Navaid Aziz – Conversations with Allah SWT

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of worship and affirming the model of "by the way" when making dog decisions. They stress the need for individuals to avoid fall into sinful actions and express their emotions in public. The importance of worship and affirming the model of "by the way" is emphasized, as it is a fundamental misunderstandings of the beast. The speakers also discuss the importance of expressing one's emotions and feelings outside of the Arabic language.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim in Alhamdulillah Hina who wants to know when istockphoto when our other Billahi min surely unforeseen a woman say Dr. Molina, Maria de la Fernando de lado de Luca hydrilla Mashallah Wanda Illa Allah who had the audacity color or shadow Anna Mohammed Abdullah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa early he was talking he was seldom at the Sleeman kathira my blood, my dear brothers and sisters salaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh so my topic is conversations with Allah subhanaw taala and one of the most remarkable things in our existence, is the fact that we can call upon Allah subhanaw taala and that will us I know it's either answers us, Allah subhanaw taala

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he tells us in the Quran, la casa de la boca mother only Esther gibler come in Aladdin is the corona and Eva t said who Luna Johanna Deke read that your Lord has said call upon me and I will answer you. Surely those that turn away from my remembrance shall enter the Hellfire in a state of humiliation and degradation by two brothers and sisters, when you look at this idea, I want you to look at what Allah subhana wa tada is saying, divided into two parts. The first part of the idea, it says that your Lord has said call upon me, and I will answer you, meaning that this response is immediate when you call upon Allah subhanaw taala. And then number two, Allah subhanaw taala says

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that those that turn away from my remembrance, meaning that turn away from making money shall be entered into the Hellfire in a state of humiliation and degradation. Now, before we explain this ayah in detail, I want to share a small story with you. And perhaps this is one of the most profound stories that I've ever come across. And this actually goes back to as Jacob was mentioning, in HUD time, about four years ago, and hij, four years ago, they were interviewing an Egyptian cleaner that used to live in Saudi Arabia. And they were asking him, you know, how is it that you've been able to come for hedge for the last 20 years in a row. And he goes on to explain that while he was a young

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man, he made the sincere intention to Allah subhanaw taala that Oh, Allah, please facilitate for me to go for Hajj. So he saved up all of the money that he had. And eventually, he was able to find a job as a street cleaner in the city of Riyadh. So he went to the city of Riyadh. And he saved up some more money while he was there. But he describes the circumstances that he has one individual living with, like 1520 other men in a cramped little apartment, sharing whatever food he could get. And he has a very humble life, till eventually he saves up all of his money, and now he finally has enough money to go for Hajj. Now, if you're going for height from Saudi Arabia, there's like not

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many, many options back then you're just like on a standard package, but it was a pretty luxurious package. So as the days of Hajj, come closer, and then they started their journey to hedge. He describes that as his going to Minar. There's a lot of traffic on the way and he's stuck on the bus. And as he stuck on the bus, I want you to imagine it's like blistering hot, like 4050 degrees Celsius, or like 100 110 degrees Fahrenheit. And as he's sitting in this air conditioned bus, he sees this elderly lady like her back is hunched over, she has a cane, she's struggling to walk, she's breathing very, very heavy. And as they're stuck in traffic, he is looking at her from the

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window. And he thinks to himself imagines panela This is my own mother. Imagine this is my own. And imagine this is my own grandmother. What type of human being would I be, if I let this on deep? Just walk by herself. So he gets off the bus. And he goes to this auntie and he's like, Look, my dear Auntie, I would humbly request that you take my seat on the bus. And this lady, she starts crying profusely, like just bawling her eyes out. And the man thinks that he's offended this lady so he's like, I'm really sorry, I did not mean to offend you. If you want to continue walking, you're gonna continue walking. And she says, My dear son, it's not that I'm offended. I'm just amazed at how

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quickly Allah subhanaw taala answered my door. Because just a few meters ago, I had asked our last panelist and belt Allah subhanaw taala that all love his journey is becoming too difficult for me. Please send me some help, please send me some way that will facilitate this journey. And no sooner did I finished except that you came down from the bus and offered me your seat. And that is why I cry that Allah subhanaw taala offered this beautiful gift to me and answered my dog right away. So he helps her get onto the bus and he sits her down in her seat. And as he's leaving this woman, she says and she asked Allah May you never be deprived of making Hajj again, may you never be deprived

