Navaid Aziz – Haaiyyah of Ibn Abee Dawood #08

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The speakers discuss the importance of following Islam's guidance and avoiding negative emotions in actions. They also touch on the use of the God- prer son to overcome fear and strengthen believers' faith, and the process of entering heaven into Easter, including the "monster" used in Spanish media. They stress the importance of avoiding reciting statement and not reciting text, and mention upcoming events such as "Returnsball" and cover text topics.
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And then hamdu lillahi wa Hornstein. ohana stochelo when an elder below him in Cerulean fusina woman sejati Medina, Maria della della homeodomain hufa or shadow Wanda hula, hula, hula silica or shadow Ana Mohammed Abu Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa early he was so happy he was seldom at the Sleeman kathira Allah Medina Medina in Montana for alumni and foreigner one foreigner the madam tena was in Maya Kareem, my dear brothers and sisters salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
So inshallah This is the second to last halaqa. In this series next week will be the final and last halakha.
So we need to figure out what we're going to be doing next after this, you know, my original plan was that to start up, you know, something just before Ramadan, we'll do like a Ramadan workshop, but then after Ramadan is a completely empty till the end of the year. So if anyone has any suggestions after the helical, please let me know what you'd like to see. And we'll try to do that. The ideal goal is that we can find a book or a text in that particular topic. That's what we like to do, because in general, what we'd like to do at eighth and eighth is cover, you know, a text from a cover to cover. So if you guys have any suggestions, please do let me know after the Holocaust or
drop me an email, I'm open to suggestions. Today's halaqa is going to be about the Day of Judgment. And a lot of times when you think about the Day of Judgment, we only think about one singular event which is standing in front of Allah subhana wa tada and Allah subhanho wa Taala reckons us for our deeds. But when you actually study the day of judgment to know itself, you realize that it's multiple events and the Day of Judgment, it actually starts from the time that you die. It's not a you know that one particular day where those events will take place, but actually starts from the day that you die. So inshallah today this is what we'll be covering. Now the author, he tried to
summarize, you know, some of the major events that will take place on the Day of Judgment, obviously, just for the sake of discussing the major ones, at the same time trying to refute some of the innovations that had crept in during that time pertaining to the Day of Judgment. So inshallah Let's start with the verses and then we'll take it from there. We'll leave inshallah we'll be resetting four verses for us today inshallah.
We'll look through the shape and I would heavily call it melody we're human a lovely Yeah. Well, I don't give on Justin material normally wouldn't hold on.
To love in our living because the mean nearly 7 million freshmen
He had to say he is
a sort of logical concept, but with the other Republic, was like a transition Chang
and to not reject out of ignorance, the belief in Nikita and mooncup are the poor are the skills surely you will be you're being advised sincerely, and say a lot of the greats were removed from from office grace. Out of the fall, people burned severely, who would then be tossed into the river infidels were in the reagan line by its water, like a sea taken by a blood that comes and wipes things away with its abundant while
ensuring the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam intercede for the creation and speak about the punishment of gray That is true. made clear.
Okay, so the first point that the poet mentions over here is do not reject Mancha and nicaea out of ignorance. Why is the poet mentioning this over here? So what had happened at that time, as you mentioned, the entire movie, I'm asking my dilemma, the method I've taken have come into power. And they have some very, very corrupt beliefs. The most famous of them was the creation of the Koran, but from their beliefs was also the rejection of the punishment of the grave, and the rejection of mocha and nicaea. Now, as for the punishment of the grave, they had a semi, you know, scientific approach to it. We talked about how data had previously we said the Hadith pertaining to the
punishment of the grave, our height, and our height, the Hadith cannot be used when it comes to matters of al Qaeda. Now, when it came to MOCA in the care, anyone want to take a shot in the dark as to why they would reject monkland nicaea. And like I said, it's not a scientific approach at all. In fact, it's very childish. Why would they reject mocha? and
give it a shot? The third question was pertaining to the profit, and then I'm just assuming that that would connect to accepting that accepting the heavy that you're giving them too much credit. Well, that's a good answer, though. That's a very good answer. Would you give them too much credit? Brian, do you have your hand up? Are you scratching your head? You just scratching your head? Okay.
Anyone else? What is like the most childish answer you could think of? My uncle and the kid? Think about their names. Think about their names.
And the kid Okay, that's obvious, though. Now tied. I didn't know how do we tie that in?
Go ahead. Someone can is something that's rejected? Yes.
from the same root verb, it can be either say, you know, a further form of rejection, multiple rejections or extreme rejection. That's what it is. So their argument over here was, you know, the Mullah a car are the most noble of Allah's creation, then how is it befitting that there's angels that are named Mancha and the Kia, so we don't like the name. So we're going to reject these angels altogether. That was their argument pertained to why they rejected milk in the queue. And this is why he said, Well, no to here on the Jacqueline Nichiren woman, Kara, this is based upon pure ignorance, there's no there's no end behind this whatsoever. There's no end behind this whatsoever.
