Navaid Aziz – Haaiyyah of Ibn Abee Dawood #02

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the title " Koran and Sun" in the Bible and its use in various media, highlighting its importance in relation to spiritual life and healing. They stress the history and use of the title in various media, highlighting cultural differences and providing examples of cultural differences in court. The speakers also emphasize the need for clarification on a specific verse in Arabic language.
AI: Transcript ©
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My name in hamdulillah Hina. Hornstein

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when albula haematuria and fusina woman sejati Anna Lena, Maria de la, la la la

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la la la la la hora. Hola Chica wash Edwina Mohammed Abu Rasulullah sallallahu I knew he was only he was off me he was seldom at the Sleeman kathira Allahu Medina, Medina Illa. alumna Marian foreigner 1/3 ana de ma Lambton. I was in Maya Kareem, my dear brothers and sisters salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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So this is question number two in the heart of Ebola widowed and as I mentioned, this is going to be the second foundational class, meaning that it's going to be a bit of a heavy class, but if you understand this class in the previous class, then inshallah the rest of the classes will be quite easy to understand. Tonight's section is going to be about an introduction to the attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala, as well as in a specific attribute of Allah subhanaw taala, which is the attribute of speech. Now the reason why the author started off with the attribute of speech is because as we mentioned, the major pfitzner of his time, was the busted Khalifa testing the people

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was the Quran created or not. And this is where the famous story of Mr. Muhammad Rahim Allah comes into play. And Mr. Muhammad Rahim Allah was very firm in this position in defending the stance of Andersen Iwo Jima in saying that the speech of Allah subhana wa tada the Quran was not created. So let us start off with the vs minibb you want to read for us in sha Allah

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called novembre him and Allah

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Lucan kilimo Maliki now we

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will talk with Phil, and he will walk through your court you cannot call it to boundary Jeremy foster who was totally corrupt in Kelowna law, he been lovely, you will get a fantastic stuff over there. Can you read the translation as well?

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And say not a creative thing is a speech about Red King. Such was the religious position of the place once before us, which they clearly expressed, and to not be a person who takes no position on the Quran. As the photos of john and they did. They had been two likes to take the right position. And the doctor the Quran is created meaning its presentation, since the speech of a more through his recitation is made clear. Fantastic. So firstly, let's discuss the role of the Quran in the life of the Muslim and why the Quran specifically is so important. In Surah Fatiha you know, at least 17 times a day We ask Allah subhana wa tada Dino Salam stuck in that Oh Allah Guide us to the straight

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path. Now this concept of hidayah Allah subhanho wa Taala addresses it very soon at the you know, right at the beginning of social Baccarat, where Allah subhanho wa Taala describes the Koran as hidden in matok in that the Quran is a guide for those people with taqwa. Now, I want to understand why I want us to understand this point over here, I want you to imagine that you're walking in the absolute darkness. And individually, let's just say you're in the building, and the lights go out, and you have no idea where to go. And then all of a sudden, you see a little path on the floor, telling you where the exit is. The Quran is an exact example of that, in saltoun, and on verse 122,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala. He gives us an example. He says, Take the example of the one who is dead, and the one who is living and as for the one who is living, we have given him a light with which he guides himself and he guides other people. As for the dead, not only is he dead, but he has no light no key cannot guide himself nor can he guide other people with it as well. Mm hmm totally him Allah he narrates from some of the pressure predecessors. He said this life and this guidance that Allah subhanho wa Taala is referring to is the Quran is the Quran. Other interpretations were it was a man other interpretations was this was guidance from Allah subhanho wa Taala. But one of the

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interpretations was that it was the Quran. So it shows that when the Koran is present, it brings life to people it brings life to the community. What type of life are we talking about? The first type of life we're talking about is spiritual life. Right? When we talk about spirituality is very important to understand that Allah subhana wa Tada. He created our, our spirits, right he created our spirits. And the way we become spiritual is by reconnecting with Allah subhanho wa Taala. Just like Allah subhana wa tada created our bodies and the way our bodies are nourished are from the things that come out of the ground which we were created from, then our spirit wireless, I know it's

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Allah created. The nourishment of the soul comes with reconnecting with Allah subhanho wa Taala and there is no way to better

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Connect with Allah subhanho wa Taala then to understand his very speech and to read his speech on a regular basis, so the first thing we need to understand is that the Quran, it gives spiritual guidance. So anytime a person is feeling down, he should recite to the Koran. He should listen to the Quran, he should implement the Quran and Allah subhanho wa Taala will lift up his spirits. This is actually if you look inside, hashtag Muslim, there's a DA that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to say in times of sorrow, and in times of anxiety, right? And in that he used to say watch Al Quran, Allah Avi, Robbie Appleby that Oh Allah make the Koran the spring of my heart,

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meaning that the foundation of life, make that to the Koran, and used to make block to Allah subhana wa Tada, Oh Allah, make me from your people and your exclusive ones that you know, recite and live by the Quran. This is why the deposits are seldom used to make, so it gives spiritual life. A second type of life that the Koran gives is more life, you know, how do you live morally, the Quran is there to tell us that. And now if you look at, you know, the times that we live in spinal I'm not sure reflection with you today. For those of you that don't know, you know, yesterday, three Muslims were killed in North Carolina, and they were killed not just by being murdered, but they were killed

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execution style, literally, they were executed in the middle of the street. Now this individual he was, you know, a staunch atheist he hated any form of religion, particularly anything to do with Islam, and he executed these three people. Now, you would think, you know what people would condemn this individual What a terrible and despicable thing he did. And you know, it's horrendous what he did. This is what the human reaction would be. What if you look at Facebook Subhan Allah, people have created a fan page for this individual, saying that he sacrificed his own freedom to grant freedom to other Americans. And this is how like, morally bankrupt, our world has become.

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SubhanAllah we're killing people, as vincom has become considered an act of freedom has been considered an act of virtue with which we praise people for panela So when we talk about moral life, your mankind deludes himself and deceives himself into thinking that we can be moral beings without guidance from Allah subhanho wa Taala. You know, this whole concept of we can dictate and decide what is morally good and what is morally bankrupt. It's not possible because everyone will have a different opinion as to what is good and what is bad. And that is why Allah subhanho wa Taala he sent down the Quran as a form of moral guidance to tell us what is good and to tell us what is bad.

