing ofera Allahumma taka dynamin zombie woman Samira Madonna Emmanuel de Silva, Goofy Radha Houma, Taka dynamism behave so chapter whoever observed fasting in Ramadan out of sincere faith and hoping for a word from Allah subhanho wa Taala with an

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honest attention and I shout out the Allahu anhu she narrated that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that people will be resurrected according to their intentions. Nearly the Buddha Butera della Han with the prophets I saw them said whoever established prayer on the native corridor with sincere faith and hope and reward from Allah subhanho wa Taala, that all of his previous sins will be forgiven. And whoever observes fasting in the month of Ramadan with sincere faith and hoping for reward from Allah than all of his previous sins will be forgiven. So I wanted to start off with this particular Hadith. Again, this from the introduction of Imam Bukhari to the beginning of the chapter

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of fasting, to inspire people and to motivate people to fast in the month of Ramadan, because obviously giving up your food for a month from a logical aspect is quite difficult. You know, why would I give up my food and my drink and my intimacy for a month? So mount boca de Rahim, Allah is trying to encourage the people that look stay motivated throughout the month, and he brings this one particular Hadith that I wanted to make the focus of the beginning of our discussion, that here Allah subhanho wa Taala gives two opportunities to the believer to have all of his sins forgiven in the month of Ramadan. Number one is that lower fasts and praise in the month of Ramadan. And then

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number two is the one who catches the night of Laila to Qatar. So here Allah His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying that you want to pay attention to two things. Number one is your motivation throughout the whole entire month, that here, the pastas, sunset water fasts, and prays in Ramadan. So the general understanding is that you catch the whole month, so don't let a single opportunity go by except that you're fasting and praying in the month of Ramadan. Now, the fasting aspect is pretty clear. But what is the praying aspect that the prophet SAW Selim is referring to the praying aspect over here is the prayer at night, it is already presumed that you're

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praying the five daily prayers. So here are the process I was talking about praying at night. So in the month of Ramadan, those of us that don't have a habit, that habit needs to be established for the month of Ramadan. Later on, in tonight's discussion, we will be talking about tarawih prayers. But what I wanted to just briefly introduce over here is that Salatu tarawih has not an obligation, and you should catch from it whatever you're able to. So this means that you know, certain nights, you're extra busy, you're extra tired, you have an extra early morning, establish Torah cause of Torah, we have to sell it to the shop, you don't have to pray the whole eight or the whole 20

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depending on where you're praying. But at the very least, never, never let a night go by except that you're praying to Allah cause just for the sake of this hadith alone, that a could be potential, the difference between you being forgiven by Allah subhanho wa Taala, and in some of the sense still remaining with you. So that's what the Apostle Solomon is referring to over here. Number two is the importance of intention. So you'll notice that the moment will highlight mala before he actually brings the Hadith, he actually brings a statement from Isola della Juana that the process of them said you both on NASA either near to him, that mankind will be resurrected, according to their

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intentions. Does anyone know the context of that narration? What does it mean that mankind will be raised according to their intentions? What is the context of that Hadith?

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being put in a different position, like as in like, they price them off for the sake of Allah? Or did they praise the legend because everyone else is doing it like they're showing off or they were doing it for the sake of Allah, depending on that situation that would be brought up, or maybe the state that they passed away in? Fantastic. So let's focus on the latter one, what does that mean the state that they passed away, that means like, the one thing I can think of is like the good end, that means a good end as a boy up died. It's allowed me to come back in you doing resurrected in that position. I think that's

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All right, okay, so the negative side is something bad. Fantastic. That's very, very true. So the way that you die is the way that you will be resurrected. So you're halfway there so the with this hadith is actually referring to is the process of talking about the people whom Allah subhana wa tada sent his punishment to down upon. And from amongst those people that are less fine with Allah sent his punishment down upon, were actually righteous people. So the cibola della Han, whom they asked him a messenger of Allah, what about those people who are righteous amongst those people that were evil and wicked, and they end up dying in this punishment of Allah subhanho wa Taala, then the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, You've as a nurse who are near to him, that mankind will be resurrected based upon their intentions. So if they were not doing evil, and they were not intending evil, then Allah subhanaw taala will not hold them accountable for this, they will not be resurrected with those people, but rather they will be resurrected based upon their intentions. And this shows us such a crucial point, that regardless of where we're living in the world, the importance of having a righteous intention, though our purpose behind living in a place that Canada is completely permissible to live here, no issue with that whatsoever. However, even though it is

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something permissible, you want to take your intention to higher level that my purpose for living here is to get a good education to get a good job to support my family to give it to the people to you know, spread the religion of Allah subhanho wa Taala whatever my intention may be, you know, that intention should be there, because when you die, you will be raised upon your intentions, your actions may not be enough, right? A person can and this is the word directly ties into fasting. If a person abandons food, you know, for a whole entire month he doesn't eat because he's doing a detox, right? And he doesn't eat without a purpose. Is he going to be compensated with adjure for fasting

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Ramadan? And the answer is no, his intention had nothing to do with Ramadan, he's doing a detox at that time. Right whereas in the individual gives up his food for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala, then you should be aware that Allah subhana wa Taala recognizes his sacrifice and will compensate him justly for the sacrifice that he is making for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Tada. Now, let us actually get into the physical fasting itself. with that introduction, what is the technical definition of fasting who can remind me technical definition of fasting

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from winter when

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from pre dawn till sunset, fantastic. Now, let us get even more technical on this definition. So the definition we gave is the abandoning of food, drink and intimacy from before sunrise till sunset, let us get more technical, the technical definition of fasting that we're going to give is the consumption of something that is nutritious, that reaches the stomach, the consumption of something that is nutritious, that reaches the stomach, how can this consumption take place? It can take place through the eyes, through the mouth, and through the year and through the nose? Right? This is how something can be consumed. Why are we giving this technical definition? What are we trying to avoid?

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We're trying to avoid people misunderstanding what we're trying to say. So someone may come up and ask, Hey, what's the ruling on taking the asthma pump? While you are fasting? The ruling on the isoform is that it is something permissible? Why is it something permissible? Because it actually never actually reaches your stomach, it's absorbed by the body before it reaches the stomach. Likewise, certain types of eyedrops they will be absorbed by the body before they reach the stomach, certain types of eye drops, even though they may reach the stomach, they will not have any nutritional value in them. Or if there is, it's absolutely minimal. That is not even recognizable.

