Taimiyyah Zubair – Ramadan with Quran (Juz 07)

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The importance of pursuing the right path to gain knowledge in sacred knowledge is emphasized, along with the need to be mindful of actions and words. The speakers emphasize the importance of avoiding false commitments, protecting one's safety and privacy, and not letting fear control one's actions and moments. The importance of knowing the truth and the safety of the Earth, as well as avoiding giving up on people is emphasized. The Prophet sallama Alayshi wa Sallam's actions have caused disastrous mess on the world, and guidance and advice have led to thousands of years of living healthy boundaries and avoiding evil. The importance of accepting and not denying one's claims to be the same person is emphasized, and the speaker also highlights the need to reflect on one's actions and not denying others' claims to be the same person.
AI: Transcript ©
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I said I'm already going to lie to you about our cattle

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our auto belay him in a shape Pinilla, Jean Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim wa Salatu was Salam or a lot of Sunni Hill Karim rubbish la he suddenly were silly Emery Europe data melissani Yahoo Callie Allahumma Hindi Punjabi was said they listen he was also him at Appleby, Armenia open earlier mean, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that if anyone pursues a bath in search of knowledge, that Allah will thereby make easy for him a path to paradise. And he who is made slow by his actions will not be speeded by his lineage. So we see in this Hadith of the Prophet, sallAllahu, alayhi wasallam, that we are given a goal, a reason, a goal as to why we should study sacred knowledge. And

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as we spend time with the Quran over here, learning the verses of Allah reflecting over them, our ultimate goal should be to seek agenda it should be to seek the approval of Allah soprano parlor. And how is it that the path to agenda is made easy for the person who seeks knowledge? Because the person who seeks knowledge then finds out and learns and is reminded of different ways through which they can please Allah subhanaw taala a lot of times it happens that a person knows what good deeds are, but they don't remember them. And when they keep studying, then they're reminded of those deeds. Sometimes what happens is that a person does not know. And so when they learn, they get to

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know of different ways to please Allah subhanaw taala. So our intention every day, as we sit together, and we review the Quran, we reflect over its verses. Our ultimate goal should be to seek the pleasure of Allah so that we can be in his gender in sha Allah. I mean

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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Jews number seven.

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What he does semi Roma on Zilla Illa was Sol de la luna whom Duffield domina dummer mimar Allah for mineral help yakou lunala bana Amana October now Marcia headin and when they hear what has been revealed to the messenger, you see their eyes overflowing with tears because of what they have recognized of the truth. They say Our Lord we have believed so register us among the witnesses. Crying upon listening to the Quran is the way of the righteous servants. The people of knowledge, have fear of Allah in their hearts. And out of that fear. They cry when they hear the words of Allah. When they hear his Cologne, they cry, but they don't faint. They beg, they don't yell. They

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weep. They don't become miserable. Their response is, as Allah subhanaw taala has described in the Quran, that Allahu nessuna Arsenal Hadees Kitab Amata shabbiha. Matheny double share a woman who julu the lady named Shona by whom, so metallian who julu whom were called, to whom Allah decree law that Allah has sent down the best statement, a consistent book, wherein is reiteration this skins shiver there from of those who fear their Lord, then their skins and their hearts relax at the remembrance of Allah. The fact is, that if a person lends an ear, if a person listens to the words of Allah without any bias, and they bring to mind, the fact that the Quran is ullas speech, so they

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surrender before it, they don't resist before its words, they become honest with it, they reflect upon themselves, then the follow on will certainly hit the core, it will certainly have an impact on the heart, and when the heart is moved, then tears flow from the eyes. It will call him rahima. hula said that there are three types of people. One is a person whose heart is dead, and such a person even if he hears the Quran, the Quran is not a reminder for him. Second is the person whose heart is alive and alert, but he does not listen attentively to the Quran. Why? Because either the verses have not reached him, or because they reached him at a time when his heart was distracted. It was

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preoccupied with something else.

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So, even though he has an alive heart, even though he is capable of taking the effect of the Quran, the Quran did not move him at that time, why? Because of his own negligence. And third is a person whose heart is alive and alert, and he is ready and willing to receive admonition from the Quran. So, when the Verses are recited to him, he listens with an alert heart and preoccupies his heart with only trying to understand what he is listening to, and he does not pay attention to anything else. So because his heart is present, and he is also listening attentively, then such people benefit from the verses which are recited. Such people benefit from the put on, their heart moves,

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they are literally moved to tears. And remember, the person who cries from the fear of Allah than such a person is truly fortunate. This ayah was actually revealed regarding the joshy, the king of Amazonia, and when he heard the recitation of soilless medium from jaar foto de la hora and who Naja she was moved to tears. Our problem is that we try a lot to suppress our tears, we hold them back. In fact, we feel embarrassed, if we are seeing crying, and people outsold shame those who cry but crying is an expression of the softness of the heart, not its weakness. It is a sign of humility, not frailty. Now the problem is that perhaps we associate crying with weakness because mostly people

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cry, not out of the remembrance of Allah. But because of the remembrance of people. We cry sometimes, but not out of shame over sin. But when someone hurts our ego, our crying should be out of the fear of Allah subhanaw taala because the person who cries out of the fear of Allah, then they're truly fortunate. The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam said that there are three whose eyes will not even see the fire on the Day of Judgment. And one of them is a person who cries out of the fear of Allah. Are you known Becket min Kashi Attila so our tears should flow in the remembrance of Allah in all of him. Allah subhanaw taala is praising those who cry when they hear the Quran, and

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then they respond. Yoku Luna banana almond, factor banana Marcia headin. They say Our Lord, we have believed. We believe in what you have sent down. We don't deny it. So register us among the witnesses. Who are these witnesses that they want to be a part of? Even our bestel de la hora and who said Mara Mohammedan were oma to that with Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his oma. Why? Because they are ohmmeter Shahada. They are the oma of the witnesses. How because in order to be part of this oma one has to bear witness one has to testify to what to the oneness of Allah soprano Tada, a person has to say, as hairdo La ilaha illAllah I bear witness that there is no god

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worthy of worship but Allah, a person has to testify to the prophethood of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what I shall do under Mohammed Al rasulillah. And then on the Day of Judgment, the Muslim Ummah has to testify against the different nations as Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran, liter konu Shahada Arlen ness, so that you will be witnesses against mankind.

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Woman and minoo Billa. They said, and why should we not believe in Allah? And what has come to us of the truth? Why not tomorrow I knew the Helen our buena moral calmness slowly hain and we hope we aspire that our Lord will admit us with the righteous people were into paradise. So we see here that a man creates hope in a person. Because a man when a person believes that Remember, all of their previous sins are forgiven. And when a man when a person believes Yes, a person doesn't become an angel, they don't become perfect, free of sin. No, they do commit sin. They do fall and make mistakes. They realize their sins. But they also have this hope that yes, even though my sins are

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many, but my Lord's mercy and forgiveness is also vast, and I hope for his paradise. I hope that he will make me among the righteous servants.

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For atharva, whom Allah will be Macondo. So Allah rewarded them for what they said. And what is the reward that Allah will give them with gardens in paradise beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide eternally, and that is the reward of adversity, the doors of good. So we see here that there is Jenna because of Bhima kalu. For what they said, there is Jenna for saying good words. Remember, if we're not able to earn reward by giving a lot of money, because we don't have much, or by working with our hands by doing something to benefit people, then we can still earn reward by saying good words, saying Alhamdulillah just once fills the scales, it is not hard to move our tongue, that you

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know we we are such that we like to talk. So, it is important that we use this tongue to say good words, the words of remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala words that are kind to people words that are encouraging words that uplifts them, because there is reward in saying good things. Remember, the first address that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave when he entered Medina, he said, if she Salaam What are playbill Kalam?

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He said I'm sure Salaam that all people spread the Salaam be good in speech, join relations stand in the night when people are sleeping, and you will enter Jannah in peace. So one of the first messages that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave was that people speak good words. And remember, even a single good statement can be a source of your salvation. So don't be stingy. Don't hesitate in saying good things. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that a slave of Allah May utter a word which pleases Allah. And the slave does not even realize he does not even give it much importance. But because of that, according to one Hadith, we vary a lot. We'll raise him two degrees

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of reward. Allah will raise him two degrees of great reward Allah will increase their ranks. And another heavies we learn that because of that one statement, Allah subhanaw taala records his approval for the servant until the day that the servant meets him. So we see that the increase in ranks in the Hereafter is with good words, and forgiveness and Allah's approval is also with good words. So remember, and Kenny moto pica to sadaqa that a good word is a charity. It is something rewardable so be eager to say good things. But those who disbelieved and denied our signs, they are the companions of Hellfire, all you who have believed, do not prohibit the good things which Allah

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has made lawful to you. Allah is merciful to you. So he has given you good things for your benefit your enjoyment, so do not deprive yourself and do not transgress there should be a balance do not transgress how in the use of what is lawful, meaning use with moderation and do not misuse or waste the good things that Allah has given you? Why? Because in the law, your hand will Martha Dean, Indeed, Allah does not like transgressors. So remember, good things are permissible for the believers, and we're not allowed to make them unlawful for ourselves in the name of piety. Typically, we see that in various religions, people think that prohibiting good things, abstaining

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from the good things in life is basically piety. So here we learn that good things should not be made unlawful. Obviously, they should be enjoyed within proper bounds. But a person should not make what is lawful into unlawful. And we see that in a Hadees we learned that some people prohibited certain good things in the name of piety. Were For example, one person said that he was always going too fast and others said that he was not going to marry and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam greatly disapproved of this. So remember, our Deen is very balanced, it is very moderate. It is realistic and practical. There are boundaries so that we don't, we don't become a slave to our

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desires. And yet at the same time, there are freedoms so that we don't end up harming ourselves and we enjoy what is lawful without any shame and guilt and eat of what Allah has provided for you. And what is that which is lawful and

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Good and fear Allah in whom you are believers. So amen necessitates that you fear Allah your Lord. Allah will not impose blame upon you for what is meaningless in your oaths, but he will impose blame upon you for breaking what you intended of oaths. So it's expiation is the feeding of 10, needy people from the average of what you feed your own families or clothing them or the freeing of a slave, but whoever cannot find that, then a fast of three days is required. That is the expiation for old when you have sworn, but guard your oaths thus does a lot make clear to you his verses, that you may be grateful.

