Nadim Bashir – Khatira – Don’t Doubt Allah’s System

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The speakers discuss the use of "medicals of Islam" to assert their claim on the legal system of Islam, citing examples such as the belief that Islam is a justice system and that men and women should not be the ones who believe in Islam. They also discuss the use of "one downside" labels to encourage people to stay on the "one upside" label to encourage people to stay on the "one upside" label. The segment ends with a discussion of the media and the media's use of the "one downside" label to encourage people to stay on the "one upside" label.
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There is a very interesting passage in the Quran. And the reason why I want to share today this passage is because we have this an issue, especially when it comes to our families, our family affairs, that people often I hear people say subhanallah that we don't trust. I've heard people say, and these are not people who are not Muslim, these are Muslims who say, we don't trust the Quranic system. We don't trust the Quran. We don't trust the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and though they may not say directly, they say very indirectly. A lot of times when there is issues between a husband and a wife, and you're talking about sometimes that separation, you hear
people say, I don't want to go through the Islamic system. I want to go through the court system. You hear a lot people say that, And subhanAllah there's a very beautiful passage in the Quran that talks about the warnings of seeing something like this or believing in a concept like this. There was a this is the sort of node Allah subhanho wa Taala says, We are who Luna Amman Billahi will be Razali what apart from Maya Wella for eco men whom embody Dalek, Walmart will of money in Allah subhanho wa Taala begins this small passage by saying that they say that they believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala mean that there are people who claim that we believe in Allah we're believers, we
are movements. We are who Luna Amana Billahi welbilt was truly they say that we believe in Allah, we believe in us allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam what upper honor and then they also obey Allah and His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for Maya one for the common human body Dalek. But then a handful of those people a furry furry is more than just a handful is a group of people amongst them. So among a group of those people amongst the believers, they turn their backs to Allah and His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Allah subhanho wa taala. He says one that will be Momineen I mean, subhanAllah this statement of Allah subhanho wa Taala is a very severe one. Because Allah
subhanaw taala saying that these people inside their heart, they actually believe that they're Muslims. So once again, just to give you a good, proper picture, you're talking about a overall community that says that they believe in Allah, and a group of those kinds of people. They say they turn their back to Allah subhanho wa Taala and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the same group of people who have turned their back to Allah and His Prophet, or they used Salam. They say that we are believers to Allah subhanho wa Taala says you think you are a believer but you're not a believer? Simple as that. And when Allah subhanaw taala decides who's a believer and who's not a
believer, you can think whatever you want, but you're not a believer then and then Allah subhana wa Tada says, What either do eat Allah He was so li Leah whom obey you know whom either funny or men who normally don't wear e Aquila, who will humble yet to labels are in somehow what an amazing statement by Allah subhanho wa taala. He says, When they are called to when they are called to the justice system of Allah subhanho wa Taala when they are called so that Allah and His Prophet Salam can make a judgment amongst these people. These people they turn their back to Allah subhana wa Putana I mean, look at this ayah I mean, it's almost as if that Allah Sabha Of course, Allah
subhanho wa Taala he knows, but this idea is a wake up call for all of us that Allah subhanho wa Taala is pinpointing the issue that we are facing today as a community as an ummah. Allah is saying that these are the kinds of people that when they are told to come to Allah and His Prophet SAW Salem, they say, No, we don't want to go to Allah and the Prophet SAW Salem, and the only time they will come to Allah and His Prophet SAW Salem, what he Aquila who will happen, if they are on the Huck, how often you know, people who are on the Hugli said, Yeah, let's go things by Sharia, by Sharia, but Subhanallah when they are not on the hook, they always want to go a different way. They
don't want to come to Allah and Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And by the way, there was a story behind behind this, that there was a munafo a man who was in a business dispute with a Jewish man in the time of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and think about this Jewish man, when he was in this dispute, and he wanted to resolve the dispute. He could have gone to his Jewish rabbis and so forth. But he said, Let's go to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa salam, think about how amazing the justice system is of Islam, that you have a Jewish man who's saying, let's go to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And by the way, by the way, there was one thing that you know,
if you study Islamic history, after Islamic history, or Islam expanded, Islamic I mean, the qualified Rashi don't they gave
have autonomy to all these people who are living in these countries. So if Muslims were to conquer a certain country, it was not as if Shetty AI will take over Yes, you will have a shadowy court. But then the then the Sahaba, or that the governing body, they would give the Jewish community the autonomy, that you can establish your own court also. And you as a Christian community, you can establish your own court also. And if you have disputes amongst yourselves, you can take it to those courts of yours. But Subhanallah, the justice of Islam, the justice system of Islam is so effective, and is so fair and is so balanced, that even in those kinds of particular situations, the Jewish