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of making height again. And he leaves with like the biggest smile on his face. And as he's telling us the story, his tears are coming down in his eyes. And he's like, it was amazing that every year thereafter, someone would always ask me to come along, either to help with their group or to help clean up in hygiene or to do something else in hajj and that is how for the last 20 years, I was able to make Hajj. Now my dear brothers and sisters when Allah subhanaw taala

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He says, as the gibler Come, I will answer you, meaning we just need to ask Allah subhana wa tada will be there to answer our to us, what we have to do is to ask Allah subhanaw taala. Now the second part of this is where Allah subhanaw taala says in the Medina is the corona and eba that he said hello, Anna, Johanna Madeline, those people that turn away from my worship and from my remembrance shall enter the Hellfire in a state of humiliation and degradation. This is a severe warning for us that Allah subhanho wa Taala gets angry at us when we don't make dua to him. And this further reaffirms the statement of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam reported in soon in a testimony

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that Indeed Allah subhanaw taala gets angry at those who do not make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala we are slaves of Allah subhanaw taala we are servants of Allah subhanaw taala we're meant to show our dependence, we're meant to show how much we need Allah subhanaw taala and the way we do that is by asking Allah subhanho wa Taala by jubilees. and sisters, there's a story in the Koran that we've all heard of, we all know pretty well, but we haven't looked at it from the lens of worship. And we haven't looked at it from the lens specifically of da and that is the story of Adam and the police. When you look at the story of Adam and Eve police there are actually some very profound lessons

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related to our because both of them may do Allah subhanaw taala a police his daughter was Robbie on vernee Allah Yama newbattle that all love give me life till the Day of Judgment let me stay alive till the Day of Judgment. And Adam after he was misguided by a police he too made to our tala subhanho wa Taala Robin of alumna and for Santa when Lambeau Field on our top 100 an akuna nominal ferocity, that Oh our Lord, we have wronged ourselves and oppressed ourselves. And if you do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, then surely we shall be from the losers. So here you have to do us both of these divides are being made one by police and one by either what are some of the lessons

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that we can derive from these to us? Number one is that there will be two types of doors there'll be doors there for your dunya and do as they are for your Acura and as believers when we follow this prophetic model, the vast majority of our da and should be for our athletes should be for our actual What is this based upon? If you look at the beautiful Dwyane Wade is often referred to as the best of the ice that is mentioned in Soto dakara. Allah subhanaw taala teaches us the da robina itfm dunya Hasina Warfield, karate Hasina working either know that Oh, our Lord grant is the best of this life. Grant is the best of the next and save us from the punishment of the hellfire. This is

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referred to as the best of the eyes because it is the most comprehensive of them. Now if you were to break this down, you will see that two thirds of this is for the accuracy and 1/3 of the dua is for this dunya what Allah subhanho wa Taala teaches us this door, they're all a grant just the best of this life. Grant is the best of the next and save us from the punishment of the hellfire. So we should be making just as much dough and much much more for our Acura than we do for our dunya why is that the asteroid is everlasting and the dunya is very finite. So why would you be asking for something that is finite as opposed to something that is infinite and everlasting? So we should be

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increasing an hour to hour for hour after hour and that is what we notice from either money Salah he is focusing on forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala. And it is a duel based upon spirituality UDW are based upon the Acura was if you look at the satanic model of da it is purely based upon the life of this world. You're only asking Allah subhanaw taala for the life of this world. That is what he said. He said, just give me more time, that's all I want. So when we're only asking for the dunya asking for a bigger house asking for a better car asking for you know, only a spouse without adding righteousness to it, then this is a satanic model of making dua because you've restricted it to the

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dunya only. And the best model is to combine between the two to combine between your dunya and your akara the second lesson that we learned from this story is what happens to us after we make dog. Now this is one of the traps of shaytaan that perhaps one of the other speakers may speak about. But ultimately he said when he made his daughter Allah subhanaw taala he continued to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala in fact when Allah subhana wa tada answers his dog, he increases in gratitude and tries to become the best person that he can possibly be. Whereas when you look at a lease, a lease neglects Allah subhanaw taala altogether and he forgets about the command of Allah subhanaw taala

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altogether. In fact, he increases in arrogance, and turns away from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So what we want to look at is what happens to us when we make dua to Allah subhanaw taala do we increase in gratitude to Allah? Do we thank Allah subhanaw taala more do we increase in our worship of Allah subhanaw taala

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Do we turn away from Allah subhanho wa Taala because we got what we needed. Now the unfortunate reality and I speak for myself first and foremost is that it is human to, you know, become diluted in times of luxury and prosperity that we become heedless in times of luxury and prosperity. So we want to make sure that when Allah subhanaw taala answers our do eyes, they should increase this in gratitude as opposed to heedlessness. The prophetic model is the increase in gratitude, the satanic model is to increase in heedlessness. Number three. The third lesson that we learn from the story is that both Adam and Eve police knew that they could only go to Allah subhanaw taala for them to do.

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And this is actually a very, very profound lesson in our face, that we don't have any intermediaries. We don't need to go to a particular Imam, we don't need to go to a particular shift and ask them to make dua for us and intercede for us in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala. But rather We ask Allah subhanaw taala directly. And this is why I Lost Planet Allah says we'll call out a book on a journey as the gibler call that your Lord has said call upon me directly, and I will be the one who is answering you. So we call upon Allah subhanaw taala directly. So either malice, and then he didn't go to the angels, at least didn't go through Adam, rather they went to Allah subhanaw taala

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directly. And that is one of the beautiful things of our faith is that we have this direct connection with Allah subhanho wa Taala we have this direct connection with Allah subhanaw taala and we'll be talking about some of the benefits of da a bit later on. But one of those benefits is that our direct connection with Allah subhanho wa Taala it allows us to see the generosity of Allah subhanaw taala that we ask and Allah gives, and sometimes and often rather, even when we don't ask Allah subhanaw taala gives us so much more. And then lesson number four, the fourth and last lesson. And this is a lesson that can't be emphasized enough, even though a lot of us have heard it so many

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times. But why did Allah subhanaw taala answer the dualities when it comes to either Mali Salaam, he's a prophet of Allah subhanho wa Taala he's a righteous man. We know that he's done good in his life. So we can understand logically speaking, why Allah subhanaw taala would answer the dog Adam. But why did Allah subhanho wa Taala answer the door of a bliss? That is a fundamental question that needs to be asked. Now the mistake that we often make as human beings is that we focus on a bliss and his wickedness and his lack of righteousness. And what we forget, is that we're meant to be looking at the generosity of Allah subhanaw taala a generosity that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam describes as that Indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala is shy. Indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala is shy to turn away the hands of his slaves, empty handed, Allah subhanaw taala is shy to turn away the hands of his slaves empty handed. So when Allah subhanaw taala answers the guava please It's not because he believes had some righteousness is due to the generosity, mercy and compassion of Allah subhanaw taala and that's what we want to remember. We are dependent upon this generosity and mercy of Allah subhanaw taala and shavonne and beliefs from time to time will make us think we're too sinful to ask Allah subhanaw taala but rather the mistake is not asking Allah subhanaw taala at all.

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There is no individual regardless of what level of sin they have committed, except that Allah subhanho wa Taala loves to hear what they ask of Allah subhana wa tada I Lost Planet Allah loves to hear what they asked for. Because this is an example of servitude. We only ask from those that are more powerful, we only ask from those that have more we only ask Allah, the One that is self sufficient and independent of his creation. That is what this action of a by the shows. It shows the generosity of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And that is why we do brothers and sisters, no matter what happens in life, never ever give up making block to Allah subhanho wa Taala because it is Allah

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subhanho wa Taala Who is the one that can grant us everything that we need. Now my dear brothers and sisters, when we talk about to do art to Allah subhanaw taala there's quite a few things we need to keep in mind. And I want to discuss just some of the basic filk and etiquettes related to it. Some of the basic filk and etiquettes related to do up from the etiquettes of da is that one should be facing the Qibla whenever they are able to from the advocates of da is that one should be in a state of Voodoo from the advocates of da is that you ask Allah subhanho wa Taala from his appropriate names. So for example, someone is asking for risk. They're asking for a job. They're asking for a

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righteous spouse, they're asking for children, then they asked by the name of Allah subhanaw taala arzak. When they're asking for forgiveness, they asked them the names of Allah subhanaw taala for another four. So learn the names of Allah subhana wa Taala and use them appropriately when you're making dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala from the etiquettes of da is that you praise Allah subhanho wa Taala and you don't ask without praising and this is seen in Surah Fatiha

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Allah subhanaw taala teachers that before you make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala you praise Allah subhanaw taala from the etiquettes of da is that you send salah and Salaam upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when you make to some of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are reported to have said that our do eyes are suspended between the heavens and the earth, until we send Salam Salam upon the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when we make dua, from the etiquettes of da, my dear brothers and sisters, is that we're not hasty in making dua. What does that mean? Exactly. So a lot of times we

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will make dua to Allah subhanaw taala only will want it right here right now. And if we don't get it, then we stop asking for it. And this is considered haste. And this is considered actually bad to behavior with Allah subhanho wa Taala. So when one makes dua, they should not be hasty and should continue asking for that thing up and until their dua is answered, or they meet Allah subhanho wa Taala, from the advocates of da is that their heart should be attentive to what the tongue is actually sink. You know, it was amazing that as young children, our elders and our parents and our Imams, they taught us this beautiful blue eyes to say, after the Salah, but one of the mistakes that

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we made as individuals is that we never learned to their meanings. So we want to make sure that when we make dua to Allah subhanaw taala, we know what we're saying, and that our heart is attentive. And it our heart is actually in a state of desperation, knowing that we are dependent upon Allah subhanaw taala. So I want you to sort of think about, look at the state of your heart during exam time, look at the state of your heart, when you think you're about to get fired. Think about the state of your heart, when you desperately wants to get married to someone, that state of emotion that we feel during those times of desperation. That is the type of passion we want to bring to our

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daughters when we ask Allah subhanaw taala showing that utmost reliance upon Allah subhanaw taala showed the heart is very, very attentive from the etiquettes of da is that we want to make sure that we're not asking for anything sinful, or for anything, how long. So asking for someone to be harmed or asking for ties of kinship to be cut off. Those are things that are not permissible when we make dua. And those are things that should not be asked for, when the advocates of do is that we should not be making dua against people, the general rule is that you should not be making dua against people. So these are just some of the basic etiquettes of da. Now a question that always arises is,

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how do I know if my dog is actually going to be answered? How do I know if my dog is actually going to be answered? The prophets of Allah who I knew was slim in the beautiful Hadith, where he had gathered his companions, he tells his companions that your do is answered in one of three ways. Either you're given what you asked for when you asked for it, or it is delayed at a time that it is better for you. Or in fact, what you're asking for is not good for you at all. And therefore Allah subhanho wa Taala does not give it to you, but rather averts an equal amount of evil from your life, equivalent to the amount of God you would have received through that door. Now, let us understand

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what's happening over here. Firstly, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying that the first category of people are those that make dua to Allah subhanaw taala, and almost finally gives them what they want, when they want it, because that is what is best for them at that time. The number two is that they're asking of Allah, but Allah delays it at a time for when it is better for them. What exactly does this mean? What does it mean that something is delayed for you till the time that it is better for you. So I want you to think about a particular job that you're going after. You're asking Allah that, oh, Allah granting this job, I want it now that Allah subhanaw taala knows

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that if you were to get this job right now, that it would hinder you from serving your parents, it would hinder you from your education, it would hinder you from your religious studies, it would hinder you from your memorization of the Quran, and it would lead to greater difficulties in your life. So Allah subhanaw taala, delays the response of your dog, till the time that it is better for you, perhaps there's less on your plate at that time, perhaps you're more mature, perhaps you're more balanced in your life. And that is when Allah subhanaw taala answers your data and gives you what you want. And then the third is, in fact what you're asking for is not actually good for you.

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And one of the greatest examples that I can share of this is the action of marriage itself. A lot of people they get fixated that Oh Allah grant me such and such spouse without actually saying that Oh Allah if this spouse is good for me, and Allah subhanaw taala doesn't answer that to do our Why? Because Allah subhanaw taala knows that if you were to get married to this person, perhaps this person will take you away from the team. Perhaps this person would not be the right person for you to help you enter into agenda and perhaps they may lead you to the hellfire. So let's find out other doesn't give that to you.

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Now what I want to share with you is a beautiful lesson that is not claimed by him a whole lot talks about when he speaks about those individuals whom their eyes are not answered whom their eyes are not answered. And no claim Rahim Allah, he talks about a group of people that show up on the Day of Judgment. And they see a huge amount of reward a massive amount of reward. And they ask about that, Oh Allah, we do not recall any deed that we could have done that would have incurred such a great amount of reward for us. And Allah subhanaw taala tells them that this is the reward for your daughter not being answered in the dunya. This is your award are not being answered. And the dunya

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the people at that time we will say, Oh our Lord, we wish that none of our daughters had been answered, we wish none of our daughters would have been answered. Why due to the great amount of award, now defined Heidi's about these, this very topic, and nobody bought him a license that hi these are not authentic with the meaning or true, meaning that you won't find a specific Hadith that says that the people will show up on the day of judgment and have a huge amount of reward. And they will say that we would wish that none of our guys had been answered. But he says rather the meanings of these narrations are true even though the wording may not be authentic. Now, what do we learn

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from this if not claimed by him Allah He goes on to expand the point even further, how many people get to claim

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truly, that they have fulfilled their purpose of creation? How many people can truly say that they have lived their purpose of creation? No claim Rahim Allah He says that the people that live their whole entire lives making dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And none of them are answered. And he says this, hypothetically speaking, because there is no such creation, that Allah subhanaw taala is created that called upon Allah and Allah did not answer them. So this is more of a hypothetical proposition. He says that even if Allah subhanaw taala had not given them anything at all, they could truthfully claim that they've lived their purpose of creation. And this is not something that

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a lot of creation can actually claim for themselves. So my dear brothers and sisters, this is something very important to keep in mind. Now how does this Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam actually conclude the companions of the Prophet or send them say, or messenger of Allah? This is the case that Allah answers our eyes in all of these ways, we will surely increase in making dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah subhana wa Taala says, The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, Well law accept that Indeed, Allah has even more to give you. So the more you ask of Allah subhanaw taala, than the more Allah subhana wa Taala gives you now, are there things

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that people can do that will hinder their device from being answered? And the answer to that is also Yes. We see in Sahih Muslim that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he mentions a man who is in a state of traveling is in a state of difficulty. He is in a state of being completely disheveled. There's this tore his claws are raggedy, there's dust on his face, His hair is all over the place. And this individual is just in the middle of nowhere. He has nothing left to his name. And he raises his hands to Allah begging and pleading to Allah subhanaw taala. And what does the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say about this man, woman whom in haram Oklahoman Hurrah mama

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Sheila boohooman, Hara. But under your study, I believe that this man's wealth is from how long his eating is from his clothing is from how long his drinking is from how long then why would Allah subhanaw taala answer this man's do. So this shows us the importance of having a holiday the risk and minimizing the sins that we commit. This shows us the importance of earning Hello, the risk and minimizing the sins that we commit. Our sins are actually barriers between us and Allah subhanaw taala. So the more we sin, the more barriers there are in between us and our donors. So we want to make sure that we are not from those deluded individuals that the scholars of the past talk about

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that lead sinful lives you continue to make do are hoping to be answered that is to be in a delusional state. So when we are sinful we want to make sure that we are from those that repent to Allah subhanaw taala and continue to make dua as well. But to make dua without repenting is to be in a state of delusion. And that is something that we want to make sure that we don't fall into. Now my dear brothers and sisters, there's many many stories related to that we can talk about you know, I one of the stories I like to share is a story of Ahmed macabre, the Allahu Allah. When he used to make blocks almost supine with Allah, Allah was looking at Shahada v Medina, Tina viac, that Oh

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Allah grant me martyrdom in the city of your Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and some of them companions. They used to

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discuss amongst themselves that you know, what type of da is this? That, you know, how can you ask for martyrdom in the city of the prophet like how

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Is this going to be happening? How will this possibly happen? How can you ask for something that is, you know, in our minds will be something so difficult, like Medina would literally have to be attacked, even though we know all of those Heidegger talks about the protection of Medina, even from the legs of the gel and the arm of the gel, and so on and so forth. Yet we see when an individual sincerely makes do Allah subhanaw taala then surely Allah subhanaw taala honors that. And we see that even the likes of one would have no kebab or the Allahu anhu amela meaning, you know, the the Commander of the Faithful, the second Khalifa of Islam, even though he made a die that seemed

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impossible to us, Allah subhanaw taala honor that da, that he was stabbed in the state of Salaam and he died as a result of that wound and inshallah that is a form of Shahada that is a form of Shahada is a form of dying in a state that is pleasing to Allah subhanaw taala that is something that, you know, we should all be asking Allah subhanaw taala that Oh Allah grant his conclusions to our lives, where you are pleased with us and do not let us die, except that you are pleased with us alone man. From the examples of duar being answered, my dear brothers and sisters, is the Battle of brother from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself, that the prophet SAW them the night before the

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Battle of brother, while the companions are sleeping, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is begging and pleading with Allah, that Oh Allah, if you allow us to be decimated on this land, there will be no one left to worship, and then mathematically speaking, 300 individuals going up against 1000 It seems mathematically impossible that they would have won, except that Allah subhana wa tada With his help and his victory, the believers one at that time, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not give up hope. So these are just certain things to remember that when we make dua to Allah subhanaw taala there is nothing that is impossible for Allah, there is nothing that Allah

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subhanaw taala cannot do. So we should continue to make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala at all times, as much as we can, you know, let's do a quick repack, recap and then I want to conclude being Allahu taala. We talked about how Allah subhanaw taala says, Call upon me and I will answer you and how Allah subhanaw taala punishes those and gets angry at those that do not call upon Allah. Because this is a sign of arrogance. This is a sign that one thinks they're independent from Allah subhanho wa Taala. We learned in today's session, four lessons from the story of Adam and a bliss. And those lessons were that Indeed, Allah subhanho wa Taala has taught us through the story of Adam and Eve,

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these two types of doors do ask for the dunya and to ask for the acara. And we want to combine between the two, if we only make dua for the dunya This is a satanic model of the we learned today point number two from that story, which was that both Adam and a blease made the ark to Allah subhanho wa Taala alone and didn't use any intermediaries we learned from the story is that Adam Ali Salaam became grateful after his daughter was answered and did not turn away from Allah whereas at least turn away from Allah subhanaw taala so when what I will do as are answered, we want to make sure we continue to worship Allah subhanaw taala we learned from that story that Allah subhana wa

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tada answered the Diwan of Adam, not only because of his righteousness, but because of Allah's mercy in generosity. And Allah subhanaw taala answers the door of a police not because there was righteousness, but rather Allah subhanho wa Taala is shy to turn away the hands of his slaves empty handed, and it had nothing to do with blesses evil, but rather it was about Allah subhanaw taala showing I was fine with Allah is so generous, so one should never despair from making a dua to Allah subhanaw taala we learned some of the basic etiquettes of making da were one should be making a be in a state of Voodoo, one should be facing the Qibla one should be raising their hands, one should

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not be in a state of haste. One's hearts should be attentive, one should not be asking for anything sinful, or cutting off of ties of kinship. And then we also learned how Allah subhanaw taala answers doulas in one of three ways. Either you get what you want, when you want it, or does delete till the time that it is better for you. Or in fact, what you're asking for is not good for you. So Allah subhanaw, taala averts a great equal amount of evil from your lives. And then we've talked about some of the basics to us from the people of the past. Now what I want to conclude with my dear brothers and sisters when we make dua, is a concept that a lot of people are not familiar with, and

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it ties in specifically to what we're going through right now. And that is when we're conversing with Allah subhanho wa Taala Are we allowed to complain to Allah subhanaw taala or are we allowed to complain to us personalizada and I want you to notice the difference in the wording. There's a big difference between complaining to Allah and complaining about Allah. as Muslims as believers. We're not allowed complaining about Allah subhana wa Tada. We

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are allowed complaining to Allah subhanho wa Taala what is the difference? When we complain to Allah subhanaw taala we recognize that we are going through a hardship and we recognize that only Allah subhanaw taala can alleviate their hardship from us. And we find this in the Koran in the story of iacobelli salaam. When he says a school bethey were Hosni Illa Allah were no more mean Allah he made that and then when they complain of my grief and sorrow to Allah subhanho wa Taala and I know of Allah that which you do not know. So here iacobelli salam is complaining to Allah subhanho wa Taala. We also find this in from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in the famous da five, when he

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says, a school la calle da Kuwaiti, that, oh my complain to you about my own weakness that without you I have no strength. And right now I am very, very weak. So I complained to you about my weakness. So that is when you complain to Allah, and that is something that is allowed and this is something that we do see from the prophets like iacob and like our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now complaining about Allah is when you say that, Oh Allah, why did this happen to me? Oh Allah, you know, why me? Right? Then you're questioning the wisdom of Allah subhana wa Tada. This is something as believers, that is not allowed. Now, the difficult times that we're going

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through, and each and every one of us is going through some sort of strife. This quarantine is not easy. You're not allowed to going out. You're restricted from socializing and intermingling. We've been deprived from going to the masjid. Some of us haven't been to Juma in three weeks now. These are difficult times to go through and one may feel hopeless, one may feel helpless. Now what can we do in these situations, our conversations needs to begin with Allah subhanho wa Taala. When we feel hopeless, when we feel helpless, let us turn to Allah subhanaw taala and let us express to Allah what we are feeling and what we are going through. And then ask Allah subhana wa Taala for what you

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need, ask Allah subhanaw taala for what you need. And you'll notice my dear brothers and sisters in this day and age, there's always this topic of when we talk about mental health, we always talk about, you know, learn to express your emotions and learn to express your feelings. And these are very valuable ideas. And we need this as human beings. But we need to look at a theological perspective as well, that when we only talk to the creation, the creation cannot help us in all of our needs. Whereas when we talk to the Creator, the one that created everything, Allah subhanaw taala can help us in all of our needs. So there are certain things that you should only ask Allah

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subhana wa Taala for and then there are certain things that you are allowed to ask human beings for but ask Allah subhanho wa Taala first, ask Allah subhanho wa Taala first, and this is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught the likes of Abu Bakar. And why the bingeable that even if the shoelace were to break, they ask Allah subhana wa Taala even if their width was to fall off their horse, rather than asking the creation, they ask Allah subhana wa Taala first and then they do it to themselves. This is to create a level of dependency directly upon Allah subhanaw taala. So in these difficult times, yes, seek out all the psychological supports that you need. But always start

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your conversations with Allah subhanaw taala First, there is no source of help, that does not begin with Allah subhanaw taala first, and one last thing I want to mention, because I'm sure this is inevitably going to be coming up, but can we make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala in our Salas outside of the Arabic language. So the first thing that I would state is that there's a valid scholarly difference of opinion on this. And if you follow particular madhhab then continue sticking to whatever your madhhab has taught you if you have a particular Mufti then take your at the advice of that particular Mufti that they have given you. But for a lot of people that perhaps aren't

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following your motherboard for a lot of people that don't have access to them, what some of the, I want to explain this, that your language should not be a hindrance in you making dua to Allah subhanaw taala, your language should not be a hindrance, and you're making dua to Allah subhanaw taala. So the approach that I take to this is that when I want to make a particular dog, and I don't know how to phrase it in the Arabic language, you can make no waffle prayers. So prayers that are non obligatory and make our way make dua and in other than Arabic during those prayers, whereas the for the Salah, in my opinion and Allah Subhana Allah knows best, those prayers should only have

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Arabic in them. Those prayers should only have Arabic, and the evidences for that are many and it's not the place to discuss those, but I just wanted to share that. Now you can obviously make dua outside of Salah in any language and Allah subhanaw taala is not dependent upon any language rather even before we ask you to do is Allah subhanaw taala knows what we're going to be asking for. So Allah subhanho wa Taala is not in need of a particular language. But this is more of a thing related to etiquette and really to the jurisprudence of our beautiful Deen. So that is just a

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A quick note that I wanted to mention. Now, I believe my allotted time has come to an end. So I will conclude over here Jacomo credit to everyone for a friend for attending and listening attentively. I pray that Allah subhanaw taala makes things easy for you and your families and all the above Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and that Allah subhanaw taala alleviates this time of calamity and hardship from all of us and we are forgiven through this calamity and that Allah subhanaw taala answers I will do is to this calamity, and that Allah subhanho wa Taala mix of those that are grateful and all of those that are heedless, and that Allah subhanaw taala increases us in our eyes

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and makes use of those that whom Allah subhanaw taala accepts from Allah Ameen waka Dhawan and hamdulillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu. Selim robotica Nana Vienna Mohammad wider Allah He was the main desert block laden

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