Nadim Bashir – The Best and the Worst #07 – The Worst of the Worst

Nadim Bashir
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The importance of creating lies and false accusations is highlighted in the Prophet sallha and the use of shidduch in Islam. The shift in worship and the use of false statements are also discussed, emphasizing the need for serious engagement and staying true to Islam. The importance of standing up for what is right, even against something that is wrong, is emphasized, along with the stories of a man who died from a wound and was put into a situation to make a decision. The speaker emphasizes avoiding false testimony and staying away from false statements.

AI: Summary ©

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			Logging how
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			many Mina Mussolini Nene
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			said Mr. Aiken Welcome to law here brachetto Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil
Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Muhammad, what are the early he was a big marine about in
the Quran specifically is to note Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned the story of eyeshadow, the
Allah Allah and Allah subhana wa Taala proves her innocence in the Quran. Without getting into into
the entire story. One of the key things that we learned from this story is that there was an
accusation made against our mother, I shadow the yellow to the unhappy and even many Sahaba of the
Allah Quran home and there were three that are mentioned specifically in the Sierra, the Prophet
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			salallahu it was setting up that they were also caught up into this lie and into this slander
against our mother Ayatollah Villalta, unhappy before the surah before even this story is mentioned
and sort of note Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions that what is supposed to take place? And what are
the consequences of a person who accuses their spouse of committing adultery. The point is that one
of the key things that we see that takes place within our community, and the one thing that many of
us can easily get looped into is creating lies, creating false statements against one another. And I
want to share with you a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. First of all, before I
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			share this hadith, you all know that there is a difference between a minor sin and a major sin. A
major sin is that sin that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has mentioned that there is a
certain type of punishment for that sin. Now, even amongst those major sins, the question may be
asked is that what is the worst of all the major sins? There is actually a Hadith of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam regarding exactly that. There's a hadith that is found in both Bukhari
and Muslim so is Mustafa Kali. The hadith is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam once said,
Allah will not be Oh Combi Akbar Al Qaeda, earthen Should I not tell you of the worst three things
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			amongst a major sin? The Prophet sallallahu I assume the Sahaba sitting there they say yo so La
Bella jasola indeed tell us Oh, the Prophet O Prophet of Allah, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam he said three things number one is Rocco Billa. associating partners with Allah subhanho wa
taala. And when we talk about shidduch, we have to keep in mind that Sheikh is the type of shirt
that we see people doing. Like for example, you know, worshipping Jesus or worshiping any other
entity besides Allah subhanho wa Taala that is one type of Sheikh but there is also a shift that
takes place within many cultures in Muslim in the Muslim world, such as people going to graves, and
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			worshipping graves, and doing so due to grace and so forth. This is also a type of shift. Once
again, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam says, Are all the major sins, the three that are the worst is
number one, Anish Shah Kabila. The second one is oeko can validate this obedience of parents. And
number three, which is the most important thing and it said in the Hadith of the Prophet salallahu
Alaihe Salam that before he mentioned this third one, he was leaning against something and he came
forward. Now this act of the Prophet saw some tells you that what he's about to say next is of great
importance. He came forward and then he says, For kala Allah wa cola Zoo. He says that specifically
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			stay away from false statements. And the Rawi the narrator says from Isaiah you Kirby Doha, the
province has some he kept on repeating this will hola Zhu, Zhu hut Kula later who circuit that we
wish that the person would have stayed quiet like the person kept on repeating it mean that he kept
on placing emphasis on this. Now let's talk about false statements. Polar zoo first of all, is that
in the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, we find two different concepts.