And this is, you know, something that's very interesting that you see that when you look at, you know, how the martyrs ILA describe themselves in the past, what they used to take pride in, was, they were the great scientists, they were the great, you know, academics of Islam, they were the ones who lived during the golden era of Islamic knowledge. But when it came to some of their conclusions, you see that they couldn't be further from knowledge within of itself. And you know, the the poet overhears he's taking a jab at this is a US claim to be academic in your approach. But where's the knowledge in this, you know, where's, where's the science and you're rejecting mocha and
Akira over here. Now, this leads us into mocha and Akira, and belief in the angels altogether. So last week, we talked about Qatar. This week, we're talking about the idea of judgment. And we're going to be briefly talking about the angels as well, we'll briefly be talking about the angels as well. So we mentioned how the six, you know, articles of faith, the kind of Eman, they're all tied in together, right. It's impossible to disbelieve in one of them and reject the rest, or to believe in all of them except for one, because it's all tied in together. You cannot to be a believer until you accept all of them until you accept all of them. And this is why in the Koran, you'll find in
many verses where Allah subhanho wa Taala ties the articles of faith together. So in sort of dakara verse 177, lacell Bear, that verse talks about, you know, some of the articles of faith, the last two verses of Surah Al Baqarah. They talk about the articles of faith, and you'll see that they constantly come together belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala belief in the angels belief in the prophets belief in the books, they all come together because they can't be separated from one another, they can't be separated from one another. Now, this leads us into our discussion on angels. This leads us into our discussion on angels, Allah subhanho wa Taala has created two types of
angels, those who are specific and those that are just a general, the general purpose of angels is to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala. So all of the angels, they're worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala. The general worship is to make Roku or to make such that to make this via have Allah subhana wa Tada. And that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says, that not a gathering of knowledge is taking place, except that the angels are present there, some of them may be a little cooler, some of them may be such that some of them making this to be have Allah subhanho wa Taala. So that is the general purpose of the angels. Now the specific purpose of angels. These are specific
types of angels that Allah subhanaw taala created for a specific purpose. were introduced the two of them today, mocha and the Kia. These are the angels that come and visit the person, the individual while he is in the grave. And the question the individual you're talking about, we'll talk about that question in a bit. Then we have the likes of Djibouti and gibreel is the angel of Revelation. This is his predominant purpose. And then he had other purposes as well, but its predominant purpose was a revelation, we have a Salafi is Salafi is the angel that is in charge of blowing the trumpet. And so I feel in particular, he, you know, I have like a fascination with him, that Allah subhanaw
taala created him for one single purpose, that's at the very end of time, very end of times to find Allah, what is he, therefore, to blow the trumpet two or three times as we'll come to see, based upon the life of the allameh until that time, he's just waiting patiently for the command of Allah subhanho wa Taala to blow the trumpet. I mean, that's like a great amount of patience, and a great amount of dedication to your job, that although at the end of time, you have one job to do, you know, make sure you do it. Well make sure you don't mess up, right. That is the role of a Salafi that he's just there to blow the trumpet. And then you have the angels of the clouds, the angels of
the rain, angels of thunder, those are specific angels as well. What other specific angels Do we know that I did? Sorry, Malik, the angel of the hellfire. But there's some extra life in terms of the authenticity of that, as far as I remember. Same thing with a loved one in the angel of garden paradise, diversity as well. What else?
Mikkel and his role was the name I know, but he was in charge of rain, correct? Is this risk? Me? Okay, we can start shouting stuff out. Either you need to have a particular Hadeeth or an idea to support support what you're saying, when you've got the Angel of Death medical mode, so there's no name for the angel of death. A lot of people said that his name was Israel. I mean, I mean, we know that that can get very political in nature. We're not going to get into that. But yeah, the Angel of Death is called medical mode. This is what he's called is called medical mode. So that is another particular Angel, and this is planula. You're talking about difficult tasks. Your only task is to
take away people at solace. Pamela
Like talk about a daunting task like you see one person die You have to pray one person janessa washed one person's body, this angels only role is to take away their source panela anything else and the other angels?
Yeah, the rocky bennachie the ones that write down your deeds very good, exactly. So generally speaking, okay, those are the more commonly known angels those are the more commonly known angels and those are the specific tasks that they have been assigned with. Now, let us talk about MOCA and Nokia, Nokia, and Nokia. And along with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he describes the the journey of the soul after it dies. And this journey of the soul is divided into two, the journey of the soul of the believer and the journey of the soul of the disbeliever. Now there's an elf amongst the scholars, where will the sinful Muslims be? Even though they're still Muslim? Will their
journey be with the believers? Or will it be with the disbelievers we're not going to get into that extra laugh today. But know that if they laugh, of course, to summarize, the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the believers saw when he dies, the soul comes out from the body very, very easily, very, very easily, like a drop of water, leaving the container. And then the angels are waiting them waiting for the soul with the brightest of faces, to put this soul into the most softest, most comfortable, most luxurious, best smelling of bags. And that soul is put into that bag. And then that bag is raised up through the heavens to Allah subhana wa Tada. And through each
stage, angels will ask Who is this noble soul, and they will say he is so and so or she is so and so the son and daughter of so and so, right this is what the angels will do, they will go up to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And then Allah subhana wa Taala at that time will give permission for the soul to be returned, and then the soul will be returned to the body and placed inside of the grave. And then at that time, the angels will come McMullen the kid and begin their questioning. There's also a difference of opinion on will mocha and nicaea. only ask the believer or only ask the disbelievers or will they ask the believers as well. This is a small difference of opinion. But some of the
scholars did hold the opinion that mocha and nickeil will not be asking the believers who can think of a reason why why would make it in the key or not ask the believers.
What would be the reasoning behind that? But because the question I'm asking is to test their belief
that's one way of looking at it but the you're not too too far off. That's one way of looking at their belief is already established. Why do they need to have their belief tested?
The reason why some of the scholars said that mocha and Nikita will not test the believers is because Allah subhana wa tada has prepared for them their aim in their hereafter and of the test of mocha and the key word is a very frightening and you know anxious state to be in. So let's panatela wouldn't put the believers in that state after Allah subhanho wa Taala is giving them the luxuries of the grave. That is why some of the scholars said that the believers will not go through the test and it is only for the disbelievers It is only for the disbelievers. Okay, but I under the presumption that the believers will be asked the monkey and the kid will ask them three questions
they will ask them my little book Who is your Lord? And they will say Our Lord is Allah subhana wa Tada. And they will be asked manorbier who is the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that was sent to you they will say Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then they will be asked Medina What is your religion? What is your faith, they will say that Islam is our faith. Now this progression will be very natural, very easy, no difficulty whatsoever, no difficulty whatsoever. Now, when you look at the journey of the disbelieving soul is the exact opposite of everything that we mentioned, that the soul will be very, very difficult to extract from the body itself. Literally the soul is holding on
to like every vein, every capillary inside the body so that it doesn't have to leave because it knows it's coming out to the anger of Allah subhana wa Tada. And that is what the angels are actually saying, come out to the anger and wrath of Allah subhana wa Tada, what a miserable way to just find a law to enjoy life after that time. Then finally, after the soul comes out, the angels take that soul, put it in like the roughest, toughest, you know,
uncomfortable bag that you can think of that will have the most foul odor. And as the angels are carrying this soul up, the angels are saying who is this fall in Richard so who is this fall in Richard so so as the angels are taking it up, you know, they're already cursing the the soul then Allah Subhana Allah subhanaw taala will give the order for this soul to be returned into the body and then the soul will be returning to the body and again, it will go through the questioning with mocha and nicaea same questions, but completely different results completely different results. This time the soul will stutter this time the store will stumble and eventually it will say I do not know
it will say I do not know in some of the narrations of the hadith of mocha and nichia images after they say that I do not know though the the head will be crushed. And then it will be put together again when the next question is asked right in the narration of Abu Dhabi
of the market. And here, there's actually a fourth question that mocha and the kid will ask the disbelievers there's actually a fourth question that moycullen the kid will ask the disbelievers and that is what is the book that was sent to you? What is the book that was sent to you this is in the narration of a Buddha with the if you look at the commentary on this Hadith, the reason why they will be asked this four course question is because the book that was sent to them the Quran was the final and ultimate hudgell was the final and ultimate proof. Right? Allah subhanho wa Taala is their Lord Islam is their Deen Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as their prophet greater than these,
you know, in terms of its proof was the Quran itself was the Koran itself. And this is the fourth and last question that will be asked to them. Again, difference of opinion, will it just be three questions throughout? Or will the disbelievers have four questions as well, but like I said, the narration in Abu Dhabi indicates that the disbelievers will have the fourth question, and that is what is the book that was sent to them? What is the book that was sent to them? One thing that I forgot to dimension was the physical appearance of mocha and the care. In the new version of Timothy, when mocha and Akira are mentioned, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam actually
describes what they look like. Does anyone remember the description? He gave two descriptions to mocha in the queue? One about the color of their skin? And one about the color of their eyes? Who remembers going through life? Yes.