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It's absolutely minimal. It's not even recognizable. What else are we trying to avoid over here? So in the month of Ramadan, and this is a real scenario, but it's funny at the same time, husband comes home after a long day of work, he's ready for a thought. And he's expecting like this amazing thought from his wife. He starts eating the first couple of bites. And he's like, there's no salt in this food. What's wrong with you? You know, why can't you cook? And the wife said, You know what? I, you know, I couldn't tell if there was enough salt or not, and you can reverse the scenario doesn't have to be the wife cooking, it will be the wife point out and the husband was cooking that day, and

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the wife comes to see what's wrong with you. Why didn't you prepare the food properly, right? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam allowed the tasting of spice on the tip of the tongue. So you don't take a whole spoonful of the curry or the soup or whatever you're making and swallow it. That's not what's being said, what's being said is you can take a small you know, tip of it, put it on the tip of your tongue taste, you know, what does it taste like? Is there enough salt in it? Is there you know, is it missing some spice, then you can have a you know, a put the appropriate spice at that time. So you're not allowed to swallow but whatever goes on the tip of the tongue gets

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absorbed before it goes into the stomach. And that's something that is perfectly fine. That is something that is perfectly fine.

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What else would fall under this category. So something like ear drops would fall under this category as well. We already mentioned that nasal sprays would fall under this category as well. Previously amongst the scholars, oh, there was a discussion on before before is if you guys look at

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That jar thing on top of the library, that's what barcode is carried. And so people will put, you know, certain types of wood in it, it's burnt and you carry it around and gives a nice fragrance. So some of the scholars of the of the past held the opinion that if a person was to smell the bullhorn, it would nullify his fast because they would they didn't know the science behind it that when it doesn't reach the stomach Intuit has no nutritious value, right? And then obviously, there's difference of opinion as you know, is it what which is the Thor where actually reaches the stomach? And Allah knows best what it's what actually reaches the stomach. So things like the before at home

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would be permissible as well. related to the record, things like perfume, things like aerosol sprays, things like you know, air fresheners all that would be permissible to use in the month of Ramadan. Now, what nullifies ones fast and what nullifies ones fast, now, let us take the statement of emammal party over here.

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Actually, no, let's take

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this is discussed what nullifies the fast so let us try to enumerate the things that nullify the fast what is the first thing that nullifies your first, the absolute first thing that nullifies your fast, when will your fast to break,

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even before that your intention? So the first thing that breaks your fast is your the intention, and that's what you mentioned at the beginning. So as soon as the person makes the intention, you know what, I'm not going too fast anymore. Even if he doesn't find any food is fast, it has been nullified. Second thing that breaks is fast.

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Food for intention has been said, food eating, eating intentionally.

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Not by mistake.

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So even that situation, what broke his intent? What broke his fast? Is it the intention abroad the food

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or the food? But no, it's the intention. The intention broke is fast before the food, right? Because he made the intention to break the fast and then he ate, right. That's how it's tied into that. So the intention always comes first.

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The whole day. All right. The second thing I was saying, someone forget to eat, that he's fast he would eat that you would not break this fast. Eating accidentally, right?

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Eating. Okay, so yeah, let's go through that. Let's go through that. So you have three scenarios with food, you have three scenarios with food. Scenario number one is that you intentionally eat with the intention of breaking your fast and that should be done at a third time. Okay, so the person that intentionally eats with the intention of breaking his fast his fast is nullified, but what broke his fast is the intention. And not actually the food, the eating of the food is the sooner aspect of it is the sooner aspect of it. Scenario number two with food is that a person eats forget fully. And that's chapters coming up later on. Here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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he says that continue to fast. And whatever you ate and drink, forget fully, then you're not held accountable for this, and you continue to fast and you continue to fast. Here's Scenario number three. And here's what I want you guys to think. Scenario number three is, since a person is looking outside, and he's trying to approximate when sunset is and he's like, you know what, it's pretty cloudy. And I think the sun has set. So he eats at that time. And then he starts driving. And then he finally gets to the masjid. And he realizes, man, it was just a cloudy day and there's still another like 45 minutes to live third time. So this person ate by mistake now, not out of

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forgetfulness. But he made a mistake. What happens to this individual and why

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his past is broken, because the certainty was it was still today. Okay, his fast is broken. Okay. Do you want to add anything to that? Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, literally one finish at a certain time that you're in as you are fasting? So it was it's day? Unless you know for sure it's time to break with us. Okay, that's perfect. Now I need you to tell me in terms of sin and competence and expiation. What happens probably knows that you just pass when it comes to fast make up the fast fantastic for fun.

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I think it's

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just not broken because like he's his touches was pure. He was convinced he

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It was tough to break as fast so he broke it and I don't think you'd be sent for that because I think he had no ill intention. No, we will dogs breaking as fast. Okay. He was at the time. So does he have to make up his fast?

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I don't think so. Cuz I'm saying I don't think so. You don't sound so good. Okay, and in terms of sin and expiation, so exhibition you said he doesn't have Is there any Singaporean? I don't think there's anything fantastic.

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Because he said 45 minutes before, don't pay attention to the minutes as

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Fantastic. So that is number one he has to continuous fasting. So this is by HMR. By agema, he has to continue fasting.