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You see, every person, they develop certain words, certain habits, in their speech, that they say many things unintentionally, they say them out of habit. So, it is made clear over here, that if a person takes oaths without intention, but out of habit, such as some people, they have a habit of saying, well law, he will love you and every little thing, then such Olds which are not intended, they don't count, they are pardoned, but when a person intends to take an oath, then they are answerable for it. And this means that when a person intentionally makes an oath, then they must fulfill it. And when a person is not able to fulfill that, then they have to give a cafaro they have

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to give an explanation, which has mentioned over here, but remember, taking a false oath, meaning a person knowingly lies and to support that lie, they take an oath, then this is a major sin. We learn the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that whoever takes a false oath can be burned while lying, or muthambi then deliberately funny at about what big he MacArthur who may not know that he should make his place his seat in the fire, meaning his space is going to fall in the fire. So this is something that will cause people to enter *.

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We learn in a hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that one should not take a false oath at this pulpit of mine, even on a green to stick on a green miswak meaning do not take false offs for something petty for something that is very little. Why, because then he will make his abode in *, or * will be certain for him. So we must be careful about what we say. Yeah, are you Hello Dina Amano in normal, humble well may settle well unsolved well, Islam religious soon, all you will have believed indeed, intoxicants gambling, sacrificing on stone altars and divining arrows are but defilement minimally shaytaan from the work of shaytaan. So what should you do fudge any boo

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hoo, so avoid it, stay away from these demonic things that come to your home, so that you may be successful. And this means that if you do not stay away from them, then you cannot be successful. So for success, it is incumbent to leave all of these deeds, all of these satanic things, offering sacrifices to idols is mentioned in the same list as intoxicants and gambling. Remember that just as the worship of idols has no place in Islam, intoxicants and gambling are also not permissible. They are, how long we learn in a Hadees that Verily, Allah, the Exalted has forbidden intoxicants, Allah, Allah, the Exalted has forbidden homily, wine. So who hears this verse, and he has anything of it

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with him, he should neither drink it, nor sell it. So what did the companions do? We learned that the people brought whatever they had of wine in their homes, into the streets, and they spilt it all. They didn't sell it, they didn't finish it quickly. And remember, that even if a large quantity of something intoxicates then a little bit of that substance is also unlawful. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Keep away from comedy from wine. Why? Because it is the key to every evil. We learn another Hadees that a man leaves a person at the time when the drink wine while I Yeshua will hombre Hey, Neha shabu Hawa who I mean, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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that gibreel came to me and said that Allah has cursed wine.

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Allah has cursed the person who presses it, for whom it is pressed, the person who drinks it, the person who carries it, the one whom it is carried to the one who buys it, the one who sells it, the one who serves it, and those who have it served

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I don't know if it can be any clearer than this. It is very clear from the Quran and Sunnah that alcohol, wine, intoxicants, these are forbidden. And along with that gambling is also prohibited. Why? Because you see both of them are addictive. They damage a person's Deen and a person's dunia. They damage a person spiritually, physically and emotionally, and also in their relationships. They also damage a person's dignity in a healthy sweetener, that if anyone says to his friend, come and I will gamble with you, meaning if a person just invites a friend to a game of gambling, then he must repent from it. And how should he repent from it? He should give sabbatical he should give charity

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as a compensation for the invitation to gamble. shaytaan only wants to cause between you animosity and hatred through intoxicants and gambling and to avert you from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer. So will you not desist? Why has Allah forbidden intoxicants and gambling? Is it to deprive people to not let them have fun? No, because through intoxicants and gambling shavon causes strife between people. You see, when intoxicated, people say and do things that are very damaging. Through games of chance, a person can lose their hard earned money very quickly, or make money very quickly. And this can damage the relationship between the players. This can damage the relationship between

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the people who are gambling, and their families. And then we see that gambling is something that leads to many crimes, being in a state of intoxicated, beat, being intoxicated also can cause the person to commit many crimes. And we see that there's theft, there's cheating, and there's even murder. And they're both a waste of money and time. Gambling is evil. It makes a person rely on chance on luck on wishful thinking instead of working hard, and a person turns towards intoxicants and gambling in order to relax themselves, but they actually end up increasing in their stress levels, which causes them to spend even more time gambling and getting drugged. So a person gets

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caught up in a vicious cycle that becomes very, very difficult to escape. And remember that both intoxicants and gambling can actually lead to addictive disorders, they can impact a person's physiology and their psychology. And most importantly, both of these are trick of shaytaan to turn people away from remembering Allah and from Sunnah. Because when a person becomes dependent on a substance, and all they can think of is the next game that they can play the next game of gambling that they can play them this obsession, this dependency will not allow them to focus on their obligations. They won't know what they're saying and sada. And instead of remembering Allah, their

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mind will always be preoccupied with these things. So Allah asks us for help until monta Hoon So will you desist Will you leave these things already and obey Allah and obey the messenger and beware and if you turn away then know that upon our messenger is only the responsibility for clear notification.

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lei Sila levena amanu where Amina slowly hottie Juna when there is not upon those who believe and do righteousness, any blame concerning what they have consumed, meaning if they consumed any intoxicants in the past or anything have had on foods that they ate in the past, then there is no sin upon them. When if they now fear Allah, meaning once they come to know of the prohibition, then they avoid these things that Allah soprano tada has forbidden and this is the work that yes, you made mistakes out of ignorance in the past, but now that you know, then you should leave and believe and do righteous deeds and then fear Allah and believe, and then fear Allah and do good, will lovely

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your husband Marcin. And Allah loves the doers of good. So we see that the core of Allah is extremely important in order to stay away from such things. You see the companions, they wondered about those who had passed away before the prohibition of alcohol and gambling, that what about them? Are they sinful for what they consumed? So it is made clear here that there is no sin before prohibition? And what needs to be done is that now that you know, you leave it, and this verse shows us that the taqwa of Allah is needed, even in matters related to food

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And one can only reach the level of sad when they when they fear Allah regarding what they eat what they consume. And we also learned from this ayah that the level of taqwa with your son is better than it is above the level of taqwa with a man because it is said so moto Amano. So moto arsenal. First is the flow with email, then is the flow with your son and then it is mentioned will love who you hit will mercy Nene. You see, one is to fear Allah and refrain from sin. But a higher level is that with the fear of Allah, a person is also a moisten. Meaning they worship a lot as though they can see him. And they're not just refraining from sin now, they're doing good with excellence. So

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they're not content with the bare minimum that okay, at least I'm not doing how long? No, they do. So they do more, they do better. And taqwa can be just in personal matters. But when a person practices are sad, then they bring benefit to themselves, and also to those who are around them. And what about intoxicants and gambling, they make a person extremely selfish. And Allah subhanaw taala likes those who do Sanne who are good to others who are not greedy, who are not blind in the pursuit of their desires, but those who are generous, those who remember their Lord. Yeah, uh, you have Latina armano, all you who have believed, Allah will surely test you through something of the game

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that your hands and spears can reach. Game meaning hunt, meaning animals that are hunted. So sometimes, unlawful things can be very easily accessible to a person.

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And these situations are in reality, a test. So when you leave an opportunity to sin, out of the fear of Allah, then you have passed the test. And we see that these days, online gambling can be so accessible, easy money can be so tempting. So remember, getting an opportunity to sin is actually a test. So this verse, it was revealed regarding sort of who they be, that when the Muslims were in the state of Islam, and remember, when you're in a state of Islam, this is a state in which certain things are not permissible, and of them is hunting. So in the journey, there were animals that they could easily hunt birds that they could literally catch by their hands if they wanted, but they

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restrained themselves. And this was indeed very tempting, very difficult, that something is within your reach. Any it's an opportunity that doesn't come every day, but you leave it out of the fear of Allah. Why does Allah subhanaw taala test us through such situations that Allah may make evident those who fear him unseen, and whoever transgresses after that, for him is a painful punishment. So this is a test of a person's kusha of Allah, their fear of God, because many people will say that, yes, I do fear Allah, but the fear of Allah is exhibited, it is truly brought to surface when a person is in a situation like this. You see, there's some places some actions in which you are on

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your own. People are not watching you, only Allah is watching you. When is it that a person can restrain themselves, for example, from watching something that is inappropriate, sometimes on their phone, in the palm of their hands in the privacy of their bedroom? The fear of people remember, it cannot always prevent a person from doing wrong. It can prevent them at certain times, but not always. It is the fear of Allah that ultimately saves a person from doing wrong. All you who have believed, do not kill game, meaning do not hunt while you are in the state of Iran, and whoever Have you kills it intentionally, then the penalty is an equivalent from sacrificial animals to what he

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killed Subhanallah our religion is so realistic, it is not idealistic, meaning it is known that yes, the rules are made clear to people, but people are human, they're prone to error. So even though even though hunting in a state of Islam is not permissible, there will be mistakes. So if a person ends up so if a person ends up hunting in the state of Iran, then what? There is a solution a way out, and that is given over here, that whoever have you killed it intentionally, then there is a penalty, and what is that penalty and equivalent from sacrificial animals to what he killed, as judged by two just men among you, meaning to just men will decide the worth of the hunted animal and

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suggest it's equivalent from domesticated animals and then that animal

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will be sent as an offering to Allah delivered to the Kaaba, meaning this sacrifice has to be sent to McCallum or an expiation, the feeding of needy people or the equivalent of that in fasting, that he may taste the consequence of his deed. And remember that a photo, an expiation is something that erases the same. So our religion gives us hope, a way out of sin, a way out of mistakes. Allah has pardoned what is passed, but whoever returns to violation, that Allah will take retribution from him. And Allah is Exalted in Might, and owner of retribution level to you is gain from the sea and its food as provision for you and the travelers. So catching sea animals, fishing is something

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allowed, even in the state of Iran, but forbidden to you is gained from the land as long as you are in the state of Iran. Why? Because you can find other foods on land, but on water at sea, you depend on sea life and fear Allah to whom you will be gathered. Allah has made the karma the sacred house standing for the people and has sanctified the sacred months and the sacrificial animals and the Garland's that is, so you may know that Allah knows what isn't the heavens and what isn't the earth and that Allah is Knowing of all things. Why are there so many restrictions related to Iran, and related to, you know, had an aroma? Why so that we remember that Allah knows us, Allah knows what we

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are doing it alone, you should know that Allah is severe in penalty. And you should also know that Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. He is shadowed a cop, and he is a photo of Rahim. Notice how Allah has mentioned mercy in his name. So remember that Rama is actually an attribute of Allah. Allah is Rahim. And Allah has mentioned that in his action, he has shadowed a copyist severe in giving the punishment. So the giving of punishment is not mentioned in his names. So there is a difference between name and action. And also remember that in both giving our lab and your club in giving punishment and giving penalty, His mercy prevails, we learned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam said to the companions, give me the allegiance, that you will not worship anything besides Allah, you will not steal, you will not commit Zina, and he listed some other sins. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that whoever among you fulfills his pledge, his reward is with Allah And whoever commits something of such sins and receives the legal punishment for it in this life, that will be considered as the expiation for that sin. So this is Allah's mercy, that there is, the penalty actually becomes a source of purification. So the penalty is also in fact a mercy. And whoever commits something of such things and Allah screams him, then it is up to Allah,

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whether to excuse or punish him, meaning if you want, he can punish this person, and if he wants, he will have mercy to him. So there is a possibility of His mercy and His mercy is expected over there also. So no matter what happens, always have hope in the mercy of Allah, not upon the messenger, his responsibility, except for notification, meaning the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is simply to convey not force people to accept allies, the one who gives the ability to accept two people and four,

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and the profit is only expected to convey and Allah knows whatever you reveal, and whatever you conceal, we learned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam delivered a sermon on the on the day of and he said, no doubt, your blood and your properties are sacred to one another, like the sanctity of this day of yours in this month of yours in this town of yours, till the day that you meet your Lord. No doubt. Haven't I conveyed Allah's message to you. And the companion said, Yes. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Allah Mashhad or Allah be a witness for Luba Lily, shahidullah ha ha. And then he said, it is incumbent upon those who are present to convey to those

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who are absent. So now, after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the obligation to convey is on who it is on us. It is on the oma of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gulyas the will hobby so what I say not equal are the evil and the good. They're not the same. So what are you going to choose? Are you going to choose the evil or the good, whether this is in your deeds, or in your speech or in what you eat, in the in your clothing, in your income in your thinking?