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A third type of life that the Koran brings us is a physical life. Right? So we meant spiritual, we've mentioned moral and now we talk about physical, one of the objectives of the Quran being revealed, is that the Koran, it gives a physical healing to us. Now this is not you know, some sort of like Hocus Pocus or anything like that. You know, I even have an example of this right now. So Pamela, the printer in my office, it's been struggling for like the last two months, literally, if I want to print something I have to try like 20 times. Open the tray close the tray open, the Draco's the tray, and they wanted to print my notes for the class and other 20 pages of lumber I was able to

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sell which four pages of home they love. But as it was struggling, I was like Bismillah, li li li li shameful Allah and Allah locomotor started printing. I got four pages. I didn't have time to do more. I'm sure more you know, things were printed after that. But this shows is the concept of healing by the Quran and by the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the statements of Allah subhanho wa Taala This is a very real concept. And that is why when the Muslim gets sick, his primary reaction should not be Oh my god, you know, let me run to the hospital. I mean, unless you've been like stabbed or shot, you know, that's a different thing. But an individual that you know, he has a

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headache, he has a fever or something of that nature. He should start by the recitation of the Quran, recite Surah Fatiha recite ayatul kursi. recite the last three chords recite what we know from the Quran and use it as a healing Allah spine what God has called the Quran as a Schieffer. DMF is pseudo. It is a cure for that which is in the chest of men, it is a cure without grudges in the chest of men. Number four, the fourth type of life that the Quran gives is the life to differentiate between Eman and Cofer. It is the forgone right it is the life between a man and Cofer and you can become more specific that it is the life of eternal bliss or bliss which is Jana, and the life of

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eternal damnation, which is the Hellfire, and an individual that abandons the Koran. This is what is feared for him that he will end up in the life of eternal damnation was the person that lives by the Koran and abides by the Koran and recites the Koran, then his place will be in paradise. And this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he tells us that those people that remember

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The Koran on when they enter into paradise, they will be taught a karate cannot contact dunya recite and read, just like you used to recite and read in the dunya. Now who knows what happens at that point when Allah commands them to read and recite what happens to them at that point? Who knows?

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Go ahead.

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Exactly for as much caught on as they knew their levels in paradise increase for as much Quran as they knew their levels in paradise will increase. So not only will you know is your entrance into general contingent upon believing the Quran and acting by the Quran, when in fact the levels that you attain are contingent upon how much of the Quran you recited, and you used to frequently recite, and this is why I have no claim Rahim Allah Subhana Allah it seems very, very far fetched. But he says the Muslim should have a relationship with the Quran that he recites five Jews of the Quran every day. That is how much the Muslim should recite, there's not a half of the Quran. This is not

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you know, someone who wants to excel in chronic studies, but the average person should recite five, five of the Quran a day. Now that's, you know, in our times, that's impossible. I mean, I'm not gonna say it's impossible, but it's almost impossible. like where do we find people that recite five or observe the Quran the day, even the father amongst themselves? If you find someone that recites one Jews to Jews, three Jews, and that is a big achievement, but you're saying $5 a day, you know, it's finally it's a struggle, but he's saying that is what the ideal relationship with the Koran should look like that every six days, you're finishing a recitation of the Quran, and if not every

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six days, then every week, if not every week, then every 10 days, if not every 10 days, then every two weeks, if not every two weeks every month, but Subhan Allah in our day and age if you finish the Quran in a once in a lifetime, we throw your huge party will throw you an amin party, you know, that's it, you finish the Koran once you know your your life achievement is fulfilled. You will open the Quran sometimes in Ramadan, and then life goes on. And this is from the deception of Satan's panela because Satan knows how powerful the Quran is that when the Quran is being recited, shaitaan has has no value his presence, he can even enter upon the people. When the people abandon the Koran,

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that is when she can easily come in and misguide the people and Mr. Direct the people. So this is why it's important to understand the role of the Quran as a Muslim and only talk about the column of Allah subhana wa Tada. The column of Allah that we're referring to, primarily is the Koran. And then it is all of the other books that were revealed by Allah subhanaw taala. Who can tell me other books revealed about this panel with Tyler that are mentioned in the Quran. other scriptures revealed by Allah mentioned in the Quran Come on, we learned this in Sunday school like when you were five. Can you tell me one book that was revealed by Atlas prenowitz Allah besides the Quran?

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Abraham God, the Torah who is that revealed to?

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Fantastic so the Torah was revealed to Musa alayhis salaam, what was revealed to Isa? C'mon guys, the ngl fantastic now we're alive and hamdulillah Was there anything else revealed? Was that was given anything? dowdy Sudan was given the support? Fantastic, are we missing anything else?

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What was he given? He was given scrolls and scriptures. He was given solace in Scripture as a sort of, of Ibrahim alayhis salaam. So these are the revelations that Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions in the Quran. These are the revelations that Allah subhanaw taala mentions in the Koran. Now, why this is going to become a technical issue? If you say that the Koran is created, right, what is the value of the Quran, it becomes absolutely nothing the Koran will be equivalent to this tablecloth, to this microphone to the floor that we walk on. When you say that the Quran is created. When you say that the Quran is the speech of Allah subhanaw taala then it actually has value then it actually has

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value, right? Because this is being directly attributed to us. I know it's either and anything that is attributed to Allah subhanho wa Taala then by default is valuable, right? Because it's your Buddha Allah mean that, you know, this is his thing, this is his thing. So now let's actually get into the poetry. He goes on to say what color skin color Molokini and say that the speech of our Lord subhanho wa Taala is not created. Now, let us understand where the deviant sects are coming from. Let us understand where the deviant sects are coming from. So the verse in the Quran in Surah Nisa, Allah subhanaw taala. He says, What condemn Allah who most attacked Lima that Allah subhanho

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wa Taala spoke a speech to musala he set up in the story of Musa this speech was when musala his salon was climbing up the mountain and he was speaking to Allah subhana wa tada

