Navaid Aziz – Haaiyyah of Ibn Abee Dawood #09

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary ©
Verizon discusses the upcoming session on Islam, including a recitation of verses and political and religious topics. The speakers emphasize the importance of practice and understanding the meaning of the statement, as it is a part of one's religion and not something they want to try. They also touch on the historical significance of the title of Islam and its significance for personal reasons, particularly for individuals who may need to have a strong understanding to ensure their personal and professional goals.
AI: Transcript ©
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Allahu Allah Rahim al hamdu Lillahi nahoon steinhorn istockphoto when I was a biller Himanshu Rai unforseen our main CEO Dr. Molina, Maria de la hufa mo de la homeodomain hufa de la, WA Chateau La la la la Hola, Chica, Masha Allah Mohammed Abu Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira and my blood My dear brothers and sisters Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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so tonight is the last session of the higher even though the last session in the archaea class, so we have quite a bit of stuff still to cover, but we pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala makes it easy so let's start with the recitation of the verses and then we will take it from there so maybe you're going to read from

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well that's a foreigner Allah sola all the way till the end inshallah

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and do not make the fear of those who pray even if they commit sins since all of them commit sins while the Owner of the Throne forgives graciously and did not hold the belief like that of the coverage for it is a position held by only those who desire it and it is a destructive and disgraceful and to not be a Moto G. One who plays games with his religion. Surely the Moto G is joking about religion. And se Eman consists of statements, intentions and actions according to the explicit statement, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and it decreases sometimes due to disobeyed disobedience and sometimes because of obedience, it grows on the scale it will outweigh other things

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and keep yourself from the opinions of people and their stances. On the messenger philosophy will learn so is more befitting and comforting to the chest. And then from those who play games with their religion, attacking the people of heavies and revising them. If you keep the belief contained within this poem, or your life or my companion, you will be you will be the first witness day and night. This is fantastic. So the first issue we get to right away is that abubaker ebina. Without he's talking about making to fear and how you can not make the fear of the people of the Qibla and how you cannot make the fear based upon sins based upon sins. So let's take number one, the ruling

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on hokum, political Salah, what is the ruling on the one that abandons the prayer? What is the ruling on the one that abandons the prayer, as usual there with the topic of fact, we will talk about where there is consensus, then we will talk about where there's a difference of opinion, in terms of where there's a matter of consensus, the scholars have all agreed upon, if someone makes the intention never to pray again. Or if he fights the prayer and says I don't want to pray, then this person has left the fold of Islam, then this person has left the fold of Islam. And this is my husband. Mahalo net, the fact that there's, you know, the scholars agreed upon this issue, where

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they disagreed, is what if an individual stopped spraying out of laziness? What if an individual stopped spraying out of laziness, and this is where the scholars differed. So the vast majority of the scholars from them as I hear from them was Mr. Malik from them was a mammoth Shafi from them was a member of hanifa. They said such an individual is still within the realm of Islam, but he has committed a major sin. He's still within the realm of Islam, but he has committed a major sin. the opinion of Mr. Muhammad and the opinion of the scholars of Hadith was the opposite. They said that such an individual if he leaves off the salon intentionally, even though it may be out of laziness,

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that he knows it's time for Salah right now, yet he intentionally does not pray, then this person has left the fold of Islam, then this person has left the fold of Islam. From the poet's opinion, what seems clear is that he was of the opinion of electric he was with the Annabella and with the scholars of Hadith with the scholars of Hadith. Now what we want to look at is, what are their proofs? What are their proofs, so we have mentioned several a hadith and several ayat to discuss their proofs. The first Hadith is the Hadith in Bukhari 391 Hadith in Bukhari 391. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says masala salata now aka leatherby Hatton, I was talking about our

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Qibla, China for who are Muslim on the Houma la Hema Adina

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messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in this Hadith, he is telling us who the Muslim is who the Muslim is. He says, Whoever prays our prayer and eats our meat, meaning eats our the Bihar, and he faces our Qibla, then this individual is a Muslim, then this individual is a Muslim. So he mentions three things over here. Number one, praise our prayer, eats our meat, and he faces our Qibla. Now, particularly for those people who are very strict on needing the visa, you know, this is like a very strong headache for them, that the process is making it very, very clear that you have to eat like the hermit will always say, you know, we're not gonna get into that right now. But I

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just thought it's a good idea to know for those of you who like to make that argument, so you mentioned three things over here, praying our prayer, eating our behalf and facing our Qibla facing our Qibla for who are Muslim and then he is the one who is Muslim, the who Mallanna water while he Marlena, that way for in terms of his rights, he will have the same rights that we have in terms of his responsibilities, he will have the same responsibilities that we have. So this is the first thing that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam makes clear. Number two, we have the verse in the Quran in surah Toba verse number 11. So Toba, verse number 11. For Interbrew, Acoma,

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Salatu. Was the caliphate why no confident that the problem that Allah subhanaw taala here is talking about the koresh, that if they were to repent, meaning that leave the ship that they were upon and establish the prayer and give them as a car, then they would become your brothers in faith, then they would become your brothers in faith. So here Allah subhanaw taala that makes it very, very clear that after they abandoned their shack and establish the prayer, and they give there's a car, they have now entered the faith of Islam, they have now entered into the faith of Islam. So this makes it very clear that believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala is saying that Okafor would have to

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establish the salah in order to enter into Islam in order to enter into Islam. Hadith number three, this the Hadith in Sahih Muslim Hadith number 82 sigh Muslim Hadith number 80 to bring the Roger Lee were Badal cofely terrco Salah that between a man and disbelief is the abandonment of the prayer is the abandonment of the prayer. And you can't get more explicit than this panela that here the verses and says between the man and disbelief is the abandonment of the prayer, the reverse understanding of this, that as long as the man is still praying, then he is still a believer. As long as the man is still praying, then he is still a believer. And I want to give you two more narrations and then

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we'll move on to the to the next point in sha Allah, the next narration and this is found in the cinema telemovie 2622 so never tell me the 2622 and this is an important Hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says when half of Isaiah, Canada who neurons were born and when Jeff yomo Kiana woman Lemieux half of Allah, La mia cuando who neuron were Bohannon, whether in Nigeria, Kenya, Yeoman Akiyama macaroon welfare and a man will obey you know, that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in this Hadith, he says that whoever protects the prayer, then he will have a light and a proof and success on the Day of Judgment, he will have a light proof and success