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Remember, good and bad are not the same. Although the abundance of evil might impress you, sometimes it happens that what is wrong becomes very common, it becomes easily available everywhere. And we forget that wrong is wrong. So fear Allah or you have understanding that you may be successful. Remember that good things have a good impact in this life and also in the next life and bad things, bad actions, bad words, they have a bad impact in this life and also in the next life, so they can never be the same. One is in Jenna, and the other isn't Johanna, how can they be the same? So whether it is actions or words or wealth, remember Allah subhanaw taala likes by YouTube, he likes

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what is good, what he has made permissible. In hedis we learned in the La Jolla, Boone la Yakubu a lotta yoga or people Allah is good, and He therefore accepts only that which is good. So even when you want to spend in the way of Allah, you have to spend out of lawful money. Because sometimes people say that yes, we will gamble so that we can win a whole lot of money. We can, you know, participate in that lottery so that when we make a whole lot of money, we can give it in charity. Know, Allah accepts only that which is good. And remember, good words assented to him. Good actions. Take them up. He lay here so I don't Kelly mukti. Yep, well Armando salehoo, yellow Ferro, good

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words assent to him and righteous actions. Take those words up an impure wealth. Remember, it does not benefit a person at all. Instead, it is a source of loss and suffering in this world and in the hereafter. Allah, Allah says in the Quran, Leah Misa la hobbies Amina, where do you either Habiba Babu, Allah BB, fire Kuma, who Jamie on fire, Jana houfy, Johanna,

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this is so that allowed me to distinguish the wicked from the good and place the wicked, some of it upon other and heap it all together and put it into *. So, remember, that the final destination of hobbies of that which is impure, that which is bad is * and good will be in genda. So, remember, by you, even if it is very little,

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it actually it is better than hobbies, even if hobbies that which is MPO is more in quantity, because my YouTube has blessing in it, and hobbies has a burden in it. When a person does what is good, uses what is good, then that becomes sufficient and it is better for him. And if a person has a lot of hobbies, and the quantity is great. In fact, it becomes a burden from him. In a Hades we learn what is little and sufficient is better than what is more and distracting. So don't be tempted by the abundance of hobbies Don't be diluted by even the abundance of people who do what is hobbies? Yeah, you have levena amanu all you who have believed, do not ask about things which if they're

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shown to you will distress you. So excessive questioning is something that is disliked. Why? Because this makes religion difficult for people and no one likes to be interrogated all the time. But if you ask about them, while the Quran is being revealed, they will be shown to you, Allah has pardoned that which is passed and Allah is Forgiving, and forbearing. So remember all the details that we are in need of to practice our religion they have been given, so there is no need to complicate their religion by asking unnecessary excessive questions. People asked such questions before you then they became thereby disbelievers. Allah has not appointed behera or sativa or was Lila or ham. These were

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animals of different ages and different characteristics that the machine would dedicate to their idols. Allah subhanaw taala did not legislate any of this. People innovated this on their own. But those who disbelieve, invent falsehood about Allah, and most of them do not use reason. And when it is set to them, come to what Allah has revealed, and to the messenger, they say sufficient for us is that upon which we found our forefathers, so the way of the forefathers, it doesn't have any worth when it contradicts the religion of Allah. When it comes to any religious action, there must be evidence from the Quran from the Sunnah, but many people continue to practice wrong things simply

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because it is a family tradition. But these traditions have no worth when they contradict the religion of Islam.

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And such excuses will not be accepted in the hereafter. So it is said, even though their fathers knew nothing, nor were they guided. So a cause of misguidance, for many people is the blind following of traditions, and leaving the guidance of Allah because of that. And this is a problem that extends to our cultural practices as well. There are things that we have invented in our cultures, you know, in our cultural practices. And we think that they're a must, no matter how burdensome and how difficult they may be. For example, when it comes to weddings, we have made certain traditions mandatory, that there must be this party and that event, and this kind of

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dressing and this kind of food, and these kind of decorations, even though they may be financially, very heavy on people, very burdensome. And it's amazing how, you know, we plan our weddings, and we, we, we spent so much and we resent it, we resent all the work that we're putting in, and the people who are forced to come to the weddings also and sit through all those hours, they're also resentful of the time that they're wasting, they will complain about the food, they will complain about how even the food was not served on time, that it took way too long, or it was too loud, or it was too boring, so on and so forth. So there's no need to make our lives difficult with such practices. And

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then on the other hand, we have invented certain prohibitions, you know, we have prohibited certain things in ourselves in the name of culture, which are clearly permissible in our religion. So for example, in certain cultures, it is almost how long to marry someone outside of their family, or outside of their culture. So all of these extremes should be avoided. Yeah, and you had Medina Ave, la come and full circle, all you will have believed upon you is responsibility for yourselves, meaning you must worry about yourselves. Those who have gone astray will not harm you, when you have been guided to Allah is your return altogether, then he will inform you of what you used to do. So

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do not destroy yourself over others, do not worry so much about other people, that you end up neglecting and harming yourself. Some people think that this ayah means that Just mind your own business, and stop worrying about what others do To each their own. And so there is no need to do a mobile model for nahan and one car. But this verse is actually indicating that if a person strives their best to tell other people, and still other people don't listen, they persist in their ways, then that is not your responsibility, you are not obligated to compel them, you just inform them and leave them. And then you worry about yourself. Some people are too preoccupied about other people.

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Their concern is, you know, the religiosity of others that Oh, look, so and so now even they have left hijab, and now so and so now, even they're doing this or doing that, okay, okay, this hurts you, this worries you. But your ultimate concern should not be that you're counting the sins of other people. Also count your own sins, because you are always responsible for yourself. When it comes to other people, you can only convey to them you are not responsible for what they do. What you will be held responsible for, is what you did.

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Or you have believed testimony should be taken among you, when death approaches one of you at the time of bequest that have to just men from among you, or to others from outside if you are traveling through the land, and the disaster of death should strike you. You see death has been mentioned as a disaster over here. Why? Because when a person loses their life, then there is no return. If you lose money, if you lose your house, may Allah protect you. But But if you lose anything in this life, even if it's your favorite human being, there's always a substitute. There's always a replacement, but not for life. And even though death is a great disaster, a bigger disaster is that

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a person becomes heedless of death, that they don't remember it, that they don't think about it, that they don't prepare for it. They don't work for it. And this shows us the importance of remembering our death and being prepared for it. And part of being prepared for our death is to make a will see you and remember we'll see you is a will that you can make in the favor of a non heir of up to a third of your wealth. And even with regards to your other wealth. There should be clarity that what is it that you own? What are your assets

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That's so that there is no confusion. After you pass away, there is no argument among your heirs. So make these matters very clear.

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detain them after the prayer and let them both swear by Allah, if you doubt their testimony saying, We will not exchange our old for a price, even if he should be a near relative, and we will not withhold the testimony of Allah. Indeed, we would then be of the sinful. So here sudden death is mentioned that when a person is traveling, and is near death, that he should make a will regarding his property, and his dependence at that time, and those present with him should convey that should convey that will to his ears, and if the errors have a reason to doubt those people than they should call them to testify. But if it is found that those two were guilty of perjury, let two others stand

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in their place, who are foremost claim from those who have a lawful right and let them swear by Allah. Our testimony is truer than their testimony and we have not transgressed Indeed, we would then be of the of the wrongdoers that is more likely that they will give testimony according to its true objective, or at least they would fear that other that other Olds might be taken after their bolts. What the hola hola smarteru and fear Allah And listen, listen with the core, learn, pay attention and obey because hearing alone is not enough. And Allah does not guide the defiantly disobedient people. So we see here that if a person does not listen, and listening does not just

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mean listening with the ears, listening means obeying, following. So if a person does not follow these commands, they don't fear a lot of regarding these commands, then they will be of the facet pain, and Allah does not guide the facet pain. Those who defiantly disobey, meaning such people are not led to good actions to good ways or to the path of paradise. Yama Jamaat LaHood will soon be warned of the day when Allah will assemble the messengers, fire Kunal Mather ojibwa tomb and he will say, what was the response you received on Lula Illumina they will say we have no knowledge in NACA Antara Lamin who you indeed it is you who is Knower of the unseen. This is not literal that you know

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the fact that the prophets of Allah will deny having any knowledge. Of course, they do know, but they will say this out of the fear of Allah, that such fear will overcome them, that they will forget what they witnessed, they will forget what they experienced firsthand why, because of the horrors of the Day of Judgment. And finally, when their fear will subside, then they will be a witness against or for their nations. And this is something that should really make us think about ourselves. Sometimes people come up with such strange, you know, explanations, they will say things like, oh, when Allah will ask me about Salah, I will say this and this, I will give such and such

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excuse that, how come this? And how come that if the prophets will be terrified to speak on the Day of Judgment, you think you and I will be able to speak it call Allah we are Isa, that day, when Allah Jose, or Isa son of millennium, remember my favor upon you and upon your mother, when I supported you with the pure spirit debris, and you spoke to the people in the cradle, and in maturity. And remember when I taught you writing and wisdom and the thought and the energy, and when you designed from clay, what was like the form of a bird with my permission, then you breathed into it. And it became a bird with my permission, and who healed the blind and the leper with my

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permission. And when you brought forth the dead with my permission. And when I restrained the children of Israel from killing you when you came to them with clear proofs, and those who disbelieved among them said, this is not but obvious magic. You showed the miracles, and they call those miracles magic. So basically, we see in this verse, that who will be here, from rissalah his center, that Esaias center is not the club, he is not Lord, He is not God. He is a human, a prophet, a slave. Why? Because he said that I did. I do all of this with the permission of Allah. You see how it is mentioned? That after every miracle that you did this with my permission, meaning with the

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permission of Allah, and this is something that we should also remember that everything happens by the permission of Allah, because sometimes we develop this fear of people or fear of you know, certain things, or we, you know, we develop expectations of people.

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We should place all of our fears and expectations in Allah alone. Why? Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Remember, if all the people gathered to benefit you, they will not be able to benefit you except that which Allah has already decreed for you. And if all of them gathered to harm you, they will not be able to harm you with anything except with that which Allah has already decreed for you. So the real power is with Allah. What it oh hey to either howdy Jean. And remember when I inspired to the disciples, what believe in me, and in my messenger, Isa, they said, We have believed so bear witness that indeed, we are among Muslims. Allah inspired them to

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believe and to support reciting yourself also. And remember when the disciples said, or Isa, son of Maria, can your Lord send down to us a table spread with food from the sky? bizarrely, Sam said, Fear Allah, if you should be believers, they said, We wish to eat from it. And let our hearts be reassured and know that you have been truthful to us and be among its witnesses recently said, I'm sure so many miracles of such variety, yet they wanted another miracle, one more miracle. Restart his Sam said, restarted, you sent him the son of money and said, Oh Allah, our Lord sent down to us a table spread with food from the sky, to be for us a festival for the first of us and The Last of

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Us and aside from you, and provide us and you are the best of providers, how affectionate the prophets of Allah where he started SNM Madara to Allah to fulfill the miracle that the Hawaii you and asked for. And we see that he made Dora and he said, What Zuko? Now, what untitled was 18 we should also ask Allah for risk, because he is the provider. And if we have any financial constraint, or worry that we should ask Allah even more, what is okona what untitled was 18 especially these days, a lot of people are afraid about their income about their jobs. A lot of people have lost their jobs. A lot of people are worried about their businesses. They don't know how they're going to

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be, you know, paying for their rent or paying for different things. So ask Allah what Zopa will entitle Razia teen. Remember, the keys of all provision are with Allah, not with the creation. And our effort alone is not enough. We have to work to get the risk. But we also have to ask Allah for the risk, a lesson. Indeed, I will send it down to you. But whoever disbelieves afterwards from among you, then indeed, while I punish him with a punishment, by which I have not punished anyone among the worlds, when the truth is clear, it has become evident, then it is a must, that people surrender to a law and be aware of the day when Allah will say or Isa son of money on did you say to

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the people that take me and my mother as deities besides Allah? Did you tell them to worship you call a super hanoch he will say Exalted are You? It was not for me to say that to which I have no right. He started this and I will begin his answer by saying subhanak he will glorify Allah first. Because this is a place of expressing humility before Allah. Remember, Subhana Allah is said, to declare a lust perfection, the fact that Allah is above any imperfection that could be ascribed to him. So out of fear of Allah's might, out of fear of Allah's wrath, he will say subhanak and so, Pamela is also said, to declare one's own innocence. So, recently, he said, I will say subhanak, you

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are free of any partner, I am afraid of your might and I also declare my innocence before you, he will say Exalted are You it was not for me to say that to which I have no right. If I had said it, you would have known it, you know what is within myself and I do not know what is within yourself. And this also makes it very clear that SRT Salaam did not possess any divine attributes. Indeed, it is you who is the Knower of the unseen and we see over here how reciting his Sunnah shows so much respect before Allah, He says in under eye level YouTube, and this is something that we should also remember, whenever we talk about Allah, when we talk to Allah, when we make da we should also mean

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we should always maintain respect, we should always exhibit other, any Who are we? And who is Allah? He, we we are His creation. We have no right to speak in a disrespectful way about Allah subhanaw taala or to Allah

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panatela malko to the home illa amantani be I said not to them, except what you commanded me to worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord, and I was a witness over them as long as I was among them, but when you took me up, you were the observer over them and you are over all things. witness. So remember, a lie is a witness over everything will enter Allah cliche in Shaheed and fundamental faith and he continues until Hakeem Alejo Allah. Allah is Shaheed Allah Himself is a witness, and he has also appointed angels over the creation to witness and observe the, the the deeds of people. So no matter where we are, no matter what time it is, remember, what can Allahu Allah Galicia is Akiba

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alows over all things, over all things that are cabe he is an observer. Allah is called a mana Allah coolin fcmb maka, Sabbath allies maintainer of every soul knowing what it has earned, and we learned that the angels you know, they say to Allah, when a person commits when a person intends to commit a sin, they say that Oh Allah, the servant of yours has intended to commit a sin. And Allah subhanaw taala says on Kobo who watch him, if he commits it, then write it against him. But if he refrains from it, then write one good deed in its place because he left it because of me. He left it for my sake. So remember, Allah is that a peep over us? And he has appointed angels over us also.

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bizarrely, Sam will say into our labor home for in Hungary Bartok, if you should punish them, indeed they are Your servants what in Davila, home, but if you forgive them, for in the winter season hacking him, then indeed, it is you who is the Exalted in Might the wise notice, he will not say over here, that you are under food over him that you are Forgiving and Merciful, but that you are allowed disease of hacking, and this also is out of extreme other extreme respect for Allah subhanaw taala because when Allah will be angry at that time, this is not the place for intercession. And remember, this is a place of but ah, this is a place of dissociating oneself from those who

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committed such heinous crimes. And it also means that will Allah, if you forgive them, then that would be from your mic and knowledge, not because you are unable to take revenge or because you are unaware of their crimes, you are allowed disease. You are an Hakeem. In a hadith we learned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recited a verse of the Quran, and then he recited this verse, and then he raised his hands up, and he said, Allah Almighty, Almighty, Allah, Allah, my Allah, my Allah, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wept, and he wept so much that Allah subhanaw taala centered up to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that you go and ask him, what is it that

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makes you cry? So gibreel said, so to be went and asked the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam even though unless pantile already knew so, so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam informed him that I am concerned about my oma and Allah subhanaw taala said, Oh gibreel go to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and say that Verily, We will please you with regard to your oma and you will not be displeased. May Allah subhanaw taala make us such people who will be a source of pride for our Prophet,

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Allah Allah who had a young when Pharaoh saw the penis leader cohoon Allah will say this is the day when the truthful will benefit from their truthfulness. It is truthfulness that will benefit a person on the Day of Judgment. For them our gardens in paradise beneath which rivers flow were in they will abide forever. Allah being pleased with them and they with him, I'll do love more on home, what I'll do on their local folder Aleem, that is the great attainment. Remember, if you want Allah to be pleased with you, then you'll be pleased with Allah. You'll be pleased with Allah's decrees, his decisions, whatever that he has decided for your life, for your health, for your wealth for your

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well being the different ways that he has tested you the different obligations that he has laid upon you be pleased with Allah, so that Allah will be pleased with you. And the this verse makes it very clear that honesty, truthfulness is something that leads to paradise. Come up Kala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that in the silica end it will bill what in the world below? Yeah, the agenda. That indeed, truthfulness leads to piety and piety leads to agenda, so we should pray to Allah Luca Colvin Salim

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And when the sun and Sadiq Khan, the role I asked you for a heart that a sound and a tongue that is truthful to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and whatever is within them, and he is over all things competent. So this was pseudotumor either. Now, sooner too soon, solitude and Iran is a murky sewer. So it will be very different from the Sooners that we have read so far, and it was revealed in one instance, in some narrations, we learned that 70,000 angels were present at the time of its revelation. And in the sutra, the false beliefs and and arguments of the polytheists are refuted. Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim, Al hamdu Lillahi ledi Hello Kasama wati

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wa Jalla wa rahmatullah No, so melodien A kapha, rubella B. Humira, de Lune. All praise is due to Allah who created the heavens and the earth, and he made the darkness and the light and the light. Then those who disbelieve equate others with their Lord. And hamdulillah. Remember hand is abuzz, right? He deserves that his slaves praise Him because He is perfect, He is worthy of praise. He deserves that his slaves praise him with love with adoration with reverence with gratitude, because He alone is the Bestower of blessings. A man from the tribe of boo Jane, related that he asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that all messenger of Allah, what do you invite people to? And

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he replied, I invite to Allah alone, he who when some calamity strikes you, you call upon him, and he removes it from you. When you are in the wilderness and lose your way you call upon him, and he delivers you. he rescues you, when you are struck by famine and call upon him, he causes vegetation to grow. So unhemmed illa five soldiers of the Quran, begin with Alhamdulillah. Why? Because we are being taught to praise Allah, because Allah is worthy of praise forever. And for always Alhamdulillah does not mean that I praise Allah. now in this moment, rather, it means All praise is for Allah. Because no matter what era it is, what period of time it is, what place and what

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situation it is, Allah is always worthy of praise. He is worthy of praise for what he decreed before what he created in the past, for what he is decreeing now, what he has created right now, and for what he will bring about in the future. And remember, and hamdulillah This means that we should praise Allah, for what we experienced in our childhood, what we got last year, what we got yesterday, and Alhamdulillah for today, and hamdulillah for now, and and humbled enough for future Alhamdulillah he, Allah couldn't be Han All Praise to Allah in every situation for whatever that happens. And hamdulillah means All praise is only for Allah because there's no one like him. He is

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perfect in his being he is perfect in his qualities. He is perfect in his actions in his decisions in what he does. And in this ayah it is mentioned Alhamdulillah he ledi Kanaka sama wati wa Jalla Ludo, Matthew, Oneworld and Hamdulillah, that he created the skies and the earth, one so high, and the other solo. They didn't exist, he brought them into being you and I didn't exist he brought us into being so All praise is for Allah Alhamdulillah that he created darkness and light. Because if there was no darkness, how would the light be known? The necessity, the warmth, the comfort that light brings, it is evident yet so melodien aka photo below him era de Lune there are people who

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worship others with Allah. So people do not associate any with your worship, when He alone is the one who made you when all favors are from him, then worship should also be for him. The people of Makkah believed in the fact that Allah alone was the creator. They believed in Allah Zulu BIA in his lordship, but they dedicated worship to other than Allah. They did check in Zulu here in worship. And this is what is being criticized over here, that when Allah alone is the creator, He alone is perfect, and He alone is worthy of all praise than why worship others along with him. It is he who created

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from clay, and then decreed a term and a specified time known to him, then still you are in dispute. And He is Allah, the only deity in the heavens and the earth. He knows your secret and what you make public and he knows that which you earn all your deeds, good and bad are known to him. And no sign comes to them from the signs of their Lord, except that they turn away they're from, remember it more any lien errorlog is to turn away from reflection and contemplation and reflection on both the revealed signs, which are the verses and the created signs, meaning the creation that is around us, reflection of both of them is a must, it is an obligation on us, for they had denied the truth when

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it came to them, but there is going to reach them the news of what they used to ridicule. When a person fails to reflect, to learn from the signs that Allah subhanaw taala has put all around us, then this is something that leads a person to rejection, to refusal to denial, have they not seen how many generations we destroyed before them, which we had established upon the earth as we have not established you, meaning the people before you were way better than you. And we sent rain from the sky upon them in showers and made rivers flow beneath them, then we destroyed them for their sins, and brought forth after them a generation of others. It's very clear here that sins cause

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blessings to decline. Allah subhanaw taala gave them blessings, many blessings abundantly, but they responded with rejection. They responded within gratitude. So they were destroyed because of their sins. Allah was not unjust to them. They were unjust to themselves. And so they were finished, they were replaced by others. It was their own sins that brought about their decline. So this is why we should not belittle any sin. Rather, we should keep on repenting. We should keep on making Toba to Allah and seek His forgiveness. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, beware of the sins that are belittled, because they accumulate upon a person until they destroy him. And even if we

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have sent down to you a prophet in written scripture on a page, and they touched it with their hands, the disbelievers would say, this is not an obvious magic. And they say, why was there not sent down to him an angel, but if we had sent down an angel, the matter would have been decided beating then there would be no test, then they would not be reprieved. And if we had made him an angel, we would have made him appear as a man. Because how are human beings supposed to learn from an angel see an angel and we would have covered them with that in which they cover themselves, their problem would still not be solved. And already we're messengers ridiculed before you, but those who

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mock them were enveloped by that which they used to mock. So if a person is ridiculed for who they are, if a person is ridiculed for their Salah for their Clean Language for their clean habits for their halaal income, their their recitation of the Quran, they're leaving of sin, then you know what, don't be sad. If people make fun of you for something good that you do. Don't be sad. And sometimes, this mockery, it comes from those who are closest to you. You open up the Koran to recite and people start making fun of you people in your own home. Start making fun of you, you're making drama, and then people start making fun of you. So yes, this is hurtful. But do not let the mockery

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of people stop you from doing good. Go see a little fill up, say travelled through the land, then observe how was the end of the deniers say to Whom belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth say to Allah, he has decreed upon himself merci cutterbar Land of sea Hill Rama, He will surely assemble you for the Day of Resurrection, about which there is no doubt those who will lose themselves that day do not believe meaning no matter what proofs are brought to them, they will not believe we see in this ayah that Allah subhanaw taala has made mercy a law for himself cut about a book on cutterbar Land of SR Rama. The Prophet salallahu alaihe salam also told us this, that your

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Lord wrote for himself with his own hand before he created the creation. What that rahmati several potholder be that my mercy overcomes my wrath, meaning Allah's mercy is always greater than his wrath. So ask Allah for his mercy, a level more fiddly. What how many were alfine Dini, what zucchini that Oh ALLAH forgive me, have mercy on me, pardon me, guide me and provide me asking for his mercy so that his mercy is perpetually on you in this life. And in the next lesson,

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And To Him belongs that which reposes by night and by day, and he is the Hearing, the Knowing, say, is it other than Allah I should take as a protector, Creator of the heavens and the earth, while it is he who feeds and is not fed, say, indeed, I have been commanded to be the first among you who submit to Allah, and I was commanded, do not ever be of the polytheists Indeed, I fear Allah. If I say, indeed, I fear if I should disobey my Lord, the punishment of a tremendous day, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is told to say this, that if I disobey my Lord, I am afraid of punishment. What about us? Do we fear Allah, when we disobey Him, we should also have this fear,

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because he from whom it is averted, that day, Allah has granted him mercy, and that is the clear attainment, whoever is saved from the punishment of the Day of Judgment, then such a person has truly received the mercy of Allah and such a person has become successful. What am seska love will be loaded in falaqa, Shiva Allahu Allahu, and if Allah should touch you with adversity, there is no remover of it except Him. And if he touches you with good, then he is over all things competent. So if he alone can remove the harm, he alone can give good than ask him realize that if the affliction is from him, then it's the removal will also be from him. So the intelligent person, the wise

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person, when they are afflicted by some difficulty, they realize that it came by Allah's permission, so they turn to Allah, not away from Allah. They remember Allah, they don't forget Allah, they thank Allah and they become even more humble before Allah. This is why after Salah we should say la ilaha illa Allah who wash the hula Shadi color lagoon koala will hand wa who are either coalition in Cadiz, Allahu melomania, ottima are played or Allah, no one can withhold what you give, what are more clearly my minority, and no one can give what you withhold, what are you in fact with a gentleman cultured and the riches of a rich person cannot avail him against you?

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Will who will call hero phulkari body and he is the subject matter over his servants, his will prevails? Well, who will heck he will hobby and he is the wise the acquainted with all say what thing is greatest in testimony say Allah is witness between me and you. And this poll on was revealed to me so that I may warn you there by and whoever it reaches, so remember the Quran is for all it is a message for all whom it reaches? Do you truly testify that with Allah, there are other deities say, I will not testify with you say, indeed he is but one God and indeed, I am free of what you associate with him. those to whom we have given the Scripture recognize it, as they recognize

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their own sons. Those who will lose themselves in the hereafter do not believe meaning even though they recognize the truth of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam The truth of the Quran just as well as a person recognizes their own child.

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Still, these people pretend like they don't know, they pretend like they don't recognize. So pretending like the truth doesn't exist only is a form of bringing loss upon oneself, and who is more unjust than one who invents about Allah Li or denies his verses. Indeed the wrongdoers will not succeed and mentioned the day we will gather them all together, then we will say to those who are associated others with Allah, where are your partners that you used to claim with him, then there will be no excuse upon examination except that they will say By Allah, our Lord, we were not those who were associated, they will outright deny their crimes, see how they will lie about themselves.

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And last from them will be what they used to invent women who make the mirror a lake. And among them are those who listen to you being the listen to you when you recite the Quran, but they don't listen to seek guidance. We have placed over their hearts coverings lest they understand it and in their ears, deafness, and if they should see every sign, they will not believe in it, even when they come to you arguing with you.

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Those who disbelieve say this is not but legends of the former peoples. The Koran does not impact their heart. Why? Because their hearts are revealed. It's the same book. Some people when they hear the Quran, their hearts melt, their lives are completely transformed.

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And there are some other people who remain stubborn as ever. So we should ask Allah subhanaw taala for tofik that Oh Allah, allow me to benefit from the Quran that Oh Allah, let the Quran be a guide for me soften my heart through this Quran transformed my life through this called on and to benefit from the Quran it is necessary that we keep our hearts clean. And how is that done? By Estefan because a sinful heart is too full. It is too filthy to understand the meanings of the Quran. Sins prevent a person from understanding the Quran. Because remember, since rust the heart almost punctata says in the Quran. Caliban Ronna, Allah kulu became McCann, we xe Boone, what they have

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earned, meaning their sins, they have covered their hearts with rust. So instead of benefiting that, when a person listens to the arm, they begin to object, they begin to criticize. So if ever, we are not able to understand something in the Quran, then we need to seek forgiveness from Allah, because it is quite possible that this is a result of our own sins, that the verse is not sinking in. Even taymiyah he would refer to 100 to five seed at times, to try to understand the meaning of a verse. And if he still did not understand he would do is too far, he would seek forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala. So we should also seek forgiveness from Allah, and seeking forgiveness from Allah is

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basically seeking the solution, not dwelling on the problem. Well, humean home nanhu an owner and and they prevent others from him, and are themselves remote from him. And they do not destroy except themselves, but they perceive it not. If you could see if you could but see when they're made to stand before the fire, and will say, oh, would that be could? Or would that we could be returned to life on earth and not deny the signs of our Lord and be among the believers. Just one more chance, please. But what they concealed before has now appeared to them, their hidden sins, their corrupt evil intentions, which they tried so hard to cover in the worldly life, all of them will become

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manifest on the Day of Judgment.

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And even if they were returned, they would return to that which they were forbidden. And indeed, they're liars. The fact is that in this life, Allah subhanaw taala gives many opportunities, multiple opportunities to every person, so that a person can recognize their mistakes and make and repent from them seek forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala. So if a person says on the day of judgment that I want one more chance, the fact is that they are lying, because Allah soprano tada already gave them many more chances. And they say, there is none but our worldly life, and we will not be resurrected. So among the pre Islamic Arabs, there were also people who denied the hereafter.

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They denied resurrection completely. If you could not see when they will be made to stand before their Lord, He will say is this not the truth? They will say yes, by our Lord, He will then say, so taste the punishment because you're used to disbelieve, again, denying a reality, pretending like a truth does not exist, does not make that truth go away. But the hasura Latina COVID, will be called Illa. Those will have lost who denied the meeting with Allah, those who deny that there is no hisab no account, and such people will truly suffer until one that hour of resurrection comes upon them unexpectedly. They will say, oh, how great is our regret over what we neglected concerning it, while

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they bear their burdens on their backs. unquestionably evil is that which they beer. So remember, on the day of judgment, unless panel data will ask people can also install? Did I not honor you? Did I not make you the chief of your people and provide you a spouse and subdue for you, horses and camels and afforded you an opportunity to rule over your subjects? And the person will say yes, Oh Allah, you indeed gave me all of this. And then it will be said, Did you not think that you will meet us? And that person will say no. So it will be said, Well, we forget you, as you forgot us, woman hyah to dunya Illa Allah, Allah who, so we should remember Allah Do not forget the hereafter over this

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dunya Why? Because what is the reality of this dunya and the worldly life is not but amusement and diversion. But the home of the Hereafter is best for those who fear Allah, so will you not reason what is worldly life it is described as lerab. And lo, remember, the Hereafter is for them with the clean and the reality of this world has been described over here.

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Reality compared to the hereafter.

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That worldly life is just Larry, Larry is play the buisiness of the limbs, and Lao his amusement, the buisiness of the heart. Live is related to what the limbs do, meaning a person's activities, their work, the kind of actions that they do. And Lao is related to the heart, the interests of a person, etc. Larry is the physical engagement which serves no outcome. Meaning it's the actions the work that a person does, which brings no real benefit. And low is what keeps a person entertained and amused in the heart. So when a person is focused on the Hereafter, only then can their heart to be free of this level, worldly occupation, remember, worldly occupation, the kind of things that we

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do in worldly life, no matter how important it seems, in fact, it is largely because no matter what you do for the dunya, its outcome is that it will ultimately finish it will ultimately be destroyed, it will eventually come to nothing. And we witness this on a regular basis. Giant businesses collapse, well maintained, homes are sold, perfect bodies die, and they deteriorate in the graves. And the thing is that these worldly activities, they keep us busy and distracted and preoccupied.

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But remember, that the activities of the hereafter meaning what a person does in this life, for the home of the Hereafter, and the occupation of the heart, with the home of the hereafter. That is not Larry Bella who it is actually a burger, it is worship, it is nia. So it is rewardable pork to be said that the believers life is with righteous actions. So it is not play an amusement. So we all need to reflect on ourselves, then what are my activities all about? What are my concerns all about? What is it that I do? And what is it that I am ultimately seeking from the things that I am doing? Or the narrow level, we know that you all profit are saddened by what they say. And indeed, they do

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not call you untruthful? But it is the verses of Allah that the wrongdoers reject. You see, sometimes people hurt us. And it is necessary that we learn to bounce back to recover from that hurt because we cannot always control what people say. And life is too short. We cannot waste it away because of what people say to us. So there are certain things that stunted recovery. One of those things is personalization. The belief that we are at fault that you know what if somebody has said something to me than it is because I deserve it. And that is not true. What people say to you is not always true. The way people hurt you is not because you deserve it. People hurt the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also, and what does the law say? Or the narrow level in the hula hoop Olivia Kowloon. We know you feel sad because of what they say, for in the homeland. You cut the bone, but they're not actually denying you. These people are actually denying the verses of Allah, the problem is in them, it is not in you. So don't personalize it. Don't take to heart The hurtful things that people say to you. And certainly were messengers denied before you, but they were patient over the effects of denial, and they were harmed until our victory came to them. Allah's help comes to those who are patient and none can alter the words of Allah. And there has certainly

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come to you some information about the previous messengers. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said of literally Eamon is somebody who was somehow the best of him and his patience and softness, gentleness. And even though we know this, that it's important to be patient, a reminder is needed. the help of Allah comes when we are patient, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said wirelend and anessa Mara Sabra know that the help of Allah comes with patience. So when you're experiencing difficulty, then exhibit some patience and ullas help will come accordingly. And if there evasion is difficult for you, then if you are able to seek a tunnel into the earth or stairway into the sky to

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bring them assigned then do so. But if Allah had willed, He would have united them upon guidance, so never be of the ignorant. In pneumonia stage Ebola denia Smart rune only those who hear will respond, but the dead Allah will resurrect them, then to him. They will be returned. The believer listens.

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The believer tries to understand and the believer responds, and the person whose heart is dead, sealed, then he doesn't listen. He doesn't accept, he doesn't respond. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that, that a believer has been created such that he will be put in many trials. He is off to repenting and very forgetful. The believer forgets. However, when he is reminded, he accepts admonition in the mail, as the de bloodiness Maroon

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will call you. And they say, Why has a sign not been sent down to him from his Lord say, Indeed, Allah is able to send down a sign, but most of them do not know. And there is no creature on or within the earth or bird that flies with its wings, except that there are communities like you, we have not neglected in the register a thing Allah knows about everything, then unto their Lord, they will be gathered. So do you not see these things as signs? But those who deny our verses are deaf and dumb, within darknesses? Whoever Allah wills, He leaves a stray and whomever He wills, He puts him on a straight path, say, Have you considered if they're came to you the punishment of Allah, or

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they're came to you that our is it other than Allah, you would invoke? If you should be truthful? No, it is him alone, you would invoke, and he would remove that for which you invoked him, if he will, and he would forget what you associate with him. And we have already sent messengers to nations before you that we sees them with poverty and hardship that perhaps Lorella homea tell Bob our own, perhaps they might humble themselves. You see, when Allah subhanaw taala gives us difficulty. And sometimes that difficulty is followed up by another form of difficulty. What is the reason? What is the purpose? Is it to torture us? No, it is so that we humble ourselves because we

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were created to worship Allah. And very frequently, we forget to worship Allah, even though we are praying, right? We are praying Salah we are you know, performing our obligations, we fail to truly remember Allah, we fail to truly humble ourselves before Allah. So difficulties are supposed to shake us. They're supposed to wake us up. They're supposed to bring us out of our slumber, Laila homea, tobermore moon, and this is what we need to do that when we are in any difficulty, that is, cry before Allah, and remember, a lot of problems, they become easy when you cry before Allah, when you cry before people, then yes, people will, you know, feel bad for you, they'll give you a hug and

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these days of Panama, that physical connection is even gone. Right? So it is necessary that when when we are cut off, you know, in so many ways from so many different people. We should remember the connection that we have with the last panel data, and we should humble ourselves before Allah, raise your hands and ask him, humble yourself before him cry before him. Because a person who does not ask Allah and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said and by lemmya illa yellowtop RNA, whoever does not ask Allah, then Allah becomes angry with him. So ask him, keep turning back to him. keep crying before him. Then why when our punishment came to them, did they not humble themselves, but

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their hearts became hardened and shavon made attractive to them, that which they were doing and this is truly and are the hub on a person that the difficulties in life don't wake them up, that they justify their wrongdoing? Philomena sumedha kilo be further generally him of Weber Cooley, of Weber police A. So when they forgot that by which they had been reminded, we open to them the doors of every good thing until when they rejoiced in that which they were given. we seize them suddenly, and they were then in despair. This is also a kind of punishment, that a person keeps sitting and worldly things become more accessible to them. So remember, the abundance of worldly blessings and

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their constriction. Both are a trial.

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The abundance of worldly blessings and their constriction, both are a trial. So whether we are in good times, or we are experiencing difficulty, the main thing is that no situation should distance us from Allah. The real problem is in being distant from Allah. It's not the presence or the absence of blessings. Remember that. Just because a person has so many blessings, it doesn't mean that Allah is happy.

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with them. And just because a person is going through trial, it doesn't mean that Allah is angry with them. But when a person is cut off from Allah, a person is distant from Allah, they fail to remember Allah and thank him and worship Him, then this is a sign of wretchedness for cruelty or the habitual Camila Lena world Malibu. So the people that committed wrong were eliminated. Well, hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. And praise to Allah, Lord of the worlds, this is good riddance, that those who commit oppression when they're removed from the earth, then this is actually a blessing,

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a blessing for who a blessing for the earth for the inhabitants of the earth. Once we learned that a funeral person, that that a funeral procession passed by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he said was 31 was the raw human, relieved or relieving. So the people said, What is relieved and relieving? He said, a believer is relieved by death, from the troubles and hardships of the world, and leaves departs for the mercy of Allah, while the death of a wicked person relieves the people, the land, the trees, and animals from him. So we need to see what kind of people are we? What kind of people are we? Are we those who bring comfort to others around us? Or are we such that when we go

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away, people, praise Allah, thank Allah that Alhamdulillah so and so is gone. Say Have you considered if Allah should take away your hearing and your sight and set a seal upon your hearts? Which day to other than Allah could bring them back to you? Look how we diversify the verses, then they still turn away. Say, have you considered if the punishment of Allah should come to you unexpectedly? Or manifestly Bolton Oh johathan. And remember, both are scary. But it is scarier. When you can see a punishment or in other it torment in front of you, you can see it approaching. And this is something that we can experience these days. You see the fear that oh, we might get

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affected by this disease, we might get affected by this virus. This fear itself is so debilitating, and it is something that has taken away the comfort and peace from our lives, where we are afraid to even step out of the house. We are afraid to shake hands with people we were afraid when something comes inside the house we don't want to touch it. We clean it so much. So bolted out rotten. * you will echo lol como la the moon will any be destroyed but the wrongdoing people we should always ask Allah subhanaw taala for forgiveness, and also for safety. And we send out the messengers except as Bringers of good tidings and Warner's. So whoever believes and reforms, there will be no fear

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concerning them, nor will they grieve. So Eman and Islam. Both are necessary. Believe and also correct yourself. Leave bad habits do good things now. But those who deny our versus the punishment will touch them for their defiant disobedience. Say, oh Prophet, I do not tell you that I have the depositories containing the provision of a law or that I know the unseen. Nor do I tell you that I'm an angel. I only follow what is revealed to me say is the blind equivalent to the scene that will not give thought what nvb Hill, Edina harpoon and Warren by the Quran, those who fear what do they fear that they will be gathered before their Lord, for them, besides Him will be no protector and no

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intercessor. So remind them warn them that they might become righteous, and do not send away those who call upon their Lord morning and afternoon seeking His countenance. You see, there were some companions that were poor. And some companions who were poor didn't really have social status, and the wish the king of Makkah, they said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that send these people away, if you want us to sit with you. So Allah subhanaw taala revealed that no letter to the lady, you cannot send them away. Why? Because they call upon their Lord in the morning and in the afternoon, and they seek his face, not upon you is anything of their account and not upon them is

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anything of your account. So were you to send them away, you would then be of the wrongdoers. So we see here that the vicar is mentioned remembering Allah, morning and evening and such people are worthy of the companionship of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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you see in the morning, and in the evening, we usually become very busy, but the person who manages to remember Allah in the morning and in the evening, it shows that the last panel Todd is most important to them.

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And also remember that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that I sit in the company of the people who remember Allah. From morning prayer until the sun rises, is dearer to me that I emancipate for slaves from the children of his married and then I sit with the people who remember Allah, from Asana prayer until the sunsets. This is dearer to me than that I emancipate for slaves. So we should also be of those who remember Allah in the morning. These days, a lot of people you know, after they eat some food, they're not able to sleep right away. So make use of that time. And remember Allah, wait until the sun rises, and then pray and then perhaps take a nap will karateka

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Fatah Baba whom we borrowed, and thus we have tried some of them through others that the disbelievers might say is it bees who Allah has favored among us, is not Allah, most knowing of those who are grateful. What either jacala Deena, you mean una Biya Tina, so called Salam aleikum. And when those come to you who believe in our vs. Say, peace be upon you, your Lord has decreed upon himself mercy, Cotabato buco, marlana, phsyical, Rama, that any of you who does wrong out of ignorance, and then repent after that, and corrects himself, indeed, he is Forgiving and Merciful. Allah is Forgiving and Merciful to such people. So we should repent from our sins, we should try to

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correct and improve ourselves at all times. And do is default for since morning, and in the evening, we learned a Hadees that almost a panatela stretches out his hand during the night so that the people may repent for the sins committed from dawn until dusk, meaning the sense that you committed all day long, you get the opportunity at night to seek forgiveness from them.

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Sorry, you so. So

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in this Hadith, we learned that the sins that we have committed all day long, then in the night, we get the opportunity to seek forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala for all of those sins, and then it's not over the Hadeeth continues, that Allah stretches out his hand during the day, so that the people may repent for the sins committed from dusk to dawn, meaning any sins that were committed at night, you have the opportunity to seek forgiveness for them during the day. So this means that any time we commit a sin, and we realize, then don't just sit with that guilt, ask Allah to forgive you. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever is good in what remains of this life, then he

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will be forgiven for what has passed, and whoever does evil in what remains of his life, meaning he deliberately does not repent, does not change himself does not do Islam, then he will be punished for what past and what he does later.

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And thus do We detail the verses and thus the way of the criminals will become evident? Say, indeed, I have been forbidden to worship those you invoke besides Allah say, I will not follow your desires, for I would then have gone astray and I would not be of the rightly guided say, indeed, I am unclear evidence from my Lord and you have denied it. I do not have that for which you are impatient. The decision is only for Allah, he relates the truth. And he is the best of deciders. Say, if I had that for which you are impatient, meaning you want me to bring the punishment right away. If I if I could do that, and I did that, then the matter would have been decided between me and you. But Allah is

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more snowing of the wrongdoers. Were in the Houma, Fatiha, Liebe layer lemma Illa, who and with him are the keys of the unseen, none knows them, except he. So the real unseen is known only to Allah, and he knows what is on the land, and in the sea, anything big or small, that is somewhere on the earth, or it is somewhere in the ocean, Allah subhanaw taala knows about it. And we barely know of what is on the land of what exists in the sea of what exists in the water. It is said that we know more about the surface of the moon, than we know about the surface of the ocean bed. Not a leaf falls, but that he knows it and no grain is there within the darkness of the earth and no moist or

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dry thing, but that it is written in a clear record. Not only does Allah subhanaw taala know about everything he has also he has also recorded everything. And we admire the knowledge of people so much, that Oh, it's amazing how much they know. But we should also be amazed with the knowledge of Allah subhanaw taala because the knowledge of people no matter how much they know it becomes outdated very soon, it becomes discredited within

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Very short periods of time. Allah subhanaw taala knows about every seed, who will eat it, where it will rest, what will become of it, he knows about every leaf, when it will fall, where it will blow to which land it will fall on and so on and so forth. Our knowledge is so deficient and Allah knowledge is perfect, so trust Him, and it is he who takes your souls by night and knows what you have committed by day, we forget what we do during the day, but Allah subhanaw taala knows, then he revives you there in

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then he revives you there and then a specified term may be fulfilled. So my he lay him on Jericho, then to him will be your return, then he will inform you about what you use to do, we will be answerable to him, Well, who will our hero phulkari body and he is the subjugate her over his servants and he sends over you guardian angels Until when death comes to one of you. Our Messengers take him and they do not fail. They do not fail in their duties. They take the soul when it is time to take it. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that when the time of a believer his departure from this world draws near an angel the dissenter him from the sky, whose faces are as

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bright as if they were the sun. They bring with them the shroud of Genoa and its fragrance this sit at the distance of his visions extent than the Angel of Death comes and sits by his head and says, a year 200 f suit by eba all satisfied So, oh good soul will huji illa mobility minima he will learn come out to Allah's forgiveness and Allah approval. So his soul exits the body like a water drop drips out of a vessel, and the Angel of Death receives it, but in less than the blink of an eye, the other angels take the soul and cover him in the shroud of Jeddah and apply fragrance on him which they have brought and such fragrance emanates from his body, like a whiff of fragrance that is

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smelled on the earth. They take his soul and ascend up to the heavens, we should also ask Allah subhanaw taala to give us a good death, the model do Illallah himolla whom will help then then they His servants are returned to him there, then they His servants are returned to Allah. Their true Lord. unquestionably, his is the judgment and he is the swiftest of the accountants say who rescues you from the darkness of the sea who rescues you from the darkness of the land and sea. When you call upon him imploring allowed and privately if he should save us from this crisis, we will surely be among the thankful. Padilla who Yuna g Caminha say it is Allah who saves you from it, women can

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only count been and from every distress, any distress that you experience, whether it is physical, mental, emotional, financial, remember, ally is the one who rescues us from it. So when in difficulty, ask Allah to rescue you. So momentum to shikun then you still associate others with him, you give credit to others say he is the one able to send down upon you affliction from above you or from beneath your feet, or to confuse you. So you become you become * and you make and make you taste the violence of one another. Allah is able to do that, look, how we diversify the signs that they might understand. So the cure to all of these troubles is still far, but your people have

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denied it. While it is the truth say I am not over you a manager nikolina by a monster calm was solfatara Moon for every happening is a finality, there is a fixed time for it. And you are going to know our problem is that we get very hasty, we find waiting extremely hard. But we need to become patient. We need to remember that whatever is going on, is happening by Allah's will. And there is a fixed time that Allah subhanaw taala has already set for it. You see when a woman is pregnant, the pregnancy is hard, but the pregnancy has its term, it cannot be delayed and it cannot be shortened. And so when we are going through any difficulty in our lives also let us not become impatient. We

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see we make $1 and we say our problem should go away like this in an instant. But that's not how things are. There is a leak only never in Mr. Call for every happening is a finality, meaning for everything that occurs is a term when it will come to an end. But it's the ignorant who don't understand who object at allows decisions. And when you see those who engage in offensive discourse concerning our vs. Meaning

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People who are arguing about the idea of a law criticizing them making fun of them, then turn away from them until they enter into another conversation and in shape on should cause you to forget because a pawn does cause us to forget good things, then do not remain after the reminder with the wrongdoing people. So we learn that we should avoid such gatherings, whether it is of Muslims or those who are not Muslim. When people are making fun of the book of Allah, when they're criticizing the Quran, when they're arguing about the Quran, then do not stay in such a place. Because remember, the Quran is for guidance. It is not to make us argue the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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whoever seeks knowledge in order to argue with the foolish or to show off before the scholars or to attract people's attention than Allah who will admit him to *.

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So we're seeking knowledge is highly virtuous, seeking it for the wrong reason, is also sinful. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, do not argue through the Quran, nor deny parts of it with other parts meaning do not bring in one ayah from one place and another Ayah from another place, and then show them that you know what this ayah contradicts this ayah don't do that. By Allah. If the believer argues through the Quran, he will be overcome. Meaning the believer will always surrender he will not disrespect the Quran. And if the hypocrite argues through the Quran, he will overcome so you will end up disrespecting the Quran. So there is no real benefit in arguing about the Quran, you

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will only end up dishonouring The Book of Allah accept every Ayah as it is, when Merlin Medina takuna Maha Sabha him in shade, and those who fear Allah are not held accountable for the disbelievers at all.

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So this means that if you leave them, then you are not guilty, because you have to save yourself. It is not your responsibility to go prove Islam to every single person. Yes, you you should take the message of the truth to people. But when people are arguing for the sake of arguing, they're arguing from a place of arrogance and denial, then don't waste your time over there. Don't put your faith at risk, then go and do other important things, but only for a reminder that perhaps they will fear him. So do remind them do advise that is your obligation. However, once you see the things are beyond your ability, then leave with dignity and leave those who take their religion as amusement

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and aversion and whom the worldly life has diluted. This is the reason why they make fun of Islam. So remember that religion is something honorable, it is dignified, is not for the purpose of argumentation and pastime. But in the name of freedom of speech. People say whatever they want about the Quran, even Muslims, so remember, that leave those who take their religion as amusement and diversion. You don't have to be with such people. You don't have to do that. You see, our job is to change ourselves, not the Quran. But remind with the Quran less the soul should be given up to destruction for what it earned. Because remember, sins trap a person in this life and in the next.

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So it is necessary that we keep reminding people of what the Quran says so that they come out of their sense, it will have other than Allah, no protector and no intercessor and if it should offer every compensation it would not be taken from it. Those are the ones who are given to destruction for what they have earned for them will be a drink of scalding water and a painful punishment because they used to disbelieve, say, shall we invoke instead of Allah, that which neither benefits us nor harms us and be turned back on our heels after Allah has guided us. If we were to do that, then we would be like one home the devils enticed to wander upon the earth confused, while he has

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companions inviting him to guidance, calling him that come to us, say in the hood, Allahu alhuda. Indeed, the guidance of Allah is the only guidance and we have been commanded to submit to the Lord of the worlds. So remember, anytime that you have questions, and you have, you know, concerns and you read an eye of the Quran, and you want to understand why something has been mentioned, then always ask Allah for guidance before you ask people that Oh, by the way, this is what the Quran says. And what does that mean? ask Allah for guidance, because guidance comes from him. It doesn't come from intellectual reasoning alone. What underpayments salata Taku, and to establish prayer and

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fear him and then is he to whom you will be gathered, and it is he who created the heavens and earth and truths. And the day he says Be and it is His word is the truth, and His is the dominion on the day the horn is blown. He is the Knower of the unseen

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And the witness and he is the Why is the acquainted with Khalid Ibrahim moody Abbey and mentioned when Ibrahim said to his father as of Do you take idols as datings? Indeed I see you and your people to be in manifest error. So Ibrahima is Sam, he made the truth known over here. And this was not disrespectful, speaking, the truth is not being disrespectful. It is the way in which we speak, that may be disrespectful. And thus did we show Ibrahim the realm of the heavens and the earth, that he would be among the certain in faith. Ibrahim writing is Salam. Ne he was a less friend. He was a he was devout before Allah subhanaw taala. And he's truly a role model for us an example. So we must

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reflect on his descriptions in the Quran to learn from them. Who was he? He was not of those who commit Schick. He was a Muslim, he fully surrendered to Allah. He was a less friend. And he is an excellent example. Allah says other catechol como sweater has an attitude fee Ibrahim. So when the night covered him with darkness, he saw a star. He said, This is my Lord. But when it said, he said, I like not those that disappear. And when he saw the moon rising, he said, This is my Lord. But when it said, he said, unless my lord guides me, I will surely be among the people gone astray. And when he saw the sun rising, he said, This is my lord, this is greater. But when it said, he said, Oh my

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people, indeed I am free from what you associate with Allah. Indeed, I have turned my face to word he who created the heavens and the earth inclining toward truth, and I am not of those who associate others with Allah and His people argued with him. He said, Do you argue with me concerning Allah, when he has guided me, and I fear not what you associate with him, unless my lord should will something meaning no matter how much you threaten me, no matter how much you, you threaten me that your idols are going to harm me, because I have rejected them. Your threats are not going to harm me at all. Unless and until Allah should will something my lord encompasses all things in knowledge,

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then will you not remember. So this is a beautiful lesson for us, because sometimes people do threaten us and we begin to feel afraid because of their lies. So in this ayah is so much encouragement, that don't fear the empty threats of people. Sometimes what people say is just words, it doesn't, it's shallow, it doesn't have any truth to it. What what is true and real is what Allah subhanaw taala says, so put your trust in Allah. And don't fear what people say, what Kay for a half a shocked Oh, and how should I fear what you associate, while you do not fear that you have associated with a lot that for which he has sent down to you know, authority, in reality, you are at

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fault, we are not at fault, because you are denying Allah, you are rejecting Allah. So don't think that we are at fault. So which of the two parties has more right to security? If you should know? How do you feel safe in this earth, Allah Earth, knowing that Allah subhanaw taala is all powerful over you, and levina amanu one memb, so imana home below them, they who believe and do not mix their belief with injustice, and what is the greatest injustice, it is schilke those people who are ecola, who will anew those will have security, well, we'll move on, and they're rightly guided. So remember, real safety, real security, and true peace is only felt by the one who believes in Allah

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alone. The one who associates partners with the law, the one who believes that there are other things, other entities that are as strong or or as powerful as the last panel taller than such people can never feel contentment, they can fake it. But real contentment is for those who worship Allah alone, and this contentment, this peace, this security will last forever. in Jannah the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, He who meets Allah without associating anything with Allah will enter Paradise, and he who meets him, associating anything with him, will enter hellfire. And that was our conclusive argument, which we give Ibrahim against his people, we raised by degrees

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whom we will indeed your Lord is wise and knowing. So these are the fruits that Ibrahim raisonne received because of his tohave

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Because of the fact that he believed in the oneness of Allah subhanaw taala he loved Allah subhanaw taala the most he feared Allah subhanaw taala the most. And this is, and these are some of the fruits that he received. What were they that Allah Spano Tata raised his ranks Allah, Allah gave him confidence, he a pain in the face of rejection, and he gave him the ability to remain firm, he raised his ranks, so he got his reward in the world, and in the hereafter also, he will be given a great reward. Allah gave him preference over the people of the worlds and we gave and we gave to Ibrahim is help and your cool all of them we guided and knew we guided before and among his

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descendants that would answer a man and a tube and use of and Moosa and our own. Thus do We reward the doers of good, Ibrahim really is Sam, you see when he was

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when he was calling people to Allah He was alone. Hardly anybody believed in him. But look at his determination, he did not give up. And what happened? Allah subhanaw taala cause that good to continue for centuries, that even today, we take the example of Ibrahim and his center. So sometimes we feel afraid and we feel very disappointed when we are rejected by people but there's no need to feel disappointed over there. Because you are believed you are putting your trust in Allah. And remember, Allah will not waste your sincere effort. And Zachary Yeah. And and you're here and Risa and ilias, could luminosity hain all were of the righteous one prophet after another one nation

01:56:43 --> 01:57:29

after another and this marine and Elisa and Eunice and loot were could learn from Ireland, Ireland, me and all of them. We preferred over the worlds and some among their fathers and their descendants and their brothers and we chose them and we guided them to a straight path there Lika who the law that is the guidance of a law Yeah, db mania shot luminary body by which he guides whomever He wills of his servants. But if they had associated others with Allah, then worthless for them would be whatever they were doing. So remember, Schick is not accepted by Allah, soprano Tata, no matter who it is, even if it's a prophet of Allah, because you see, so many prophets are mentioned here. If

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they were to do ship, then their deeds would be wasted. May Allah protect us from any form of ship, major or minor? Those are the ones to whom we get the Scripture and authority and Prophethood but if the disbelievers deny it, then we have entrusted it to people who are not there and disbelievers. So if the people of Makkah denied the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam no harm, no loss, because Allah subhanaw taala brought another people. So when a person rejects Allah, they're only depriving themselves who are equal Latina de la, those are the ones whom Allah has guided for be who they are who mocha daddy. So from their guidance, take an example. follow their example, say, I asked you for

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this message, no payment. It is not but a reminder for the world's woman, a de la haka pottery, and they did not appraise Allah with true appraisal. The fact is, that they have not recognized Allah. The fact is, they don't know who Allah is. This is why they dare to reject Him and they dare to reject His messengers, especially when they said Allah did not reveal to a human being anything. Say, who revealed the scripture that Musa brought as light and guidance to the people, you make it into pages, disclosing some of it and concealing much and you were taught that which you knew not, neither you nor your forefathers, say Allah revealed it, then leave them in their empty discourse

01:58:58 --> 01:59:39

amusing themselves, let such people be. And this Quran is a book, which we have sent down, bless it, and confirming what was before it. This quote, honors Mubarak, it's a source of blessing, that you may warn the mother of the cities and those around it because Makkah is central. Those who believe in the hereafter believe in it, and they're maintaining their prayers, and who is more unjust than one who invents a lie about Allah? Or says, it has been revealed to me, while nothing has been revealed to me, and there have been many people who have made this false claim. Remember, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the last and final messenger and prophet and no prophet is

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coming after him. And one who says I will reveal something like what Allah revealed meeting those who said, Oh, this Quran, it's nothing. We can also produce something like such people are greatly unjust. And if you could see when the wrong doors or the overwhelming pangs of death, while the angels extend their hand, saying

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discharge your souls. Today you will be awarded the punishment of extreme humiliation for what you used to say against Allah, other than the truth, and that you were towards as versus be being arrogant. So the thing is that any person who is arrogant to accept the book of Allah, any person who is arrogant to surrender to a law should think that How long will I have my freedom? How long am I going to live? Eventually I am going to die. And is it not safer to believe in Allah? Any what's the harm? What is really the harm? If I believe in the hereafter? If I believe in Allah, any How does it damage me? How does it harm me, it doesn't harm at all. In fact, the healthy boundaries that

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Islam gives, for instance, they only benefit a person. So those who live with such arrogance, look at their end, it is horrible. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that when the disbeliever slave is about to depart this world and move to the Hereafter, angels come down to him from the heavens, with dark faces, bringing sackcloth from *, they sit in front of him, as far as the eye can see, then the Angel of Death comes and sits at the head and says, all evil soul come out to the anger of Allah and His wrath, then it then it colors within the body, meaning the body, the soul, it goes and tries to hide within the body and is dragged out, like a, like an iron skewer is passed

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through wet wool. Any What do you think is going to happen to that world, it's going to be torn to shreds, it's so painful, it will be set to them. And you have certainly come to us alone, individually, as we created you the first time and you have left whatever We bestowed upon you, behind you everything you had gone, it's in the past, and we do not see with you your intercessors, which you claimed that they were among you associates of Allah, it has all been severed between you and lust from you is what you used to claim. So this is a reality, that every person will be alone on the Day of Judgment, without the support of their family, without the support of their wealth, or

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their worldly privilege, or their worldly privileges, or their false beliefs on their claims. Each person will be alone, so each person should be concerned about that meeting. Indeed, Allah is the cleaver of grain and date seeds, he brings the living out of the dead and brings the dead out of the living, that is Allah. So how are you diluted? He has the cleaver of daybreak, and has made the night for rest and the sun and moon for calculation, that is the determination of the Exalted in Might the knowing and it is he who placed for you the stars, that you may be guided by them through the darkness of the land and sea, we have detailed the signs for people who know and if you think

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about it, the world is such a perfect home for us. And he even though we are surrounded by so many things that could destroy a life on Earth, yet we are so safe, so safe. So who is enabling all of this, who has made all of this and it is he who produced you from one soul and gave you a place of dwelling and of storage. And this isn't the grave. We have detailed assigns for people who understand and it is he who sends down rain from the sky and we produce thereby the growth of all things we produce from it greenery from which we produce grains arranged in layers and from the palm trees of its emerging fruit or clusters hanging low and we produce gardens of grape vines and olives

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and pomegranates similar yet varied. Look at each of its fruit when it yields and at its ripening. Indeed and that are Signs for people who believe Notice how when the fruit bunches are mentioned the fact that they're hanging low is also mentioned. So Allah subhanaw taala has not just created provision for us, He has also made it accessible to us. This is Allah's mercy and we are told over a year look at the fruit when it yields and at its ripening. So when you eat your fruit salad today inshallah with your thought make sure that you also reflect on the food that you eat. Appreciate the colors, the textures, the fragrance, the fragrance, which are lunella he shoulda kept Elgin new or

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halaqa home, but they have attributed to a love partner is the jinn. Well, Allah has created them. This was the wish the king of Arabia and have fabricated for him sons and daughters without knowledge, Exalted is He and high above what they describe. He is Originator of the heavens and the earth. How could he have a son when he does not have a companion, and he created all things, and he is of all things knowing that is Allah here, Lord, there is no day to accept him, the creator of all things, so worship Him, and He is Disposer of all things. So put your trust in Him, led to the Google Apple saw vision perfect

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Seems him not. But he perceives all vision. And he is the subtle, the acquainted. So anywhere we see anywhere we look, a Lost Planet, Allah knows what we're looking at. So guard your vision, there has come to you enlightenment from your Lord. This quote on is an invitation. So people reflect, think about it. So whoever will see, does so for the benefit of his soul, and whoever is blind, does harm against it, and say, I am not a guardian over you, I can only tell you, and thus do We diversify the verses. Yet the disbelievers will say you have studied, meaning they only increase in their denial when the Prophet sallallahu raisenow recited the Quran to them, they said oh, you learned this and

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this from such and such. And so we may make the Quran clear for people who no follow a prophet, what has been revealed to you from your Lord, there is no deity except Him and turn away from those who associate others with Allah. Don't listen to them. But if Allah had willed, they would not have associated and we have not appointed you over them as a guardian, nor are you a manager over them, and Do not insult those they invoke other than Allah, Do not insult their idols Do not insult their gods, lest they insult Allah in enmity without knowledge, and then you will be a cause of that. So even when you are responding to people who show hate to Islam, be dignified. Thus we have made

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pleasing to every community, their deeds, then to their Lord is their return. And he will inform them about what they used to do. And they swear by a lot their strongest olts that if a sign came to them, they would surely believe in it. Say, the signs are only with Allah. And what will make you perceive that even if a sign came, they would not believe meeting their demand for miracles is only an excuse, when will kalibo have either to whom What about sada whom come from you know, be a well among raw, and we will turn away their hearts and their eyes just as they refuse to believe in it the first time when other Mohan fields de Leon E, him, Yama Hoon, and we will leave them in their

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transgression, wandering blindly. So remember, a person who shows arrogance towards Allah, and his book and His Messenger than such people because of their arrogance. They're turned further away in their misguidance because Allah does not like arrogance, but a person who comes from a place of genuine and humble curiosity than such people. Alyssa penalty also guides them millas penalty to protect us from arrogance and malice. Parents are makers, his humble servants who seek His approval. I mean, subclinical locomobi Hambrick a shadow a la ilaha illa Anta a stone heruka water to LA Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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