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There's no makeup and there's no sin. Okay, so this is a hydrophila. Now the model is based upon the I in the Koran at the ending of SoTL dakara. Where we make do either Allah do not hold us accountable for that which we did forget fully and that which we did by mistake. So one group of scholars, they said that through this verse in Surah, Baqarah, two things have been uplifted. Number one is the sin itself. And number two is the consequence of the sin. Another group of scholars, they said, No, this is not the case, but rather what has been uplifted from the slave is the sin and not the consequence. This is the sin and not the consequence. And based upon how they understood this

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verse, is how they understood the ruling upon this individual is the base how they understood the ruling upon this individual. So those scholars that said that it is the only the sin that is uplifted, they said that this person continues to fast, and he has to make up that fast after, however, there's no sin upon him. Nor is there any exhibition except for making up that fast, while another group of scholars that said, You know what, this is a mistake, he continues to fast, and there's no sin upon him, and there's no making up or any expiation, where do we fall amongst them? And what does it seem that was closer to the truth? According to the actions of the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? Emmanuel Bukhari, Ramallah, he later brings on the chapter that this happened during the time of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, that the companions were deposited to them. And they looked at the sunset, and it seemed like the sun had said it was a cloudy day. So they broke their fast. And then later on, they realized that the sun had not set. So the tablet, he asks the Sahabi, did you guys have to make up your fast? And the Sahabi said, Yes, we made up our fast, we made up our fast, so shows them that while there is no sin upon them, they were required to make up their fast. Now, these three scenarios, they apply to drink as well. And they apply to

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intimacy as well. They applied to intimacy as well, somewhat, not so much. So the third option, you can't accidentally, you know, have intimacy with your wife is either forgetfulness, or it's intentional. There's no accident, right?

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Yeah, there were a lot easier than I thought it would.

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So that's with intimacy, for the

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circumstance around the mistake, for example.

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And we know exactly by the minute, we can just look at this guy and say,

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Alright, so

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I think having already living in the mountain, but you go out on a trip, like Banff or something like that. And you don't have like Internet reception while you're out there. So you can pull up your Salah calendar. So at that time, what are you meant to do? Right? So and that's the circumstance we're sort of speaking about, or in a situation where a person doesn't know what time the authorities and he does genuinely make a mistake. So it's, it's possible that you know, time delay, maybe for our age, we might be able to figure it out through our phones, but in my parents age, you know, they are very dependent on you know, either hearing the iodine itself off the

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computer, or have seen it on the calendar, right. So for the older generation, that might be the exception, Allah huzzah. Another fantastic. Last thing we discussed over here in terms of things that break the fast, how about injections, injections would fall under the ruling of food and drink if they have nutritious value in them if they have nutritional value in them. So most vaccinations do not have nutritious value in them. So you can take a vaccination while you're fasting. And there's no problem with that whatsoever. There's no problem with that whatsoever. However, if it is a vaccination that does have nutritious value, it will have some sort of like sodium in it or

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potassium in a system substantial level, then that would nullify one facet that would nullify someone's fast, how do you figure that out? If it has nutritious value or not, you should ask your doctor about that you should ask your doctor about that. If he says there is nutritious value, then tried to take it after a third time. If you have to take it while you're fasting, then this is a day that you will make up later on this is a day that you will make up later on. So those are the things that nullifies once fast from what period of time is a person fasting from till so how do you differentiate when the fast begins? And then how much time should you leave from that time till you

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actually pray the seller? So let us take that chapter. So the statement of Allah subhana wa tada bad code Allah He tabula rasa ha ha Another common hypo abdominal title so admin and fudger sama Tomas Yama in the name.

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So the statement of Allah subhanho wa Taala and he didn't drink until the white thread of dawn appears to distinct from the black thread darkness of light. Then complete your fast till nightfall narrated al Bara, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said as I said, as above narrative

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The idea of no heightened radi Allahu anhu, when the following verses were revealed until the white thread appears to you distinct from the black thread, I took two strings, one black and another white, and kept them under my pillow, and kept on looking at them throughout the night, but could not make anything out of it. So the next morning I went to Allah's Messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and told him the whole story. And he explained to me that the verse means the darkness of night and the whiteness of dawn, this hadith is so beautiful, because it shows you the audience and the innocence of the companions, or the loved one home and their goodwill. So this companion, he

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literally took through two threads, a black thread, and a white thread, and he kept it under his pillow. And as the night is progressing, he's putting it off, he's like, Can I tell the difference between these two threads, and the whole night, he wasn't able to tell the difference. And then he went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says, oh, messenger of Allah, you know, this is what I did. And the whole night, I couldn't tell the difference. And then the prophet SAW, Selim explained that the blackness and whiteness is the whiteness of the sky is the whiteness of the sky. So when you're looking out for the beginning of fudger, you have two concepts you have a sub has

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sodic was so complicated, and a sub carrier was sodic, the differenti by two things, so you have true fudgier and false, false fudger will be a vertical light. So you'll see a vertical whiteness in the sky. That is what false budget is, then the truth budget, it is a horizontal light, it is a horizontal light. And when you see that horizontal light, then that is when you stop fasting, that is when you stop fasting points related to this aspect over here. What if you have food and drink in your hand? Can you continue to eat until the other end is over? Or until you finish eating and drinking? Or do you have to put it down right away? Do you have to spit out what is in your mouth?

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What is the opinion amongst the scholars, when you look at the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it seems to show the permissibility of whatever is in your hand, when that line becomes distinct, you are allowed a you are able to finish eating and drinking that. So for example, a person has something in his mouth, he had a piece of bread in his hand that he's just about to put into his mouth, and the event goes off, then you are allowed to finish that. And there's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing wrong with that. However, it is preferable to finish this slightly before that time, it is preferable just slightly to finish before that time. So if there then goes

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off, then whatever's in your hand, you can continue to consume, can a person intentionally, you know, stock of food in his hand before the event goes off. And we've seen that I'm not kidding, like, especially in the last 10 nights, when you're making it to cuff, you know, someone's fell asleep just before he is ugly, that's gonna go off, let me go grab some food so that I can eat that, you can't do that. Right? You will take one bite of food, whatever you catch, you catch it Hamdulillah, whatever you don't catch, you cannot eat. What is the proof for that? Why?

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So the person will have a lot of

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And also social drinkers.

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Fantastic. But what I'm seeing is the proof for a person can't intentionally going to get food as the event is just about to go off. What is the proof?

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Okay, so well, proof would you use to prove that person wrong? Something we've mentioned.

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Fantastic exerts exactly it you both and that's why then the idea that people will be raised by their intentions. So we're here one person has an apparent tension food in my hand, I can continue to eat to that until it finishes. And another person is he doesn't have food in his hand. And he knows the iodine is going off right now he's like, that'd be grab some food, and then I can eat it. And that the intention is completely different over here. So that would not be permissible, go ahead.

