Navaid Aziz – Haaiyyah of Ibn Abee Dawood #03

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary © The holy grail is viewed as a source of strength and security for Bible-ias' spiritual teachings, as demonstrated by its historical significance. The speakers also discuss the language of Islam and the language of Iraq, which is "backy." They speculate on the potential for a drug shortage and the influence of people on one's deeds, with a particular emphasis on showing the face of Allah in videos.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim in an hamdulillah Hina Hornstein who want to start when they're also Billahi min Cerulean fusina woman CIT II Nina Maria de La Paloma de la la de la

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ilaha illallah wa the hula de cada Chateau no Mohammed Abu Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira

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My dear brothers and sisters salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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So I want you to think about if you could have anything that you possibly desire right now, what would you want? So any one thing that you could possibly desire right now? What would you want? Jenna, everyone.

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Okay, I think that's too easy to answer. What about gender? Everyone wants to gender Tell me what specifically you want to agenda. The highest level Dave, what do you want from the highest level of agenda? They find a mandatory document for those and what do you want from for those?

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nothing specific.

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You don't want anything specific.

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You know, when something doesn't go as planned, that's exactly what happened. Right?

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So what I was trying to get at is, you know, everyone wants something with the presumption that it will make them happy, right, everyone will want something and this is only or in the Acura with the presumption that it will make them happy. And our discussion for tonight is something that will truly make the believers happy. In fact, it's guaranteed that it will make the believers happy. And that is the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala at the sight of Allah subhana wa Tada. Now when it comes to the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala either to be able to see Allah subhana wa tada I want to start off with some of the benefits first and you know the the motivation behind it and then we

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can get into the the technical stuff.

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Allah subhana wa tada in describing his raw audio and being able to see all those panels that he describes it as the greatest blessing of all we'll take proofs later on, but Allah subhana wa Tada. He tells us lahoma shalonda will adenomas eat that in general, you will have every single thing that you desire, and we will still have more to give you the Mufasa rune from the from the past he said, this extra over here that Allah subhanho wa Taala will give you it is the sight of Allah subhana wa Tada. Now it's called extra over here because it is greater than anything you could possibly imagine to possibly understand. And it is the thing that will make you the happiest little the little Idina

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after no personnel was the other. So inshallah Yunus Allah subhanaw taala says that those people who do good, they will have goodness and they will have more and again, this more that Allah subhanaw taala is referring to is the state of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now I want you to think about from the perspective of evolution, that when we affirm the attributes of Allah subhanaw taala, we always said that there's a greater wisdom as to why we affirm those attributes that not only do we do it, because Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us to do so. But there's tangible benefits from it. And I want to share three of those with you in terms of the sight of Allah subhana wa Tada. Number one granting

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in individual patients. You'll notice that in times of difficulty, people always need motivation to keep going when things become really difficult. They need something to take them to the next level that will allow them to be patient and will allow them to persevere through the trials that they're going through. And this is the number one benefit that when one understands that they live purely for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala and their patient for the sake of Allah subhana wa Tada. And this is why it's so important to you know, understanding the verse in Surah Delta, when they are a big festival, that for the sake of your Lord, be patient. Allah subhanaw taala tells us to be

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patient for the sake of our Lord, because he's the only one that can compensate it and the ultimate compensation for the patient people will be to see Allah subhanho wa Taala will be to see Allah subhana wa Tada. So when an individual is going through a difficult time he remembers that Look, my patients will lead me to see Allah subhanho wa Taala and the highest of Paradise, then this is what he strives for. Number two is consistent consistency and persistence in worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala you know there's a great wisdom well let's find out what's Allah He tells us he cannot Buddha he I can see that it is only you that we worship and only you that we seek assistance from

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the scholars of the past they mentioned over here that the reason why Allah subhana wa tada mentioned assistance and worship together in this verse, is because the thing that you will need the greatest amount of assistance in from Allah subhanho wa Taala is in worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala and that is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he talked about either bingeable A wa he told him look more than I love you for the sake of Allah, should I teach you something that you should say at the end of every salah and he told him to say Allah, Allah niconico shakalaka was the better to go holla at me in thanking you remember you and perfecting my worship of you. So this

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concept of continuously worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala. We understand that it's very difficult

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For some people, it may be the five daily prayers. For some people it may be there's some prayers for some people, it may be clear, mundane, and you can you know, break this down to every other aspect to worship, the cat may be difficult for someone sanaka may be difficult lending money may be difficult, you know, every aspect of worship will have is for Suna and was the hub part. So regardless of where you are, you'll always need that extra motivation to take you to the next level of Ebola. And what's interesting is that Subhanallah and that Hadith that affirms the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam clearly tells us the harbor, that makes

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sure that you don't miss two prayers, meaning that if you want to see Allah subhanho wa Taala, then you will have to be consistent in these two prayers. And we'll get to that at the end of the discussion. So it's almost like circular in nature, that you worship Allah subhanho wa Taala to see Allah subhanaw taala. And then when you are lacking motivation to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala you remember that one day you will stand in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala and see him and then that becomes an extra motivation that becomes an extra motivation. A third thing

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and that is patience on one's desire. And this shouldn't actually not be it shouldn't be called patients, but it should be called refraining from one's desire. Even the scholars mentioned it under patients, we're going to create a separate category, refraining from one's desire, that a lot of the times you know desire to present ourselves very, very easily. We live in a time where you know the halal is next to impossible and the Haram is you know, as easy as you can possibly imagine you want to do anything how long it's at a snap of a finger to be want to do something halal. You have to jump over hurdles to actually get to it. And that is living at a time when How long is so difficult.

