Navaid Aziz – What You Need To Succeed

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary © The speaker describes various stories of individuals who have achieved success in life, including finding valuable things, staying in the way of Islam, achieving their goals, and keeping their fears low. They emphasize the importance of maximizing one's financial and investing in one's acura to increase their chances of achieving success. The speaker also provides advice on maintaining good relationships with family members and avoiding taking too much time to do things. The importance of learning and practicing the seven categories of life is emphasized, and individuals are advised to focus on these categories for the long term.
AI: Transcript ©
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ilaha illAllah hula hula de cada y shadow Anna Mohammed Abu Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira Am I bad? My dear brothers and sisters of salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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I want to start off by telling a short story. This is a story of one of the scholars of Hadith by the name of Malik of Medina, he says with his own hands, I was 19 years old. And I used to commit every single sin possible, drinking, stealing, theft, Xena, all of it, I had committed it. And this is how I would live my life day to day.

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Up until one day, I was walking on the street, and I saw a beautiful young girl.

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And at that time, I felt something in my heart, that it was time to change my waist, it was time to change who I was. So I decided that I was going to get married, and I was going to settle down. So some time goes by, I get married, and Alhamdulillah right after marriage, Allah subhanho wa Taala blesses us with a child, a beautiful young girl, just like the one that we had seen. And we named her Fatima. And Fatima soon became the coolness of my eyes, the warmth of my heart, so much so that each and every day, I would look forward to spending time with her.

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And one day, as she came and she sat on my lap, I was about to take a sip of alcohol at that time. And she took that glass, and she threw it away. At that time, it felt rage inside of my heart, thinking that had it been anyone else, I would have slaughtered them. But it was Fatima, my beloved. And I couldn't do anything for her or to her. And they decided that day that I was going to give up drinking. time went on, I became a better person. I started praying, I started giving charity, I started fasting. But when Fatima turned five, Allah subhana wa tada tried me with a test so great. I don't think he's tried anyone in all of humanity with such a trial, he took him away from me for my

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diet. So I went back to the drinking, I went back to the evil deeds, anything to take away the pain, anything to hide that pain. But it just wouldn't go away. It got so bad that I used to drink at night. So I would sleep throughout it. And I would drink during the day so that you could sleep throughout it. And one day I drank so much in the morning that I just completely passed out.

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And when I passed out, I had a vision.

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The Day of Judgment had begun. I woke up people were running, people were furious. They were anxious. They didn't know what was going on. And everyone was just wondering from side to side. So I started to one with the people. I started to run towards a mountain. And as they got closer to this mountain, I started to notice that there was a big black snake behind me with each step it's getting closer and closer to me.

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At the foot of the mountain, I see a beautiful white man with a white long beard, a face of light. So I tell this man, old man for the sake of Allah, please help me against this snake. The old man says, I am too weak, I am too feeble to help you. Perhaps if you run up the mountain, you may find someone to help you. So I run up the mountain and running and running and the snake is still behind me. And I see as they get to the top of the mountain. The valleys of * are below me. People being burned people being punished people being persecuted. I knew that wasn't what I wanted. So I ran back down the hill and they came back to the old line again. And I said old man for the sake of

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Allah. Please help me against the snake. This time he says perhaps if you run towards the hills, you will find someone to help you. So I ran and I ran and I'm running out of breath. My heart is beating faster and faster. This snake is getting closer and closer. But I started to hear something I start to hear

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the playing of young kids and the kids they're playing and they're saying something. They're saying, oh, Fatima, go and help your father. I think to myself, could it be my very father mother, one that had passed away. And as they get closer and closer, I see her in the distance, her arms wide open waiting for me to get there. And as I get to her, I embrace her. She holds me with one hand and pushes the snake away with the other and the snake disappears.

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Tears start coming down my eyes and asked her Oh, Fatima, what is going on? Where are we what is happened? She says, Oh, my father, come in, sit, let us sit under the shade. So we sit under the shade. And she came and sat on my lap, just like she would sit in the world.

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And she said, Oh, my father, the day of judgment has begun.

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That old white man that you saw, those were your good deeds. They had become so few that they were unable to help you on this day.

