Nadim Bashir – Revival #04 – Sweetness of Faith

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary © The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted people, causing people to feel the feeling of being in a situation where one is the feeling of being in a situation where one is the feeling of being in a situation where one is the feeling of being in a situation where one is the feeling of being in a situation where one is the feeling of being in a situation where one is the feeling of being in a situation where one is the feeling of being in a situation where one is the feeling of being in a situation where one is the feeling of being in a situation where one is the feeling of being in a situation where one is the feeling of being in a situation where one is the feeling of being in a situation where one is the feeling of being in a situation where one is the feeling of being in a situation where one is the feeling of being in a situation where one is the feeling of being in a situation where one is the
AI: Transcript ©
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salam Wa alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatu Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah here Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi aji marine about Islam on equal my brothers and sisters anywhere you may be. This is originally a soul hot at all so I hope you all are, you know getting fresh and up, getting ready for the whole time in sha Allah have something healthy have something nice and in sha Allah pray some clear Milady some tahajjud it make dua to Allah subhana wa Tada. Make dua for yourself make dua for your parents make dua for your family, make dua for everyone in the Ummah and make dua overall the May Allah subhana wa Taala

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relieve us from this pandemic, may Allah subhana wa Taala bring us to our massages, I know that this is something so difficult for all of us that we are at the masjid and especially Soho time, you know, you go to the masjid after so hold for subtle Fudger with your entire community. But unfortunately, these are the situations so keep everyone in your dwelling May Allah subhanho wa Taala open his doors, the doors of his house upon us Mirabella Alameen. Brothers and sisters if I were to eat something really sweet, okay, imagine after if thought, you know you're eating something really sweet. And you're you know you're eating it. And you're like, so delicious. So delicious. And

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someone tells you that can you please describe to me what exactly is that taste? The first thing you will say is that I can't describe that to you, you will have to go and taste it for yourself. Because that is what that is what we call something sweet, right? Something that you can taste. You really cannot tell anyone how that feels, till they don't get a taste for themselves. Brothers and sisters, we understand that there's something called sweetness when it comes to food. But there's also sweetness when it comes to Iman. Yes, there is something called hello what an amen. In fact, I want to share with you a hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, wherein he either used

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Salam says in this hadith narrated by an incipient medical Viola to the line. He says Salah THON that there are three people man couldn't fee he was the Hala water Eman. Whoever has three traits within themselves. They will savor they will taste the sweetness of faith. And then the first thing that Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says is that men can Allahu wa rasuluh or have been in a mercy where Huma, he said Allahu alayhi wa sallam says, Who are the very first of those types of people who will taste who will taste the sweetness of iman. It is one who loves Allah and His messenger said Allahu alayhi wa sallam, more than anything else in the world. And then he says,

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Well, mine, I have barbudan lair you Hey, boo hoo Illa Illa and one who loves another servant of Allah subhanho wa Taala and he loves him only for the sake of Allah subhanho wa taala. And finally, he said, Allahu alayhi wa sallam said, Well Mejia Kira a year older Phil Kufri. BA is an anakata Hello, camera, your crew and your coffee. Now, the problem is some says that in the last person is the one who hates to turn back to disbelief after Allah subhanho wa Taala has saved him just as he despises and he dislikes to be thrown into the fire or Jahannam there's a hadith is mentioned is motif Macaulay it is mentioned in Bukhari and Muslim imam. No, we're not going to lie. I didn't want

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to explain this hadith he says that what does it mean to have the Hala with an Iman, he says that this is a feeling that first of all, only the person who is going through this feeling only they can describe what this feeling is. It is when you put yourself through hardship in difficulty, only to please Allah subhanho wa Taala and only to only to live by the practices of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Once again, just like when you're eating something sweet, you may not be able to describe it. Likewise, when a person goes through the difficulty, then they are going through the sweetness that will allow you no one can feel that they cannot even probably describe it. In fact,

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just to give you an example, going back to the story of the addition of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam when I say the more than the person who will call out the event in Masjid Nabawi

