Nadim Bashir – Khatira – It’s Not Hard to SAY SORRY

Nadim Bashir
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So don't want equal label Catherine.

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Mr. Muhammad Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Mohammed while earlier he was a hobby of mine and my God.

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So hello. When we say the CEDAW, the Prophet said, Allahu alayhi wa salam, one of the things that we learn is that while he conquered, and while he wants so many battles, the most important thing that he won was people's hearts. And because he won people's hearts, so many people, they flocked to Islam, so many people there were so admired by his crop, and they became Muslims. Today, one of the most important things that we see when it comes to our own character, is that we all are human beings, and as being a human being, we're going to be flawed, we have flaws, and a lot of times those flaws they come out in different times. But one of the things that I've seen and one of the

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things that we have to be reminded about is part of being a human being and committing flaws, just like when we find in the case of Allah subhanho wa Taala when we cross the limits of Allah subhanho wa Taala what is the prophet li some say? That, that Allah subhana wa Taala he loves those who make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah subhanho wa Taala loves those who understand and they and they regret they're doing and they turn to Allah subhanho wa taala. And this is why Imam No, we don't have to Loyola he talks about that when you do something that is wrong, and you make Toba. There are some conditions of Toba. And when those conditions are Towba is that you feel remorse in your heart.

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But what happens when you do something wrong to someone else? What happens when you say something? When we say something that is completely offensive? disrespectful, when we completely disregard other people's feelings, and we just walk over their their emotions we care not nothing about them. What happens in that kind of situation? I asked you what would the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam do? When when a prophet saw someone was one standing there and he's lining up the Sahaba for battle. He came to once a hobby, and he poked him in his stomach a little. The Sahaba Yara Sula, you poke me I want to get even with you. They're probably some said, Okay, fine. Here you go. And he

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went, and he kissed the seal of the Prophet of the Prophet SAW Salem. But what's the point of that story is that when you and I when we do something that is wrong, how many of us we go back and we apologize to someone. Just sincerely apologize. I've done something wrong, brother. I've done something that is wrong sister, or we go back to our own family. You know, we go back to our wife, we go back to our husband, we go back to our children, we go back to our relatives, we go back to our parents. I'm sorry, I messed up. I slipped up. I was not I was not thinking right at that time when I said that. I sincerely apologize. So this is what I want to talk about today apologizing? Why

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can we not apologize? A few things that we got to understand number one, is that when you apologize, you apologize with sincerity. When you go to someone and you say that I'm sorry. You actually mean it. Imagine someone hurting you. And they come to you to apologize. And they just say okay, I'm sorry and just walk away. You can see from their tone, that there is no sincerity. They don't actually mean it when they say that they're sorry. The very first thing is that when you go to say to say sorry to someone, be sincere in your apology. The second thing that we learned importantly from the seed of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is that when you apologize, it crushes your

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ego. What happened in the case of shaytaan he did not even realize he didn't even care that he made a mistake. In fact, you began to justify the wrong that you began with that you're doing. He says an Ohio men HELOC attorney Mineiro halacha human pain when you do something that is wrong, and you're able to sit down and think and we understand Subhanallah This is the beautiful thing about this fitrah that Allah has created within you and I have this innate human nature, deep down inside even though on face we may show that I don't care. I made a mistake. And that's fine. But some because that's the society that we live in today. Right? The society that we live in today shows that when

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you apologize it is a sign of your weakness. But Subhanallah what we don't realize is this is not a sign of our weakness. This is a sign of our ego. This is a sign of our to cover that I've done something that is wrong. But I want to show a face I want to show that I'm strong. I want to show that I will put people in their places. So I will say whatever I want to say whether they like it or not. And deep down inside when you sit down and you think about it, we have done something that is wrong. But when you go and

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You simply apologize. What you're doing is that you're crushing that ego. And this is once again as I shared with you the beginning of the hotrod, that when it comes to email, no, we what he said that when it comes to us and Allah subhana, WA Tada, there has to be a genuine remorse. Likewise, when you go to someone, then that's exactly what happens is that you are showing that genuine remorse, and you are apologizing to that person, and you are crushing that ego. The third thing that we got to keep in mind is, you don't there's a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu it was send them but now your school nurse law school, Allah, whoever cannot appreciate people, they cannot appreciate it,