You don't know the other half? Would you just remember the blue ice? How do you remember the blue ice?
You're talking about it. Okay, so you're smoking and the kid and this and as soon as telemedia is mentioned, that they will have blue eyes. Now, or mocha and caramel to be friendly, are they meant to be scary, they're meant to be quite scary. So they're black, like completely black, like pitch dark black, right? with blue eyes. And you can imagine if you're in the darkness of your grave, and you have two angels that are pitch black, dark, and all you see is their blue eyes. Like that's, you know, that's gonna freak you out right over there, right. And that's the description, the process and give to them. And so then attend to the incident telemovie, briefly talking about the punishment
of the grave, and the role of the punishment of the grave, punishment of the grave, it's going to be multiple types, it's going to be multiple types, there is a minimal level of punishment of the grave that's going to be taking place, which isn't really a punishment, per se, but it is an introduction to the life of the grave. And that is the squeezing of the grave wouldn't have itself is the squeezing of the grave wouldn't have itself. And the severity of this squeezing will depend on the level of righteousness will depend on the level of righteousness. So the more righteous you are, the less difficult that squeezing will be, the less suffocating it will be, the less righteous you were,
then the more difficult the more painful, it will feel like literally, your ribs are being crushed, almost as if it's about to puncture your heart, and you can no longer breathe anymore, that that is how difficult is going to be. And that is, you know, based upon righteousness, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also mentioned to other specific categories that will be punished in the grave. The first category he mentioned, are people that didn't look after themselves when they urinated that didn't look after themselves when they urinated. And the second category was the people that used to cause fights between people they used to cause fights between people. One day,
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi, wasallam was passing by a grave in their companions, and eat with his companions. And he told them if you knew what I knew, you would cry a lot and laugh very little. And they said, why is this all jasola? And he said that I hear from the grave that which Jiu Jitsu do not hear. And these two companions or like these two inhabitants of the grave, they are being punished right now. They asked me out of Sula, what are they being punished for? And the process of them told them at that time, that one didn't look after himself when the urinated and the other one used to cause the Mima which is to say, you know, such as such and such about you, such as such said
such about you, you know, why don't you guys go and fight it out and, you know, hate one another. So that's the what, you know, specifically is mentioned in terms of the punishment of the grave. Now, punishment of the grave is this something that we can make clear on that, you know, it is major sins that will be punished or it is minor sins that will be punished. The school is different in terms of what will actually be punishable inside of the grief. And the general ruling was, is that Allah subhanaw taala knows best what will be punished is because if you look at the incidence of the person, not looking after himself after he urinates in the greater scheme of things, this doesn't
seem like a major sin, whereas an MMO we know is a major sin with Allah subhanho wa Taala. So minor sin and major sin they're both being punished by Allah subhanho wa Taala. But it is one thing you know, why would once you know not looking after themselves after the urinate, be punishable in the grave? Like what's so big about not looking after yourself after urinate? Like there's a something bigger generalization that's being missed here.
Go ahead.
Exactly. It is your data that even after you make Voodoo, your Voodoo might be intact, but you're approaching your Salah you're approaching other acts of worship, while you still haven't adjusted
yourself while you still have an adjust on yourself, so that is deducing from your prayer. And that is what some of the scholars commented over here. That is not just the
urination itself, that is called the cause of the punishment. But it is what it led to as well that your person is approaching activity by the while they're not in the complete state of purity while they're not in a complete state of purity.
Now, just like there's punishment in the grave, then there's also goodness in the grave. So one last thing about punishment is that those people that are heading to the Hellfire, Allah subhanho wa Taala will open up a window for them, that will show them their place in the Hellfire, and that likewise, those people that are going towards paradise, Allah subhanho wa Taala will open up a window for paradise as well, Allah subhanaw taala will open up for them a window in paradise as well. Now when you look at the window of the Hellfire in particular, this is like psychological trauma and physical trauma as well. The physical trauma is that the heat of the Hellfire, you know
is going to be in your grave that's coming seeping through that window. But in terms of the psychological torture, is like you're mentally being prepared, that this is where you're going. And there's nothing that you can do about it. So as you're waiting your time for the day of judgment to begin, as you're waiting for your time to you know hype towards Jana or Johanna, you already know this is where you're going. And there's nothing that you can do. And that's like psychological torture Subhanallah and that's what you know, what makes this element so difficult that what makes this element so difficult, now from the blessings of the grave from the blessings of the grave that
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentions that Allah subhanho wa Taala will take care of the individuals worries when they're in the grave. And one of the two worries that an individual will have when he's in the grave. One is how congested it is. Naturally, some people are claustrophobic and even if you're not claustrophobic, being inside of the grave under the dirt is going to make you feel overwhelmed. Allah subhanho wa Taala for the righteous people will expand their graves for them so that they won't feel congested. Number two is a fear of the dark right? Every child has a fear of the dark and some adults have it as well. Now what you want is your full darkness where there's no
light seeping through whatsoever for the believers, Allah subhanho wa Taala will illuminate their graves Allah subhanho wa Taala will illuminate their graves. Now, what should an individual do when it comes to the matters pertaining to the grave? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he taught his companions that at the end of every Salah they should make dua at the end of every Salah they should make dua seeking refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala for four things seeking refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala for four things, they will say, Oh Allah, I seek refuge in You from the Hellfire I seek refuge in You from the trials of the grave. I seek refuge in You from the pfitzner and mercy
had the jail and I seek refuge in You from the trials of life from the trials of mil infinity mahiya will match on the fitness trials of life and death. One of the students of epi busca de Allah Juan Houma, he was very strict on this door. In fact, if he ever saw his children ever making Salah, and they didn't make this into our in their Salah, he would force them to repeat their Salah he would force them to repeat their Salah. Now, this is not to say that, you know, it's a mandatory obligatory aspect of the Salah, but it is something that should it be abandoned is something that shouldn't to be abandoned. In fact, when you look at this narration in particular, what we
understand from it is that this is one of the doors that the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam never abandoned in his Salah has never abandoned in his salons. So this is a Diwan that should be made regularly. This is a duar that should be made regularly.