We find cola Zoo, and shahada to Zoo and there's a difference between both of them. golas zoo is
very general. It is very inclusive, and is inclusive of all different kinds of statements. And then
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			you have shell shahada to Zulu shahada to Zoo is a false testimony. It is a more specific type type
of Zewde but nonetheless we find that both of them in the Quran have been mentioned and in both
places ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada says that we must stay away from it. Now first of all, let's take out a
zoo owners zoo is a
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			type of false statement that one creates against someone else. Or it could be any kind of lie that
someone fabricates for any reason. And Allah subhanho wa Taala in the Quran Institute hij he
mentioned Fajr tenable register Meenal, our Thani Washington Ebola zoo, Allah subhanho wa taala.
When talking about shidduch, Allah subhanho wa Taala when associating anything with sherek, Allah
subhanaw taala talked about anything, but in this ayah when Allah says stay away from the from this
filth in our Arcada which is to worship any other entity besides Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah says
in the same idea Wajir attorney Bucha Allah Zol mean that just like you take a certain effort to
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			stay away from Shinnick use that same kind of effort and utilize that same kind of effort to stay
away from false statements. Now the question that someone may ask is, the Why did Allah subhanho wa
Taala mentioned false statements along with should in the same idea is simple. When a person does
shake with Allah subhanho wa Taala he's creating a lie against Allah. This is why in South Africa,
Allah subhanho wa Taala says, in your coluna in your kulula like anybody that these are people, that
there are such type of people that when they create false statements about Islam, when they say
fabrications against Islam, these are lies that they are creating against Allah subhanho wa taala.
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			So Sheikh is creating lies against Allah. And hola Zeus is creating lies against other people, they
both are, in essence, creating lies, fabricating lies, Allah Subhan, Allah is telling us to stay
away from that shahada to Zeus, on the other hand, is a type of testimony that a person gives
against another person, and they are lying about that about that testimony. In fact, show how to
zoom has been also mentioned at the end a suitor for one, ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala mentions that well
Lavina Allah Yes, Haroon Azura, that when the signs of being the slave of Allah subhanho wa Taala is
that these people do not engage in witnessing to or supporting any kind of lies may even be your own
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			people may it be even your own family member may it be even for your for the sake of friendship and
so forth. You cannot create a lie or give a wrong testimony against someone else. Because this is
not the nature of a believer. And subhanAllah we also find there's a Hadith of the Prophet sal
Allahu Allah he was sending more in he mentions that if a person has this nature of creating lies,
mentioning lies and spreading lies, and then they are supporting that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam he says mullum Yoda countersued while I'm an OBE, anyone who does not abandon anyone who
does not refrain or give up fabricated speech, lies and evil actions. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi
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			wa sallam says Felicetti Allah He hydroton fee and yet the tama who was shara, who, and this is
mentioned in Behati, the Prophet sallahu wa salam says that Allah is not in need of his leaving of
his food and drink. Meaning that if a person on one hand creates lies about other people, he gives
the wrong testimonies. He's asked that you know what I want you to come and give me support, and the
person might be absolutely wrong. And this person says, You know what, you're my friend, I'm gonna
give you all the support, whether you are wrong or not, uh, you have my full support. Now, if a
person does these kinds of things, the prophet Allah has some saying that, on the other hand, if he
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			is fasting, he rather not even fast now the point is that as the older man mentioned, that it does
not mean that a person just says, Okay, I'm not going to fast, it means that any fast that he is
performing, he will not get the reward of that fast, or you will not benefit from that fast because
the purpose of fasting is to bring Taqwa into your life. And so on one end, you're fasting and on
the other end, you're you are
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			you're abandoning other people's rights, and you are taking away other people's rights by creating
false statements against them and testifying wrongly against other people. So this is why it's very
important that especially within our families, especially within our own community members,
subhanAllah people are always creating lies about one another. And if you are creating a life first
of all, you need to make serious a sincere Toba to Allah subhanho wa taala. But it's also very
important for all of us, that if we are put in a position to make a decision, and if I don't know