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can eat the whole thing? Or is it just like

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everyone says we have

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for a star for support. Man, that's not a healthy support, man, that's gonna kill you, that is going to destroy you.

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So in that situation, I would say realistically, he should just break off a piece of the pizza and eat that he shouldn't eat the whole slice. Because I think especially if you have like a New York slice of pizza, that thing is like the size of like my two hands, right? That is literally like a whole meal right there. And you cannot justify it. Because you cannot justify eating a whole slice of pizza at that time. So we'll see tear off a piece, finish that piece.

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Even if it's halfway through it, and then inshallah he can put it in the fridge and so forth. But there's no way you can justify eating like a whole slice of pizza, especially if you just took the first bite. Literally, he could take like five minutes eating after the event because of that one, that one to one piece. So I think people should use their juice like their senses at that time. That whatever is reasonable and just at that time, then he can finish eating and drinking that.

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Then the issue of the benefit of eating this whole

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and the interval between the federal power so let's take two headings. So this new chapter in the mid 19, chapter nine number 19. What is the interval between the end of suffering and the slaughter?

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fudger prayer narrated answer the Allahu Zaid of the fabula the Allahu anhu said we took so hold with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then he stood for our Salah. I asked what was the interval between the Sahaba and the event? He replied the interval was sufficient to recite 50 verses of the Quran to recite 50 verses of the Quran. So remember, I was saying that you should finish a little bit before the event time itself. Here we have a companion saying the approximate time Yeah.

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so can you say can also

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stall number one? Okay, and what is the license plate and make of the car? You know, the license? Do you know what model?

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Okay, can you get the model number and the license plate and we'll make the announcement if anyone's parking stall number one, can you please move your card?

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I don't think people know what their car looks like. Honestly, this happens to me every week. So just find the license plate.

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Yeah, inshallah.

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So, we were Yeah. So, honestly the love I know this from the companion himself that the time that you should leave before the van til from the sorry from you the end of your soul till the event time is 50 versus how long is that in our time? You could technically recite 50 verses I will say in about five to 10 minutes, that's very reasonable right. So try to leave five to 10 minutes before the end of your so hold till the Is it done?

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No problem. There are no problems Okay, inshallah.

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So, from the end of your support to the beginning of the other, try to leave five to 10 minutes, is it something that is mandatory? No, it is not, you can eat all the way till the event itself. During the look at the previous chapter, chapter the taking of support. hurriedly shortly before dawn narrated salad on the side, I used to take my Soho meals with my family and then hurry up for presenting myself for the budget prayer. So it used to he used to hurry, you know, and then he used to head to the budget prayer. So it's recommended to leave that space, but it is not mandatory. The blessing of it. Chapter leaseholder prayer is a blessing but is not compulsory. So the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his companions kept observing fast continuously for more than one day. And no, so whole prayer knows the whole meal was taken. So this is like the introduction to the chapter. So the prophets are seldom himself, he used to fast for multiple days without actually eating something. This was something that was exclusive to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and in the early stages of Islam, when fasting was revealed, the companions were allowed to do this as well, that they did not have to break their fast. So for example, if you Sorry, they did not have to, they didn't have to break their fast. So if someone fell asleep, and they didn't have their

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Iftar then they will continue fasting the whole next day, till eventually it became mandatory that you do have to eat something if you're capable at if third time. And then the Sol Sol became something which was optional. So now let's look at the actual Hadith narrated Abdullah Allah The Allahu anhu the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam observed fasting for days continuously. The people also did the same, but it was difficult for them. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forbade them to observe fasts continuously for more than one day. They said, but you observe fasting without a break. And then he promised us and replied, I am not like you were I am provided with food

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and drink by Allah subhanho wa Taala. So it is mandatory and compulsory that within a day, you have to eat either at the start time or either it's the whole time, it is not permissible for you to fast continuously for more than a day. There is a symptomatic, the pastor said, I'm said, takes a hole as there is blessing in it takes a hold, as there is blessing in it. Now, what is the important component over here, again, it is the intention, it is the intention over here. So if some person can literally only drink water the whole time, because their stomach can't handle it, then water is sufficient. If someone can eat something light, then that is even better for them. That is something

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that is even better for them. Here's a small trick that I've learned. Because one of the things that I suffered with from a long time and has nothing directly to do with fasting, but I couldn't eat breakfast in the morning, I really could not eat breakfast in the morning. Anytime I tried to eat, I'd feel like sick. So one of the things I've noticed is that if you take a glass of water as soon as you wake up, and if you want it to be even more healthy, take a glass of like warm water. As soon as you wake up, your system naturally flushes out and you'll naturally get hungry within 45 minutes. And then you can have breakfast and you'll be good to go for the rest of the day. So similarly with

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fasting if you're one of those individuals that you know what their stomach can't handle food at that time, then what I would recommend is drink a glass of water, particularly warm water have like a herbal tea or something like that. Let your stomach flush out for like 45 minutes, and then you can go and have something to eat. And that is like the best thing for you to do. And that will keep you going throughout the day. They'll keep you going throughout the day. I wrote a very, very good article that I recommend for all of you to read. It's called 27 foods that you should eat at the whole time to keep you going throughout the day. This is published on BuzzFeed. So those of you that

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On the internet, go to BuzzFeed 27 foods that you should eat at Soho time to keep you going throughout the day. And this is it'll help you retain your hydration, I'll grant you prolonged energy, like when you have extremely fatty foods that like so whole time, like pizza and like briyani and stuff like that, it burns very quickly, and you will be hungry very, very soon. Whereas there are certain foods that will burn very, very slowly, right? Something like adult things like you know, all brand, these burn very, very slowly, and they'll keep you you know, less hungry for a longer period of time. Now understanding our context, we're fasting for like 18 hours, you will face

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hunger by like third time is it guaranteed? is just a difference of opinion. Will you get hungry at like 6am? Or will you get hungry at 11am? Right? That's what you want to focus on. So focus on staying hydrated, and drink and eating and drinking those type of foods. That's the whole time. So you can check out that article 27 foods you should eat at Soho time.

