Nadim Bashir – Khatira – Allah Wants To Do 3 Things For Us. Summary ofSurahNisa

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary © The history and implementation of Islam in Surah Nisa, including dowry, marriage, children, and the deen, are discussed. The deen is too clear to make things easy for people and is impossible to be a authoritarian. The speakers emphasize the importance of culture in shaping life and avoiding fear. The need for people to avoid culture and fear is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Today inshallah I want to go through the very next surah. So in the very first session of mining we talked about sort of bucket off. After that we talked about Surah Al Imran, today inshallah we go, we come to the next Surah, Surah, Surah, Nisa, And subhanAllah once again if you look at the progression, there's a very beautiful progression that is taking place in the Quran. So the Bacara talked about the establishment of a new OMA and there is the responsibilities that come with the new Oma. And then the next ALLAH SubhanA which are talked about the how do you maintain firmness in your faith? Next, ALLAH SubhanA wa is talking about a very important issue. That is the the crux and the

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foundation for the success of any founder of any community. And this is something that when we say the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, of course, you study the Moroccan seal, the Moroccan see the seal of the Prophet SAW Salem, you say the machi sutras that will reveal to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you seem to see a very common theme. The MKi sutras often talk about Tohei, that is sila era, the previous nations, and not all previous nations, only some of them call me an icon with a mood and so forth. Why? Because the courage we're aware of them. And then at the same time, you see the medina surahs, the Madani surahs, and they're more about Africa and so

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forth. One thing that we learned that was from day one till the last day, that's something that Islam always really established, something that Islam always emphasized on was people's rights. This is why when Rasulullah sallallahu, it was set him he was given where he the very first thing even before why you think about this, even before when he the Prophet sallallahu it was always stood by people's rights. He always stood by making sure that justice is applied, making sure that people are not victims of other people's in justices. And this is why we find even before the Sierra the Prophet SAW Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was part of other groups, other other

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consultations and so forth, you will say that will always eradicate the injustice from the society, but especially when he became a prophet, and then he began to see how the orphans are treated, and he stood up for the orphans, and he saw how other people were treated in society, and he stood by them. And this is why we find in Sudan Nisa, in particular we find that Allah subhanho wa Taala in this surah he highlights the rights of so many people, so many people and I have a list over here I just want to give you an idea, because this is something that you find throughout the entire Surah Surah Nisa, ALLAH SubhanA wa talks about dowry, and this is something that inshallah for Ramadan,

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we're gonna talk about more extensively, but we have a lot of issues in our community when it comes to dowry. But once again, the list Allah talks about dowry, Allah talks about marriage, Allah talks about divorce, Allah talks about the rights of inheritance. When a person passes away, they had other Jahir systems, Islam came in establish a new system when it came to the money of inheritance. Allah talks about spouses, the roles of spouses, that's something that we see a very big problem today. Allah talks about children, Allah talks about the rights of neighbors, Allah talks about the rights of employees, employers and employees. Allah talks about the rights of orphans, Allah talks

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about the rights of distant cousins and relatives. Allah talks about the rights of leaders and the responsibility of leaders towards the people who are under their authority that Allah Subhan talks about, even if the if people are living in a situation where they are a minority. Imagine there was a situation where Muslims were the majority and Muslims were in control. But there is a minority and that minority there are not Muslims than even in that case in Sudan Nisa, ALLAH SubhanA wa that talks about that how are you supposed to treat that minority? Allah Sivan talks about the rules of manslaughter, if some volume has taken place against someone else, and there is manslaughter, then

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what does Islam say about that? And then Allah Subhan Allah subhanaw taala also in this surah, because this is similar to Nyssa Allah subhanaw taala talks about the rights of women. Once again, there are a lot of practices in society, before Islam came before the game of Islam and Allah subhanho wa taala. One by one he eradicated all these previous practices, and he established new systems of Islam and he put them in place. Now when you say this entire suit on some people may say that, you know what, I don't really understand why would Allah subhanho wa Taala set such and such rules or there could be a very big possibility that someone could doubt the commands of Allah

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subhanho wa Taala and this is why in the same sutra, because that could come to the minds of anyone, Allah subhanho wa Taala through some through some verses of certain Nissa certain verses of certainly sai will say that Allah subhana wa Taala he eradicate that kind of mindset and concept in

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This in the beginning, so sort of Nissan starts at the end of the fourth joins, it goes all the way to the beginning, or one quarter into the six joins at the very beginning of the fifth Jers. Allah subhanho wa taala. He says three things he says three ideas and they all begin with the same phrase. Allah wants something from us. Allah subhanho wa Taala wants something from you. The very first thing Allah subhanho wa Taala says is you read the law, who do you believe in Allah? Allah has given us this Deen. But not only did he give us his Deen, ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala says, I want to make things simplified for you in life. I know that life can become difficult, but I want to make things

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clear to you. And this is why Subhanallah there is no part of our deen that has a lot of ambiguity. There is no part of our deen that has ambiguity where a person says I have no idea what Allah subhanho wa Taala wants from me in this kind of situation. When you study our deen it is so clear it is so simplified how many shahada is have we had and you have seen shahada and every single time they say that the reason why we came into Islam why because how simple our deen is, when you study the Quran, Allah says love or you Buffy there is no ambiguity in the Quran. There is no ambiguity in our deen, this is what it is because of the reason why it is like this. Because Allah subhanho wa

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Taala says, you read Allah Who do you believe in Allah? Allah wants to make things easy for you, and he wants to clarify things for you. And then he says, Well, yeah, the comb, and I want to guide you, Allah subhanho wa Taala is not the type that I'm going to give you a responsibility. And I'm going to set you up for failure. Know, Allah subhanho wa Taala is giving us a deen and he's trying to set us up for success. And in order to set us up for success, Allah is telling us, I'm giving you a dean, but I've, I've made it very simplified for you. I've made it very clear to you. And then not only that, I'm going to bring to you the practices of the past. Well, yeah, do come soon. And

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Alladhina publikum calm. I'm bringing you the practice of the past. I'm going to show you how Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam did it. I'm going to show you how the previous Ambia did it when I tell you to be steadfast upon your deen. I'm going to share with you the stories of the Gambia to serve as an example for all of you. And then he says, well you're tuba on a comb, and Allah subhanho wa Taala when he knows that we slip up and he knows that we will make mistakes. Allah is not the type of authoritarian he says, You know what, now that you slipped up now I'm going to punish you. Allah subhanho wa taala. On the other hand, he says way a tuba aleykum. Whenever you

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slip up, I'm going to be there to pardon you. I'm going to be there to give you another chance, not a second chance, but a third chance, not a third chance, a fourth chance and Allah gives chances after chances. And then Allah subhana wa Taala in the next verse, he says, Will Allah who you read, do a tuba on a comb, Allah wants to forgive you, because one of the greatest things that we can have in this dunya and one of the greatest things, especially in the akhira that we can have is Allah's forgiveness. When Allah forgives, He has mercy. Think about we appear on the day of judgment and ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala says, You know what, you've made a lot of mistakes, you committed a lot of

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sins, but on this day, I forgive you. I let you go Imagine going to a court and you're so scared that what the judges what what they will say, but imagine appearing before the judge and he says you know what? All charges dropped. This is something that we see today. You know, you see on social media today that they are such judges, they will that people come they have speeding tickets after speeding tickets violation after violation. He says you know what, I have mercy upon you. I drop all charges. These are crying right in front of the judge. Think about appearing for Allah subhanho wa Taala and Allah says, You know what, all charges dropped? May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us

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amongst those. Allah subhanaw taala is telling us what Allah who you read a year to come, when you read do Lavina yet have your own Usha her words, however, there are other people in this dunya that all they do is just worry about their desires. They do whatever they want to do, they have taken the Islam of Allah subhanho wa Taala they have they have diluted it they have changed it up and why because it fits their needs. Yet to be honest, Chawan ALLAH is talking about these kinds of people, and where are these kinds of people and TAMIU made an Alima the people who follow their desires, they want to digress, they want to regress, they want to go away from Allah Subhana Allah to Allah.