Then we move on to the second verse, while while I'll hold on now the whole span of this is getting really annoying. inshallah malegra anticipations
Okay, the hold, the hold is a point and a river and the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us that every prophet is given a hold every prophet is given a point or a river, particularly for Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that pond and river is given the title of co authored and co authored write the surah. In now Pinnacle co author is a co author here is interpreted in two main ways. One is general abundance and goodness, and this seems to be the stronger opinion and then one is a specific interpretation that will kill it there is a river that is given to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam. Now, in terms of the description of this cosa,
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he actually described it. He actually described it. He says tola who shout out to Lucia Wilma, who am I who am in Alaska without the Amina Rehan misc vida dokie what other two keys and he I don't know Juma sama woman shalida Minho, shutter button lamjao lumiose ma ba bada the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said you
It is as tall as the distance of jwan journey and it is as wide as the distance of one journey. It's taste is more sweet than honey. And it's fragrance and it gives off is more fragrant than that of misc. The number of cups or glasses that are going to be in it are more than the stores that are in the sky. And whoever drinks from it will never be thirsty again. The one that drinks from it will never be thirsty, again. Is this pond going to be outside the gates of Paradise or inside the gates of Paradise Who can tell me with proof is this point want to be outside the gates of Paradise inside the gates of Paradise with proof Go ahead, proof.
Some people just
to be honest, somebody Angel will come and take them away from the service and call them but they will say you don't know what these people did after your death after death. Fantastic.
Go to them with fantastic, excellent, excellent. And while this river will begin before entering Jana, it will actually extend into Jana as well. It will actually extend into Jana as well. And this is the Hadith we want to comment on that. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for the elite and the righteous of his oma is actually going to give them from Allah co authored with his own hand, he's going to give them to drink from Allah co authored with his own hands for everyone else, they will just serve themselves. And this is like the ultimate, you know, cooling drink after you just had a troublesome, you know, Day of Judgment, like the Day of Judgment, as we know it, the sun is at
its closest proximity, people are drowning in their sweat some up to their chest, some up to their stomach, stomach to the knees, some after their ankles, right so very difficult day, people are waiting for 50,000 years. And then after all that is over, outside of the gates of Paradise, Allah subhana wa tada has prepared this beautiful pond and river this beautiful pond and River. Now you drink from this, and you will never be thirsty again. And this is like a quenching of the thirst of you know, after the greatest thirst you'll ever face in your life. You know, if you think that I'm avant is bad, you think you know going to the gym is bad you think walking in the desert for like a
week is bad, nothing is going to be more difficult than the Day of Judgment. And Allah subhanho wa Taala gives that ultimate cooling drink from our culture, the holder of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and how that every prophet will have. Now something interesting that even will tell you about him Allah mentions is that what will be the actual substance of the health? What will be the actual substance of the health? Will it be water? Will it be milk? Will it be, you know, a non intoxicating alcohol while what will it to be and honestly, this is what I'm thinking about right now, for my patients, we Allah, you know, Grant all of us, you know, the Holden paradise
alone, I mean,
ml came to him on law, he comes to the conclusion that whatever the person intends to drink, that is when Allah subhanho wa Taala will make that drink, there's going to be like a unique and dynamic drink. So like, you know, someone wants chocolate milk, they'll have chocolate milk, someone wants Gatorade after that date, you know, you'll have gated whatever you want. Let's find out what's Allah will provide for you. And this is, you know, due to the the sacrifice that you put in through your faith. And this is like the beginning the introduction to you know, the many, many more blessings that are coming in paradise. It's almost as if you know, you're going to like a really fancy dinner,
what does a really fancy dinner begin with? It begins with like the cocktail party, right? And that cocktail party is just drinks and small appetizers. And let's find what gives you this drink as this appetizer before you enter Paradise to show you and entice you of the many great blessings that are yet to come. And this drink will quench everyone's thirst and they will now have never feel thirsty again. And somehow that aspect of it is just amazing. You will never feel thirsty. Again. What does that feel like? What does that even you know? How can you imagine something like that yet, this is something that Allah subhanho wa Taala has prepared for the believers. Now the Hadith that Monique
was mentioning, is that there will be a group of people that tried to drink from the house and Allah Subhana Allah, the angels will come and prevent this individual the angels will come and prevent this individual. The majority of scholars interpreted this hadith as these are the individuals that are past stated, these are the individuals that are past stated, and that is why they were not allowed to drink. There's a minority of scholars that said that these are the individuals that innovated into the deen because that the actual wording of the headings for in the color 34 You do not know what they did after you. So some of the scholars interpreted this to mean that it was due
to their innovations that they were prevented from drinking from the out of the processor meaning they abandon the center, and they resorted towards innovating in the religion and that is why they're not allowed to drink. But Allah subhanaw taala knows best It seems the opinion of the majority and depending on Sheikh Abdullah Zuckerberg mentions over here as well is that these are the people that apostate it from the beers are the people that
Apart from the dean,
then the author he goes on to Amazon, Amazon. And Amazon is the skill that will be presented on the Day of Judgment is the skill that will be presented on the Day of Judgment. And three things will be weighed on that today, three things will be weighed on that day, who knows what they are? What are the three things that will be weighed on the skill, judgment, one of them is very, very easy.
The deeds fantastically easy ones out of the way, the deeds will be weight, what else the person themselves will be weighed. That's number two. And the third one, a lot of you know it, but we're not thinking of it right now.
Scroll is absent. The scrolls are the third things that will be weighed scrolls are the third thing that will be weighed, and not just scrolls, but written scripture, written scripture itself. These are the three things that will be weighed on that today. And so two reasons.