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That big black snake that you saw, those were your bad deeds, so many so powerful, that they would have devoured you today. Had it not been for me, meaning the calamity that he had gone through. Or my father has the time not come for you to change your ways.

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She recited a verse from the Quran. And me Nina Nina, Deena Manu, and Topshop boo boo lyric Linda. Has the time not come for the hearts of the believers to be moved by the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Malik into denial he says I woke up at that time in a state of panic. And I heard the gang going off for salata Muslim, so I made will do, I headed towards the masjid. Lo and behold as I entered the masjid, I hear the Imam reciting the exact same verse. Adam Yeah, Nina Latina Manu, antosha Paulo boom de que la that has the time not come or the hearts of the believers to be moved by the remembrance of Allah.

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From that day on, I knew it was time to change my life, Allah had given me a greater purpose. And that is when love for Islam truly entered into my heart. My dear brothers and sisters, this is the story of Malika beauty, not one of the great scholars of Hadith. If you look at his life, he lived a great life. He became known as the individual who would wake up in the middle of the night and stand in the middle of the street and tell the people all people wake up to worship your Lord wake up to your true success. And he was the one who would wake the people up for piano lead, and Salatu tahajjud how great was this man Malik him to dinner? Let me tell you a story of a thief who tried to

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rob him.

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A thief broke into his house one day as Malik of the dinar was praying. And it's dark, there's no lights, there's no oil being burnt. So this thief is feeling around, you know, trying to find something valuable. And as he reaches out, he touches magic up the dinner molecule to dinner, he grabs his arm, he grabs his hand and he doesn't let go as it goes down into the car. He brings him down with him as he goes down into such that he brings him down with him. salaah finally finishes. Malibu dinner, he turns to the thief. And he says oh thief. What did you come to steal? Did you not know that this is the house of a scholar and you're not going to find anything but books. The thief

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says I did not know who I was robbing. But I will make a deal with you. Let me go and I won't rub your books. That's what he says to him. molecule naughty naughty says let me make a deal with you.

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Pray to rock as with me, and I won't report you to the police. The thief agrees he gives him so you can imagine this leaf he goes he makes his widow he comes back they start praying. They pray to luck as Malika budino he tells the thief you can now leave you can disperse. You know no problems. No trouble. What do you think the thief does? The regular thief he be jumping for joy? I didn't get caught. And he's heading out with a thief. He says O'Malley Can I stay with you and pray some more. They prayed some more. They're done for potential ghosts. Malik says okay, you can leave now. The thief says Do you mind if I go with you to fudge it? They go to fudge it.

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And he finished praying and multiple dinars. He's like you can leave. Leave me alone. I need to study I need to revise. But if we listen to this, he says the rights of a Muslim upon another Muslim. And then if he visits him, he can stay with him for three days.

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Now this part when I read it, it really got me. I'm like even the thieves are back in the day. They knew they're hiding. They're still educated.

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So he says I'm going to stay with you for three days. My caller ID if he can't refuse so for the next three days

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He stays with molecules within our fasting, reading Frank. That's how he's passing the three days. Three days go by and molecule is not literally sped up at this time. He's like, please go on your way. So finally the thief leaves, he goes back to his house, and all the other thieves are there that are staying with him. And they asked him, you know, where did you go? What happened? Did you come back with some great amount of loot that you disappeared? And he says, Yes, I came back with the greatest loot you could ever think of. In fact, I went to steal someone's most precious price. And I came back with the greatest treasure I could ever find. I found my Lord, I found my creed.

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And the thief, he changed his waist. Now this is the story of Maliki blue dinar. The reason why I mentioned this, the vast majority of you are youth, and be in the lights Allah, you have very, very bright futures ahead of you. And even though I'm not too much older than yourselves, I consider all of you as my younger brothers and sisters, even our aunties and uncles Fine, fine, you guys are still my aunties and uncles. But I'm still like the older brother. And honestly, from the bottom of my heart, I love all of you for the sake of Allah. And I truly wish well for you. And this is what I want to discuss in our discussion today. How do we get brighter futures for ourselves? Allah has

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given us so much potential, how do we realize that potential? Allah subhanho, wa Taala has created seven key categories in our lives. And all of these categories in our lives, they need to be in balance, they need to be in balance, why do they need to be in balance, because all of you are living for one moment in your life, literally, you're living for one moment in your life. And the moment you are living for is that moment, just before your death, that moment, just before your death, because the deed that you die upon, is the deed that you will be raised up upon. He who is raised upon a good deed, then Elijah is Hereafter is bright. But he who is raised on a bad deed,

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that his Hereafter is going to be very dim, very meager, very difficult. And that's something none of us want to face. So how do we get to the level where we die upon that good deed. So these seven categories that we need to epitomize and realize their full potential.