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on the Day of Judgment, and whoever does not protect the prayer, then he will have no light and he will have no proof and he will have no success. But rather he will be raised on the Day of Judgment with Koran, fear around Harmon and obey Allah and obey him no code of meaning, like pretty much the worst of creation, the worst of creation. So these are like very, very strong proofs in terms of the Hadith, and is from the Quran, that those scholars that held the opinion that the one that abandons the Salah out of laziness, you know, they have a pretty strong proof span Allah, these are pretty explicit, and the icing on the cake. This is the statement of Abdullah Shockley that's also narrated

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testimony. So Abdullah Shafiq, he's talking about the belief of the Sahaba de la vida. He says Canada Canada's herbal Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Leona Shea and mineral family, Tara kahuku, from grace Allah, that the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not consider the abandonment of any act to be disbelief, with the exception of Salah with the exception of Salah. And what he's referring to over here mean that they all agreed upon the issue. So some of the companions did view the abandonment of Zakat to be disbelief like aboubaker radi Allahu anhu did. But what he's talking about over here is that the Prophet the companions of the politician,

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were in pretty much consensus, that anyone that abandons the Salah that didn't view the abandonment of any action to be an act of disbelief, other than a Salah other than a salon this mentioned and tell me the 2622 2622 so this is, you know, the the proof that they're coming with. Now, in terms of theory versus practice, theoretically, it's very good to know what is the ruling on the one that abandons the prayer out of laziness because this is like when we ourselves get lazy with our Salah, this is these are Hadith are there to remind us these ayat and a hadith are there to remind us so theoretically, it's very good for us to know these things, because it's a part of our religion. It's

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a part of our part of our archy that that we need to know this. But from a practical standpoint, are these the type of a hadith that you want to use? When you know something?

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Isn't praying when you know someone isn't praying. And most of the times I would say, these aren't the Hadith and the idea that you want to begin with that, you know, if you don't pray, you're like the Qureshi if you don't pray the process and said, You're a Catholic, if you don't pray, the pastor said, you're gonna be raised with our own and our man on the Day of Judgment, right? You know, it makes you feel self righteous at that time, and that's not what you want to try to achieve. The general principle when someone is in praying, you want to make Tobin's Salah, easy for them, you want to make Tobin's Salah easy for them. So you let them know that look, you know, five daily

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prayers are compulsory upon you start off with whatever you can let them start off with whatever you can, and let them get into the habit and ritual of praying salah and to get them into the habit of understanding the seller, you know, not just doing like the actions, but understanding what Salah is. And you'll notice that individuales wants to understand what the Salah is and the significance of it and having a conversation with a lion so fit how and your sins being forgiven and recorded such that it goes a lot further than using these types of Hadith to put them down. So that's the difference between theory and practice that know the theory behind it and him use it upon yourself,

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but when it comes to using it upon other people take a much softer milder approach towards getting them to pray. The next thing we look at when also is that even if they commit sin, so as long as a person is praying, we cannot make fewer of them based upon since based upon since and now what we want to look at is what is the difference between a sin? And gopher what is the difference between a sin and Cofer and how do you recognize the difference between the two? So Cofer ad will have three main branches to it. gopher will have three main branches to it. gopher, new fork and shark gopher and the fork and shark. Okay. All three of these are used as synonyms in as synonyms from time to

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time they're used as synonyms from time to time. What I mean by that is that nifa was sometime referred to gopher, but gopher will not necessarily live, you know, implying the fact right. Likewise, shared will imply gopher, but gopher won't necessarily always imply schicke gopher one necessarily implies schicke. So in the Falcon schicke, will always return to Cofer, but COVID will not always necessarily come back to the fact and check. So that's the relationship between those three words and how sometimes they can be synonymous. So when Allah subhanaw taala is speaking about the mushrikeen are we speaking about the Mona Filipina and the Quran? Are you speaking about the

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kuffaar and the Catherine in the Quran? Then Generally, the ruling upon all three of them is that they are disbelievers. The ruling on all three of them is they are dis believers. Now how do you recognize if something is cool for Shere Khan The fuck? Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or Allah subhanho wa Taala have to call it to that have to call it that. And the general ruling is that if anything is called Kufa, Shere Khan the fuck, then this is something that will take you and expel you out of the religion, then that is the general ruling that it is something that will take you and expel you out of the religion. And there are very, very few exceptions to this very, very

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few exceptions to this. So like we know Ria is called minor shake, right? If someone falls in Syria, it doesn't take them outside the fold of Islam. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was will come to see later on, he called fighting another Muslim an act of Cofer, but this is an act of Kufa that doesn't take you outside the fold of Islam, right choies. The hip of the characteristics of the hypocrites are four in one Hadith, just because a person has these characteristics, it doesn't mean that they become from the monarchy. So the general rule is I'll take you outside the fold of Islam until you have a proof to prove otherwise until you have a proof to prove otherwise. Then when we

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talk about since sin is anything that is in disobedience to Allah subhanho wa Taala either in acting, or in abandoning anything that is in disobedience to Allah subhanho wa Taala either in acting, or in abandoning, what does this mean exactly? In terms of acting, anything that is haram that you do then it's an act of disobedience to Allah subhanho wa Taala in terms of abandoning than anything that is compulsory upon you that you do and you abandon it, then you're also sinful over here then you're also sinful over here, okay. So that is what sin is. It is to disobey Allah subhana wa tada either through implementing, or through abandoning, either through implementing or through

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abandoning. sins are also divided into two categories, major sins and minor sins, major sins and minor sins. Does anyone remember how to differentiate between major sins and minor since?

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Fantastic, that's number one. That if there's a hard punishment, then this is considered a major sin. Anything that has a high punishment in this world, then this is considered a major sin. How else do we differentiate between major and minor since guidance is followed by punishment fantastic. So there's a punishment from the Hellfire specifically for that sin that is mentioned then this is considered a major sin in Islam is considered a major sin in Islam.