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Allah subhanho wa taala. Now do not take this hadith very literally what this hadith actually means the essence of this hadith is that when you cannot appreciate the small things of people, when you cannot appreciate the small things in life, you cannot appreciate the big things in life. So if I cannot go and appreciate a simple human being, how can I appreciate something that is greater than the human being, we just don't do that it's a human thing. So it starts off with small things, you appreciate the small things in life, eventually you appreciate the big things in life. Now think about this from the context and from the point of view of apology. If I cannot even say a simple

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sorry, if I cannot apologize for the small things in my life, then how will I apologize to Allah subhanho wa taala. If I cannot apologize for the small things in life, I cannot apologize to people. So someone who's greater than the human being, which is Allah subhanho wa taala. Because once again, we're filled with the ego. So this is why it's very important. If I've heard anyone go back to them simply saying, I apologize, I've done wrong, and you step on your ego and you crush that ego for the moment. But Wallah, you will feel so happy that I've done something that is right. And this is the beauty of our deen and the beauty of you know, something that's natural. When ever you do something

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that is good. Whenever you do something that is noble, it brings you some satisfaction, it brings peace to your heart. So when you do something like this, it will bring peace to your heart. Now the last thing that's also very important that when we talk about this apology is this. And I want to link this to something that I talked about around a week and a half ago about forgiving and forgetting if you remember I talked about this, you know, subhanAllah after giving that talk, I remember some people they came to me after that. And they said that, well, what if someone has done something that is wrong, because I talked about, you know, learning how to forgive, but you cannot

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forget it, you just you have to live with it. But someone came to me and said that what if someone has done something wrong to you, and you want them to come and apologize to you. And it never occurred to me that this is actually a this is a problem that many people are living with. This is a pain. This is really a pain that many people are living with. I then you know, began to read some other books about this. And then now that Subhanallah the other day I was sitting on a clubhouse. And people were you know, you know, it's a social media app, people are coming people are talking about that they're living in pain. And the pain that they're living in is that they know that

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someone has done something wrong to them. They know that that person also knows that they've done something wrong to you too. But they don't come and they don't apologize. Why it may be because their ego why because they feel like they don't need to come and apologize to you. And it pains you inside that you look at this person. And you know they've done something wrong to you. They know they've done something wrong to you, but they won't come and apologize to you. And inside you're just in pain. Let me share something that will bring some peace to your heart. Don't ever put your happiness in other people's hands.

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Don't put your happiness, your comfort, your ability to move forward in life and other people's hands. If you're gonna wait for them to come and apologize and you're putting your happiness on that condition. You're not going to be able to be happy in life, you're not going to be able to move forward in life. Imagine if that person passed away What are you going to expect that they come out of the grave and apologize to you, if they have never apologize to you till they died? is not going to happen. So that's why if there is something that has happened in our life, someone has done something wrong to us. We see that person we come across that person and they know they did

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something wrong, that is wrong. But they don't come and apologize. Leave that between them and Allah subhanho wa Taala but please do not live in pain and do not live in that moment or do not expect that I will only

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be happy if they come and apologize, what you're doing is you're putting someone else in control of the happiness of your life. And subhanAllah. You know, you when you read books on life coaching and so forth, it talks about this, that when you this is your life, either you're going to let someone else control your life, or you're going to control your life. When you drive the car, when you drive your own car, are you the driver, or you're the passenger? If you're the driver of your own car, you will control the car. If you're a passenger in your life, you have no say on how the person drives your intent. So that's why, why let why put our happiness in someone else's hands. If they don't

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apologize, leave it to Allah subhanaw taala but learn how to move forward in life. I'm not saying that just let it go. Leave it to Allah subhanho wa Taala And subhanAllah I mean, it's shocking that how many people they live in this pain over and over again and the and they say should we just then what happens there's no consequences. Consequences will be in the hereafter. That's why that day is Yom will Jezza it is the day of ultimate consequences and ultimate return or whether you want to call it retaliation, revenge or getting even that day is that ultimate day in this dunya we don't get that justice. So leave it to Allah subhana wa Tirana, I ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us

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amongst those who are humble at heart. If we have done anything, go back and apologize Wallahi it will bring peace and happiness to your heart. Ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us free amongst those who will always do what is right and to stay away from what is wrong. I mean, no but I mean, there's akmola head and said I'm already going to label Catherine

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