Nadim Bashir – Tafseer of Surah Al Furqaan #17
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salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah him Hamid while early he was a hobby of mine about Welcome to another segment of the tuxedo sutra Farrakhan inshallah we'll continue from is number 45. Now Allah subhana, which is number 45. Now from here onward, there are two major things are mentioned in the Surah. One is the power of Allah subhanho wa taala, the creation of Allah subhanho wa taala. And within the creation of Allah, there's a very subtle point that Allah is trying to send to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then finally at the end of the Surah, Allah subhanho wa
Taala in a very long passage, one of the most beautiful and a very well elaborated upon passages in the Quran, it talks about the qualities and the characteristics of those people who are the true slaves of Allah subhanho With the island. Now, one thing that we find very common in the Quran is that whenever Allah subhanaw taala begins to console, the Gambia, it was it was salam about the ridicule that they have been receiving, or the criticism they have been receiving, or how many times different prophets and messengers were called magicians, they were called sahas, or Kehinde, or soothsayers or fortune tellers, and so forth, and they were criminalized and so forth. And so Allah
subhanho wa taala, whenever he will console them, interestingly, one is to console a person by saying, Don't worry, unprofitable law, these people, they will be rounded up on the Day of Judgment, they will be held accountable for their wrongdoings and so forth. But one is to consult someone by talking about yourself. And that's exactly what Allah subhanaw taala does here. So the question is that, why would ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala talk about his creation, when you're trying to console someone, and this is the whole point is that Allah subhana wa Taala within the creation, Allah subhanho wa taala, he wants us to reflect upon the creation. And when we reflect upon the creation
of Allah, then we will find that the creation of Allah, the universe is so much more bigger. And the majesty and the creation and his power are so amazing that it really leaves the ridicule behind and it really makes it so seamless, it makes us so minut and so insignificant. And so this is something that we find very common in the Quran. So next time when you're reading the Quran, and you come across Allah subhanho wa taala, trying to console any of the prophets, talking about his creation. This is usually the purpose behind that. Now, we also see that in this upcoming passage, as I just said, that here the Prophet sallallahu something is being told by Allah subhanho wa Taala that
reflect on the signs of Allah reflect on his creation, and not just refined by reflect with an open mind and with an open heart. Because when you reflect on the creation of Allah with an open mind and open heart, then eventually this is very significant in addressing any kind of lingering effects of the hardships that are caused by these people or the unbelievers or here in this case, it is the Quraysh so once again, now Allah subhana wa Tada, he goes into all this and once again, Allah subhanaw taala tells us that when you reflect, one of the key things that you will see is that first of all, everything around you and the very first thing you must say is Rob Bernama. Halacha, about
Allah, that Allah subhana wa Taala you have not created all this in vain. There is a purpose behind every single thing. But once again, everything requires mind and heart and you have to really reflect upon these things with reflect on the creation of Allah with these two things. Now, we find in the an ayah number 45 Allah subhanaw taala it says, And I'm telling you that Rebecca came from the Linda, when OSHA Allahu Sakeena from Madonna, Sham Saudi the Lila now I want you to pay attention to this because Allah subhanaw taala here in this ayah he says, Have you not seen how your Lord extends the shade? So Allah subhanaw is talking about a shade and then he says he could have
simply made it remain still if he has so willed from Madala shum sama Jana shumsa Allah He the Lila, then we will then we will make then we make the sun its guide. So Allah subhanho wa Taala he's saying and then in number 46 He says the muck about the above now who is a Napa bologna Sierra that causing the CHE to retreat gradually. So Allah subhanho wa Taala first of all, is talking about a shade and a shade that extends and I want you to understand this that when the sun rises from the east, initially there is not a shade
But as the sun gets to the midday point, and it starts to set towards the west, it begins is setting process into the West, you see that there is a che that begins to die b that is created. And as the sun is dipping towards, and it's coming towards the west, that shade becomes bigger and bigger. And this is why Subhanallah when you said even the fifth of salaat, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he talks about the timing of the horn and the timing of ulcer, or I would say, the end time of the heart and the beginning of time for us, then there's a lot of debate, of course, between the Alama that when does the time of the hard finish and when does also time finish. And of course,
there's a major there's not there's two major opinions in regards to this matter, some say that it starts also starts when everything the shadow everything is times one, and the one of the say that one of the shadow everything is times to that is when the time also starts. But nonetheless, these are Allah subhanaw taala is talking about now Allah says right here in the middle, that if we wanted, we could have kept her remain mean that the sun is there. And if he wanted he could just keep just keep it status quo. And the sun is not moving, the shadow is not growing. Allah subhanaw taala kept it this way that Allah says he and then we make the sun its guide, so mean that the sun
is guiding this shadow. So the more the sun is setting towards the west, the more this the shadow is growing. So Maka Baba now who Elaina
causing the shade to trough to retreat gradually. So what happens is that as a sunsets on one end, than the shadow is eliminated, so Allah subhanaw taala this is what he says in these two ideas. Now what is the message behind these two is to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The very first thing is that the image of a shadow or a shade in this idea imparts to a troubled and a tired person who is also so long, why do you settle up, and Allah subhanaw taala is trying to provide a sense of comfort and relaxation to the Prophet alayhi salam, we all know that when you talk about a shade, when you talk about a very hot day, you're all we all are looking for a shade, a shade to park our
car, a shade to sit underneath. And so we find this. And so when we talk about a shade, we talk about a place that is or a place of comfort, a place of relaxation. And so how long you know even when you see like these infomercials talking about the Bahamas and all these other kinds of exotic Islands, where people go for vacation destinations, then what we see is that you don't ever see them sitting out in the sun mode for the most part. Most of the time you see them sitting in the shade, sometimes they're sitting in on a chair underneath a shade of a palm tree and so forth, because that shade provides relaxation. So Allah subhanho wa Taala is as if Allah subhanaw taala is trying to