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Allah then says, you read Allah Who a new huffy for unkown. Allah is telling us I am not giving you deen and giving you and making something difficult for you. I wonder, lessen your burden. This is Allah telling us I want to lessen your burden. Why? Because I know that you are weak. I know the man is weak and

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Because of that, I want to make things easy for you. And so how long have you think about it? One of the things that we find and certainly sir, is a lot of Afghan regarding all these people in different categories I mentioned earlier. And one problem that we have today in our society is that we have the the cam of Islam on one end, and we have our culture's on one end. And often what happens is, our deen has made everything simple for us. Allah has made our life easy for us, but a lot of times, culture and all these kinds of matters of dowry, marriage and women and so many other aspects. We make life so difficult to live for ourselves, that people are going away from Dean,

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Allah is telling us you read the law or you huffy for uncom I made things easy for you, why do you make it difficult? And there also is the possibility that someone may think that you know, what, I What, what my culture says, or what I think is better than Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and Allah subhanho wa Taala and certainly, sir, in addition to those three is where Allah says, I want this from you. I want this from you. I want this from you. In addition to that, Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, Well, no unacceptable Now I lay him a nickel to InfoSec on a weekly German daddy come math. I know who Illa Pulido minimum, Allah subhanho wa Taala says that do not ever question the outcome

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of Allah subhanho wa Taala Do not ever question the logic of Allah subhanho wa taala. Why? Because Allah is telling us, even if I were to tell you to do something so irrational, so irrational, such as leaving your own homes, or taking your own lives, something that is so irrational, Allah will never tell us to do something like this. But Allah is trying to send a very strong message to all of us here brothers, sisters, and that is that even if I were telling you to do something so irrational, Allah says mafia Allahu Illa kalido Minimum only few people would do it while unknown for Aluma you are going to be he like kind of hide Allah him even if he's such irrational, but

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because it's coming from Allah subhanho wa Taala they will have been good enough for you, meaning that no matter what is coming from Allah subhanaw taala It is not our right today to question that it's not our right to question it. Today we find why does Allah subhanho wa Taala told the women to do where to wear hijab and we come up with all these different explanations honestly, the answer is because Allah subhanho wa Taala to do so simple as that. I had an email a few days ago. Why does Allah subhana wa tell us to start our fast at the break of dawn, why not a sunrise Wallah. You know what my answer was? Because Allah said so what else do you want from me? Because if Allah subhanho

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wa Taala said it I'm not gonna sit here and try to bring a logical explanation to every single thing. Allah subhanho wa Taala does things based on his own Hikmah on his own wisdom, and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows us better than we know ourselves. So this is why when it comes to the account of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah is telling us I've given you a deen and this is why we should cherish this Deen follow the deen let's not, let's not, you know mix culture and religion every single time. I've said this very clear, there is nothing wrong with culture. But Allah times we find that culture clashes with religion and culture makes life difficult. Wallahi at times,

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culture makes life difficult, especially when it comes to our family affairs. And there are so many things I can mention about that. But culture can make life difficult. On the other hand, Islam makes life easy for all of us. Allah wants to forgive us and Allah is telling us that I care for you. Even if I were to tell you to do something so irrational, and it does not make any sense to you. If you still did it, it will be good for you why because it's coming from me from Allah subhanho wa Taala so this is why let's when we say the Quran, when we study our deen whatever comes our way, we accepted this as part of Imana when we say a lovey that you may know when he when we say that

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bringing shahada and accepting ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala it's not only that I have Iman and ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala by I have Iman and all the gum that was revealed by Allah subhanho wa Taala and I will never ever question the outcome of Allah subhanho wa Taala I asked Allah subhanaw taala to make us among those who have Iman Allah subhanho wa Taala who stick to the Iman of Allah subhanho wa Taala who stick to the God of Allah subhanho wa Taala and make us amongst those who are constantly in obedience to Allah subhanho wa Taala and obey Allah subhanho wa Taala at all times. I mean, Ramadan I mean, what does that come Allah Hi. Salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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In Muslim me no other Muslim Do you want to know meaning I want to move me 91 quantity now look on it. The more slaw the pain I was slaw, the bond the one slob eating I was slaving a lot the one before she you know wonderful

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one for Shireen. I want to call her she is the one downside BP now one downside the party was on me now was all in.

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Wouldn't have you heavy Lina photo gentlemen one Hatfield law D was that good enough long I guess.

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What's going on? I don't know hula

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