Allah subhanaw taala tells us about the deeds right,
that whoever does, you know, the smallest amount of good deeds shall see it and hold as the smallest amount of bad deeds shall see it in terms of the scrolls, and written scripture, then these are found in Hadith themselves. These are found in Hadith themselves, and the famous Hadith of the pataka, where a man will show up on the Day of Judgment, and he will have multiple scrolls of bad deeds, 100 scrolls of bad deeds, and each scroll extends as far as the eyes can see. And all it has in it is the bad deeds that this individual has done the bad deeds that this individual has done. And these deeds are weighed. And it completely, you know, turns his balance upside down. Like it's
it's complete and complete favor of his bad deeds. So the man starts to think that he is completely destroyed, he managed to think that he is completely destroyed. And then it will be asked, has this man done any good deeds, and then the angels will say that this man has one good deed for him. And that card is brought out that has the Shahada on it, a card is brought out that has the Shahada on it, and then that card will be put on the scale. And the latter will outweigh the former that had the the taco, that one Shahada will outweigh the rest of the bad deeds that he did the rest of the bad deeds that he did. And this shows us the weight of the shadow, the shoulders, the weight of the
shadow, it shows the greatness of tawheed it shows us the severity of shirk, that as long as you didn't commit check before you died, and you repented to Allah subhanaw taala for any shit, you would have come in, you could have committed while you were alive, then there's an immense amount of hope there is immense amount of hope, no matter what sins an individual has committed, as long as he died upon so he then he didn't do shit, but an individual that died upon check, then, you know, it's a very gloomy outcome for them that there is no hope there is no pataca for them. And this shows the greatness of it. And another Hadith video talking about the virtue of tawheed, just to briefly
mentioned it, the famous Hadith in Al Bukhari, where a man tells his family that you know what, after I passed away, I want you to burn my ashes, and on the windy day from the top of a mountain, throw it over, throw my ashes over the sea, throw my ashes over the sea, and then this individual on the Day of Judgment, he will be gathered together and Allah subhanho wa Taala will ask him the Why did you do this? And he said, Oh, Allah subhanho wa Taala. I did it out of fear of you. I did it out of fear of, you know, what is the crime that this man committed? Obviously, this man is afraid for his sins. But there's one particular crime that he committed, that isn't being mentioned, but can be
What type of God what is he denying?
Exactly like it's not mentioned, but that's what is implied. He's saying that, you know, what, if I'm thrown out over the seas, on a windy day from the top of a mountain, Allah subhanaw taala, won't be able to gather me unless I know it's either won't be able to gather me. Now obviously, this is like his weakness of understanding what let's find out what Salah is, and it's not the you know, the Cofer have the courage when he denied the Day of Judgment, and they deny that Allah subhanaw taala gathered them back. But in this in the version of the most of the remark made of this Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says about this man, well, let me I'm going to let him know that
this man did no goodness in his life, except for a target. And that is what caused Allah subhanho wa Taala, to forgive him. And that is why taking your beliefs very, very seriously, is of the utmost importance, you know, knowing what our heat is, knowing what nullifies It is very, very important. So on the Day of Judgment, those three things will be weighed, those three things will be wait. Now, looking at this first line alone, I want you to look at what you know, these three things, the punishment of the grave, or the the elements of the grave, and then the hold, and then the scales. What are they meant to inspire into the believer? Likewise, like I said, when we first started this
halaqa, and no last week, we weren't able to do this. But what are the spiritual ramifications of belief in these three things? A person when he thinks about the punishment of the grave
It's, you know, a double edged sword in the sense that there's a very positive element to it, the journey of the soul of the believer, and this is what a person should, you know, aspire to be that we want to be for the believers. So we have this positive journey, right. And we don't want to be from the disbelievers so as to not have this negative journey. So it motivates the person to do more good. And at the same time inspires them to stay away from evil and you know, the causes that will further evil. Likewise, the question of no good and the key of our market and the key, I mean, I wasn't able to extract anything positive from this, except for the fact that this is a reality that
we will have to face and you have to be prepared yourself, prepare yourself for this. Right. And this is something to think about that. When we are asked the question, you know, what is your dean who is the the Prophet that was sent to you and who is your Lord? Right now it's very easy to say that Allah is my lord Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is my Prophet, and Islam is my Deen. But on that day, we will not be able to conceal that which was truly in our hearts that which was truly in our hearts. So we want to think about, do we really practice Islam to the best of our ability? Do we really recognize in Allah subhanho wa Taala as our Lord, the one that we worship? Do we really
recognize Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as our final and last prophet, taking him as an example, because it will be based upon our actions and not what we say. So our actions need to be in accordance to what we think we believe. So you need to take that to the next step, you need to take that to the next step to make sure that you actually follow that two things to keep in mind pertaining to that aspect of being questioned by MOCA and the key number one is that what is the first thing that you think of when you wake up in the morning, what is the first thing that you think of when you wake up in the morning because you will wake up in a state of shock and whatever
is naturally, you know, there with you is what's going to be coming on your tongue. So thanking Allah subhanho wa Taala and praising Allah subhana wa tada and doing the vicar of you know, Waking up, waking,
waking up is not on your tongue. This is something to be afraid of. Right and there's some that we should get into the habit of so that it is natural. On that day. It is natural on that today. Some of the scholars also mentioned the vicar that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to make in the Savannah Messiah, or the to Bella era, but nobody slammed Medina and Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam rasulillah and what and then this is something that should also be frequent on the tongue of the believers to facilitate the questioning of mocha and the key to facilitate the question, questioning of Nokia and Nokia, the how the river in Paradise, this is again to entice the
believers that look, after all of the difficulty and strife that you go through in this life. Allah subhanho wa Taala has prepared an immense amount of good for you, the very introduction of which is going to be drinking a drink that you desire, after which you will never feel thirsty again, being united with all of the believers being united with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, again, inspiring you to try harder, and to hold on to your faith even further. And then the skill and this is like the the ultimate thing that we think of when you think of the Day of Judgment, that regardless of what we do in this life, is going to show up on that scale, Subhan Allah, any good