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This is the principle of

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fantastic the curse of Allah subhanho wa Taala, or the anger of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So these three things if there's a high punishment, or there's a specific punishment that is specified in the hereafter for that act, or if the curse of Allah subhana wa tada and anger uproar upon that individual or that act, then this is when it's

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Then becomes a major sin. In all other instances it is considered minor sin it is considered a minor sin. What is the difference between the two in terms of tober? What is the difference between the two in terms of Toba? In terms of a major sin, then major sins require specific acts of tober. They require specific acts of Toba, you have to specifically seek Allah's forgiveness for that sin and abandon it and feel sorry about it and follow it up with good deeds and follow it up with good deeds. Whereas minor sins, even though I mean they're not minor in this in the sense that you know anything in transgressions against Allah subhanaw taala is significant, but in terms of of minor

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since then the good deeds that we do will naturally wipe them out will naturally wipe them out. So even if there's certain minor sins that you Dean seek forgiveness for, then out of the mercy and you know, generosity of Allah subhanho wa Taala, Allah subhanho wa Taala forgives those minor sins, due to the good deeds that we do due to the good deeds that we do. So now, he's saying that as long as a person establishes the Salah, then you cannot make the fear of him based upon sin. Now, based upon the statement, what can we make the fear of a person for On what basis can we say that such and such person is a disbeliever? The scholars have mentioned four main conditions that if these conditions

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are met, then this is when a person becomes a disbeliever. Number one, he has to do an act which is explicitly considered Cofer, he has to do an act, which is explicitly considered Cofer, right, an act which is explicitly considered Cofer, that he, you know, calls himself other than a Muslim he calls himself openly that he is a Christian, a Jew or an atheist or whatever, this is an act of Cofer or recourses the Quran or he belittles the Messenger of Allah sallallahu it was set up, these are all acts of disbelief, right? So he has to do an act which is explicitly considered an act of disbelief. Number two, is you have to take away the impediments you have to take the take away the

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impediments of the clear, when scholars talk about impediments, this is where a lot of difference of opinion comes. But what they generally refer to is a lack of knowledge, a lack of understanding, lack of knowledge, not that you know, of what you know the basics of the dinar, but in something that isn't known by necessity, and something that isn't known by necessity. And the most explicit Hadith in this is the hadith of a walker lazy, where he says that we were with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam knew to Islam, and we said to the Messenger of Allah, Oh Allah, make verse a tree to seek blessings from just like the Qureshi treat to seek blessings from and the

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Prophet sallallaahu salam said that they had said, an act just like the people of Moosa did when they said make for us a calf just like they have a calf. So we call this an act of disbelief, but they didn't become disbelievers, because they were new to Islam. So there is an impediment of knowledge, there is the impediment of knowledge. And that is, what impediment genuinely means. Number three, is that they have they should have no misunderstanding about the text, no misunderstanding about the text. So what we call that when, meaning they have an understanding of the text, which, you know, is very far fetched, but it is plausible, but it is plausible, so they

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shouldn't have any thought we'll have the text they shouldn't have any time we'll have the text. Then the fourth and last thing is that it is important to understand that the fear should only be done by the people of knowledge, the average person should not run around making fear of people, right? The average person has no basis in this whatsoever. What is the wisdom behind that? The wisdom behind that is that when you make the fear upon an individual, this illegal ruling in Islam, you have now expelled this person outside the fold of Islam. And what you have implied is that when this person dies, you will not pray his janazah this person is not allowed to be inherited from and

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he is going to be buried with the disbelievers. Now, when you look at these three things, they're very heavy things right? No, Jenna is upon him, no inheritance, bird with the disbelievers. So, that was why you can see the severity that it should only be done by the people of knowledge and not by the average person not by the average person or the average person he doesn't need to know is such and such person a believer or a disbeliever right. They just need to look at the rulings that their people have knowledge of given just look at the rulings that the people of knowledge have given.

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When we talk about no more impediments left, this is what we call in the Arabic language a comical hijjah that you established proof against the people. So you cannot you know just make the you cannot expel people out of the religion without telling them why they fallen into disbelief why they fallen into disbelief. And this is why Allah subhana wa tada he tells explicitly, well, my Rama, Rama, Krishna Murthy, Bina Hashanah Asada, that we will never punish people until we've sent them a messenger until we've sent them a messenger until they've sent them a messenger. Now what we want to look at is

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what is the proof from the Quran that a person can commit a major sin, and he will not be expelled outside the fold of Islam. Okay, so that's what we're looking at right now.

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What is the proof from the Quran that a person can perform a major sin and he will not be expelled outside the fold of Islam? Verse number one, Surah 13, verse number eight. So to the hareem, verse number eight, I want you to understand this verse. And then I want you to tell me where the showerhead or the operative word and sentence is in this verse. So here Allah subhanaw taala he says, Yeah, you know, Dena, amanu, tubo, ilahi Toba. suha right. All you who believe, repent to Allah subhanho wa Taala a sincere and pure repentance repented to Allah subhanho wa Taala a pure and sincere repentance. Okay?

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Now understanding this verse in English now, where in this verse do we get the proof that the one that commits a major sin has not left the fold of Islam?

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This is sorry, this just this part of the verse.

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there is a toolbar here. Fantastic. But that doesn't prove much until you understand the first part of it.

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Fantastic. So here let's panatela is telling the people of Eamon that if they were to commit a sin, then they should repent to Allah subhana wa Tada. And here listen, I know what's out there did not differentiate in terms of tober for major sins or for minor since this Toba is is generally for all of the believers for all of the believers that they repent to Allah subhanho wa Taala and Allah subhanho wa Taala will forgive them. Allah subhana wa tada will forgive them. So let's find out I'll call them people of Eman And then tells them that if do to repent, Allah subhanho wa Taala will forgive you. That's very general. So when we say you know what, that's too vague, too ambiguous.

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Let's get into something more specific.

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The Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam found in Al Bukhari where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says suburban Muslim if his scorn will cater to oho for okito for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says that cursing a believer is an act of Fisk it is an act of transgression. Okay, fighting a believer is an act of Cofer is an act of Cofer, okay. Now when you understand this, that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying that fighting him is an act of Cofer. Let's move on to the verse where Allah subhana wa Tada. He says, we're in Thrall if I turn him in, meaning if that's the sort of Allah, verse number nine Sahaja verse number

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nine, there are two groups from the believers were to fight one another, then, you know, rectify between them then rectify between them. So the operative phrase over here is that even though these two groups are fighting one another, and the pastor Sam said what he turned over and fighting a believer is Cofer. Yet Allah subhanho wa Taala is still referring to them as believers is still referring to them as believers. So now even a person does an act of minor Cofer. This is still considered a major sin in Islam, this is still considered a major sin in Islam. So here, Allah subhana wa tada is affirming that they've done the major sin, yet Allah subhanaw taala is still if

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we're referring to them, as believers is still referring to them as believers. And next verse in Surah, Al Baqarah, verse 178, circle bacala, verse 178.

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In this part of the verse, Allah subhanaw, taala says, from an officer of the home and he that whoever is parted from his brother, whoever is pardoned from his brother, we'll look at it backwards over when he says his brother, is he talking about blood brother over here or brother in faith? Over here, the scholars mentioned he's clearly brother in faith, not blood, brother. Now what is he being pardoned and forgiven for, for killing someone, so whoever, you know, kill someone, and that individual pardons the blood money and pardons him for that said, then he is still considered his brother. Like here, Allah subhanaw taala says that even though the person committed murder, a major

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sin in Islam, but he's still considered his brother in faith. So this person committed a major sin in terms of murder, yet Allah subhanaw taala refers to him as brother in faith. So these are all proofs from the Quran, that one can see that if an individual was to commit a major sin, then this is not enough to expel them out of their religion, it's not enough to expel them out of the religion. And this is something that's very careful to, you know, when they used to be very meticulous, and understanding this point, because this is like the major difference between the arcade of the college and the arcade of adolescence, as we'll come to see the arcade of the college.

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One of the fundamental points was that if you were to commit a major sin, then it is taking you outside of the fold of Islam is taking you outside of the fold of Islam was founded sooner than our stance is that this person is a believer who is deficient in his email, was deficient in his email and is a first sick due to the major sin that he committed. So is a believer with deficiency fossick due to the major sin that he committed, firstly, due to the major sin that he committed,

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is that clear with everyone? Fantastic. So now we go on to that. He goes on to say to talk about to the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Let's just get to the actual

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He says for Coolio home. yasi was on the RCS veho wakulla home yasi this is based upon the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu and they will send them where he says that all of the children of Adam are sinful kulula either Makoto Makoto, Katarina Tabu that all the children of Adam they will commit sin. So this is human nature that we will commit sin. Now as long as we are committing sin and repenting to Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah subhanho wa Taala still loves us for this and this is fine Allah so amazing to understand that yes, we committed a sin, but as long as we followed it up with repentance and seeking forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala you will always have the love

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of Allah subhanho wa Taala and this is shows the generosity the mercy, the compassion of Allah subhanho wa Taala so much so that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says,

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lo Lam Tez Naboo the Sahaba Allah who Beco moja Coleman youth a boon where you still feel alone for your fear on the home, that if you did not sin and did not seek forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala then Allah subhanaw taala would have brought a people that sinned and did seek forgiveness from Allah subhana wa tada and Allah subhanho wa Taala would have forgive them. Allah subhanho wa Taala would have forgive them. And this shows us how much forgiveness or the act of forgiving is beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala so that regardless of what sin we may have committed, Allah subhana wa Taala is always there to forgive us whether the arshi Yes, foul. And this actually before

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we move on to that, you know, one important verse internalized at all times, because this is like the one verse that she wants to make you forget is the verse in Surah Zuma where Allah subhana wa Tada. He says, Yeah, he by the Aladdin Asada, and foresee him that talking to me Rahmatullah in the lawyer for the Nova Jamia that all my slaves that have transgressed against themselves, do not despair of the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala for Allah forgives all sins. This is sort of Zoomer, verse 53. And this is like a very important verse to understand. Yo todos de novo Jamia meaning the minor sins and the major sins over here. And as long as you're seeking forgiveness from Allah

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subhana wa Tada, Allah subhanho wa Taala will always be there to forgive you Allah subhanho wa Taala will always be there to forgive you. And so now she has the option of Allah subhanho wa Taala is the throne of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And it is the most magnificent of Allah creations. It is the most magnificent of Allah's creations from the magnificence of it is that when people are raised on the Day of Judgment, we find more sadly Salaam is holding on to one of its pillars is holding on to one of its pillars from its magnificence is that it has eight distinct angels that are carrying the throne of Allah subhanho wa Taala it is eight distinct angels. They're carrying the throne of Allah

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subhanaw taala from the greatness of the apps of Allah subhanho wa Taala is that it is the utmost highest part of Jenna and it is encompassing paradise it is encompassing paradise, that the arts of Allah subhanho wa Taala is that great and that vast so this is the great artist of Allah subhana wa tada and you'll find it you know mentioned many times in the Quran you'll find it mentioned quite a few times in the Koran and Allah subhanho wa Taala refers to it due to its greatness due to its greatness. And in fact you know in quite a few it is quite a few other year. The Arch of Allah subhanho wa Taala is mentioned. As you noted the magnitude to show the greatness of Allah subhanho

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wa Taala to show the greatness of Allah subhana wa tada so like one of those

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as car when you when you visit a sick person, or Sinhala, Levine or Bill absol Corinne and yes via that ask Allah subhana wa Tada. So Allah Allah Diem is one of the most great, the most magnificent herbal optional Karim, the Lord of the noble throne, to grant you a cure to grant you a cure. So here are you asking Allah subhanho wa Taala you know, by his noble throne, basically magnificent mentioning the magnificence of this throne to ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to cure that person to cure that person.

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And then we move on to the next verse and the next the next verse, when that jacket Ryan coverage and do not have the opinion of the whole outage do not have the opinion of the whole outage. So the name and title of coverage. It comes from Karachi, to exit to leave something now. Why would they call the commodity the scholars actually differed on two opinions as to why they were called hardage opinion number one, because they rebelled against ideology Allahu anhu. They made kotoge against the khilafah of ideology Allah who I know they exited to rebel against ideology, Allah I know that is opinion number one. Opinion number two and this seems to be closer in the overall scheme of things

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is that they exited from the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam they exited from the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. traits from amongst the coverage and their beliefs from the traits amongst the coverage is that these people loves to kill these people absolutely loved to kill. One of the famous individuals from the Hawaii edge was

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Harare, Nigeria and Harare during the time of Ibn Ahmadi Allahu Allah de la Noma when he was coming to the town of Abdullah Amara de la Houma. He the the people described him for, for Abdullah number, the first description they gave him is that this man comes to the marketplaces, he kills all of the businessmen, he kills people that are doing business, and he kills the women and the children, he kills the women. And the children mean that he feels no shyness from killing people. He feels no shyness from killing people, right? Number two is that these people have blatant contradictions in their faith, blatant contradictions in their faith, that they will say that whoever commits a major

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sin has exited the fold of Islam. And these are the people that will fast all day, they will pray all night, and they will recite the Koran at all times. This is the description that Allah Allahu anhu gave the people as they are about to go into the battlefield, that do not be deceived by their praying by their fasting and by the recitation of the Quran. Because their worship, the recitation of the Koran doesn't go past their throats, right? Where is the apparent contradiction in their faith? That while they show this extreme dedication to their faith, they have no problem falling into this major sin of killing people for absolutely no reason killing people for absolutely no

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reason. Killing to them was something so minor and so literal. And that is where the apparent contradiction is. And it's something that, you know, you can establish as a general guideline, that the methodology in the creative and the center, it is pure, and you will never find any contradictions in it. Whereas the methodology and the creed of the people of innovation, is that even if you can't see it, know, for a fact, there has to be a contradiction in it. Because if there wasn't a contradiction, and what have been the creative and listen, that would have been the creative listener. And this is one of the principles that you can use against them now from their

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fundamental beliefs is that anyone that committed a major sin, then this would expel him outside the fold of Islam, this will expel him outside the fold of Islam. What was more general than this? So the general, you know, I guess, manifestation of this is that if you committed major sin, then you're outside the fold of Islam. But the greater understanding of this issue is the belief that a man was only one thing that a man did not flock to demand did not go up, it did not go down. And he mind was not a different parts. But mine was just one thing. Either you had a man, or you didn't have a man. There's no middle grounds of wiki man and high demand, according to them. So that is the

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basis of this belief of theirs, that if you commit a major sin, that you're outside the fold of Islam, that you're outside the fold of Islam, who agreed with them in theory, but not in name, sir who agreed with them in reality, but not in name. The martyrs Isla de Matos, Isla de matar Zilla, they said that anyone that commits a major sin, then he is no longer a believer. But he is not a disbeliever as well. He is not a disbeliever as well, but he will still be in the Hellfire forever, he will still be in the Hellfire forever. And they call this mancilla Bina Mansi the chain, that this is a station between two stations, when in reality, it's just one station. The only thing that

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refused to do is call my Catherine. But the reality is that he will be in the Hellfire for our realities and the healthcare forever. Now, I want you to think about this logically, what is worse giving a Tim the title of Kapha? Or is this letting him know that you'll be in the Hellfire forever? Obviously, the latter is much much worse. Right? So they're playing with semantics over here, where they said that he will be in the Hellfire forever. He is not a believer, but the only thing we're not going to do is call him a disability, we're going to be polite about it. You're going to be in the states in between these two stations. But basically you have the same consequence and punishment

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as the people of the Hellfire the same punishment as the people of the hellfire.

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Now, the people of innovation, one of the titles they're also given is that people have desires, they're given the title, the people have desires. Why are they given this title? based upon this Hadith, where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says was that was the 30 who had the oma and I said as it was in Africa, Phil, what was the theoretical how the lumada seleccion was Sabrina felco fella who up and this is narrated by Eben RB awesome Hadith number 69 a b&b awesome Hadith number 69 and authenticated by Chicago near him Hola. Hola. Hola. So he says that this oma will be divided into 73 sects based upon their desires based upon their desires. Now why they call the

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people of desires because they have left the Quran and the Sunnah. And they've used in their own desires to interpret the religion they've used their own desires to interpret their religion. So whatever they found befitting they accepted whatever they didn't bind to find befitting they rejected was and assume that when they approach the Quran and the Sunnah, they accept it even if it goes against their own desires, right? They accept the Quran and Sunnah, even if it goes against their own desires.

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Even if it goes against their own desires.

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Now, moving on to the next group that the author mentions, well, that's a cool Moto G. What is Moto G come from Moto G comes from the word ilja. Moto G comes from the word area, which in linguistically means to delay something which linguistically means to delay something. And what are the delaying over here, they've delayed actions from email, they have said that actions are not a part of email. And you'll notice that the wording that the author uses over here is that these people are just playing with their Dean altogether. They're playing with their Dean altogether. Why does he call them people that joke and just with their Deen, because they've opened up the door for

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sin, without accountability, that as long as you have your faith, and you'll see that they divided, they were divided in terms of what even constitutes faith, as long as you've met that minimum requirement of faith, you can do whatever you want, and you will never leave the fold of Islam, and you will never be sinful whatsoever, you will never be sinful, what so ever. So their fundamental belief was again, that no matter what you sin you do then you this will not harm your Eman. What was the bigger picture? Again, they do not consider actions as a part of a man. Therefore there is nothing to cause a man to fluctuate. So a man was just one thing to them as well, a man was just one

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thing to them as well. Now, what was their definition of a man? What was their definition of a man from amongst them? They had four main differences in terms of their definition, meaning that they're four different groups in terms of what they considered Eman. The first group said it is America. It is to know Allah subhanho wa Taala mean that as long as you know there is an Allah subhana wa Tada. Then you are a believer who can tell me one of the negative ramifications of this belief that if you believe that belief, is just modified the knowing of the existence of Allah subhanaw taala what is one of the evil ramifications of this? Who Quraysh become believers but bigger than kurush who else

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becomes a believer for our bigger than around? A believes becomes a believer right? it believes he believes he recognizes the existence of Allah subhana wa Tada. And so what does he say in the body or make India cough Allah, Allah Allah Allah mean that he says I'm free from you because I fear Allah subhanho wa Taala so by this definition, if you just say that it is Maori for to Voodoo dilla then this makes a police their own and you know the correlation every other disbeliever except for the atheists believers, except for the atheist believers, right? second group, they said mogera that this is the majority of the stick, that simply affirming Allah subhana wa Tada, simply affirming

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that Allah subhanho wa Taala has the right to be worshipped, right? So you say that Allah is an elf. Whether you worship him or not, is of no relevance, as long as you recognize that He is worthy of being worshiped. Right, then again, you will notice that the same similar groups are entered into the fold of Islam, a police Quraysh all these people, they're entered into the fold of Islam. group number three, majority are not that all you have to do is say the Shahada without even believing in it, if as long as you say the Shahada, even if you don't believe in it, then you will be entered into Islam. And this is like, you know, what we'll call like modern day Elijah, like by modern day

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ajah, what we mean is, you will have Muslims that they'll say the Shahada, and they'll commit every sin under the sun. And they're like, you know, I'm still a believer, I don't pray, I don't fast I don't give my as a cat. You know, Alhamdulillah I still eat meat, though. And I drink alkaline to all of these things. But I'm still a believer, then we say this is my agenda that are not good. Yes, you may have said the Shahada. But that's not enough to keep you within the fold of Islam. It's not enough to keep you within the fold of Islam. Then we have group number four. And this is the closest group that Listen, this is the closest group data center, from the Georgia Majora the north where

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the actor called Majora that not one actor called that you just need to have the statement and the belief statement and the belief internally statement and belief internally. And this is enough to keep you within the fold of Islam. As you'll come to see during the next set of verses. The belief of Anderson and Eamon is that the man consists of three things statements, beliefs and actions. So what they're missing over here is the actions themselves is the actions themselves. Now, there is a group called moto Jia Tal fuqaha. There is a group called Moto G moto for kaha. And these were the great scholars of the Hanafi madhhab. These were the great scholars of the Hanafi madhhab. Were in

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theory, they used to say that actions were not a part of a man in theory they would say that actions are not a part of a man. But in reality, when you look at their books of filk in you know Bible read that the chapter of Apostasy they would mention that a person wants to leave off such and such deed he would become a disbeliever or if he was to commit such and such sin he would become such as such discipline.

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He would become a disbeliever. So, what the scholars and this is like a

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you know a reconciling approach approach of has not done with them is that the difference between Allison and the module fuqaha was a discrepancy of semantics mean that yes, the title is different, but the reality was in the same day consider actions a part of the mind, even though according to the theory, they did not according to their theory, they did not. So, that is who the motors YAHWAH they said that actions were not a part of a man's actions were not a part of a man and this leads us into what is the definition of a listener when it comes to a man and what is the ramification of that definition, what is the ramification of that definition. So, the belief of I understand that

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when it comes to a man is that a man consists of three things and he mentioned it over here in the email no colon one near tone warfare. So, it is three things a man consists of statements, intentions, and action statements, intentions, and actions. Now, this will further be broken down, this will further be broken down.

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In terms of statements, there are two types of statements, they're statements of the tongue and statements of the heart, okay. So, just make brief notes of this statements of the tongue and statements of the heart, okay. What is statement of the tongue and what is statement of the heart, statement of the tongue is of two types, that which is foundational and that which is secondary, that was foundational, and that will be secondary, foundational statement of the tongue is a justification of a shadow Allah Allah, Allah Allah or shadow Anna Muhammad Rasul Allah. This is a foundational statement, that with this foundational statement, everything else is built upon it,

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everything else is built upon it. Then secondary statements of the tongue, they are making Vicar, the recitation of the Quran, speaking words of goodness and kindness. So this is a colbyn. Listen. Now, what is the code of the club? What is the code of the club? The goal of the club is when the heart makes an intention to do something good, when the heart makes the intention to do something good. This is the intention. This is the statement of the heart. So what is common practice that time for Salah comes and people will verbalize they will operate their intention for Salah I'm about to pray for all kinds of salata Lord, facing the Qibla, behind the Imam and this happens in multiple

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languages, right? This is not actually from the Sunnah there's not from the Sunnah, their intention stays inside of your heart, your intention stays inside of your heart. So when your heart makes an intention to do an act of goodness, this is considered a statement of the heart isn't considered a statement of the heart.

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then number two, we have actions we have actions. actions are also of two types, actions of the limbs, and actions of the heart, actions of the limbs, and actions of the heart, actions of the limbs, very simple, praying, fasting, giving is a car giving good ties of relationship, right? These are all actions of the limbs, actions of the heart, things like fear of Allah, things like love of Allah subhanho wa Taala, things like tawakoni, Allah, right, these are all actions of the heart, these are all actions of the heart.

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Then we move on to the last point, which is an exit code, which is the correct set of beliefs, which is the correct set of beliefs, meaning that Allah is one that is the only one worthy of worship, he has no father, he has no son, right? These are the correct set of beliefs. Now, in order for someone to become a believer, all three of these categories need to be brought together. You can't just have faith without actions and statements. You can't have actions without statement and belief. Nor can you have statements without actions and faith, nor can you have statements without actions and faith. And you'll notice that this is what will differentiate the three categories that we're

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speaking about nifa, Cofer and shirk. So in an individual that has actions without pure intention, then this person has fallen into the fog, right, an individual that has actions, but without pure arcada. Without pure he called, then he has fallen into shock over here, right. And a person that has neither of the three or falls short in either statements or actions or beliefs has fallen into cover. That is the relationship between the three, that is the relationship between the three.

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Now that was like a brief summary of everything I wanted to say, because I know that we're quite short on time, it's 945 and the comments at 1010 inshallah, so we have about, you know, 25 minutes to get through the next three lines better later on. So that in summary is the belief of a listener when it comes to email. Now what I want to go through with you is

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What proofs can we find from the Quran and Sunnah that indicate that actions are a part of a man What proof can we find from the Quran and the Sunnah, that actions are a part of Eman. Let's start off with Hadith number one, the sort of with Hadith number one. This Hadith is found in Bukhari Hadith number nine, and Muslim haddish number 35 Bukhari Hadith number nine, Muslim Hadith number 35 the Hadith of the Allahu anhu where he says Ali Emanuel bid on was several owner shorba for Allah ha colada ilaha illallah wa as an email to the other Anna Tarik will hire shabbaton mina Eamon

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ahora de Allahu anhu. he narrates that Eman is 77 or the branches. its highest point is the statement of La ilaha illa Allah, its lowest point is removing something harmful from the path and modesty and shyness as a branch of Eman modesty and shyness is a branch of email. The first thing that we all learn over here is that a man is not one that mine is multiple parts Serbia you know some 70 odd parts to it. According to the Hadith of the Prophet SAW his setup another Hadith he was 60 odd parts, but you know that we can leave for another time. But the point we want to get at is that is not one it is fluctuate. There is highs a high point and it has a low point. What is the

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high point of a man? It is a statement of La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah, when he says it's high point is a statement of lie in the head Allah. Does this mean the statement alone? No, it doesn't. It means the belief that comes along with it the actions that come along with it, that is the highest point, what is the highest point to mean to overhear, meaning the thing that will save you from the Hellfire, the things that will be the greatest cause of you being forgiven for your sins is the statement of light and Allah Muhammad Allah says Allah meaning having our head with Allah subhanho wa Taala. So here we see action of the tongue right away. Number two, the lowest form

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of email is email to other removing something harmful from the from the past. This is a physical action is this is a physical action. And this is the lowest form of email to remove something harmful from the past. And then the third thing he mentions will hire offshore between men the man and modesty and shyness is from the branches of faith. And modesty is something that stems from the heart meaning that true modesty is not seen on the lips, it manifests itself on the lips, but true modesty actually takes place in the heart, where one creates a barrier between himself or herself and disobedience of Allah subhana wa Tada. That is what modesty actually is. That is what modesty

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actually is. Another Hadith we want to look at and this is perhaps the most explicit Hadith and two fronts, number one actions being a part of a man and number two Salah being a man Salah being a man. Okay, so this is the hadith of Ibn Abbas you know the Allahu anhu oma and it's called the hadith of worth burning Abdullah case where Hadith was Benny Abdullah face. So I tried known as Abdullah Tice, came to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And this hadith is found in Bukhari Hadith number 53. And in most of them Hadith number 18 Bukhari Hadith number 53, and a Muslim Hadith number 18. He says, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam moroccon bill, BR BA and Emmanuel Billa Walter

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Deuteronomy Emanuel Billa Shahada to Allah ilaha illallah wa economie Sala where eata is occur was so more Ramadan, one thought to minimum agronomy, Allah comas, one to two minima, Vanya, me and comas. So the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says, I commend you with four things. I commend you with four things. Number one, is the man in Allah subhanaw taala having a man in Allah subhanho wa Taala. Then he asked them, Do you know what a man in Allah subhanho wa Taala is? And then he answered it for them. And he mentions it is the Shahada meaning an action of the tongue sing or shadow night Allah, Masha, Allah so Allah, it is to establish the prayer. So Salah is

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from Eman Salah is from Amen. It is to give this occur, and is to fast Ramadan. And if you do these things, then you will be given from the spoils of war. When the Muslims get the spoils of war you will be given from the spoils of war, when the Muslims get from the spoils of war, excuse me. So this was explicitly two fronts. One that actions are a part of a man then a different type of actions that are part of a man the statement of the tongue, the statement of the limbs, and that Salah is from a man that Salah is literally called a man in this Hadith, Salah is literally called a man in this hadith.

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Now what we want to get into this a man increase and decrease according to the Sunnah And the answer to that is yes, once our listener considers he actions a part of a man, then based upon your actions, your mind will actually fluctuate. It will increase or decrease it will increase or decrease. And what I want to share with you is one of the statements of the companions or the Allahu anhu pertaining to this, his name was automotive, the hobby

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Hello, and how are Maribor Habib al hatami over omega two Habib al Fatah, me and who call an Emmanuel zdm cos, Kayla zyada to Amana son who call it as a cardinal Allah Mohammed now who was a billionaire who for tilka z either two who were in the fund now when the Center for the radical knocks on home, Samira Habib, he says, He man increases and decreases, it was said to him, what is the increase of demand and what is the decrease of he man, he said that if you were to remember Allah to praise him, and to make this be of him, then this is the increase of a man. And if we were to become heedless, and to forget then that is the decrease of demand that is the decrease of

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demand. So here we have from the from a Sahabi, mentioning the increase and decrease of Eman, increase and decrease of a man. So this is how they understood that as a person did more good deeds, the more the man would increase, the more bad deeds that he did or the more he forgot Allah subhanho wa Taala then the more his email would decrease, the more his email would decrease. What you find in the Koran is in multiple places that he man increases Eman increases, right, let's test our five here. Give me one Ah, where is the increased amount of demand is mentioned.

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Give me the verse. There's a man fantastic minibb.

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Zara Tommy, man, fantastic. So you'll find that about seven or eight times in the Koran word an increase in demand is mentioned. Now it is foolish to think that if an increase in demand is mentioned, you know, does that mean that a man only increases and it doesn't decrease? The answer to that is no a man increases and decrease just because it's not found specifically in the Quran. It doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. We find in the Hadith very explicitly, that whoever sees whoever from amongst you sees an evil deed, let him let him change it with his hand. If he's unable to then with his tongue if he's unable to learn let him hate it with his heart was awful he man that is from

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the weakest forms of email. So that shows that he man you have to have that demand does get weak that demand does get weak.

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So now in this section, we cover two main components of the Arcadia Valley center, that demand is statements and actions and beliefs and that it increases and decreases and this is what differentiates it from the different groups This is what differentiates it from the different groups.

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Now, we move on to the second to last part, which is now the the port he gets into what is knowledge and what should not be considered knowledge what is knowledge and what should not be considered knowledge. If you remember the very first halakhah that we did, we talked about the methodology of 100 Cerner in affirming arcada in affirming arcada and one of the first things we mentioned are what are the sources of knowledge when it comes to aqeedah. So for the believer, it is the Quran, Sunnah, and Iijima. These are the sources of knowledge when it comes to arcada. This is the only thing that we can affirm a fader with right. And what the author is mentioning over here is that when it comes

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to your deen there is no room for opinions of different people. There's no room for opinions of different people. And you'll find that similar statements were made by other great imams from them was ignore claim from them with him as a hobby. him as a hobby he has a nice line where he says

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Elmo call Allah who call Nora sulochana Sahaba to an exhibit muy mal Muna. spoken in Philippi Safa Hudson Bay, Nora Sudhi, verbena Rocky, that he says knowledge is what Allah said, what the messenger said, and what the Sahaba said and it is not something that is is hidden, and it is from foolishness to think that one can have knowledge in differing with the opinion of what Allah His messenger or what Allah subhanho wa Taala said. So knowledge consists of these three things, then we'll call him in his new near. He has a nice line as well where he says, while jaha on casilando shifa oho will go down Kata nanashi Pharaoh who

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was the first man while Django down casilando Shiva oho. Imani tell KB Matata, Connie Nasir Minam qurani ominto knitted watabe Boudicca Admiral Bonnie, he says that ignorance is a deadly disease whose cure is found in two things that are similar in their composition that are similar in their composition, either a verse from the Quran, or Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the one that cures this sickness and illness is the righteous scholar is the the righteous nurturing scholar. So these are statements of the scholars about what knowledge actually is. Now, it's very important to internalize this right? that a lot of the times when we're having discussions

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with people, people will say, this scholar said that or my mom said that or such and such individual said that was when it comes to our Deen. It has to be explicitly here's a verse from the Quran. Here's the Hadith of the Prophet Salaam Salaam. Here's the understanding of the companions

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This is ultimate proof, everything else is subject to being weighed and judged based upon these three things is subject to being weighed and judged based upon these three things. Now, I want to share with you some of the narrations of the predecessors on this. The first one is ameriglo Katara, viola and this is very, like, you know, it suits his personality. He says he was hyper Rai, in the home did I add to home as soon as I follow her family or a family home that he says I warn you against the people of just opinion media, they leave the text of the Quran, Sunnah. There's nothing wrong with having an opinion based upon the Quran and the Sunnah. But people that just base that

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just building opinion without the Koran in the center for these people are the enemies of the religion and it is upon them to return back to the Sunnah and preserve it for that is what will cause their minds to work again, that was what will cause the mind to work again, meaning that the cabaret they they've lost their minds completely. Then you have angiology Allahu anhu. He says Locanda Dean Jacobi Raji for kanematsu, both in and out, I must say avahi, that he says, if this religion was based merely upon opinion, and mere intellect, then one would wipe the bottom of one's socks rather than the top of it rather than the top of it. And this is to show again that you know,

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there's a place for intellect in our in our religion, but it has a limit to it. And then what takes over is the text of the Quran and the Sunnah is the text of the Quran and the Sunnah. emammal Jose, he says, I Laika bill Arthur.