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d'amato Zilla over here if you look into their books of tafsir they said that Allah subhanho wa Taala created a speech, which he placed inside the bush. And it was the bush that spoke to masahisa. This is the bush that spoke to Mussolini set up. Now why would the Martha's ILA have to go you know the goal so far from what is apparent? Remember I said the position of the sooner is that we understand the Koran The sooner on their appearance, meaning when Allah says will condemn Allah who moves setec Lima it means that Allah subhanho wa Taala apparently directly spoke to masala he said, there is no mentioning of interior anti meteors. There isn't any mentioned about Bush, there is no

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mention of any creation. What candidum Allahu Musetta? calima Now why did the Mozilla go this far in denying and rejecting the speech of Allah subhanho wa Taala. They said that if you were to affirm the speech of Allah subhanho wa Taala, then you would affirm that there is something just as ancient as Allah subhanaw taala just as quote unquote, old as Allah subhanho wa Taala and you cannot have two things that are ancient, now, if you understand the meaning of ancient wisdom, the meaning of ancient wisdom is something that has no beginning something that has no beginning. So, if you have something that has no beginning, then this becomes an ILA with Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this is

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not possible and this is not possible. So, that is the the thought process that they had, that anything that is ancient, exists to do with Allah subhanho wa Taala, then that becomes another ILA with Allah subhanho wa Taala. And that is something that we cannot have. So therefore, it must be rejected, therefore, it must be rejected. Now, where did they get this far fetched philosophy from? As we mentioned, last week, Greek philosophy creeped into the archaea of the Muslims. And this is where it came from. Then instead of you know, you know, using the Quran and the Sunnah for their epistemology as their sources of knowledge of al Qaeda, the author zillah, they went to the Greek

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philosophy, and they said, We will understand Allah subhanaw taala, through our own rationale, and this will lead to even you denying some of the verses of the Koran, or clearly misinterpreting them, clearly misinterpreting them.

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Now, let us move on to the aqeedah of the ashara, the Akita of the shaila and the metro dia. So the first thing we want to understand is, we mentioned last week that the girault, they came as a stance between the listener and the mochila. Right, they came as a stance between the sooner and the martyrs ILA. Now this may seem like it's a middle position, but it's not the balanced praiseworthy middle position that we refer to it is a balanced position between the Sun and the Mattila mean that they're better than the Methuselah to a certain degree, but they still have a severe flaw. Now, let us understand, what were the attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala that they actually affirmed? The

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martyrs ILA, the only affirm sorry, the IRA, the only affirmed seven of the attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala, they affirmed seven of the attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And they call these the attributes of necessity, meaning that these apps, these attributes are an absolute necessity, that they cannot be denied. Because they are there they are required for a Lord to have them they are required for the Lord to have them. So let's go through seven they see here's an Hi, Ali Ali. Al Qadir well, Carla Mola. Whoa, whoa, catolica Elmo was waka Delica assemble What? Bizarro missing one in the middle, we'll get to it inshallah. So they've mentioned the first thing they

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mentioned for Allah subhanho wa Taala, that he is unhappy, that he has the ever living. So they affirm life for Allah subhanaw taala. And obviously, you cannot have a Illa that is not alive. So this is the first attributes of necessity, the second attribute of necessity, who will hire you as an emo right that he is the one that is the all knowledgeable, that you can't have any law that is ignorant that he can't have an ILA that knows nothing at all. So this was the second attribute of necessity. I look at that he is the one that has capability, that he has the ability to create the ability to move, the ability to change political, social capital, the ability to change his

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creation, the ability to rotate the planets and the sun and the moon and the orbits and all of those things. That was the third thing, the fourth attribute to the affirmed for Allah subhana wa tada will Kyla Muna who, that Allah subhanaw taala. He has column he has speech, right. Now why would v? The Creator of the heavens and the earth the ILA need speech? Who can tell me that? According to them, why was speech in necessity? Why does an ILA Why does God Himself actually need speech?

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worshiping ideas.

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You're, like, a quarter of the way there. There's another 75% ago.

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The idols couldn't speak. So, what did that mean about the idols

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they couldn't communicate wise communicate important important for for an Allah

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to guide the people right. So, for them and he could not speak, he could not guide the people and that is why the necessitated that why the call center council that the ILA must have some form of column, whether it be a written color, written speech, or oral speech or whatever type of speech, he needs to have some sort of color, because this is what is needed to guide the people in terms of giving them commands, giving them prohibitions, giving them information, right, this can only take place through column number five, the affiliate, they affirmed for Allah subhanaw taala. Rather, they affirmed for less panels, Allah, the will to do something. Now, the will according to them,

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supine Allah is almost as if it is a lack of wealth, from the aspect of the creation, goes to the wildly affirm the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala they said that mankind was compelled by the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And there's something that you know, goes into the chapter further, which will study later on in the book in sha Allah, but just understand that the affirmed your other for Allah subhanho wa Taala, that nothing can happen except by the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala and this is another one by necessity, and ILA that has no will, how will he, you know, control the creation and will things and not will things, that's number five, number six a summer that he Allah

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subhanho wa Taala hears hearing is important because he needs to be able to hear what his creation is saying to him, right, one of the objectives of the EDA is to answer the supplications of the ones that are supplicating to him, if he cannot hear them, he cannot respond to them.

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And then the last one, I'll busser which is not just site, but sight with insight, right basura is not just mere sight, but it is to have the ability to foretell and to see and you know, much more than that. So here they affirm for Allah subhanho wa Taala sight as well, because the last final data needs to be able to see his creation to see what they are doing. Now what did they do with all of the other attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So when it came to the attribute of mercy, notice that there is no mercy over here according to them. Allah subhanaw taala doesn't need to be merciful indefinitely, right? But they said the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala is affiliated with

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his kodaira and his irida. Right, so the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala is affiliated to when Allah subhanaw taala wants to do something and its ability, how about the aspect of love? How about the aspect of generosity How about the aspect of you know, the descent of Allah subhanho wa Taala or the rising of Allah subhanaw taala all of these things they denied for Allah subhanaw taala because they said they these are not a necessity, these are not in necessity. So these are the seven attributes that they affirmed for Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now from these seven attributes are different from this panel. It's either what they did with the other attributes of Allah subhanaw