that we do, we think that no one appreciated it, what's the point of doing this good deed, Allah subhanaw taala witness that deed, the angels witness that deed, the scales will witness that to deed. So no good deed is going on observed and appreciated by Allah subhanho wa Taala. And the same thing with the bad deeds, that every sin that is committed, one should not think that you know what, it's a small sin, it's no big deal. But everything that we do, will show up on that scale and small deeds, they will turn to bigger deeds, they will turn into bigger deeds, but person doesn't repent and continues to pursue them and has malicious intentions behind them, then they will become bigger
deeds that should inspire fear into the hearts of the believers that I need to minimize the sins that I do, because they too will show up on the skills and particularly for you know, oppressors and dictators. This is like the ultimate punishment, right? That on that day, they will you know, be be petrified that you know what is with this book, what is with mice with with this skill, that not a single bad deed that I did was not brought forth on that day, and it will just be an increase in an increment of their punishment based upon the deeds that they did based upon the deeds that they did. Now, going on to the second line. The second line of the poem is about how Allah subhanho wa Taala
will take out to the people, some of the believers from the Hellfire and they will be entered into paradise. They will the believers will be taken out of the Hellfire and entered into paradise. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam describes this process. He says that the believers that are in the Hellfire who have even a mustards grain of a man or even an Adam's weight of a man, they will be taken out of the house or they will be taken out of the hellfire. And this is another guy agitating for the believers and the virtues of a man that as long as you have a man, no matter how much time you may be spending in the Hellfire, and we pray that for you know all of us over here,
it's no time at all. That no matter how much time you spend as long as you had the smallest amount of faith, Allah subhanho wa Taala
will extract you from the hellfire. And then when you extract it from the Hellfire or when the individual is extracted from the Hellfire, it's as if he's burned charcoal. Literally that's what is what the process described him as he described as for him that he's a burnt charcoal. That is what he looks like. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala will dip him into the river into a river from the rivers of Paradise, he will dip into a river from the rivers of paradise. And then when he's taken out from this river of the rivers of Paradise, he goes back to a beautiful, eloquent noble state. Before you know he was turned into that dark, you know, charcoal like substance. So this is what the
second verse is looking referring to. And what he mentions over here, he says, we'll call your calendula nauseam before suddenly, that this is due to the benevolence and virtue of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this ties into that a person that enters into paradise, he enters into paradise, not due to his deeds, but due to the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala but due to the mercy of Allah subhana wa tada and this is based upon the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam where he says, none of us will have to paradise due to our deeds, none of us will paradise due to our deeds. They said, Not even your messenger of Allah and the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam he says, not even me, Ill yet Agha Madani Allahu Allah have mercy, except if Allah subhanho wa Taala chooses to envelop me and encompass me and drown me in his mercy. So people will enter Paradise, not due to their deeds, but due to the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala and due to his favorite benevolence towards them, so now what a person should be focusing on is how do we earn and attain the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So that on that day, Allah subhana wa tada will be merciful to us and enters into paradise, right? One of the interesting things to look at is in the Quran, the verses that end off with the unlocker, or the undercounter hormone so that Allah subhana
wa Taala may have mercy upon you. And I pray that Allah has mercy upon us in this life and the next and then Allah fixes this mic Allahumma Amin.
So that is what the second verse is referring to that in the Hereafter, those individuals that are in the Hellfire, Allah subhanaw taala will extract them, and he will then dip them into a river from the rivers of Paradise, and they will be purified, and then they will be entered into paradise and then they will be entered into paradise. Now, what's interesting is the story of the last individual to enter Paradise, the story of the last individual to enter Paradise, where Allah subhanho wa Taala will take this man inshallah should be okay, shall it should be okay.
In sha Allah, it will be okay. The last last individual to enter Paradise
that this last individual, you know, he's going to be placed outside the gates of Paradise, and he's going to be looking in and he's going to be like Yala, you know, just give me the smallest portion of paradise. And Allah will ask him if I give this to you, you know, will you not ask for anything more? And the man says, Yes, so Allah gives him like the smallest portion of Paradise, which is like 10 castles the size of, you know, the biggest castle the biggest mansions in this house. That's what like the smallest portion in Paradise is. Then this man he'll see like a tree and he'll see a river. And he's like, yeah, Allah, you know, only if I had this river industry. And then Allah says, you
know, will you not ask for anything more, and the man promises I will not ask for anything more. So let's find what Allah gives us, him that river and this tree, and this man continues to see things from afar from Paradise. And then he keeps asking Allah subhana wa Tada. Now let's find out that asks, Will they not ask for anything more, and the man says, I will not ask for anything more. Now this shows us obviously Allah subhanaw taala knows that this man is going to keep asking, but Allah subhanho wa Taala he keeps giving him because that is what Jenna is all about, that you struggled hard in this dunya that when you get to paradise, anything that you want anything that you desire,
Allah Subhana Allah gives you because insha Allah to the best of your ability, you've earned it in this life, through your struggles, through your sacrifice. The third line he goes on to say that he this river will be a river from alpha dos. Commenting on alpha dos over here, the pastor seldom said that when you ask for paradise, asked coral for those who visit the highest of Paradise, and it is the middle of Paradise, and it is the best of paradise. Now we're not for those is being used over here, it is being used in a very general sense. So it is a specific term being used for a general concept. So the specific term the highest of paradise for a specific term, which is being paradise
in general. And this is something we see in the Quran, as well in circle calf, Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, in alladhina amanu Aminu salviati cannot long janetta for those who knows Allah, that those people that believe that did righteous deeds, then Alpher those who will be descended upon them. So this is a specific term referring to the general concept of Paradise, and this is what he's referring to over here. It doesn't mean that the people of the Hellfire will be taken into welfare.