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They are our being, our education, our careers, our social life, our health, our finances, and our families.

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And I'll speak briefly about each of them, hoping to enlighten you in at least one of these categories. So now when we talk about reaching a balance, and all of them, I want you to imagine that each of these categories is a spoke on the wheel, meaning that if even one of these is out of balance, that wheel will not go straight, it will teeter totter, you will not be heading somewhere straight. But if they're in balance, then be the Knights are that you will be going straight. I also want you to realize that since it is a wheel, if it is a very small wheel, you won't be going too quick, you won't be going too far, it can't hold much weight. But the bigger the wheel gets, the

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more weight it can hold, the faster it can go. And this is what I want you to focus on that each of these categories, there is a scale of one to 10 in those categories. You know what the one is, you know what the 10 is? Now what we need to figure out is how do we get you to that 10. So when I talk about each of these categories, for those of you who are taking notes, I also want you to think about what would a 10 in religion look like for you? I mean, if I was to ask you, how is your theme today and you said it is 10 out of 10? What is 10 out of 10 actually look like? Then we can think about practical steps of how to get to there. So when we talk about Dean

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a balancing our Dean, the ultimate balance in our Dean is about investing in our Acura how Allah subhanho wa Taala gave us the 60 or 70 years to prepare for an eternal life. So when you think about the Acura, you want to think about how can I get the greenest of green gardens in the hereafter? How can I get the biggest of palaces? How can I get the best of company in the hereafter. So when you think about Dean, think about those deeds that will get you the greatest amount of reward. Now I can tell you something from a financial perspective. There's a proverb in the English language that you give a man a fish, you feed him for one day, but you teach a man how to fish and you feed him for a

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lifetime. Similarly, your charity if you were to give someone food for one day, you've given them a meal. You've sufficed them and that is a beautiful deeds to do. But imagine if you open up a soup kitchen. Imagine you open up a shelter for the homeless and for the

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Poor, even after you die, each person that is fed each person that is sheltered, you continue to get that reward.

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What is another deed like this, educating people teaching them their their religion, you may be a good writer and articles that you leave behind on the internet that people benefit from even after you die, you get rewarded for it, perhaps you're a good speaker, give a lecture, have it recorded, put it up on the internet, let the people benefit. So when you think about your deep, think about the absolute utmost benefit that you can provide for humanity. And those are the types of deeds you want to look at. So whether financially, whether educationally, whatever it may be, always think about maximizing your benefit. Now, on a more personal level, you also need to focus on the state of

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your heart and the state of your tank. Because you'll notice that these two are very closely tied down. People who have good tongues will have good hearts, and people who have good hearts will have good tongues. And one of the best things that you can do with your tongue is to make thicker and particular types of thicker.

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If you look in this book called has no Muslim or remembrances of the morning and the evening, or the fortress of the Muslim, the various versions that are out there, you will see it is filled with remembrances. Some of them have such huge benefits. One of them, DEP sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that whoever says Bismillah Hilaire de la Yo, don't roll my eyes are the summer well, who was Samuel Allen, three times in the morning, then the whole day he will not be harmed by any evil. Let me give you another example. Imagine how easy Paradise is not difficult, easy. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that whoever says the following up with faith and conviction,

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he shall enter Paradise. And if he says it during the night and he dies with faith and conviction, he shall enter Paradise. What is that? It's a dualistic for Allahumma Antara Bella Illa Allah conduct anyone wanna deca deca must also be coming shortly master not a boo boo la cabina motyka la abou be done be fairly in Nevada Nova the simple five lines you see them once in the morning once in the evening, you died during that day with faith be delighted that you promised paradise. Let me give you one last example. And all these examples that I'm giving you if you don't you know remember them or you don't have time to write them down. Contact me on my Facebook page