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You'll need motivation to prevent you from doing that. And again, that motivation to prevent you from doing that. How long is the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala that when you meet Allah subhanho wa Taala the believers that will be their happiest moment for them and you want to think that you know will I be deserving of seeing Allah subhana wa tada if I'm actually doing this sin if I'm actually doing this sin, Superman as soon as perspective when we affirm the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala these are the tangible benefits that we get out of it. It's this constant motivation to be patient to do good deeds to refrain from our desires. And when you deny the sight of Allah subhana

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wa tada you can understand why these motivations are lost why these motivations are lost. So now let's actually get into the proofs for the sight of Allah subhanaw taala the proofs for the sight of Allah subhana wa tada number one solo tokuyama verses 22 and 23. Solo to piano which is shown number 75 verses 22 and 23. Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, Would you Who would you mean Yama isn't Now there are a lot of behind now there are that on those on that day faces will be bright while they see Allah subhanho wa Taala while they're looking to their Lord, and this is a very clear and explicit proof that people will be seeing Allah subhanho wa Taala on that today, proof number two

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sola Yunus verse 26, Allah subhanho wa Taala he says a little readiness and one person was the other that those people that do good will be compensated with good and more they will compensate with good and more even cathedra him Allah He mentions this more over here is referring to the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala is referring to the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala proof number three surah number 50 solo path, verse number 35 sodapop verse number 35

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where Allah subhana wa tada he says, when a Dana mazique that we will have more to give them and this extra that Allah subhanho wa Taala will give the believers and Allah subhanaw taala makers from them is the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So that's verse number 35 in Surah toll path, so those are very explicit proofs in terms of the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now in Sunil filk, there's something called my formal makala, where you understand something due to its opposite, where you understand something due to its opposite. So for example, if I was to say, sit down, this is the opposite of don't stand, right? If I say sit down, this is the opposite of don't stand. So if I was

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to tell you to sit down, you can understand from it that I don't want you standing right now, right? This is what we call a formal mikhailova how you understand the opposite of something through something else. And this is what we're going to be applying over here. And this is sort of motto 15 verse number 15 solomo 15 verse number 15, Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, Can in Amara be him Yama even Lama Joe boon that he's talking about the disbelievers that on that day the disbelievers will have a veil between them and their Lord, the bliss believers will have a veil between them and their Lord. So the more formal mohalla of this idea is that the believers on that day they will not have a

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veal between them and their Lord, meaning that they will be able to see Allah subhanho wa Taala they will be able to see Allah subhanho wa Taala. So these are proofs from the Quran and in the last verse when we talk about the poems, so the verses of the poems in the last verse, we'll actually discuss the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam which is what they wanted, and they will have a separate discussion on that.

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Now, let us start off with the verses of the poem when if Can you read

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verses six to nine for us.

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We'll call it agenda from their

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initiation I will probably call now

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for a Serbian overload in Odessa divided in Malaysia level ship.

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Local Jeremy you Jeremy, you has our Indiana Mr. viewmedica naturism sobre la caja de Lune calling him within the call Mr. McCauley

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call up easily get antastic Translation and say the last panel dialer will make himself visible as a creation openly, just as the full moon is not hard to see, and the Lord will be seen more clearly. And he was not born nor he was preserved anyone know he has fathered anyone. Now is there anyone anything similar to him Exalted be the door find one and they just meet his rejects this however we have a testimony to the truth of what we say the Hadith clarifies it. Jared narrated it from the words of Mohammed.

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So see what he said about that and you will be successful Jackalope. Okay. So, the first thing in terms of the seeing of Allah subhana wa Tada. I want to share with you what a mama doubted me. he narrates a man without me he narrates over here starting off the discussion that those individuals that deny the sight of Allah subhanaw taala it is feared that they will be deprived from seeing Allah subhanho wa Taala those people that deny the seeing of Allah subhanho wa Taala it is feared that they will be deprived from seeing Allah subhana wa tada would you understand from the statement, those people that deny the seeing of Allah subhana wa Tada, it is fear that they will be

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deprived from seeing Allah subhanaw taala or to understand from it.

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Fantastic. And this is what he is indirectly he's applying because as you come to see in the Hadith later on, this hadith is motor water, meaning it's been narrated by so many companions, and by so many tabulate, and by so many a tabular database that is impossible to do, and I end the process and was very explicit about it. And likewise, you can see from the verses of the Koran that they're very explicit to talking about this as well. So remember, during the Ramallah he was implying indirectly he didn't say it explicitly, but he's implying indirectly, that those people that deny the state of Allah subhanaw taala it is fear that they will be deprived from seeing Allah subhanho wa Taala. And

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this shows us the importance of understanding this attribute of Allah subhana wa tada the ability to see him the ability to see him.

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And now this leads us in to do a discussion that who will actually be able to see Allah subhanho wa Taala, who will actually be able to see Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now, there's been a very, you know, large discussion on this amongst the scholars, and there's many, many opinions, I want to summarize,

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you know, one opinion for you inshallah, and this opinion that I believe, you know, puts everything together. And how we got to this opinion, is that there's a principle in our soul filter that states a general Oh, laminate ology. A general terminology. And what that means is, to be able to reconcile evidences is much, much better than to give preference of one proof over another, right? So there's many proofs that come into play as to who will see all those panels either and who will not, and to be able to reconcile all of them is better than to give preference of one, you know, verse or one Hadith over another verse or another Hadith. And that's how we sort of came to this conclusion. And

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with this conclusion states is that the believers will definitely see Allah subhanho wa Taala the believers will definitely see Allah subhana wa Tada. And this is something that no one denies. So even amongst the different opinions, there's no scholar that said the believers will not see Allah subhanho wa Taala. So there's something that there's consensus on that there believers will see Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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When it comes to the disbelievers the disbelievers are broken down into two categories. The disbelievers are broken down into two categories. Category number one is the hypocrites and category number two is everyone else. Category number two is everyone else. Starting off with the hypocrites over here. The opinion that you know seems clear over here is that the the hypocrites will see Allah subhanho wa Taala the hypocrites will see Allah subhanho wa Taala and this is based upon the Hadith mentioned in Bukhari and Muslim where the prophets of Allah It was said that he says that on the Day of Judgment, every people will be called to follow that which they worshipped. So those that worship

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the sun will be called to follow the sun, those that worship trees and idols when called to follow the trees and the idols and then those that worship Allah subhanho wa Taala will be called to follow Allah subhanho wa Taala and the verses are mentions amongst them will be there hypocrites. Amongst them will be their hypocrites as well. So meaning that the hypocrites they will continue to follow the believers up until a certain stage of climb up until a certain stage of karma and then it continues.