Those dipped into Revo whether it means but rather they will be taken to a river, from the rivers of Paradise dipped in over there and that is which they will be cleaned by and purified by. Now we move on to the last topic, which is the topic of shafa, the topic of intercession the prophets of Allah Allah says Sallam
in Sahih Bukhari in the hadith of I believe it's called Babel Allah tala della, I know that kebab. Allah is asking the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa Salaam, yada. So Allah, we're going through all of this difficulty we're going through all of this trial, you know, will he not make dua for us the lowest high notes either up lift this burden and this trial from us? Now what acaba de la tierra de la jolla was referring to over here is another Hadith of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam where he says that every prophet and messenger is given one da, then when they were, if they were to ask Allah subhana wa Taala, when the ask Allah subhanaw taala by this da,
Allah subhanho wa Taala will guaranteed answer the door. And this again is to show that even the prophets and messengers, not all of their daughters were unconditionally answered. Not all of their daughters weren't conditionally answered the prophets. So when he says that I have saved my doula for the Day of Judgment, when people will need it the most when people will need it the most. Now in the hadith of shafa, as reported in Bukhari and Muslim, on the day of judgment, people will be anxious and waiting for the reckoning to begin that everyone's been gathered together, and they're all waiting for the reckoning to begin. So they start saying to themselves, let us go to Adam Ali
salam, he was created by Allah subhanho wa Taala by his own hands, he is the first prophet of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Perhaps you can ask Allah for the intercession To begin, he will go to the will go to Adam Adam Ali Salaam will excuse himself, he said I committed such and such you know, mistake and I cannot seek intercession with Allah subhana wa tada and likewise they will go through the prophets right? They'll go to Ibrahim Ali Salam Ibrahim Elisa will excuse himself, he said, I said such and such thing and it made such a such a mistake. Mashallah Islam, he said, I made such a such a mistake. He said Islam is mentioned, but his mistake isn't mentioned at that time exists that he
will excuse himself, then they will come to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he is the one who will then use his dua at that time, asking Allah subhanho wa Taala for the intercession to begin. So you will ask Allah subhana wa tada where that intercession To begin, and at that time the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam will be inspired with words of praise in the words of Hamlet that none of the creation has ever been taught to before and he will make such that to Allah subhanho wa Taala and praise Allah subhanho wa Taala with those words, and Allah subhanho wa Taala will say, intercede and your discretion will be accepted,
intercede and your intercession will be accepted. And then through that intersection, that is when the day of judgment will actually begin through the intercession of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam after this prolonged period of waiting, and this is known as a shafa Atul Cobra, this is known as the major intercession where the processor mentor sees on behalf on behalf of all of humanity, whether they have judgments to begin for the day of judgment to begin.
Then we have miners forms of intercession that will take place minor forms of intercession that will take place another one that is exclusive to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is an intercession that he makes for a methodical and intercession that he makes for Abu Talib. And this is the general exception to the rule that the disbelievers will not have any intercession for them. Yet the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam due to you know the great amount of care that Abu Talib did for him and due to the high rank of deposits are set up with Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah subhanho wa Taala will allow the professor to intercede for a booth or lead to a limited amount of
degree and that is about Allah will have the least amount of punishment and the Hellfire, which is a fire that is so severe, that comes up to his ankles that it makes his brains boil. That is the least amount of punishment that a person will receive in the hellfire. Now get this put things into perspective span a law that is the least amount of punishment. Imagine that which is more severe, and that is why one should regularly you know seek refuge in Allah subhana wa tada from the punishment of the Hellfire mela grant is good in this life good in the hereafter and save us from the punishment of the heel of the Hellfire Lama mean. So that is the second type of intercession of
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam a third type of intercession that will take place this will happen with the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, this will happen with the righteous, this will happen with the angels and this is the intercession to enter people into paradise that would have gone to the Hellfire first. So these people could have gone to the Hellfire first due to the intercession of the righteous people. These people will be saved from the Hellfire and will be entered into paradise. This bill will be saved from the Hellfire and entered in to paradise. Fourth type of intercession again for all three categories. Problems are set up other prophets angels,
righteous people
These are people that were in paradise already, but the ranks will be raised in Paradise, the ranks will be raised in paradise. So someone's in the lower rank of Paradise, they will be raised to a higher rank of Paradise, they will be raised to a higher rank of paradise.
A fifth type that is mentioned as well, and that is the intercession of the people who are in the Hellfire, and their punishment will be lessened in the how far their punishment will be lessened in the hellfire. So they had a more severe type of punishment, their punishment and the How far is made less severe. So they will not go through that difficult type of punishment. Who are the people that will be allowed to intercede and what are the conditions of intercession?
conditions of intercession first are two. Number one is that the permission of Allah subhanaw taala needs to be granted Mandela vs. Pharaoh in the evening that who can intercede with Allah subhanho wa Taala except by his permission except by his permission, the number two Allah subhana wa tada needs to be pleased with the person being interceded for Allah subhanho wa Taala needs to be pleased with the person being interceded for what does that second condition actually mean? That they need to be a believer and they need to have some form of righteousness that Allah subhanho wa Taala is pleased with them. When these two conditions are met.
Then Allah subhana wa Taala will allow the intercession to take place the verses certain najem where Allah subhanaw taala he says welcome in mullikin
Welcome in mullikin for some it tonisha to home Shia Islam embody Allahu de Maria Sharapova, that how many angels there are in the skies in the heavens, that Allah subhanaw taala will not accept their intercession except Allah subhanho wa Taala gives permission and is pleased. So those are the two conditions of intercession. Now, one understands from this, that intersect one of the conditions of intercession is that one needs to be a believer right? intercession is not for the disbelievers when one seeks intercession from other than Allah subhanho wa Taala. This can be considered an act of disbelief, right? So if one goes to you know one of the quote unquote Olia of Allah and says,
Grant me your intercession or even goes to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and says grant me your intercession. Some of the scholars dis consider this did consider this disbelief because the Allah subhanho wa Taala he says in the Quran wakulla shefa. To me, I'd say all intercession is for Allah subhanho wa Taala alone. So intercession is the right of Allah subhana wa Tada. Now read pertaining to this in a more explicit Hadith in Sahih al Bukhari ahora de la Hondo, he asked the professor semirara Sinhala man Asada, Natsu, Manasa, nasty Bishop attic Oreo messenger of Allah, Who will be the most fortunate people to attain your intercession, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam he says, men call de la ilaha illa Allah Holly Sunday call that whoever had perfected the heat in his heart and said that there's no one worthy of worship except for Allah, meaning he perfected his tawheed then he will be granted that intercession so intercession can will only be granted to the believers that had perfected their tawheed and it is feared that those that seek intercession whether the intercession of Mohammed or the intercession of the righteous through other than Allah subhana wa, tada are in fact depriving themselves of that intercession. second category, second category are who are the individuals that will be allowed to intercede? So we mentioned
profits, we mandate we mentioned angels, and then we have righteous people from the righteous people. This is a general term that Allah subhanho wa Taala will apply, but few of them are already known from them are the martyrs that Allah subhanho wa Taala will allow the martyrs to intercede on that today from them, or the father of the Koran from them or the father of the Koran, that those that memorize the Quran, they will also be allowed to intercede on behalf of the people that today from the intercessors, we also learn they are the children that died before the age of puberty, they are the children that died before the age of puberty, that they will stand at the gates of paradise.
And they will say we will not enter Paradise until our parents enter with us until our parents enter with us and the scholars consider this a form of intercession because perhaps their parents might have not, you know, gone to paradise directly. But due to the difficulty that they went through, that their child had died in this dunya at a very, very young age, then those children will intercede on behalf of their parents as well.