all the facts of the story, I should not make a decision. If I'm asked to come in support a person
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			and I know that they are wrong. Then as a Muslim standing up for what is right. I need to say that
no matter what
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			It's handy here. Whether I may lose a friendship, a friendship, or I may, you know, lose a friend, I
may lose some resources, I may lose some connections, but wrong is wrong. That's what we need to
stand up for. Now finally, I'm going to share with you something interesting that we find in the
seat of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because this story tells us that what does it mean
to stand up for what is right? And what does it mean to stand up against something that is wrong? We
all have heard the name of Saad bin Wyeth or the alota on Sagamore, either the Athan was one one of
the companions of the Prophet SAW Salem and unsightly companion in particular, someone who was you
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			know, very beloved to the Prophet Sal, Allahu Allah, he was sending them. And not only that, but
once he came, and the Prophet saw some told the Sahaba the stand up for your leader, the Prophet saw
some is referring to sod been wild as a leader. And not only that, but we also learned that when
SARS been wild, or the yellow dawn he died, what happened, the Throne of Allah subhanaw taala shock
and his death. Now, the question is that, why did he have such such a status? Many the ALMA they
mentioned that towards the end of his life, he was suffering, he was going through a wound and he
died of that wound eventually. But before he died, he was put into a situation to make a judgment
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			about two different types of people. On one end, you have bunu Cordova, but no Cordova was a a tribe
in Medina, a Jewish tribe in Medina, and they had an agreement with the Prophet sallallahu wasallam.
But what they did was that they committed treason, they committed treason. And then on the other
hand, you have Muslims and the prophets of Allah who it was sending them by North Korea. They said
that Saad bin wad is a close person to us and whatever decision he makes, we will agree to that
Saudi more either or the yellow to unmade a decision. And when he made his decision. The Prophet
sallallahu sallam said that what a great decision he has made and he has made a decision that is
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			pleasing to Allah subhanho wa taala. Here's the point here. Saga moron was put into a situation. He
never saw relationship at that time. What he did was he made a judgment call that is pleasing to
Allah and His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. That's the key thing here. He never got into
creating lies, fabricating lies, he never said sit there and took sides. But what is right he stood
up for what is right and he stood up against what is wrong. And that is why the ultimate dimension
that what is the point of the shaking of the Throne of Allah subhanho wa taala. See, you know,
subhanAllah when the Prophet SAW Salem, and Oba and Omar were standing raviolo Tahoma, when they
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			were standing on Mount or heard what happened, man or hood was shaking, out of what out of happiness
and joy, that I have the Prophet standing on me, I have such people like obika, and Amara, the
yellow Dawn who was standing on me, and this is why the Prophet said, Oh, heard, do not shake.
Likewise, when the Throne of Allah subhanaw taala shook it shook out of joy and happiness, that now
Saudi Mohammed has come to us, he is returning to Allah subhanho wa taala. So and he was able to
achieve this kind of status, and this great achievement, because as many of them I mentioned, is
because when he was put in that situation, on one hand, you have the Prophet sallallahu Sallam on
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			the one hand, you have a relationship, but he made the right choice. So this is why it's very
important that as Muslims we never engage in hola zoo sure how to Zoo false testimony, false
statements, if things like this are spreading as a believer we stay away from that. I ask Allah
subhanho wa Taala to keep our hearts clean, may Allah subhanho wa Taala give us ability to stay away
from this and once again I chose this is because the Prophet sallahu wa sallam said that these are
the worst of the the Kabbalah and ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to keep us away from colasoft
inshallah the zoo throughout my entire life and middle below enemy to Zakouma la hate a Saddam ya
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			Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh
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			in LA Mussolini now almost Lima de one meaning Mina quantity now
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			the more slowly I was flaunting funds he wants to zombie at no Slavia at all do you want to follow
Sherry No one No
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			one voice hearing I want to follow she is the one who tells one BP now one downside the party was
all me I was all in
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			one heavy Lina photo gentlemen one half year warranty. Was that good enough?
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			What's going on? I don't know hula
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