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taala is one of two things, one of two things, either they did something called a win, or they did something called tough with either did it that will or they did tough with that will is to interpret something on a meaning that is not appeared on a meaning that is not apparent. So to interpret the hands of Allah subhanho wa Taala as his power or his blessings, right? That is what they interpreted as interpret the hands of Allah Spano. tala has his power, or his blessings. This is a when you hear the word hands of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Right, you don't necessarily think about the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala or on this panel with the others power right, but you will naturally

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understand the word hand from it, because that is the apparent meaning of the term yet in the Arabic language. Likewise, you know, with the actual religious take the example of the that is a clear example over there. So that is what they did with that with what is the who is mean to freeze. This means that we do not understand what the Koran means at all. Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions the word yet attributing it to himself, but we don't understand what this means. For all we know it could mean the skies, it could mean the earth, it could mean anything. We give all knowledge purely to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now this would seem like a safe position, right? This seems like a very

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safe position that Allah mentioned something in the Koran. What does this word mean? We say Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. But is that a position that Allah subhana wa Taala wants us to have? And the answer is no. Who can tell me why? Why does Allah subhanho wa Taala not want us to make the width of the Quran.

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We discussed this last week.

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If we don't understand like

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that's the obvious, you know, statement that if we can

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I understand the Quran How are you meant to be guided from this? Well you mentioned a clear example last week good

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is revealed to understanding the language right you remember the verse we used

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to use

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in Anza now Quran and Allah, Allah Kentucky known know that we were revealed the Quran in the Arabic language, the Allah come talk you know so that you may reflect and understand and ponder. So here Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling us why he revealed the Quran in Arabic so that it may be understood. So now to say that we want to take this position which is safe, and we're not going to you know, give these words any meaning. It is counterintuitive to what Allah subhanaw taala is actually commanding us with in the Quran, that we should reflect and ponder and try to understand the Quran. And if it was not possible to understand the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala would not have

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commanded us with this Allah subhanaw taala would not have commanded us with this. So now let's specifically understand how they are shaima understood the column of Allah subhanaw taala How did the ashara understand the column of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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so I'm just going to read something out for you. It goes to a home at Muhammad Musa Edamaruku Allah wa has done with the Colombian water Sabine and Asana. What can you do alma mater Sheila Weidman hijiki Dada. Hasina lashari. Hola yo Kowloon in the column Allah Hema, and I call him on be that he lays behalf in what are so we're in the hookah Diem letter to unlock the machete. So that is to break down what the ashara actually believed. So they say that the speech of Allah subhanho wa Taala is a meaning that is only internally held by Allah subhanaw taala it is a meaning meaning that there's no words there's no sounds, but it is a only a meaning that Allah subhanho wa Taala

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internally held within him within of himself.

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Let me just actually further explain that. So how difficult or uncomfortable Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam if it is only a meaning that Allah subhanaw taala held internally inside himself. They said that Allah subhanho wa Taala took this meaning and placed it inside jabril and then gibreel conveyed it to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam so they are not the words of Allah subhanho wa Taala it is a meaning with the words are either of the words of Mohammed or the words of Giblin. So these aren't the words that we recite in the Quran, they aren't the words of Allah subhanaw taala these are just the meanings of the words that was given. Lisa B, how to find one I

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thought that it has no letters, nor does it have any sound to it, nor does it have any sound to it. Now, again, going back to this, you know, far fetched reality that the people of innovation have to create for themselves. You see it over here, right the mortality they did will kill them Allah homosassa Colima, you know, Allah subhanho wa Taala clearly spoke to Musa alayhis salam, why do we have to have this far fetched reality? Now let us take a clear example of the speech of Allah subhanho wa Taala as is narrated by Emmanuel Bukhari

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there's a beautiful story that demountable Heidi Ramallah mentions in Qatar when, and this is the importance of traveling for the sake of knowledge. And this is the story of Jabba the Allahu anhu, who traveled for the journey of one month Subhan Allah to hear one Hadith from another Sahabi by the name of Abdullah Abdullah Abdullah and these are the Allah 100 million. He traveled for one month to hear this hadith what was the Hadith that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said that on the Day of Judgment, people will come in their original states have forgotten or often without any issues in the original states uncircumcised. In the complete version of this Hadith,

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which is mentioned in eligible Muslim by mumblecore there's a very interesting point over here, that he says that on the Day of Judgment, Allah subhanho wa Taala will say, and Malik and a day and so it's the same narration, but he adds an Malik and at the end, that I am the king, and I'm the one who will, you know, hold people accountable to pay their debts. The young is the one who holds people accountable to pay their debts. Right. Now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he goes on to say, yes, to whom and boy, that the one who is far will hear him, just like the one who is close, just like the one who is close. So this clearly affirms for Allah subhanho wa Taala that Allah

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subhana wa tada has a speech, which is real, it has Allah subhanaw taala has a speech, which is real. And at the same time, it affirms for Allah subhanho wa Taala a speech that is not like the speech of the creation. And this is going to be one of the principles of and the sooner that we affirm the attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala in a way that is befitting His Majesty. So for us, if we were to shout from on top of a mountain, the ones that are close to us, they will be able to hear us, but someone that is like 1000 kilometers away or 1000 miles away, they won't be able to hear us and the further you get, the less you know, you'll actually be able to hear, but here the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says that the one who is far from Allah subhanho wa Taala is going to be he's going to hear Allah subhanho wa Taala. Just like the one

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Who is near just like the one who is near. So that's from the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the Quran itself in the Quran itself in Surah tober verse number six, Allah subhana wa tada he tells us when it's the jonica mushkin for a Jew who has Jaya smack Alam Allah, that if any of the mushrikeen seek protection from you, to them protection, Why? So that they may hear the speech of Allah subhanho wa Tada. So here listen, I know it's either he affirms that the Quran is the kingdom of Allah subhanho wa Taala but more importantly, that they can hear it, meaning that it is something that is physically hurt. It's not some internal meaning that is transferred,

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but it is something that is physically hurt.