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The first thing, the first name that comes to our mind is who bedarra. The alotta. And so once it's a habit of the alotta on whom we're sitting would be done. And they were asking him about the difficulties that he went through. As you know, before he was before his freedom was, or before his, he was freed. And he mentioned that there were times when he was put on the hot surface ground, and rocks were being put on his chest, to ensure that the floor or the ground and the heat on the ground, it comes in contact with his back. And just think about the suffering that be that is going through. Not only that, but there were times where people were dragging him in the streets. Think

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about someone dragging you in a street, the pain that a person goes through. And then the question that was always asked is that oh, Bilal, how did you go through that? What made you go through that? On one end, you said la either Hey, Lola, and they made you go through this, but no matter how much they will do to you, you were still still so adamant. You were still so steadfast. Oberland will lead that. And he says Mazeppa, to Moratalla, dab Behala. Within Eman Subhanallah, he says the bitterness of the torture in me mixed with the sweetness of faith. And because of that, he says, For the Lord Hala water him Iman. So you have the either the torment and the punishment, the bitterness

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of that torment that he's going through, versus the holla. Within Eman. It is a constant battle within him. Now if the bitterness of torture overcame him, he may would have given up. But he says the sweetness of faith overcame me, meaning that no matter what it was, no matter what difficulty I was going through, because at the end of the day, I know that I'm pleasing Allah and His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that feeling and that sweetness that was coming to me the sweetness of iman, is something that I cannot describe it. And just to give you an a beautiful example, you know, something that I thought about, you know, especially for those people who love to eat very spicy

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food, you don't have you? Have you seen someone that when they eat something really spicy. Imagine if you saw someone who ate something really spicy, and they're sweating. And they're telling and they're telling you give me water Give me water. Now if you see a person like that, you would say that this person is going through pain. I mean, think about Imagine, imagine this a person is sweating. And there's a Give me some water, give me some water, you think that they're going through pain? But Subhanallah if you ask that person who's eating that sweet food, or that spicy food, I apologize. And you ask them that? How is that food? They will tell you? So amazing food. So you told

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them that while on one end, you're you're sweating. And it seems like you're in pain. But they will tell you that that spicy this is that key. I cannot explain to you how amazing that spice is just like that Bilal is going through this torture. But he's saying there's something sweet about this. This is brothers and sisters that holla to Iman, or think about this. Another sign or another way to understand this Halawa to Iman is think about a person who just converted to Islam. And I'm sure that there are a lot of times a lot of experiences and a lot of situations where you have seen a person who has gone through this conversion process. Now, you know, subhanAllah as an Imam, there's

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a lot of people I've given shahada to. And there are times when I've seen people cry. And I've seen people I've seen at times people who don't cry, and as always came to my mind that why exactly are there crying, like you know, you cry when you go through a very emotional experience. There are people that they go through a journey to come to Islam, a very difficult a very painful journey to come to Islam. Or just think about this. Imagine if a person is far from Allah, a person does believe in Allah. But their life is not connected to Allah subhanho wa taala. And all of a sudden one day, just they turn their life around, and they're making dua to Allah. And while they're making

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dua to Allah, they're crying. They're crying. This person is going through this sweetness of faith, going back to the person who just converted to Islam, and they're crying. They're crying. Why? Because they went through that journey, and they know what it took to get all the way here versus a person who may not cry. A lot of times when you ask them they will say that they studied this religion and that religion and Islam

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made more sense and that's why I became a Muslim. They may have probably not gone through a journey like the other person did. And this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says in, in a hadith narrated by a best when the Allah tryin, this is the uncle of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He says that Papa Amil Iman the Prophet alayhi salam says that he has tasted the sweetness of faith. Who which person is that person? He says mineralia biLlahi Robben that person who says that I am pleased with Allah as my Arab will Islamic deen and and Islam as being my code of life My way of life in my Deen will be Muhammad Rasul Allah and I am pleased with Muhammad being my Rasool.