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backslash navaid disease and I'll you know help you find them or repeat them over their business. It's either a third one, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam once saw one of his wives in her house. She was making Vicar as he was leaving. He comes back closer to the her time and she's still sitting there making Vicar he has to have you been making Vicar this whole time? She says yes. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told her at that time, let me teach you something that if you were just to say this three times, it would suffice you from making Vicar the whole morning Subhan Allah He will be handy either the Hulk, whatever nuptse was in uttarkashi mommy daddy kalama

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Kalamata. Now these simple do as these simple as car, you may think that it's just something on the tank, but you do not realize the spiritual benefit that it has. It will help you become a spiritual person help you become closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala because the only way you will perform these adkar is if you remembering Allah. And if you remembering Allah, that is the first step in PG feeding shaitaan in this battle against him. So that is the category of the deen.

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Number two, our education. I remember when I was young, you know, education was just something we did out of habit. You know, parents forced us to go to school, so we did it. But as I grew older, I realized to Pinilla what a wasted opportunity.

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And you'll notice that when we talk about education, it's not merely just about schooling, there's an excellent quote by Mark Twain, where he said, I never let my schooling interfere with my education. Meaning that when you go to school, yes, you will learn something. But the real education that you get is from life. It is from experience. Now education is something very important. It is a lifelong journey. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Follow me for a lot when Allah Allah Muslim, that the seeking of knowledge is compulsory upon each and every Muslim. So it is a lifelong journey. Not just because if you memorize the Quran, or you memorize the books of Hadith, there's

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your education and not just because you get a PhD in something does your education end, but rather, you're continuously learning. And that is why for those of you who have heard of Warren Buffett, one of the richest men in the world, he was

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asked, you know, what would you advise people to invest in? He told the the audience, invest $100,000 in yourself, before you ever invest $10,000 in a business, meaning that you yourself are the biggest asset that you can ever have. You want to be successful, invest in yourself, invest in your education. What type of education should you focus on, focus on time management, learn how to manage your time, focus on finances, learn how to manage your finances. And third, and most importantly, learn how to deal with others. Learn how to empathize and sympathize and realize where other people are coming from. Because at the end of the day, we're not looking for individuals,

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we're looking for movements, we're looking for leaders, and all these three components are needed, you need to be able to manage your time, you need to be able to manage your finances, and you need to be able to lead people. So one of the books I would recommend, definitely that all of you should read is Dale Carnegie's, you know, How to Win Friends and Influence People, a fantastic book in that section, then we move on to the category of your career.

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Now, when you go to school, generally speaking, this is how it is in the West, I'm not really sure how it is in Malaysia, but I'm assuming it's very similar. When you go to school in the West, up until University, they train you to become employees, your ultimate goal is to become an employee of some corporate form or some organization. But in reality, when we talk about careers, as Muslims, we're looking to become leaders, we are looking to become employers, we want to provide job opportunities for other people. So what you want to do is once you decide something to study, get experienced in it for a little while, but then become a leader in that field, start up your own

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business in that field and become an employer.

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Now, how do you decide what career you should go into? The careers that you decide? It should be based upon one single factor and one factor alone? What do you enjoy doing? And what are you passionate about? How do you figure out what you enjoy what you are passionate about? If you had to do that job for free, you would do it. That is how passionate and enjoyable it should be to you. And that is the career you should go into. Now once you figure out what your passion is, you then need to figure out okay, how do I make money out of this passion. And that is the career that you decide to choose. Do not let society dictate what you become. You know, if you really enjoy farming and

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agriculture, don't let society tell you that you have to become a doctor or an engineer, or anything else, but rather do what you are passionate about. And you will see that is where truly your success will lie. This fourth category that we will be speaking about is your social life.

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Now your social life, from a sociological perspective, you are the average of the five people you spend the most amount of time with, you are the average of the five people you spend the most amount of time with. So think about all the people that you spend time with the five closest of them, you are the average of those five people. So you want to surround yourself with good people, people who are successful people who have and have big aspirations, they want to go somewhere in life. At the same time, you want to make sure that these people have a conscious morality. These people have ethics they have values. Because the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he informed us

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way before any of these studies took place. And Mauro Allah Dini Howdy, then indeed a man, he will be on the Dean of his rent. And Dean is not just religion, but is a way of life. So, you know, actually, this is a line from one of his poems, he's probably sitting somewhere in the audience. I've heard a lot of response. But there's this one line that sticks out above the rest, where he says, if you're hanging around with nine idiots, you're probably the 10th.