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Now, the last part the from the the ashara that he mentioned about the speech of Allah subhanaw taala we're in the huka de mon, lotta Tanakh b b l mushiya. So they said that the shadow said that the speech of Allah subhanho wa Taala is something that is ancient, it is not something that is dictated by the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala meaning Allah subhanho wa Taala spoke at one time, everything he wanted to say, and that is what exists. But Allah subhanho wa Taala doesn't speak at particular given times he does not speak at particular given times. So what he spoke to Musa what he spoke to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he spoke to Ibrahim, this was all one speech,

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right? He spoke at one time, and that's what it was. And there was no no, there is no need for relevance or or, you know, context, we're at a given time where you had to speak, but he smoked at one time. And that was it. So now we've taken the path of the marthaler. And we've taken the path of the ashara. Let us now understand what the Sooners said, right? And this is what I wanted to introduce you to a simple principle in philosophy, which is what they call Occam's razor. Does anyone know what Occam's razor is? Our comms razor?

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Anyone? No? Go ahead.

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Fantastic that the simplest answer is more than likely the correct answer. And we need to understand this principle when it comes to our faith. Allah subhanho wa Taala he revealed the Koran, not just for the greatest theologian and philosopher, but he revealed it for the Bedouin that did not know how to read and write and herds, his cameras, right, so called the Koran is revealed for all, you know, segments of society, the educated and the uneducated. What does that necessitate? What that necessitates is that the Quran is in such a simple language, that whether you are an absolute layman that knows nothing, he can extract something from the Quran and understand something from the Koran,

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or you're the greatest most educated academic in the world, then you can also extrapolate something from the Quran as well. So that is the general principle that we you know, use when it comes to understanding the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala keep it as simple as possible, simple and understanding simple and implementation. That is what we are striving for. That is what we are striving for. Now in order to understand you know, the position of Allah sooner than we need to understand a group of principles, we need to understand a group of principles. And this has been quoted from Chico the simultaneous Akita DE LA City, okay, that was a tear. You don't need to write

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down everything, but try to grab as much as you can, particularly the four main points that he mentions.

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He goes on to say, and the way of the self of this oma and its imaams is that they describe Allah with that which he himself describes. So that's point number one is that we affirm for Allah subhanho wa Taala that which Allah subhana wa Taala firms for himself. Number two, that which is messenger described him with that which is described messenger described him with number three, without any grief, and without any thought in. So just write those words down, and we'll explain what they mean without any terrif and without any data. That's number three. Number four, without any tech IEF, nor any Tim field without any Akif nor any Tim field, that's number four. Okay. So

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these are the four principles that the sooner use as a very general guideline to affirm the names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala. What is the proof for this understanding? What is the proof for this understanding? It is the verse in Surah two Shura, verse number 11. So number 42, verse number 11. Lisa Camus Lee Shay, well, who is Samuel in bossier? That there is nothing like Allah subhana wa tada and he is the all here and the all seer. So let us understand what this verse is actually telling us. So number one, the first thing that is telling us is that there's nothing like Allah subhana wa Tada. When you look at the creation, when you look at how far your imagination

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can go with all of its creativity, even

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You will not be fully able to understand Allah subhanho wa Taala. So Allah subhanho wa Taala is beyond our comprehension is beyond our understanding is beyond our imagination is beyond what we physically see. Right? So that's what the first part of the ayah is saying. The second part of the idea is saying, well, who is Cemil Basu that he is the one that has the all hearing and the all knowing. Now why are these two attributes important? Who can tell me why these two attributes are important over here? Why did Allah subhana wa tada specifically mentioned these two attributes over here are these two names over here? Who else has been described with these two names and attributes?

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Even we were

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okay, given the

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Get on with this give your mind. Okay, I'll accept your answer anyways, Allah subhanho wa Taala. He described human beings with the exact same attributes of being Samir and Brasil and it's not just one place in the Quran. In fact, many places in the Quran, right you will find that Allah subhana wa tada describes human beings with the exact same attributes that Allah subhana wa tada is described with as well. So you know, he describes the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as a Rahim, what can be the more mundane or Hema? And he describes himself as Rahim. So this shows us that while Allah subhanho wa Taala cannot truly be comprehended, Allah subhanho wa Taala still has attributes that we

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also possess but in a manner that is befitting Allah subhanho wa Taala alone in a manner that is befitting Allah subhanho wa Taala alone. So this is one of the principles that even taymiyah mentions over in the third Maria he says a column of siefert column of his that, that the way we understand the attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala is the exact same way we understand the essence of Allah subhana wa Tada. Just like we do not say our life is like the life of Allah or sorry rather the life of Allah subhanho wa Taala is not like our life. Then similarly, Allah is hearing is not like our hearing, yet we still affirm them for Allah subhanho wa Taala right, other groups they

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could not understand the simple concept that how is it possible for the creation and the creator to have the exact same attributes right? We could those attributes must be created, if the creation has them. What they fail to understood is just like the we accepted the life of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the life of human beings, the similar the the attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala are the exact same way we affirm them for Allah subhanho wa Taala. But we say that they're in a way that is completely befitting of Allah subhanho wa Taala in a way that is completely befitting of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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So that was, you know, the the understanding of Ibn semirara him Allah from this one verse that he established those principles. Now, the first thing the second this what we were talking about last week, that when it comes to sources of al Qaeda, our primary sources of al Qaeda or Quran and Sunnah is not our intellect is not our rational right? It is purely with the Quran and Sunnah say. So that is the first two principles of Eman Samia, and then he goes on to talk about the four mistakes that the groups made when it came to the attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So, the first thing he mentions is the hurry and

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the hurry to hurry is to miss interpret something it is to miss interpret something. So it is as if Allah tells you something else, and then you change the meaning to something else. This is what's the hurry is and this is

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So, actually, do you guys understand that concept? The brief is that you you Allah says something, but you distort that meaning to something else. So we'll and tarrif are very similar in that in that in that sense. So that will is something that it is a possible a plausible other meaning. And to have is that it's not even a plausible that means you just came out of you came out with this meaning without sorry without you know any proof or or any backing to it whatsoever. So that is what the Hadith is it is to distort the meaning that Allah subhanho wa Taala intended. then number two, he mentioned a 13 and a 13 is to completely deny it to completely reject it whatsoever. So Allah

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subhana wa tada says he has Rama and then human beings say no Allah subhana wa tada has no dogma, right? It is totally to completely deny and absorb that meaning whatsoever. So that was the third thing that even Samia mentioned. And then the fourth thing is to keep with Tim feel to Keith is the honus right? How is Allah subhanho wa Taala like this, this is not a question that Anderson asks, we do not ask about hardness and we don't ponder hardness nor do we just try to describe the hardness of Allah subhanho wa Taala right. And then at 1013 This can also be called the should be, this can also be called the should be. And what this is saying is you're trying to extract a parable or an