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This is what brings a person closer to Allah, that when you say that everything is in the hands of Allah subhanho wa taala. When you say that muy bien is Islam, everything that I represent is Islam. And the person that I follow is Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that is when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that when a person has this mentality and this concept, then this is when a person will have that Gautama Eman. The Prophet of Islam says that he has tasted, this person will taste the sweetness of faith and Iman. And just to you know, SubhanAllah. In addition to that, I want to also share with you that this is not just only a hadith, but this is

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also a very beautiful dua to in fact, I want to share with you that this is from the Hadith of the Prophet SAW Allah why do some that we find that anyone who recites three times and just think about his brothers and sisters, how long does it take to recite Ravi to be lucky Robin? Will Islam Medina and William Mohammed maybe yeah, it probably just takes three seconds, three seconds. If you even accumulate, how long it takes to recite this three times, will probably 10 seconds at the maximum. Listen to this reward. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has mentioned that anyone who resize this three times the morning and three times the evening, it is upon Allah think about this, it is

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upon Allah, to please Him, and to be pleased with him on the day of judgment. Subhanallah think about knowing that if I recite this three times the morning and three times in the evening in sha Allah, it probably takes 20 seconds a day, 20 seconds throughout 24 hours. That's all you need. And it is incumbent upon Allah to be pleased with this person on the day of judgment and to please this person Subhanallah so this is why this is a very beautiful, not only a hadith, but dua that we should all memorize. Finally, another sign of this Halawa to Iman, in a hadith Narrated by Abu Huraira ova Allah I know where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says mon hubba Aug De Palma

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Eman whoever would love to taste the flavor of fade the sweetness of iman fall you hibel Mara lair you hey boo 11 Allah azza wa jal, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that when you love someone, love that person only for the sake of Allah subhanho wa taala. Now, just to give you an example, what does this mean? Because I'm sure I'm sure you've heard that to love someone for the sake of Allah. And to not like someone. You know, a lot of people say hate someone, hate is a very strong word, I would never use the word hate. But I will say dislike someone or despise someone for the sake of Allah. What does that mean? It means that a lot of times today when we connect with

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other people, when I respect someone else, when I love someone else, and I show that I love that person, you know why we do that in many cases, is because there is something about this person that I want, or we know that if I am friends with this person, then this is a connection. And this is building me building my network, that tomorrow if I need something from this person, I can give him a call and I can get something from him. A lot of times our connections and our relationships are, you know, benefit based. We don't do it because this person is my brother. He says La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasool Allah, that's why I love this person. That's all it is. There are very few

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situations where we love another person only for Allah sake. Because a lot of times as I said, we're building relationships because at the end of the day, I want to benefit my dunya. So this is this is why it is important to love someone for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala This also means that I have no connection with this person but that because this person brings me closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala This is why I love this person. And then on the on the flip side you have despising another person for the sake of Allah and what that means is that we cannot see a

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times either we're going to dislike someone completely that means that if the I dislike a certain behavior or a certain action of theirs, that a lot of times we go as far as disliking the person altogether that is in itself one extreme by the way. And then the other extreme is what that will we find in the Quran, where Allah subhanho wa Taala has mentioned about Bani Israel in Loreena Lavina Kapha roaming Bani Israel either allegedly selling the Buddha or IE seven Imodium there Lika Bhima also walk out on Yatra doing people bunnies saw in a group of them were cursed why canula yet and a homeowner among caring for aloo they had a friend, that friend will do something wrong. And then

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they will say that what you're doing is wrong. But because he's my buddy, you know, he's my friend. At the end of the day I don't you know, I know that he's doing something haram. But because I can get some benefit from him. There's something with him or something that he has, or a resource that he has that I can benefit from him. So that's why I'm going to remain friends with him no matter what the situation is. Our dean has taught us a balance. You don't dislike the person completely. You cannot completely just be friends and completely ignore what that person is doing. Our dean has taught us a middle ground. Okay, Attica John Locke, Come on Martin was author you are a middle