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And that's true. In reality, that's the way it is. So when you think about social life, you want to surround yourself with the best of people, high aspirations, high values, good Dean, those are the people you want to hang around with. Now, what is the social activity you should be doing? social activity should not just be playing video games going out to eat, going shopping, it needs to be more than that. It needs to be an experience. And that is why I would suggest that while you're in your youth, you're not married, you're still a single take the opportunity to travel. Nowadays, travel doesn't cost much at all. You can go on a journey for maybe about two or 3000 ringgits you

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know, have a good time and experience new cultures, experience new foods, increase your horizons, so social activities that you want to do and shouldn't be productive. It should not just be a mere waste of time. So think about traveling with your friends. And you will see this is one of the ways you truly get to know your friends. amagno Katara de la Hondo. He said you will not

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They know a person until you've done three things with them. you've traveled with them, you've done business with them, or you spent a night with them, meaning you've slept over at some place, and you get to know how their true reality is, are they waking up for pleasure or they're waiting for family, so on and so forth. So that is how you truly get to know your friends. So your social circle, you need to choose it very wisely. Number five, your health. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us my tenemos una de macchiato, Mina ness, a Say hi to one of the two blessings that most of mankind is heedless of is free time and their health, your health is very

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important. And it takes simple small steps to increase and improve your health. As you grow older, you see, it becomes a lot more difficult to control your health, either because of time constraints, or for just your body aging, it becomes very difficult. So I would suggest that while you're in the prime of your youth, try to spend at least just half an hour a day trying to do some sort of physical activity, table tennis, jogging, running, basketball, soccer, whatever it may be at least half an hour a day. And you'll notice that just by half an hour a day, you will be 85% more protected from diseases than the person who was spending that half an hour. Now what is that half an

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hour honestly, it's not much at all. So rather than taking the elevator, try to take stairs, you know, simple things, they'll make a huge difference. Likewise, following the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when it comes to eating, you know, making sure you're not eating too, you're leaving one third for food, one third for water, one third for air, times it gets does get difficult, but it's just a reminder for all of us, myself included, that the sooner the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the ultimate guide for success. So we need to take care of our health. Number six, our finances.

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We are often told as Muslims that don't be worried about money, don't be concerned about money. This is true in one way, it is false in another way. How is it true, Archie, let's talk about how is it false. It is false from the perspective that we need money to survive. You know this conference, it took a lot of money to put together educational institutes, they take a lot of money to put together. So we do need money. Now which angle is true from that this money, it needs to stay in our hands, and it should never reach our hearts. Who are our examples in this. Think about the 10 companions who were promised paradise. There's a particular group of 10 companions, they were

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promised paradise from those 10. Three of them read all of the trade routes in the Arabian Peninsula, Abu Bakar de la one of man enough, and of the management of these three companions, they ran the trade caravans, they were the richest of companions, but they kept the wealth in their hands and never let it reach their hearts. And that's what we need to do. earn as much money as we possibly can. But don't keep it to spoil ourselves. But spend it in the way of Allah subhanho wa Taala help our communities help our people, educate people feed them take care of their needs, that's what we want to do with it. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't earn money. It just means when

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we earn money, we should spend it in the way of Allah subhanho wa Taala. The last part I'll talk about is our families. Our families are of the utmost importance. And I divided this into two parts. The first aspect of our family is our parents and our relatives. Allah subhanho wa Taala has created such big blessings in our parents. How big of a blessing are they? That the middle gate agenda is for those people who are obedient to their parents? How big of a blessing are our parents, that when our parents make dua for us, Allah subhanho wa Taala answers those to us as a directly accepted. So you want to make sure you're keeping good ties with your parents. When you're young, you're

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heedless. You're thinking about your friends, you're thinking about work, you're thinking about making money, you're thinking about doing other things, and you're not fulfilling the rights and obligations and desires of your parents. But I'm telling you, you will notice that successful people for the most part, they have very good relationships with their parents, and that their their eyes their success are a result of the hours of their parents. So make sure you keep good ties with your parents. Another benefit of keeping good ties with your family members, is that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us that nothing increases one's lifespan, like keeping good

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ties with your relatives. So make sure you give time to your family, your immediate family, your parents, your brothers and sisters, your aunts and your uncles, your cousins, all of those people.