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Question? If you person observing fast wakes up in the morning in a state of Geneva, can you still continue to fast? And the answer is yes, based upon the Hadith of the Prophet SAW them. Nearly I shout out the love and hate on Santa Marta de la Mancha at times Allah messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to get up in the morning in the state of Geneva after having relations with his wife, he will then take a bath and observe fasting model he used to then take a bath and observe fasting. So if you wake up in a situation where either you've been intimate or an individual or you had a way to dream, can you continue to faster that day? Does that nullify your past? And the answer is no. It

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does not nullify your fast. Now how about if you have a way to dream while you're fasting? How about if you have a way to dream while you're fasting? That too will not nullify your fast that too will not nullify your fast you're not held accountable for that at all. So you can continue to fast. There's no expiation, a person just takes a bath, cleans off his clothes, and he can continue to fast and pray to that time. How about embracing your wife with a hug or a kiss? While individual is fasting? I should or the other one has said a woman I sorry a person observing fast is forbidden to have intimacy where it is forbidden to have intimacy narrated, I shall do lohana deposits are seldom

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used to kiss and embrace his wife. While he was while he was observing fast, and he had more power to control his desires than any of you. Jibril Zaid

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said if a man gets sexual discharge as a result of looking at his wife or embracing his wife, he should complete his fast. And then there's the next chapter is what is said regarding kissing a person kissing by a fasting person narrated his shams, Father, I shall read the love on her said Allah messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to kiss some of his wives while he was observing fast. And then she smiled. And then she smiled. So what do we learn from these two? How do we learn from this? Number one is that embracing your wife and kissing life is permissible with what condition you have the ability to control yourself. Some of that literally got married, like you

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know, two days before I'm Yvonne, I would suggest do not embrace your kiss your wife at all? Is this going to be very difficult to control yourself is going to be very difficult to control yourself and individual that's been married for a prolonged period of time, or he knows that he's able to control himself, then there's nothing wrong with embracing your wife and kissing your wife. And that is perfectly fine. Whoever's found that is can you please turn it off? Can you please turn off your phone jack McKenna.

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Now, what if the person embraces his wife and gives her a kiss, and he has a sexual discharge at that time, then as the Sahabi mentions, he just continues making up his fast he does have to debate yet he can continue fasting, and it does not break his fast it does not break his fast. One of the FDA loves that he used to have in the past, is the person allowed to debate while he is fasting? And the answer is yes, you are allowed to be while you're fasting, there's nothing wrong with it. Particularly in our times when fasting is in the summertime, even taking multiple baths. I don't see anything wrong with that, as it will help you cool off it will help you cool off. Now we get to the

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chapter. If the person observing fast ate or drink forget fully should he observe fast and other day and Leah have that today. So about one of the Tabby as the students of Mr. Bass. He says there is no harm if water goes in the throat and one is unable to bring it out while putting it in the nose and then blowing it out. And Hassan said if you fly enters one throat while observing fast, there is no harm in it. Allison and Mujahid said, if one has

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if one has intimacy with his wife forget fully then there is no penalty imposed upon them there's no penalty imposed upon him. Now we get to the actual Hadith narrated Abu huraira de la Han who if somebody eats or drinks forget fully then he should complete his fast for what he has eaten or drank has been given to him by Allah subhanho wa Taala for what he has eaten and drank has been given to him by Allah subhanho wa Taala. So now what do we learn from these narrations? Number one when it comes to the topic of Voodoo when you're putting water

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And in your mouth and your nose, you should not be excessive in putting water in your mouth and your nose. If you have been excessive, it is encouraged to try to bring it back up. If it is possible, if it is not possible and it goes down your fast is not another fight and you continue fasting, and there is no sin or expiation upon you. Same thing, if something accidentally enters your mouth, like the student has said, if a fly enters your mouth, obviously flies will have protein in them. But it will not nullify your fast it was not intended. And it was something that was beyond your control. Because you weren't able to spit it out, you weren't able to spit it out. Now the actual eating and

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drinking itself

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deposit Some said that there's no sin upon you. But as we'll come to see, you do have to make that fast up. Now what if a person knows that this happens to him on a regular basis that because you're off in during the summertime, you're not in school, and literally you're just lounging around. And as as human habit, you get hungry, while they're talking on the phone, you just walk into the kitchen, and you start munching on stuff, okay? And then after you hang up the phone, you're like, Oh my god, I'm fasting I shouldn't have eaten the first time that's understandable the second time, that may be understandable. But if you're noticing that this is happening on a regular basis, this

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heavy doesn't apply to you anymore. You need to you know close your access to the food to the food, go do something productive with your time, but this can't happen on a on a habitual basis. So this is something happening on a habitual basis. It should not be done it should not be done using see work for a person that is fasting. Married I'm have no idea I saw the Prophet sallallahu Sallam cleaning his teeth with sewak while he was observing fast so many times that I cannot count so many times that I cannot count. So this shows the permissibility of cleaning one's teeth. question, does this work have a taste to it? Yes or no? It does. So based upon that, what is this proof that you

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are allowed to use a toothbrush and toothpaste you are allowed to use mouthwash. There is nothing wrong with that whatsoever. What needs to be controlled. It should not go to your throat. So whatever you're brushing in your mouth, whether toothpaste or mouthwash, spit it out, do not let it bleach bleach your throat. If a person says But hey, I taste the I taste the flavor of it on my tongue. There's nothing wrong with flavor, as we've mentioned already, is the nutritional value reaching the stomach. So a person has mouthwash. There's nothing wrong with that. And there's no problem with that what so ever.

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So that is with that issue.