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Use that they will see Allah subhanho wa Taala at that time and Allah Subhana Allah will ask them to prostrate but they will not be able to prostrate to Allah subhanho wa Taala hypocrites will not be able to prostrate to Allah subhanho wa Taala so this hadith is quite explicit that the hypocrites will see Allah subhanho wa Taala now what's interesting is winnemem unknown to him Allah comments on this headache and saw him in his explanation of Sahih Muslim. Why do you think Allah subhana wa tada would show the hypocrites himself, but he wouldn't show them to the disbelievers. I want you to think about this, do you know the answer to this already good. So a form of punishment to show them

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what they will be missing for the rest of eternity? Fantastic. In fact, Mr. Manohar Allah, he considered this the greatest form of punishment outside of the hellfire. So mean that before you can get to the Hellfire, then this is like the worst punishment that they will have. And in fact, this punishment will continue, you know till Allah subhanaw taala decides what to do with them. So what this is stating is that the hypocrites they will see Allah subhanaw taala for a short glimpse, and then Allah subhanho wa Taala will eventually throw them into the hellfire. And even while in there in the Hellfire, their punishment is increased by this regret, and this remorse that only if I

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truly, you know, followed Islam and followed Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, I could have been in the company of Allah subhanaw taala I could have been in the company of all of the believers. But since I didn't do that, then this is like one of the worst forms of punishment that Allah subhanaw taala gives to the hypocrites. Now there's another opinion that says even the hypocrites will not see Allah subhanho wa Taala. And they use the verse from Psalm 15 that we mentioned earlier the use of words from Psalm 15 that we mentioned earlier. Now let's get to the other disbelievers the other disbelievers. The vast majority of scholars are of the opinion that the disbelievers they will not

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see Allah subhanho wa Taala altogether, they will not see Allah subhanho wa Taala altogether. However, there are certain narrations that allude to the fact that the disbelievers will see Allah subhanho wa Taala but not in the state that they will recognize him or not in a state that will make them happy, not in the state that will make them happy. So when it says that the disabilities will not see Allah subhanaw taala then this is true from the sense that they will not see Allah subhanaw taala in his most beautiful form, but it's not true in the sense that they will not see Allah subhanaw taala altogether. So there will be there will be a barrier between them and seeing all this

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final, Thailand's most beautiful form, but they will see Allah subhanho wa Taala and another form that will not make them happy. In fact, at that time, Allah subhanho wa Taala will show his anger and his wrath to them will show his anger and his wrath to them. So these are you know, in terms of the categories of who will get to see Allah subhanaw taala and in what state and in what state.

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So now,

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opinion, right?

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So the majority said that they will not see all Allah subhanaw taala all together, but we're making tough silver a given extra explanation, when they say that they will not be able to handle with a lot together. Even though it seems like it's explicit, what they're actually saying is that they will not see Allah subhanaw taala in his most beautiful form, still the same. That's still the same opinion that is still the same opinion. Correct. So now, when talking about

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the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala let's go back to the first verse.

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The northern over here, you know,

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he mentioned over here that they will see Allah subhanho wa Taala just like they see the full moon and Allah subhanaw taala is even more apparent and more clear than that. Why does the author mentioned that they will see Allah subhanaw taala like the full moon. So in the last verse when we're going to be talking about the hadith of God, when Abdullah Abdullah Han who he narrates from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that you will see Allah subhanho wa Taala just like you see the full moon, they cannot own a little better that you will see Allah subhanho wa Taala just like you see the full moon on the 14th night or between the 13th and 15th night, that is how you will see

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Allah subhanho wa Taala without any difficulties, the process explicitly mentioned this, and this is why the poet over here you mentioned that you will see Allah subhanho wa Taala like you see the full moon. And remember we mentioned that from the signs of the listener is that they try to use the language of the Quran as soon as much as possible. And this is what the the poet overhears continue continuing to do that he's using the words of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam as a part of his poetry as a part of his poetry. Then we go on to his second verse where they should be more loaded in where they should be Why did what they said the whole ship Hunter.

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So now he's saying that Allah subhanaw taala was not born, nor is he a father, and he has no comparison to Him, and He is the Most High and exalted from every deficiency. Now we're talking about the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala. It's very interesting that what is you know, having, you know, he's not a father and he's not, you know, he wasn't begotten. What does this have to do with seeing Allah subhanho wa Taala. The scholars mentioned that the reason why the author mentioned this over here is to allude to a point that we previously mentioned over here, that just because you affirm something from Allah subhanho wa Taala. It doesn't mean he becomes like his creation, it

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doesn't mean that he becomes

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Like his creation, and last week, you guys learned two words that talk about, you know, likening Allah subhanaw taala to his creation, who remembers those two words? Or the two words you guys learned last week?

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that's the verse that we that are less than or uses the same feel and

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should be fantastic. So those are the two words that you learned last week, even semirara himolla. He mentioned in a testimony, something very, very important to understand. He says every more often is a machete, meaning everyone that makes Stockdale of Allah subhanho wa Taala is in fact someone that is making it there should be 13 for those of you that didn't attend last week, is to completely deny the attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So anyone that denies the attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala, he is only doing so because he's likening Allah subhanho wa Taala to his creation, he is likening Allah subhanho wa Taala to his creation and that is why he ends up making

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tortillas. In fact, if he understood that, you know, Allah subhanho wa Taala can have attributes that are shared by human beings, but they are in a manner which is befitting Allah subhanho wa Taala then they would not fall into the sphere, which would not force them to make thoughts in which would not force them to make tartine over here. Now, this leads us into our discussion of what are the three opinions or what is the position that the sooner the position of the martyrs ILA and the moving position of the eyeshadow when it comes to the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So, the position of the sooner God

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had a point where you said that scholars say that he did, he

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even reached out he said this here, why exactly

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after the site Have you mentioned that? Okay, so, if you look into the philosophy says lamea dweller Mula Bandha, mucuna Hakuna had when I'm cuckoo for now, what does that mean?

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There is nothing like him. So here he is saying that on this planet, it is not to be gotten nor has he, he's not a father, nor has he been forgotten. And there's nothing like Allah subhanho wa Taala. So this is what he is coming back to over here. He's using the word swarm sorted the colossal over here, that Allah subhana wa tada was not to be gotten, nor is he a father, and there's nothing like Allah subhana wa Tada. So over here, he's saying just because we affirm the sight of Allah subhanaw taala, it doesn't mean we're likening Allah subhanaw taala to his creation, that's what he's referring to over here. So just because Allah subhana wa Tada, has, or sorry, we have attributes

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that are shared with Allah subhanho wa Taala. But in a manner that is befitting His Majesty, it doesn't mean that we are like Allah subhanaw taala and this is what we spoke about in the in the last weeks, as well, that Allah subhanaw taala clearly told us later commitment, he will host them you'll never see that there's nothing like Allah subhanho wa Taala, yet Allah subhanaw taala firm some and bossard for himself as well as for human beings as well as for human beings. So, this is what the the naadam is referring to over here.

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Now, the point that I was going to make was Yes, the positions of the sooner the ashada and the martyrs either. So the martyrs, the outright denied the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala he said it is not possible to see Allah subhanho wa Taala altogether, it is not possible to see Allah subhanho wa Taala altogether.

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And let us see what they see.

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catchy yeah, that's pretty much what they say that's impossible to see on this panel. This is the position of the Mattila de jamea. And even though they denied the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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number two, the position of the ashara

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the position of the shadow was they affirmed the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala but in a manner different from Matt listener in a manner different from a listener How so? So the sooner they affirm the state of Allah subhanho wa Taala in the real manner that you know, you will be able to see Allah subhana wa tada with your eyes as a reality in the hereafter. Right? This is the position of the center, the shadow, they said that you will be able to see Allah subhanho wa Taala but he will not be up he will not be down he will not be left he will not be right.

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So how will you see Allah subhanaw taala Allah knows best, but he they've told you everything that you were you won't see him. But they haven't told you where you will see all this prenowitz Allah. Now why is this problematic? Why is this problematic? This segment of their shadow that Allah subhanaw taala is not up and he's not down, he's not left and he's not right. theoretically speaking, the position of our listeners that we only affirm for Allah subhanho wa Taala that he affirms for himself, right? Allah subhanho wa Taala when it comes to his site, he didn't mention that he will be right up left or down the shadow the fact that they're going to this degree, it

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shows that they fall into some form of distribution, that they have to make such a clarification. And the sooner since he didn't fall into this they should be the need to make that clarification. Allah subhanho wa Taala will be seen in the in the manner that is befitting His Majesty in a manner that is befitting His Majesty. And if you actually understand that the statement of the shadow and reality it's not true

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From the stigmatism latos law, in fact, the one says at least they were explicit about what they believed with their shadow. You know, it's as if, you know, as we mentioned in last week's help as well, that they're coming to the same conclusion where they denied the you know, the speech of Allah subhanaw taala. But in a very long, you know, winded manner over here, where they're saying Allah is not up and he's not down, he's not any left. He's not right. Okay, then where are you going to see Allah subhana wa Tada. And he said, the reason we can't do that we can't see where we're going to see unless I know it's either is because they don't want to affirm direction. The question that

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asuna poses over here is Who said you have to affirm a direction in the first place? Who says you have to form a direction in the first place, right? In fact, if I didn't mention it, we don't need to mention that right? We stay silent about that which Allah subhanaw taala stayed silent about we stay silent about that which Allah subhanaw taala stayed silent about.

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So now, just let me finish one point and I'll answer your question. Let us look at the proofs of the Mata Zilla and you know some of the problems that they had in affirming the sight of Allah subhanaw taala. The first is insert to land on verse number 103 certain and verse 103, where Allah subhana wa tada he says that to the record and absorb Whoa, whoa, you could absorb that the the site cannot encompass Allah subhanho wa Taala. Yet Allah subhanho wa Taala encompasses everything that Allah subhana wa, tada encompasses everything. How are we going to respond to this? Who's going to respond to this? What this could be on in this dunya? Because the same thing happened with

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that versus actually coming up later on, but that the generality of the answer is correct. But they doesn't respond to what we're seeing over here. Go ahead.

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on the last minute,

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So we just see what you did.

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Okay, again, that's a good general answer. But we need something specific. The word look at the wording that Allah subhanaw taala used. He used Iraq, and Iraq is different from Romania. And you know, buzzer right, so why is that? Let's find without using the drop over here.

00:27:19 --> 00:27:29

Okay, fantastic. Going back to the Hadeeth. That's fantastic. But then they're going to say, then how do you understand this verse? Now let's find our data, he clearly says that the eyes will not be able to encompass him.

00:27:31 --> 00:27:32

My understanding is,

00:27:33 --> 00:27:34

oversights do not

00:27:36 --> 00:27:36

allow us

00:27:37 --> 00:27:48

to unless Allah wills unless Allah will see or giving, like, with the permission of Allah, Allah, I've never heard that opinion, but very good guests.

00:27:49 --> 00:27:53

I don't give second chances yet. Is there anyone that hasn't had a first chance?

00:27:58 --> 00:28:11

No one's talking about touching but I have a clearer example for you find last to go ahead Dinesh and another washer, just to be able to see is different than being able to encompass fantastic, okay, so give me example, something that you can see, but you can't encompass.

00:28:14 --> 00:28:22

You can actually encompass them when you can see the moon in its totality. The sun, that's one example. Okay. But clearly, I wouldn't go into what's the chance, go ahead.

00:28:28 --> 00:28:59

And that's what Dinesh was saying, but that's coming up in the verse of Musashi, Salah. Well, we'll get to that in a second. So I want you to think about the horizon. Right? Everyone sees the horizon at which time you can see the horizon. But can you encompass the entirety of the horizon? No, you can't do your eyesight is just not wide enough. Now we're not saying that is the case with Allah subhanho wa Taala. But what we are saying is that you can see Allah subhanaw taala but doesn't mean you will be able to encompass him. So this verse needs to be understood in its proper context. Allah subhana wa tada made nephew of Iraq, but he did not make nephew of deloria. Right, he made he denied

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the ability to encompass, but he did not deny the ability to see Allah subhana wa Tada. So it's two different things that are being talked about two different things that are being talked about.

00:29:10 --> 00:29:50

A second opposition to this isn't sorted out of verse 143. So it's an hour of verse 143, where Allah subhanho wa Taala he tells Musashi, certain color then torani, what I can also illegible that Allah subhanaw taala he tells Moosa that you will not see me but rather look towards the mountain look towards the mountain. Now this is where we take what you some of you stated that this is referring to in this dunya and not referring to the Aquila. So in this world, no one has seen Allah subhana wa Tada. In fact, I shadowed the Allah one ha inside Bacardi. She says that anyone that claims that even Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saw Allah subhanaw taala in his real form, then he has

00:29:50 --> 00:29:59

like he has like so in this world, it's not possible to see Allah subhanaw taala there is if the left Can someone see Allah subhana wa tada in a dream. But you know, that's outside the scope of

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discussion. However, while one when someone is awake, there's a Jamaat, there's consensus that you can not see Allah subhanaw taala and this verse, that's what it's referring to that in this verse, you cannot in this world, you cannot see Allah subhanho wa Taala. And it's true and real form. What's really interesting is that most Ali ibn katheer he says about Musashi sedan, he says Mousavi sedan is more exalted than to ask Allah subhanaw taala of something that was not possible. Mussolini's is more exalted than to ask Allah subhana wa sallam something that was not possible, meaning had had it been impossible to see Allah subhanho wa Taala Musashi says I'm being unable to