people would come to where the Islamic Courts Subhanallah because the Islamic court was that kind of system. And so by the way, now, coming back to the time of the problem, the seller, this Jewish man said, Let's go to the province of Salem, this will not fit the man said, we're not going to rob us a lot while he was setting them. Why? Because if we go to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he's going to render a judgment in your favor, and it's going to go against me, but it's going to go against them when I first met him because he was the one who was guilty here. So Allah subhanho wa taala. Then he comes even with a more amazing statement. He says that anyone who has this kind of
mindset that they don't have trust in the Islamic system, Allah says, a fecal will be him marathon, that is there a disease in their heart, is there a sickness in their heart? Then he says a vehicle to be Maradona, Emile taboo or SubhanAllah. What an amazing word by ALLAH SubhanA wa Tala. He says, or do they doubt Allah system? Do they doubt Allah system? You know, a few days ago I was sitting down on my computer, I was reading an article, and it was written by
a woman who basically is taking some certain ayat of the Quran. And she's twisting his so much so that she's making something that Allah has made haram into halal and her and she starts her premise by saying, the reason why she has come to this understanding of these ayat is because that Allah subhanho wa Taala has given men a certain concession, and he has not given women a certain concession and this is against the justice system. This is against what is right and what is wrong. And this is not fair. Think about that. A person saying that let me change Halal into haram because I doubt Allah system, or that Allah is not fair enough. Subhanallah Can you imagine someone making a
claim against Allah, that let me change Cherie? Because Allah is not fair. When Allah say He is Allah dill. He is Aladdin. When Allah says WOMMA rabuka Be Avila me Lila. arbete. Allah can never do against anyone, whether in this dunya or in the Occupy especially, Allah will never do loom against anyone yet you have people today. That's why Allah subhana what that this idea is so powerful, Allah say, is there a disease in their heart? Or do they actually doubt Allah system? Do they doubt the Islamic system? The Quran is saying this is a big issue. Or then Allah subhanho wa Taala says, I'm Johar. funa Aimia haIf Allahu alayhi him What are Zulu? Or do they actually? Are they scared that
Allah and His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will create or render a judgment not in their favor? Is that what they're afraid of? So Allah subhanho wa Taala is saying that you will find these kinds of people who they have a sickness in their heart, they run away from the justice system of Islam because they know and they're fearful that if they go to the justice system of Islam, then they may not get as much as others or they may get the short end of the stick. Or they actually have doubts in Allah subhana wa Tada system. And then Allah subhanaw taala says balule Iike who move on the moon, in fact that these people are the ones who are the absolute volume, they are the ones who
are the absolute oppressors. So Subhanallah what this is, this passage is telling us is and then on the on the flip side, right next, right next to that, right after that Allah subhanho wa Taala says, In Americana, cold and mumineen. On the other hand, the believers what do they do in America and opponent Romania, either drooling Allah, you were a Sunni he, Liang Babina Khomeini submit for honor. On the other hand, Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us the picture of the believers, that they are the such, they are a type of people that when it comes to matters, they are called to Allah and the Prophet SAW Salem, what do they say submit an hour of Ghana, they have a submission mentality
submission nature to Allah this Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then Allah subhanho wa Taala says Hola, ecoman, MFI home, these are the people who are successful. So Allah subhanho wa taala. In this passage, he tells us who are those who are the oppressors, and who are those who are the successful. Another reason why I shared this idea is because a lot of times today in our family matters. We choose and we we opt to not go to the Islamic system, you have so many people who say I don't want to go into the Islamic system. And when you say something like that, or you believe in something like that, Subhan Allah we have to be very careful and we should be very scared that this
is our mentality, though we may not have this label as a volume today. But if this is our mentality, and we die with this mentality, then we will be raised amongst the volley moon on the Day of Judgment. So Hala will be raised amongst the oppressors on the day of judgment and ask ALLAH SubhanA wa that to protect us from that. So this is something just you know, I want to share with you today just something a little different. Inshallah I do intend to keep on continuing this family series. There's a lot of issues once again in our family matters and our family affairs and so forth. And so I when I do want to cover those, but today I just want to take something from the Quran to provide
some perspective when it comes to Allah and Prophet SAW Allah while you were setting up. I ask Allah subhana wa to give us the fee to remain on the data hub to follow the Quran and Sunnah of Rasulullah saw salam ala Alameen what is that Malachite? Assalamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
in metal Mussolini now almost Lima Do you want meaning I will not mean it will quantity now look on it the more saw the pain I was for the bond the one saw the Rena was love your art the one for sharing you know
what waiting for Shireen? I want to call her she is the one downside BP now one downside the party was on me now was all in
one heavy Lena photo gentlemen one Hatfield was the was the Katina long I guess.
What's going on? I don't know hula?
Gentleman Eileen.