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Bow of Allah subhanho wa Taala through his creation that Allah subhanho wa Taala is similar to his creation that Allah subhanho wa Taala is similar to his creation, that is what Tim field and fish B is okay. So these are the four words that even Tamia uses. Now let us take an example of one of the predecessors and how they understood the attributes of Allah subhana wa tada one of the clearest examples of the understanding of the predecessors when it came to the attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala is the story of Imam mediclaim Allah, the story of every man Malik and it's narrated by a dummy in his Muslim. The story of Mr. Malik Rahim Allah is a man came to him and he said kiefel is

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the word. How is the ascension of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So you'll notice in seven places in the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala uses the term is through a rough manual 100 or 60 What do you find is about seven times in the Quran. So he asked him carefully still How is the ascension of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Okay, Mr. Mallika him Allah, he got very upset at that time. He got very upset at that time. According to the sooner the reason why Imam Malik got upset was because such questions are not befitting to be asked about Allah subhana wa Tada. Right. We don't ask about the wholeness of Allah subhanho wa Taala. We don't ask about why about Allah subhanho wa Taala whatever Allah

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says, We accept it according to the center. This is why in my medical him Allah got except upset. According to the other groups, the deviant groups, he said that in my mind declaring Allah he got upset over here, because someone affirmed this the will of Allah subhana wa Tada. Or that, you know, he's asking a question about keto, you know, how dare this man ask a question, and that's how they understood this scenario. Now, that segment is actually irrelevant, but I would just wanted you to understand about that point. Now, how did Mr. Mallika himolla respond to this? He says at least he was on my loom. That is this concept of a steamer is something that we have absolute certain

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knowledge about, right. So when you say something is not alone, it means that it is known it is understood because Allah subhanho wa Taala uses this exact same word in the Quran. Like I said about seven times in the Quran, you will find the use of Allah subhana wa tada Manu also means that not only did Allah mention it, but we have knowledge of it. So, is it possible to have knowledge of something but not understand it? And the answer to that is no, if you have knowledge of something, you actually understand what you know that is what element means, you have certain knowledge and certain understanding about it. So to say that we can make the food over here in my mind because

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refuting the food over here by saying that is the what is known right. The second he goes on to say well k fu merge hold that or l k for Roma cool. And in both of those narrations are there, that the hollowness of this, this is something that is unknown, nor is it comprehensible, this is unknown nor is it complemented comprehensible, will emerge will be wajib. And the third thing he mentions and Eman in this is wajib demand and this is mandatory and compulsory is mandatory and compulsory because Allah subhana wa tada himself affirmed this for himself, right? was so early on whoa Buddha and to ask about it, right to ask key for this diva to ask about this dwelve Allah subhanho wa Taala

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then this is an innovation. This is an innovation. And at that time in my magic Rahim Allah kicked him out of the class kicked him out of that gathering. So who can tell me now what are the four things that Mr. Malik mentioned about these three? What?

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What are the four things that Mr. Malik mentioned?

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Go ahead. Yeah.

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He said the one is Marlin is known. It is known fantastic. And we know it right. And

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okay, he jumped the gun. That's number three.

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And he said it's the hollowness is understandable and annoying. Fantastic. Yep. Number three is that the man on it is fantastic for the questioning it has been fantastic. So these are simple principles that we see my mother grandma had to understand the attributes are at the names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now we're going to take some further principles as well. And then we'll conclude in sha Allah huzzah Allah

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in terms of further principles of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Number one, is that anything that Allah subhana wa tada is described with, has to be good, Allah subhanho wa Taala is never described with evil. Will Illa Hill a smell or persona? Allah subhanho wa Taala has the most beautiful and complete and perfect names right? So let's find out what are all of his names, all of his attributes are beautiful. So there are certain things that are said about Allah subhana wa tada in the Quran, that even though Allah is described with them, they're not affirmed as an attribute for Allah subhanho wa Taala. So things like mucker right?

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Makar is to plan and to plot and this is like an evil type of planning and plotting. While Mercado while knockout Allah, Allah who created the marketing that they planned and plotted, and Allah subhanho wa Taala plans and plots and Allah subhanaw taala is the best of all planners and plotters? No, does that mean that we derive a name of allah or an attribute of Allah subhana wa tada that he is makin? No, we see that this is not the case, because mucker will of itself does not have a positive connotation. In fact, it is something negative. However, it becomes a positive connotation, when it's done in reaction to someone else's plotting when it's done in reaction to someone else's

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plotting, right. so in this situation, that is when it becomes positive in its complete context, isolated by itself, it is not positive. So everything that is mentioned about Allah subhanaw taala, is meant to be perfect and good.

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A second principle about the names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala is that everything has a meaning behind it, everything has a meaning behind it. What does that actually mean? What that means is, we can have someone named Muhammad here, right? And this Muhammad, linguistically it means he is someone that is praised, right? That is what Muhammad means. But this individual that we're talking about, you know, this x y Zed person right over here. No, there's no one that actually there, right? This person that we're talking about, his name's Muhammad, but this person steals, he lies, he cheats. He does every sort of sin that you can imagine. Even though he has this name

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Muhammad, has he lived up to it, meaning that he's someone that's praiseworthy? No, not at all right? In fact, he's the exact opposite. He's someone that is worthy of criticism. So he has a name, but he doesn't live up to that name was with Allah subhanho wa Taala. Any name that Allah subhanho wa Taala has Allah subhanho wa Taala lives up to that meaning. So when Allah His name is Eileen, it means that he in fact has, when Allah subhanho wa Taala is a deer, it means in fact that he has called Allah when Allah subhanho wa Taala is our man he in fact is the source of mercy. Right? So Allah Allah subhanho wa Taala has names we have a meaning that Allah subhanho wa Taala you know has

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a characteristic of that Allah subhana wa tada has a characteristic of a third principle is that we will negate for Allah subhanho wa Taala that which he negates for himself, while affirming its opposite, we will negate for, for Allah subhanho wa Taala that which he negates for himself while affirming its opposite. To understand that principle, what does that mean?