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be of Allah subhanho wa Taala. He would not ask something that is indecent, right. So the fact that moose and Islam is asking the question is a clear indication that this is something that is possible for Allah subhanho wa Taala. It is something that is possible for Allah subhanho wa Taala. So those are some of the opposition's in terms of, you know, our textual proofs in terms of textual proofs. Just give me one more minute and they have to answer both your questions, inshallah. In terms of textual proofs. Now, in terms of logical proofs, and this is the biggest problem that the Martha's ILA, and the ashara had the biggest problem that the Morteza and the showerhead. So if you remember,

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in halaqaat number one, we talked about this proof that was called the liberal arts pledge, that accidents can only exist inside of bodies, meaning that if anything has an attribute, it can only exist inside of a body. And if there is a body, it must be created. It must be created sudomotor Zilla over here they denied the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Because they say that if you affirm a site for Allah subhanaw taala that he can be seen, then this affirms that Allah subhanho wa Taala has a body, right? And then you know, this is something that is not possible. And it goes back to if there is a body, then it has to be ancient. And if it is ancient, then this is another ILA

00:31:50 --> 00:32:25

with Allah subhanho wa Taala. That was the argument of the martyrs ILA. And obviously, we've been talking about the fallacious argument of the method over here, that one needs to understand the Quran and the Sunnah upon the appearance, without asking why, and without asking how, and just accepting it as it is that one should not bring Greek philosophy into matters of al Qaeda. There's no room for Greek philosophy in matters of al Qaeda. Now, the shadow we always mentioned that they came as a middle ground between the Sunnah and the Montezuma. However, even though the wordings were different than often, they held the same opinions as the martyrs ILA just in a different wording

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just in a different wording. So that was sort of the logical arguments that they used, that if something has an attribute, then it must have a body and if somebody has a body that this is other enough, with Allah subhanaw taala, that is not possible. Now, let me take your questions at first,

00:32:44 --> 00:33:24

the affirmed attributes, but the later one discusses the long gun crew, for what right? Is it because the hundreds, if not the latter, and they just feel that the hustle is fantastic, exactly. Like, you know, the shadows are still from the center in the sense that they accept the same text as us, right? You'll see that, again, maybe we'll leave this for the if we do a Harris theology class, but their shadow, they'll differ with, on four things, they'll different without listener on four things in the matter of a man, where they talk about the actions being a part of the man in a matter of other where they will lean towards, you know, we are compelled to do what we do in matters of C

00:33:24 --> 00:33:59

fat, where they will either do will or tough with what we talked about. And then this is the big one over here. And not all of them did this. But this is Dr. De medaka, the knuckles, where they said that we will give preference to our intellects over text, this didn't happen by all of them. And it didn't even those that did it only due to specific cases. So these are the four main differences that they had. And a lot of the times, you know, they were still righteous and pious people, so particularly their their scholars, if something isn't what the wife did, and you know, is agreed upon, they can't go against each map. So now they need to be able to reconcile this concept of

00:33:59 --> 00:34:25

textual evidence with what they believe in. And this if you if you get a chance to go back and listen to the first halakhah, where we talked about that the position of our listener, is that we will look at the evidences and then build our opinion was 100. With that what they did was they built their opinion, and then he looked for the evidences, right. And this is what happened that you know, the built in opinion, then they're like, let's go find proofs. And at the same time, they couldn't deny the proofs that were already there. That is why they held the opinion. Well, Nevada, go ahead.

00:34:31 --> 00:34:31


00:34:33 --> 00:34:58

Okay, so encompassing is different from sight, right? So when you see the horizon, you can see the horizon, but you don't encompass the entirety of the horizon, right. So similarly, over here, one can see Allah subhanaw taala but will not be able to encompass Allah subhanho wa Taala. So let's find out what the other he did nephew of Iraq, but didn't do enough to abroad here. So he did. He denied the ability to encompass, but he didn't deny the ability to see. Does that make sense? Fantastic.

00:35:02 --> 00:35:04

What even said yes thing that

00:35:05 --> 00:35:08

it is possible. So did you mean that in dystonia or

00:35:10 --> 00:35:13

no in the hereafter in the Hereafter, yeah. And the hereafter said?

00:35:15 --> 00:35:16

Where was I?

00:35:17 --> 00:35:24

We were going on to verse. Sorry. No, no, we mentioned we finished that. So now

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we finished motors.

00:35:30 --> 00:35:36

And I told you the ashara. They said, What part are you referring to? Exactly?

00:35:37 --> 00:36:15

Yeah, the logical proof of the logical proof of the shot is exactly the same. Like I said, they're shaila they were clever in the sense they'll have the same opinion as the ashara just in different wording, right. So they were more politically correct when they came in came to these matters. Now what I want to share with you over here is the verses in the Quran that say that there's no comparison to Allah subhana wa tada that there's no comparison to Allah subhanaw taala The first is sort of muddy in verse number 65. So the Medina verse 65, rodless, China with Allah He says her Buddha, who Samia that Do you know, and do you know of any comparison with Allah subhanho wa Taala?

00:36:15 --> 00:36:26

This is obviously a rhetorical question, then let's find out that is denying that there's anything that can be compared to him. Then in sort of the philosopher's number four, well, let me call the hook of one I had one caller who go ahead.

00:36:27 --> 00:37:03

And likewise, the verse that we mentioned last week as well, Lisa commiphora, he she will host Semyon Basia, all these verses indicate that there's nothing like Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this is, you know, a very important point to understand is that when you look, as you mentioned, the very first halaqa when we talk about Aikido, it becomes very polarized and very polemical that people like to throw labels at one another thing you are this and they'll respond by No you are that and this is what ends up happening. So in this discussion of the attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala, the sooner they often get accused, of being shoved behind being, meaning that they, you know, liking

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Allah subhanaw taala is to his creation. Who knows the word for that in English, when you like in Allah subhanho wa Taala to human beings. anthropomorphism fantastic, this is what the accused of us this is what they accuse us of that you guys are anthropomorphise, you give Allah subhana wa Taala, human like attributes. And this is what is important to understand that they accused us of being anthropomorphised based upon the fact that we affirm the verses. And if you look at the verses themselves, these verses themselves affirm what Allah subhanaw taala says about himself. So we're just affirming what Allah subhanaw taala says about himself. And at the same time, we need to

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understand that yes, there is another opposite extreme between absolute denial and absolute affirmation, that absolute affirmation being that you see that Allah subhanaw taala is like his creation. And Allah subhanaw taala clearly mentioned that he mentioned this to us that he's not like his creation at all. In fact, the you know, while there's a sharing of names, there's a difference, a complete difference in reality, right? So just like we say that Allah subhana wa tada is alive and is present, then his life is completely different from our lives. I mean, our life, you know, is very finite, very, very finite. In fact, even when we are alive, the the quality of life, you know,

00:38:15 --> 00:38:51

will very well listen, I know what's odd is life is the absolute utmost perfection, that he is the first that I had to know, you know, if no one before him, and he is the last that has no one after him and sleep does not overtake him slumber does not overtake him, as we talked about last week. So let's get on with the others life is absolutely perfect, and it is completely different from the life of his creation. Now, we mentioned this over here, because throughout history, you will see later on, you know, particularly as the particularly in the humbling movement, you know, you'll see that certain people they came in, they said that Allah subhanaw taala had human like attributes.