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What is the expiation if a person breaks his fast and normal Vaughn intentionally, okay, so the chapter heading is whoever has sexual * with his wife in Ramadan narrated Abu huraira the Allahu anhu on the authority of the person who said whoever did not observe fasting for one day in Ramadan without a genuine excuse or a disease. Then even if he observed soem for a complete here, it will not compensate for that today. The same has been narrated by a bit Miss Oh, sorry, who said a shabby emoji by Ibrahim Patel. The Hammad said he should observe fasting one day in Leo of that day mist, narrated Isola della Hunter, a man came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and said

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that he has been burnt and ruined. The prophet SAW them asked him What is the matter? He replied, I had sexual * with my wife in Ramadan. While I was observing fast, then a basket full of dates was brought to the messenger of Lhasa Salaam. And he said, Where is the man that has been ruined? He replied, I am president, the processor told him to give that basket full of dates and charity, as an expression as an expression. There is a complete version of the Hadith. In the very next chapter, if somebody has sexual * with his wife and Ramadan, and has got nothing then if he is given something, surely he should give that experience he should give that as expiation of

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the sinful act, narrated abora the Allahu anhu while we were sitting with the Messenger of Allah Salaam, a man came to the Messenger of Allah and said, almost Oh Allah, His Messenger, I've been ruined. Allah's Messenger so so I asked him, What is the matter with him? You replied, I had sexual * with my wife, while I was fasting, Allah His Messenger asked him, can you afford to free a slave? He replied in the negative Allah His Messenger asked him, can you observe fast for two successive months? He replied in the negative the Prosser them asked him Can you afford to feed 64 people? You replied in the negative deposit, some kept silent. And why will while we were in that

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state, a big basket full of dates was brought to the Messenger of Allah, and he replied, whereas the questioner he applied I am here, the prophet SAW Selim said, Take this basket of dates and give it in charity, the man said, should I give it to a person for then I by Allah there's no family between I and the two mountains, who is poor than myself. The promises are seldom smiled to his premolar teeth could become visible. And then he said, to feed your family with it to feed your family with it. So now who can summarize for me what we've learned from this chapter

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Go ahead, you break your fast.

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You feed 60 people that don't have enough.

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Okay, you you, you were halfway there, you missed something very integral. You missed something very Integra who can fill in where he felt what he fell short. Where did he fall short?

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Is the invention of the

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Okay, no, that's not the element we're looking at. So remember that we've taken two chapters that are very similar to each other. One chapter focused on one thing, the second chapter focused on something else. What was focused on in the first chapter?

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Let me Sorry, no, the first chapter was the statements of

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I see. Let's see, who remembers. Go ahead. So the terms of making up the first, right. So because of some stuff that are disturbing was that even if you've asked for the full year when they go up in terms of Okay, you couldn't make it up? Fantastic.

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Okay, so now is your three quarters of the way there, there's still one quarter missing. What is the quarter that is missing? I would

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say is that don't return back to

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just confused because they said it would fool whoever doesn't

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break the fast without intervention, no disease? Yes, then break your sujeto.

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Even if he was too fast for the whole entire year, you would miss out on the the budget and the burqa of missing one day and Ramadan. All these

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days. You have to pass one day. Fantastic. What is the difference?

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Okay, so that's the missing quarter. So let's fill in all the gaps now. Number one is understanding this concept. One day in the Ramadan is more valuable than the whole entire year, you intentionally miss a day of Ramadan without a valid excuse. This is Kabira to in the middle carbide village man, it is a major sin in Islam by consensus by consensus, it is a major sin. Okay. So that is something that needs to be avoided at all costs, if you're going to miss a fast, have a valid reason, I don't care what it is come up with a reason. Right? You cannot miss a fast and intentionally both of them said that he missed out the even if it's too fast for a whole entire year without missing a day, he

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wouldn't make up for that one day of Ramadan. Now, this is what we get this is where the confusion lies are all types of breaking ones fast the same? And the answer to that is no. So according to the majority of scholars, this is the Hammadi Maliki, and Shafi madhhab. They differentiate between breaking your fast with intention, food and drink, versus having * with your wife while you're fasting, the Hanafi madhhab put all three, all four of these together, they put the intention, food, drink and intimacy all together as one. Now, what is the difference between the majority and the Hanafi madhhab. The majority said that if you break your fast with intention, food

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or drink, then all you need to do is make up that one day. And there's no explanation for it whatsoever. There's no explanation for it whatsoever. Whereas if you have intimacy, then not only do you have to make up that today, but then you have to try to fulfill the consequence that that man was given that either you tried to free a slave. If you're not able to do that, then you have to fast two consecutive months. If you're not able to do that, then you have to feed 60 people then you have to feed 60 people and Subhanallah at the ending of the holidays. You know, while we look at the film, I think we lose the element of teskey at the end of the Hadith, that the at the end of the

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Hadith the man says or messenger of Allah. Am I supposed to give it to someone that is poorer than myself? He says yes. He says By Allah, there's no one poor than me in this whole city between me and the mountains. At the time the possums smiled at this man. And he says they'll just go ahead and feed your family. And this is what I believe gets lost a lot of the times when you're discussing fifth is the spiritual element of it. The father said I'm sure this man so much mercy that he kept on trying to find a way out for him. He asked him Can you do this? He said no. Can you do this? He said no. Can you do this? He said no. Can you do this? He still said no. And he says at the end of

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the day, he was given to him as a gift. And he has consumed himself with his family. Yet Allah subhanho wa Taala was still accepted from this man to show us what that this visa appointed the brother was mentioning that when a person shows regret and remorse even if he falls into a major sin, like having intimacy with your wife, the Shetty I still want to be merciful towards you. And this needs to be remembered. So when we're in a situation where you see it's so annoying, someone's seeing someone doing something wrong. Find a way out for them don't come out harsh don't come out you know started them don't take destined for the hellfire. That's not our position. Our position is

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to make things easy for the people make Toba easy for the people. We help people reconcile with Allah subhanho wa Taala even if that means

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In this Hadith, that you committed the sin, and you're benefiting from the expression yourself, Subhan Allah, you know, that is the mercy of Islam at the end of the day.

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So do you guys understand the difference between the majority and the Hanafi? opinion? So the haniwa opinion said, regardless of how you break your fast, you have to do the makeup the day, as well as the expression. The majority said, No, if it's with food, drink and intention, you only have to make up the day you're still sinful, but there's no expiation. But if you have intimacy with your wife, then there is expiation him first and then you go ahead.

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There's no proof to differentiate, there's no, there's no hiding. There's just a statement of the Sahaba and the temporary. Right. So they said that that which is certain from the Hadith, of Republic of sun setup takes precedence over that, which is a secondary proof, which is like the statement of the Sahaba. At the time during the majority of that is how the statement of this habit is sufficient that they wouldn't introduce anything into work without having a president's from the waters on himself.