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Let us look to it. Allah subhanho wa Taala he says Allah Allah, Allah Allah who would hire Luca yom that who sinner to mana No, Allah none has the right to be worshipped, but he the ever living the self sustainer and supporter of all, neither some slumber nor sleep overtakes him. So here Allah subhanho wa Taala firms for himself that he is unhappy, and aka young, right, and high meaning the ever living the one full of life, and the one that rectifies and the one that sustains, okay, so these are two names of Allah subhanho wa Taala, that attributes are actually, you know, extracted from the attribute of life and the attribute of control and sustainability. So that's what's

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affirmed for us. I know it's either now What did Allah Subhana Allah negate for himself, that who sinner to when I know that sleep nor slumber overtake Allah subhanho wa Taala that they don't apply to Allah subhanho wa Taala so Allah subhana wa Tada, he denies that sleep overtakes him, because this would be a deficiency in life, that you're not full of life if you're falling asleep, right. And at the same time, slumber does not overtake him, meaning that Allah does not become tired and lethargic, and you know, lazy, because then that is not someone that sustains all the time. Right, so let's find out what other he denies and rejects two attributes, while affirming the exact

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opposite of it, while affirming the exact opposite of it. To understand that, that is what we mean that the sooner we will reject the exact same things that Allah subhanaw taala rejected, while affirming the exact opposite, while affirming the exact opposite. Let me give you a second example. A second example of this isn't suitable for con verse 58 Soto for con verse 58. Allah subhanaw taala he says over here, what we're working on Allah Hill Hey, lovey,

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and have you trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala the ever living that does not die. So here Allah subhanaw taala rejects for himself death, while affirming ever life for him. He rejects what himself death, while affirming ever life for him. So this is the position of evolution that at any time Allah subhanho wa Taala rejects and deny something for himself, then understand and will reject it and denied as well, while affirming the exact opposite while affirming the exact opposite. Now, I'll conclude

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This segment over here by saying that the studying of the names and attributes of Allah subhana wa tada is, in fact the most beautiful science that we know of, because it is the science that we get to know Allah subhanaw taala by. And in fact, this is something Allah subhanho wa Taala wants us to know, he tells us fat alum and the hula hula that know that He is Allah, the One that there's no one worthy of worship with. So he commands us to have knowledge of this. He also tells us indirectly by each time when he tells us you know all of his names who Allahu lavilla illa Hilah who, who are Rahmani Raheem and medical codesys Allah Muhammad Ali Mohammed Al Aziz al Jabbar, the ending of

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sootel hustle, all those names are mentioned because Allah subhanho wa Taala wants us to know who he is. So this is a command from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And it is the most beneficial of knowledge in terms of increasing your Eman in terms of increasing your spirituality in terms of increasing your taqwa. And this is something that we'll come to in a second, that this knowledge of Allah subhanaw taala is dependent upon understanding names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And if you don't have sound principles, in understanding the names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala then you will not truly be able to understand who Allah subhanho wa Taala is who Allah subhanho wa

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Taala is now if you want to do further reading on this subject, where can you go Where can you go and I will advise you with three books all of them available online for free. I don't want to advertise the website but I'm pretty sure everyone knows the website if you don't know it. Come to me after the holiday and I'll tell you the website The first book is called acquired muffler by shifting the theme in the the you know extraordinary principles pertaining to the names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala so this is acquired the Muslim by shake hypnotherapy fantastic book and talking about the principles of understanding has of understanding names, attributes of

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Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Number two is the principles of Asana and understanding the names and attributes of Allah, the principles of Asana, and understanding the names attributes of Allah subhanaw taala. This is by chef Mohammed Khalifa tomini by chef Mohammed Khalifa Tamimi. Book number three. This is the first book in the series of chef, Scott socioecological. He wrote, you know, I think seven or eight volumes, does anyone know for sure? Seven or eight volumes we need? Seven or eight is either seven or eight. The first of them is called is the book of Allah. No, who is Allah subhanaw taala. So that is another book that talks about, you know, how do we get to know Allah subhanho wa Taala either, that

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is in terms of principles, a fourth book that I'm suggesting over here, and this is just for the sake of spirituality, to understand the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the effect that they have in our lives, and this is called understanding the names of Allah by Sheikh Abdul Rahman Abdul Nasir assadi, mushy Manasa Sadie and this one website has all of those books available for free download inshallah. So you can download those books read more about it, get to understand the principles of the Sunnah, because when you have sound principles, you will have a sound understanding of Allah subhana wa Tada. Once you have a sound understanding of what less panatela

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is, this is what will actually lead you to have Taqwa. This is what will actually lead you to have Taqwa. Now, let's move on to the next two and a half verses in the next five minutes in sha Allah be radica, Donna Korea who have suffered and this is what the righteous people understood and explicitly mentioned. So here,

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the poet, he said, he describes that listen as being clear that they are the people of taqwa they are the people of taqwa. Why does he describe them as people of taqwa he describes them as people of taqwa because, generally speaking, and the Sunnah are meant to be the most pious and righteous of people. While we don't say you can't be from a listener while committing a sin, we will definitely say that your Eman is deficient if you're regularly committing sin or or are committing major sins in particular. So knowledge of Allah subhanho wa Taala. It will lead you to have Taqwa it will lead you to have Taqwa and taqwa there have been many definitions, but from the the simplest of them and

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the best of them, it is to be Allah subhanaw taala upon knowledge, and it is to abstain from disobeying Allah subhanho wa Taala upon knowledge, that is the general understanding of what taqwa is, and if not, I am and remember the Habibi said this is from the best of definitions. This is from the definition of ignorant Habib from the definition of ignorant Habib. So here he mentioned that the pious predecessors they all said, and remember that, okay, he he quotes 500 people in shuttle so that the call center equals 500 people that said that the Quran or the kingdom of Allah subhana wa Asana is going on McCulloch that it was not created. So they were very explicit about this. The next

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night he goes on to say, well, that's a coffin call only blockfi called inner corner at about Jeremy was Jeff and do not say that we will take this quote unquote middle position, where we say that the Koran is created