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We are like Bill Arthur, we're in North America. We're era region. We're in zakra, who bill called for in America in America. And God wants to recall, Mr. King, he says it is upon you to follow the narrations of the people of the past, even if the people abandon you, and I warn you against the opinions of men, even if they beautified with their speech were indeed this affair is clear, and you're upon the straight path and you are treading the straight path. So the straight path is the narrations of the people of the past. And the last you know narration I want to leave you with over here is the statement of Abdullah Omar Abdullah Juan Houma, where he says

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What did Abdullah Abdullah and honestly, there's so much that going on in my head right now. That's why I'm forgetting everything's fine. A lot of the love of Omar Abdullah Omar, he says that this Deen will never be known by the way of men. This DNA will never be known by the way of men or sorry, the truth will never be known by the way of men, but know the truth and you will know its people know the truth and you will know people. What does this statement mean? That if you would ask the people what is the truth, each and every individual will have their own version and definition of the truth. But and until you know what the truth is, from an objective point of view. You will never

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know who the truthful people are or who the people of truth are. The objective point of view of the truth is the Quran, Sunnah, and the agreed upon statements of the companions the agreed upon statements of the companions, right? Then he goes on to say and as long as you stick to this methodology of basing your opinion upon the Koran and the sun and not just based upon intellect, or the statements of the people, then you will be pure and your chest will be expanded whereas if you don't, your chest will always be congested by the statements of opinion. Likewise, do not be of those people that play with their religion Do not be like those people that play with their religion

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for thought anafi idol Hadith he was talking to her and they criticize and they disparte the people of Hadith. Why does he mentioned the people of heavy silver here? The scholars of the past, they used to consider the term 100 Hadeeth, synonymous with a listener and used to consider 100 Hadith synonymous with the miracle to Nigeria. So the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says that all of the sects will be in the Hellfire except for one. Eman Muhammad Rahim Allah when he commented on this, he said that if they are not the people of Hadith, I do not know who they are. If they're not the people that Hadith, I do not know who they are. So what he's saying over here is

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that when one of the signs of deviation is a mockery of a listener, is that they will make fun of a listener and will call them names.

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Right? So this is something to be aware of that if you don't stick to the will of the Quran and the Sunnah, this will lead you to burning the people of the Sunnah and mocking them. A second thing we learn from this is that mocking people is not the way the sooner it is a way of underbidder, right? So when you find yourself constantly mocking other groups and constantly mocking other people, then know that this is not that we're better sooner and sooner, just not mock people. It is not mock groups, but rather it refutes ideas. That is what we do. We don't mock individuals, we refute ideas, we don't discuss people, we refute the theories that they stand for, right? It's easy to make fun of

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someone, it's easy to character assassinate someone what is difficult is to discuss the ideas that they come with and refute them. And that is one of the distinguishing signs of the center is that we don't care about the individual. We care about the idea that they stand for

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We care about the idea that they stand for. And now Alhamdulillah, we move on to the last part with, you know, 10 minutes left, where he goes on to say, that if you were to hold this belief all of your life, then by the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala, you will go to sleep and wake up upon goodness to go to sleep and wake up upon the goodness. Now Alhamdulillah You know, this is a clear conclusion of the poem. And to summarize this very point is that people need to understand the severity of al Qaeda, know, your aqeedah is the most precious thing that you own, what differentiates us from, from an atheist from any disbeliever is our internal beliefs itself, right, because they will pray, we

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will pray, they will fast we will fast, they will give acts of charity, we will give charity as well, but what will differentiate us is our beliefs and that is why it is of the utmost importance that Muslims pay attention to their beliefs. If you look at the books of the past, you will notice that sale boycott is a Muslim. They all have chapters on belief catappa Hadith Kitab. Al Eman is there this chapters of belief, if you look at the first 13 years of revelation in the Quran, all of it is discussing belief. And this is to show that an individual without belief is on very dangerous territory, that if you tried to implement Islam without having the correct set of beliefs, it is

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feared that either your actions will not be accepted, or that naturally you will burn out naturally you will burn out. So in order to retain your Eman in order for your mind to increase, not only do you need those actions, but you need the correct set of beliefs, scriptural beliefs in Allah, correct, set a belief in the angels correct set of beliefs in the Day of Judgment, correct set of beliefs in other correct set of beliefs in everything that is considered from a man. Right. And hopefully, this is what that form did. Hopefully, this is what that form did. So altogether, there are 33 verses and we went through the major components of Arcadia very briefly, but it's worthwhile,

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you know, repeating this poem, you know, from end to end, it's very short altogether, we did it in nine classes. You know, if you skip through some of the parts, you could probably do it in like six classes. So whenever you skipping through YouTube, but it's very good to go back to it from time to time. And it is my intention in sha Allah huzzah Allah, that you know, as long as you know, I'm at the dismissal line here in Calgary. Every once in a while, at least maybe once a year, we'll try to go through a poem or texting nakida just to keep refreshing our beliefs just to keep refreshing our beliefs, because it does us a lot of good when you understand God, and how it's there to protect you

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and protect your feelings. And Allah has your best interests in mind. It helps us deal with our calamities a lot easier when you understand the role of the angels and how they're there to help us and write down our good deeds. And you know how they're here they are to implement the law of Allah subhanho wa Taala. It helps us when you understand the role of the day of judgment and how deeds are will be weighed, and how and how do you know the statement of law will be heavier than anything else? Right. All this helps us. When we learn that on the Day of Judgment, Allah will hold the oppressors and transgressors to account it brings us relief that any oppression or injustice that

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takes place in the world, Allah is taking care of it right? All these things are there to make us better individuals and to make us it make it easier for us to focus again on focus on worshiping Allah subhanho wa Taala. So anything that I've said during this time that was correct is from Allah subhanho wa Taala alone and All praise is due to him. Anything that I've said that was incorrect, is from myself and from shaytaan and I seek forgiveness for myself and for all of you that attended Xochimilco and for all of you that attended during these nine sessions. I pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala makes it heavy on our skill of good deeds that Allah forgives us for our sins, that Allah

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makes it of those people that are entered into all those, those people that are blessed with the shofar, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, those people that are forgiven for their smallest sins and the big of them, those people that Allah subhanho wa Taala conceals their sins in this life, and the next and those individuals that are given to drink from the house of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam by his own hand. Allahumma amin was the Lola who was sending one particle and the Vienna Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam

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