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Seems like

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she was

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the person who actually

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like know,

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yeah, where does it come from one day? Yeah. So it's from the statements of this happened to Tabby. Yeah, but I mean, their argument is the exact opposite. That cathedra is not is not the assault, it is the you know, gave a lesson. So the lesson is that you have to bring your proof. Now, if you want to bring if you want to make someone give up a photo, you can't just make people give a photo because because you feel like it right. So that's their argument that the hustle is that there is no kafala until there's enough for it. So that is the like the strongest part of the argument over there. And then you have the statements of the Sahaba and that have been How many?

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We'll get to that inshallah. We'll get to that. Let's wait for that time. inshallah. Are we allowed to get a Jama done and to donate blood while we were fasting, summarize this section for you. If a person gets weak and gets and faints out of it, then that fast for that day is nullified, and he has to make it up for that today. If a person is not weak and does not faint from it, then he is allowed to get douchey Jama which is blood letting or cupping and is allowed to donate blood and will not nullify his first. And this is based upon the hadith of Ibn Abbas or the Allahumma. The professor was kept while he was fasting, he was above the sun was kept while he was fasting. And then the

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narrator Tabitha bonanni, understood the Monica de la who was asked whether they disliked the copy for a person observing fast, he replied in the negative and said only if it causes weakness only for causes weakness. shoba added to this, and this was in the lifetime of the Prophet This was in the lifetime of the prophets of Allah, Allah was set up to observing to observe fast while one is on a journey to summarize this section.

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The general ruling is that it is preferred to fast while you're traveling in the month of Ramadan, it is preferred to fast while you're traveling in the month of Ramadan, unless there is a greater hardship on you. If you know you're going to get sick. If you know you're going to get very weak, then at lunchtime, it is preferable to take the concession do not fast. And you make up that today. later on. You make up that today, later on. Well, who else falls under this situation over here, the person that is sick, the woman that is breastfeeding? Now let us take all these categories together, let us start off with a traveling person. So we say the traveling person is one of two scenarios.

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Scenario number one is that this person knows he's not going to get sick and he's strong and healthy, then this person is encouraged for him to fast in Ramadan. And to continue that fast in Ramadan. Every person knows he is going to fall week, then it is better for him to take the concession and not fast in the month of Ramadan. And he has to make up this fast after a month of Ramadan, no sin, no expiation. Now how about the individual that is sick, the person that is sick will fall under one of

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two categories in terms of sickness, terminal illness, temporary illness, terminal illness, you have, you know, a severe type of diabetes, and other type of illness that requires you to eat in this situation, then you will do not fast at all. If it's detrimental to your health, you will not fast at all, there is no sin upon you. What do you need to do instead, you need to feed one poor person per day, you need to feed one poor person per day. If you know this in advance, it's better to give out that money in advance. So if you can do the whole month in advance, do that that's better for you. If you don't know this in advance, then do it as soon as you find out to do it as

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soon as you find out. Who else falls under this category. The old aged person, the person that is old and age, you know he's reached his 70s it's very difficult for him to fast. Sometimes he may even forget has eaten or has he not eaten this individual. He does not have to fast he can feed one poor person per day and there's no sin upon him. No exhibition as well. Now, what is there a difference of opinion on there's a difference of opinion

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On the woman that is best feeding and the woman that is pregnant, does she take the ruling of a person that is traveling? Or does she take the ruling of a person that is terminally ill? The scholars differed on this issue, the narration of evidence by busca de la Houma, it seems that she will take the concession of the person that is terminally ill, meaning that if she has a long period of time that she needs to make up so she was pregnant in Ramadan, the next year madonn. She's breastfeeding the Ramadan after that she's breastfeeding over here, she will feed one poor person per day, that is what is upon her. However, this woman stayed is completely different. She feels

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very, very strong. While you know she is in the Ramadan, and even the following year during breastfeeding, she does not fear for her baby. So altogether she missed like five days of Ramadan altogether. For this woman, we would suggest make up the five days it is better than taking the fifth year at that time taking the fifth year at that time. A question related to this. Yeah, it should be before the next or inside. If it has to be before the next Ramadan if she is able to if she's able to write if she's not able to, then she can do it whenever she makes it up. There's an opinion amongst the scholars that the woman that you know,

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misses a fast and goes past the next time on so for example in 2015 now, and she has to make a professor by 2016. But let's just say in Ramadan 2016. She's breastfeeding, the mazahub. They they pretty much agreed upon that this woman will have to make up the first and give fifth year for it. Now why did they suggest this video the video is not something that is mandatory, but he said that it is something recommended to do so just for the sake of extra goodness just for the sake of extra goodness. That is what they said. Is there any specific proof of this? There is not any specific proof of this. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. Now the individual that is terminally ill

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terminally I started know now that the individual is temporarily ill every is a minor illness. You have the sniffles your sneezing, you have a cold, if you can rough it out. That is the better thing for you to do. If you're unable to rough it out, you know that it might make your sickness worse than that individual should take the concession and he makes up for each day that he missed after Ramadan. And there's no sin and no expression, no sin and no exhibition. And we're almost done in sha Allah. With the chapter of fasting I just want to make sure that I didn't miss anything.

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Serious also applies to the woman that is menstruating, a woman that is menstruating, it is how long for her to fast just like it is how long for her to pray. So after Ramadan she will make up her missed fasts at you will not have to make up for Mr. prayers. She will make up for Miss fast and will not have to make up or miss prayers.

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What should a person break their fast with

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their EAD Abdullah bin the alpha hora de la I know we were traveling with the LS messenger. So I saw them and he was observing fast and when we went when the sunset he said to someone get down and mix so quick for us. So it is like barley and water. It's almost as if as a soup, you reply to all of us messenger The sun has not set

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the sun has not set. And the Hadith actually continues. The point the chapter heading of this being if Thor to deprive one's if thought were with with water, or anything that is available have ones if thought with water or anything that is available. So the origin and breaking ones fast should be with water and dates. And if you can't find that, then you can break it with anything else. You can break it with anything else that you find.

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And I think that's it for the chapter of fasting. Is there anything that we missed in fasting, we have the book of total life and it's a gift coming up those are very, very short.

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the age you have to start fasting is once you reach the age of puberty, once you reach the age of puberty, then that is when you start fasting if a person does not have clear and distinct signs of age of puberty, and by the age of 15 is the absolute latest that you should start fasting. But as soon as the signs of puberty kick in, then you should start fasting. Good.