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You want to keep good ties with the second aspect of families is marriage that all of you are young. Yet, I would assume at least one third of you are not married yet. So you're going to be getting married soon visit Allahu taala. Now this general concept that we see in the Western world, is that we'll fall in love, and then we'll get married, then this is what happens in our communities, unfortunately, as well. But you will see there is a growing trend of divorce, close to one third of Muslim marriages are ending in divorce. Why is that happening? The reason why that is happening is because we're not educating ourselves about marriage. You know, last night, I had the opportunity to

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sit with some brothers and sisters from the University of Malaya. And we were talking about marriage. And I mentioned to them and you know, just having a locker there, they brought this points to light for me right now is that there are 10 conversations you need to have with your future spouse, that before you can actually get married, you need to see that you are compatible in these 10 fields. They are your religion, they are the future. They are the past, they are your health. They are your finances, they are your kids, they are your families, and three others. In fact, if you go to my Facebook page, right now, the first post is about the 10 conversations you want to

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have. So check it [email protected] backslash Navy disease, and you'll get all 10 points there. Now what I want to conclude with is that these seven points, these seven categories, you need to keep them in balance, need to keep them in check, and start thinking about them start planning about them, that scale of one to 10. Think about what a 10 looks like for you in each of these categories. Then work out a checklist. How do I get to that point? What are the things I need to do to get to that point?

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I want to conclude with one last point. And that is a quote from a dear chef of mine. And that is Chef Optimus Prime.

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How many people have watched Transformers here? Quite a few of you. Okay, transformers. So the very first transformers, there's a scene at the end of the movie. And in this scene, Optimus Prime is dealing with the humans. He says something so profound. He says fate rarely calls upon the people at a time of their choosing. Fate rarely calls upon the people at a time of their choosing. Let's think about this for a second. Right now you are in your prime, you could enjoy life to the max, you could go out partying, you could go out clubbing, you could do a whole bunch of things. But later on in life, you'll regret those decisions. That is the convenient route to take. The difficult routes to

00:32:38 --> 00:33:21

take is to discipline yourself. Think about these seven categories in life, and how you can realize their true potential. And that is the opportunity that fate is calling upon you that Allah has given you the potential to become a leader, he has given you the potential to die a righteous death. He has given you the potential to achieve a deaf like an agenda. And this is what I'll conclude with. And the joshy was a Christian king who accepted Islam. But look at the way that he died. When he died. It wasn't one of the companions that went through the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and said that he has died. That's not how it happened. But rather jabril came to the Prophet

00:33:21 --> 00:33:30

sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he told him Mata Leone. Raja don't solve that today a righteous man has passed away.

00:33:32 --> 00:34:12

The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he turned around to his companions. And he said Saldana Akiko for in the leiomyoma autogenous, on that put upon your brother, for indeed today, a righteous man has passed away. Think about this. How did you find out the Joshua was righteous? Allah told him how did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam find out in the Joshua's righteous? Allah subhanho wa Taala and gibreel told the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, how about the companions that never met the joshy they found out through a large debris and the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Though the most beautiful part about this, his janazah is prayed by the prophet sallallahu

00:34:12 --> 00:34:55

alayhi wa sallam, and it is the companions who are seeking forgiveness for him. When I think about this final law, how many of us envy dead people? Generally speaking, we would never envy the dead. You know, we want to be alive. We're still young. But I tell you, my brothers and sisters, we're all living for one moment. And that is the moment of death and if we don't contribute towards our civilizations, and our communities while we are alive, we will not be remembered our after our death. No one will seek forgiveness for us. Our good deeds will not benefit us if we do not prepare for them while we are alive. This is my last session this conference and honestly I truly am sad by

00:34:55 --> 00:35:00

this, but I want to conclude by asking Allah subhanho wa Taala by accepting from

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All of us and rectifying our affairs, and that Allah subhanho wa Taala grant is that to learn and to memorize, and most importantly to implement all that we heard, for his sake and his sake alone. And remember my dear brothers and sisters, that are the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to make in throw off, he could have made dwarf or anything and throw off, but he would say Robin attina for dunya Hashanah, waffle accuracy Hasina joaquina de but not that Oh Allah grant is the best of this world and the best of the hereafter and save us from the hellfire. So make your lives peaceful, make your accurate, peaceful and make dua that Allah saves us all from the Hellfire

00:35:41 --> 00:35:51

Allah home I mean, desert from Long Island with some a lot. Most of them are about a gun in the Vienna Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa Salatu was Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

00:36:24 --> 00:36:45

Now what I want to conclude with is that these seven points, these seven categories, you need to keep them in balance, need to keep them in check, and start thinking about them, start learning about them, that scale of one to 10. Think about what a 10 looks like for you in each of these categories. Then work out a checklist, how do I get to that point? What are the things I need to do to get to that point?

00:36:46 --> 00:36:57

I want to conclude with one last point. And that is a quote from a dear chef of mine. And that is Chef Optimus Prime.

00:36:59 --> 00:37:43

How many people have watched Transformers? Yeah, quite a few of you. Okay, transformers. So the very first transformers, there's a scene at the end of the movie. And in the scene, Optimus Prime is dealing with the humans. He says something so profound. He says fate rarely calls upon a people at a time of their choosing. Fate rarely calls upon the people at a time of their choosing. Let's think about this for a second. Right now you are in your prime, you could enjoy life to the max, you could go out party and you could go out clubbing you could do a whole bunch of things. But later on in life, you'll regret those decisions. That is the convenient route to take. The difficult route to

00:37:43 --> 00:38:26

take is to discipline yourself. Think about the seven categories in life, and how you can realize their true potential. And that is the opportunity that fate is calling upon you that Allah has given you the potential to become a leader, he has given you the potential to die a righteous death, he has given you the potential to achieve a death like an agenda. And this is what I'll conclude with. And the joshy was a Christian king who accepted Islam. But look at the way that he died. When he died. It wasn't one of the companions that went through the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and said that he has died. That's not how it happened. But rather gibreel came to the Prophet

00:38:26 --> 00:38:36

sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he told him, Matthew Leone, Roger don't solve that today a righteous man has passed away.

00:38:37 --> 00:39:16

departed Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he turned around to his companions. And he said Saldana Akiko for in the leiomyoma autogenous, on that put upon your brother, for indeed today, a righteous man has passed away. Think about this. How did jabril find out that Joshua was righteous? Allah told him how did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam find out that Joshua was righteous Allah subhanho wa Taala and jabril told the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, how about two companions that never met Jessie? They found out through a lodge Abril and the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now, the most beautiful part about this, his janazah is prayed by the

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Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, and it is the companions who are seeking forgiveness for him. When I think about this final law, how many of us envy dead people? Generally speaking, we would never envy the dead. You know, we want to be alive. We're still young. But I tell you, my brothers and sisters, we're all living for one moment. And that is the moment of death and if we don't contribute towards our civilizations, and our communities while we are alive, we will not be remembered our after our death. No one will seek forgiveness for us. Our good deeds will not benefit us if we do not prepare for them while we are alive. This is my last session, this conference and

00:39:57 --> 00:39:59

honestly, I truly am sad

00:40:00 --> 00:40:41

By this, but I want to conclude by asking Allah subhana wa tada by accepting from all of us and rectifying our fears, and that Allah subhanho wa Taala. Grant is the Delphic to learn and to memorize, and most importantly to implement all that we heard for his sake and his sake alone. And remember my dear brothers and sisters, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to make info off, he could have made dua for anything and throw off but he would say Robin attina for dunya Hashanah will accurately Hasina joaquina Davina, that Allah grant is the best of this world and the best of the hereafter and save us from the hellfire. So make your lives peaceful, make your

00:40:41 --> 00:40:56

accurate peaceful and make dua that Allah saves us all from the Hellfire Allah home I mean discipline located on with some Allah from I'll send them all about God and the Vienna Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa Salatu was Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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