00:38:51 --> 00:39:20

This is what you know, they ended up saying, and even you were just like, I understand that they were strict with the eyeshadow and the Morteza in terms of their understanding of denying the attributes of Allah, then that husana is just as strict against those people that affirmed the likeness of Allah subhanho wa Taala to his creation that affirmed the likeness of Allah subhanho wa Taala to his creation, and this is why the poet, he says the Allahu Allah subhanho that Allah subhanaw taala is more Exalted and Glorified than this. Now, what's interesting over here is that if you look in

00:39:22 --> 00:39:30

where's the verse? I believe, if I'm not mistaken, this is Surah facilite if I'm not mistaken, so I foresee that, well, let's find what the other he says.

00:39:32 --> 00:40:00

Subhan Allah because it is the phone with Saddam Hussein Al hamdu, lillahi Rabbil aalameen suffered sort of suffered. That's the one fantastic in Surah, Safford, Allah subhana wa Tada. He says over here Subhan Allah because Allah is the one that Allah subhanaw taala is more Exalted and Glorified, then what the disbelievers say about Allah subhana wa tada and what the disbelievers say about Allah subhana wa tada was Salam ala mousseline and peace be upon the messengers. What is the religion

00:40:00 --> 00:40:33

Between these two statements. The relationship between these two statements is that the disbelievers came in direct opposition to what the messengers came with. The disbelievers came in direct opposition to what the messengers came with. So when it came to the disbelievers Allah Subhana, WA tada he says that he is free and exalted about what the disbelievers are saying. Yet he affirms the correctness of what the prophets and messengers came with he can he affirms the correctness of what the prophets and messengers came with. So what this means over here is that when it comes to all aspects of our Qaeda, then Allah subhanho wa Taala, he affirms for himself what the prophets and

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messengers said that's why he says was Salam ala l mursaleen. That's what he sends peace upon the the messengers at this time in this very verse, so that one should affirm whatever the prophets and messengers came with whatever the prophets and messengers came with. We tie this into the fact that you cannot be a Messiah, you cannot be a magician, if you are affirming what the prophets came with, right? And that is what the stance of I listen to is that we affirm what the prophets and messengers came with, without you know, likening Allah subhana wa tada to his creation without asking how and in a manner that is befitting Allah subhanho wa Taala.

00:41:08 --> 00:41:47

And Musab bajo the very last word of this line. Alamosa bajo. It comes from this beer and this beer is to free Allah subhanho wa Taala from every deficiency to free Allah subhanho wa Taala from every deficiency, so we will free Allah subhanho wa Taala from oppression we will free Allah subhanho wa Taala from being unjust, we will free Allah subhanho wa Taala from evil these are things that we do not attribute to Allah subhanho wa Taala while we affirm the exact opposite of it, we affirm absolute justice for Allah subhana wa tada we affirm absolute love and compassion for Allah subhanho wa Taala right, these are the things that we do for him for Allah subhanho wa Taala Now why does he

00:41:47 --> 00:42:24

mentioned almost sub the hill he mentioned on the sub the hill over here, because according on the understanding of the shadow and the method to do this be have Allah subhanaw taala is to exalt Allah subhanaw taala both from having attributes to have exalt on the spinal Tyler above from having attributes, whereas the sooner the understanding of what Macedo is the free Allah subhanho wa Taala from having any deficiencies and this is why it's so important to understand that just because we affirming attributes to Allah subhanho wa Taala we're not affirming a deficiency or a human like characteristic, we're affirming those characteristics in a manner that is befitting of Allah subhana

00:42:24 --> 00:42:28

wa tada in the manner that is befitting of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

00:42:29 --> 00:42:33

Let's move on to the third verse, the third verse.

00:42:38 --> 00:42:56

And in the third verse, he goes on to say, well, could you encourage me to head over andina? Misaki mokona had Ethan Massara who was important to understand in this verse over here masala Whoa, it means something very explicit. Now in another version of this poem or another story another narration of this poem, masala who is also

00:42:57 --> 00:43:37

synonymous or interchange with masa who, meaning that there is explicit narrations as well as authentic narrations and then we actually get into what the authentic narration is, or wahoo God rune and Macaulay Mohammedan local minima de cada Fida tangedco so this hadith of God, this hadith of God and this is what I want to share with you over here with the night Allah Allahu Sahaja Leah Jellybean Abdullah Al bacilli Raja Allahu anhu uncoding, the encoding the beam Mohammedan sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wahoo, a few Sahih hain while at Hema many Kuta The sooner Rahul Bukhari were Muslim and Jellybean Abdullah Al Virginie La Jolla, Juan Yukon corner Jolson, Indian Nabi sallallahu

00:43:37 --> 00:44:17

alayhi wa sallam is another little camera a little better for calling an income setter on our book on camera on camera a little better. datadog Mona Fierro at for instance, autumn and tokunbo, Ida Salatin cobbler tolerations was Salatin cobbler Hello behalf for idle. So here the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as reported by God when Abdullah Al bacilli the know the noble companion we were sitting with the Messenger of Allah sallallahu wasallam lay a little better later but over here is not referring to the Battle of butter it's referring to the 13th 14th and 15th of the month that the 13th 14th and 15th of the month when the moon is for the moon when it's called is

00:44:17 --> 00:44:54

called later by the moon when it's out in its full you know shining light. And he goes on to say that you will see Allah subhanho wa Taala just like you see the moon lay on the night of by the meaning it in its full appearance and its full presence and you will not have any difficulty in seeing him and you will not have any difficulty in seeing Allah subhanho wa Taala Why does he mention you will not have any difficulty seeing Allah subhanaw taala This is a difference between looking at the sun and looking at the moon. Whereas when you look at the sun, if you follow directly into the sun is something that is very painful for the eyes and you can't you know look at it for

00:44:54 --> 00:44:59

too long, if not at all. Whereas looking at the moon you know if you ever see the full moon somehow

00:45:00 --> 00:45:29

Allah, you can just feel something inside of you that this is like a miracle from Allah subhanho wa Taala there's just something special about seeing the full moon and you can look at it for a very long time and you get this happy feeling right? This is what the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying that you will see Allah subhanaw taala on that day without any difficulty, meaning that you will not be blinded by the light of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now the difference between the light of the sun and the light of the moon, the light of the sun is very painful to see was the light of the moon is very soothing, and this is what the Messenger of Allah

00:45:29 --> 00:46:07

sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying about seeing Allah subhana wa Tada. When is that autumn Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala Shams or cobbler hooroo behalf of idle and if you're able to never miss a prayer before the sunrise and before the sunset, then make sure you do so make sure you do so. Now both urban hygiene and Mr. manoli Ramallah they mentioned that the prayer between sunrise sorry, the prayer before sunrise and the prayer before sunset is Salatin fudger and Salatu Lhasa Who can tell me what's specific or exclusive to these two prayers, meaning like, what is something special about these two prayers?

00:46:09 --> 00:46:09


00:46:13 --> 00:46:13

Go ahead.

00:46:15 --> 00:46:19

Okay, that's one aspect. But I want you to think about a verse in the Quran.

00:46:22 --> 00:46:22


00:46:24 --> 00:46:27

No, think about a verse in the Quran. Surah Baqarah.

00:46:29 --> 00:46:31

Fantastic. What's the relationship?

00:46:34 --> 00:46:35


00:46:39 --> 00:46:44

You want diverse martial arts? Fantastic. Now we need to figure out the relationship. Go ahead. See,

00:46:46 --> 00:47:21

depending on how it begins, fantastic. So this is where the left was when they said what is the slot the last the last final diner. He says we're halfway there was a Salatu was Salam. O comunidad e carnitine. That preserve the middle prayer, preserve the prayers, especially the middle of prayer and stand in obedience to Allah subhana wa Tada. So in this verse on those final dances, you have to observe all the prayers, but while you observe all the prayers, especially the middle prayer, so this was the love even amongst the Sahaba that what is this middle prayer? Is this a lot of budget? Or is it a lot on us? Right? So here, this is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying

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that pay very special attention to these two prayers that make sure you never ever miss them. Right. And that's why you see in terms of virtues, you know, you'll find some virtues for the horse, some verses for mclubbe some verses for some, you know, high differentiate virtues of a shop. But when it came to budget and answer those explicit virtues, so the process of them says whoever misses the answer to prayer, it's as if he's lost all of his wealth, his children and his property as if he's lost everything right. That is the example he gives for a lot of losses. Right. So the those prayers have a lot of virtues in it. Now we tie this in, this ties into you know, the seeing of Allah

00:48:00 --> 00:48:30

subhanho wa Taala only being for the believers, and the more the believers were consistent in their Salah, than the more you know time they will get to spend in the company of Allah subhanho wa Taala so that's something important to understand that not everyone will get the same amount of company with Allah subhanaw taala the more good deeds you did, then the more time you will spend with Allah subhana wa tada and the more time you will get to spend with Allah subhanho wa Taala I want to share one last thing with you. And then we can conclude the Islam Allah hates Allah.

00:48:32 --> 00:49:11

Yes, the statement of Ibn taymiyyah Rahim Allah He says Polish Chico December when semirara Mahalo to Allah wa we're headed Hadith Minh Hassan Hadith Allah watch his alma Tanaka, bilco boon Allah Masha Allah and Allah mabille Hadith Messiah and the sooner so he says over here and this hadith is from the most authentic hadith on the face of the earth, that has been given acceptance that has been given acceptance. So it is from the most authentic hadith that has been given acceptance. And it is agreed upon by all of the scholars of Hadith, and all of the sinner and all the scholars of Hadith. And all understand that this is mentioned in much more fatawa volume six, page 421, volume

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six page 421. And this shows us the station of this Hadith, that it is, you know without a shadow of a doubt authentic that there's no one that can deny this, the authenticity of this hadith this hadith is just as authentic, as the Koran understand that that way the Koran is reported to us as in water water for then this hadith is reported to us and what the water for so many people narrating it that it is impossible that a mistake could have been made or an addition or a depletion was made and no one picked up on that just like the Koran was preserved in that manner. And that is why this hadith is a foundation for our discussion tonight that we will see Allah subhanho wa Taala just like

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we see the full moon you'll see on this panel Diana just like we see the full moon and there will be no difficulty in seeing Allah subhana wa tada concluding point over here is unlimited

00:50:00 --> 00:50:33

Bismillah messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam comparing Allah subhanho wa Taala to the full moon in this Hadith, then what is he comparing this side of the clarity of the sight of fantastic and that's very important to understand, because that would be the other way they understood this hadith is that and the sooner you're doing this should be of Allah subhanho wa Taala with the calmer when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has mentioned this hadith he is not doing this should be of Allah with the camera he's doing this should be a rah rah, that just the way you see, the full moon is the way you will see Allah subhanaw taala. So we understand this very explicitly that Allah is

00:50:33 --> 00:51:09

not being compared to the moon, but rather the sight of the moon has been compared to the safety of Allah subhanho wa Taala that will be a calm, peaceful, happy, serene site that will be without any difficulty. And it is only fitting that we conclude by asking Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us those that gets to see his beautiful face in the hereafter and that Allah forgives us for our shortcomings that Allah subhanho wa Taala accepts from us that which we do and I know I said last point, but this is honestly last point. The actual blog that the prophet SAW Allah hi and he was so limited to MC he's used to see Allah and then this Luca led that another el agua, Chica was Shaka

00:51:09 --> 00:51:53

ileocolic ficaria Dora a Marathi when I fit nothing more than Latin that he says, Oh Allah, we asked for you. We ask from you the pleasure of looking at your beautiful face and the desire of longing to meet you. That is a meeting that has no harm in it. And without a trial that can lead one astray that can lead one astray. This dog was narrated by mmm and the sorry 13051305 and it was authenticated by Michel Barnier. Hola huhtala so here the process I'm actually used to make dua for this. He actually used to make Doha to see the beautiful face of Allah subhanho It's an honor and obviously this is something that should be done by ourselves as well and that is why we concluded

00:51:53 --> 00:52:01

that Allahu Allah Allah Allah sallallahu Sallam robotica in the Vienna Mohammed in one ad he was off the heat was set up now we can take your questions inshallah, right.