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Jeremy Yes. So that's basically if you read the hadith of Jabba the Allahu anhu in that Hadith, there was a man that was standing in the shade while they were traveling, and they were finding him down. So the messenger Allah says, I'm asking me, why are you finding this man down the process, they say the auto Sula, this man is fasting. And then the process of responding by saying they said middleboro, a CMO for several that it is not from righteousness to fast while one is traveling. But this is reconciled with the AI and the Quran as well. So it all goes back to machaca. If there's a high level of hardship, you shouldn't fast but if it's easy for you, then there's nothing wrong with

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fasting. And you find this another Hadith that also the minister fast regularly while he was traveling, while notes on on anything else related to fasting right

00:55:06 --> 00:55:39

So the like, if you look at the way that habla de la know, used to do it, they would just have something a third time. And then that was it, they wouldn't, there was no like post market of meal, you know, now we have a culture, you have dates, and then you have a poor smuggler meal, then you have to leave, then our first meal, then you have real, Free French meal, like we have all these meals in between. so in this situation, we'll see that this flexibility you can do whatever you want, whatever is easiest and convenient for you. What we want to avoid is overeating. That's what we want to try to avoid. So generally, for my experience, I've noticed that if I give myself an

00:55:39 --> 00:55:48

opportunity to eat after moderate, that's when it's like overkill. And then tarawih comes in, you're struggling internally. Whereas if you eat before multilib

00:55:49 --> 00:56:23

you know, whatever you want to eat, and then you eat again, after thoroughly, that's usually the best thing to do. So I know like we our third parties, people will crazy. What I would suggest is, you know, said, you know, establish a precedent in your third party that we're going to do so what is healthy for us? You know, a lot of the times people go to third parties, they get stuffed, they're like sick The next day, because it's like high fat and high salt. They can't fast properly, they don't even end up right away, if they end up in the person's houses like inauthentic. alkota nikolova hides, you know, at times. And that's how you're doing it. That's not the way it should be

00:56:23 --> 00:57:00

like Ramadan is the month of a bladder. So if you are going to hold in a third party, then do it properly, have light food, let the people be healthy. I don't care about people's expectations from you, neither should you you know, feed them you get the idea. If they're upset with you in the Why didn't you get me my myself or my buddy Arnie or your couscous or anything like that. Let them be upset. That's not the point of fasting and then move on. Right? This feed them guaranteed the nourishment go for Torah, we encourage them to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala. And the other thing, anything else related to fasting? Go ahead can be like beat before on behalf of someone else like

00:57:00 --> 00:57:06

open melter who she cannot hear. She cannot remember or recall memory. She's weak, as you recall. Okay.

00:57:08 --> 00:57:12

Pamela, there was a chapter on that, that I should have mentioned.

00:57:15 --> 00:57:49

So while a person is alive, yes, you can do that on their behalf. There's nothing wrong with that. Now, just let's just answer your question. If it was as a weak memory and ordination, and they don't remember, someone could do it on their behalf. And that's perfectly fine. Now, go ahead. That's it. Now what if a person dies, and they were mentioned to observe Ramadan, or they died at the beginning of Ramadan, only having fasted like three or four days, or they died and hadn't fulfilled some of the days of Ramadan in the past? There's a chapter in this unsalable body which I completely, you know, skimmed over in my when we're going quickly, but those facts need to be made up those facts

00:57:49 --> 00:57:52

needs to be made up. Let's see if I can find it.

00:57:57 --> 00:58:01

And use this to the next question. While we're waiting for the next question. Go ahead, neighbor.

00:58:03 --> 00:58:03


00:58:06 --> 00:58:07


00:58:08 --> 00:58:24

From there, they make it they make it up as soon as they can. They make it up as soon as they can. Even if the nestled on comes. Yeah. And like I said, the Medina encouraged, you know, giving fedewa as well as making up the fast. That's what should be done. Well, maharana Anyone else? So just

00:58:25 --> 00:58:27

right, yes. Memory loss? Yeah. So he'll be saying

00:58:28 --> 00:58:29

ministration neukirchen.

00:58:31 --> 00:58:37

So what is this situation? All right. Yep. Forgetting so he'll be doing right.

00:58:39 --> 00:59:00

No, no, no, I would say just fasting is not mandatory to him at all person that loses his memory is no longer required to fast. Because what if he eats and drinks and he doesn't remember? Well, what if he doesn't remember that he has to fasted today? That's a bigger thing. So that situation video is given on his behalf? And that is sufficient? Well, no, no. You literally just walked in man. So a better view or an appropriate question. Go ahead.

00:59:02 --> 00:59:07

And when has it, that is a better question. Go ahead. Okay. So

00:59:10 --> 00:59:18

let's say you're traveling, but you're you live at Camp like, you know, like fort Mac, or like, yeah,

00:59:20 --> 00:59:55

it's kind of second home away from home. In this case, you still have friends, or can you also break the basket? Fantastic. So the first thing you want to look at is has a person established residents in that area. So if they have their own residence in a place like fort Mac, then they're no longer a traveler, they've actually established residency. Now, if they're living on a cabin, this is temporary residency, then they're technically still considered a traveler. However, going back to the Hadith that we mentioned earlier on, that a person who misses a day of Ramadan, if he was too fast, the whole entire year, he wouldn't get the same amount of iodine Baraka for that. So this

00:59:55 --> 01:00:00

individual is able to fast that is actually better for him to do so. If he's not able to

01:00:00 --> 01:00:07

Fast then he came to the concession and Allah subhanaw taala knows best when we will not encourage that. Definitely. Yeah, good

01:00:09 --> 01:00:11

luck with your second question wasn't

01:00:15 --> 01:00:41

I can't seem to find it right now inshallah, once I get a time to go through a properly, we can find a section that there's a section in the book of fasting, what to do if a person dies at the beginning of Ramadan, or he had intended to fasted Ramadan wasn't able to fast in Ramadan, then that the people should fast on his behalf. In fact, he said that you grab 30 people from the community, each person fasts one day on his behalf to make up the book, to make up fasting to make up fasting

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