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ground nation, and how do we behave in that kind of situation, we are connected with that person, we still are going to behave with that person with the club of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because a lot will even Musa Alehissalaam to talk to fit around in a humble way. Now Allah who is that can Oh Yaksha probably this may be this may bring him closer to Allah. So we're going to behave with that person, like the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam. At the same time, we're going to despise that one thing that he's doing, and we're going to explain that to them, that no matter what it is, what you're doing is absolutely wrong. And that's why I may not be able to socialize with you

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too much because of what you're doing. This is what it means to disconnect yourself from a person for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala no other reason, just because this person is doing something that can that can displease Allah subhanho wa Taala This is why we are disconnecting from that person. So this is what it means to like someone for the sake of Allah dislike someone for the sake of Allah. Once again, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has told us that you will save her and you will taste the sweetness of faith when you love someone only for the sake of Allah. Because think about this. If you like someone for the sake of if you like someone for worldly gain, and you

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don't get it, you're going to dislike that person. If you get it, you're going to feel hypocritical inside you're going to feel terrible inside. I just use this person. This is why when you do it for Allah sake, you're not worried about whether he's gonna say thank you to you or not how many times we get so upset I helped you out and you didn't say thank you to me. But when you do it for Allah sake, when we do it for Allah sake, then we are expecting the appreciation not from them, but from Allah subhanho wa taala. So this is why this is the Halawa to Iman, I ask Allah subhana wa Taala to give us this Halawa to Eema and may Allah subhanho wa Taala give us this ability to do those right

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things, to love each other only for Allah sake, and do those things that can bring us closer to Allah subhanho wa taala. And not only that, but grant us the sweetness of faith and Hala within Iman in our life. Finally, I will I just want to just recite just for you to us that we find in the Quran and the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, things that we can do and do ours that we can do to revive and to increase our faith. And you can hopefully memorize these to us in sha Allah, if you want you can even even recite with me if you know these do eyes, and you can go back later on and find these devices in sha Allah in the Quran. The very first one is from SOTL Sudha Ali Imran

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the third surah in the Quran. ayah number eight, Allah says Robina and this is a dua that we all are making. And once again, if you're watching this at the time of Soho, please do make this dua Robina Oh Allah Allah to zero Kulu BANA do not let our hearts deviate by the it had a dinner after you have given us guidance. Well habla Nam Illidan Kurama Oh Allah grant us mercy from you truly in NACA until the herb Oh Allah, you are the one who bestows upon other people. And the second dua that I will recite is a it is actually an idea from Susan Girard. And the idea is a very beautiful idea. It is talking about those people who have faith, but I'm adding the beginning I'm adding in the very

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beginning Allah Houma and I'm supplicating to Allah subhanaw taala so we ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, Allah Houma O Allah Habibur Elayna Eman, O Allah make faith

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Then eemaan Beloved to us and beautiful to us was a in houfy Akula fecal Obinna and make it beautiful make make Islam and faith Beloved to us and make it beautiful in our hearts. were correct Elaine l kufra. Well for Zuko wala ser N O Allah make for things make few things hateful to us. What are those things disbelief wickedness and disobedience Oh Allah we asked you to make all these three things hateful to us. Allah whom Madonna Mia Rashid in Oh Allah we ask you to make us from those who are the rightly guided this is once again from sort of Herat. Ask Allah subhanho wa Taala these doors that we have made and there's so many more doors in sha Allah every so what inshallah we were

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going through some do as quickly, we won't go through the explanation of those to us, but I'll be reciting those to us Inshallah, you can recite those two hours with me and go back later on to these videos and get these two hours in sha Allah. I ask Allah subhana wa Taala to keep us steadfast upon our deen, may Allah subhanaw taala increase in our faith, may Allah subhanho wa Taala Make our faith strong and in Him and ask ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala that may He gives us the ability to taste emaan not once, but occasionally and all the time in our life and mutable datamine does Zach Malachite a salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh shareholder on Melbourne, at

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the Luffy Hill Lupo.

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you read on libido more you saw wanna you read Do people know salam to Milan tonight that I wanted to belong

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