provide this message to the Prophet sallallahu ala he was sending them that have you seen this shade, and mean that this relaxation and comfort that will come eventually from Allah subhanaw taala, meaning that good times will eventually come to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. At the same time Allah subhanaw taala says that on the flip side, if you want to take shadow as something that is dark, so mean that you're you're talking about troubled times, and the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah is saying that as the sunsets and this shadow is gone, then eventually Allah subhanaw taala he takes a shadow away, there is no remnants of that shadow
anymore. So Allah subhanho wa Taala as if he's signed to Prophet A salaam, that either you can take it as a meaning of relaxation, and comfort and happiness. And if you take it as that it is dark. So you're taking it in a sense of a metaphorical darkness that how, you know sort of translating this or connecting this to the discomfort that was caused by the Quran, that eventually just as the shadow is gone, eventually Allah subhanho wa Taala will take away these kinds of people and they will not be they will not be in a position to to hurt you anymore. So this is Allah subhanho wa Taala consoling the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam And subhanAllah we see that just like a
shadow slowly and gradually it begins as he grows, but eventually it is eliminated. Likewise, Allah subhanho wa Taala is trying to impart upon Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that we understand that, first of all you were in Makkah, and how much ridicule and how much rejection you faced. And then you went to Medina and it's as if that you were able to live there in peace. First of all, there was an attack. There were people trying to come after you and the lies of the Sahaba of the Allahu unknown people who were external forces external enemy forces. And not only that, but you had signed a contract and a treaty and an agreement with the people of your own town but these same
people of your town, they had also betrayed you which were the bundle or ala but another in the bundle Panama and not only that, but the hypocrites
I lead by absorbing obey then saloon. These were this was the internal attack. So the Prophet Allah Islam, Allah subhanaw is trying to provide you some that we understand that when you're living in Mecca, you're facing a challenge. Now you're living in Medina, the challenge only grows, because even though you're living in a more better place than before, but now you're facing an external challenge, and an internal challenge. And so when you're facing with all these kinds of things, sometimes a person can feel helpless. At the same time. We all know that when it comes to the children's Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, when it comes to the wives of the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, there were two wives, not just one wife, but two wives who died during his lifetime. There were out of his seven children, he had to bury six of them with his own hands. Not only that, but you have countless amount of Sahaba, the Allahu unknown, who were very near and dear to the heart of the Prophet sallallahu Are you send up and to watch them pass away and to watch them being killed. And not only that, but there were other events such as the treachery of Rajouri, the treachery of beautiful Barona, and all these you have these, these situations that took place where the Sahaba were taken, or they were sent with the right intention, and right and here, and they were
killed, and they were murdered. And this was, of course, very difficult upon the Prophet sallallahu sallam, but once again Allah subhanho wa Taala is consoling the prophet that eventually just as the shade eventually is gone, and is no longer there. Likewise, these difficult times will also be eliminated from your from your life. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the next idea, well who will levy Giada Hola, como Leilani Batson when no muscle baton wotja on the head on the Shula. He is the one who has made the night for you a cover and made sleep for resting and the day for rising. So Allah subhanho wa Taala once again in this idea is trying to as if sending this message the Prophet
salallahu it he was setting up that when that shade is gone, then the night comes and the night it covers everything. It covers the intimate objects, the inanimate objects, it covers every single living thing, every single living creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala and then Allah says when no masu baton, and Allah subhanho wa Taala has created the sleep at night as a place as a rest and everything seems usually at night and Allah Subhana Allah has created the night for sleeping was on the head on the Shula. And then in the morning, people eventually wake up and they they spread out into the land of Allah subhanho wa Taala in the morning, and once again, Allah subhanho wa Taala is
again saying that just like the night it comes, but eventually it is gone. And we learned this from Surah with Doha, when we talk about what Doha the break of dawn, when you talk about the sun breaking through incoming and making an exposing itself. Likewise, Allah subhanaw taala in the prophets of Salaam, that when you talk about darkness, when you talk about troubled times, they are not permanent, but rather they are temporary. And once they are gone, then they are gone. And so remember that in these kinds of situations always remain connected to Allah subhanho wa taala. And this is once again a very powerful lesson for all of us too. As even being a Muslim, we always have
to understand that if I'm going through my own personal troubles, if I'm going through my own personal challenges, then they are not permanent. They are temporary in sha Allah, and Allah subhanho wa Taala will help us get through them. And a person may say that, well, I may have to live my entire life with this difficulty. Yet still compared to the ACA, it is still considered as a temporary time even though you might live a life of 50 6070 years and you may endure and you may have to experience that difficulty and hardship yet that 50 6070 years compared to the ark era is considered as very, very temporary. In the sha Allah in the hereafter Allah subhanaw taala will give
them an immense amount of reward. So inshallah we will go ahead and stop right here. Once again we'll continue with these ayat that Allah subhanho wa Taala is really talking about himself, and he's talking about the different types of creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala his own creation, but once again within this there's a very subtle point that has been sent to the Prophet sallallahu if some ask Allah subhanaw taala Dickey was steadfast upon at the end of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam May Allah grant us somewhere in every single difficulty that we may experience in our life and middle blood. I mean, does akmola hate Assalamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh?
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