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We're not created or we don't take a stance at all right? This group was called the walker fear that they took a stance of not taking a stance, right. And this was from the followers of john Joseph one who said that the Quran was created. So this seemed like it was a middle stance, when in fact the scores of hockey, they said that the soccer field were even worse than the followers of jam. Because the followers of jam they made very explicit what they believe in, they said, the Quran is created. And this is an evil position. But the work of here they said, you know, what, we're trying to come as a middle ground, that rather than saying that the Quran is created or not created, we will take

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that middle ground and say, you know, we're not taking a stance on this issue. But it is very, very clear that the stance of the sooner the stance that Allah Subhana Allah and His Messenger solar system, and the Sahaba and the terrain that they all have, is that the Quran is the speech of Allah subhanho wa Taala and is not created as Jehovah over here in this line over here as young means the naturally inclined towards something. So the followers of gem they're naturally inclined towards this opinion. And what the author saying over here is that their heart had become so corrupted, that he would naturally lean towards, you know, you know, bad things will naturally lead towards bad

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things will have to call to call in call on ohakune

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What's his word over here? Well, that's the Quran ohakune curato that is recitation and do not say that the recitation of the Quran is created right? For nL calam Allah he be lovely you will do that for verily the speech of Allah subhana wa tada through its pronunciation and enunciation becomes clarified. What is this referring to? You'll get a detailed understanding of this inshallah, in a couple of weeks, I'll be starting the biographies of the Imams of Hadith, that's going to be the Friday night halaqa inshallah, and this was something that was particularly memorable Cody Rahim Allah, that he was asked, you know, is our recitation of the Quran, something that is created or

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not, right? And then he gave an answer to this, which got him into trouble. And in fact, some of the scholars have said that, in fact, attributing this to a memorable query is incorrect altogether, we'll discuss it in the Holocaust. What was important to understand is that people will get trapped into answering questions that could have a double meaning to it. Right? So if someone asks you, is your recitation of the Quran created or not? What should you answer to this? The first thing we say is that such questions should not be asked if we're going to ask a question, be very specific and clear, while kulu colon sadita speak a straightforward word, not something that has a double meaning

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from the principles of an Asana is that when there is something that is said that has a double meaning, you always ask for clarification before you answer it. So there's something that can be misinterpreted and misinterpreted. ask for clarification, before you answer that. So now How can this be interpreted in two ways? So the worst first way can be interpreted is, is the Quran the speech of Allah subhana wa tada created? And the answer to that is no, the speech of Allah subhanaw taala is not created, it is an attribute of Allah subhanaw taala. However, if you're asking me, is the sound of my voice created, then the answer to that is yes, the sound of my voice is created.

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Even when I'm reciting the Quran. That sound is a created sound, right? So that aspect of it is created. So when someone says is your recitation of the Quran, created or uncreated, then here we're taught a very important principle. Always ask for clarification, before you answer before you answer. So do not say that my recitation of the Quran is created, but rather you take a a, a stance of clarification. We don't say we don't answer that when we say we seek clarification before we answer.

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condemn Allah, he be lovely, you know, and then here the author he concludes by saying that from the principles of Amazon and it's something we have spoken about extensively, is that everything that Allah subhana wa tada says, it has meaning behind it, that the speech of Allah subhanho wa Taala is self explanatory. It is not something that requires, you know, a philosophy degree and Greek philosophy and you know, everything else to understand it, but rather the column of Allah the speech of Allah is self explanatory, it explains itself. Right. So this is what the last verse he concluded with, and we will conclude with this as well. Allah huzzah Allah with some Allah who was sending a

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lot of God and the Vienna Muhammad, wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam, and I will take three questions from you guys. Go ahead. You recited the last six months one said, well, that's 101

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versus two is supposed to be karatsu.

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Allah Allah.

00:59:47 --> 00:59:49

Okay. Second question is,

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you mentioned in the beginning of the issue of

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what I did, last time to address it. Yes.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:01

Feel Yes?

01:00:02 --> 01:00:05

How do we understand this? We'll read the

01:00:07 --> 01:00:09

first page speaks about

01:00:12 --> 01:00:18

on omole kitai automata shabby hat. Yes. This is Johnston ennemis.

01:00:22 --> 01:00:38

Okay, I mean, let's go back to the vs surah. Number one who will have the answer logical Kitab me who is in Makkah, Martin Han, Omar Al Kitab. Whoa Koroma shabby hut, family, Medina, ficolo bmz, one for your Toyota Mazda shabba pub de la LA Fitness de la. were meant

01:00:39 --> 01:01:16

to who? In lulla? Right? Or you could say, Well, Matt, that will who Illallah who what Ross tahuna fill in, right. So these are the two ways that you can recite that if, depending on where you do the work over here, you can see that the knowledge of them with a shabby heart is only with Allah subhanho wa Taala, or from even a bus used to recite with continuation, that the knowledge of these verses is with Allah subhanho wa Taala and the oil and the people of knowledge. So obviously, you know, when you do for the state, what does it mean by the boomer by them with the shabby hot over here? Right? The Buddha said this referring to the attributes and the archy that we can understand

01:01:16 --> 01:01:34

what it means, but it's not what is referring to is just referring to that there are certain things that their ultimate reality, only Allah subhanaw taala will know, or those people that have sound knowledge, or those people that have sound knowledge, right. So to go back to your question, which was how did this tie into this?

01:01:35 --> 01:02:09

What does that mean? Give me an example of what do you do? What do the what the show behind the mean like so there's certain outlets so just because somebody is with a sharpie doesn't mean absolute and with a sharpie, so our our understanding of Allah subhanho wa Taala there's an element of it, we understand an element of it, which is what the shabby so we affirm for Allah subhanaw taala you know, that he is ever living, he has no beginning and he has no ending. But can our minds truly comprehend something like that? Do we know anything that has no beginning or has no ending? No, because our understanding of this world that everything has a beginning and ending. So one aspect of

01:02:09 --> 01:02:16

it is clear cut. Another aspect of it is with the shadow that the reality is only with Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah who to Allah, Adam,

01:02:17 --> 01:02:18

any other questions?

01:02:20 --> 01:02:27

Third, we'll conclude with that Spanish Hola. Hola. vmdk Chateau La La Land. A structural call to elect was Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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