So I think we've sort of covered as much as we possibly could. And I just wanted to share with you
know the very last thing that was mentioned over here.
Now, the very last thing that you know is what will conclude the door with a what will conclude the halakha with is the DA that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he taught his companions when he said is that the Shahada Docomo yesterday Billahi min Arbor yaku Allah in the hours of becoming either be jahannam wamena Diablo kabar woman fitna dilemma here was my mat. Amina Sheree fitness and mercy had the Jan hora whoa Muslim that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
He said that when one of you sits into shadow, let him seek refuge in Allah subhanaw taala from for things and let him say, Oh Allah I seek refuge in You from the punishment of the Hellfire and the punishment of the grave, and the trials of life and death, and from the evil trials of mercy had the jail from the evil trials, or the mercy had the jail, and I pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala grants his refuge from all of these four things, is a dua that we should learn and you know, try to say, in every one of our salons, like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught his companions. mela Spaniards, Allah forgive us for our shortcomings. Now let's find out how to make easy for us the
trial of the grave. Allah subhanho wa Taala made easy for us the questioning about the mocha and the Kia and Allah Subhana which Allah make us of those individuals that are given to drink from the hands of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in alcocer. Now let's find out what's out there make easy for us the trial of Amazon and make our good deeds outweigh our bad deeds by a lot. And Allah subhanho wa Taala through his infinite mercy enter us into the highest of Paradise or for those of Allah alone, I mean, was it Allah who sent them an article in the Vienna Mohammed? While he was off, he was on sabbatical Lomo behind the shadow stockbroker with like a couple of
announcements, and then we'll take questions inshallah.
Next week, salako will be the last halaqa for the year we've been widowed. And it's very technical stuff that we're taking next week technical stuff that we're taking next week. So make sure try to read up on it in advance if you can. We're talking about the state of the individuals that committed major sins and you know, some other technical stuff as well. It's basically the last seven verses of the poem. So we'll try to cover all seven verses of the poem in the next week's halaqa technical stuff to read up on it in advance. The halaqa will stay after mclubbe as it is the last holochain Sharla and then future Holocaust we will change the timing of future Holocaust we'll be changing the
timing of after this halaqa sorry after the higher we will be though, we will probably begin without Ramadan workshop they'll probably be sometime in April in sha Allah, where we will cover
a text in filk. So last year, we did beloved Milan the week the year before that we did on the 12th. This year I'm thinking about either doing a Shafi text called the Sadek in English is called the lives of the traveler or thinking about taking shakable buckler design his book ninhydrin Muslim was also very very good so probably be between those two, we will do our Ramadan workshops from inshallah, likewise from you guys any suggestions you have for after Ramadan in terms of what texts we can cover? I would greatly appreciate your feedback in sha Allah without having been said we can open up open up the floor for questions inshallah quite a few
protein in Paradise, this idea is fabricated is not authentic. It's not a true headed. This real story of either Melissa lamb is the reason why the malayalam was forgiven, as he asked Allah subhanho wa Taala Oh Allah I, you know, I want to seek your forgiveness, but I don't know how for Tanaka momella he can imagine that all Adam Ali Salaam he sought words from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Then when Allah subhanaw taala told him those words, Adam said those words and that is when Allah subhanaw taala forgave him. And that was the Dr. Robin Avila and fusina while I'm filling out an akuna Manohar sitting so that was the the actual story of why the Melissa was forgiven Allah who was
the man who worship a seven
segment instead.
I'm aware, I am aware of the headaches and then Allah subhanaw taala will just take the blessing of his eye and weighed against all of his deeds and his deeds will be worth nothing. There is a difference of opinion on this hadith. As for the final verdict on it, I don't remember the final verdict on it. But I know there is a difference of opinion on the Hadith, Allahu taala. But now that you mentioned, like my heart is telling me that there was a weakness in the Hadith. I just don't remember what it was, but we can look into inshallah, when he
mentioned one of them is
the Muslim
with a difference of opinion, obviously. I mean, as in they obviously they can't intercede for their disability parents that's clearly understood. But will the disbelieving children be in paradise or not? That is the issue
is that it is already the point you mentioned about the the motors The thing that I had had is
what is the idea?
Also I had the idea, we will accept without a shadow of a doubt. Now what is the actual point of contention that they're trying to bring about? So they said arcada is not like fuck, and what they meant by that is that when you approach aka, you need to have your clean you can't have one bottle one. So they said when a hadith is Mata water, how do you feed on your cane that when something is not the water, you're asserting
This is the way it is. Whereas when a Hadeeth is a HUD more than likely law you feed your kidney you feed the new axon with the greatest thing it will provide for you is a high level of, of like doubt, or I don't know what the word is in English, but you understand that right? So they said since Akita is so severe, we can't have room for doubt at all, we have to be 100% certain that this is what's going to take place. And that is why not just the mortars ILA, but even certain groups from the ashadha themselves. When it came to issues of Aki they didn't accept a hadith. Now, obviously, this is going to be refuted from many angles. The revelation of the Quran, Allah chose one Angel chose
one prophet for the Quran to be revealed to process them chose multiple times just one companion who would go to the people teach them everything about the deen, why the bingeable is sent to Yemen to teach them. What is the first thing we'll teach them, I will teach them to hate just one individual. So this teaches us that even in matters of Akita, as long as it is authentic, and you know, we are not concerned with just give the noriaki as long as it authentic, we will accept it and implement it. And same thing with focus one, Allahu tadhana
Anyone else?
for the individual,
sort of Baccarat damron Yes, there's multiple narrations that the Quran will intercede. And this is actually one of the narrations that scholars had difficulty explaining. Because one of the narrations mentions that the Quran will speak on the day of judgment and will intercede for that and they're like if the court obviously the Quran is the speech of Allah subhanho wa Taala and is not created. So how will the Quran you know, testify. So, this you know, bringing the discussion short, what will testify as the individuals recitation and not the Koran will know itself. So the more the individual recited, his action of recitative reciting that is what will testify for that individual,
but particularly sort of Dr. Sorrell and Ron are mentioned that they will testify an individual's fasting will also testify for for him on the Day of Judgment. Very good question does like a look at that. I think we'll conclude with that and then we will give the other and praise a lot Alicia Xochimilco for attending. I'll see you next week's halaqa Bismillahi tada Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh