Nadim Bashir – Khatira – Indeed the Human is UNGRATEFUL!

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary © The struggles of Islam's "ham[[ involve people achieving their dreams and struggles with achieving them. They stress the importance of learning from past experiences and avoiding social media. The speaker emphasizes the need to be grateful for one's actions and resist negative consequences. The ability to see and smell is crucial to achieving their dreams.
AI: Transcript ©
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We go back to subtle art of Allah subhanho wa Taala in the beginning of the Surah, very beautiful surah Allah subhanho wa Taala he talks about shaytaan and the encounter between him and the mighty Salaam and him and Allah subhanho wa Taala and at that time chiffon says something to Allah subhana wa Taala and it shows you that what shaytan is going to try to do to us and what he will try to turn us into Allah subhanaw taala says that shaytaan said to Allah subhana wa Tala T and no human being at him, I will attack the human being, I will attack your creation, because of whom I have been dismissed from Jana, I have been now deprived from your mercy. And this is shaytaan by the way, the

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reason why shaytaan goes against us and he tries to deprive us or he tries to deceive us and misguide us is to get revenge from his from our father Admati Islam, because he feels that it is is Adam, who was the cause of his dismissal from Jana. So now the best way to get even with Adam Alayhis Salam is to misguide the Children of Adam ani is Salam. So he says to me that at the end, no human being ad him, woman healthy him, I will attack him from behind. Why Emani him I will tell you attack him from his right side from his left side one Shema at him, and then he says to Allah subhanho wa Taala wala taggi do acceleron shackling you will find majority you will not find

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majority of them, being thankful to you Oh Allah subhanho wa Taala In other words, what she thought is saying the I will make sure the majority of the people that I will miss guide and the people that I will deal with, they will not be thankful to you for all the blessings that they have. Allah subhanho wa Taala this is something that we find often the Quran in Allah Allah do we follow the Nala? Nurse what I can axon NASCI la yesh karoun Allah subhanho wa Taala has granted us so many blessings, Yet Allah subhanho wa Taala says the majority of the people will not be thankful to Allah subhana wa to Allah. Allah says in the Quran, Waka Leela minute Reba dia Shaku, there's going to be

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only a handful of people, very few people amongst his creation who are truly thankful to Allah subhanho wa taala. And this is why the reason why we do this is because we don't understand we don't count the blessings of Allah subhanho wa taala. Allah says in Surah Ibrahim, we're into Adunni Rahmatullah de la sua, in insana level, lumen. kuffaar. Allah says that that they are not able to come all the blessings of Allah subhanho wa taala. Even if they attempt to count the blessings of Allah subhanho wa taala. Allah says lack of Su ha. This is a challenge where Allah subhanho wa Taala they cannot count all the blessings of Allah subhanho wa taala. And then Allah says in insana love

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or lumen, the word Volume One is not one is a volume one is a volume meaning that a person who exceeds in their womb, they realize they know how much Allah has given them yet they commit more than one and then he says CAFO kuffaar Who means is it is a type of ingratitude to Allah subhanho wa taala. And Allah subhana wa Taala also says in Surah Walla idea in Al Insana, Nairobi, he laka * that a person is truly ungrateful to Allah subhanho wa taala. And the reason why this is mentioned is that if you look at this entire Surah from beginning to this point in this surah, Allah subhanho wa Taala is talking about horses. And this was a surah that was revealed in Makkah, and the McCanns

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loved their horses, they love their battlefield horses. So what Allah subhanho wa Taala did was he gave them he painted a very beautiful picture about such amazing horses, such horses that are strong and brave in the battlefield, and you're running head on towards your enemy. And Allah subhanho wa Taala after he got the attention of the Moroccans, the people in Makkah, then he says in, in Santa, you know, behave like a *. Why like a * because the word lacquer * means that a person who's constantly be given more and more, but Allah subhanho wa Taala and they just do not realize how much they have. In fact, like I knew it also means that how much you have, you always focus on

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what you don't have what you have, you don't spend on others, but you keep on trying to hoard and hoard and also means that you live in a situation where you are blessed with countless blessings of Allah subhana wa Tala and yet we only focus on that which we don't have and how often does is have had this happen to us. And the reason why, you know, I'm talking about this the other day I went to go pick up my daughter from school, and she she came inside my car and you know, didn't home next week, they're all from schools. So what have they been talking to the kids about? What are they been asking?

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In the kids about the soon as my daughter came in the car she says, Daddy, what are you thankful for? Okay, what are you thankful for? And of course because of the situation because the time of the year, but the point is how many times our kids honestly Wallahi and if you think about it, how many times our kids they did not understand the concept of sugar, they don't understand the concept of being thankful to Allah subhana wa Taala look at the masjid that we have. Look at the community that we live in, look at how many things we have going on around us, no matter how many challenges are going on with Allah here we are so blessed first of all, the greatest blessing of Allah subhanho wa

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Taala that Islam Alhamdulillah him that he had an ally had a woman couldn't read after the Alola and ohada and Allah will Allah you when you travel, when you meet different people. When you see different things online with Allah He the first thing that comes from our mouth is Alhamdulillah Allah ista. First of all, this is the greatest blessing of Allah subhanho wa taala. Without this blessing, there is no other kind and there is no good in the akhira without this without law either had a long Muhammad Rasul Allah and what did you and I we do for La ilaha illAllah? Did we do something special? Did we do something extraordinary that Allah subhanho wa Taala said that I'm

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going to I'm going to give him and her a place in a Muslim family. I'm going to give them and let them be born in a Muslim family. This was truly the father of Allah Subhan Allah subhanho wa Taala so the question is the why are we so unfaithful to Allah? subhanho wa taala. Number one is we take things for granted. We take things for granted. And this is why we have to constantly teach our kids show them what they have, how many clothes do we have, how many shoes do we have? How much food do we have in our fridges, and yet our pantries, our pantries are so big today compared to long time ago, and yet our * are filled. And yet we keep on saying the same thing. We don't have enough,

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we don't have enough. So this is the very first thing why we are unfaithful to Allah subhanho wa Taala we take things for granted. Number two is we focus on what we don't have, rather than focusing on what we have, I remember Subhan Allah you take anything that we have, the fact that we can see is a blessing of Allah subhanho wa Taala the fact that we can smell is a blessing of Allah subhanho wa Taala the fact that you know, we can taste food Subhan Allah is such an amazing gift of Allah subhanho wa Taala I remember, several months ago,

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my father had a surgery, so I went to the hospital. And there the nurse was telling me my father, that her husband, think about this, her husband, he suffered, he had COVID, the early days. And one of the symptoms of COVID was you cannot taste or smell anything, right? Remember all this? She said he recovered from COVID. But if there was one thing he was not able to recover from was taste. She said till today, it's been two and a half years, he cannot taste anything.

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She said he does not know when his stomach is filling because he cannot taste anything. Well, I think about that. If Allah were to take away the power and the ability to taste, the ability to see the ability to smell, the ability to hear the ability to digest food Wallahi we will be we will be in a much worse state. Yet we don't focus on what we have. A man came by a man came to the to a person by the name of units been obeyed, and asked him and he told him, I don't have anything. He says okay, you feel like you don't have anything. Are you willing to give your hands for 1000 Dead homes? And he says no, I will not be willing to get my hands for 1000 homes. He said would you be

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willing to give your eyesight for 1000 homes? He said no. He says would you be willing to give your legs for 1000? Durham's? He said no, he said that you already have so much on your body that is limited that is unlimited. You have so much that is so prices on your body and you feel like you don't have anything. Often we focus on what we don't have, rather than focusing on what we have. This is why most many people they become ungrateful to Allah subhanho wa taala. And the third thing which is so important, and this is something that many adults do, we do, and also the children they do, and that is comparing our situation to someone else. You know, how often does it happen? You go

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on social media, you see a person traveling here traveling there, I'm going from here to there, and the first thing you feel to yourself, and I don't be I've not been going anywhere around, I've not gone anywhere there. Look at these people. They're going from here to there, they're going for camera, they're going for this vacation, and they're going to visit their families and so forth. And yet I'm stuck here at home. When we this is once again looking at other people's situation and then trying to be an

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We're becoming ungrateful to Allah subhanho wa taala. This is something that we have to really and we have to overcome, because the more we look at others, if social media is what is making us ungrateful, then disconnect yourself from social media, because there's always going to be people. And by the way, when you see people going around, and they have so much, many times we feel like look at their life, they are filled with so much happiness and so forth. You know how many times I've seen people that they have come to me and they have said, that family, this family, this person, that person, and Subhanallah, will Allah He is, I'm still shocked that when those same

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people they have come to me regarding their issues, I then understand there is no person who is truly happy on this dunya from the outside you might feel that this person is happy, and this person has this and that and they have been blessed with so much materialism, and they go here and they go there. But what Allah He every single person is dealing with some kind of struggle, there is no person who is living a life completely stress free, because that will be called Jana. There is no person who's living that life. So often when we focus on others, and we see what others have done. It makes us ungrateful for what do we have Abu Huraira Radi Allahu Anhu says in a hadith in a hadith

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of the Prophet sallallahu ala he was setting up the My nation will be afflicted by the diseases of the previous nations. And when the Sahaba said Yara Sula, what exactly what diseases are you referring to? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that one of the things that will be a disease for this OMA is being unthankful to Allah subhanho wa Taala along with many others, but one of them is being unfaithful to Allah subhanho wa Taala so this is why we have to truly be thankful to Allah subhanho wa Taala and what happens when we're not on when we're when we are unfaithful to Allah subhanho wa Taala Your Honor, they say that if ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala is giving you and you

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are still unthankful to Allah subhanho wa Taala they remember your unthankful because you want more and more not realizing that what you have is going to be taken by Allah subhanho wa Taala live in Chicago to see the Netcom Wallah in Catholicism in either Vida Shaadi we often complain because we don't have not realizing that when we are complaining, what we have is also going to be taken away from Allah subhanho wa taala. And the second thing the last thing that the Allamah they state which can bring with something that is a punishment of of our ingratitude or a result of our ingratitude is Allah subhanho wa Taala will send his punishment upon us. So the ultimate they say we stay away

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from sins, meaning that whatever blessing that you and I have been given to us by Allah subhanho wa Taala imagine a person has been given a blessing of a car, even a car in itself is a blessing of Allah subhanho wa Taala but we use a car to go to someplace which is haram, we use the blessings of Allah subhana wa Taala the eyes that Allah has given us, we use that in the Haram way, we have ears, it's a blessing of Allah, we use it in the wrong way. So the honor the state that making sure that we don't use the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala to commit sins, this is as form of ingratitude. And there are going to be punishments for this. I just read in southern fajr I just

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read the southern Fajr right now. Walk all the jewels julu The hem Lima Shanita Marlena, these things that we use to commit in justices against ourselves and against Allah subhanho wa Taala they will testify against us on the Day of Judgment. And we will say to these things that Nimisha hit them Elena, what are you testifying against me? We on the same side, you're part of me, I'm part of you. They will say untuck on Allah Who Levy and Takakura che wa who were halacha Kuma Well Mr. Ratan where he lay. He told John, did you not realize that you're not the one who created me? Who was the one who created me it is Allah subhanho wa Taala who created me and is Allah subhanho wa Taala that

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just as he gave you the ability to speak and he took away the ability to speak and he gave me the ability to speak and he's the one who has created you and I and we have to return to Allah subhanho wa Taala so this is why it is very, very important. And there's no harm I will say honestly, even if you sit down in front of the television, you show them a video on YouTube, what is going on all over the world? What is going on with Muslim kids all over the world? You look in Palestine so many times right for Ramadan comes when there's so much you know, when the atrocities increase and the Magnify. We see children standing outside their homes in simple rubble yet they're sitting on the unimat

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they're sitting on a sofa and they're having a thought and yet today our kids they have so much and yet they feel we don't have anything. This is why we show them these kinds of things to make them grateful to Allah subhanho wa Taala the more we are grateful to Allah, the more Allah subhanho wa Taala will give us I ask Allah subhana wa Taala to make us amongst the shagreen Allahu Madonnina Mina Shah Kinney Allahu Madonnina Mia shaking, we asked Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us the best in this dunya

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and occupy and resist amongst the shackling on the Day of Judgment. I mean, Robert ottoman, which is that Kamala Hey, Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh in

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Luna Allah

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swallow water he wants to label this NEMA

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in Alladhina you

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do Nia

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mother Molina well levena You Luna meanie now, Mina TV a while at MCC decibel Vanguardia Dan, Dan, oh, man movie

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