00:52:04 --> 00:52:19

delivers you still get to see Allah for sure. That is the benefit of Eman as long as you said a shadow Allah Allah, Allah Allah and you tried your best to fulfill its conditions. inshallah you will see Allah subhana wa Tada. But yes,

00:52:21 --> 00:52:22

the verses you mentioned, right.

00:52:25 --> 00:52:27

no comparison. Yeah.

00:52:29 --> 00:52:29


00:52:31 --> 00:52:32

Sure, Maria.

00:52:33 --> 00:52:41

And Shara Shara Shara. Is this, Kenneth Lee Shay Wilson will be here. And then what else do we mentioned?

00:52:42 --> 00:52:43

Just those three fantastic demos.

00:52:47 --> 00:52:47


00:52:49 --> 00:52:51

I do not believe so. I do not believe so.

00:52:53 --> 00:52:58

Go to summit comm lookups. And then they say, and, you know, face of Allah subhanaw taala.

00:53:00 --> 00:53:05

Any other questions? quite dense. Last lecture, you said,

00:53:06 --> 00:53:08

you were explaining about the motors?

00:53:09 --> 00:53:22

And how to them. This speech of Allah is, is ancient. And so it becomes another god? Yes, the states. I don't understand. Like what? Like?

00:53:25 --> 00:54:07

I mean, that's the important thing to understand is that there are a lot of their arguments are beyond comprehension. Right. So what they're trying to say is that God is a being without any attributes, because if you affirm any attributes, then this would create either one of two things, either something that like is that is like his creation, and that is why we deny the attributes, or we say that the attributes are a separate entity from God. Right? And this one comes back to something linguistic, when you say your doula like the hand of Allah, and you say Baitullah, right? This shows possession and ownership from something that is distinct, right? Is your house a point of

00:54:07 --> 00:54:39

view? It's not right. But they use this, you know, misplaced linguistic principle to say that the same thing applies to the attributes of Allah. So when he says the mandala This is referring to something separate from Allah subhanho wa Taala that is distinct from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And if you affirm that is something that is distinct from Allah subhana wa Tada. Either it always existed or something that came into existence. If you see that it's something that came into existence, then Allah is like his creation. If you see that it was something that always is always in existence, then the hands of Allah become the deity with Allah subhanaw taala

00:54:40 --> 00:54:43

it's not meant to make sense but that's where they're coming from.

00:54:49 --> 00:54:57

God dialer so when you assume the last release, or the last contact is not beginning and not ending, yes. So in terms of Quran Yes.

00:55:01 --> 00:55:02


00:55:04 --> 00:55:06

the Quran is an attribute of Allah subhanaw taala.

00:55:08 --> 00:55:57

Yes, the Quran is a form of a speech of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So the speech of Allah subhanho wa Taala is related to his wanting to speak. So Allah speaks when he wants to speak. Right? So he his ability to speak has always been there. And he chooses to speak when he wants. Does that make sense? Okay, fantastic. Good. We'll conclude with that. Oh, go ahead. Why why did why did he say that? If you need is drawn to something, then you can see all right, because the way the way I understood the interest is that the way you can we can make a drug offers ultra violence or rage, right. So it just, we can make a draft of it because we cannot see it. We have we don't have the ability to see.

00:55:58 --> 00:55:59

Right. Not that we can see that.

00:56:02 --> 00:56:05

Okay, I don't know anything about ultraviolet lights and all that stuff.

00:56:07 --> 00:56:10

exists, but you don't have the ability to see. Right.

00:56:12 --> 00:56:42

That's the thing is sight and Iraq are different right here. And Iraq are two completely different things. So another final challenge is nephew of Iraq is not doing enough iraq here. We do a better role here because the ayat and the Hadith are clearly an explicit, and we do nephew of Iraq, because Allah subhanaw taala did interfere with Iraq. So now what we want to understand is what is the difference between a rock and rock? And we said last year is just simple sight. Was it the rock is the ability to encompass what what in urban luxury doesn't mean that you see all of it?

00:56:43 --> 00:56:48

If you could attempt to share, that doesn't mean that you see all of the two that you've seen, it doesn't mean that

00:56:49 --> 00:56:53

I mean, okay, so you talking about the translation of Iraq? Is that what you're referring to?

00:56:54 --> 00:57:06

I mean, can you think of a better translation for Iraq? Because when I was final Dallas's one, Ma, da, da, da, da, da, da, right? It's meaning that we will never truly understand the full understanding of it. Right?

00:57:07 --> 00:57:15

So, so one, I don't know come on with the neck, all these things, it's you will never get a complete picture understanding of it.

00:57:17 --> 00:57:26

is just, to me, the way I understood it, is that we don't have the ability to see it. But once we have the ability to see it, then we will make a document.

00:57:27 --> 00:57:32

Because that will never make you be able to make a doc of Allah subhana wa tada is what I'm telling you, because that's what Allah said.

00:57:34 --> 00:57:34


00:57:38 --> 00:57:39

Correct. Correct.

00:57:44 --> 00:57:51

Yes. Yeah. You mentioned are known that believe it will be seen

00:57:52 --> 00:57:54

in the weekend, yes.

00:57:57 --> 00:58:01

What's happening? Yeah, so when we when?

00:58:03 --> 00:58:11

When is it exactly that people going to jam them? Or is it Yeah, so it's before going to join them. So one of the last things that will happen

00:58:12 --> 00:58:45

before you know the the account, actually this might even be after the account of the between the people I'm not I'm not sure about that. But one of the last things that will happen is after the people are separated the disbelievers from the believers, Allah subhanho wa Taala will uncover his shin and he will tell the believers he will tell the people to make down such that to Allah subhana wa Tada. And is at that time that the believers Lexa to Allah subhana wa Tada. But the hypocrites will not be able to do so because you always showing off their deeds. So when they're unable to bow down to Allah subhanaw taala. Let's find out what the other anyone that wasn't able to bow down. He

00:58:45 --> 00:58:51

throws him into the Hellfire at that time, but I don't know if this is after the account between the people or before that, Milan.

00:58:54 --> 00:59:02

Yeah. Believers and the hypocrites posed to us on the Day of Judgment. Yes. Even prior to Yeah.

00:59:03 --> 00:59:08

My mother heard let's conclude with that. So panicle DOMA will become the Casa de Wanda in Ireland.

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